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Congratulations on purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this telephone, please read the Important safety instructions on page 39 of this manual. This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting necessary to install and operate your new VTech telephone.
Inst allat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Par ts ch eck list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 T ele phon e base i nst allati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Inst all ha nds et batt er y . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T able of conten ts Del ete a redi al entr y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Answe ring sy stem op erati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Answe ring sy stem an d voice mail . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Mes sag e capa cit y . . . . . . . . . . . .
www.vtechphones.com 1 Installation Basic operation Installat ion Par ts che cklis t Reme mber to save your sa les re cei pt and o rigi nal pa ckagi ng in c ase i t is ne ces sar y to s hip you r tele phon e for warr ant y ser vi ce.
www.vtechphones.com 2 Installat ion Inst all the tel eph one bas e as shown bel ow . Make sure that th e elec tric al out let is not con troll ed by a wall swi tch.
www.vtechphones.com 3 Installation Basic operation Installat ion Inst all hand set bat te ry If the bat ter y c ompar t ment cover is on t he h and set, pres s th e in dent atio n an d sl ide the cover to rem ove.
www.vtechphones.com 4 Installat ion De sk / t able br acket inst allat ion Y our te leph one ba se co mes wi th a des k top bra cket alrea dy ins tall ed. T o rem ove the de sk top br acket: Press bot h upp er t abs rmly inward and then pull the bracket upward unti l it i s rel ease d fro m th e gro oves.
www.vtechphones.com 5 Installation Basic operation Installat ion upper grooves upper tab lower tab lower groove Wall mounting bra cket inst allation Y our tele phon e ba se c omes wit h a desk to p br acket i nsta lled . If you pr efer to mou nt your tele pho ne on th e wall, it i s desi gne d to mount o n a sta ndar d telep hone wa ll plate.
www.vtechphones.com 6 Installat ion Exchang eab le color ful ha ndset ring Y our tele pho ne c ome s wi th addi tion al c olo rf ul hand set ring s. C hang e t he r ing to suit your moo d or matc h your roo m dec or .
www.vtechphones.com 7 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone set tin gs Han dset layout 1 . E arpi ece 2. C ID (call er ID) Press to d isp lay call er ID info rmati on. 3. / FL ASH Press to make or a nswer a c all. Dur ing a cal l, pre ss to rec eive an inc omin g ca ll if cal l waiti ng is ac tivated .
www.vtechphones.com 8 T elephone set tin gs T e leph one bas e layout Mes sage w ind ow /S KI P VOL / (volum e +/- ) AN S ON /O FF (Answer o n/of f) / PL A Y / S TOP Ante nna SE T UP AN NC (annou nce ment) CLO CK REC OR D FI ND H AND SE T Mic rop hone VOI CE MAI L lig ht IN U SE li ght CH ARG E ligh t / R EPE A T X / DE LET E 1.
www.vtechphones.com 9 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone set tin gs Ringe r volume (hand set) Y ou can adjus t th e ri nger volume eith er by the volume c ontrol on the ri ght s ide of th e hand set or in t he han dset me nu.
www.vtechphones.com 10 T elephone set tin gs KEY TONE ON LANGUAGE ENGLISH > KEY TONE LANGUAGE Key tone The ha ndse t beeps wh enever you pres s any of the han dset keys. Y ou may turn t he key tone fe ature on o r off. T o cha nge t he set ting: Press the c enter NavKey to di spl ay the m enu w hen the ha nds et is not in u se.
www.vtechphones.com 11 Basic operation Telephone settings >DIAL TYPE DIRECTORY DIAL TYPE TONE >CLR VOICE MAIL DIAL TYPE TURN INDICATOR OFF? Cle ar voicema il If you sub scri be to voic email s e.
www.vtechphones.com 12 Basic o peration Make , answer , an d end calls T o m ake a c al l, pr e s s / FL AS H o r / S PE A K E R , an d th e n d i al the n umbe r . - OR - Dia l the num ber an d then p ress / FL ASH or /S PEA KE R . T o an swer a call, press / F LAS H , / SPE AKE R or any of the d ial pad keys ( 0 - 9 , # , * ).
www.vtechphones.com 13 Basic operation Telephone settings Basic o peration V olum e Duri ng a c all, use t he volume b utto n o n t he rig ht s ide of the h andset to ad just the l isten ing volu me. Press VOL or VOL to adju st the vo lume to a c omfor t abl e level.
