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U s e r ’s m a n u a l w w w . v t e c h p h o n e s . c o m Models : LS622 5/LS6225-2/ LS622 5 -3/LS6225- 4/ LS622 5 -5/LS6226-2.
Congratulations on purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this telephone, please read the Important safety instructions on page 44 of this manual. This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting necessary to install and operate your new VTech telephone.
T able of contents i Ge tt ing st ar te d ......................... 1 Part s che ckli st ............................ 1 T e leph one bas e and char ger inst allatio n ............................... 2 Bat ter y inst allatio n and char ging ...........
T able of contents App end ix ...................................32 Hand set dis play scre en mess ages ................................ 3 2 Hand set and tel epho ne base indi cator s ................................3 4 Bat ter y .....................
1 T e l e p h o n e l i n e c o r d Par ts ch eckli st Y our telepho ne cont ains t he followi ng items. S ave y our s ales re ceipt an d orig inal pac kaging i n the event warrant y ser v ice i s nec essar y .
2 Get ting started T elepho ne bas e and char ger in stall ation Inst all the tel epho ne base an d charg er(s ) as shown be low . Th e teleph one base i s desig ned for t ableto p use onl y . Make sure th at the ele ctr ical o utlet is n ot cont rolle d by a wall switch.
3 Get ting started Whe n the s cree n shows LOW BA T TERY , the ba ckl ight i s of f. If th e hand set wi ll not b e used f or a lon g time, d isc onn ec t and re move the b atter y t o prevent p ossi ble l eakag e. T o purc hase r epla cem ent bat ter ies, v isit o ur webs ite at w w w .
4 Get ting started Han dset layout CID / VOL ( caller ID ) Press t o review t he ca ll lo g whe n the tel eph one i s not in use ( page 23). Whi le in a me nu, pre ss to scr oll d own. Dur ing a c all, pre ss to l ower the l isten ing vol ume (p age 1 1 ) .
5 Get ting started T elepho ne bas e layout FI ND H AN DS ET Press t o page al l system han dset s. / REP EA T Press t o repe at a mes sag e or pres s t wic e to play prev iou s mes sag e (page 28). Me ss age w ind ow Show s the nu mber o f mes sag es and ot her answer ing syste m infor matio n (pag e 30).
6 Ringe r volume (hand set) Y ou can set the r inger vo lume or tur n the ri nger of f. Press M EN U/ S EL ECT to show the me nu when t he hand set is not in u se. Press or to selec t > RI NG ER VOLU ME , then pre ss ME NU / SE LEC T . Press or to adjust th e volume.
7 T elephone set tin gs LCD langu age Y ou can sele ct E NG LI SH , FR AN ÇAI S or ESPAÑOL to b e used i n all scr een dis plays. Press M EN U/ S EL ECT to show the me nu when t he hand set is not in u se. Press or to selec t > LCD L AN GUAGE , th en pres s ME NU / SE LEC T .
8 T elephone set tin gs Cle ar voicem ail If you subs cri be to voic email ser v ice of fere d by your telepho ne co mpany , NE W VOIC EM AI L and app ear on the h andset , and the VO IC EMA IL li ght on the te lepho ne bas e ashe s when you have new voic email mes sage s.
9 Answering system s et up Use a system han dset to c hange your an swering system s etti ngs. Numb er of rings Y ou can cho ose fro m t wo, four , or six ring s; or toll saver . With tol l saver sele cted, t he answeri ng system answer s after t wo rin gs whe n you have new mes sages, an d after fo ur ring s when you have no new mes sages .
10 Ans wering s ystem settings Announc eme nt The tel ephon e is pres et with a gre eting that an swers ca lls wit h “ Hello, pl ease leave a message af ter the ton e. ” Y ou can use t his pres et announ ceme nt, or repl ace it wi th your own. Play your announce ment Press M EN U/ S EL ECT to show the me nu when t he hand set is not in u se.
11 Make a c all Press or . Y ou hear a dial ton e. Dial t he numb er . Predi al a call Dial t he numb er . Press or . Answer a ca ll Press , or any of the di aling keys ( 0 - 9 , #, * ) . End a ca ll Press O FF/ CL EA R or put the h ands et in the tele phon e base or c harger .
