UnidenメーカーDMX 778 Seriesの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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[1] www.uniden.com W elcome/Features/T ermin ology 3 Cont rols & Fu nctions 5 Setting up the Phone 7 Choose th e best lo cation 7 Connect the b ase unit a nd charge the handset 8 Expanding Y our P.
[2] www.uniden.com Using the Caller ID List 55 Deleting Caller ID numbers 56 Answerin g Machin e 57 Features 57 Setting Up the Ans wering Machin e 58 Setting Your Outgoing Greeting 61 Using the Answer.
[3] Welcome/Features/Terminology www.uniden.com W elcome Fe a t u r e s Thank you for pur chasing a Uni den Multi-H andset ph on e . This phon e offers four-h and set expa nd ability , recor d able rin g er tone s, an d customizable han dset displays .
Welcome/Features/Terminology [4] www.uniden.com Unide n is a registered tr adem ark of U nid e n Ameri ca Corporati on. AutoT alk, AutoStandby , DirectLink, IntegriSound and Rand om Code ar e trad emarks o f Uni d en Ameri ca. T erminology • Standb y Mode - T he han dset m aybe sittin g on or o ff th e cr adle , but is N O T in use .
[5] Controls & Functions www.uniden.com Controls & Functions 1.Handset An tenn a 2.Speakerp hon e Speak er an d Rin ge r 3.Handset Battery Compartment 4.Headset Jack Cover 5.New Messag e LED 6.LCD Display 7.Soft Men u K eys (P .16) 8. (talk) /flash (P .
Controls & Functions [6] www.uniden.com 19 20 21 28 30 29 27 18 22 23 24 25 26 18. Base Speaker 19. Base antenn a 20. Base Charge Contacts 21. Mess ag e Counter 22. vol (volume) / (rin g)/ (speak er) (p.38) 23. (play/stop) (p.63) 24. (repeat)(p.63) 25.
[7] Setting up the Phone www.uniden.com Setting up the Phone Setting up the Phon e Choose the best location Whe n choosin g a location f o r your n e w ph on e , h er e ar e som e important guid eline.
Setting up the Phone [8] www.uniden.com Setting up the Phone Connect the base unit and char ge the handset 1) Connect th e AC ad apter to the DC IN 9V jack an d to a stand ar d 120V A C w all outlet. 2) Place the han dset in th e base unit with the k eypad fac ing fo rwa rd.
[9] Expanding Your Phone www.uniden.com Expanding Y o ur Phone Expanding Y our Phone Fou r H a nd s e t Expandability Y our phon e can support a total of f our ha nds et s.
Expanding Your Phone [10] www.uniden.com Expanding Y our Phone Connect the expansion handset's char ger The ha ndset is powered by a r echar geab le battery pack. Th e battery rechar g es automati cally when th e handset is placed in the char ger .
[11] Expanding Your Phone www.uniden.com Expanding Y o ur Phone Register the Handset Han dsets supplied with th e ph on e ar e r egister ed to th e base by the f actory .
Expanding Your Phone [12] www.uniden.com Expanding Y our Phone Register the DCX770 expansion handset to main base 1) Before r egistering th e ex tra handset, th e battery pack MUST be cha rg ed f o r 15-20 hou rs. 2) Place th e ex tra han dset in the m ain base unit to begi n regi str ati on.
[13] Changing the Digital Security Code www.uniden.com Changin g the Digita l Changing the Digital Security Code The di gital security code is an id entifi cation code used to connect th e han dset and th e base unit. Norm ally , setting th e code is n ot n ecess ary .
Installing the Holster [14] www.uniden.com Installing the Holster Installing the Holster - Line up the gr oove on the back o f the handset with the gr oove on th e holster . It fits in the holster only on e w ay . - Slide th e phon e into the holster .
[15] Using the Interface www.uniden.com Using the Interface Display Icons ICON DESCRIPTION Battery icon s indi cate th e handset battery status. This i con cycles d ependin g on the battery status (full, mediu m, low , and empty). Ringer off i con indi cates that ring er is turn ed off.
Using the Interface [16] www.uniden.com Using the Interface Soft K e y Function "Soft" k eys are k eys that chang e functi on d uring th e operati on of th e ph one . There are two so ft k eys on the han dset. The fun ction of each so ft k ey is d etermin ed by th e te xt that appears dir ectly above it.
