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User Guide for UPS ZM400™.
© 2010 ZIH Corp. The copyrights in this manual and th e software and/or firmware in the label printer described therein are owned by ZIH Corp. Unauthorized reproducti on of this manual or the software and/or firmware in the label printer may result in imp risonmen t of up to one year and fines of u p to $10,000 (17 U.
3 Declaration of Conformity 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Declaration of Conformity I have determined that the Zebr a printers identified as the ZM™ Series Z4M, Z6M, Z4M plus.
Declaration of Conformity Compliance Information 4 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Compliance Information FCC Compliance S t atement This device compli es with Part 15 rules. Operati on is subject to the followin g two conditio ns: 1.
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Contents Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Compliance Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 6 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Select a Data Communic ation Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Data Cables and Wireless Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Contents 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 6 • T roubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 T rouble shooting Checklists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 8 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Notes • ___________ _________ _________ ___________ _________ _________ _________ ___________ _________ _________ ____________ ______.
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A About This Document This section provides yo u with contact informat ion, document structure and or ganization, an d additional re ference docu ments. Content s Who Should Use This Document . . . .
About This Document Who Shoul d Use This Do cument 10 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Who Should Use This Document This User Guide for U PS is intended for use by any person who nee ds to operate or t o troubleshoot problems wit h the prin ter.
11 About This Document Contacts 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Contact s Use the foll owing phon e numbers to contact UPS technical support: • T echnical Support for UPS OnLin.
About This Document Document Conventions 12 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Document Conventions The following co nventions are used throughout this do cument to convey certain information. Alternate Color (online only) C ross-referenc es contain h ot links to ot her sections in this guide.
13 About This Document Document Conventions 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Illustration Callout s Callouts are used when an illustrati on contains informatio n that needs to be labeled a nd described. A tab le that conta ins the labels a nd descriptions fo llows the graphic.
About This Document Document Conventions 14 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Notes • ___________ _________ _________ ___________ _________ _________ _________ ___________ ______.
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 1 Introduction This section shows the operational cont rols and loca tion of major compon ents used when loading medi a. Content s External View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction External View 16 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 External Vi e w Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the components and connections o n the outside o f the printer.
17 Introd uction Printer Media Compartment 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Printer Media Comp artment Figure 4 shows the components inside the media comp artment of your prin ter .
Introduction Control Pane l 18 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Control Panel The control pan el contains the lights that indicate basi c operation and the buttons th at you may need to press du ring basic operat ion. The co ntrol panel bu ttons and ligh ts are labeled in Figure 5 .
19 Introd uction Control Panel 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Control Panel Buttons T able 1 • Control Panel Buttons Button Function FEED Forces the printer to feed one blank label each time the button i s pressed. • Printer not printi ng: one blank label immediately feeds.
Introduction Control Pane l 20 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Control Panel Light s T able 2 • Control Panel Light s Light St atus Indication POWER Off The printer is off, or no power is applied. On The printer i s on. P AUSE Off Normal printer oper ation.
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 2 Printer Setup This section provid es the tasks that you must comple te and the issue s that you mu st consider before you load a nd configure yo ur printer. Content s Before Y ou Begin . . . . . .
Printer Setup Before Y ou Begin 22 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Before Y ou Begin Review this checkl ist, and resolve a ny issues before you set u p or use your pr inter.
23 Printer Setup Handling the Printer 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Handling the Printer This section describes how to han dle your printer. Unp ack and Inspect the Printer When you receiv e the printer, immediately unp ack it and in spect for shippi ng damage.
Printer Setup Select a Site for the Printer 24 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Select a Site for the Printer Consider the followin g when selec ting an appr opriate loc ation for you r printer.
25 Printer Setup Select a Data Communication Interface 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Select a Dat a Communication Interface Ta b l e 5 provides basic information about da ta co mmunication inte rfaces that you can use to connect your printer to a computer .
Printer Setup Select a Data Communication Interface 26 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Dat a Cables and Wireless Cards Y ou must supply all d ata cables o r wireless cards for your applic ation.
27 Printer Setup Select a Data Communication Interface 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A IEEE 1284 Bidirectional Parallel No additional configuration i s necessary .
