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U s e r ’ sG u i d eV F - 1 0 0S e r i e s For the lates t tip s, speci al of fer s, and easy onli ne regi strat ion, vi sit www .vi alt wner s Please re ad this User’s Guide .
Vis taFra me.b ook Pag e 2 Th ursd ay, March 11, 20 04 10:41 AM.
T able of C o nt ents Imp ort an t Sa fety Pre cau tio ns ..... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ... . 3 Intro du c tion ... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... ... . 4 Wha t’s I nclu de d with you r Vist aF rame .
Settin g Sli desh o w to Play Onc e or Rep ea t ...... .... .... .... .. 24 Er asin g Pic tu res fro m My A lbum .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .. 2 5 Cre at ing a Cu stom Slid esho w . ... ........ .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .
3 Impo rta nt Safety P reca ution s Always fo llow these basi c safet y prec aution s when using your V ist aFrame. T his will re duce the risk of f ire, elec tric shock, and i njury . • Unplug Vi sta Fr ame from the po wer outlet before pe rformi ng care and main tenance.
4 Int ro duc t i on Welcom e to Vi staFr ame. Now you can dis play your digi tal pictu res dir ectly fro m a memory card wi t hout t he need for a computer . Simply inser t a memory card into a car d reader slot and se lect a singl e p i ctur e for a cont inuous viewi ng or create y our own Custom Sli deshow .
5 Sett ing u p your V ist aFr ame Y ou ca n use your Vi staFr ame in any loc ation, as lon g as a power outl et is ava ilable. 1) Plug the AC power ada pter’s pin into th e POWER IN j ac k o n t h e b ac k o f y ou r Vis ta Fr am e. 2) Plug t he power cord int o a wall s ocket.
6 Loca ting Vi st aFra me’ s Fe atur es Y ou r Vista Fr ame place s e verything y ou need right at your finge rtip s. 1 Screen 6 R otate But ton 2 Mot i on Se ns or 7 Prev (P revious) B utton 3 Menu Butto n 8 Select B utt on 4 Save Bu tton 9 Next Button 5 Sl ides how B utto n 10 Exit B utt on Vis taFra me.
7 1 Brig ht ne ss A d ju st me n t 2 Power In 3 Power Bu tto n 4 Com pac tF la sh ® Card Slot 5 4- in- 1 Memory Card S lot Vis taFra me.b ook Pag e 7 Th ursd ay, March 11, 2004 10 :41 AM.
8 Usin g V ist aFram e’ s Featu res The followi ng section desc ribes you r Vist aFrame feature s . Brightn ess Adjustment Y ou ca n adjust t he bright ness of the scre en w ith the sc roll wheel on the back of your Vista Frame. My Album V i s t a F r a m ec a ns a v eu pt o8p i c t u r e si ni t si n t e r n a l memory .
9 Power Button T urn on your V ist aFram e by pressi ng the POWER button. T h eL E Dl o c a t e do nt h e POWER b u tton will li gh t u p wh en t he p ow e r i s on . Menu Button Press the MENU b utton to disp l ay the Menu. By s electing View Pi ctures , you can access M y Album or memo ry card pictu res.
10 Slidesh ow Button Press the SLIDESHOW but ton to st art, pa use or resume playi ng a slides how . Vi staFr ame’s s l ides how featur e displ ays pict ures one af ter the othe r . (See Dis playing a Slides how on Vista Frame on page 19. ) Rota t e Button Press the ROT A TE button to t urn the curren t picture clockwi se 90 degrees .
11 4-in- 1 Memor y Card Slot Vist aFrame can disp l ay pic tures from sever al type s of memory ca rds. The 4-in- 1 memory car d slot can read t he following types of memory c a rds: Memory S tick®, SmartMedi a ™ , SD™, and Mul t iMedi aCard™.
12 Ins ert a Smart Media™ Car d Note: Smar tMed ia™ cards are very th in. It is a good idea to ste ady V istaFra m e with one hand and car efull y sli de the card int o t he slot with t he other han d.