[17] Using the Interface www.uniden.com Using the joy stick The joystick m akes it easy to use your phon e . The four m ost commonly used fun cti ons ar e accessible jus t by moving th e joystick : View the phonebook Adjust the ringer View the Caller ID Redial a number Using the Interface UP720.
Using the Interface [18] www.uniden.com Using the Interface Y ou will also use the joysti ck to m ake m enu selection s. Highli gh t the opti on you want by m oving th e joysti ck up, down, ri gh t, or left. This will move the cursor; th e option curren tly highli gh ted appears in reversed out text: 1)Press the cen ter o f th e joystick.
[19] Using the Interface www.uniden.com Entering text Y ou can use the n umber keypad on your phon e to enter te xt by r eferring to the letters printed on each n umber k ey . When you pr ess the n umber key in a te xt entry fi eld, th e phon e displays the first letter printed on th e n umber key .
Main Menu Options [20] www.uniden.com Main Menu Options If you m ak e a mis tak e while en terin g a nam e , use the joys tick to mo ve the cursor to th e in correct character . Press the DELETE so ft key to erase the in correct char acter , and th en enter th e correct char acter .
[21] Setup Me nu www.uniden.com Setup Menu Setup Menu Handset Setup The f ollowing submenu opti ons m ust be set separately f or each handset. Distinctiv e ID Y ou can assi gn specia l rin ge r tones to an yon e in your phon ebook.
Setup Menu [22] www.uniden.com Setup Menu Anyk ey Answ er AnyK ey An swer lets you an swer the ph on e by pr essin g an y k ey on the nu mber pad . T o turn on An yK ey An swer , go to AnyKey Answer and select On . A confirmation ton e tells you that AnyKey Answer is active .
[23] Setup Me nu www.uniden.com Setup Menu T o tu rn on pr i vac y mo de, go t o Privacy Mode and select O n . Y ou can turn on privacy mode when th e phon e is in standby or when you'r e alr ead y on a call. LCD Contrast Y ou can change th e con tr ast of your handset display to m ake it easi er to read .
Setup Menu [24] www.uniden.com Setup Menu Day and Time T o chang e th e da te and time sh own in the display , go to Date & Time . Move th e joysti ck righ t an d left to highl igh t the part you w an t to chang e (date , time , AM /PM). Use th e nu mber k eypad or * to chan ge each part.
[25] Setup Me nu www.uniden.com Setup Menu Area Code If you can m ak e a call by di alin g only 7 di gits (in stead o f 10), you can progr am your local area code in your ph on e . If you get a call fro m within your ar ea cod e , you'll only see the 7-di git phon e number .
Setup Menu [26] www.uniden.com Setup Menu Customize Handset This men u lets you cu stomize your handset. Y ou can set th ese opti ons separately f or each han dset.
[27] Setup Me nu www.uniden.com Setup Menu Customize Y our Own Distinctive Ringer T ones Y our phone can store up to 20 differen t r ecordin gs to use as ring er ton es (a total of 3 minutes, 15 seconds). Each r ecordin g must be between 5 and 60 seconds lon g.
Setup Menu [28] www.uniden.com Setup Menu Delete Ringer T o delete a ring er tone , g o to Delete Ri nger and simply sele ct the rin ger you w an t to delete . Select Yes . The rin ger is d eleted from the list, an d th e ph on e stays on th e rin ger list.
[29] Setup Me nu www.uniden.com Setup Menu Themes (wallpaper) Y our phon e has 22 differ ent wall pap ers them es (in clu din g dig ital an d an alog cl ocks). The wal l paper will displays on the handset's LCD d urin g standby m od e: T o turn on th e w allpaper , go to Themes and h igh lig ht th e wall paper you w an t.
Setup Menu [30] www.uniden.com Setup Menu Banner Y ou can chan ge th e name your ph on e displays on th e scr een. If you have mor e than on e handset, you can use the bann er nam e to i den tify your handset d uring han dset-to-han dset func tion s like te xt me ssagi ng, inter com and Dir ectLink.
[31] Setup Me nu www.uniden.com Setup Menu T o release the k eypad lock, press a ny k e y on th e upper part o f the ha ndset. Whi le the d isplay appears , pr ess the # ke y . Keypad Lock Off appears . Backlight Color Y ou can chang e the color o f your ph on e's backli gh tin g.
