ページ先へ移動 of 61
- 1 - Before Y ou Use Surveillance devices may be prohibited by law in your country . Though Netwo rk Camera is not only a high performance web equipped camera but also a f lexible surveill ance system, ensure that the oper ation of such devices are l egal before installing this unit for surveill ance.
- 2 - Table of Contents Before Y o u Use ......................................................................................... 1 Package Contents ..................................................................................... 4 Installat ion .
- 3 - Application se tup............................................................................... 37 W eekly sch edu le .......................................................................... 37 Event operation ...............................
- 4 - Package Contents PT3112 or PT 3122 P ower adapter A/V Cable Remote Contr oller Camera stand Software CD Quic k in s t a l la t io n gu i d e W arranty card www .
- 5 - Installation Hardware installation All necessary accesso ri es ca n be found in the product package except for the Ethe rnet cable that depends on the user’s en vironment. The Ethe rnet cabl e should meet UTP category 5 that canno t exceed 100 mete rs.
- 6 - Software installation In the following content, "user" re fers to those who can access Network Camer a and "administr ator" refers to the superv isor who can configure Network Camer a and grant users access.
- 7 - When the IP installer starts up, a searching box will popup , that is the program is searching Viv otek’ s product on the same LAN: After searching the LAN, the main window of IP installer will pop up. The IP address shown i n "Current IP Address" field depends on the local network.
- 8 - Viv otek’ s new uPnP function of the camer a will always assign an IP address for the itself . Therefore, the administrator can click the “Link to selected de vic e ” t o invo ke I. E. t o connect the camer a . If the camera is not in the lis t o f I P ins ta l ler , c lic k “Search” button to search camer a on the LAN.
- 9 - First access to Network Camera Check n etwork settings ev en if connected alr eady Although Network Camer a al ready can be connected after softw are installation from Local Area Network, admi n istr ators shou l d complete the network setti ngs in the configur ation page including the correct subne t mask and IP address of gate wa y and DNS.
- 10 - How to Use Authentication After opening the W e b browser and typing in the URL of Network Camer a, a dialogue window may pop up to re quest a username and passwo rd except that the administrator does not sav e an y password. Upon successful authentication, the ma in page will display like the figure bel ow .
- 11 - Installing plug-in If it is in it ia l a cc es s to N e two r k Ca me ra in W ind ow s, th e w eb br o ws er may p ro mp t f o r permission to install a new plug-in that is provid ed by Network Camera . Prompt or not and the prompt message depe nd on the Internet security settings of user ’s PC or no te bo ok .
- 12 - Primary user’s capability Main screen wi th camera view There are three parts i n the layou t o f th e m a in pag e : A. Configuration functions: The camer a can be confi g ured through these user interfaces. B. Video of the camer a: the camera vi deo w indow .
- 13 - “Digital Outpu t” Click on the “On” or “Off” button can turn the Digital output to on or off status. “Client S etting s” Click on the button would link to c lient setting pages, please check the following sessi on for more details.
- 14 - Client Settings If it is the first access to “ Conn ectio n type ” page in Windows, the web browser will ask to install a new plug-in that is provided by Network Camera. This pl ug-in has been registered for certi ficate and is used to chan ge the par ameters at the client si de.
- 15 - more real-time. But some packets may be lost due to network burst tr aff ic and images will be obscure. If TCP protocol is selected, packet loss would not occur and video display will more accur ate. But the real-time effect is worse than UDP protocol .
- 16 - <url> http://<Network Camera>/pro toc ol.html <Network Camera> is the domain name o r original IP address o f Netwo rk Camera.
- 17 - Administrator’s capability Tune the best performance The best performance m eans the image refresh r ate should be the fastest as possible and the video quality sho uld be the best as possible at the lowest netwo rk bandwidth as possible.
- 18 - fr ame rate to 20 to decrease the transmi tte d data for better v ideo qua lity since human could not easily tell the difference between 20 and 25 or 30 frames per second. If your network bandwidth is below 384 Kbps, you should fix the bit rate according to your bandwidth and try ou t the best perfo rmance by tuning the maximum frame rate.
- 19 - Open accounts for users Protect Netw ork Camera by pas s words Network Camera is shipped without any pass word by default. Tha t means everyone can access Network Camer a including the configur at ion as long as the IP address is known. It is necessary to assi gn a passwor d if Ne twork Camera is intended to be accessed by others.
- 20 - Show my product s or sceni c s pot for e-busin ess – larg e-scale ser vice If the visitors m ay ex ceed the account lim it, Network Camer a can supply extra viewers the homepage of snapshot mode that will hav e the JPEG still image refreshed periodically and automat ically .
