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www.vtechphones.com i This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting necessary to install and operate your new VTech telephone. Please review this manual thoroughly to ensure proper installation and operation of this innovative and feature rich VTech product.
www.vtechphones.com ii Inst allat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Par ts ch eck list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Inst all ha nds et batt er y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 T ele phon e base i nst allati on .
www.vtechphones.com iii T able of conten ts Call l og di splay s creen m ess ages . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Bat ter y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Imp or tant s afet y instr uc tion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 T rou bles hoot ing .
www.vtechphones.com 1 Installation Basic operation Installat ion Par ts che cklis t Reme mber to save your s ales r ece ipt an d ori ginal pack aging in ca se it i s nec ess ar y to shi p your tele phon e for warr ant y ser vi ce.
www.vtechphones.com 2 Inst all hand set bat te ry • Ali gn the t wo hol es in th e plug wi th the s ocket p ins ac cor ding to t he col or-co ded l abel i n the bat ter y com par tm ent, th en sna p the p lug int o plac e. • Plac e the bat ter y int o the c ompar t ment .
www.vtechphones.com 3 Installation Basic operation Installat ion Inst all the tel eph one base and the charger as sho wn below . Choos e a loca tio n away from any elec tron ic equipment and appliances such as personal computers, computer routers, television sets, microwave ovens, and refrigerators.
www.vtechphones.com 4 Dial t yp e If you have tou ch -tone s er vic e, your tel epho ne is re ady to us e as so on as th e bat ter y is ch arge d. If you have pu lse (rotar y) ser v ice, th e dial t y pe must b e cha nged . T o c han ge the d ial t yp e, see Di al t ype s ect ion on p age 12.
www.vtechphones.com 5 Installation Basic operation DSL l ter (for DSL us ers) T o sin gle tel epho ne jac k (RJ1 1 C) T ele phon e line c ord If you subsc ribe to DS L ser vice If you r ece ive h i.
www.vtechphones.com 6 T elephone set tin gs Han dset layout 1 . Ear piec e 2. / ( d irec tor y/vol ume) 3. (speaker phon e ) 4. /FL ASH 5. Dia ling keys (0 -9, * ,#) 6. REDIAL / P AUSE 7 . Mic rop hone 8. Han dset d ispl ay 9. MENU/SELECT 1 0. CID/ ( cal ler ID/ volume) 1 1.
www.vtechphones.com 7 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone set tin gs T e lep hone bas e layout 1 . CHARG E light 2. IN USE li ght 3. VOICEMAIL l ight 4.
www.vtechphones.com 8 T elephone set tin gs Dat e and time • Press MEN U/ SE LEC T to dis play men u when i n idle m ode. • Press or to reac h DA TE / TI ME . Pres s ME NU /S ELEC T . • Use t he keypad to s et the year. Press M EN U/S EL ECT . • Use t he keypad to s et the date.
www.vtechphones.com 9 Basic operation Telephone settings The h and set wi ll not r ing wh en th e rin ger vo lume i s at the l owest s ett ing. A rin ger of f i con wil l be di splaye d. Whi le th e tele pho ne is rin gin g, you ca n temp orar ily sil enc e the r ing er by pre ssin g OF F/CL EAR o r MU TE .
www.vtechphones.com 10 Out of r ange ton e The hand set wi ll be ep dur ing a conver sati on wh en it i s out of ran ge fr om the te leph one ba se. Thi s tone i s preset t o ON . • Press MEN U/ SE LEC T to dis play th e menu wh en in id le mo de. • Press or to reac h SE TUP H S .
www.vtechphones.com 11 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone set tin gs Edit han dset na me • Press MEN U/ SE LEC T to dis play the m enu wh en in id le mo de. • Press or to reac h SE TUP H S . Pres s MEN U/ SE LEC T . • Press or to reac h HAN DS ET N AME .
www.vtechphones.com 12 Cle ar voicema il If you su bsc rib e to voic emai l s er vic es provid ed by your loc al teleph one co mpany , NE W VOI CE MA IL wi ll app ear on t he han dset d isp lay and the VOI CE MA IL lig ht o n t he tele phon e b ase will a sh when you have a new vo ice mail m ess age.
www.vtechphones.com 13 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone set tin gs Res et to def ault set tings Th e h and se t an d t he tel ep ho ne b as e c an be ind iv id ua lly re set to t he ir default s etti ngs by sele ctin g R ESE T i n t he S ET UP HS or S ETU P BS menu s res pec tivel y .
www.vtechphones.com 14 Basic o peration Opti ons while on ca lls Sp eakerp hone • Press to alter nate bet wee n spea kerph one an d norm al han dset us e. Mute • P r e s s M U T E o n t h e h a n d s e t t o s i l e n c e t h e m i c r o p h o n e d u r i n g a co nversat ion.
www.vtechphones.com 15 Basic operation Find han dset • Press F IN D HAN DS ET on t he tele phon e b ase to lo cate t he hand set whe n in id le mo de. The h ands et will r ing an d P AG IN G wil l ash o n its s cree n. • Press F IN D H AN DS ET agai n or pu t t he hand set bac k o n t he tele phon e bas e to stop t he pagi ng tone.