Using Your Phone [32] www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone Using Y our Phone Making Calls 1) Remove the han dset fr om the chargin g cradle . 2) Sli de th e keypad open. 3) Press /flash . 4) Listen f or th e dial ton e . 5) Di al the n umber . OR 1) Rem ove the han dset from th e chargin g cradle .
[33] Using Your Phone www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone From the Handset Speak erphone 1) Rem ove the handset from the charging cradle . 2) Sli de th e ke ypad open. 3) Pr ess (Speaker Phon e). 4) Listen for th e di al ton e . 5) Dial th e n umber . 6) Wh en the oth er party answers , talk into th e micr ophon e in the mi ddle of th e han dset.
Using Your Phone [34] www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone Hanging Up Press or return th e han dset to the char gin g cradle . Switching to the Handset Speake rphone During a Call T o switch a normal call to the speakerph on e , press (speaker phon e) on the handset.
[35] Using Your Phone www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone Call W aiting If you hear a ca ll wa iting tone whil e you're on a call , pre ss /flash to switch to the n ew call. After a short pause , you'll hear th e n ew caller . Press /flash again to go back to the origin al caller .
Using Your Phone [36] www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone 5. Conference - Starts a conferen ce call with your first and second callers. 6. Drop First/ 7. Drop Last - Durin g a conferen ce call, allows you to choose to d r op the fir st or last caller . Placing a Call on Hold During a call, press hold/X’fr/ int’com to put the call on hold .
[37] Using Your Phone www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone Redialing Calls Y ou can quickly r edi al the last ten phon e numbers that wer e di aled from this hand set. With th e ph one in stan dby m od e , slid e th e joysti ck d own. This brin gs up the r edial list.
Using Your Phone [38] www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone Deleting Redial Recor ds If you wan t to d elete a ph on e num ber fr om the r edial list, go to the r edial list an d select th e number you w an t to d e lete . Press the OPTI ON soft Key , and select Delete Number, and th en Yes .
[39] Using Your Phone www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone Using the Handset V olume Setting Menu Y ou can adjust the handset audi o fr om V olume Settin g m en u. Ringer: Ad just th e handset rin g er volum e Y ou can choose from thr ee differen t ring er volum e settings on your han d set: off, low , and hi gh.
Using Your Phone [40] www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone Speaker: A djust th e handse t speak er volume Y ou can choose fr om six volum e levels f or the han dset speakerph one . T o adjust the speaker vol ume , go to Speaker and select the volume level you wan t to use .
[41] Using Your Phone www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone Mute the Handset and Base Ringer While th e handset is rin gin g, you can m ute the ring er f or this call by pre ssin g the MUTE so ft k ey . T o m ute th e base rin ger press on the base . The phone will rin g again on th e ne xt call.
Using Your Phone [42] www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone If your ph on e is set to pu lse di alin g mo de , mak e your cal l norm ally . Once your call conn ects , pr ess th e * /ton e key . A ny digi ts you en ter fro m then on wil l be sen t as tone digits .
[43] Using Your Phone www.uniden.com Using Y our Phone Find Handset T o locate the han dset, press find hs/ on the ba se whe n the ph on e is in standby m ode . All register ed handsets beep f or 60 seconds , an d Paging appears on the han dset display .
Calendar & Scheduler [44] www.uniden.com Calendar & Scheduler Calendar & Scheduler Y our phon e has a built-in calen d ar that you can use to schedule remin ders an d appointm ents (all the way thr ough December 31, 2023).
[45] Calendar & Scheduler www.uniden.com Calendar & Scheduler 3) If you wan t your ph one to rin g when this r emin der occurs , move to th e secon d line . Select the rin ger ton e you w an t the phon e to rin g. 4) Press th e cen ter of th e joystick.
Using the Phonebook [46] www.uniden.com Using the Phonebook Using the Phonebook Y our phon e lets you sto re up to 100 en tries in each han dset. Y ou can store up to 4 ph on e n umbers f or each n am e in your phon ebook (for a total of 400 numbers), and you assign n ames to gro ups f or easy sear chin g.
