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Copyright © 2011 YEALIN K NETWORK TECHNOLO GY C O ., L TD. Copyright © 201 1 Y ea link Network T e chnol ogy CO ., LTD. Al l rights reser v ed. No parts of this publicatio n ma y be r ep rodu ced or.
Note: Thi s device is tested and co mpl ie s with the l imi ts for a Class B dig ital devi ce, pu rsuant to P a rt 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limi ts are designe d to p r o vide re asona ble pro tection ag ainst harmful inter ference in a resid entia l install ation.
About This Guid e v Tha n k you for c hoosing the SIP - T 28P IP phone, an ex quisitely des ig n ed SIP IP pho ne. T his unit provides business telephony features su ch as Call Ho ld, Call T ransfer , Busy L amp Field, Shared Line, Hot D es kin g, Multicast P aging and Conference over a n IP network.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one vi.
T able of C ontents vii About This Guide ................................................................... v In T his Guid e ................................................................ ..................................................... v T able of Cont e nts .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one viii Lo cal Directory ............................................................................................................ 28 Blacklist ................................ ........................................
T able of C ontents ix Send i n g RTP Stre a m ................................................................................................ ... 77 R ece iving RTP St ream ............................................................................
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one x.
Ov er view 1 This chap t er p rovide s t he ove r view o f the SIP - T 28P IP phone . The top ic s incl ude : Hardware Component Inst ruc t io ns Ico n Ins truc tions LED Instruc tions .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 2 Hardware co mp onent instructio n s of the SIP - T28P IP phone a r e: Item Descripti on ① LCD Sc re en Sho ws informa tion about c alls, me ssages, sof t k e y s .
Ov er view 3 Ico ns a pp ear on the phone LC D scre e n are des cribed in the foll owi ng t ab le: Icons Descripti on Network is unava ilable R eg istered successfully R eg istered fail R eg istering .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 4 Icons Descripti on K eyp ad Lo ck R eceived C alls Dialed Calls Misse d Calls R ecording box is full A call c a nnot be recorded R ecording starts s uc ces sfully R.
Ov er view 5 Powe r Indicator LED LE D S t atus Descripti on So lid gree n The pho n e is power ed on . Flash ing green The p hone i s r inging (Hardwar e version must be 1.0 .0.1 or higher ). Off The pho ne is power ed off . Line k ey LED LE D S t atus Descripti on So lid gree n The line is acti ve.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 6 LE D S t atus Descripti on So lid red The monitored user is busy . Off The monitored user does not exist. Mem ory key LED (configured as shared line key ) LE D S t atus Descripti on So lid gree n All the pa rties are idle.
Ov er view 7 In ad ditio n to th e ph one user interfa ce, y ou can a lso cu s tomize y ou r p hone vi a web u se r inter f ace. In o rder to acc e ss the web us e r interf ace, you need to k now the IP address o f you r new p hone. T o obtain t h e IP address, press the OK k e y on the phone.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 8 Opti ons Phone Us er Inter face W eb User Inter fa ce -- Loc a l Directo r y -- Blacklist -- R em ote Phone book -- Dial Pl an -- DS S K e ys -- K ey a s Send -- Ho.
Ov er view 9 The foll owing tab le s hows documentat io ns a v a ilable f or the SIP - T28P IP p hon e . Name Contents Where f ou nd F ormat/ Language Qu ick Insta llation Guide Ba sic set up of the p.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 10.
Getting St arted 11 This chap t er p rovide s basic installation instructio n s an d informatio n f or o bta ining the be st pe rforma nce with the SIP - T 28P IP pho ne.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 12 Power Adapter Handset & Handset Cord Ethernet Cable Quick Ins t a llation Guide & Quick R eferen ce G ui de CD - R OM Che ck the list before inst a llation. If you find a nything missin g, contact you r syste m adm inistr a tor.
Getting St arted 13 If your phone is a lre a dy install ed , proceed to Ph one Initialization on p age 15 . This s ectio n introduc es how to install the phon e with th e compone nts in t h e packing .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 14 3) C onnect the Netwo rk a nd P ower: Y ou h ave two opti ons f or power and network c onnections. Y our s yste m administrator will advise you which o ne t o u s e. AC power P ower over Ethe rn et ( P oE) AC P ower T o connect the AC power: 1.