Printer Setup Select a Data Communication Interface 28 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Internal wired Ethernet print server Refer to the ZebraNet 10/100 Prin t Server User and Refer ence Guide for configuration i nstructions. A copy of this manual is avail able at http://www .
29 Printer Setup Connect the Printer to a Po wer Source 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Connect the Printer to a Power Source The AC power cord must ha ve a three-prong fema le connector on one end that plugs into the mating AC power connector at th e rear of the printer.
Printer Setup Connect the Printer to a Power Source 30 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Power Cord Specifications Depending on how your p rinter was ordered, a power cord m ay or may not be included .
31 Printer Setup T ypes of Media 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A T ypes of Media Y our printer ca n use various ty pes of media: • S tandar d media —Most standard media uses an adhesive backing that sticks individual labels or a c ontinuous len gth of label s to a liner .
Printer Setup T ypes of Me dia 32 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Non-Continuous Fanfold Media Fanfold media is folded in a zigzag pattern. Fanfold media can have the same label separation s as non-continuo us roll media. The separations would fall on or near the folds.
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 3 Operations This section provides th e procedures for loading and calib rating the print er. Note • Complete the tasks and resolve the issues in Printe r Setup on page 21 before operating the printe r.
Operations Print Modes and Printer Options 34 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Print Modes and Printer Options The printer can use dif ferent print mo des and options for label removal ( Ta b l e 8 ). Use a print mode that matches th e media being used and the prin ter options available.
35 Operations Print Modes and Printer Options 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Media Paths Ta b l e 9 shows the media path s for print mode and printer optio n combinations using roll media. Fanfold media uses the same print modes and pr inter options as roll media.
Operations Load Media 36 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Load Media The beginning steps for loading media apply to all prin ters, in cluding those that have the peel-of f option.
37 Operations Load Media 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 3. Insert media int o the printer. Follo w the instructions for roll or fa nfold media, as appropriate. Roll Media Fanfold Media a. Remove and discard any tags or labels that are dirt y or that are held by adhesives or tape.
Operations Load Media 38 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 4. Feed the media under the dancer assembly ( 1 ), the upper media sensor ( 2 ), and the printhead-op en sensor ( 3 ). Slide the media b ack until it touch es the inside back wall of the upper media sensor .
39 Operations Load Media 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 5. Slide in the media guide until it touches the outer edge of th e media. 6. Continue wi th the steps th at apply to th e print mode that you will us e. 7. Push down the peel-of f mechanism rele ase lever to open the peel assembly .
Operations Load Media 40 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 8. Extend the media approximately 18 in . (500 mm) out of the printe r. 9. Remove the exposed labels so that only the lin er remains. 10. Feed the liner over the tear -off/peel-of f bar ( 1 ) and behind the peel assemb ly ( 2 ).
41 Operations Load Media 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 11 . Continue with the steps that a pply to the p rint mode that y ou will use. T o operate in... Then... Peel-Of f mode Continue with step 12 . Liner T ake-Up mode a. Slide the liner i nto the slot in the liner tak e-up spindle ( 1 ).
Operations Load Media 42 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 12. 13. Set the printer to the appropriate pri nt mode. See Select Print Mode on page 55 for instructions. 14. Close the pr inthead asse mbly . 15. If the printer is paused (the Pause light is on), press PA U S E to en able prin ting.
43 Operations Remove Used Liner 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Remove Used Liner When you use t he liner take-up option, you will period ically need t o remove used liner fro m the liner take-up spin dle. T o remove used liner from the liner t ake-up spindle, complete the se step s: 1.
Operations Calibrate the Printer 44 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Calibrate the Printer Auto Calibration By default, th e printer automati cally calib rates on powe r up or when the printhead is closed. During auto cal ibration, th e printer dete rmines the label length and se nsor settings.
45 Operations Adjust Printhead Pressure 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Adjust Printhead Pressure Y ou may need to adjust printhead pre ssure if printing is too light o n one side, if y ou use thick media, or if the media drifts fr om side to side durin g printing.
Operations Adjust Printhead Pressure 46 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 2. If necessary , adjust the pressure adjustme nt dials as follows: If the media... Then... Requires higher pressu re to print well Increase bo th dials one p osition.