www.vtechphones.com 14 INTERCOM TO: HANDSET Y IS CALLING Basic o peration CALLING HANDSET X • X rep rese nts the n umb er of the h and set bei ng ca lle d and Y rep rese nts t he num ber of t he han dset t hat is ca llin g.
www.vtechphones.com 15 Basic operation T r ansfe r an exte rnal call Y ou c an tran sfer an ex tern al cal l from o ne han dset to any ot her ha ndset .
www.vtechphones.com 16 Answer an in coming call duri ng an interc om call Dur ing an in terco m cal l, there w ill be a n aler t ton e sign aling a n inc omin g call. T o answer t he in com ing ca ll, pres s / FL ASH a nd the i nterc om ca ll will e nd auto matic ally.
www.vtechphones.com 17 Advanced operation • Onl y one h and set ca n review t he dir ect or y at a tim e. If a han dset at tempt s to ente r the d ire ctor y w hile anot her h ands et is al read y in the dir ect or y , N OT A V AI L ABLE AT TH IS T I ME wi ll be dis playe d.
www.vtechphones.com 18 Ad v anced operation Char acte r char t Use the dial pad and the char t below to e nter a name ( u p to 1 6 char acter s) . Each pres s of a p ar ticu lar key caus es the c harac ter s to be dis played i n the fol lowin g ord er: Press MUT E / REM OVE to bac ksp ace an d erase w hen en terin g chara cter s.
www.vtechphones.com 19 Advanced operation Ad v anced operation Se arch th e dire ctor y En tr i e s a re s or te d a l ph a b et ic a l ly a nd na m es b eg i n ni n g w it h nu m b er s ar e pre se nte d r s t. A n al ph ab eti c al s ear c h ca n be do ne a f ter e nte ri ng the d irec tor y .
www.vtechphones.com 20 Ad v anced operation EDIT NAME VTECH_ Edit a dire ctor y ent ry Press to enter the direc tor y , o r pr ess the cen ter N avKey t hree tim es. Press th e u p or dow n Nav Key or to scro ll to t he d esire d e ntr y , or use the alphab etic al se arch to nd t he nu mber.
www.vtechphones.com 21 Advanced operation About c aller I D The cal ler ID w ith call wait ing feature in thi s tele phon e lets you see the name and teleph one numb er of the c alle r b efore an swerin g the ca ll, even whe n yo u’re alread y on a cal l.
www.vtechphones.com 22 Ad v anced operation >CALL LOG RINGER VOLUME VTECH 595-9511 3:45 AM 1/02 Miss ed calls in dicator Whe n the re are unrevi ewed c alls i n th e cal l log , the hand set s cree n wil l dis play X X M IS SE D CALL(S) a nd NE W .
www.vtechphones.com 23 Advanced operation 800-595-9511 1-800-595-9511 1-595-9511 595-9511 Ad v anced operation • Saving o r del etin g a num ber o n one h and set wi ll auto mati ca lly up date all o ther h and sets . On ly one h and set ca n revie w the dir ect or y or ca ll lo g at a time.
www.vtechphones.com 24 Ad v anced operation Call log d isplay scr een m essag es Dis play: Mea ns: PR IVATE NAME The other par t y is blocki ng the name informati on. PR IVATE NUMB ER The ot her par ty i s bloc king t he teleph one num ber inform ation.
www.vtechphones.com 25 Advanced operation Ad v anced operation Red ial list The te leph one st ores th e ve mo st rec entl y dial ed num ber s on the r edia l list . On ce ther e are alread y ve en trie s on the redial list, the earl iest entr y will be de leted to m ake roo m for the l atest ent r y .
www.vtechphones.com 26 Ans wering s ystem o peration Answering system a nd voicemail Y ou r tel ep hon e ha s bot h a di git al a nswe ri ng sys tem a nd voic emai l i ndi cati on. V oic emai l i s of fered by you r te leph one service provider (fees may apply) .
www.vtechphones.com 27 Advanced operation Ans wering s ystem o peration Answering system s etup Activate t he answering system The answer ing system mus t be turne d on to answer and recor d mes sag es. Pres s ANS ON /O FF to turn t he answer ing sys tem on or of f.
www.vtechphones.com 28 Ans wering s ystem o peration Answering system s etup The answer ing system uses voic e pr ompt s to g uid e you throu gh t he s teps to setup the answer ing system. Pres s / PLA Y/STO P anyti me to save and exit th e SE T UP me nu.
www.vtechphones.com 29 Advanced operation Ans wering s ystem o peration Se t telep hone ba se ringe r Thi s featur e allo ws you to sel ect the te leph one base ring er vol ume l evels.