- 21 - If you w ant to expand the view ers trem end ousl y , host a powerful web site that can handles large network tr affic and attr act eyeb all s with the picture refreshed of ten b y Network Camer a. If the web space has FTP service, Setup Network Camer a as an FTP client to upload the pictures.
- 22 - 5. Click on “ A pplication” at the left column, 6. Sel ect the week d a y and daily schedule you w ant to upload the pictures, 7. S ele c t “ Se qu en tia l o pe ratio n” and s e t th e in te rva l, 8. Select FTP w ithout date time suffix as the upload method and click on save, 9.
- 23 - Build a security application Administr ators can combine options on the appli cati on page to perform many use ful security applications. There are two trigger sources coming from attached devices and/or motion detection.
- 24 - condition can be set to detected motion or status of the attached devi ce, 5. Set the delay before detecting next even t to avoid conti nuous false alarms following the original event, 6.
- 25 - www .vivotek .com T : 886-2-2240409 9 F: 886-2-2 24040 97.
- 26 - 14. Click o n “ Applica tion ” at the left co lumn, 15. Check the w indow name se t in step 10, 16. Check “Upload snapshots whil e m otion detected” , If emails with snapshots are preferred, 17. Check “Send snapshots by email ” , 18.
- 27 - Software revision upgrad e Customers can obtain the up-t o-date softw are from Viv otek web site. An easy -to-use Upgrade Wizard is provided to upgrade Network Camer a with some clicks. Th is function is open to admi n istr ators only . T o upgr ade t he system, f oll ow the procedures below .
- 28 - Definition of Configuration System confi gur ation can be accessed only by admi nistrators. Each category in the left column will be explained in the following pages. The bold texts are those specific phr ase on the option pages. Ad m i n istr ato rs may type the URL below the figure to directly enter the frame page of conf igur ation.
- 29 - System paramet ers "Host name" , the text will display as title at the top of the ma in page. “Turn off the LED i n di ca tor” , check thi s option to shut off the LED besi de the l e ns. It can prevent others f r om ob serv i ng the oper ation.
- 30 - User group administration “Root password” , to change the administrator’ s password, type the new passw ord in both text boxes identically . What is typed w ill be d isplay ed as asterisks for the secur ity purpose. After pressing , the web browser will ask ad ministrators for the new password for access.
- 31 - Network settings Any change made to this page will make th e system restart to vali da te. Make sure every field is correctly typed be fore clicking on . "Reset IP address at next boot" , the default status is check ed to eli m inate inc au tio u s m is ta ke s d ur ing in st a lla t ion .
- 32 - “SMTP(mail) serv er 2” , the domain na me or I P addre ss of another email server once the previ ous serv er is unreachable. “Recipient email ad dress 2” , the email address of recipi ents for the backup serv er . “Return email addres s” , The return email address once the mails fail to send out.
- 33 - users must type in the web bro wser “http://192.16 8.0.100:8 080” instead o f “http://192.168 .0.10 0” . Streaming “Control channel port” , it can be other than default port 5001 to cooperate with the port opened by the fi r ewall.
- 34 - Video codec parameters “Text on video” , the text will be displayed in the black bar above the vi deo window with a t imestamp. The t imestamp is captur ed from da te and t ime of Netwo rk Camera tha t is m a inta in ed b y a bu i lt-in re a l-t im e c l oc k.
- 35 - www .vivotek .com T : 886-2-2240409 9 F: 886-2-2 24040 97.
- 36 - Motion detection “Enable motion detection” , check this option to turn on the motion detection. , click on this button t o add a new window . At most three windows can exist at the same time. Use the mouse to dr ag the window fr ame to resize or the title bar to move.
- 37 - Application setup Weekly schedu le “Sun” ~ “Sat” , select the weekd a ys that s hould perform the following op er ations. “Snapshots begin at” , set the time to start operati ons . Setting begin time as same as stop time will perform operati o ns 24 hours.
- 38 - “Reset output” , che ck and save this option to rese t the externa l device at the digital output back to the original state. Sequential operation “Snap sho t ever y se cond ( s)” , Network C am er a will send snapshots at the speci fied interv al to the external server accordin g to the chosen method.
- 39 - Camera Control Camera control area Preset functi on area At the camer a control page, there are two main funct ions: A. Camer a control: 1. 2. 3. 4. The pan and tilt function can be cont rol through these buttons. The “Left” button can control the camer a to vi ew th e left area.
- 40 - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enable IR control: The check box will allow administrator to enable IR controller to mov e the view of the ca mer a. I f only control s through URL commands or web pages are allowed, please clear the select box.
- 41 - UpnP and DDNS Setting s “Enable DDNS” This option can turn on the DDNS function. “Provider” The pro v id er li st contains four hosts that provi de the DDNS s e rvices. Please connect to the serv i ce provider’ s website to m ak e sure the service charges.
