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ELECTR IC RANGES Use & Car e Guide For que stions about f eatures, operation/p erformance parts, a ccessories or service , call: 1-800-253-1 301 . In Canada, call fo r assistance 1-80 0-461-5681 , f or installatio n and service, call: 1-800- 807-6777 or visit our we b site at .
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS RANGE SAFETY ................................................................ ............. 3 The Anti-Tip Bracket ......................................... ........................... 3 PARTS AND FEATURES ........................
3 RANGE SAFETY The Anti -Tip B rac k et The range will not tip during normal use. How ever , the range c an tip if you appl y too much force or weight to the open door wit hout t he anti-tip bracket fas tened down p r op erly . You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions.
4 WARNING: T o reduce the risk of fir e, electrical shock, injury to persons, or damage when using the range, follow basic precautions, including the following: ■ WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF TIPPING OF THE RANGE, THE RANGE MUST BE SECURED BY PROPERL Y INST ALLED ANTI-TIP DEVICES.
5 ■ Keep Oven V ent Ducts Unobstructed. ■ Placement of Oven Racks – Always place oven racks in desired location while oven is cool. If rack must be moved while oven is hot, do not let potholder contact hot heating element in oven.
6 P AR TS AND FEATURES This man ual covers sev eral different model s. The range yo u have purchased may have som e or all of the items listed. The locati o ns and appearances of the features shown here may not match those of your model. Contr ol Panel Rang e 3 5 7 6 1 2 4 8 1.
7 COOKTOP USE Cooktop Controls Contro l knobs mus t be push ed in befor e tur n ing them t o a setting. Th e controls can be set any wher e betwee n HI and “ 0 ” (OFF). On models with Cerami c Glass, the controls wo rk on the pri nciple of pe rcen t on, per cent o ff.
8 The W arming Element can be u sed alone or when any of the other surface cookin g ar eas are being used. The Warming Element area will not glow red when cycling on. How ever , its indica tor light will glow as long as the Warming Element area is too hot to t ouch.
9 Fluoresce nt Cooktop Light (on some models) The cooktop light is in the top of the cont rol console. The switch in on the control console . Push the switch to tur n the light on.
10 ELECTR ONIC OVEN CONTR OL Display When power is first supplie d to the appliance, everything on th e display wi ll light u p for 1 to 2 s econds, the n a time of day a nd “ PF ” will appe ar . Press OFF to clear “ PF ” fr om the display . If “ PF ” appears at an y other time, a power failure has occ u rred.
11 Control Loc k The Cont rol Lock shu ts down the co ntrol pa nel pads (but tons) to prevent unint ended use of the oven( s). When the control is l ocked, only the CLOCK, TIME R SET and TIMER OFF pads (buttons) will function. The Contr ol Lock is pr eset unl ocked, but ca n be lo cked.
12 BAKEWARE T o cook food evenly , hot air must be able to circul ate. Allow 2 in. (5 cm) of space a r ou n d bakeware and ov en walls. Use the following chart as a guid e. Bak e w are The bakeware mat erial affects cooking re sults. Follow manufact urer ’ s recommendations and use the bakeware size recommended in the recipe.
13 Bak e The oven automatic ally r egulates t he h eat levels and bot h the top and bottom elemen ts cycle on and off accordingly duri n g preheat and bake to maint ain a pr ecise te mperature range for optimal cooking results.
14 T o Broil: Before broiling, positi on the rack accordin g to the Br oilin g Chart. Posi tion fo od on t he grid in the br oiler pan, then place it in th e center of the oven rack with the longest si de parallel to th e door . It is not necessary to preheat t he oven before putting f ood in, unle ss r ecommen ded in th e r ecipe .
15 During convecti on baking preheat, the conve ction and broil elements and the bake element all h eat the oven cavity . After preheat, the convect ion element and the bake el ement will cycle on and off in in tervals to main tain oven temp eratur e, while t he fan constantl y circulates t he hot air .