www.vtechphones.com 16 Ad v anced operation eMPtY vtecH 1-595-9511 Dir ector y The di rec tor y can stor e u p to 5 0 entri es. Eac h e ntr y may con sist of a num ber up to 24 di git s and a nam e up to 15 charac ters. • The s cree n dis plays EM P T Y if ther e is no re cor d in the d irec tor y .
www.vtechphones.com 17 Advanced operation Ad v anced operation Char acte r char t Use th e keypad and t he ch art b elow to en ter a n ame (up to 15 c harac ters). Eac h p ress of a p ar ticul ar key caus es the c harac ter s to be di splayed i n the fo llowi ng ord er: • Press REM OVE to bac kspa ce and e rase a s ingl e char acter.
www.vtechphones.com 18 Ad v anced operation Stor e a direc tor y entr y • Press MEN U/ SE LEC T tw ice to e nter the D I REC TORY . • Press or t o reach S TOR E and t hen pre ss M EN U/ SEL ECT . • The scr een disp lays EN TER NU MB ER . Use the k eypad to enter the num ber and t hen pr ess M EN U/ SEL ECT .
www.vtechphones.com 19 Advanced operation Ad v anced operation De lete fro m the dir ector y • Press / or ME NU /S ELE CT th ree tim es to ente r the di rec tor y . • Press or t o scro ll to the d esir ed entr y. T o d ele te an e ntr y • Press REM OVE .
www.vtechphones.com 20 About c aller I D If you s ubs cri be to c aller ID ser v ice from your lo cal tele phon e com pany , th is featu re dis plays t he name an d tel epho ne n umbe r of the ca ller befor e an swerin g a cal l (even wh en yo u are on anot her cal l).
www.vtechphones.com 21 Advanced operation Ad v anced operation Call log The infor mati on of t he caller will be disp layed if you subsc rib e to caller ID ser vi ce fr om your lo cal te lep hone c omp any . • The c all lo g can s tore up to 5 0 entr ies.
www.vtechphones.com 22 Ad v anced operation Stor e a call log numb er • Press CI D/ to e nter the c all l og. - OR - Press MEN U/ SE LEC T . Pr ess o r to sel ec t CALL LOG . • Press M EN U/ SE LEC T and th en pres s or to s cro ll to the d esire d entr y.
www.vtechphones.com 23 Advanced operation Ad v anced operation De lete fro m the ca ll log • Press CI D/ to ente r the c all lo g. - OR - Pres s ME N U/ SE LEC T . Pres s or to sel ec t CAL L LOG , the n pres s ME NU /S ELEC T . T o d ele te on e ent ry • Press o r to s cro ll to the d esir ed entr y a nd the n pres s RE MOVE .
www.vtechphones.com 24 Ad v anced operation Redi al The r edia l list c an stor e up to 10 of the mo st rec entl y dial ed num ber s. • Whe n th ere ar e alr eady 1 0 en trie s in the red ial list , th e ol des t ent ry will b e del eted to make r oom a s you plac e add itio nal ca lls.
www.vtechphones.com 25 Advanced operation Dia l from re dial • Press RED IA L / P AU SE to ente r the re dial l ist. • Press or to scr oll to t he des ired en tr y . • Press /F LAS H or to d ial. De lete fro m redi al • Press RED IA L / P AU SE to ente r the re dial l ist.
www.vtechphones.com 26 Handset and telephone ba se indi cators Han dset ico ns T e lep hone bas e lights Han dset light • Rin ger of f. (Bat ter y ind icat or) • Cyc les (l ow , m edi um, and f ull) whe n hand set bat ter y is c harg ing. Flas hes w hen th e batte ry p ower is l ow .
www.vtechphones.com 27 Appendix Handset disp la y screen messages Display: When: cAl l There is an inco ming call. cHA rG I NG A hands et with low batter y has been placed on the tele phone base to rech arge. co NNe ct ING . . . Th e cor dles s hand set is s earc hing fo r the tel eph one ba se.
www.vtechphones.com 28 Handset disp la y screen messages Display: When: PH oNe T he han dset i s in use. PlA ce I N cHA rGer The batte r y i s ver y low . The hand set sho uld be p lace d o n t he teleph one base to rec harg e. wAr N I N G cHe cK BAtte rY ! The b atter y i s not ins tall ed or no t inst alle d prop erly i n the ha nds et.
www.vtechphones.com 29 Appendix Batter y Af ter t he bat te ry i s fully ch arg ed for 16 hour s, you can exp ec t the f ollowing p er form anc e: Op eratio n Op eratin g time Whi le in us e (talki ng) 1 0 hour s Whi le not in u se (stand by*) 1 00 h ours *Ha nd set is o ff t he te lep hon e bas e but n ot in u se.
www.vtechphones.com 30 Import ant safe t y in structio ns Whe n usi ng you r tele pho ne eq uip ment , bas ic saf ety p rec aut ions s hou ld al ways be f ollo wed: 1. Rea d and un der st and al l ins tru cti ons. 2. Fol low al l warn ing s and in str uc tion s mar ked on t he pr odu ct.
