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L3-1 6 Multi maxi mize r ™ User Manual.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 2.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 3 TAB LE OF CON TEN TS CHA PTER 1 – INTROD UC TION ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 4 1.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 4 Cha pter 1 – Intr oduct ion 1.1 Welcome Thank y ou for ch oosi ng Waves ! I n or der to get the most out of your Wav es p roc ess or, pl eas e t ake th e time to re ad t hrou gh t his man ual. In c onjunc tio n, w e als o s ugges t t hat y ou bec o me f a miliar with ww w.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 5 1.2 Prod uct Overv iew The Wav es L3 -1 6 Multim axi mizer is a 16- ba nd a uto-su mm ing peak limite r, the f ourt h pr ocess or in Waves ’ acc lai med L-S eri es of Ult ram axi mizers a nd Multi max imiz ers.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 6 1.3 Conc epts and Te rmi nology The Peak Limiting Mixer ™ A tradit ion al mult iband li miter c ons ists of a giv en n u mber of limit ers oper atin g ind ep ende ntly of eac h other, eac h set to a partic ula r freq ue ncy range.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 7 The L3-16 Release Characte r System The L 3-1 6 off ers a wi de r ange of soun d q ualiti es whic h a re co ntrol le d usin g t he r eleas e sett ings acr oss its 16 ba nds.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 8 Cha pter 2 – Qu ickstar t Guide We rec o mm end r eadi ng t his man ual t o g et t he mo st out of the L3-16. Howev er, for a q uick start to sett ing u p the L3- 16 o n y our audi o, f ollow t hes e st eps: 1.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 9 Chapter 3 – C ontro ls an d Interf ac e 3.1 Glob al Limiter Sec tion This sect ion consis ts of c ontr ols t hat gl ob ally af fec t all of t he L3 -16’s ba nds.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 10 The Thres hold fa der is loc at ed o n the In put Meter, allo wing easy a djust ment with ref ere nce t o i nput energy . Note t hat the Inp ut Mete r disp lays the s ig nal l evel afte r t he P aragr ap hic E Q pr ocess i ng to al lo w accur ate Thr esh old set ti ng.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 11 Voca l Pri ority 1 Voca l Pri ority 2 Bass Prior ity 1 Bass Prior ity 2 Hi- mid Su ppr essor 1 Hi- mid Su ppr essor 2 Lo-m id S uppr ess or Sub Supp ress or L3 – B asic P rofi.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 12 The int erf ace c ons ists of 6 P aragr ap hic ba nds wit h cont rols for Gain, Freq uenc y, Q, and Pri ority . Ga in and Priorit y c an be a djust ed in de pend ently, or t og ether, usi ng t he Link cont rol. Thes e P ara grap hic bands ar e sup eri mp osed over th e 16 i nter nal cr os sov er b ands .
L3-16 Use r G uid e 13 • Clic k-h orizo ntal dra g cha ng es f reque ncy • Contr ol- click (P C)/ Comm a nd-cl ick ( Mac ) a nd drag c ons tra ins mov eme nt t o the X or Y axis – vertic al d ra.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 14 Gain/Priority Link The butt on all ows si multan eo us c ontr ol of Gain a nd P riorit y ret ainin g a co nstant off set bet wee n the m. Freq - Ra nge 1 6 Hz to 20k Hz - Defa ult 100, 200, 4 00, 8 00, 160 0, 32 00 The Freq co ntrol s ets the f req ue ncy for eac h of th e 6 Para gra phic ba nds.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 15 3.3 IDR Secti on Quantize - Ra nge 2 4, 22, 2 0, 18, 16 bit - Defa ult 24 The Q ua ntize co ntrol s et s t he targ et bit de pth of th e L3- 16 outp ut. Qu antize is a lways act iv e, s o the outp ut of the L3-1 6 will b e q uantiz ed to a maxi mu m of 24- bits eve n if you are in a f loat ing p oint envir onm ent.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 16 Cha pter 4 – The WaveSys tem 4.1 The W aveSystem Toolb ar All Waves pr ocess ors feat ure the Wav eSy ste m to olb ar which t akes car e of most a dmi nistrat ive funct ions you will enc ou nter while wo rkin g with yo ur Wav es s oftware.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 17 Loading Presets and Setups Clic k-an d- hold o n the Lo ad b utt on to se e the L oa d po p-up me nu. The me nu is divi ded int o four sect ions. If a sec tion is n ot c urrent ly av aila bl e it will not appe ar in th e L oad pop-u p menu.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 18 4. A confir mat ion box will app ear, allo wing y ou to c ancel or ‘ OK’ th e de letio n. A/B Comparison and Copying The S etup A/ Set up B butt on may be c licke d t o co mpar e t wo s ettin gs.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 19 • Usin g ke y e ntry , dou ble c lick on the butt on t o op en the v alue win dow, and direc tly enter th e valu e fro m yo ur k eyb oard.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 20 Addit ionally , t he Mac has an o ptio n- TAB f unct ion f or ‘d o wn’ m ove ment and sh ift-opt ion- TA B f or ‘u p’ move ment wher e ap plic able. If you hav e sev er al Va lu e Windo w But to ns s electe d, T AB fu nct ions will take yo u thro ug h the s elec te d contro ls only.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 21 Appen dix A – C ontr ols List Contr ol Ra nge Defa ult Thre sh old/I nput Meter -30dB to 0 d B 0dB Out Ceili ng/ Out put Meter -30dB to 0 d B 0dB Atte nuati o n Met er -30dB to 0 d B Relea se x0.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 22 A ppe ndix B - IDR In De pth Dithering and Noise Shaping Ditheri ng an d Nois e Shapi ng are t wo i nd epen dent , c omple ment ary tech niq ues t hat impr ove the perc eive d qu ality of di gital au dio af te r it has b een re-q ua ntized.
L3-16 Use r G uid e 23 Typ e2 Type 2 is a n arro w-ba nd d ithe r w hich ad ds a min im al the a mount of n oise. It deliv ers a n oise l evel about 5d B lo wer t han Typ e 1, while a ddi ng so me l o w leve l dist orti on. ( The disto rtio n lev el is lo wer th an whe n no d ithe rin g is appli ed.
デバイスWaves L3-16の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Waves L3-16をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWaves L3-16の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Waves L3-16の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Waves L3-16で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Waves L3-16を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWaves L3-16の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Waves L3-16に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWaves L3-16デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。