12 T elephone operation Mute The mu te func tion all ows you to hear the ot her par t y but the oth er par t y cann ot hear you. Duri ng a call, pre ss M UTE / R EM OVE on t he hand set. The hand set scre en shows M UTE D for a few sec ond s and MUT E app ears unt il mute fun ctio n is turn ed of f.
13 T elephone operation Chain di aling Use thi s feature to initi ate a dialing s equen ce fro m number s store d in the direc tor y , cal l log or re dial whi le you are on a c all.
14 T elephone operation Multip le han dset us e Y ou can use u p to two system h andset s at a time on an o utsid e cal l. If a hand set is alread y on a ca ll and you woul d like to join the c all, pre ss or on anot her hand set to join t he cal l.
15 T elephone operation Sha re an out side c all Y ou can cal l another syste m hands et to join an ou tsid e call. T hat call c ontin ues even if you hang u p. Duri ng a call, pre ss I NT . The other han dset r ings. T he outs ide c all is put o n hold.
16 T elephone operation Dir ector y The dir ector y can sto re up to 50 entr ies wi th up to 3 0 digi ts for eac h phone n umber an d 1 5 char acters fo r each n ame. Direc tor y entr ies are sh ared by all system han dset s. Any addi tions, d eleti ons or ed its mad e on one ha ndset af fec t the dir ector y on all ha ndset s.
17 T elephone operation Stor e a dire ctor y ent ry Use the f ollowin g steps to store a n entr y in th e direc tor y . Press M EN U/ S EL ECT when th e hands et is not in us e. Press or to s elec t > DI REC TORY and t hen pres s ME NU / SE LEC T .
18 T elephone operation Char acte r char t Use the d ial pad an d the ch ar t below to enter a na me ( up to 15 character s ). Each pr ess of a par ti cular key caus es the c haracter s to be di splayed in th e follow ing ord er: N u m b e r k e y C h a r a c t e r s b y n u m b e r o f k e y p r e s s e s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 # , , - .
19 T elephone operation Se arch t he dire ctor y Entries ar e sor ted alp habeti call y . T o se arch t he direc tor y: Press when t he hand set is not in u se. - OR - Press M EN U/ S EL ECT when th e hands et is not in us e. Press or to s elec t > DI REC TORY and t hen pres s ME NU / SE LEC T twi ce.
20 T elephone operation Edit a dire ctor y ent r y Use the f ollowin g steps to ed it an entr y in t he dire ctor y . Press when t he hand set is not in u se. - OR - Press M EN U/ S EL ECT when th e hands et is not in us e. P re ss o r to sele ct > D IR ECTO RY and then p ress M EN U /S ELEC T t wic e.
21 T elephone operation About c aller I D This pr odu ct sup por ts c aller ID s er vic es provid ed by mos t loc al telep hone ser vi ce co mpani es. Dep endin g on your ser vi ce su bscr iptio n, yo.
22 T elephone operation Call log If you subs cri be to cal ler ID ser vi ce, infor mation ab out eac h call er appe ars af ter the rs t or sec ond r ing. If you answer a c all before t he cal ler inform ation app ears on t he scr een, it wil l not be saved in th e call l og.
23 T elephone operation VTECH 800-595-9511 3:45 AM 1/02 >CALL LOG RINGER VOLUME Review th e call log Press CID when th e hands et is not in us e. Press or to br owse throu gh the c all lo g. - OR - Press M EN U/ S EL ECT when th e hands et is not in us e.
24 T elephone operation Save a call log e ntr y to the d irec tor y When i n the ca ll log, pre ss o r to brows e. Press M EN U /S ELEC T to sele ct an e ntr y . The sc reen dis plays ED IT N UM BER . Use the d ialing keys to edi t the num ber . Press M UT E / RE MOVE to bac kspac e and eras e a digit .
25 T elephone operation Call log d isplay scr een m ess age s Displ ays When PRI VATE NA ME The c all er is bl ock ing t he na me. PRI VATE NU MBE R The c all er is bl ock ing t he tel eph one nu mber. PRI VAT E CA LL ER The c all er is bl ock ing t he na me and n umbe r .
