ページ先へ移動 of 43
DISHWA SHER Use & Car e Guide For questions about feat ures, operati on/performance, parts access ories or serv ice, call: 1-800 -253-1 30 1 . In Can ada, ca ll for assist ance 1-80 0-461-56 81 , f or insta llatio n and s ervice, ca ll: 1-800-8 07-677 7 o r visit our websit e at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DISHWASHER SAFETY ........................ ................. ..................... 3 PARTS AND FE ATURES ...................... ................. ................. .... 5 UNDERCOUNTER START -UP GUIDE ................. ............
3 DI SHW AS HE R SA FET Y You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 ■ Install whe re dishwashe r is prot ected fr om the ele ments. Pro tect against freezing to avoid possible rupture of fill valve. Such ruptur es are not cover ed by the war ranty . See “ Stori ng Y our Dishwash er ” in the “ Dishwasher Car e ” section for wi nter storag e information .
5 P ARTS A N D FEATURES This manual cover s several differ ent m odels. The dishwasher you h ave purchas ed may have some or all of the parts an d feature s l ist ed belo w . 1. Upper level wash 2. Fold- down tines 3. W ater inlet opening [in tub wall] 4.
6 UNDERCOUNT ER START-UP GUIDE Befor e using your dishwash er , remove all packaging mate rials. Read this entir e Use an d Care Guide. Y ou will find importa nt sa fety info rma ti on an d use ful oper at ing t ips . Using Y our New Dishwasher 1. Scrape lar ge fo od soil and har d items (tooth picks or bones) fr om dishes.
7 Stoppi ng Y our Dis hwasher Y ou can stop your dishwasher anytime during a cycle. 1. Open th e door slightly . 2. W ait for the spray i n g action to sto p. Then open the doo r all the way , if needed . 3. Close the door to con tinue the c ycle. OR 1.
8 CONNECT I NG YO UR PORTABLE DISHWA SHER Connect ing t he F aucet Adapt er NOTE: A special a dapter must be installed on the faucet b efore the dish washer can be c onnected. Com plete Installat ion Instruc tions and t he adapter a re packed with your dishwa sher .
9 Using the F aucet Y ou can dr aw water fr om the faucet while the d ishwasher is connec ted. NOTE: Do not draw wat er while the dishwasher i s filli n g or while water is being pumped out. (This helps pre vent a low fill when dishwasher is filling or mixing drain water with fre sh water when dishwashe r is draining.
10 ■ Load plastic items in the top rack only . Only pla stic items mar ked “ dishwa sher safe ” ar e recom mended. ■ Load plastic items so the for ce of the spray does no t move them d uring the cycle. ■ T o avoid c hipping, d o not let stemware touch ot her items.
11 Loading the Silverware Basket Load the silverwar e basket wh i le it is in the dish washer or take the ba sket out f or loading on a counter or table. NOTE: Unload or remove t he basket befo re unload ing the ra cks to avoid spilling wate r droplets on the silverware.
12 DISHW ASHER USE Det ergent Di spense r The d eterg ent dispens er has 2 sec tions. The Pr e-W ash sectio n emptie s deter gent into the dishwasher when you clo se the door . 1. C ove r 2. Main wash section 3. Cover latch 4. P re -wa sh s ect ion The M ain W ash section aut omatically empties deter g ent into the dishwashe r during the main wash.
13 Rinse Aid Disp enser Rinse aids pr event wat er fr om forming dr oplets tha t can dry as spots or st reaks. They also improve drying b y allowing water to drain of f of th e dishes during t he final rinse by releasing a small amoun t of the rinse a id into the rinse water .
14 † A small amo unt of wat er runs thr ough the p ump to r emove soil particles. Canceling a Cycle Anytime du ring a cycle, pre ss Cancel/Dra in glows. The dishwash er pauses for ab out 5 seconds and sta rts a 2 minute d rain (if nee ded). Let the d ishwasher drain comp l e tely .
15 Opti on Sel ections Y ou can custo mize your cycles b y pr essing an option. If you change your mind, pr ess the option again to t ur n the o ption of f. Select a dif ferent o ption if desired . Y ou can chan ge an option a nytime bef ore the se lected op tion begins.
16 Overfill Prote ction Float The overfill p rotection float (in the fr ont right corner of the dishwashe r tub) keeps the dishwasher from overfilling. It must b e in place f or the di shwasher to op erate. Check und er the f l o at for object s that ma y keep the pr otector fr om mov ing up or down.
