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Wireless-N Router USER MANUAL.
NO TICE This document contains pr oprietar y informat ion pr otected by copyright, and this Manual and all the accompanying har dware, software , and document ation are copyrighted. No part o f this document may be photocopied or r eproduced by mechanical, electronic, or other means in any form.
MENT Contents Contents ........................................................................................................................3 Installing the W ireless-N Router ........................................................................
Configuring Basic Settings ......................................................................... 41 The Basic Setup Page .................................................................................. 42 Using your 3G modem as a Backup ........
1 Installing the Wireless-N Router Package Contents The package cont ains the Zoom Wireless-N Router , an RJ-45 Ethernet cable, a 5V 1.2A Power adapter , a Quick S tart inst allation flyer , and a CD that contains additional documentation and warranty information.
Connecting a Smartphone or a Tablet to Your Router If you are using the router with a mobile broadband USB modem please go to Connecting a Modem or non-Android Smartphone or T ablet to Y our Router . If instead you are using a smartphone or tablet with the router , please read the information below before continuing.
this code. If your Router is not working with your Android smartphone or tablet see T roubleshooting your Internet Connection , otherwise go to Chapter 2, Using the Configuration Manager to learn how to: ¾ Enable Wireless Sec urity.
on the T ask Bar , click A vailable Wireless Networks , select Zoom from the list of available wireless networks, and then make the connection. 5 The router comes set up for wireless with no security . If you want wireless security , you need to set up the mobile broadband router and each device for the security that you want.
www .zoomtel.com/router/comp for a list of comp atible modems and phones. If your device is listed and you are still having trouble, please contact Zoom support as describe d in Appendix C: Registering Y our Product and Getting Help .
2 Using the Configuration Manager Y our Wireless-N Router is preset with default values that meet the needs of most users. However , you can change these settings using the router's built-in Configuration Manager .
5 On the T oolbar , type admin (the default password) in the System Password field, then click Login . 6 By default the configuration manager is set to English. If you wish to change it to S panish select Español from the drop down box on the T oolbar .
Internet during certain hours. See The Sched ule Rule and Schedule Rule Setting Pages on page 67 for mo re information. ¾ You wish to c hange other wireless setti ngs such as your Wireles s Network Name (SSID) or you wish to disable WiFi access to yo ur router.
Step 1. Setup Login T o view or change configuration settings, you must enter a password. Y our router has a default password ( admin ) that was set by the factory and that you used to access the Configuration Manager initially . If you want to keep the default p assword, click Next to skip this step.
Step 3. WAN Type Setup The W AN T yp e refers to the protocol used by your Internet Service Provider in establishing your Internet connection. By default, W AN T ype is set to your Mobile Broadband USB modem. If that is what you want, you can select Next to skip this section.
mobile broadband modem as the backup to an ADSL or Cable modem, you'll need to use the Configuration Manager's Advanced pro gram to configure this setup. Please refer to Using your 3G modem as a backup on page 44 .) Y ou should select your primary connection type using the Setup Wizard.
• Static Primary DNS This is the Domain Name System ( DNS ) server's IP address. Y our service provider supplies this address. • Static Secondary DNS This is the IP address of an alternate Domain Name System ( DNS ) server . Y our service provider supplies this address.
that was registered with your servic e provider for your device. Go to S tep 4 . Wireless Settings on p age 22 . Configuring PPPoE The page shown below only appears if you select the PPPoE button on the Select W AN Ty p e menu. Otherwise skip this section.
Y our service provider supplies this address, if needed. • Service Name This is the name assigned by your servic e provider to identify your service. The Service Name is optional. • Assigned IP Address This is the optional IP address assigned by your service provider .
• My Subnet Mask This is the private subnet mask that y our service provider assigned to your router . • Gateway IP This is the IP address of the service prov ider's server . Y our service provider supplies this address. • Server IP Address/ Name This is the name and IP address of the PPTP server .
dropdown menu, based on your service provider's requirement s. • IP Address This is the IP address that identifies the L2TP server . Y our service provider supplies this address. • Subnet Mask This is the router's subnet mask. Y our service provider supplies this address.
If you do not know the APN, Dialed Number , Account, or Password of your service provider , you should contact them or refer to Appendix A: Mobile Broadband Settings for a list of many wireless service providers’ settings. Y ou may also want to refer to http://www .
Step 4. W ireless Settings The Wireless Settings p age lets you configure the wireless settings for your Router and devices. If you are happy to have no wireless security , click Next to go to S tep 5.
TIP : Other wireless networks might be within range of your network. Your neighbors, for instance, may be within range. If you are having trouble connecting, try setting a different channel to see if that improves performance. You should try setting a channel that is 5 more than what you are using.
