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DISHWASHER Use & C ar e Gui de For quest ions ab out features, o peration/ perform ance parts , accessories or service, call: 1-8 00-253- 1301 . In Canada , call for assist ance 1-8 00-461- 5681 , for installation and service, call: 1-800 -807-6 777 or visit our website at.
2 TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S DISHWASHER SAFETY ........................ ......................................... 3 Before Using Your Dishwasher .................................................... 4 PARTS AND FEATURES ..............................
3 DISHWASHER SAFETY You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 Before Using Y our Dishwash er ■ Instal l where dishwash er is protected from the eleme nts. Protect agains t freezing to avoid pos sible rupture of fill valv e. Such rupt ures are not covered by th e warranty . See “Storing ” in the “Dis hwasher Care” section for winter st orage information.
5 P ARTS AND FEATURES This manual covers se veral different models. Th e dishwasher you have purchased may have some or all of the parts and features l isted below . 1. Upper level wa sh 2. T wo position adjuster (on some mod els) 3. To p r a c k 4. Lower spray arm 5.
6 Control P anels GU630, GU 1100, GU1 108 GU1200, GU2 300 GU1500 DU1020 DUL300.
7 START-UP GUIDE Bef ore usin g you r dish wash er , rem ove al l pa ckagi ng ma teri als. Read thi s entire Use and Care Guide. Y ou will find import ant safety in formation and usefu l operating tips. Using Y our New Dishwasher 1. Scrape lar ge food soil and har d items (toothpicks or bones) from dishes.
8 ■ Run a rinse cycle to keep dishes moi st if you do not p lan to wash them soon. Foods su ch as eggs, rice, pasta, spinach, and cooked cereals may b e hard to remove if they are left to dry over a period of time.
9 Adjusta ble two posit ion top rac k (on some mo dels) Y ou can raise or lower th e top rack to f it tall items in eith er the top or bottom rack. Raise the top rack to accommodate items u p to 9&quo.
10 FLIP AW A Y™ plate holders (o n some models) Y ou c an fo ld up al l, or p art, of the row of V -shaped flex ible ti nes at the back of the bottom rack. This is useful when washing a variet y of dishes , pots an d pans , or roasters. Fold-down tines (on some models) Y ou can fold down on e row of tines at the b ack of the botto m rack.
11 Loading Silverware Basket Load the si lverwa re b asket w hile it is in the dishwa sher or take the basket out for loading on a counter or table. NOTE : Unlo ad or re move the ba sket befo re u nlo ading the racks to avoid spil ling wa ter d roplets on th e silver ware.
12 DISHW ASHER U SE Detergen t Dispens er The dete r gent dispenser h as two s ections. The smaller Pre-W ash sect ion em pties d eter ge nt in to the d ishwash er whe n you close the door . The larger Main W ash section automat ically empt ies de tergent into th e dishwash er during the was h.
13 Rinse Aid Dispen ser Rinse aids prevent water from forming d roplets th at can dry as spot s or st rea ks. The y also impr ove d rying by allow ing wa ter to drain off of the dishes d uring the final rinse by releasin g a small amount of the rin se aid in to the rinse wat er .
14 Cycle Sel ection C harts Sel ect the wash cycle and op tion s desi re d. The d ishwa she r start s fillin g once you press a cyc le, unles s you selec t a delay w ash.
15 T o stop the drain Y ou can press CANCEL again to stop the d rain imme diately . Remember to drain the dishwas her before starting a new cy cle. T o clear the indicators Press CANCEL before starti ng the d ishwash er to cle ar all options and cycle s.
16 Air Dry Select this energy-saving option to dry without heat. Air drying is useful when loads conta in plasti c dinnerware that may be sensit ive to high te mperatures. The dishes take lon ger to dry and s ome spotting can occur . For best dryi ng, use a liquid rinse aid.
17 Wa t e r H e a ti n g W ater Heat ing glows only when the cy cle pauses to heat wat er to a set temperat ure. W ashing or rinsing conti nues as water hea ts. Once water reaches th e set temperature, the li ght goes off and the cycl e resumes. NOTE : Some porti ons of the cycle are heated f or fixed periods of time, but not to a set temperature.