16 CONVECT ION ROASTING CHART Con ve c t ion Br oil (on some models) During convect ion br oiling, the br oil el ements will cycle on and off in interv als to maintain oven temperature, whil e the fan cons tantly circulates t he hot air . Cooking times will vary de pending on the rack position and temperatu r e an d may need to be adju sted.
17 RANGE CARE Self -Clea ning C y cle (on some models) IMPORT AN T : The healt h of some birds is extremely sensi tive to the fumes give n of f during th e Self-Cleaning cyc le. Exposure to the fume s m ay result in death to certain bi r d s. Always move bi r ds to another closed an d well ventilated room.
18 4. Press ST ART . When th e start ti m e i s reached, th e oven wil l automatica lly tur n on. When the cyc le is complete and th e oven cools, “ End ” will appear on the oven display and “ DOO R L OCKED ” or “ LOCKE D ” will disappe ar fr om the di splay .
19 OVEN CA VIT Y Do not use oven cleaners . Food spills should be cleaned when ov en cools. At high temperatures, f oods react with porcelain an d staining, etchi n g, pittin g or faint wh ite sp ots can res ult. ■ Self-C leaning c ycle: See “ Self-Cle aning Cyc le ” fir st.
20 Appliance Outlets (on some models) The 120v appli ance outlets locat ed on the control console may be used to run portable app l iances placed on countert ops beside the range. The outlets operat e independently an d ar e not affected by range control settings.
21 TR OUBLESHOOTING T ry the s olutions suggested her e first in order to avoid the cost of an unne cessary service call. Nothing will operate ■ Is the power supply cor d unplugged? Plug into a grounded 3-prong out let. ■ Has a ho usehold fuse been blown or has the cir cuit br eaker been tripped? Replace the fu se or reset the circuit.
22 Notes.
23 S É CUR IT É DE LA CUISINI È RE La br ide antibasculement Dans l es condit ions de servic e normal es, la cu isini è r e ne bascu le pas. Elle peut cep endant basculer si une force ou un poids excess if est appl iqu é sur la porte ouvert e alors que la bride an tibasculement n ’ est p as convenablemen t fi x é e.
24 CONSER VEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS A VERTISSEMENT : Pour r é duire le risque d ’ incendie, de choc é lectrique, de blessures ou de dommages lors de l ’ utilisation de la cuisini è re, il convient d.
25 CONSER VEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS ■ Ne pas tremper les é l é ments de chauffage amovibles – Les é l é ments de chauffage ne doivent jamais ê tre immerg é s dans l ’ eau.
26 PI È CES ET CARACT É R ISTIQUES Ce manu el couvr e plusie urs mod è le s dif f é re nts. La cuisini è re que vous avez ac h et é e peut comport er quelques-uns ou tous l es articles é num é r é s. L ’ empl acement et l ’ apparence des caract é ristique s illust r é es peuvent ê tre dif f é ren ts de c eux de v otr e mod è le.
27 UTILISATION DE LA TABLE DE CUISSON Commandes de la tabl e de cui sson Il faut en foncer les boutons de commande avant d e les tourner à un r é glage. Les boutons de commande peuven t ê tr e r é gl é s à n'importe qu elle position ent r e HI et “ 0 ” (ARR Ê T).
28 É l é m ent de pont (sur certains mod è les ) Lors d e l'uti lisation d'uste nsiles de cu isson tr è s grand s, vous pouvez augmente r la surface de cha u ffage de la table de cu isson et la puiss ance, en allumant (ON) la surfac e entre les é l é ments avant et a rri è re.
29 ■ Utili ser de s usten siles de cuiss on à fond plat pour une meille ure conductio n de la chal eur et une meilleur e utilisat ion de l' é nerg ie. Les ustensil es de cuis son à fond a rr ondi, d é for m é , cannel é ou bossel é pourraient causer un chauffage in é gal et des mauvai s r é sultats de cuisson.
30 Utiliser l e tableau s uivant comme guide pour l es caract é rist iques du mat é riau d'uste nsile de cuisso n. COMMANDE É LECTR ONIQUE DU F OUR A ffi ch ag e Lorsque le courant es t fourni.
