WhirlpoolメーカーELECTRONIC GAS DRYERの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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ELECTRONIC GAS DRYER Use & Care Guide In the U.S .A., for q uestions ab out featu res, operatio n/perfor mance, parts, a ccessories or service call: 1-800- 253-13 01 In Canada, fo r assistance , installation and service call: 1-80 0-80 7-67 77 or visit our website at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS RYER SAFETY ....................................... ............................ ............. 3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ..................................... ............. 5 Tools and Parts ................................... .
3 DRYE R SAF ET Y You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't follow All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
4 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTION S To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons when using the dryer, follow basic precautions, including the following: WARNING: ■ Read all instructions before using the dryer. ■ Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in your dryer.
5 INST ALLA TION INSTRUCTIONS To o l s a n d P a r t s Gat her the r equ ir ed too ls and pa rts bef or e start ing instal latio n. Read and fol low the instruct ions provided wi th any tools listed here. Parts supplied Remove parts p ackages from dryer dru m.
6 Door Reve rsal Kit Are you planning to r everse th e door swing direction on you r DUET ® dryer? T o do so, you wil l need to p urc hase a Door Reversa l Kit. T o o rder , call th e deale r from whom you purchased your dr yer or re fe r to t he “ Assist ance o r Ser vice ” se ction of t his manual.
7 Custom und ercou nter installa tion - Dry er only *Requir ed sp aci ng Closet installation - Dryer only * Required spaci ng **For side or bottom vent ing, 0" (0 cm) spacing is allowed. Recessed or closet i nstallation - Dryer on pedestal * Required spaci ng **For side or bottom vent ing, 0" (0 cm) spacing is allowed.
8 Mobile home - Additional installation requirements This dryer is s uitable for mo bile home install ations. T he installation mus t conform to the Manufactur ed Home Constr uction and Sa fety St and.
9 ■ Must incl ude a shutoff va lve: In the U.S.A.: An indi vidual manual sh utoff valv e must b e instal led wit hin six (6) fe et (1.8 m) of the dryer i n accordance with th e Nation al Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1. In Canada: An indiv idual manual shutoff valve mus t be instal led in accordance with the B149 .
10 If this is a new vent system V ent material ■ Use a heavy met al vent. Do not use plasti c or metal foil vent . ■ 4" (10.2 cm) heavy metal ex haust ve nt and clamps must be used.
11 Plan V ent System Choose your exhaust installa tion type Recommended exhaust installations T ypi cal ins tallations ve nt the dry er from the rear of the dryer . Other in stalla tions a re p ossib le. Optional exhaust installations This dryer can be con verted to ex haust o ut the right s ide, le ft side, o r throug h the bo ttom.
12 Determine vent pa th ■ Selec t the route that will provide t he straighte st and most direct pat h outdoors. ■ Plan the i nstallati on to use the f ewest number of elbow s and tur ns. ■ When usin g elbows or making tu rns, allow as much room as possib le.
13 Make Ga s Conne ction 1. Remove th e red cap from the ga s pipe. 2. Using a wrench to ti ghten, con nect the gas su pply to t he dryer . Use pip e-joint compound on th e threads of all non- flar ed ma le fitti ngs. I f flexib le metal tubin g is use d, be s ur e there are no kinks.
14 DRYER USE Start ing Y our Dry er This manual covers several differ ent m odels. Y our dryer may no t have all of th e cycles and feat ures described. The following is a guide to s tarting your dryer . Please refer to specific sections of th is manual for more detail ed information .
15 ■ Pr ess and hold ST AR T bu tton un til d ryer sta rts (ab out 1 second). Once an Automatic cycle h as started, the WRINKLE SHIE LD ™ feature and cycl e signals can be adjus ted. Press the P A USE/CANCEL key t wice to stop the d ryer and clear t he settings, allowing y ou to select another cycle and Dryness Level .
16 ■ Av oid drying heavy work cl othes with lighter fabri cs. This could cause overdrying of li ghter fabrics, lead ing to increased shrinkin g or wrinkl ing. ■ If you dry sh eets in a mixed l oad or large items in the Bulky Items cycle, rearrange the load when th e signal sound s.
17 Automatic Pr eset Cycle Settings * Estimat ed Time wit h Drynes s Level (medium) setting. Ti me will vary de pendin g on load t ype and load siz e. Manual Cycles Use Manual Cycl es to select a sp ecific amoun t of drying time and a drying te mperature.
18 The DAMP DR Y S IGNAL is usef ul when dry ing bed sheets/l inens in a mixed load. When the signal goes of f, open the door to stop the dryer , rearrange th e load insid e the dryer , close t he door and restart the dryer t o finish the drying cyc le.
