Wyse TechnologyメーカーWintermTM 9000の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Win te rm ™ 9000 Series XPE-Based T erminals Quick Reference Guide Issue: 0 7 17 02.
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Win te rm ™ 9000 Series XPE-Based T erminals Quick Reference Guide Issue: 07 17 02 8 83 7 31 - 01 R e v . A July 2002 Wyse T echnology Inc. 3471 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134- 1801.
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iii Copyright Notice © 2002, Wyse T echnology Inc. All rights r eserved. This manual and the softwar e and firmware described in it are copyrighted . Y ou may not reproduce, transm it, transcribe, st.
v Te r m This License becomes effective when you unp ack and use the terminal. This License will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any of its terms or conditions, including any attempt to modify the So ftware.
vi Severability If any provision of this License is held to be invalid or unenforceable under any circumstances, its application in any ot her ci rcumstances and the remaining provisions of the License shall not be affected.
vii EULA for Microsoft® Win dows® XP Embedded Runtime IMPORT ANT—RE AD CAREFULL Y : This End User License Agreemen t (EULA) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entit.
viii • Client Access Licenses. If you use the SYSTEM to acce ss or utilize th e services or functionality of Microsoft Windows Server products (such as Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.
ix • Security Updates. Content providers are using the digital rights manag ement technology ("Microsoft DRM" ) contained in this SOF TW ARE to protect t he integrity of their content ("Se cure Content") so that their intellectual proper ty , including copyright, in such content is not misa ppropriated.
x • Links to Third Pa rty Sites. The SOF TW ARE may provide yo u with the ability to link to third party sites through the use o f the SOF TW ARE. The third party sites are not und er the control of MS, Microsoft Co rporation or their affiliates.
xi This EULA does not grant you any rights to use the Windows Media Format Software Development Kit ("WMFSDK") compone nts co ntained in the SOF TWARE to develop a software application that uses Windows Media technol ogy . If you wish to use the WMFSDK to develop such an application, visit http://msdn.
xii EXPORT RESTRICTIONS Y ou acknowledge that SOF TW ARE is of US-ori gin. Y ou agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the SOF TW ARE, inc lud ing the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well as en d-user , end- use and country destination restrictions issued by U.
xiii FCC Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for eith er Class A or Class B digital devices (refer to “T erminal R equirements Co mpliance”), pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designe d to provide reasonable protection agai nst harmful interference in a resi dential installation.
xiv Class B This digital apparatus does n ot exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio In terfere nce Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Contents Introducing the 9000 Seri es XPE-Based T erminals 1 About This Guide 1 Server Envir onment Requiremen ts 1 Session Servers 1 Citrix Independent Computin g Architecture (I CA) 2 Microsoft Remo.
xvi Printers 27 Adding Printers - Using the G eneric T ext Print Only Driver 28 Using the Manufacturer’s printer drive rs 28 Audio 28 Utilities and Settings 29 Write Filter 29 Write Filter Co mmand .
xvii List of Figures 1 Model 9235LE T erminal 3 2 Model 9440XL T erminal 4 3 User ’s Desktop and Start Menu 9 4 Administrator’s Desktop and Start Menu 10 5 About Dialog Box 12 6 Installed Modules .
Winterm 9000 Series XPE-Based T erminals Quick Reference Guide Introducing the 9000 Seri es XPE-Based T erminals Winterm 9000 Series terminals use the Wi ndows XP Embedded ( XPE) operating system.
2 Citrix Independent Comput ing Architecture (ICA) ICA servers and published app lications can be made available on the network using either of the following services: • Windows 2000 Server with T erminal Services and one of the following installed: • Citrix MetaFrame 1.
3 Vi rtual Ne twork Comp uting (VNC) V iewer VNC Server is factory-installed on your termin al and is by default autom atically launched on log-on. It allows the ter minal to be operated/mo nitored (“shadowed”) fr om a remote machine on which VNC Viewer is installed, primarily for troubleshooting and su pport purposes.
4 Model 9440XL Model 9440XL is a small-footpr int, modular XPE-b ased terminal (s ee Figure 2). Th e connections for power , the network, a monitor , keyboard, an d mouse, serial and paral lel devices, and USB per ipherals are on the back panel of the terminal.
5 Mounting and Connecting the T erminal The Quick Start Guide included in the shippin g carton provides instructions for mounting and connecting the terminal. The terminal may be placed on a d esktop, or it may be mounted on a wall using an opti onal wall-mount bracket ava ilable from Wyse T echnology .
