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User Manual F7 D7 601 V1 • 8820- 0 1175 Rev. B00 Wi- Fi ® Camera with Night Vision NET CAM.
T ABLE O F CONTE NTS Getting St arted .................................................. 1 What ’s in t he Box ...................................................... 1 Initial Setup ........................................................... 1 Set Up Y o ur C amera Wi rele ssly Thro ugh Y o ur M obil e D evice s .
1 Con gratul ation s on b uyin g a Be lki n Net Cam . Th is devic e wil l ena ble yo u to eas ily c he ck i n on your home and y our lov e d ones w hen y ou are aw ay .
2 GET TIN G ST ARTE D Set Up Y our Cam era Wire les sly Throu gh Y ou r Mob ile Devic es 1. Plug th e N etCa m int o a powe r ou tlet 2. Switch th e N etC am to Se tup Mod e by fli ppin g up the swi tch on t he bac k of the ca mera Pleas e make sure the switc h is in setup mo de and the Wi-Fi lig ht is blink ing .
3 GET TIN G ST ARTE D 4. Set Up on iPho ne, iPad, o r iPo d tou ch 4.1 Conn ec t your mobil e devi ce to NetCa m Wi- Fi si gnal Go to “S et tings > Wi- Fi” on your iPhone/ iPad/ iPod touch and connec t to the c amera ’s Wi-F i sign al.
4 GET TIN G ST ARTE D 4. 3 C am era Se tup Click “Continu e” to b egi n set up. 4. 2 L aunc h the NetC am Ap p Onc e your device e stabl ishe s a c onne ct ion w ith th e ca mera , laun ch th e Ne tCam App. You shou ld se e a pop- up m ess age like the one b elow.
5 GET TIN G ST ARTE D 4. 5 Conne ct to Interne t Choo se you r Wi- Fi n etw ork to conne ct to the Inte rnet. Y ou may als o ch oos e to co nne ct t o your netwo rk vi a Ether net cable (not included) by clicking “Etherne t. ” 4. 4 Ca mera Preview The c ame ra will show you a previe w af ter s ucce ssfu lly co nne ctin g to your device .
6 GET TIN G ST ARTE D Pleas e wait for the came ra to e stabli sh co nne ctio n wit h the Internet. 4. 6 Co nnec t to Internet Enter you r Wi- Fi p asswo rd if you have a s ecuri ty- enab led net work .
7 GET TIN G ST ARTE D 4. 8 U se E xisti ng Acco unt If you have a n exi stin g acco unt, sel ec t “ Use Exist ing ” and then en ter you r acco unt in formati on . Click “Si gn in .” 4.7 Create an Account If thi s is your f irst time se tti ng up your ca mera , you will ne ed to cre ate an account.
8 GET TIN G ST ARTE D Click “Continu e.” It w ill take a few sec ond s to re giste r th e cam era wi th the ser ver. 4. 9 Set Up Cam er a Inf o Create th e ca mera name a nd it s de scrip tion .
9 GET TIN G ST ARTE D Cong ratulatio ns ! 4.10 Se tup Co mpl ete Pleas e f lip th e set up swi tch d own on the ba ck of the N etC am. Click “Finish” to complete the setup.
10 GET TIN G ST ARTE D 5. Set Up on And roid D evic es 5.1 Conn ec t your device to Net Cam W i-Fi signal Go to “S et tings > Wire les s” a nd “ Net wo rk > W i-Fi setti ngs ” and connec t to the c amera Wi-Fi signal .
11 GET TIN G ST ARTE D 5.3 Came ra Se tu p Click “Continu e” to b egi n set up. 5. 4 Ca mera Preview The c ame ra will show you a previe w af ter s ucce ssfu lly co nne ctin g to your d evice .
12 GET TIN G ST ARTE D 5.5 Con nect t o the Inte rnet Choo se you r Wi- Fi n etw ork to conne ct to the Inte rnet. Y ou may als o ch oos e to co nne ct t o your netwo rk vi a Ether net c abl e (not included) by clicking “Ethernet .” 5.6 Conne ct to Int ern et Enter you r Wi- Fi p asswo rd if you have a s ecuri ty- enab led net work .
13 GET TIN G ST ARTE D Pleas e wait for the came ra to e stabli sh an Interne t con nec tion . 5.7 Cr ea te an A cc oun t If thi s is your f irst time se tti ng up your ca mera , you will ne ed to c reate an account.
14 GET TIN G ST ARTE D 5. 8 Use E xisting Accounts If you have a n exi stin g acco unt, sel ec t “ Use Exist ing ” an d the n ente r your account information . Click “ Sign in .” 5. 9 Set Up Ca mer a Inf o Create th e ca mera name a nd it s de scrip tion .