Getting St arted 15 T o connect the Po E : 1. Connect the Eth e rnet ca b le betwe en th e Inter net port on the ph on e a nd an ava ilable port on the in -line power s witc h/hub.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 16 Y ou can view the sys t e m status of you r ph one via p hone user i n t e r face or web user inter f ace. A va ilable informa tio n of ph one s tatus inclu des : Network sta tus incl uding WAN port and LAN port informatio n .
Getting St arted 17 2. Enter th e pa r ameters IP , subne t mask, default gateway , primar y DNS , se co n d DNS in the corresp onding fields . 3. Press the Save sof t k ey to accept th e ch an ge or the Back sof t k e y to cancel. Note Gene r ally , your phone will b e d e ployed with multiple other phones.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 18.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 19 Y ou can cu stomize your SIP - T2 8P IP p hon e by co nfiguring t h e setting for time and dat e, display co n trast, and ring t ones , for example. Y ou can add contacts to t he phone’s lo cal directory man uall y or f rom call hi sto r y .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 20 Y ou can co nfigure t he b acklight status on th e LC D s cre e n as the fol low ing typ es : Alwa ys off: Backligh t is t urned off comple tely .
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 21 The default language of the phone user interfa ce is En g lish . The phone will det ect and use the s am e l a ng ua g e as which o f your internet b rows e r f or the we.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 22 T o configure the SNTP s e ttings via phone use r int er face: 1. Press Menu -> S etting s -> Bas ic S e ttings -> Time & Date -> SN TP Setting s . 2. Press o r , or th e Swi tch sof t k e y to select the time zon e that applies to you r are a from the Time Zone field.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 23 2. Press o r , o r t he S wit ch sof t k ey to s ele ct the de sir e d time form at (12 hour o r 24 hour) from the Cl oc k field. 3. Press or , o r th e Switch sof t k ey to select th e d e sired d ate format from the Date Fo rma t field.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 24 Y ou can se t the "#" or "*" to p e r form as a s end k e y while dialing a call. T o se t the k ey a s send vi a p hone user inter face: 1.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 25 T o activate the k eypad l ock via pho n e user inter fa ce: 1. Press Menu -> S etting s -> Advanced Setting s (password: a dmin) -> Phone Settings -> K ey pad Lock . 2. Press o r , or the Swi tch sof t k ey to select the desired ty pe from the K e ypad Loc k f ield.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 26 Y ou can pre ss the V olu me key to a djust the re ceiv er vol ume of cu rren tly used a udio devices (handset, spe ak e rphone or h ea dset), w hen the phone is in the dialing int er face or duri ng a call. Y o u c an a lso press the Vo lume key to adju s t the ring er volu m e when t he phone is idle .
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 27 2. Press or to select the desire d ring t one. 3. Press the Save sof t k ey to accept the change or the Back s of t k e y to cancel. T o se lect a ring t one f or the phone via web user interf ace: 1. Click on Ph one -> Preferen ce .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 28 The built-in phone dir ector y stores th e names a nd phone numbers of you r contacts. Y ou can store up to 300 contacts in your phone's loc al director y . Y ou c an a dd, e dit, delete or sea rch for a contact in the loc a l directory .