26 Answering system an d voicema il Y our telepho ne has bot h a digi tal answer ing system and vo icem ail indi catio n. Mos t teleph one co mpani es of fer voice mail ser vi ce (fees may app ly) . Y our telep hone’s answering system an d voicem ail ind icati on are ind epen dent features, an d each aler t s you to new mes sages di f ferently .
27 Ans wering s ystem operation T ur n the an swering system on or of f The an swering system mu st be turn ed on to answer an d rec ord mes sages. When t he answerin g system is tur ned on, t he AN S ON /O FF light o n the telep hone ba se will b e on and AN S ON w ill dis play on the h ands et.
28 Ans wering s ystem operation New m essa ge indic ation The me ssage w indow o n the tele phon e base a shes an d shows o n the hand set when t here are new answer ing system me ssage s. If the n ew messag e aler t tone i s turne d on, the tel epho ne base b eeps ever y 1 0 se cond s when t here are unrevi ewed mess ages.
29 Ans wering s ystem operation “ Memo r y is ful l, ” is an nou nce d if you re cor d a mem o whe n the me mor y is fu ll. Eac h memo c an b e up to four m inute s in len gth .
30 Ans wering s ystem operation Whe n the me mor y i s full, t he ans werin g system an swers i nc omin g cal ls af ter 1 0 r ing s and an noun ces , “ Memo ry i s ful l. Enter the re mote ac ce ss co de. ” Me ssag e window disp lays Wind ow display De script ion 0 No mess ages.
31 Ans wering s ystem operation If you d o not pre ss any keys af ter you e nter the r emote a cc ess c ode, a ll new me ss ages p lay . If the re are no n ew mes sage s, all o ld mes sag es pl ay . On ce th e new mes sag es have played , the tel eph one an nou nce s the he lp me nu opt ion s.
32 Appendix Han dset dis play scre en m essa ges ALREADY SAVED The te lep hone n umb er entere d is alr eady stor ed in th e dire cto r y . CA LL LOG EMPT Y T here ar e no ca ll log e ntri es.
33 Appendix Han dset dis play scre en m essa ges NO LI NE Ther e is no te leph one l ine c onne cte d. NO SI GNA L, CALL E ND ED Com muni cati on bet we en han dset a nd tele pho ne bas e is lo st dur ing a c all.
34 Appendix Han dset an d tele phon e base ind icators Han dset ligh ts On wh en the han dset sp eakerph one is in u se. CHARGE On wh en the han dset is c hargi ng in the tel epho ne base or c harg er . T elepho ne bas e lights IN USE Flash es when t here is an i nco ming ca ll or anoth er telep hone sh aring t he same li ne is in us e.
35 Appendix Bat ter y It t ak es up t o 16 hour s for t he b at te r y to b e full y cha rg ed . Wh en i t is ful ly ch ar ge d, you c an exp ec t th e fol lowi ng p er for ma nc e: Op erat ion Op era.
36 Appendix Exp and your tele phone syste m The han dset s provid ed with your te lepho ne system are pre -re gistere d. Each hand set is as signe d a number t hat shows on t he hand set dis play . Addit ional hand sets reg istered to t he telep hone system ar e assig ned in s equent ial orde r .
37 Appendix Rep lace a ha ndse t If you want to rep lace a han dset or re -a ssig n the des ignated h andset nu mber of a regi stered han dset, you mu st de -reg ister all t he hand sets and t hen indi vidu ally reg ister eac h hand set. T o m ake de- regi stratio n easier , read a ll of the in stru ctio ns on th is page befo re you begi n.
38 Appendix T roublesh ooting If you have dif cu lt y with your tel ephon e, please tr y the su gges tions b elow. For Customer S er vic e, visit our we bsite at w w w . v tec hpho nes.com, or c all 1 (800) 595 - 95 1 1 ; in Canad a, ca ll 1 (800) 267 - 7377 .
39 Appendix T roublesh ooting The C HA RGE lig ht is of f. Clea n the c harg ing c ont act s on th e hand set an d tele phon e bas e each m onth w ith a pen cil er aser o r a dr y no n-a bras ive fab ric. Make sur e the p ower ada pter and te lep hone l ine c ord ar e plug ged i n cor rec tly and s ecur ely.
40 Appendix T roublesh ooting I can not dia l out . Fir st, tr y a ll the a bove sug ges tio ns. Make sur e ther e is a di al tone b efore d iali ng. It i s norm al if t he han dset t akes a sec on d or t wo to sync hro nize wit h the te lep hon e befor e prod uci ng a di al tone.