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 4 Configuration This section describes the cont rol panel paramete rs that are used to co nfigure the printer for operation. Content s Setup Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuration Setup Mode 48 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Setup Mode After you have installed the media and the Power -On Self T est (POST) is complete, the co ntrol panel displays PRINTER READY . Y ou may now set printer parameters for your appl ication using the control panel display and the butt ons directly below it.
49 Configuration Setup Mode 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Exit Setup Mode T o leave Setup mode, complete these step s: 1. Press SETUP/EXIT . The LCD displays SAVE CHANGES . 2. Press PLUS (+) or MINUS (-) to display the save option s: 3.
Configuration Change Password-Protected Parame ters 50 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Change Password-Protected Parameters Certain paramet ers, including the communicatio n parameters, are pa ssword-protected by factory defaul t.
51 Configuration Print a Configuration Label 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Print a Configuration Label A configuration lab el lists the pr inter settings tha t are stored in co nfiguration memory . After you load the media, prin t a configuration label as a record of your printer’ s current set tings.
Configuration Print a Network Configu ration Label 52 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Print a Network Configuration Label If you are using a print server , you can print a ne twork co nfiguration label after the printe r is connected to the network.
53 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Control Panel Paramete rs Use the LCD on the contro l panel to vi ew and adjust printer se ttings.
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 54 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 S t andard Printer Parameters Ta b l e 1 1 shows parameters in the order in wh ich they are di splayed when you press PLUS (+) after entering Setup mode.
55 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Adjust the T ear-Off Position This parameter establ ishes the position of t he media over the tear -off /peel-of f bar after printing.
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 56 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Set Media T ype This paramete r tells the prin ter the type of med ia that you a re using (see T ypes of Media on page 31 for more information) .
57 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Set Maximum Label Length This paramete r is used du ring the me dia portion of t he calibratio n process. Always set maximu m label length to a value th at is at least 1 .
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 58 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Set Early W arning for Maintena nce When this featu re is enabled, the printer p rovides warn ings when th e printhead needs to be cleaned. Default V alue: MAINT .
59 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Set Printhead Life for Early W arning This parameter appears on ly when Early W a rning for Maintena nce is enabled . Set this value to the number of inches of media t hat the printhead is expected to print.
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 60 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Print Counter Readings Prints a label t hat lists the od om eter readings for the fol lowing: • the n.
61 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A List Formats This option prin ts a label t hat lists the ava ilable formats store d in the printer’ s RAM, Flash memory , or optional memory card. T o print a list of the available format s: 1.
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 62 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Initialize Fl ash Memory This option erases all previously stored inform ation from Flash memory . Caution • This option completely erases the Flash memory .
63 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Calibrate Media Sensor Sensitivity Use this procedu re to adjust sensit ivity of me dia sensors. Import ant • Follow t his procedure exactly as pre sented.
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 64 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Set Baud This setting app lies only when t he serial port is use d. The baud setting of the printer mu st match the bau d set ting of the ho st comp uter for accurat e communications to take place.
65 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Set Host Handshake This setting ap plies only when the serial port is used. The han dshake protocol of the printer must match the handshake protocol of the host computer for communication to take place.
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 66 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Set Communicat ions Mode The communicatio n diagnostics mo de is a troublesh ooting tool for checking the interconnection between t he printer and the host compu ter .
67 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Set Delimiter Char acter The delimiter character i s a two-digi t hex value use d as a parameter plac e marker in ZPL/ZPL II form at instructio ns. See the ZPL II Programming Guide for more information.
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 68 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Select Media Pow er -Up Option This paramete r sets the actio n of the media when you turn on the printer.
69 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Select Backfeed Sequence This parameter se ts when or if label backfeed occurs. This se tting is superseded by ~JS when received as part of a label format (see the ZPL II Pr ogramming Guide for more information).
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 70 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Set Reprin t Mode When reprint mod e is enabled, y ou can reprin t the last label printed either by issuing the ~PR ZPL command or by pres sing MINUS (-) on the control panel.
71 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Select Fo rmat Conve rt Selects the bitm ap scaling factor . The fi rst number is the original dots per inch (dpi) value; the second, the dpi to which you would li ke to scale.