www.vtechphones.com 30 Ans wering s ystem o peration Outgoin g announce ment The out goin g a nnou nce ment is the gre eting ca ller s hear when ca lls are answer ed by the a nsweri ng syste m. The tele phone is pre set wi th a g reeting that an swers c alls wit h “ Hell o, ple ase leave a mes sage afte r the tone.
www.vtechphones.com 31 Advanced operation Ans wering s ystem o peration • Whe n your ann ounc eme nt is d elete d, cal ls wil l be ans wered wit h the p reset ann ounc eme nt. • If th e system has l ess t han ve mi nute s of rec ord ing t ime le ft , the r emai ning t ime wil l be ann oun ced .
www.vtechphones.com 32 Ans wering s ystem o peration • Onl y old m ess ages ca n be del eted. Mes sag es ca n only be d elete d aft er they a re playe d. • Mem os sho r ter than one s ec ond wi ll not be re cor de d. • “ Memo ry i s ful l. ” w ill be an noun ce d if you pres s RECO RD whe n the m emor y is fu ll.
www.vtechphones.com 33 Advanced operation Ans wering s ystem o peration • If no key i s pres sed af ter ente rin g rem ote ac ces s, any new m ess ages wil l be pl ayed auto mati cal ly . • On ce th e new mes sag es have bee n played , the s ystem w ill ann ounc e th e help men u opti ons.
www.vtechphones.com 34 Ans wering s ystem o peration Me ssag e window displays The mess age c ounter usu ally d isplays t he tot al num ber of mem os an d inc oming mess ages. S ee t he lis t bel ow for explanation s of oth er dis plays in t his co unter.
www.vtechphones.com 35 Appendix Handset disp la y screen messages ALREADY SAVED The teleph one number you have entered is already stored in the direc tor y . CA LL LOG EMPT Y T here are no call log entrie s. CA LLI NG H AN DS ET X C allin g anoth er han dset.
www.vtechphones.com 36 Handset disp la y screen messages NO SI GN AL, CAL L EN DED Com muni cati on bet ween h ands et and tel eph one ba se is lo st dur ing a c all. NOT A VAI L ABL E AT THI S TI M E One hand set is a lread y viewi ng th e call log or direc tor y an d anot her ha ndset atte mpts to revi ew it.
www.vtechphones.com 37 Appendix Handset and telephone ba se indi cators Han dset ico ns T e leph one bas e lights Han dset light s MU TE Mi cro phon e is mute d. • Rin ger of f. • NE W New c all log e ntri es. • NE W VOI CE MA IL New voi cem ail rec eive d from t he lo cal tel eph one co mpany.
www.vtechphones.com 38 Batter y Af ter t he b at ter y is fu lly ch arg ed , you can ex pe ct th e foll owing p er for man ce: Op eratio n Op eratin g time Whi le in han dset u se (talk ing*) 8 hour s Whi le in sp eakerp hone m ode (t alki ng*) 3 hou rs Whi le not in u se (stand by*) 96 h ours * Op erat ing t ime s are ap pr oxim ate.
www.vtechphones.com 39 Appendix Import ant safe t y in structio ns Wh en us ing yo ur tel eph one e qui pme nt, b asi c saf ety p rec aut ion s sho uld a lways b e fol lowe d to re duc e th e ris k of re , ele ctr ic s hoc k and i nju ry, inc lu din g the f oll owin g: Rea d and u nde rst and a ll in str uc tio ns.
www.vtechphones.com 40 T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion My tel epho ne do es not wor k at all. Make sur e the bat ter y is in stal led an d char ged c orre ctl y (page s 3 and 38). For opti mum dai ly per for man ce, retur n the c ord less h ands et to the te leph one ba se or c harge r after u se.
www.vtechphones.com 41 Appendix T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion The b atter y d oes no t cha rge in t he han dset or th e hand set bat ter y do es not ac cep t cha rge. Make s ure th e han dset is pl aced in t he tel epho ne ba se or charg er c orre ctl y .
www.vtechphones.com 42 T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion The te leph one d oes not r ing wh en ther e is an in com ing ca ll. Make sur e the r inger i s on (pag e 9 for han dset a nd pag e 29 for tel epho ne bas e ). Make sur e the tel eph one lin e cor d and po wer adapte r are plug ged i n prop erl y (page 2).
www.vtechphones.com 43 Appendix T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion I can not di al out . Fir st, tr y a ll the a bove sug gest ions. Make sur e t here i s a d ial ton e befor e d ialin g. It is n orma l i f t he co rdle ss han dset t akes a se con d or two to sy nc hronize wit h t he te leph one befor e pr odu cing a d ial tone.