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 29 Adding Con tact s from C al l Histo r y T o ad d a contact to the local directo r y from the call history : 1. Press the Hi stor y s of t k ey . 2. Press or to highlight the desir e d entr y . 3. Press the Option s of t k ey , and th en s el e ct Add to Contacts from the prompt list.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 30 3. Press the Op tio n s of t k e y , and then se l ect Detail from the p rompt list. 4. Press or to highlight the contact inform a tion and then edit. 5. Press the Save sof t k ey to accept change or the Back s oft key to cancel.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 31 T o se arch for a contact in th e local directo r y: 1. Press Directo r y -> Loc a l Di rector y . 2. Press the Sea rch sof t k e y . 3. Enter a few c ontinuo us chara cters o f the co nta ct n a me or c ontinu ou s numb er s of the co ntact p hone numbe r usin g the k ey pad.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 32 T o ex port a co n tact list via web us e r interf ace: 1. Click on C ontacts -> Lo cal D irectory . 2. Click Export XML (or Export CSV ). 3. Click Save to save the co n tact list to you r lo cal syste m. The built-in phone dir ector y stores th e names a nd phone numbers of the bla c klist.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 33 The pho n e connects to lo ad th e corporate directo r y , a nd then dis play s the co rporate co nta ct li st on the LCD screen. 3. Press the Cancel s of t key to ba ck to th e previo us inte r fa ce or th e Back s of t key t o disco nne ct.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 34 3. Press or to select the desire d en try . 4. Press the Option s of t k ey , and then se l ect Deta il from the prompt list . The detailed inform a tion of the entr y appea rs on the LCD scre e n. T o dial a call from the call histor y list: 1.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 35 Y ou can upload you r c ustom logo which will be s hown on the idle s creen. T o upload a cu s tom logo via web user inte rfa ce: 1. Click on Ph one -> Features . 2. Select Custom Logo f rom th e p ull -down list of Use Logo .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 36 T o en able Headset Prior vi a we b us er inte rfa ce: 1. Click on Ph one -> Features . 2. Select Enabled from the pull-down l ist of Hea dset Prior . 3. Click Confirm to accept the change. T o use headset p rio r , you s ho ul d a ctivate the hea dse t mode in advance: 1.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 37 3. Select the de sir ed key ty pe f rom the T yp e field. 4. (Optional.) Select the desired key e vent t ype from the K ey T ype field. 5. (Optional.) Select the desired line from the Ac count ID field. 6. (Optional.) Enter t he corre s ponding valu e in th e V a lue f ield.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 38 Depen denc ies: T ype ( Speed Dial ) V a lu e ( t he number you want to dial ou t) A cc ount ID (the acco unt this f ea tur e wil l be a pplied to) Usa ge: Pr ess the DSS k e y to dial ou t t he number specified in the Valu e f ield, using the acco unt s elected f rom the Account ID field.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 39 F or ward Y ou can use this k e y f eature to forward a n inco ming call to someone e lse . For more information, ref e r to Ca ll F or ward on page 55 .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 40 2. Press the DSS k e y again to dea cti vate the DN D mode . Note R edia l Y ou can use this k e y f eature to access the Dialed Ca lls list . P ress th e DSS ke y whe n the phone is idle, then you can sele ct an entry to redia l.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 41 2. Select the de sir ed line key , a nd then p ress the Ente r soft k ey . 3. Select the de sir ed key ty pe f rom T yp e fie ld. 4. (Optional.) Select the desired k e y eve nt type from the key type field. 5. (Optional.) Select the desired line from the Ac count ID field.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 42 The follo wing f igures s how sin gle or m ul tiple a cc ou n ts regist ered on th e phone: Sing le accou nt : Multiple accounts: T o disa ble an account via p hone user inter face: 1. Press Menu -> S etting s -> Advanced Setting s (password: a dmin) -> Accounts .
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 43 Incoming calls to this li ne will be d istributed evenly among th e a vailab le line k e y s. Simil arly , outgoing calls will be distributed. Y ou r p hone can b e configured to have a combination of li nes with a single line ke y and lines with multiple line k e ys.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 44 dial ou t the number “ 1234567 ” , you just nee d to e nter “ 1 ” on the phone and then pre s s the Send sof t k ey . T o ad d a replace rule via web user inter face: 1. Click on Ph one -> D ial Plan -> R e place Rul e .
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 45 4. Click Add to add the di al-now rule. When you ente r t he n um b er “ 1234 ” using the k e ypad, the ph on e will dial ou t “ 1234 ” automatically witho ut pres sing any key . Note Time Ou t for Dia l-now Rule Y ou can co nfigure the int er val for dial-now rul es .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 46 Public t eleph one networks in co untries around the world have a sing l e e merg ency telep hone nu m be r ( e mergency ser vices numbe r), tha t a llo ws a caller t o c onta ct lo ca l eme r ge ncy s er vices f or a s sistance when required.
Cust omizing Y our Ph o ne 47 Y ou can dial a hotli ne numbe r im m ediately once you lif t the handset, press th e spe ak er phone k e y or press a line k e y . Y ou can also configure to dial ou t the hotline numbe r in a period of time, the ph one will di al out the hotline numb er auto ma tic ally af ter the specified delay time.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 48.
