Xantrex TechnologyメーカーSTXR1500の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Xantrex Sun Tie XR STXR1500 STXR2500 Installatio n and Op erati on Guide.
Sun Tie XR Installation and Operation Guide.
About Xant rex Xantrex T echnology Inc. is a world-leading supp lier of advan ced power electronics and controls with prod ucts from 50 watt mobile units to one MW utility-scale systems for wind, solar , batteries, fuel cells, microturbines, and backup power applications in b oth grid-connected and stand-alone systems.
About This Guide Purpos e The Sun T i e XR In stallation and Operation Gui de contai ns information f or a qualifie d instal ler and authori zed service pe rson to inst all, oper ate and t r oubl eshoot the Xantr ex Sun T ie XR.
About T his Gu ide ii 975-0053-01-01 Organization This guid e is organi zed into four chapters a nd two append ixes: Chapter 1 , “Introduct ion” , ou tlines t he main performanc e and safet y featur es of the Sun Ti e XR. Readi ng this c hapter will giv e you a cle a r underst anding of the inv erter ’ s capabili ties.
About T h is Guide 975-0053-01-01 iii Rela ted Info rmation Y ou can fi nd more information a bout Xantrex T echnology Inc. and its products and services at www .xantrex .com Note: Notes des cribe additional information which may add t o your underst a nding of how to install or use th e Sun T ie XR.
iv 975-0053-01-01.
1 Introduction Abo ut the Su n Tie X R- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1–2 Stan dard Fe ature s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Conte nts vi 975-0053- 01-01 Facto rs Af fecting Sun T ie XR P erform ance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 –10 PV Arr ay Fa ctors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
Important Safety Instructions For safe i nstallat ion and opera tion: • All e lectric al work must be d one in a ccordance with local a nd nationa l electric al codes. • Before in stalling or u sing this d evice, read all in structions and ca utionary markings located in the manual, on t he Sun T ie XR and on the PV array .
Important Safety Instructions viii 975-0053-01-01 • Do not expose th is unit to rain, snow o r liquid s of any type wi thout the Rain Shield install e d.
Introduction Chapter 1, “Introduction” , describes the standard feat ures and accessorie s for the Sun T i e XR..
Introduction 1–2 975-0053-01-01 About the Sun Tie XR The Xantre x Sun T ie XR grid- connect s olar inverter is desig ned to convert a home or business into a “green” po w er g eneratin g station.
About the Sun Tie XR 975-0053-01-01 1 – 3 Standard Features All-in- one desig n All nece ssary DC input a nd AC output c onnections, disc onnects an d circui t breaker s are housed with in the Sun T ie XR’ s eas ily inst alled, compact en closure.
1 – 4 975-0053-01-01.
Installation Chapter 2, “I nstallatio n” provides information about planning for and installing the Sun T ie XR. It contains information to help you plan wire routes, AC and DC connections, and find a suitable location for installation. It also discusses requirements for grounding the Sun T ie XR and your PV array .
Installation 2 – 2 975-0053-01-01 Installation Planning Overview Before yo u begin to insta ll the Sun T ie XR you need to consider the followi ng: • tools r e quir ed • hardware and material s .
Installation Pl anning 975-0053-01-01 2 – 3 Locating the Sun Tie XR The S un T ie XR shou ld be installe d in lo catio ns th at meet the f ollowi ng requir ements: Routing the wires T ypical configu rations Determine all wire route s to and fr om the Sun T ie XR.
Installation 2 – 4 975-0053-01-01 All wiri ng and inst allation method s should conform t o applica ble electr ical and buildi ng codes. Conduit ho les Pre-pla n the wire and cond uit runs. Knock outs for c onduit holes ar e locate d on the bottom of t he unit.
Installation Pl anning 975-0053-01-01 2 – 5 A C circuit breaker r equirements The main se rvice panel must dedicate a 15 amp min imum, double pole breaker (120/240 volts AC) to operat e the Sun T ie XR. Planning DC Connection s DC connecti ons incl ude all the wire s and connec tors between your PV array a nd the Sun T ie XR’ s combiner boar d.
Installation 2 – 6 975-0053-01-01 F igure 2-1 Combiner b oard with PV array wiring to in dividual termin al connections F igure 2-2 Combiner board with PV array wiring to b ypass terminals Ground ing Requirements AC groundin g The Sun T ie XR must be conn ected to a grounded, pe rmanent wir i ng syste m.
Installation Pl anning 975-0053-01-01 2 – 7 DC groundin g The negative PV conductor must be bond ed to the groundin g system at only one p oint in the s ystem. See Figur e 2-3 for the locatio n of the Sun T ie XR ground bar . The size f or the conduc tor is u sually based on the size of the l arg est conductor in the DC system.
