VialtaメーカーBeamer TVの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Beamer TV (BM-TV) User ’s Guide For the lates t tip s, speci al of fer s, and easy onli ne regi strat ion, vi sit www .vi alt wner s Please re ad this User’s Guide .
Be amer Guide . boo k Pag e 2 Thu rsday, Ma rch 11, 20 04 1 1:19 AM.
T able of C o nt ents Imp ort an t Sa fety Pre cau tio ns ..... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ... . 2 Intro du c tion ... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... ... . 3 Wha t’s Inc lude d with y our Be am er TV .
2 Impo rta nt Safety P reca ution s Always fo llow these basi c safet y prec aution s when using your Beam er TV . This will r educe the ri sk of fi re, elect r ic shock, and i njury . • Unplug Beamer TV fr om both the power outle t and the wall jac k before per formi ng care and ma intena nce.
3 Int ro duc t i on Congrat ulati ons! Y ou have jus t purchas ed Beamer TV ™ - Vial ta’ s fi rst Videoph one St ation ™ that wor ks with your own phone and tel evisi on. Y ou will now b e able to add vi deo, throug h your tel evisi on, to the pho ne calls you mak e and recei ve from friend s and f amil y .
4 Inst alling you r Beam er TV Y ou can use your Beamer TV wit h any home phone, incl uding a cordles s p hone or a speaker phone, fo r a hands-f ree exper i ence.
5 Y our telev ision wil l display th e mes sage “Beamer TV is now ready ” to let you know when i t is read y for you to place or rece ive a video c all.
6 Inst all ing your Beamer TV with a T wo-Line Phone Y our Beamer TV also works with a two -line phone. Be sur e t op l a c ea n d r e c e i v ev i d e o c a l l so nL i n e1o n l y .I fy o ua r e on a vi deo call an d recei ve a phone call on Line 2, Beamer TV will let the call rin g through t o that li ne.
7 Y our telev ision disp lays the message “Bea m er TV is now ready” t o let you know when it’ s ready for you to pl ace or recei ve a video cal l .
8 6) Plug the AC power ada pter’s pin into th e POWER IN jack on the ba ck of your Beamer TV . 7) Plug t he power cord i nto a wall socke t. Y our telev ision disp lays the message “Bea m er TV is now ready” t o let you know when it i s ready for y ou to place or recei ve a video cal l .
9 Adjusting the Ca mera Angle Y ou can adjust yo ur Beamer TV’ s self-fo cusing camer a lens up and down to ac count for the hei ght of you r telev ision an d where you si t to make your v ideo cal l. Beamer TV is opt imized f or caller s to sit 4 -12 feet fro m the unit.
10 1) Use the p hone connected to your Beam er TV t o place the ca l l. (Audio wi ll only come from the pho ne handse t connect ed t o Beamer TV ) 2) T urn telev i sion on an d set to correct v i deo sour ce. 3) When the other p arty an swers and you are r eady to star t the video cal l, pre ss t he ST ART/VIEWS button.
11 4) T o send a video image, the re ceivi ng par t y must press th eir ST A RT /V IEW S button. The recei ving part y should not press their ST ART/VIEWS button un til the init ial video con nection - from you to the per son you’r e call ing - is complet e.
12 5) T o end your video cal l, sim ply hang up the pho ne. Rec eivin g a V i deo Cal l wit h your Beamer T V 1) Answer the call wi th the pho ne connected t o Beamer TV . 2) Follo w step s #2, #3 and #4 i n Pl acin g a Video C all with your B eamer TV on page 9.
13 Loca ting yo ur Be amer TV’ s F eatur es Y our Beamer TV places ev er ythi ng you need ri ght at your finge rtip s. 1 Start/ Views B utton 2 Remote Control 3 Came ra Le ns 4 Line I n Jac k 5 Ph on e In 6 Power In 1 2V DC 7 Vi deo Out Be amer Guide .
14 1 Sn aps hot But ton 2 S t ar t/Vie w s But ton 3 Detail B utt on 4 Mo ve m en t B utt on Be amer Guide . boo k Pag e 14 Thurs day, Ma rch 11, 2 00 4 11:19 A M.
15 Usin g your B eam er TV’ s Feat ures St art/Views Butt on Use the ST ART/VIEWS b utton on the r emote control or on top of Beamer TV to st art a video c all.