[47] Using the Phonebook www.uniden.com Using the Phonebook Step 1: Name Select and use the k eypad to enter the n am e for this en try . Y o u can enter up to 16 char acters . If you don't w an t to enter a n am e , your phon e will store th is entry a s <No Nam e>.
Using the Phonebook [48] www.uniden.com Using the Phonebook After you enter th e number , press the center o f the joysti ck. Y ou can select an icon to remin d you which number this is: hom e , work , mobile , or gen er al ph on e nu mber . Press the cen ter of th e joysti ck when you'r e finished .
[49] Using the Phonebook www.uniden.com Using the Phonebook Step 4: Unique Display Select to attach a special scr een display to this entry . Select the disp lay you w an t the ph one to use whe n this person calls, or select No Selection to have the phone use its regular display .
Using the Phonebook [50] www.uniden.com Using the Phonebook Step 6: Phonebook Group Select to place this entry in to a phone book grou p. Select th e group (0-9) you w an t this en try to belon g to, or select No Selection to leave the entry outsi d e of an y group.
[51] Using the Phonebook www.uniden.com Using the Phonebook Storing Caller ID or Redial Number s in the Phonebook Y ou can store Caller ID or redial n umbers in your phonebook so you can use them later . Go to the Caller ID list or redial list an d select th e nu mber you w an t to stor e.
Using the Phonebook [52] www.uniden.com Using the Phonebook T o delete all the en tries from your phon ebook, g o to the phonebook an d press th e OPTION soft key with out selecting an entry . Selec t Delete All . Y our phone will ask you to confirm select Yes .
[53] Using the Phonebook www.uniden.com Using the Phonebook T o copy all th e ph on ebook en tri es , g o to th e ph on ebook an d press the OPTION so ft k ey with out selectin g an entry . Select Copy All . Select the han dset you w ant to copy to th e entry to.
Using the Phonebook [54] www.uniden.com Using the Phonebook in alphabetical ord er . Enter a le tter from the k eypad to jump to the first en try beginning with that letter . Naming phonebook groups Y our phon e comes with 10 gr oups to or ganize your phon ebook.
[55] Caller ID Features www.uniden.com Caller ID F eatures Caller ID F eatures If you subscribe to Caller ID fr om your pho ne compan y , your phon e will show you the caller's ph one numbe r and.
Caller ID Features [56] www.uniden.com Caller ID F eatures If you wa nt to see h o w man y Caller ID numbers are stor ed in your phon e , go to the Caller ID list a nd pr ess the OPTION soft key . S elect CID Capacity . Calling someone fr om the Caller ID list Go to th e Caller ID list an d select the n umber you wan t to ca ll.
[57] Answering Machine www.uniden.com Answering Machine Answering Machine The ph on e has a built-in an swering machin e that an swers and r ecord s in comin g calls .
Answering Machine [58] www.uniden.com Answering Machine Setting Up the Answering Machine T o access the answerin g ma chine settin gs, go to th e Setup Menu and s el ec t Ans we r Mac hi ne. Security Code If you wan t to call in and get your mess ages when yo u'r e aw ay fr om, you'll have to set a security code .
[59] Answering Machine www.uniden.com Answering Machine Ring Time Y ou can set the n umber o f tim es th e phon e will ring befor e th e mach in e answer s th e call. G o to Answer Machine and sel ect Ring Time . Th en select the n umber of times you w an t the ph one to ring; choose from 2, 4, or 6 times.
Answering Machine [60] www.uniden.com Answering Machine Message Alert if you wan t th e an swering m a chin e to beep every 15 seconds when ever you have unh eard mess ages, turn on th e m ess ag e alert tone . Go to Answer Mach ine and select Message A lert .
[61] Answering Machine www.uniden.com Answering Machine Setting Y our Ou tgoing Greeting Y ou answering machin e comes with a prer ecord ed greetin g: "He llo. N o one is ava ilable to tak e your call. Pl ease leave a mess ag e after th e ton e .
Answering Machine [62] www.uniden.com Answering Machine If you w an t to d elete your gr eeting, pr ess 6 to play your greetin g, an d then pr ess /4 .
[63] Answering Machine www.uniden.com Answering Machine Y ou can review your m essag es fr om the base or from th e handset: From the base From the handset Playing your messag es Press .Th e answering machin e tells you how many new and old mess ages you have .