13 Disp la ying Pi ctur es with V ist aFram e Vist aFrame can disp lay pic tures from My Album or a memory ca rd, as thumbn ai ls or as ful l -si zed pict ures. Y ou can autom aticall y displ ay thumbnai ls of t he pictur es on a memory c ard by simply inserting the c ard into Vist aFrame.
14 • If no memory cards a re present , My Album op ens and the fi rst six pi cture s are displ ayed as thumbna ils. • The firs t six folde rs or pictu r es ar e d isp la ye d a s thumbna ils. The scre en also shows info r matio n about t he folder s, pic tures and memor y card.
15 2) If a folder is highl ighted , th e name of the fol der i s shown in the bot tom left c or ner . From the t humbna il view , you can open fo l ders and ch oose a picture to dis pla y f ul l-si ze. • T o open a f older , use the di rect ional button s to move the yel low high light b ox to the desire d f older .
16 Savin g Pict ures with V ist aFra me Y ou ca n save up to 8 pict ures fro m memory card s to My Album so you can view t hem later wi thout the need f or a memory card. Saving Picture s from a Memory Card 1) Insert a memory car d into V i st aFrame.
17 2) Choose a pi cture to save usi ng the di rect i onal b uttons to move the yel low highl ight b ox to the desired pictu re. • T o display t he next six thu mbnails , repeat edly pr ess the NEXT button unt il t he next s creen of t hum bnails appear s.
18 Replaci ng a Picture in My Album If My Album is full and you try to save another pi ctur e, you’ll see a messag e asking if you want to rep lace an existi ng pictu re. 1) Highlight YES an d p r ess the SELECT but ton t o replac e a pi cture. Vis taFr ame d ispla ys a pag e of thumbnai l s.
19 Disp layin g a Slid esho w on Vi st aFram e Vist aFrame can disp lay the pict ur es in My Albu m or on a memory car d as a s li deshow . The slides how plays all of the pictu res in My Album, o r all pict ures loca ted in a single folde r on a memory car d.
20 Saving a Pict ure During a Sli deshow Press the SA VE butt on to save th e current p ictur e. Vist aFrame displ ays st atus messag es while saving the pictu re. When the pi ctur e is saved, t he sli deshow res umes. Pausing and Resumin g a Sl ideshow 1) While a sl ideshow i s playi ng, press the SLI DESHOW button t o pause the sl idesh ow .
21 3) Choose ON to di splay t he slide show or singl e image for 1 20 minut es before g oing i nto powe r saving mod e, or OFF to disab le power savi ng mode and co nstant ly displ ay the sli deshow or si ngle image . Press the SELECT button. 4) Highlight DONE and then pr ess the SELECT bu tton.
22 Changing the Inter val Between Sl ides Y ou c an select the l engt h o f tim e e ac h s lide is dis p lay ed during a sli deshow . 1) Press the MENU b utton and highl ight CHANGE SETTINGS .P r e s s t h e SELECT button. 2) Highlight SLIDESHOW INTER V AL and p ress t he SELECT button.
23 Choosing a T ransit ion T ype 1) From the CHANGE SETTI NGS sc reen, hi ghli ght SLIDESHOW TRANSITION .P r e s st h e SELECT button . A red che ckmark shows t he current s etti ng. 2) Choose a tran siti on type for the sl idesho w . The choice s are: •C u r t a i n • Bloomi ng • Verti ca l B li nd s 3) Press the SELECT butt on.
24 Setti ng Slideshow to Pl ay Once or Repeat Y ou ca n choose to pla y the sli deshow once, or r epeate dl y for up to 120 mi nutes. 1) From the CHANGE SETTI NGS sc reen, hi ghli ght SLIDESHOW REPEAT and t hen press the SELECT button . A red che ckmark shows t he current s etti ng.
25 Er asing P ict ures f ro m My A lbum Y ou ca n erase pict ures fr om My Album at any time. 1) Press the MENU b utton and highl ight ERASE PICTURES FROM MY ALBUM .P r e s st h e SELECT button . Vist aF rame displ ays thu mbnails of t he first six pictu res in My Album.