WP A-PSK/WP A2-PSK Authentication We recommend this setting if all devices on your network support either WP A or WP A2. Y our router will automatically detect whether it should use WP A or WP A2. When you select WP A-PSK/WP A2-PS K from the Authentication dropdown menu, the Encryption field expands, as shown in the following figure.
expands, as shown in the following figure. Field Entry Authentication Select WEP Encryption Select WEP Encryption WEP Key 1, 2, 3, 4 We recommend selecting HEX as t he key format as Ascii keys can have compatibility issues between different devices.
key in the space below for future reference, an d then enter it in the Key 1 box. — — — — — If you selected ASCII format , and you chose a 128-bit key length, 13 ASCII characters are required. Write the 13-ASCII-character key in the space bel ow for future reference, and then enter it in the Key 1 box.
1 T o edit your entries, click Back as many times as needed to access the page for the field(s) to be edited, then click Next to continue with your edits or to return to the updated Summary page.
3 Connecting Devices Wirelessly to the Wireless-N Router This chapter assumes that your Wireless-N Router has its wireless se curity settings set up the way you like them, either with the factory default of “no securit y” or with a particular type of security as discussed in Chapter 2 .
Connecting a Windows 7 Computer with Built-in Wireless Capabilities 1 From the taskbar , click on the wireless symbol. 2 In the wireless network options box, highlight the Wireless Network Name (SSID) you gave your wireless network in S tep 4 of the Setup Wizard.
Connecting a Windows Vista Computer with Built-in Wireless Capabilities 1 From the Star t menu select Connect to . 2 In the Connect to a network dialog box, highlight the Wireless Network Name (SSID) you gave your wireless network in S tep 4 of the Setup Wizard.
Connecting a Windows XP Computer with Built-in Wireless Capabilities 1 On your Windows desktop, click the Wireless Network Icon in the System T ray . 2 Windows will automatically scan for available wireless networks in your area. Any compatible networks within range will appear in the A vailable networks list.
select the default name Zoom. • If you enabled security in S tep 4 of the Setup Wizard, enter the wireless security key you created in S tep 4 when you are prompted for the password in the next dialog box. Click OK to connect to your router . ¾ More than one wireless network may appear in the list.
how to log in to the Zoom Configuration Manager , see page 10 . After logging in, select Wireless from the left-hand menu. On the Wireless page you can select a new channel from the drop-down menu.
with it. We recommend there be at least a five-channel difference between your network and those of your neighbors. Having less than a five-channel difference may result in interference with your connection. By default, the Wireless-N Router uses channel 10.
3 Ref er to your client device 's documentation for furthe r instructions, if necessary. Method T wo Use this method if your client device already has a WPS PIN number . The client is the Enrollee . 4 If you haven't already d one so, open a Web bro wser and type http://192.
4 Configuring Wireless Security Manually Note: Most users will not need to read this chapter. Most users either use the Wireless-N Router’s default settings (“no wireless security”) or use the Setup Wizard described in Chapter 2 to set wireless security.
5 In the Authentication drop down bar select WP A – PSK/W P A2 – PSK. If you know all your devices support WP A2 -PSK you can select it instead. 6 In the Security Key field enter a value for the key . The maximum value is 64 characters. The minimum value is 8 characters. and then press Enter . When the MAIN MENU opens for the first time, it displays a System Status page that summarizes the current settings and values for your system. 3 On the T oolbar , type admin (the default password) in the System Password field, then click Login .
9 Now you need to set up each of your wireless devices with the Key that you entered. See Establishing your Wireless Network on p age 28 for instructions on connecting devices to the Wireless-N Router .
5 Using the Configuration Manager's Advanced Program Most users will not need to manually set up their router . In the unlikely event that you do, you can use the Configuration Manager's Advanced program to change the router's default settings.
¾ You want to back up router settings that you made using the Configuration Manager. See The Backup Setting Dialog on page 71 for details. Online Help The Advanced program provides both online and context-sensitive help that guides you in changing the settings on each menu.
provides a description of the configuration menus at center . The Basic Setup Page Y ou can use the Basi c Setup page to configure your LAN and W AN setup. Note : The following image depicts the fields that the program displays when 3G is selected as the WAN Type .
LAN IP Address The local IP address of the router . 192.16 8.2.1 , by default. All wireless or wired devices on your network must use the LAN IP address of your router as their default gateway . 3G Failover See Using your 3G modem as a backup on page 44 for instructions on using 3G Failover .
to http://www .zoomtel.com/mbsettings . Authentication Set to Auto , by default. Optionally , click P assword A uthentication P rotocol ( PA P ), or C hallenge H andshake A uthentication P rotocol ( CHAP ), if supported by your service provider . Primary DNS and Secondary DNS IP address of the D omai n N ame S ervers.
c From the Configuration Manager , click on Advanced and then Basic Setup and paste the IP address into the Internet host textbox. 5 Click Save . The DHCP Server Page Y ou can use the DHCP Server page to configure your DHCP server .