6 Extended XPE Features The Winterm XPE-based te rminal’s operating system has extended features not found in standard Windows XP . With the exception of the Citrix Program Neighborhood and the Micr.
7 Note The administrator may create add itional user accounts by using the User Manager utility available through the Control Panel . However , due to local memory constraints, the numb er of additional user s should be kept to a minimum. See “User Log on Accounts” for instructions.
8 The XPE Desktop User ’ s Desktop The desktop that appears fo r a user log-on (see Figure 3) is a classic Windows de sktop, except that the only icons present on the default desktop ar e Citrix Program Neighborhood , Remote Desktop Connection, and Internet Explorer .
9 Figure 3 User ’ s Desktop and Start Menu Note Right-clicking the mouse when the pointer is on the user ’s de sktop backgroun d does not ope n a pop-up menu. Note Y ou may copy and paste text between remote session and the local computer by using standard copy a nd paste methods.
10 Administrator ’ s Desktop The desktop that appears fo r an administrator log-on (see Figure 4) is a classic Windows desktop. Icons present on the default administra tor desktop are My Co mputer , My Network Places , Citrix Program Neighborhood , Remote Desktop Connection , and Internet Explorer .
11 Note Right-clicking the mouse when the pointer is on the administrator’s desktop backgroun d opens a pop-up menu . Note Figure 4 shows the Model 9440XL desktop; for the Model 9235LE the shown Start menu ShutDown listing is replaced with listings for logging off, restarting, and shutting down the terminal.
12 Figure 5 About Dialog Box.
13 Figure 6 Installed Modules Dialog Box Logging Off from, Restarting, and Shutting Down the T erminal T o log off from, restart, or shut down the terminal, click on the T ask Bar Start button to open the Start pop -up menu (see Figures 3 and 4) .
14 • Power Management - A “Monitor Saver ,” turns of f the video signal to the monitor , allowing the monitor to enter a power-saving m ode after a desig nated idle time. Parameters for this mode are available by right-clicking on the desktop ba ckground and selecting Properties | Screen Saver | Power .
15 Programs Menu Extended Selections Open the Progra ms menu by clicking on Start | Programs . Additiona l selections available on the Programs menu are: Citrix Program Neighborhood Opens the Citrix Program Neighborhood window (see Figure 7).
16 Remote Desktop Connection This selection opens the Remote Desktop Connectio n dialog box (expanded view shown in Fi gure 8 obtained by clicking Options button). This dialog box, which also opens from a desktop icon, is used to establish c onnections to rem ote applications using RDP .
17 T eemNT A terminal emulation applica tion may be installed on th e terminal as an option. Figure 9 shows the initial terminal emulation wi ndow . Refer to th e terminal emula tion documentation (supplied separately) for comp le te instructions. By default, a desktop icon is not installed.
18 Internet Explorer V ersion 6.0 of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser is installed locally on the te rminal (see Figure 10). The Intern et options settings for the browser have been presel ected at the factory to limit writing to f lash memory .
19 VNC User Settings This selection is available to ad ministrators only and opens the WinVNC: Current User Properties dialog box (Figure 1 1). It appears in th e administrator’s Start | Programs menu and an i con is available in the administrator’s system tray o nly .
20 Wri t e F il te r This selection is available to ad ministrators only and opens the Write Filter Control dialog box (Fig ure 12). The dia log box may be opene d from Control Panel | Administrative T ools . This dialog box is used to query th e cache, flush the cache, view the status of the write filter , a nd disa ble/enable the write filter .
21 Control Panel Extended Selections The Control Panel window (the administrator’s contro l panel is shown in Figure 13) is accessed by clicking on Start on the task bar and selecting Settings | Control Panel .
22 Ramdisk The RAM disk is volatile memory space set as ide for temporary data storage. It is the Z drive shown in the My Computer window . The following items are stored on the RAM di sk: The RAM disk also may be used for tempor ary storage of other data (e.
23 Custom Fields The Custom Fields dialog box ( see Figure 15) is available from the Control Panel . It allows entry of configuratio n strings for use by the Rapp ort Remote Administrative Software (see “ R e m ote Ad m i nistrati o n and F i rmw a r e Up g r a des” ) .
24 Regional and Language Options Keyboard language selectio n is made through the Regional and Language Opt ions selection in the Control Panel . The following keyboar d languages are sup ported: Note An IEPC keyboard is required for any langu age other than English (US) .
