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M7T DF Federal Communications Commission (F.C.C.) Statement This de vice com plies with Par t 1 5 o f the FCC Rule s. Opera tion of this dev ice is sub ject to the follo wing two conditio ns: (1) t hi.
Disclaimer The vendor mak e s no r epresenta tions or w arranties with respect to the c ontents here of and s pecia lly disc laim s any im plied wa rrant ies o f mercha ntability or fitne ss fo r any p urpose .
Contents i Introduction .... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............... ... 1-1 1. Motherboar d Description ........ ... ............ ... ............ ............ ... ... 1-2 1.1 Feat ures ....... ......... .....
Contents ii 1.6. 1 F ron t Pa nel C on nect or : JPA NE L1 .... ....... .... .... .... ...... ..... .... ...... .... .... ..... ...... 1- 23 1.6. 2 ATX 20-p in Pow er C onne ctor : JAT XPWR 1........ ....... ...... ........ ...... ....... .... 1-25 1.
Contents iii 2.2 St andard CMOS Features ..... ......... ........... ......... .......... ........... ......... ........ 2-6 2.3 A dvanced BIOS Featur es ... ......... ......... ......... ........... ......... ......... .......... ... 2-9 2.4 Advan ced Chi ps et Featu res .
Contents iv 3.3. 6 S y nch ron iz e/Va li da te/V er if y Mir ror A rra y.......... .... ....... .... .... ...... .... ..... ...... 3- 21 3.3. 7 C rea te S pan Ar ray .... ..... .... ...... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-1 Introduc tion System Over v ie w Cong ratul atio ns on t he pur chas e o f yo ur ne w sy ste m! This m othe rbo ard is desi gne d to ta ke adv anta ge of the late st industry te chnol og y t o pro v ide yo u w ith th e ultimat e solut io n in da ta proc e ssing.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-2 1. Moth erboard Description 1.1 Features 1.1. 1 Har dw are CPU − Single Socket-47 8 for an Intel Pentium ® 4 proce ssor. − Supp orts the Intel Pent ium ® 4 proce ssor subse t of the Enhance d Mode Sc alea ble B us Pr oto col.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-3 DRAM M e mory (Chips et Spec) − Support s 200MHz or 266MHz DDR SD RAM dev i ce s. − Support s 128Mb, 256Mb and 512Mb te c hno lo g i e s fo r x8 and 16 dev i ce s . − Support s DDR-SDR AM channe l, 64 wide (72b with ECC).
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-4 Bu ilt in ID E Fac ilit ie s − Support s fou r IDE ha rd dis k driv es. − Suppor ts PIO Mo de 4, Maste r Mo de, and hig h per forma nce hard disk drive s. − Support s dis k tra ns fe r ra te s up to 100 MB/s e c o nd.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-5 HPT370 is des ig ned to enable you add high performance ATA/ATAPI devices. (O ptional) − Ultr a DMA 10 0MB/S op eration per ATA chan nel. − Support up to 66MHz PCI bus Cloc k . − One PCI func tio n s uppo rts two inde pe ndent ATA channe ls.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-6 Accelerated G raphics Port (AGP) I nterface − Supp orts a sin gle AGP d evice (eith er a con nector or on th e mo therbo ard) . − Supports AGP 2. 0 incl uding 4X AG P dat a trans fe r mo de . − Supports o nly 1.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-7 1.1. 2 BIOS − AWAR D leg al BIOS. − Support s APM1. 2. − Sup ports USB Function . − Support s ACPI . 1.1. 3 So ftw are Operating Sys tem − Offers the hi g hest perfor mance for MS-DOS , Windo ws NT, Wi ndows 2000, Window s 95/98, Windo ws ME, Windo ws XP, Nove ll, LINUX, UNI X, SCO UNI X e t c .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-8 1.2 Motherboard Installat ion 1.2. 1 System Blo ck Dia gram.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-9 1.2.2 Lay out of M otherboard Model No .M7TDF JAUDI O1 K/B & Mou se JUSB1 USB COM1 COM2 Paralle l Port JSPKR1 SP-OUT JLI N1 LINE-IN JMIC1 MIC-IN GAME Port JK.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-10 1.2. 3 Qui ck Refer ence A . Bac k Panel I/O C onnectors L. Wake-On-LA N Header (JWOL1) B. Front A udio Header ( JA UDIO1) M. RA ID Conn. (RA ID1/2) (Opt ional) C. PCI BUS Slo ts (PCI1-6) N. Clear CMOS Jumper (J CMOS1) D.