Wireless Module Accept the default, Enable . Click the Disable checkbox only if you do not want wireless clients to access your network. Wireless Network Name( SSID ) Refers to the S ervice S et Id entifier for your device. By default, the SSID for the Wireless-N Router is Zoom .
For WEP Authentication : Y ou can accept the default, WEP-Auto or select one of the available options . Select WEP-Open to use Open System authentication . Select WEP-Shared to use Shared Key authentication. For WP A-PSK/WP A 2-PSK Authentication: Y ou can select WP A-PSK/WP A2 PSK if your devices support both authentication methods.
I f you selected ASCII format , and yo u chose a 64-bit key length, 5 ASCII characters are required. W rite the 5-ASCII-character key in the space below for future reference, and then enter it in the Key 1 box. — — — — — Click WPS Setup to launch the W iFi P rotected S etup ( WPS ) Setup program.
Port triggering works by sensing when data is sent out on the predetermined outgoin g port and then automatically opening up the corresponding incoming port(s). It will automatically forward the traffic on the incoming port to the computer that accessed the outgoing port.
A virtual server will allow access to your computer on certain port s. A port is like a channel that is used by applications (such as ga mes) to communicate on. For example, the directions for the game you want to play over the Internet might tell you to open port 6000.
Click to enable the V irtual Server Use Rule# Y ou can enable your virt ual server for certain periods of time by assigning it a Rule # . Y ou must first set up the appropriate Scheduling Rule . See The Schedule Rule and Schedule Rule Setting Pages on page 67 for more information.
Incoming Ports When the trigger packet is detected on the outbound port, the inbound p ackets sent to the specified port numbers are allowed to p ass through the firewall. Enable Enables access for the specified application. Popular applications Provides a menu of applications from which to choose.
The Miscellaneous Page The Miscellaneous Page lets you set up and enable a DMZ Host on your network, and enable UPnP settings for sof tware and devices. In this way , specific port s can open for incoming traffic that must p ass through your firewall.
Configuring Security Settings The Security Setting page list s the configuration menus on the left p ane and provides a description of the configuration menus at center .
St atus Page The Status page shows you the st atus of the inbound and outbound Packet Filters and the Domain Filters. Inbound , Outbound , and Domain filters are di sabled, by default. Packet Filtering Page Packet Filtering allows you to control what packet s are allowed to pass through the router .
Filtering Policies Y ou can select one of the two filtering policies: Allow all to p ass except those that match the specified rules Deny all to pass except those that match the spe cified rules Filtering Rules Y ou can specify eight rules for each direction: inbound or outbound.
The Domain Filters Page Y ou can use the Domain Filters page to enable or deny user access to specified URLs. Domain filtering and URL Blocking perform similar functions.
The action to be t aken when a user accesses the restricted domain suffix URL. Check Drop to block access. Check log to record the attempted access. Enable Click the checkbox to enable a rule.
example, if you set up blacklisting, you can use the pre-defined word, sex, to block all website URLs that cont ain the pre-defined word, sex. Enable Click the checkbox to enable each rule. The MAC Address Control Page Y ou can use the MAC Ad dress Cont rol page to provide an added layer of security to your Wireless-N Router .
Association control Check Association control to specify which wireless clients can associate to the wireless LAN. If a client is not allowed to associate to the wireless LAN, then the client can't send or receive any dat a via this device. Choose allow or deny to indicate which clients can associate to th e wireless LAN.
Configuring Advanced Settings The Advanced Settings page lists eigh t menus on the left pane and provides a description of the configuration menus at center .
The System Log Page Y ou can use the System Log page to define how and where system logs will be exported via syslog (UDP) or SMTP(TCP). IP Address for Syslogging Host IP address of the d estination where the Sys log will be sent. Click the Enable checkbox to set the IP Address as the destination.
The Dynamic DNS Page Y ou can use the Dynamic DNS page to define the D ynamic D omain N ame S ervice ( DDNS ) that will host your server . For example, the DDN S could host your server when you want to host a website on your network but you do not have a static IP .
QoS Control Click the Enable checkbox to enable QoS. Available Upstream bandwidth Set the upstream speed. The best way to find your throughput is to use one of the free speed tests w idely available on the Web. Some examples of sites with good speed tests ar e www .
level set. For critical application s, select High or Normal . For non-critical applications, select Low . High is the default value. Enable Click the Enable checkbox to apply the settings. User Rule# Select a rule from the dropdown menu to indicate when the policy applies.