17 DISHWASHER CARE Cleaning Y our Dishwasher Cleaning t h e exterior In mo st cases, r egular use o f a soft, damp cloth or s ponge and a mild de ter gent is all that is necessary to keep the outside o f your dishwashe r looking ni ce and clean.
18 TROUBLESHOOTI NG First try the solutions sugg ested here and possibly avoid the cost of a service call... Dishwasher is not operating properly ■ ■ ■ ■ Dish was her does n ot ru n or s tops dur ing a c ycle Is the d oor closed tig htly and latched? Is the r ight cycle selec ted? Refer to t he “ Cycle Selection Chart.
19 NOTE: T o remove spot s and film from dishes, try a whit e vinegar rinse. This pr ocedur e is intende d for occasion al use only . V inegar is an acid and using it too often co uld dama ge your di shwasher . 1. W ash and rinse dishes. Use an air -dry or a n ener gy- saving dry option .
20 AS SIST A NCE O R SE RVI CE Before calling for assistance or service, please chec k “ T roublesho otin g. ” It may save you t he cost of a ser vice call. If you still need help, fo llow t h e instructions below . When calling, please know the pur chase date and the complete model and serial number of your appliance .
21 WH I R LPOO L ® DISHWA SHER W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For o ne year fr om the date of pur chase, w hen this dishwasher is operated a nd maintain ed accor ding to instruc tions attac hed to .
23 LA S É CURIT É D U LAVE-VAISSELLE Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
24 ■ Installer le lave- vaisselle dans un endr oit à l ’ ab ri des intemp é ries. Pr ot é ge r l ’ appareil contr e le gel pour é viter u ne rup ture p ossi ble du r o bine t de remp liss age. De t ell es r uptu res ne sont pas couver tes par la gar antie.
25 PI È CES E T CARACT É RIS TIQU E S Ce manue l co uvre plu sie urs m od è les diff é r ents. Le lave -vaisselle que vous avez achet é peut avo ir ce rt aine s o u to utes les caract é ristiques indiqu é es ci- dessous. 1. Arro sage niveau sup é rieur 2.
26 GUIDE D ’ IN STALLATION SO US C OM PTO R Av an t d ’ utiliser le lave-va isselle, enlever tous les mat é riaux d ’ emb allage. Lire ce g uide d ’ utilisation et d ’ entr etien au comp let. V o us y trou verez des re nsei gne ment s de s é curit é imp ortants ainsi que des con seils d ’ utilisation utiles.
27 GUIDE D ’ INSTALLATION DE L ’ APPAREI L MOBILE Av an t d ’ utiliser le lave-va isselle, enlever tous les mat é riaux d ’ emb allage. Lire ce g uide d ’ utilisation et d ’ entr etien au comp let. V o us y trou verez des re nsei gne ment s de s é curit é imp ortants ainsi que des con seils d ’ utilisation utiles.
28 CONNEXION DU LAVE-VAIS SELLE MOBILE Connexion de l ’ adaptateur pour robinet REMARQUE : Un adaptateur sp é cial doit ê tre install é sur le r obinet avant que le lave -vaisselle puisse ê tr e raccor d é . Les instructions compl è tes ains i q ue l ’ adaptateur sont livr é s avec le lave-vaisselle .
29 Utilis a t ion du robinet On pe ut prend re de l ’ eau du ro binet pendant q ue le lave-vaisselle est con nect é . REMARQUE : Ne pas pren dre de l ’ eau pendant que le lave- vaisselle se r em p l it ou pendant l ’é vacuation de l ’ eau .
30 Chargement du panier s up é rieur Le pan ier sup é rie ur est con ç u pour le char gement des tasse s, ve rres et peti ts ar ti cle s. (Voir le s mod è les de char gement r ecommand é s c i-dessous.) REMARQUE : Les caract é ristiques sur le panier d e votre lave- vaisselle peu vent diff é r er des illustrations.
31 ■ Char ger les bols à soupe, à c é r é ales et de se rvice dans le pan ier d e div ers es fa ç ons selon leur taille et forme. Char g er les bols solidement en tre les rang é es de tiges. N e pas imbriquer l e s bols car le jet d ’ eau n ’ atteindr a pas tout es les surfaces.