- 42 - Remote controller PT3112, PT 3122 provide a remote co ntroller to command the pan/tilt co mmand of the camera. The direction control part provides the function as the m ain web page. And the P a n/P atrol/Stop functions are al so the same as the main web page .
- 43 - Viewing sy stem log Click the link on the configuration page to view the system log fi le. The content of the file reveals useful information about conf igur ation and connection after the system boots up. Viewing system parame ters Click the link on the configuration page to qui ckly view the whole system par ameter set.
- 44 - Appendix A. Troubleshooting Status LED After the power has been turned on, Networ k Camer a w ill perform a se lf -diagnostic to detect any hardw are defects. The fol l o wing table lists the LED patterns in gener al conditions. In case of any fatal error , the LED will b link in another pattern.
- 46 - B. Frequently asked questions Q What if I forget my password? A After the administrator's password is a ssigned, ev ery access to Network Camer a needs authenticati on. If y ou are one of the managed users, you hav e to ask the administr ator for the password.
- 47 - Q Ca n I in st a ll it o n c e ilin g? A Y es. T here are fli p and mirror options in video configur ation pa ge to correct the images for upside do wn installation. Q The image is not clear enough. A Rotate the lens to adjust the focus after Ne two rk Ca me ra is in s tal led in t he pr op er position.
- 48 - build another web serv er to host a l arge quan ti ty of users by retri eving contents from Network Camera periodi c ally . Q How fast is the video rate of Network Camer a? A The MPEG4 codec engi ne can process 30 fr ames per second i nternally .
- 49 - C. URL commands of Network Camera For some cu stomers who al ready ha v e the ir own web site or web control application, Network Camer a can be easily integr ated t h rough conveni e nt URLs. This section lists the commands in URL format corresponding to the basi c functions of Network Camer a.
- 50 - configur a tions. Restart system /setup/res et.cgi Restart Network Cam era without w arn ing. www .vivotek .com T : 886-2-2240409 9 F: 886-2-2 24040 97.
- 51 - Page U RL The configur at ion page has a frame lay out incl uding an option list frame and an option page frame. R e ferenced URLs, except for the configuration page, direct users to the option page frame only . So me pages, like image quality setting and pre set setting, are opened in new wi nd ows for prev iew .
- 52 - General format of command URL Every configur ation ca n be set through URL wi th POST method by administrators only . <gener al format> URL[?[name=v alue][& name=v alue]……] <method> POST <authorized user> root System configuration URL URL: /setup/sy stem.
- 53 - Security configuration URL URL: /setup/s ecurity .cgi NAME V ALUE DESCRIPTION rootpass <text string shorter than 15 char acters> change root password username <text string shorter than.
- 54 - dns1 <IP address> primary DNS server dns2 <IP address> secondary DN S serve r smtp1 <domain name or IP address> primary SMTP server mailto1 <string shorter than 80 char act.
- 55 - Video configuration URL URL: /setup/v ideo .cgi NAME V ALUE DESCRIPTION text <text string shorter than 15 char acters> enclosed capt i on 1 half 2 half x 2 size 3 normal B/W monoc hrome c.
- 56 - 15 set maximum frame rate to 15 fps 20 set maximum frame rate to 20 fps 25 set maximum frame rate to 25 fps 30 set maximum frame rate to 30 fps 50Hz synchroniz e with 50Hz utility mode 60Hz syn.
- 57 - Image quality configuration URL URL: /setup/i mage.cgi NAME V ALUE DESCRIPTION brightness <-5 ~ 5> adjust brightness of image contr ast <-5 ~ 5> adjust contrast of image hue <-5 .
- 58 - motion3 < not required > set motion window3 as trigger co nd it ion ioa la rm < no t re quir e d > tri gg er DO whe n DI co nd it ion matched mdalarm < not required > trigge r.
- 59 - D. Technical specific ations - System CPU: T rimedia PNX1300 RAM: 16MB SDRAM ROM: 2MB FLASH RO M - Networki ng Protocol TCP/IP , HT TP , SMTP , FTP , T elne t, NTP , DNS and DHCP Physical 10Bas.
- 6 - Intern et E xplorer 5.x or abo ve www .vivotek .com T : 886-2-2240409 9 F: 886-2-2 24040 97.
Electromagnetic Com p atibility (EM C ) USA - This e quipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are desig ned to provide reasonable pro tection against harmful inte rf erence in a residential installa tion.
デバイスVivotek PT3112/3122の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Vivotek PT3112/3122をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVivotek PT3112/3122の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Vivotek PT3112/3122の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Vivotek PT3112/3122で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Vivotek PT3112/3122を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVivotek PT3112/3122の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Vivotek PT3112/3122に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVivotek PT3112/3122デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。