Select the SNMP V ersion that your SNMP Management software support s. W AN Access IP Address Enter the IP address for WAN access. The Routing T able Page Y ou can use the Routing Ta b l e page to enable/disable both Dynamic and Static Routing .
The System T ime Page Y ou can use the Syst em Time p age to set and synchronize your router with the local time zone, the T ime Server and your PC. Time Zone Select the local time zone from the dropdown menu. Auto-Synchronization Click the Enable checkbox to enable this function.
The Schedule Rule and Schedule Rule Setting Pages Y ou can use the Schedule Rule and Schedule Rule Setting pages to define wh en services will be turned on and off based on rules that you define. 1 On the Schedule R ule page, click th e Enable checkbox to enable the scheduling rules, which are defined on t he Schedule Rule Setting page.
b On the Schedul e Rule Sett ing page, specify a Rule name, a Policy that defines whether the rule is Active or Inac tive , Week Day and the Start Time and End Time for each rule that you are creating. c Click Save for eac h rule that you cre ate. d Click Back to return to th e Schedul e Rule page.
Configuring Toolbox Settings The T oolbox Settings page list s six configuration menus on the lef t pane and provides a description of the configuration menus at center . The System Information Page Y ou can use the System I nformation page to view information about your router , and to view download, and delete system logs.
The Firmware Upgrade Page Y ou can use the Firmware Upgrade page to get the most recent version of the router firmware, if available. 1 Click Browse to open the location wh ere you save d the Firmware Update file that you downloaded from the Zoom web site or received via email.
The Reset to Default Dialog Y ou can reset the router to its factory settings by clicking the Reset to Default item from the left p ane of the T oolbox menu.
The Miscellaneous Page Y ou can use this page to Ping a remote device on your network or to wake up a PC on your network that is in sleep mode. The remote PC must be configured for W ake-on-LAN mode.
Appendix A: Mobile Broadband Settings Your router works with a large number of different mobile broadband modem models. In most cases when you plug your mobile broadband modem or phone into the router, the proper APN (Access Point Name), Dialed Number, PIN Code, Username, and Password for the provider is automatically entered.
Cingular with acceleration ISP .CINGULAR ISPDA@ CINGULAR1 Cingular w/o acceleration ISP .CINGULAR ISP@CINGU LARGPRS.C OM CINGULAR1 Cingular non-contract W AP .
U.K. Mobile Broadband Service Providers Provider APN Dialed Number Username Password Other Settings 3 three.co.uk *99# guest guest 3 Mobile Broadband 3internet *99# AirT el V odafone (Jersey) Airtel-ci-gprs.com *99# gue st guest Anvil Mobile (1) m2m.sim4life.
O2 Mobile Broadband Pay&Go m-bb.o2.co.uk *99# 02bb password Orange orangeinternet *99# Orange (contract) orangeinternet *99# Orange orange Orange Pay Monthly orangeinternet *99# user user Orange Pay and Go orangewap *99# Multimedia Orange Sure (C&W Jersey) Internet *99# T - Mobile (1) general.
Appendix B: How to Set Up Tethering on the iPhone These instructions are based on using the iPhone in the USA with V erizon and A T&T , and may vary slightly depending on the model of your iPhone, your firmware version, and service provider . These instructions assume that you have a service contract that supports tethering.
A p p e n d i x B : H o w t o S e t U p T e t h e r i n g o n t h e i P h o n e 7 9.
Appendix C: Registering Your Product and Getting Help Zoom supports this Router . If you need assist ance, please contact Zoom directly . W e encourage you to register your product and to notice the many support options available from Zoom. Please go to www .
Limited Warranty Zoom T elephonics, Inc. (herein after “Zoom”) warra nts this product again st defects in material and workmanship for a warranty peri od of one year . The one year warranty may be extended only by Zoom as required by local law in the co untry where this modem is sold by Zoom.
Declaration of Conformity Déclaration de conformité / Decl aración de conformidad Manufacturer/Constructeur/Fabr icante Zoom Telephonics, Inc. 207 South Street Boston, MA 02111 USA 617-423-1072 www.
FCC Section 15.105 Information to the user Note: This equipment has been t ested and found to comply with the limits for a Clas s B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. T hese limits are desig ned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference i n a residential installation.
デバイスZoom Wireless-Nの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Zoom Wireless-Nをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはZoom Wireless-Nの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Zoom Wireless-Nの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Zoom Wireless-Nで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Zoom Wireless-Nを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はZoom Wireless-Nの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Zoom Wireless-Nに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちZoom Wireless-Nデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。