19 2. Place dry ing rack insi de dryer dru m, positioni ng the back wi re on th e ledg e of t he in ner dr yer ba ck pane l. Pu sh dow n on front edge of drying rack to secu re over the lint screen. 3. Put the we t items on top of th e rack. Leav e space between the items so ai r can reach all the surface s.
20 3. W et a nylon brush wi th ho t water and liqu id detergent . Scru b lint sc r een with t he br ush to r emove resi due buildup . 4. Rinse scr een wi th hot w ater . 5. Thoroughly dry lint screen with a clean towel. Re place screen in dry er . Cle aning t he Drye r Inte rior T o clea n dry er dru m 1.
21 TROUBLESHOOTING First try the solutions suggested here and possibly avoid the cost of a service call... Dryer Opera tion Dryer will not run ■ Has a household fuse blown, or h as a circuit br eaker tripped? Replace th e fuse or reset the c ircuit breaker .
22 ■ Is the dryer located in a r oom with temperature below 45 º F (7 º C)? Proper operati on of dry er cycles requi res temperatures above 45 º F (7 º C). ■ Is the dryer located in a closet? Closet doors must have ventil ation ope nings at the top and bottom of the door .
23 ASSISTANCE OR SERVICE Before calling for ass istance or serv ice, please chec k “ T r oubleshooting. ” It may sa ve you t he cost of a servi ce call . If you sti ll ne ed help, follow the ins truct ions be low . When calli ng, please know the purchase date and the comp lete model and s erial number of you r appliance.
24 WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION M AJOR APPLIANCE W ARRANTY ONE YEAR LIMITED W ARRANTY For one year from the date of pu rchase, when this major appli ance is oper ated and main tained a ccording to instructi.
25 SÉCURITÉ DE LA SÉCHEUSE Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas imm é diatement les instructions. Risque possible de d é c è s ou de blessure grave si vous ne suivez pas les instructions.
26 INSTRUCTIONS D’INST ALLA T ION Outil lage et pièces Rass embl er le s outi ls et pi è ce s n é cessaires avan t de commencer l ’ insta llati on. Li re et s uivr e les ins tructio ns f ournies av ec le s ou tils indiqu é s ici. Pi è ces fournies Retirer les sac hets de pi è ces du tambour de la s é cheuse.
27 ■ Pour le s ins tallati ons à fai ble espacemen t entre 31,5" (80,01 cm) et 37" (93,98 cm), voi r la se ction “ Planification du syst è me d' é vacu ation ” pour les exigence s d' é vacuation .
28 Exigences d’emplacement Il vous faudra ■ Un emplacement q ui permet l ’ installa tion d ’ un sy st è me d ’é vacuation app r opri é . Une s é cheuse à gaz doit é vacuer à l ’ ext é rieur . V oir “ Exige nces concer nant l ’é vacuatio n ” .
29 Installation dans un placard - S é cheuse seulement * Espacemen t requis ** Pour un e é vacuatio n par le c ô t é ou par le fond, un esp acement de 0 ” (0 cm) est permis.
30 L'installation dans une maison mobile exige : ■ Un sy st è me d ’é vac uat ion en m é ta l qui peut ê tre achet é chez votr e mar chand. ■ N é cessaire d ’ installa tion da ns une ma ison mobile; p i è ce n ° 346764 . V oi r la se ction “ Ou til la ge et pi è ces ” pour pas ser une commande.
31 Canalisation d ’ arriv é e de gaz ■ La canal isation doi t compr endr e un co nnecteur obt ur é (filetage NPT ¹⁄₈ " ou plus) accessib le pour le raccordement de l'instrument de mesure i mm é diatement en amont d e la connexion d'alimen tation en gaz de la s é cheuse (v oir l'illus tration) .
32 Exigences concern ant l'évacuation A VERTISSEMENT : Pou r r é dui re le risque d'incen die, cette s é cheuse d oit É VA C U E R L ' A I R À L'EXT É RIEUR. IMPORT ANT : Observ er le s disp ositio ns de tous l es cod es et r è glements e n vigueur .
33 É vacuation Les style s de clapets recommand é s sont il lustr é s ci-dess ous. Le cl ape t inc lin é de ty pe bo î te ci- dessous est ac ceptable . ■ T erminer le conduit d' é vacuation par un cl apet de d é charge pour emp ê c her les rongeurs et in sectes d'en trer dans l'habi tati on.
34 Autr es installations o ù le d é g agement est r é du it Il exis te de nombr eux types de s yst è mes d ’é vacuation. Choisir le type qu i conv ient le mi eux à l ’ in stal lation . Deux i nsta llatio ns à d é gagement r é du it son t illu str é es .