Installation 2 – 8 975-0053-01-01 Note: The MPP T algorith m does not work with wind power or batter ies. CA UTION Although t he nominal volta ge range suggests that you c an use string s of five modules in serie s, this i s not safe for the u nit, as the PV array may ex ceed the invert er ’ s maximum input (120 VDC).
Inst alla tion 975-0053-01-01 2 – 9 Installation Overview Instal lation steps There are four main st eps in the insta llation of th e Sun T i e XR: 1. Mounting t he unit 2. Making the DC connectio ns from the PV arra y to the Sun T ie XR 3. Making the AC connections fro m the ser vice utilit y panel to the Sun T ie XR 4.
Installation 2 – 10 975-0053-01-01 T o mount the Sun T ie XR: 1. L ocate the ar ea wh ere th e Sun Tie XR is t o be in stall ed. In stall ing it as clos e to the utilit y servic e panel as possi ble is recommended. Th e bottom of the unit must be at least 36 inches from the floor or gr ound when mounted .
Inst alla tion 975-0053-01-01 2 – 11 F igure 2-4 Br ack et mounting Wall bra c ket, screws, and w ashers (s upplied) Mount 70 inches (minim um) from ground F igure 2-5 Enclosure mounting Enclo sure mo unt ed on w all br acke t Scre w holes 8 55/64 " 3.
Installation 2 – 12 975-0053-01-01 F ig ure 2-6 Externa l cover compon ents Upper co ver Remove sc rews (one on ea ch side) External breaker c over (remove dur ing install ation).
Inst alla tion 975-0053-01-01 2 – 13 F igure 2-7 Inner break er cover F i gur e 2-8 Mount ing holes Locking tabs Lift up an d pull forward t o remove Remove b reaker screw s remove breaker co ver gr.
Installation 2 – 14 975-0053-01-01 F i gure 2 -9 Bott om hol e condui t loca tions (bot tom view) 3 3 8 1 8 (2X ) 2 3 4 (2X) 7 8 2 5 8 1 2 10 3 8 1 3 8 3 4 5 1 2 10 3 8 3 8 3 1 8 4 3 8 7 5 8 8 7 8 3.
Inst alla tion 975-0053-01-01 2 – 15 Connecting DC Wiring Fuse requ irements The combine r board in the Sun Tie XR ac cepts up to six i ndividual PV array c ircuits (positive and n egative wi res). Each ci rcuit on the combiner board con tains a fuse to protect agains t over-cu rrent.
Installation 2 – 16 975-0053-01-01 4. Connect t he negati ve (–) wire f rom the PV arr a y to t he PV MINUS 1 (leftm ost) term inal. C heck th at the wire i s in the proper locat ion an d tighte n the screw .
Inst alla tion 975-0053-01-01 2 – 17 T o wire the main utility panel to the Sun T ie XR: 1. Run conduit from the main uti lity bre aker pane l to the lower se ction of the Su n T ie XR. Run the two HOT wires (L1 a nd L2) and gr ound through t he conduit and i nto the Sun Tie XR’ s lower s ection.
Installation 2 – 18 975-0053-01-01 Grounding the System PV groundin g The Sun T ie XR is des igned to have all PV pos itive, n egative and gr ound conducto rs connected ins ide its access area. The PV e quipment ground should be conn ected to the Sun T ie XR ground bar .
Inst alla tion 975-0053-01-01 2 – 19 Required additional groundin g If the PV array is loca ted a considera ble distance ( over 100 feet) from the Sun T ie XR, then an additi onal groun d rod must be insta lled clo se to the PV array f or the most reliabl e light ning prote ction, as shown in Figure 2- 13 .
Installation 2 – 20 975-0053-01-01 F igure 2-13 Long dis tance groun ding F igure 2-14 Simplified electric al wiring diagram ST Unit Main Utility Breaker Panel Utility Mete r Sola r Arr ay DC Wi rin.
Inst alla tion 975-0053-01-01 2 – 21 Connecting Inverters in P arallel Reasons a nd requir ements Sun T ie XR inverte r s may be connected in a pa rallel confi guration to harvest additional ene rgy f r om the sun. In this c onfigura tion, a separat e solar a r ray i s requir ed for ea ch Sun T ie XR unit.
Installation 2 – 22 975-0053-01-01 Installing the Optional Remote Monitor Remo te Moni tor functi on The opti onal Remote Monitor provides addi tional functions which a re not direct ly avail able on the front panel LCD di splay . It can be mounted in a more acce ssible l ocation such as t he garage , kitchen, l iving room, and so on.