Basic Call Fe atures 49 The SIP - T2 8P IP phone is designed to be e as ily u s ed li ke a regular phone on a public switched te le p hone network (PSTN). Y o u c an p lace calls, an swer calls, transfer a call t o someone e ls e , or condu ct a confere nce call.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 50 dial from the search r e sults. Fo r m ore inform a tion, refer to Contact Ma n ageme n t on pa g e 27 and Call Hi stor y Ma n ageme n t on p age 33 .
Basic Call Fe atures 51 Enter th e des ire d number using the k e ypad. Press , , o r t h e Send sof t k ey . - With the optional he adset co nne cted , press to activat e the headse t mode. Enter th e des ire d number using the k e ypad. Press , , o r t h e Send sof t k ey .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 52 T o an swer a call u s ing the h a nds e t: 1. Pick up the h andset. T o an swer a call u s ing the hands -free sp e ak e rphone mode: Do one of the f oll owing: - Press . - With the h andset on-hook and the headset mode deactivated, press the Answer sof t k e y .
Basic Call Fe atures 53 T o red ial the last p laced call from you r ph one: 1. Press twic e. A call to y our last p laced call is attempted. T o red ial a previously placed call from your phone: 1. Press when the phone is idle. 2. Press o r to s elect the d es ired entr y f rom the d ialed calls list, and then press or the Send sof t k ey .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 54 The pho n e LC D scree n indicate s that the call i s on mute . T o un -mute a call: 1. Press again to un -mute the call.
Basic Call Fe atures 55 If more t h a n two calls are on hold, an indication appears on th e LC D scre e n, for exa mple "2/4", indic ating th at t his is the second call o ut of fo ur c alls.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 56 1) Pres s o r , o r t h e Switch s of t k e y to sele ct Enab le fr om t h e Alwa ys field. 2) E nter the destinatio n numb er you wa nt to for ward all i ncoming calls to in the Forward to field.
Basic Call Fe atures 57 4) (O ptional.) Enter th e no ans w e r for ward o n co de or off code res p ectively in the On Code or O f f Code field. 4. Press the Save sof t k ey to accept th e ch an ge or the Back sof t k e y to cancel. The i con o n the idle screen indicates t h e call for wa rd is enab l e d.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 58 2. Enter t he nu mb er you want to for w ard the incoming call to . 3. Press , , o r t h e Send sof t k ey . The LCD screen prom pts a call forwa rd m essa ge .
Basic Call Fe atures 59 T o pe r form an attended tr ansfer: 1. Press or the T r ansf er s oft key during a call. 2. Enter th e numbe r you want to tr ans f er t h e call to . 3. Press or to dial o ut. 4. Af ter th e p arty an swer s the call, press or th e T r ansf er sof t key to complete the tran sfer .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 60 T o joi n tw o calls in a co nfe rence: 1. Place two call s using two diffe rent a cc ou n ts on the phone (f or e x ample, p lace the first call using a cc ount 1 , an d the n place th e s econd call u s ing a cc ount 2 ).
Basic Call Fe atures 61 The p roc edures to set u p a network conference c all for specific ser vers m ay be different from introduc e d a bove. Contact your system administrato r f or more information.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 62 3. (Optional.)The SIP Ser ve r se n ds the firs t availabl e call pa r k extension (e . g. 150 ) , w ill ap p ea r on the LCD scree n of p hone A . 4. The user on p hone A walks to an available conference roo m whe r e the p hone is des ign ate d as p hone C.
Basic Call Fe atures 63 6. Enter the pickup co de follo we d by th e specific phone nu mber you want to pick up in the V a lu e f i eld. 7. Press the Save sof t k ey to accept th e ch an ge or the Back sof t k e y to cancel. Y ou can also co nfigure a d irect pickup k ey via we b use r int e r fa ce a t the path Phone -> D S S K e ys .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 64 Y ou can use an onymou s call feat ure to blo ck the id e ntity and phone nu mb er fro m showing up to th e called pa rty when you call s omeone. F or e xample, you wan t to cal l to co nsult some of the ser vices, but you don ’ t want to be harassed.