32 ■ Le pan ier à couver ts peut ê tr e suspendu à la porte ou au pan ier in f é rieur (voir illustration). Le p anier à co uverts peut é gale me nt ê tre p lac é à l ’ int é rieur du pan ier in f é ri eur . Pou r ret ire r le p an ier d e la po rte 1.
33 ■ La dur et é de l ’ e au peut change r au cour s d ’ un e p é riode d e temps . Pour d é termine r la d uret é de l ’ eau, cons ulter le service lo cal de distributio n d ’ eau potab le ou une entr eprise d ’ ado ucissement de l ’ ea u.
34 Conseils d ’ eff icacit é pour le lave-vaisse lle L ’ eau chaude d i s sout et act ive le d é ter gent de l avage de l a vaisselle. L ’ eau chaude disso ut é galement la graisse sur la vaisselle et c ontribue au s é chage sans ta ches des verr es.
35 † Une pet ite quantit é d ’ eau passe à trave rs la pompe pour enlever le s particules de salet é . Annulation d ’ un programme En to ut temps au co urs d ’ un pro gramme , appuyer sur Cancel/Dra in (annulation /vidange) s ’ allume.
36 Additi on de vaiss elle durant un programme On peut ajouter u n article n ’ impo rte quan d avant le d é but du lavage principal. Ouvr ir la porte et v é rifi er le dist ributeur de d é ter gent. Si le distrib uteur d e d é ter gent du lavage pr incipal e st encor e ferm é , on peut a jouter de s articles.
37 Locked/ve rr ouill é es Utiliser le verr ouillage des commandes pour pr é venir l ’ utilisation non intentionnelle du lave- vaisselle. Le verouillag e des comm andes peu t aussi ê tre utilis é po ur p r é venir les change ments non intenti onnels de progra mme ou d ’ option duran t un pr ogramm e.
38 ENTRETIEN DU LAVE-V AISSELLE Nettoyage du lave-vaisselle Netto yage de l ’ ext é rieur Dans la plupart des cas, il suffit d ’ utiliser un linge doux, humide ou une é ponge e t un d é ter gent doux po ur nettoyer les surfaces ext é rieu res du lave-vaisselle et pr é server so n aspect de produ it n euf.
39 Disposit if anti-refoulement V é rifi er le disposit if anti-r efoulement lorsque v otre lave - vaisselle ne se vidan ge pas bien. Certains codes de pl omberie pr ovinciaux ou lo caux exigen t l ’ installation d ’ u n dispositif anti-refoulem ent entre un lave- vaisselle enca str é et le syst è me de canalis ation du domicile.
40 V aiss elle pas compl è tement nettoy é e ■ ■ ■ ■ R é sidus d e pro duits aliment aires sur la vaisse lle La vaisselle es t-elle charg é e corr ectement? V oir la se ction “ Char gement du lave-vaisselle ” .
41 ■ ■ ■ ■ T aches o range sur les artic les de pl astique o u les surface s internes du lave -vaisselle Place-t- on dans le lave- vaisselle de la vaisselle sur laq uelle il y a une q uantit é consid é rable de r é sidu s alimentaires à ba se de t omates? Les taches peuve nt se di ssiper graduellement à la longue.
42 ASSISTANCE OU SERVIC E A vant de deman der une assistance ou un ser vice, veuillez v é rifier la section “ D é pannage ” . Cet te v é rificat ion peut vo us faire é cono miser le co û t d ’ une visite de service. Si vous avez encor e besoin d ’ aide , suivre les inst ructions ci-dessous.
43 GARA NTIE DU LA VE-V AISSELLE WHIRLPOOL ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an , à compt er de la d ate d ’ achat, lorsqu e le lave-vaisselle est utilis é et en tre tenu conf orm é me.
8269372 © 20 01 W hirlp ool C orpora tion. All rights reserved. Tous droit s r é se rv é s. ® Reg ister ed Tr ademar k/TM Tr adema rk of Whir lpool , U.S. A., I ngl is Li mited Lice nsee in Cana da ® Marque d é po s é e /TM Marq ue de commerc e de Whirlp ool , U.
デバイスWhirlpool 940の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Whirlpool 940をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWhirlpool 940の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Whirlpool 940の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Whirlpool 940で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Whirlpool 940を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWhirlpool 940の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Whirlpool 940に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWhirlpool 940デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。