Answering Machine [64] www.uniden.com Answering Machine Recording a phone conv er sation Y ou can record a ph on e conversati on with your han dset. The conversati on has to last mor e than two secon ds and less than ten minutes . During a convers a tion, pr ess th e cen ter o f the joysti ck.
[65] Answering Machine www.uniden.com Answering Machine Remote Operation Y ou can check, play , or delete m ess age s when you ar e aw ay from hom e . Y ou can also record , select, or delete your own greetin g m essag e .
Answering Machine [66] www.uniden.com Answering Machine 4) Enter a comman d from th e following chart within 15 seconds . After th e first comman d, you have two secon ds to enter each comman d.
[67] Multi-Handset Features www.uniden.com Multi-Handset F eatures Multi-Handset F eatures The featur es in this secti on re quire a minim um o f two handset s to operate . T o ad d additi onal handsets to your system, see "Expanding Y our Phon e" on page 9.
Multi-Handse t Features [68] www.uniden.com Multi-Handset F eatures Sending a Pr eset Message T o send a preset message , go to New Message , and pr ess the PresetMSG soft k ey . Select Preset Mes sage . Select th e m e ss age you want to send fr om the following list: 1.
[69] Multi-Handset Features www.uniden.com Multi-Handset F eatures T o send your custom m essag e , go New Messa ge , and pr ess the PresetM SG so ft k ey .
Multi-Handse t Features [70] www.uniden.com Multi-Handset F eatures Delete current message Select Delete Message . The ph one will ask you to confirm; select Yes , an d th e m essag e is deleted . Delete all messages Select Delete ALL Msg . The ph on e will ask you to confirm; select Yes, an d th e m essag e is deleted .
[71] Multi-Handset Features www.uniden.com Multi-Handset F eatures Using Dir ectLink Mode In DirectLink M od e , a pair o f handsets can fun cti on as two-w ay r adios .
Multi-Handse t Features [72] www.uniden.com Multi-Handset F eatures Room/Baby Monitor This feature allows you to monitor sounds in another room. Place a han dset in the ro om you wish to monitor; it will func tion as a micr ophone . A second handset can be used as a remote speaker , allowing you to monito r sounds in the roo m.
[73] Multi-Handset Features www.uniden.com Multi-Handset F eatures Intercom Y ou can use the inter com to talk to anoth er handset with out usin g the phon e line . While the p hon e is in standby m ode , press hold/x'fr/ int'com . Select the handset you w ant to page .
Multi-Handse t Features [74] www.uniden.com Multi-Handset F eatures Tr ansferring a Call Y ou can tran sfer a call from one ha nds et to ano the r . D ur ing a c al l, press hold/x'fr/int'com ; this will put the call on hold . Select the handset you wan t to pag e .
[75] Note on Power Sources www.uniden.com Note on P ower Sources Note on P ower Sources Pow e r Fa i l u re Durin g th e peri od that th e power is off yo u will n ot be a ble to mak e or r eceive calls with th e teleph one .
Note on Power Sources [76] www.uniden.com Note on P ower Sources Installing a Replacement Battery Follow th e steps below if you n eed to r eplace a battery . 1) Press d own on the han dset battery case cover (use the fing er ind en tion f or a better grip) an d slid e the cover d ownw ar d to remo v e.
[77] Note on Power Sources www.uniden.com Note on P ower Sources 4) Mak e sur e you have a g ood connecti on by g en tly pullin g on the battery wir es . If the connecti on is secur e , the battery jack will rem ain in place. 5) Place th e battery case cover back on the handset and slide it upwa rds un til it cli cks into place .
Note on Power Sources [78] www.uniden.com Note on P ower Sources Cleaning the battery charging contact s T o main tain a good char g e , clean the chargin g contacts on th e ha nds et o nce a mont h. D am pe n a cloth with plain water . Gently rub th e d amp cloth over th e chargin g contacts u ntil a ll visible dirt is r emove d.
[79] General Information www.uniden.com General Information General Information The ph one complies with FCC P arts 15 and 68. Oper ating temper atur e: 0 °C to +50 ° C (+32 °F to +12 2 ° F) AC A .