Inst alla tion 975-0053-01-01 2 – 23 T o wire the Remote Monitor to the Sun Tie XR: 1. Route the Remote Monitor ’ s six-conducto r cable separate f rom the other wi ring to pr event noise and i nterfer ence fro m being intr oduced into the data cable.
Installation 2 – 24 975-0053-01-01 F igure 2-18 Remote Monitor connection a nd cable Route Remote Monitor cable away from AC and DC wires Remote Mo nitor conne ction CPU boar d (cover remo ved for c.
Oper ation Chapter 3, “Operation” provides procedure s for starting up and operating the Sun T ie XR. It also explains the messages that appear on the front panel display . The chapter ends with informat ion about factors that affect how much power the Sun T ie XR can gath er from the PV arra y and deliver to t he utility grid.
Operation 3 – 2 975-0053-01-01 Startup Pr ocedure S tarting up the Sun T ie XR requires se veral steps. Y ou wi ll need t o: 1. Check the PV array DC vol tage. 2. Check the AC utility voltage. 3. S tart up the Sun T i e by s witching o n the DC and AC circ uit break ers inside the unit.
Startup Procedure 975-0053-01-01 3 – 3 Checking the AC U tility V oltage T o check the AC ut ility voltage : 1. Switch on t he main 240 V brea kers in th e building’ s electri cal service panel. 2. Ensure al l circuit br eakers lo cated in the Sun T ie XR unit are i n the of f (down) positio n.
Operation 3 – 4 975-0053-01-01 Starting up the Sun Tie XR T o s tart u p the in vert er: 1. Switch on the 10 0-amp DC cir c uit breaker l ocated in the Sun T ie XR unit. Thi s breaker suppli es the DC powe r from the PV arra y to the Sun Tie uni t. Refe r to Figure 3-3 , item 1.
Startup Procedure 975-0053-01-01 3 – 5 Monitoring the Front P anel Display During startup Durin g startup, t he invert er ’ s front panel LCD dis play shows the fi rst four messages d escribed in “Readin g the Fr ont Panel D isp lay” .
Operation 3 – 6 975-0053-01-01 Reading the Front P anel Display During st artup During startup , the Sun T ie XR will dis play several mes sages on its fr ont panel LCD di splay . These mes sages appear in the fol lowing ord er . F igure 3-4 F r ont p anel displa y location Front panel LCD display Message Display Dur ation XANTREX TECH INC.
Startup Procedure 975-0053-01-01 3 – 7 After s tartup After t he 300-second count down timer and d uring normal operation, the Sun T ie will di splay four messages t hat repea t every mi nute.
Operation 3 – 8 975-0053-01-01 Reassembling the Sun Tie XR Once the Su n Tie XR i s oper ating normally an d producing power , you need to r e plac e the panels and c overs tha t were removed duri ng instal lation and sta r tup. T o reas semble the S un Tie XR: 1.
Startup Procedure 975-0053-01-01 3 – 9 F igure 3-5 Circ uit bre ak er co ver and screws Repl ace s cre ws in the circui t breakers repl ace br eaker co ver groun ding sc rew F igure 3-6 Outer cover .
Operation 3 – 10 975-0053-01-01 F actors Affecting Su n Tie XR P erformance This sec t ion de scribes severa l factors tha t will af fect the a mount of power that a p r operl y installed a nd operati ng Sun T ie XR can produ ce.
F actors Af fecting Sun Tie XR P erforman ce 975-0053-01-01 3 – 11 T emperatur e and reduced out put PV array t emperature a ffects th e output of the e ntire system. As t he temperat ure on the array surface heats up, i t s ene rgy output goes down.
3 – 12 975-0053-01-01.
T r oubleshooting Chapter 4, “T roubleshooting” describes how to view the status indicator lights (LEDs) inside the Sun T ie XR and use them to troubleshoot the unit. It also provides troubleshooting information with suggestions for solving the problems that the light s may indicate.
T roubleshooti ng 4 – 2 975-0053-01-01 T r oubleshooting the Sun Tie XR Viewing the Status LEDs Invert er status LEDs T o aid in t r ouble shooting the Sun T ie XR, there ar e two red and green lights (LEDs) inside the unit.
T roubleshoo ting the Sun T ie XR 975-0053-01-01 4 – 3 F igure 4-1 R ain Sh ield and lo wer panel remova l Remove screws (one on e ach side) Remo ve screws (two on each side).
T roubleshooti ng 4 – 4 975-0053-01-01 F igure 4-2 Status LEDs location (with circuit break er cover removed) CA UTION The P .C. com. port next t o the status LEDs is n ot enabled . Connecti ng a computer to th is port may resul t in damage to the invert er or the computer .