Basic Call Fe atures 65 Y ou can use a nonymous call rejecti on fea ture to reject inco ming calls from anonymo us callers. Anonymous call rejectio n automatically rejects incoming calls from callers who delibe rately bloc k their identities and numbers fro m s howing up.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 66.
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 67 This chap t er p rovide s operating instructio n s for the a dvanced features of the SIP - T28P IP phone. T h e topics inclu d e: Busy Lamp Field (BL F) BLF Lis t.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 68 6. (Optional.)Enter the pickup co de in t he Exten sion field. 7. Press the Save sof t k ey to acc e pt the change or the Back sof t k e y to cancel. Y ou can also co n figure the B LF k ey via we b user interfa ce a t the path Pho ne - > DSS K eys .
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 69 T o as sign B LF List k e y s via ph one us e r interf ace: 1. Press Menu -> Featu res -> DSS K eys -> Memor y K e ys (or Line K e ys ). 2. Select the d esired DS S key . 3. Press o r , or the Swi tch sof t k ey to select BLF List f rom t h e T ype fi e ld.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 70 T o ret rieve a call place d on public hold: 1. Press the shared line key on an y p hon e when th ere is a public held call o n the sha red li n e. The shared l ine k e y LED i llu m inate s flashing when the shared line call is pla ce d on public ho ld.
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 71 Y ou can record calls by p ressing a record k ey on the SIP - T2 8P IP p hone. T here are 2 diffe rent ways of configuri ng call recording and t h ey e v e n work different ly : R ec ord : T he phone sends SIP INFO message co nta ining a specific hea d er to trigger a reco rding .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 72 Du r ing a b lind or atten d e d transfer Du r ing a confere nce call When the phone p rom pts you t o answer an incoming call The R ecord/ URL R ecord key s are not available: When the r e a r e no co n nected calls on you r phone When you place a ne w call T o rec ord a call: 1.
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 73 Ho t Desk ing originat es from the definitio n of be in g the temporar y phys ical o cc upant of a work s tati on or su r fa ce by a pa r t ic ular emp loyee. A pr i ma r y mo tivation for Hot Desking is cost re ducti on.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 74 The pho n e p romp ts th e f ol lowi ng wa rning : 2. Press the OK s of t ke y , a ll c urren tly co n figured acco unts will be unregiste r ed imme diat ely an d t heir configuration data will b e removed from the phone.
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 75 4. Select the de sir ed line f rom t h e A cc ount ID field. 5. Enter th e remote extensio n numb er in the V a lue field.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 76 T o configure intercom features via ph one user interf ace: 1. Press M enu -> Featu re s -> Intercom . 2. Mak e the desired chan ge s. 3. Press the Save sof t k ey to acc e pt th e ch a nge or the Ba ck sof t k ey to c ancel.
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 77 Inter co m Ba r ge is di sa bled, the phone handle s a n incoming int e rcom c all like a waiti ng call. Intercom Ba rge is dis a bled b y default. Y ou can use m ul ticast pa ging to qui ckly an d easily for ward time sen s itive announcement s ou t to pe ople within t he multic as t group.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 78 3. Click Confirm to accept the change. Note T o se nd RTP s tr ea m: 1. Press the mul ticast p aging key when th e p hone i s idle.
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 79 P a ging Barge, th e voic e call in progre ss sh all tak e precedence o ve r all inco ming multic a st pag in g calls. Th e v alid values in the P aging B arge f ield a re: 1 to 10 : Def in e the priori ty of t he a ctive call, 1 is t he highest prio rity , 10 is t h e lowest priority .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 80 T o configure music o n hold s er ver via web user int er f ace: 1. Click on Account . 2. Select the de sir ed a cc ou nt fr om the p ul l-d own l ist of Ac count . 3. Click on Advanced . 4. Enter th e SIP URI in the M usic on hold s e r ver field.
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 81 T o use the ACD f ea ture: 1. Press the ACD k ey when the phone is idle. The pho n e LC D scree n p rompts you the f ol low ing informa tion: Use r ID : th e p hone nu mb er used to lo g in the queue. P a ssword : t he password used t o l og in the queue.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 82 Y ou can se nd and receive t ext m essages using t h e SIP - T28P IP ph one. New text mes sages can be indic ate d both acoustic a lly and visually .