26 • Highli ght YES to eras e the pi ctur e and th en press the SELECT button. The pi cture is eras ed. Y ou can erase as many pict ures as you wish, one at a time, i n the same manner . 3) Press the EXIT b ut ton when yo u’ re fini shed to return to the Menu.
27 3) Highlight a mem ory ty pe, either My Alb um or a memory ca rd, and pres s the SELECT butt on. • The first six thum bnail s are d ispla yed. If yo ur memor y card cont ains a combi nation of folde r s and pict ures, V istaFr ame will disp lay all folder s firs t.
28 • T o remove a pict ur e from the Cus tom Slide show , highl ight the pi cture and then press t he SELECT butt on. The red chec kmar k will di sappear . 5) Repeat S tep 4 to add or remove as many pi ctur es as you wish to t he Custom Sli deshow .
29 Tips Lower reso luti on pictures wi ll load fr om memory cards faste r . T o have your pic t ures l oad quicke r , make sure the images on your mem ory car d are lower r esolut ion images .
30 1) Displ ay in f ull size the pict ure that you want t o save in My Album (See Di splay ing Pictur es wi th Vist aFrame on page 13). 2) Press the ROT A TE button unt il the pict ure is displ ayed in the des ired or ient ation . 3) Press the SA VE butt on to save th e pictur e into My Album.
31 Ca re and Ma i nt en an ce T o keep your V ialt a Vis taFr ame wo r king and l ooking goo d, follow the se simple guidel ines: • Avoid put ting you r Vist aFrame near heat ing appli ances and dev ices that gener ate ele ctri cal nois e. (For exampl e, motors and flu orescent l amps .
32 T r ou bl esho otin g Gui de Sp ec ifi catio ns Pr oblem What t o Do Dis pl ay h as ti ny blac k or bri gh t poin t s. Thi s is a nor ma l res ult o f the man ufac t ur in g pro c es s, not a ma lfu nc ti on . Only can see 6 pic tures on a c ard. Use t he NE XT bu tt on t o see th e nex t 6 th umbn ai ls .
33 Serv ic e For inst ruction s o n ho w t o obtain ser vice, ref er to the warrant y inc luded in this guide or call V ialt a Customer Care at 510-87 0-3198.
34 Lim ited Warra nty Vi a lt a Vist aF rame (VF- 100 Series) Be s ure to k eep your orig inal s ales sli p. Attach i t to thi s User' s Gui de and keep b oth ac cessib le. A lso, keep t he or ig inal box and packing materi al in cas e you need to retur n your VistaFra me for s ervice.
35 Elect ron ic Emis sion Not ices FCC Part 15 Informati on This e quip ment h as been te sted and found to com ply wi th the lim its for a Class B dig ital device , pursu ant to Part 15 of the Fed eral Co mmuni cation Com mission (FCC) Rules.
Vis taFra me.b ook Page 3 6 Thurs day, Mar ch 11, 2 00 4 1 0:4 1 AM.
Vis taFra me.b ook Page 3 7 Thurs day, Mar ch 11, 2 00 4 1 0:4 1 AM.
Specials and Easy Registrati on For tip s, the lat est Vi staFr ame special s, and easy onl ine regis tration , visit us at www .vial ta.c om/owners www.vialt a. co m Vi al ta, I n c. Fremont, Califo rnia, USA 11PG05-00003- B ©2004, b y Vialta, Inc. All r ights reser ved.
1 T able of C o nt ents Imp ort an t Sa fety Pre cau tio ns ..... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ... . 3 Intro du c tion ... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... ... . 4 Wha t’s I nclu de d with you r Vist aF rame .
2 Chang in g the Inte rv al Bet wee n Sli des ...... ... .... .... .... .... .. 22 Choos in g a Tra nsiti on Typ e ...... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .. 23 Settin g Sli desh o w to Play Onc e or Rep ea t ...... .... .... .... .. 24 Er asin g Pic tu res fro m My A lbum .
デバイスVialta VF-100の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Vialta VF-100をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVialta VF-100の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Vialta VF-100の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Vialta VF-100で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Vialta VF-100を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVialta VF-100の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Vialta VF-100に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVialta VF-100デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。