T roubleshoo ting Reference T able 975-0053-01-01 4 – 5 T r oubleshooting Reference T able Problem Cause Remedy Inverter CP U does not illuminate the red or green LEDs and does not operate in suf ficient sunlight, or the display read s “AC Mains Not Present” or the VDC reading is 0.
T roubleshooti ng 4 – 6 975-0053-01-01 100 amp DC breaker trips. Current fr om the array exceeds the DC inpu t breaker rating. A ligh tning st rike hit near the PV array . Check array si ze and ensure the DC input does not exceed the breaker rating.
Specifications Appendix A cont ains th e elec trical and me chanical s pecific ations for the Sun T ie XR. These include the AC output ranges and characteristics, operating temper ature ranges, dimensions, and weight. Appendix A also lists standard features, options, and regulatory information for the Sun T ie XR.
Specifica tions A – 2 975-0053-01-01 Electrical Sp ecifications AC outpu t volt age 2 40 V AC AC output voltage rang e 21 1–264 V AC Continuo us AC output at 32–1 13 °F (0– 45 °C) 1500 V A (STXR 1500), 25 00 V A (STXR 2500) Efficiency (peak ) 91% AC output characteristics Current sour ce Frequency 60 Hz (+0 .
Mechan ical Specific ations 975-0053-01-01 A – 3 Mechanical Sp ecifications Specified temperature range Operating: -38 to 1 13 °F (-39 to 45 °C) Listed to: 32 to 1 13 °F (0 to 45 °C) Enclosure type Outdoor , rainproof (with Rain Shield), powder-coated aluminum enclosure, fully screen ed Inverter d imensions (H × W × D) 33.
Specifica tions A – 4 975-0053-01-01 Standa rd F eatures and Option s Feature Des cri ption PV ground fault protection syst em Sta nda rd PV combiner b oard with 6 fused i nputs, 20 amps maximum p e.
Efficienc y Curve 975-0053-01-01 A – 5 Efficiency Curve Figur e A-1 Sun T ie XR efficiency curve 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.
Specifica tions A – 6 975-0053-01-01 T empe ratur e Derati ng Curve Figur e A-2 Sun T ie XR2500 temperature derating curve* *from our testi ng, the se are th e expected output characterist ics to 60 °C with Ra in Shield installed. Thermal charac terist ics are enhanced if the unit is installed indoors wi th no Rain Shield a ttached.
W arr anty and Product Information Appendix B contains warranty and return procedur e information for the Sun T i e XR..
W arranty and Product Information B – 2 975-0053-01-01 Limited W arranty What does this warran ty cover? This Limi ted W arranty is pro vided by Xantre x T echnolo gy , Inc. ("Xant rex") and cover s defects in workmanshi p and materi als in your Xantr ex Sun T ie XR.
Limited W a rranty 975-0053-01-01 B – 3 Direct returns may be performed acco rding to t he Xantrex Return Material Authoriz ation Poli cy described i n your produ ct manual. For some produc ts, Xantrex maint ains a net work of region al Authori z ed Service Centers.
Return Material Author ization P ol icy 975-0053-01-01 B – 5 Please not e that the Xantrex Sun T ie XR inverte r is not intend ed for use as an unint erruptible power supply an d Xantrex makes no war ranty or repres entation in connection wit h any use of the pr oduct for such purpo ses.
W arranty and Product Information B – 6 975-0053-01-01 If you ar e retur ning a pr oduct fr om outside of the USA or Canada In addit i on t o the above, you MUST incl ude return fre ight funds and are fully r esponsibl e for all documen t s, dut ies, tarif fs, and d eposits.
975-0053-01-01 Index – 1 A AC circuit breaker requirements 2–5 C combiner bo ard connecting PV array s 2–16 DC connect ion points 2–6 location 2–15 conduit hole loca tions 2–14 D DC wiring.
Index – 2 975-0053-01-01 P parallel configuration 1–3 , 2–21 peak ef ficiency of Sun T ie XR 1–3 PV arrays angle of the s un 3–11 connecting to co mbiner board 2 –16 effect o f shade on pe.
Xantrex Technol ogy Inc. 360 435 8826 Tel 360 925 5143 Fax customerservi ce@xantrex.com www.xantr ex.com 975-0053-01-01 Printed in the USA.
デバイスXantrex Technology STXR1500の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Xantrex Technology STXR1500をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはXantrex Technology STXR1500の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Xantrex Technology STXR1500の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Xantrex Technology STXR1500で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Xantrex Technology STXR1500を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はXantrex Technology STXR1500の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Xantrex Technology STXR1500に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちXantrex Technology STXR1500デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。