35 Ins tal la tio n du sy st ème d’é v acua t ion 1. Instal ler le clape t d ’é vacuatio n. Utiliser du compos é de calfeutrage pour sc eller l ’ ouvertur e murale à l ’ ex t é rieur autour du clapet d ’é vacuation. 2. Racc or der le con duit d ’é vacuation au clape t.
36 On doit util iser une combi naison de raccords de tuya uterie pour raccorder la s é cheuse à l ’ alimentat ion en gaz exista nte. On voit c i-desso us une ill ustrati on d ’ un raccor dement recommand é . Le raccordement peut varier , sel on le type d ’ alim entati on, la dimens ion et l ’ emplacement.
37 UT ILISA TION DE L A SÉCHE US E Mise en marche de la sécheuse Ce manu el couvr e plus ieurs mod è les di ff é ren t s . V ot re s é che us e peut ne pas c omporter l ’ en semble des programmes et caract é rist iques d é crits. Les r enseignem en ts su ivants vo us guid er ont p our l a mi se en mar che de votre s é cheuse.
38 Le r é glage de degr é de s é chage par d é faut est Normal lors qu'on s é lectionn e un programme de s é chage automatiqu e. On peut s é lecti onner un degr é de s é chage diff é re.
39 Control Locked (verrou illage des commandes) Cette caract é ristique permet de verr ouiller le s r é glages pour é viter l 'utili sation i nvolont aire de la s é cheuse.
40 Programm es S é lect ionne r le pr ogramme de s é chage qui correspond au ty pe de charge à s é cher . V o ir les ta bleaux des pr é r é glages des programmes automat iques ou des programmes manuels .
41 Pr é r é glages des prog rammes manuels Air Only (air seulement) Utili ser le r é gl age Ai r only pour les art icles q ui doiv ent ê tre s é ch é s sans chaleu r , tels que le caoutch ouc, le plas tique et les tissus sensib les à la chaleur .
42 Button Sound (son des boutons) V ous pouvez modifier l e volume de s signaux so nores. A ppuyer sur BUTTON SOUND jusq u' à ce que le volume d é sir é (L oud /for t, Soft/doux ou Of f/d é sactiv é ) s' allume en vert.
43 3. Placer les articles mou ill é s sur la gr ille de s é chage. Laisser d e l'espa ce entre les artic les pour qu e l'air puis se attei ndre toutes les s urfaces. REMARQUE : Ne pas laiss er un artic le pe ndre par-dessus le bor d de la grille.
44 Nettoyage au bes oin Les d é tergents et les assoupl issants de t issu peuvent causer une accumulati on de r é sidus sur le filt re à charpie. Ce tte accumu- lati on peut au gmente r les temps de s é chage ou entra î ner un arr ê t de la s é cheu se avant que la charge ne soit compl è tement s è ch e.
45 DÉPANNAGE Essayer d'abo r d les solutions sugg é r é es ici, ce qui vous é vitera peut- ê tr e le co û t d'une visite de service... F onction nemen t de la séch euse La s é cheuse.
46 ■ La s é cheuse se trouve-t-elle dans une pi è ce o ù la temp é rature ambiante est inf é rieure à 45 º F (7 º C)? Le bon fonction nement de s pr ogrammes de la s é ch euse n é cessite un e temp é rature ambiant e sup é rieure à 45 ° F (7 ° C) .
47 ASSISTANCE OU SERVICE Avant de faire un appel pour assistance ou service, veuillez v é rifier “ D é p annage ” . Cette v é rification peut vous faire é conomiser le co û t d ’ une vi site de se rvice. Si vo us av ez en cor e besoin d ’ aide, suivr e le s instr uction s ci -desso us.
GARANTIE DE S GROS A PP AREI LS MÉNAGERS WHIRLPOOL CORPORA TION GARANTIE LIMIT É E DE UN AN Pend ant un an à compter de l a date d'acha t, lorsque ce gros appareil m é nager est utili s é et.
デバイスWhirlpool ELECTRONIC GAS DRYERの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Whirlpool ELECTRONIC GAS DRYERをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWhirlpool ELECTRONIC GAS DRYERの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Whirlpool ELECTRONIC GAS DRYERの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Whirlpool ELECTRONIC GAS DRYERで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Whirlpool ELECTRONIC GAS DRYERを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWhirlpool ELECTRONIC GAS DRYERの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Whirlpool ELECTRONIC GAS DRYERに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWhirlpool ELECTRONIC GAS DRYERデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。