www.vtechphones.com 44 T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion Ther e is inter fer enc e dur ing a tel epho ne co nversat ion. My c alls fad e out whe n I am usin g the cor dle ss han dset . The h ands et may be ou t of rang e. Move it c loser t o the tel epho ne bas e.
www.vtechphones.com 45 Appendix T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion I hear oth er call s when usi ng the te leph one. Dis con nec t th e tele pho ne ba se fr om t he tel epho ne wa ll jac k. Pl ug in a di ffe rent t elep hone. If you sti ll hear ot her cal ls, the p robl em is pro bab ly in the w irin g or loc al ser vi ce.
www.vtechphones.com 46 T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion Call er ID entr ies do no t match t he num bers I n eed to dia l. Alt houg h the call lo g entrie s you rec eive are 1 0 digit s, (the area.
www.vtechphones.com 47 Appendix T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion The a nsweri ng system do es not an swer afte r the c orre ct nu mber o f rin gs. Make sure the answer ing system is on. When the answer ing system is on, the red light on the AN SWE R ON /O FF key shoul d be li t.
www.vtechphones.com 48 T roubleshoo tin g Problem Suggestion The a nsweri ng system do es not re spon d to rem ote com mand s. Make sur e your rem ote acc ess c od e is cor rec t (page 2 9) . Make sure you are c allin g from a touch -to ne telep hone.
www.vtechphones.com 49 Appendix Operating ran ge Thi s cord les s tele pho ne oper ates wi th the ma xim um power all owed by the Fed eral Co mmu nic ati ons Com mis si on (FCC).
www.vtechphones.com 50 About co rdless telephones Priva cy: T he s ame fe ature s tha t make a co rdl ess tele pho ne co nveni ent c reate som e lim itat ions .
www.vtechphones.com 51 Appendix W arranty 3. A p rod uc t to the ex te nt th at the p rob lem e xpe rie nce d is c ause d by si gna l con dit ion s, ne two rk re lia bil it y , or c abl e or ant enna s yste ms; or 4. A p rod uc t to the ex te nt th at the p rob lem i s cau se d by use w ith n on -VT ec h acc es sor ies; o r 5.
www.vtechphones.com 52 FC C Par t 15 Thi s equi pme nt has bee n teste d and foun d to co mpl y wi th the req uir eme nts for a Clas s B d igi ta l dev ic e un der Par t 1 5 of the Fed era l Comm uni cat ion s Comm iss ion (FC C) r ul es .
www.vtechphones.com 53 Appendix FCC , A CT A and IC regulatio ns The RBRC ® seal The RB RC ® seal on the ni ckel-m etal-hydr ide bat tery i ndicates that V T ech Commun icatio ns, Inc.
www.vtechphones.com 54 T echnical specication s Freque ncy c ontro l Cr yst al con troll ed PLL synt hesi zer T rans mit fr eque ncy T ele phon e base: 5725 - 585 0 MHz Han dset: 240 0 -248 3 MHz Rec eive fr eque ncy T ele phon e base: 240 0 -2483 .
www.vtechphones.com 55 Appendix Index A Ab out ca ller ID 21 Ab out co rdle ss tel epho nes 50 Act ivate the a nsweri ng system 2 7 Advan ced o perat ion 1 7 Answe r an inc omin g cal l duri ng an int.
www.vtechphones.com 56 Index M Mes sag e playba ck 31 Mes sag e wind ow dis plays 34 Mis sed c alls i ndi cator 2 2 Mute 12 N New me ssag e ind icat ion 31 O Op eratin g rang e 49 Opt ions d urin g pl.
) V TECH TE LECOMMUNICA TIO NS L TD. A member of T HE VTECH GROUP OF CO MP A NIE S. Distr ibuted in th e U .S. A. by V T e ch Commun ication s, Inc., Bea verto n, Oregon Distr ibuted in Canada by V T e ch T ec hnolo gies Canada, Ltd., Rich mond, B.C .
U s e r ’ s m a n u a l www.vtechphones.com Mod els: DS4 1 21 - 3/DS 4 122-3/ DS4 1 21 - 4/ DS4 1 22- 4.
デバイスVTech DS4121-3の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
VTech DS4121-3をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVTech DS4121-3の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。VTech DS4121-3の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。VTech DS4121-3で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
VTech DS4121-3を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVTech DS4121-3の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、VTech DS4121-3に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVTech DS4121-3デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。