18 DISHWASHER CARE Clea ning Cleaning the exterior In most case s, regular use of a soft, d amp cloth or s ponge and a mild d eter gent is all that is nece ssary to keep the ou tside of you r dishwash er looking nice and cl ean. If yo ur dishwas her has a stainles s steel exterior , a stainless stee l cleaner is recommended.
19 TROUBLESHOOTING First try the solutions suggested here a nd possibly avoid the cost of a service call. .. Dis hwashe r is n ot operat ing pr operl y ■ Dishwasher does not run or stops during a cy.
20 NOTE : T o remove s pots an d film from dish es, try a w hite vinegar rinse . This procedure is intend ed for occasion al use only . Vinegar is an acid, and using it too often could d amage your di shwash er . 1. W ash and rinse dis hes. Use an air -dry or an energy saving dry option.
21 ASSISTANCE OR SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, please chec k “T roub lesho oting.” It may save yo u the cost of a se rvice call. I f you sti ll nee d help, f ollow the instru ctions b elow . When calli ng, please know the purchase date and the comp lete model and s erial number of your app liance.
22 WHIRLPOOL GOLD ® DISHWASHER W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FU LL W ARRANTY For one year fr om the date of pur chase, when this dishwasher is operat ed and maintained according to instr uctions attached to o r.
23 LA SÉCURITÉ DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de décès ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
24 A vant d’util iser le lave-vaissell e ■ Instal ler le la ve-vaiss elle dan s un endroit à l ’ abri de s inte mp é ries. Pr ot é ger l ’ app areil contre le gel p our é viter un e ruptur e p ossible du robi net de r empli ssage. De telle s ruptur es ne sont pas couve rtes pa r la garantie .
25 PIÈCES ET CARACTÉRISTIQUE S Ce manu el couvr e plusie urs mod è le s dif f é r ents. Le lave-vais selle que vou s avez achet é peu t comporter certaines ou toutes les pi è ces et caract é ristiq ues é num é r é es ci-dessous. 1. Lavage au niveau sup é rieur 2.
26 Ta b l e a u x d e c o m m a n d e GU630, GU 1100, GU1 108 GU1200, GU2 300 GU1500 DU1020 DUL300.
27 GUIDE DE MISE EN MARCHE Ava nt d ’ util iser le la ve-va isselle, enlev er tous les mat é riaux d ’ emballage. Lire ce guide d ’ utilisatio n et d ’ entretien au compl et. V ous y tr ouve rez d es r ensei gneme nts de s é curit é importan ts ainsi q ue des conseil s d ’ utilisa tion util es.
28 ■ Si po ssible, c har ger la vai sselle d e tell e sort e qu ’ el le ne so it pas empil é e ou en ch evauchement. Pour le meilleur r é sult at de s é chage, l ’ eau doi t po uvoir s ’é couler de toutes les surface s. ■ S ’ assurer que les couvercles et poign é es de cass eroles, plaques à pizza ou à biscuits, etc.
29 Att ach es po ur ar tic les l é g ers (sur certains mod è les) Ces attaches mai ntienne nt les art icles l é gers en plastique tel s que les t asses, couve rcles ou bols en place pendant le l avage. Pour d é placer une attache 1. Tirer l ’ attach e vers le haut pour la s é parer de la tige .
30 ■ V eiller à ce que les poign é es des usten siles et autres article s n ’ entra vent p as la r ota tion du ou des bras d ’ asp ersion . Le ou les bras d ’ aspersi on doivent p ouvoir tourner l ibrem ent. ■ Ne pas charger d ’ articles en tre le panie r inf é rieur et la paroi lat é ra le de la cuve du lave-v aisse lle.
31 Chargement du panier à couverts Charger l e panier à couv ert s alo rs qu ’ il es t dans le lave- vaissel le ou le r etirer pour le charger s ur un comptoir ou sur une tab le.
32 REMARQUES : ■ Ne pas charger d ’ ustens iles en ar gent ou plaqu é s argen t avec des articl es en acier inoxy dable. Ces m é taux pe uven t ê tr e endommag é s s ’ i ls se to uchent du rant le la vage. ■ Certai ns al iments (t els q ue le se l, le v inaigr e, les pr oduits lait iers, le s jus de fruit s, etc.