41 Appendix T roublesh ooting The l oc ation o f your tele pho ne ba se ca n impa ct th e per for man ce of yo ur cor dle ss pho ne. For bet ter re ce ptio n, ins tall t he tel epho ne ba se in a c entr alized l oc ation w ith in your ho me or of ce, away from wa lls or ot her o bstr uc tion s.
42 Appendix T roublesh ooting Call er I D ent rie s do not ma tch t he num ber s I ne ed to di al. Call er ID ser v ic e deli vers 10 digi ts (the ar ea co de pl us th e seven- d igit s num ber). If you nee d to di al som ethi ng oth er 1 0 di git s, see p age 23 fo r inst ruc tio ns on c han ging the n umb er .
43 Appendix The m es sag es on t he an swering syst em ar e ver y dif cult to h ear. Press VOL on t he tel eph one ba se or ha nds et to inc rea se the s pea ker volum e. on th e tele phon e bas e or han dset to i ncr ease t he sp eaker vol ume. The a nswer ing system d oe s not re cor d me ssag es .
44 Appendix Imp or tant sa fet y inst ructio ns Whe n usi ng you r tele ph one e qui pme nt, b asi c safe ty p rec aut ion s sho uld a lways b e foll owed t o red uc e the r is k of re, e lec tr ic sh oc k and i nju r y , in clu din g the f oll owi ng: Rea d and un der st and a ll in str uc tio ns.
45 Appendix Op erat ing rang e This cordless telephone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Even so, this handset and telephone base can communicate .
46 Appendix About c ordle ss tel epho nes Priv acy: T he sa me fea ture s that m ake a co rdl es s tele ph one c onve nien t cre ate so me lim ita tio ns.
47 Appendix Warrant y Wh at do es t hi s limi te d war ran t y cove r? The m anu fac ture r of th is V T ec h Prod uc t warr ant s to th e hol der o f a vali d pro of of pu rch as e (“ Con sum er .
48 Appendix Warrant y How d o you g et wa rr ant y se r vic e? T o obt ain wa rra nt y ser v ice i n th e Unit ed St ates o f Ame ric a, p lea se c all 1 (80 0) 59 5 -9 5 1 1 .
49 Appendix FCC, ACT A and IC re gulati ons FCC Part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These requirements are intended to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
50 Appendix FCC, ACT A and IC re gulati ons If this equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue your telephone service. The telephone company is required to notify you before interrupting service.
51 Appendix Freque ncy co ntrol Cr yst al co ntro lled PL L synth esizer T ransm it freq uen cy Han dset: 1921 .53 6 - 1 928 .44 8 MHz T eleph one b ase: 1 921 . 536 -1 928.4 48 M Hz Chan nels 5 Nom inal ef fec tive ra nge Ma xim um power a llowe d by FCC and IC.
52 A Add a ha nds et 36 Alp hab etic al sea rch 19 Ann oun cem ent 10 Answe r a call 1 1 Answe r an inc omi ng ca ll dur ing an inter com c all 14 Answe ring s ystem 26 Answe ring s ystem se t up 9 B .
53 Index N New me ssag e ind ic atio n 28 Num ber of r ing s 9 O Op erati ng ran ge 4 5 P Par ts ch ec klis t 1 Play ann ounc eme nt 1 0 Predi al a ca ll 1 1 R Rec ord a nd pl ay memos 2 9 Rec ord a n.
VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A memb er of THE V TECH GROUP OF CO MP ANIES. Dist ribute d in the U.S.A . by V T e ch Co mmunic ation s, Inc. Beaver ton, Ore gon 9700 8 Dist ribute d in Canada by V T ech T echno logi es Canada , Ltd., Richmo nd, B.C. V 6W 1 L5 Copyr ight © 20 09 fo r VT ECH TELE COM MUNICA TIONS L TD .
デバイスVTech LS6225-2の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
VTech LS6225-2をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはVTech LS6225-2の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。VTech LS6225-2の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。VTech LS6225-2で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
VTech LS6225-2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はVTech LS6225-2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、VTech LS6225-2に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちVTech LS6225-2デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。