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UNDE RCO UNTE R DISHWA SHER Use & Car e Guide For questions about featu res, operati on/performanc e, parts access ories or se rvice, cal l: 1-800-25 3-1 30 1 . In Can ada, ca ll for as sistance 1-800-4 61-56 81 , fo r insta llat ion and s ervice , call: 1-80 0-807- 6777 or vi sit our website a t.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS DISHWASHER SAFETY ........................ ................. ................. .... 3 Before Using Y our D ishw asher .... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... . 4 PARTS AND FE ATURES .............. ............
3 DI SH WA SH E R SAF ET Y You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions. You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow instructions.
4 Be for e Usi ng Y ou r Dis hw a she r ■ Install wher e dishwasher is pr otected fr om the element s. Pro tect against freezing to avoid possible ruptur e of fill valve. Such ruptur es are not cover ed by th e warrant y . See “ St oring Y our Dishwashe r ” in the “ Dishwa sher Care ” section for winter storag e information.
5 P ARTS AND FEATURES This manual cover s several differ ent models. The dishwashe r you have purchas ed may have some or all of the p arts and feature s l isted belo w . 1. Upper level wash 2. Adjustable t op rack [on s ome model s] 3. Fold- down tines 4.
6 Series DU 960 Series DU 950, DU951, DUL200 START-UP GUIDE Befor e using your di shwasher , remove all packaging mate rials. Read this entir e Use and Car e Guide. Y ou will find important sa fet y in for mat io n an d us ef ul op er ati ng t ips . Using Y our New Dishwasher 1.
7 ■ It is impo rtant fo r the water sp ray to r each all soiled surfaces. ■ Load dishes so the y are not stacked or overlapping if possi ble. For best drying, wa ter must be able to dr ain fro m all surfaces. ■ Mak e sure pot lids an d han dle s, pi zza pa ns, c ook ie s hee ts, etc.
8 2. With the other han d, turn the knob c lockwise to raise a sid e of the rack. 3. T ur n the knob cou nter clockwise to lower a side of the ra ck. Repeat t he steps fo r the r emaining ad juster as ne eded. The 2 adjuster s can be t ur ned sep arately or together to raise or lower the to p rack.
9 ■ The silver ware baske t can be h ung on th e door or on th e bottom rack (se e illustration). The silver ware baske t can also b e placed inside th e botto m rack. T o remove the bas ket fr om the doo r 1. Grasp the silverware basket by the h a ndle.
10 How much deterg ent to use ■ The am ount of deter gent to use depen ds on the har dness o f your wa ter and the type o f deter gent. If you use to o little, dishes wo n ’ t be cl ean. If y ou use too mu ch in soft wa ter , glasswar e will etch.
11 4. If the w ater tem peratur e at the f aucet is below 120 ° F (49 ° C), have a q ualified person r aise the wat er heater ’ s thermostat setting. ■ T o s ave water , ener gy and time , do not rinse dishes b efore puttin g them int o the dish washer .
12 † A small amo unt of wat er runs thr ough the pump to r emove soil particles. Canceling a Cycle Anytime du ring a cycle, pr ess Cancel/Dra in glows. The d ishwasher pauses for ab out 5 seconds and sta rts a 2-minut e drain (if needed). L et the dishwasher drain comp letely .
13 SANI RINSE ™ Op tio n Select this opti on to ra ise the water te mperatu re in the final r inse to ap proximat ely 155 ° F (68 ° C) for 10 m inute s.
14 Dr ying S ystem During d rying, you can see steam esca ping thr ough the vent a t the up per left corner o f the door . This is normal as t he heat dries your di shes.
15 DISHWASHER CARE Cleaning Y our Dishwasher Cleaning the exterior In mo st cases, r egular use o f a soft, d amp cloth o r sponge a nd a mild de ter gent is all that is necessar y to keep the outs ide of you r dishwashe r looking n ice and clean.
16 TROUBLESHOOTI NG First try the solutions sugg ested here and possibly avo id the cost of a service call... Dishwasher is not operating properly ■ ■ ■ ■ Dish was her do es not ru n or s tops dur ing a cy cle Is the d oor closed tig htly and latc hed? Is the r ight cycle selec ted? Refer to the “ Cycle Selec tion Chart.
17 NOTE: T o re move spots and film from dishe s, try a whit e vinegar rinse. This p rocedur e is intended for o ccasional use only . Vineg ar is an acid and using it too ofte n could d amage your di shwasher . 1. W ash and rinse dishes. Use an air -dry or a n ener gy- saving dry option .
18 AS SI ST ANC E OR S ERV ICE Before calling for assistance or service, please chec k “ T rou bleshooti ng. ” It m ay save you the co st of a service call. If you still need help, fo llow the instructions below . When calling, please know the pur chase date and the complete model and serial number of your ap pliance.
19 WH IRLPOO L ® DISHWA SHER W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY For o ne year fr om the date of p urchase, w hen this dish washer is op erated and m aintained a ccor ding to instruc tions attac hed to .
20 Notes.
21 LA S É CURIT É DU LAV E-VAISSELLE Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
22 A vant d ’ utiliser le lave-vaissel le ■ Installer le lave- vaisselle dans un end roit à l ’ ab ri des intemp é ries. Pr ot é ge r l ’ appa reil contr e le gel pour é viter une rup ture poss ibl e du r o bine t d e remp lis sag e. De t ell es r upt ures ne sont pas couver tes par la garantie.