15 GET TIN G ST ARTE D Cli ck “ C ont in ue.” It wil l ta ke a few s ec on ds to r eg is ter t he c ame ra with the server . 5. 10 Setup Comp lete Plea se f li p th e set up sw it ch d own o n th e bac k of t he Ne tCa m. Cli ck “ F ini sh ” to c om pl ete th e se tup.
16 GET TIN G ST ARTE D Congratulations!.
17 GET TIN G ST ARTE D 6. Mountin g Y our Ca mera ( option al) Unsc rew c ame ra po st fro m the base and re move wei ght. Attach screws to wall an d ha ng p late onto screws .
18 GET TIN G ST ARTE D Align base with pla te and screw o n ca mera post..
19 Fron t P anel A: Br ig ht ne ss s ens or B: Ca mera sensor C: IR L E D D: M icrophon e GETTING TO KNO W Y OUR Wi-Fi CAMERA.
20 GETTING TO KNO W Y OUR Wi-Fi CAMERA 20 Back P anel LED Indica tors A: S etup Gree n: S et up up mo de on A mber : S et up mod e i nit i a li z in g Li ght O f f: S e tup m ode of f B: Netw ork Gre .
21 TECHN ICAL DET AILS T echnical Features Soft ware F eatures and Specifications Ap p on i OS o r An dro id • Camera setup • Live camera viewing • Save snapshot and video from the liv .
22 TECHN ICAL DET AILS Main Window Camera Configuration • Name: Name of your camera • Share/unshare :Mak eyour camerapublicto yourfriends ornot. • St atu s: Cha ng ec a mer a st atu st ob eo nl in e,o f fl in e,o rp ri vat e.
23 TECHN ICAL DET AILS Camera View er T a kea Snapshot Record Video Enable Microphone.
24 TECHN ICAL DET AILS Protect ion T op rote ct yo ur se cur it y ag ai ns ta ha cker,a pop - up me ss ag e wil l al er t yo u if s om eo ne el se i s lo gg ed into yo ur acc ou nt at the s am et im ea syo u.
25 TECHN ICAL DET AILS Hardware Features and Specifications Camera Image Sensor VGA 1 / 4inchCMOS sensor Lens Focallength :3. 1 mm,F2 .
26 TECHN ICAL DET AILS General Syst em Processor:RT5350 Speed: 360MHz DRAM:64MB Flash: 8MB Button ResetButton ●Re set syst em :Pr essle sstha n1 se co nd to r es.
27 Resetting the Camera Th e“ Re se t ” bu t ton is us ed in ra re ca se s. In th eu nli kel yeve nt thatyour camerafunctionsimproperly ,pleaseuseapinto res et th ec am era .
28 TROUBLES HOOTING , SUPPO RT , AND W AR RANTY If I bu y mor e cam eras , co uld I u se th e sa me u sern ame t o connect them ? Unlim ited cam eras ca n b e a dde d un der your own acc ount, b ut each on e sh oul d have a d iff erent ca mera nam e. Th e f ig ure b elow shows that you ca n have dif fere nt c ame ras u nde r your ac count.
29 TROUBLES HOOTING , SUPPO RT , AND W AR RANTY How ca n I up grade t he fi rmware? Access your N etCa m’s a ccount from a web brows er. Unde r th e cam era c onf igurati on, a scre en will pop up like th e o ne bel ow. Clic k “U pdate Now.” It wil l take abo ut 5 ~10 m inute s to upg rade the new firmwa re.
30 TROUBLES HOOTING , SUPPO RT , AND W AR RANTY Bel kin I nternatio nal , Inc . , Limite d 2- Y ear Prod uct Warranty What th is warra nty c overs. Belk in Intern ationa l, Inc .
31 TROUBLES HOOTING , SUPPO RT , AND W AR RANTY How to g et se rvic e. T o g et s er vice for your Be lkin pro duc t yo u m ust take th e fo llowin g s teps : 1.
33 REGULA TOR Y INFORMA TION DECLARA TION OF CONFORMI TY WI TH FC C RUL ES FOR ELEC TROM A GNETIC COMP A TIBILITY We, B elki n Inte rnatio nal , In c ., of 1 204 5 E . Water fron t D rive, Playa Vista , CA 9 00 94, d ecl are u nde r o ur s ole resp ons ibili ty that the dev ice, F7 D7 6 01v 1 , co mpli es w ith Part 15 of the FCC Rules .
© 2012 Be lki n Inter nati ona l, In c. Al l right s rese rve d. Al l trade na me s are regi ste red tra de mark s of resp ec tiv e manuf ac ture rs lis ted .
デバイスBelkin F7D7601の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Belkin F7D7601をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBelkin F7D7601の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Belkin F7D7601の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Belkin F7D7601で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Belkin F7D7601を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBelkin F7D7601の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Belkin F7D7601に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBelkin F7D7601デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。