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 83 mode. 3. Press the Send sof t k ey . 4. (Optional.) Press o r , o r the Switc h sof t k ey to select the de sired acco unt from the From field. 5. Enter th e numbe r you want to s end th e message to in the To field. 6. Press the Send sof t k e y to send t h e message o r the Back sof t k ey to cancel.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 84 The LCD scre en p rom p ts "Delete Mess a ge ?". 4. Press the Y es sof t key to de l ete thi s message or the No sof t k ey to cancel. Note Y ou can lea ve voic e m ails for someone e ls e on t h e SIP - T28P IP pho ne.
Adv anced P hone Fe atures 85 T o configure voice mail access codes via phone user interfa ce: 1. Press Menu -> Messages -> V oice Ma il - > Set V oice Mail . 2. Press the na vigatio n key s to highlight the a cc ou nt which you want to set .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 86 The SIP - T2 8P IP pho ne s upports MWI feature when re ceiving a new voic e me s sage. If someone leaves y ou a vo icemail, you will receive a me ssage wa iting indicator .
T roublesh o o t ing 87 This chap t er provides general troubles hooti ng inf ormation to help you so lve th e problem s you might encou nter when us ing you r SIP - T28P IP phone. If you require add itio n al information or assistance with yo ur new p hone, contact you r syst e m a dministrator .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 88 If the dial tone exist s on another audio m ode, connect a different h and s et or hea dset to iso late t h e problem. Why doesn ’ t th e p hone ring ? Che ck th e ring er volu m e on your phone. T o ad ju s t the r ing er vo lume se ttin g, p r e ss th e V olume key when th e p hone is on-hook and idle .
T roublesh o o t ing 89 How to reboot the p hone? T o reb oo t the IP phone via we b user interfa ce: 1. Click on Upgr ade -> Ba sic . 2. Click R eb oo t to reboot the IP phone. Note How to rese t your phone? R es et your phone when other T rou bles hoo ting s ug g estio n s do not co rre ct the p roble m .
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 90 How to Export System Log? W e m ay need yo u to provi de a System Log to he lp a nalyze your problem. T o ex port a System Log via w eb user inter f ace: 1. Click on Upgr ade -> Advanced . 2. Select Loc al from th e pull-dow n list of Exp ort S yste m Log .
R eg ula tor y No tices 91 Contact you r Y e alink Authorized R e seller f or i nformatio n a bou t se r vice agre em e nts ap plicable to you r pr odu ct.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 92 Place the device on a sta b le and level platform. Pleas e place n o he a vy objects on the device in cas e of damage and def ormation cau se d b y the heavy lo ad. Keep at l ea st 10 c m between the device and the clo s est object fo r heat dissipa tion.
Append ix A- Tim e Z o nes 93 Time Zone Time Zone Name − 11:00 Samoa − 10:00 United Stat es -Hawaii-Aleutian − 10:00 United Stat es -Alaska-Aleutian − 09:00 United Stat es -Alaska Ti me − 08.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 94 Time Zone Time Zone Name +01:00 Hu nga ry(B udap es t) +01:00 Italy(Rome) +01:00 Luxemb ou rg (Luxemb ou r g) +01:00 Macedonia(Skopje) +01:00 Nether land s(Ams t e.
Index 95 A Abou t T his Guide v Acc o unt Registr ation 41 Acc o unt Man agemen t 41 Adding C ontacts 28 Anonymou s C al l 64 Anonymou s Ca ll Rej ection 65 Answering Calls 51 Area Code 45 Attaching S.
User Guide SI P - T28P I P Ph one 96 Phone Us er Interface 6 Placing Ca lls to Contacts 30 Placing Ca lls 49 Program m ab le Keys 41 O Overview 1 Ou tgoing inte rcom Calls 74 R Registra tion 17 Redial.
デバイスYealink SIP-T28pの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Yealink SIP-T28pをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはYealink SIP-T28pの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Yealink SIP-T28pの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Yealink SIP-T28pで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Yealink SIP-T28pを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はYealink SIP-T28pの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Yealink SIP-T28pに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちYealink SIP-T28pデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。