31 Hor l oge Sur certains mod è les, si on ne d é sir e pas q ue l ’ heure soi t affich é e, appuy er sur la t ouche (le bout on) CLO CK pendan t 5 se conde s. Lo rsqu e l ’ heur e n ’ est pas affich é e , on p eu t vo i r l ’ heure penda nt 5 secon des en appu yant sur la touche (le bo uton) CLOCK.
32 UTILISA TION DU FOUR Les odeu rs et la fu m é e sont normales lorsque le f our est uti lis é pour les pr emi è res fois , ou lorsqu 'il est tr è s sale . IMPORT ANT : La sant é de certains ois eaux est extr ê mement sensib le aux é manati ons.
33 É ven t s d u fou r Ne pas obstruer ni couv rir les é vents du fou r car ils perm ettent à l ’ air chaud et à l ’ humi dit é de s ’é chapper du f our . Leur obstruc tion nuirait à la circulatio n ad é qu ate de l ’ air et af fect erait les r é sulta ts de cu isson et de ne ttoyage .
34 Pr é chau ffage Les te mp é ratur es de pr é chauffage sont affect é es par divers facteurs tel s que la temp é ratu r e ambiante et les heures de p ointe de consommation d ’é ner gie. Il est n ormal que la t emp é ratur e indiqu é e su r l ’ af fi chage diff è r e de la t emp é rature r é elle du f our .
35 Cuisson au gril : Avant la cuiss on au gril, placer l a grille tel qu ’ i ndiqu é dans l e tableau de cuisson au gril. Placer l ’ al iment sur la grille de la l è chefrite , puis placer celle-ci au centre de la gril le du four , ave c le c ô t é le plus lo ng de l a l è ch efrite parall è le à la por te du fou r .
36 Cuisson a u f our par con vection (sur certains mod è les) ) 1. Élément de cuisson a u four par convection La cuis son au four p ar conve ction peut ê tr e utilis é e pour cuire des g â te aux d é licats et des p â tisseries ainsi que des alime nts sur plusi eurs gr illes.
37 1. Appuyer sur CONVECTION R OAST (r ô tissage par convection) . Appuyer sur les touche s (boutons) TEM P (fl è ches ve r s l e haut ou vers le bas) p our entr er une te mp é rature autre que 350 ° F (175 ° C) . 2. Appuyer sur ST ART (mise en marche).
38 2. Appuyer sur ST ART (mise en marche). La t emp é rature r é gl é e du fou r appa ra î t s ur l ’ afficheur du four jusqu ’à ce q ue l e fou r so it é teint.
39 Pour diff é rer l ’ autonettoyage : Ava nt de diff é re r la mise en marche de l ’ au tonet toyag e, s ’ assurer que l ’ horloge est r é gl é e à l ’ heur e exacte.
40 Souill ur e cuite ■ Cr è me à polir pour tab le de cu isson et gra ttoir : Frotter la cr è me dans la soui llure avec un essuie-tout humide. T enir le gratt oir aussi à plat qu e possible sur la su rface et gratter . R é p é ter pour les taches tena ces.
41 Lampe du f our (sur certains mod è le s) La la mpe du fou r contie nt une amp oule d ’ appareils m é nag ers standa rd de 40 watts . Elle s ’ allu me lorsquon ouvr e la porte du four . Elle ne foncti onne pas pendant le pr ogramme d ’ autonettoyage.
42 Pour r é installer la po rte : 1. T e n ir la porte du four pa r la poign é e et placer le des sus de la porte sou s le porte- à -faux de la table de cuiss on. 2. Av ec le dev ant de la j ambe, appli quer une pr ession d e fa ç on à gliss er les cha rni è res da ns les fente s aussi loin que poss ible.
43 Le four ne f onctionne pas ■ La commande é lectronique du four es t-elle bien r é gl é e? V oir la se ction “ Commande é lectroniqu e du four ” . ■ Une mise en march e diff é r é e a-t-elle é t é r é gl é e? Vo i r l a section “ C uisson mi nut é e ” .
9782474A © 2003 . All r i ghts reserved. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. 9/03 Printed in U.S.A. Imprim é aux É .-U..
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