25 Administrative T oo ls Click on the Administrative T ools icon in the Co ntrol Panel to open a wind ow containing administrativ e tool selections. Write Filter This selection opens the Write Filter Control d ialog box (Figure 12) . The dialog box may also be opened fro m the administrator ’s Start | Programs menu.
26 Figure 16 Services Window VNC User Settings This selection opens the WinVNC: Current User Propertie s dialog box (Figure 1 1). An administrato r also may open this dialog box thr ough an icon in the task bar sys tem tray and also from the Start | Programs menu.
27 Peripherals Depending on the ports availab le on the terminal (see “ Model Summary”), the te rminal can provide services through a USB port, the serial po rt, or a PCMCIA card plugged-in to the back of the terminal, as lon g as the appropr i ate software is insta lled.
28 Adding Printers - Using the Ge neric T ext Only Print Driver 1. Connect the printer to the parallel port. 2. Choose Printers and Faxes from the Start | Settings menu. 3. Double click on Add a print er . This opens the Add Printer Wizard . 4. Click on Next in the firs t panel of the wizard.
29 Utilities and Settings Wri t e F il te r The write filter provides a secure environmen t for thin-client computing. It does this by protecting the terminal fro m undesired flas h memory writes (flash memory is where the operating sys tem and func tional software co mponents reside) .
30 Start | Run | Op en Command Line: · wtflush.e xe with no ar guments - Brings up the Write Filter Control dialog box (Figure 12). This dia log box also may be accessed through the Start | Programs menu or via the Adminis trative T ools selection in the Contr ol Panel .
31 • Select the Enable Writ e Filter check box to set the write filter to be enabled after reboot (the WFilterPartition1 key value is se t to the platform default). The write filter status icon in the task bar system tray is green when t he write filter is enab led.
32 Regardless of the configuration file sele ctions, NetXClean does not clean up the following directories or any parent to these dir ectories: • The Windows directory • Windows System subdirector.
33 Saving Files Caution The terminal uses an embe dded operating system with a fixed amount of flash memory . It is reco mmended that you save files that yo u want to keep on a server rather than on yo ur terminal.
34 Roaming Profiles Write roaming profiles to the C drive. The profiles need to be limited in size and will not be retained when the term inal is rebooted. Note For roaming profiles to work and be do wnloaded, there must be sufficie nt flash space available.
35 User Log on Accounts Creating a New User Account Caution Be sure to flush the write filter cache during the current boot session in which a new account is crea ted. Y ou must be logged-on as administr ator to create user accounts, whi ch you can do locally or remotely via VNC.
36 12. Ty p e Administrators in the field labelled Enter the object names to select . This will enable the Check Na mes command button. 13. Click the Check Names comman d button, then click OK .
37 WinVNC (W indows VNC) Windows VNC (WinVNC) Server is installed lo cally on the terminal. It allows the terminal to be operated/monitore d (“shadowed”) from a re mote machine on which VNC V iewer is installed. VNC is intended primarily for support and troubleshooting purp oses.
38 VNC Viewer Setup and Operation VNC Viewe r software must be installed on the shadowing computer . • VNC Vi ewer is included as a component of the Rappor t Administrative Software suite.
39 Figure 18 VNC Connection Details Dialog Box Figure 19 VNC Authentication Dialog Box.
40 Figure 20 VNC Connection Options Dia log Box Note This dialog box may vary for dif ferent VNC software releases. T able 1 VNC Connection Options Dia log Box Selectio ns Selection Description Preferred encodi ng radio buttons Normally the VNC viewer requests CopyRect, Hextile, CoRRE and RRE in that order .
41 Request shared sess ion When you make a connection to a VNC server , all other existing connections are normally clos ed. This option requ ests that they be left open, allowing you to shar e the desktop with someone already using it.
Winterm TM 9000 Series XPE-Ba sed T erminals Quick Reference Guide I s s u e : 0 7 17 0 2 Written and publishe d by: Wyse T echnology Inc., July 2002 PDF created using Fram eMaker ® and Acrobat ®.
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Wyse Technology WintermTM 9000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはWyse Technology WintermTM 9000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Wyse Technology WintermTM 9000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Wyse Technology WintermTM 9000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Wyse Technology WintermTM 9000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はWyse Technology WintermTM 9000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Wyse Technology WintermTM 9000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちWyse Technology WintermTM 9000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。