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 72 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Set Real-T ime Clock (R TC) Date This parameter allows you to se t the date foll owing the conve ntion sele cted in IDLE DISPLAY . T o change the value s hown: 1.
73 Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Select the Displ ay Languag e This parameter changes the lang uage displayed o n the LCD.
Configuration Control Pane l Parameters 74 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Notes • ___________ _________ _________ ___________ _________ _________ _________ ___________ _______.
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 5 Routine Maintenance This section provid es routine cl eaning and maintenance p rocedures. Content s Replacing Printer Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Routine Maintenance Replacing Printer Co mponents 76 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Replacing Printer Component s Some printer compon ents, such as the printhead and platen roller , may wear out over ti me and can be repl aced easily .
77 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Cleaning Schedule and Procedures Specific cleaning procedures are pr ovided on the follow ing pages. Ta b l e 1 2 shows the recommended cleaning schedule.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Procedures 78 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller Y ou can minimize print head wear and maintain prin t quality with regula r preventive measures.
79 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Procedures 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A T o clean the printhead and platen roller , complete these steps: 1.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Procedures 80 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 4. While manually rotating th e platen ro ller , clean it thoroughl y with the swab . Allow the solvent to evaporate. 5. Reload the media, and clos e the printhead assembly .
81 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Procedures 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Clean the Media Compartment and Sensors T o clean the media comp artment and sensors, complete the se step s: 1. Brush or vacuum any accumulated pape r lint and dust away fro m the media path.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Procedures 82 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Clean the Peel Assembly The peel assembly , which is part of the Peel-Off option, consists of several spring-l oaded rollers to ensure the proper roller pressure.
83 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Procedures 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 2. Push down the peel-of f mechanism rele ase lever to open the peel assembly .
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Procedures 84 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 6. Close the pr inthead asse mbly . 7. 8. Close the media door . The printer is ready to operate. Caution • Use the peel release lever and y our right hand to close the peel assembly .
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 6 Troubleshooting This section provides information about errors that you mig ht need to trou bleshoot. Assorted diagnostic test s are includ ed. Content s T roubleshooting Checklists . . . . . . .
T roubleshooting T roubleshooting Chec klists 86 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 T roubleshooting Checklist s If an error condition exist s with the printer, review this checklist: Are nonconti nuous labels being treat ed as continuo us labels? If y es, see Cal ibrate Media Sensor Sensitivity on page 63 .
87 T roubleshoot ing LCD Error Messages 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A LCD Error Messages The LCD disp lays me ssages when there is an error . See Ta b l e 1 3 for LCD errors, the possible causes, and the recommended solut ions.
T roubleshooting LCD Error Messages 88 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 The printer stops; the ERROR light i s on; the printer cycles through these messages. Caution • An improperly connected printhead data or power cable can cause these error messag es.
89 T roubleshoot ing LCD Error Messages 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A There is not enough memory to perform the functi on specified on the second line of the error message. Free up some of the printer’ s memory by adjusting th e label format or p rinter parameters.
T roubleshooting Print Quality Problems 90 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Print Quality Problems Ta b l e 1 4 identifies prob lems with print q uality , the possible causes, and th e recommended solutions.
91 T roubleshoot ing Print Quality Problems 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A V ertical drift in top-of-form position The printer i s out of calib ration. Reca librate the pri nter. V ertical drift occurs during normal printer operation.
T roubleshooting Calibration Problems 92 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Calibration Problems Ta b l e 1 5 identifies problems with cal ibration, the possible causes, and t he recommended solutions. T able 15 • Calibration Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution Loss of printing registra tion on labels.
93 T roubleshoot ing Communicat ions P roblems 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Communications Problems Ta b l e 1 6 identifies problems with communication s , the possible c auses, and the recommended solutions.
T roubleshooting Miscellaneous Printer Problems 94 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Miscellaneous Printer Problems Ta b l e 1 7 identifies mi scellaneous prob lems with the printe r, the possibl e causes, and the recommended solution s.
95 T roubleshoot ing Miscellaneous Printer Problems 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A While in Peel-Off mode, media liner wraps around the platen r oller . Y ou are using perforated media, which is not recommende d for Peel-Off mode.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 96 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Printer Diagnostics Self tests and other diagnost ics provide specific in formation about t he condition of th e printer.