www.vtechphones.com 31 Appendix T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion My teleph one does not work at a ll. • M ak e s ur e t h e b at t e r y i s i n st a l l ed a n d c h ar g e d c o r re c t l y ( pa g e 2). F or op t i mu m d a i ly per for man ce, retur n the c ord less h ands et to the te leph one ba se af ter use.
www.vtechphones.com 32 Problem Suggestion The b atter y d oes no t cha rge in t he han dset or th e hand set bat ter y do es not ac cep t cha rge. • Make sure th e ha nds et i s p lace d i n t he telep hone ba se c orr ect ly . T he CH ARG E li ght on the tele phon e base s houl d be on.
www.vtechphones.com 33 Appendix T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion Ther e is no d ial ton e. • Fir st, tr y al l the ab ove sugg esti ons. • Move th e cor dles s hand set c loser t o the tel epho ne bas e. It mig ht be out o f rang e. • The te leph one li ne co rd mig ht be ma lfun cti onin g.
www.vtechphones.com 34 T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion The te leph one d oes not r ing wh en ther e is an in com ing ca ll. • Make sur e the r inge r is on (pa ge 9) . • Make sur e the tel eph one li ne cor d and p ower adapte r are plu gge d in pro perl y (page 3).
www.vtechphones.com 35 Appendix T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion I can not di al out . • Fir st, tr y al l the ab ove sugg esti ons. • Make sur e t here i s a d ial to ne befor e dial ing. It i s n orma l i f the c ord less h ands et takes a s eco nd or t wo to syn chro nize wi th the tele phon e base b efore p rodu cin g a dia l tone.
www.vtechphones.com 36 T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion Ther e is noi se or inter fe renc e dur ing a tel epho ne co nversat ion. My c alls c ut in an d out whe n I am usin g the cor dle ss han dset . • The h ands et may be ou t of rang e. Move it c lose r to the tel epho ne bas e.
www.vtechphones.com 37 Appendix T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion I hear oth er call s when usi ng the te leph one. • Disconnec t the telephone base from the telephone jac k. Plug in a dif ferent telephone. If there are stil l ot her calls , t he pro blem is prob abl y i n t he wiri ng or lo cal ser vic e.
www.vtechphones.com 38 T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion My c ordl ess ha nds et bee ps and i s not per for ming n orm ally. • Make s ure t he powe r cor d is sec urely plug ged into the te leph one base. Pl ug th e un it int o a dif fere nt work ing e lec tri cal ou tlet n ot cont roll ed by a wall sw itch .
www.vtechphones.com 39 Appendix Operating ran ge This cordless telephone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
www.vtechphones.com 40 About co rdless telephones Priva cy: The same feature s that make a c ord less t eleph one c onvenie nt cre ate som e limi tatio ns.
www.vtechphones.com 41 Appendix W arranty 4. Pr odu ct t o the ex ten t tha t the p rob lem i s cau sed by u se wi th n on-V T e ch a cc ess ori es; or 5. Pr odu ct w hos e warr ant y/qu ali ty s tic ker s, pro du ct se ria l num ber p late s or el ect ron ic se ria l num ber s have b een r emove d, al tere d or re nde red i lle gib le; or 6.
www.vtechphones.com 42 FCC , A CT A and IC regulatio ns FCC Part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules.
www.vtechphones.com 43 Appendix FCC , A CT A and IC regulatio ns If this equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue your telephone service. The telephone company is required to notify you before interrupting service.
www.vtechphones.com 44 T echnical specication s Freque ncy c ontro l Cr yst al con troll ed PLL synt hesi zer T rans mit fr eque ncy Han dset: 1921 .5 36 - 1928.4 48 MHz T ele phon e base: 192 1 . 53 6-1 928. 448 MHz Chan nels 5 Nom inal ef fe cti ve rang e Ma xim um power al lowed by FCC a nd IC.
www.vtechphones.com 45 Index A Ab out co rdle ss tel epho nes 40 Advan ced o perat ion 16 B Bas ic op eratio n 1 4 Bat ter y 9, 29 C Call er ID 20 Call l og 21 , 28 Call wa iting 1 4 Char acter of c h.
www.vtechphones.com 46 M Mai ntenan ce 39 Make, an swer and en d cal ls 1 4 Mute 1 4 O Op eratin g rang e 3 9 Opt ions w hile o n call s 1 4 Out o f rang e tone 10 P Par ts ch eck list 1 R Red ial 24 .
VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A member of T HE VTECH GROUP OF CO MP ANIES. Distr ibuted in th e U .S. A. by V T e ch Commu nicatio ns, Inc. Beaverton, Or egon Distr ibuted in Canad a by VT e ch T el ecommu nicatio ns Canada, Ltd., Richm ond, B.C . Copyri ght © 2007 for V TECH TE LECOMMUNICA TIO NS L TD.
U s e r ’ s m a n u a l www.vtechphones.com Model: 603 1.
デバイスVTech 6031の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
VTech 6031をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVTech 6031の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。VTech 6031の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。VTech 6031で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
VTech 6031を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVTech 6031の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、VTech 6031に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVTech 6031デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。