Troubleshooting [80] www.uniden.com Troubleshooting Troubleshooting If your pho ne is n ot perf ormin g to your e xpectati on s , please try th ese simple steps first. If th ese steps do n o t solve your pr oblem, please call our C ustomer Hotl ine a t 1-800-297-1023 (Mon - Fri 7 am to 7 pm, Sat/Sun/h oli days 9 am to 5 pm, CST).
[81] Troubleshooting www.uniden.com The han dset d oesn't ring or receive a pag e . • Mak e sure that you ar e no t too far fr om the base . • Charg e the batte ries in th e handset f or 15-20 h ours by placing th e han dset on the base or char gin g cradl e .
Troubleshooting [82] www.uniden.com Troubleshooting The an swering m achin e does not wor k. •Mak e sur e the base unit is plugged in. •Make sure that the answering machine is turned on. •Mak e sur e that th e m essag e record tim e is n ot set to Ann oun ce only (see page 59 ).
[83] Troubleshooting www.uniden.com System Reset De-register the Handset 1) Press and hol d an d # for mo re t ha n 5 se c ond s. S el ec t Deregister HS . 2) Select the handset ID to be d e-register ed fr om the list. The ph on e will as k you to confirm th e der egistrat ion.
Liquid Damage [84] www.uniden.com Liquid Damage Liquid Damage Moistur e an d liquid can d am age your cor dless phon e. Follow th e steps below if your ph one g ets wet: Case Action If the han dset or base is e xposed to moistur e or liquid , but only the e xteri or plastic h ousin g is affected .
[85] Precautions & Warranty www.uniden.com Precautions! Befor e you r ead an ythin g else , pleas e observe t he fol lo win g: Wa r n i n g ! Uni den Am eri ca Corpor ati on DOES N OT repr esen t this unit to be waterproof. T o reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or damage to the unit, DO NOT expose this unit to rain or moisture .
Precautions & Warranty [86] www.uniden.com NOTI CE: According to telephone company reports, AC electri cal sur ge s, typi cally r esulti ng fr om li ghtni ng str ikes , are very destructive to telephone equipment connected to AC power sources. To minimize damag e from these types of surges, a surge arr estor is recommended.
[87] I.C. Notice www.uniden.com I.C. Noti ce I.C . Notice TERMINAL EQUIPMENT NOTICE: This equipmen t m eets the appli cable Ind u st ry Canada T erminal Equipm ent T echnical Specification s.
www.uniden.com Index [88] Index A Animati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Answerin g M achine Answering M od e . . . . . . . 57 Call screen . . . . . . . . . . 60 Messag e alert . . . . . . . . 60 Security code. . . . . . . . . 58 Setting up m enu . . .
www.uniden.com [89] Index Sort order . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Speed dial . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Unique color . . . . . . . . . 49 Unique display . . . . . . . . 49 Unique ring . . . . . . . . . . 48 P ower failur e . . . . . . . . . . 75 Precaution s .
[90] www.uniden.com Memo MEMORY LIST UP720.book Page 90 Wednesda y, October 6, 2004 1:21 PM.
[91] www.uniden.com MEMORY LIST Memo UP720.book Page 91 Wednesda y, October 6, 2004 1:21 PM.
Remote Operation Card [92] www.uniden.com Remote Operation Car d Remote Operation Card CUT REMOTE OPERA TION CARD Remote access away from home 1. Call your phone n umber from a touch-tone ph one . 2. During the outg oing messag e, press 0 and en ter your PIN code .
[93] Remote Operation Card www.uniden.com Remote O peratio n CUT T ask K ey Repeat a Messag e Playing in coming M essages Skipping a M essage Deleting a M essage Stop Operati on Answerin g System On M.
At Uni den, w e'll tak e care o f you! Thank you for pur chasing a U ni den pr od uct. If you have an y question s or pr oblems , please do not return this pr oduct to the place of pur chase .
UPZZ01357BZ ©2004 Uniden America Corporation, Fort W orth, T exas. Contains additional foreign articles. Custom manufactured in China. FOR ACCESSORIES, GO ONLINE @ WWW .
デバイスUniden DMX 778 Seriesの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Uniden DMX 778 Seriesをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはUniden DMX 778 Seriesの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Uniden DMX 778 Seriesの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Uniden DMX 778 Seriesで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Uniden DMX 778 Seriesを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はUniden DMX 778 Seriesの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Uniden DMX 778 Seriesに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちUniden DMX 778 Seriesデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。