97 T roubleshoot ing Printer Diagnostics 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A CANCEL Self T est The CANCEL self test prints a configurati on label ( Figure 15 ). T o perform the CANCEL Self T est, complete these step s: 1. Tu r n o ff ( O ) the printer.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 98 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 PA U S E S e l f Te s t This self test can be used to prov ide the test lab els required when making adjustme nts to the printer’ s mechanical assemb lies or to det ermine if any printh ead elements are n ot working.
99 T roubleshoot ing Printer Diagnostics 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A FEED Self T est Different types of media may require differen t darkness settings. This sect ion contains a simple but ef fective method for determini ng the ideal dark ness for printing bar codes tha t are within specifications.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 100 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Figure 18 • Bar Code Darkness Comp arison T able 18 • Judging Bar Code Quality Print Quality Description To o d a r k Labels that are too dark are fai rly obvious.
101 T roubleshoot ing Printer Diagnostics 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 5. Note the relat ive darkness value a nd the print sp eed printed on the best test la bel. 6. Add or subtract th e relative da rkness value from t he darkness val ue specified on the configuration lab el.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 102 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 FEED and P AUSE Self T est Performing this self test temporarily resets the printer conf iguration to th e factory defau lt values. These v alues are activ e only until power is turne d of f unless you sa ve them permanently in memory .
103 T roubleshoot ing Printer Diagnostics 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Communications Diagnostics T est The communicat ion diagnostic s test is a troublesho oting tool fo r checking the interconnectio n between the prin ter and the host computer .
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 104 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Sensor Profile Use the sensor profil e label to troubleshoot the following types of p roblems: • If the media sensor ex periences dif ficulty in determining gap s (web) between lab els.
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A 7 Specifications This section provides the features of an d specifications for the printer. Content s General S pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications General S pecifications 106 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 General Specifications General Specifications Height 13.
107 Specifications Printing S pecif ication s 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Printing S pecifications Printing Specifications Print resolution 203 dots/in. 8 dots/mm Dot size (width x length) 0.0049 in. x 0.0049 in. 0.125 mm x 0.
Specifications Media S pecifications 108 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Media S pecifications Media Specifications Label length Minimum 0.5 in. 13 mm Maximum 12 in. 305 mm Label width Minimu m 1 in. 25.4 mm Maximum 4.2 5 in. 108 mm T otal thickne ss (includes liner, if any) Minimum 0.
2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Index A adjustments left position, 69 print darkness, 54 printhead p ressure, 45 tear -of f position, 55 auto calibrati on, 44 B backfeed setting,.
Index 110 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 control panel buttons described, 19 enter Setu p mode, 48 exit Setup mod e, 49 LCD error messages, 87 lights described, 20 location, 16 .
111 Index 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A Liner T ake-Up mode description, 34 loading medi a, 36 media path, 35 remove used liner , 43 list settings all settings, 6 1 bar codes, .
Index 112 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 print modes described, 34 load media for d iffe rent print modes an d options, 36 media path s, 35 selecting, 55 print network configura.
113 Index 2/26/10 ZM400 User Guide for UPS P1016807-001 Rev . A setup checklist, 22 unpack the printer , 23 Setup mode enter Setu p mode, 48 exit Setup mod e, 49 LCD messages, 53 passwords, 50 shippin.
Index 114 P1016807-001 Rev . A ZM400 User Guide for UPS 2/26/10 Notes • ___________ _________ _________ ___________ _________ _________ _________ ___________ _________ _________ ____________ _______.
Part Number: P1016807-001 © 2010 ZIH Corp. Zebra T echnologies Corporation Zebra Technolo gies Corpo ration 475 Half Day Road, Suite 500 Lincolnshire, IL 6006 9 USA T: +1 847 63 4 6700 Toll-free +1 8.
デバイスZebra ZM400の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Zebra ZM400をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはZebra ZM400の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Zebra ZM400の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Zebra ZM400で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Zebra ZM400を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はZebra ZM400の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Zebra ZM400に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちZebra ZM400デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。