16 Snapsh ot But ton and Pri vacy Fea ture Use the SNAPSHOT butto n to send a si ngle hig h res oluti on sti l l pic ture in ste ad of l iv e vid e o. Y ou c an conti nue tal king whil e showing t he other p arty a det ail ed pictu re, like a docu m ent or ph oto.
17 2) When th e other p arty r eceives the high reso l uti on stil l pictu re that yo u sent , you’ll see “ Snapshot sent” on your scr een. The other p ar ty see s simil ar stat us messages indic ating the pro gr ess of t he transm ission.
18 Deta i l/Mov ement Buttons The DET AI L/MOVEMENT buttons adj ust th e sharpness of the vide o you see. It i s a balance bet ween detail and movement . Press t he DET AI L button to inc r ease pic ture sharpnes s. Press the MOVEMENT b u t t o n to see m o re fl uid motion.
19 Line Quality I ndicator The quali ty of your vide o call depen ds on the qualit y of your tel ephone li ne. A blink i ng red “LI NE” will app ear in the upper , right han d corner of the tel evisi on if the li ne quali ty drops by mor e t han 10%.
20 Tips Follo w these ti ps to get be tter resul ts wi th your Beamer TV . Lighti ng Correct l ight ing is i mport ant for good pict ure qual i ty . For optimal result s, we recommend fr ont or side li ghti ng. Don’t place l ight s or mirro rs behind yo u, since they m ay shine into t he camera lens .
21 Call W aiting and T hree -W ay Call ing If you subs cribe t o Call W aiting, y ou may want to disab l e it before pl acing a video cal l. The Call W ait ing tone may disru pt the vid eo call, causi ng the li ne quali ty to drop and the L in e Quali ty I ndica tor to app ear .
22 Ca re and Ma i nt en an ce T o keep your Vial ta Beamer TV working and l ooking good , follow these simple gui delines: • Avoid put t ing you r Beamer TV near heat i ng appli ances and dev ices that gener ate ele ctri cal nois e. (For exampl e, motors and flu orescent l amps .
23 T rou bl es hoot ing G uide Pr oblem What t o Do No di al ton e on pho ne con nect ed to Be am er TV . Make sur e Beame r TV’s LINE IN jac k is c onnec ted to y our tel epho ne wa ll j ack and th at the p ho ne is c o nn ec te d t o B eame r T V ’s PHO NE I N jack .
24 Sp ec ifi catio ns Infor mation con tai ned in thi s U ser’s Guide i s subject to change at any time, and without notice . Vi alt a®, Be ame r™, Bea mer TV ™, Beam er F X™ a nd V ist aFr ame™ ar e tr ade mar ks of V ial ta, I nc. System IT U-T Standa rd H .
25 Serv ic e The FCC requi r es tha t thi s product be serviced o nly by th e manufact ur er or i ts author ized serv ice agent s. In accorda nce wi th FCC requi rement s, chang es or modifi cati ons not expr essly appr oved by V ial ta, I nc. coul d void the us er ’s au thori ty to operate t his produ ct.
26 Lim ited Warra nty Vialt a Beam er T V (BM-TV) Be s ure to k eep your orig inal s ales sli p. Attach i t to thi s User' s Gui de and keep b oth ac cessib le. A lso, keep t he or ig inal box and packing materi al in cas e you need to retur n your Beamer TV fo r servi ce.
27 FCC S t atem ent FCC Part 15 Informati on This e quip ment h as been te sted and found to com ply wi th the lim its for a Class B dig ital device , pursu ant to Part 15 of the Fed eral Co mmuni cation Com mission (FCC) Rules.
28 the numb er of devic es that may be connec ted to a line , as deter mi ned by the total RENs , contact the l ocal tele phone compan y . F or products ap proved after July 23, 2001, the RE N for this prod uct is part of the p roduct iden tifier that has the format US :AA AEQ##TX XXX.
Be amer Guide . boo k Pag e 29 Thurs day, Ma rch 11, 2 00 4 11:19 A M.
Specials and Easy Registrati on For cool t ips, the l atest Beamer specials, and easy online regis tration , check out www .vialta . com/owne rs Ot her Prod ucts from Vialta Beamer ™ - Videoph on e Station t hat ad ds live col or v ide o on a 3.5” LC D fl at s cre en.
デバイスVialta Beamer TVの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Vialta Beamer TVをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVialta Beamer TVの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Vialta Beamer TVの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Vialta Beamer TVで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Vialta Beamer TVを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVialta Beamer TVの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Vialta Beamer TVに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVialta Beamer TVデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。