23 PI È C ES E T CARACT É RIS TIQU ES Ce manue l co uvre plus ie urs m od è les diff é r ents. Le lave -vaisselle que vous avez ach et é peut comp orter c ertaines ou toutes les caract é ristiques é num é r é es c i-dessous. 1. Lavage au niveau sup é rieur 2.
24 S é rie DU960 S é ries DU950, DU 951, DUL200 GUIDE DE MIS E EN MARCHE Av an t d ’ utiliser le lave-vaisselle, enle ver tous les mat é riaux d ’ emb allage.
25 CHARGEMENT DU LAVE-V AISSELLE Suggestions de charge m ent ■ Enlever de la vaisselle les reste s alimentaires, os, c ure-dents et aut res articles d urs. Il n ’ est pas n é cessair e de rincer la vaisselle avant de la placer dans le lave -vaisselle.
26 T abl ettes rabattables pour extra ca pacit é Rabattr e la tablet te suppl é ment ai re du c ô t é droit du pan ier sup é rieur p our y placer d es tasses suppl é me ntair es ou de longs articles t els que des usten siles et spatule s.
27 Tiges rabatta bles Il es t p oss ibl e de raba ttre une rang é e de tiges à l ’ arri è r e du pan ier inf é rieu r . 1. Saisir la pointe de la tig e qui se trouve d ans le support de la ti ge. 2. Tir er dou cement l a tige ho rs du sup port de la tige.
28 Pou r en le ver le p ani er à ustensiles 1. Saisir le panier aux deux c ô t é s et l e glisser vers le haut de la por te. 2. Soule ver le panier hors de ses bouto ns de r etenue. Pour replacer le panier 1. Placer le panier s ur les boutons d e r etenue.
29 ■ Diff é rente s marqu es de d é tergen t pour lave-va isselle comp ortent d iff é r e nt es q uan ti t é s de p hosphor e po ur adouci r l ’ eau.
30 Conseils d ’ eff icacit é pour le lave-vaisselle L ’ eau chaude dis sout et act ive le d é ter gent d e lavage de la vaisselle. L ’ eau chaude disso ut é galement la graisse sur la vaisselle et c ontribue au s é chage sans ta ches des ver res.
31 † Une pet ite quantit é d ’ e au passe à t ravers la pomp e pour enlever le s particules de salet é . Annulation d ’ un p rogramme En to ut temps au co urs d ’ un pr ogra mme, app uyer sur Cancel/Dra in (annulation /vidange) s ’ allume.
32 2. Examiner les distributeurs d e d é ter gent. Si la section pour le lavage principal s ’ est ouverte et si le d é ter gent a comp l è tement é t é é limin é , remplir de nouvea u les sections au besoin. 3. Fer mer la po rte . 4. App uyer sur u ne nouvel le touch e de pr ogra mme et/ ou d ’ opt ions.
33 Indicate urs d ’é tat d ’ avanceme nt du p rogram me On peut suivr e la progressio n du pr ogramme du lave-vaisselle en v é rifiant les indicateurs d ’é tat d ’ avanceme nt du pr ogram me. REMARQUE : V otre mod è le peut co mport er certai ns ou l ’ ensemb le des indicat eurs illustr é s ci-dessus.
34 ENTRETIEN DU LAVE-V AISSELLE Nettoyage du lave-vaisselle Netto yage de l ’ ext é rieur Dans la plupart des cas, il suffit d ’ utiliser un linge doux, humide ou une é ponge e t un d é ter gent doux po ur netto yer les surf aces ext é rieu res du lave-vaisselle et pr é ser ver son aspect de produ it n euf .
35 Disposit if anti-refoule m ent V é rifi er le dispo sitif anti-r efoulement lorsque votr e lave- vaisselle ne se vidan ge pas bien . Certains codes de pl omberie pr ovinciau x ou locaux exigent l ’ installation d ’ u n dispositif anti-refoulem ent entre un lav e- vaisselle enca str é et le syst è me de canal isation du domici le.
36 V aiss elle p as comp l è tement nett oy é e ■ ■ ■ ■ R é sidus d e pro duits alim entair es sur la va isselle La vaisselle es t-elle char g é e corr ectem ent? V oir la section “ Char gement du lave-vaisselle ” .
37 ■ ■ ■ ■ T aches oran ge sur les artic les de pl astique o u les surface s internes du lave -vaisselle Place-t- on dans le lave- vaisselle de la vaisselle sur laquelle il y a une q uantit é consid é rable de r é sidus alimentaire s à base de t omates? Les taches p euvent se d issiper gradu ellement à la longue.
38 ASSISTANCE OU SERVIC E A vant de d emander une assist ance ou un service, veuillez v é rifier la section “ D é pannage ” . Cette v é rifi cation peut vo us fair e é cono miser le co û t d ’ u ne visite de service. Si vous avez encore besoin d ’ aide , suivre les inst ructions ci-dessous.
39 GARA NTIE DU LA VE-V AISSELLE WHIRLPOOL ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un an, à compt er de la d ate d ’ achat, lorsqu e le lave-vaisselle est ut il is é et entre tenu conf orm é me.
3385282 A © 20 01 W hir lpool Corp ora tion. All rights reserved. Tous droi ts r é se rv é s. ® Reg ist ered T rad emark /TM Tra demar k of W hir lpool , U.S .A. , Whirl pool Cana da Li ce nsee i n Cana da ® Marque d é pos é e/T M M ar que de commerce de Whirl pool, U.
デバイスWhirlpool DUL200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Whirlpool DUL200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWhirlpool DUL200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Whirlpool DUL200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Whirlpool DUL200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Whirlpool DUL200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWhirlpool DUL200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Whirlpool DUL200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWhirlpool DUL200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。