33 REMARQUE : Les quant it é s i ndiqu é es correspondent à l ’ empl oi d ’ un d é t er gent en poudr e stan dar d. La quan tit é peut varier si on util ise un d é ter gent en poudre concent r é ou un d é terge nt liqu ide.
34 ■ Utili ser la ca ract é ris tique de mise en m arche dif f é r é e (sur certains mod è les) pour faire fonctionne r votr e lav e-vaisse lle en deho rs des he ures de poi nte. L es servi ces publ ics loc aux recommandent d ’é viter l ’ emploi int ense d ’é ner gie à cert aine s heures du jo ur .
35 *S i l a t em p é ratur e de l ’ eau à l ’ entr é e est inf é rieure à la temp é ra tu re re c o mm a nd é e ou si la vaisse lle est t r è s sale , le programme compensera automati quement en ajoutan t du temp s, de la ch aleur et de l ’ eau si n é cessaire.
36 Sélec tion d’options Il est pos sible de pe rsonnal iser le s programm es en appuya nt sur une option. Si on change d ’ id é e, appuyer d e nouveau sur l ’ option pour l ’ annuler ou s é lecti onner une option dif f é rente s i d é sir é .
37 Pour enclencher le verrouillage des commandes Appuyer sur la t ouche pendant 4 secon des. L ’ indi cateur Control Lock (verrouillage des commandes) s ’ allu me. Si on a ppuie sur une touche quelconq ue pendan t que le lave- vaiss elle es t verr ouill é , le t é moin clignote 3 fois e t la s é lecti on est igno r é e.
38 Clean (propre) L ’ indicat eur Clean ( propre) s ’ allum e lorsque le programme s é lectionn é est termi n é . Cet indicat eur s ’é tein t lorsqu ’ on ouvre et ferme la p orte ou a ppuie sur C ANCEL (ann ulation).
39 ENTRETIEN DU LAVE-VAISSELLE Nettoyage Nettoya ge de l ’ ext é rieur Dans l a plupart des ca s, il suf fit d ’ utilise r un ling e d oux, hum ide ou une é p onge et un d é tergent doux pour nettoyer les s urfaces ext é rieures du l ave-vaiss elle et pr é server son asp ect de prod uit neu f.
40 Remisage Remisag e pour l ’é t é Prot é ger le lave -vai sselle au co urs des m ois d ’é t é en fermant l ’ app rov isionne ment d ’ eau et en d é connectant le lave-va isselle de l ’ alimenta tion é lec trique.
41 Pr é sence de taches sur la vaisselle ■ T aches et films s ur la vaisselle L ’ eau est-el le dure ou contien t-elle une con centratio n é lev é e de min é raux? Le conditionne ment de l ’ eau de rin ç age final avec un agen t de rin ç age liqui de fa vorise l ’é liminat ion des taches et films .
42 MODULE DE L AVAGE Les pi è ces du sy st è me de lavage couvertes par votr e garantie sont in diqu é es ci-dessous . ASSISTANCE OU SE RVICE Avant de demander un e assistan ce ou un service, veu illez v é rifier la s ection “ D é panna ge ” .
43 GARANTIE DU LA VE-V AISSELLE WHIRLPOOL GOLD ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pendan t un an, à compte r de la date d ’ achat, lorsqu e le lave-vais selle est utilis é et entretenu conform é me.
8283509 © 2004 Wh irlpo ol Corpo ration. All rig hts reserv ed. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. ® Re gistered Trad emark /TM Trad emark of Whi rlpool, U.S.A ., Whirlpo ol Canad a Inc. L icensee in Ca nada ® Marqu e d é pos é e/TM Marque de c ommerce de Whirlpool, U.
デバイスWhirlpool DU1020の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Whirlpool DU1020をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWhirlpool DU1020の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Whirlpool DU1020の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Whirlpool DU1020で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Whirlpool DU1020を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWhirlpool DU1020の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Whirlpool DU1020に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWhirlpool DU1020デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。