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-11 1.3 CPU Installatio n 1.3. 1 CPU Ins tall ation Pro cedur e: So cket 478 1. Pull the lever sid eways awa y from th e socket then rais e the lev er up to a 90-deg ree a ng le . 2. Locate Pin A i n th e s ocket and l ook for th e wh ite d ot or cu t edge i n th e CPU .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-12 CPU In s ta l l ati o n La yo ut 1.3. 2 CPU Fan H eader : JCFAN1 Pin No. As signme nt 1 Ground 2 +12V 3 Sense 1.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-13 1.4 RA M Module Installation 1.4. 1 Ho w t o ins tall a DIM M M odul e 1. The DIMM soc ket ha s a “ Plasti c Safe ty Tab” an d th e DIMM memory m odule has an asy mmetrical notch”, s o the D IMM memory mod ule can on ly fit into th e slot in one direction .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-14 1.4. 2 DIM M DRAM Acce ss Time : 2.5V Unbuf fere d DDR SDR AM PC 200/266 Type requi red. DRAM Ty pe: 128MB/ 256MB / 512MB DI MM Mo dule (184 pin) Due to the lim itati on of chips et, this board o nly ca n support up to 2 banks of DDR memory.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-15 In a dditio n, find the appro priate locat ion f or differen t combi nation f rom the following tabl e1. (Table 1) DDR1 S X D X S D S X S S S S D DDR2 X X X X X.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-16 DDR1=>D o uble si de d, DD R2=> X, DDR3= > X, DDR4= > X DDR1=>X, DDR2=>X, DD R3=>Double sided, DDR4=>X DDR1=> Sin g le sided, DDR2=&g.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-17 DDR1=>Sin g le sided, DDR2=> Sin g le sided, DDR3=>X, DDR4=>X DDR1=>X, DDR2=>X, DD R3=>Single sided, DDR4=>Sin g le sided DDR1=> S i .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-18 DDR1=> Single s ided, DDR2=> Sing le sided, DD R3=>Sing le sided, DD R4=> Singl e s i ded DDR1=> Si ngl e s ide d, DDR2=>S ingl e s ided, DDR3.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-19 Total Memor y Sizes Wit h Unbuff ered DIMMs (Table 2) Total Me mory Size (MB) DDR 1 DDR 2 DDR 3 DDR 4 128 M 128 M ---- ---- ---- 256 M 256 M ---- ---- ---- 512 .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-20 1.5 Slots The slot s i n th is mot h erbo ar d are desi gn ed t o hold exp an sion card s and con n ect th em to the sys tem b us. E xpan sion sl ots are a means of ad di ng or enhan cing t he m otherbo ard's featur e s a nd capabi lities.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-21 1.5.1 A GP (A ccele rated Graphics Port) Slot Unlike the mouse port s, keybo ard port s and printe r ports this motherbo ard does no t have buil t in vide o facili ties and th ere fore re quires a vide o card for one of the expa nsion slo ts.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-22 1.6 Connectors, Headers & Jumper s The con nectors, h eaders and j umpers i ntroduced b elow pr ovide you lot s of capabi lities such a s power sup ply, fron t panel si g n al revelation , IDE hard disk conne ction, floppy disk conne ction, Wa ke On LAN func tion and Fr ont USB connecti on.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-23 1.6 .1 Fr ont Pane l Co nnec tor: JPA NEL1 Pin A ssignment Function Pin Assignment Function No. No. 1 Speaker 2 Sleep Control Sleep 3 NC 4 Ground Button 5 Groun.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-24 Reset Button This conn ect or can be atta ch ed to a moment ary S PS T swi t ch . Th is sw it ch is usuall y op en a nd when cl os ed w ill cau se th e mo th erboa rd to r es et and ru n t he PO ST (Power On Self Test).
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-25 1.6.2 A TX 20-pin Pow er Connector: JA TXPWR1 This c onne ctor s upports the powe r button o n-boa rd. Using the ATX powe r supply , funct ion suc h as Soft Powe r Off is suppo rted o n this mothe rboa rd.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-26 1.6.4 Hard Disk Connectors: IDE1/IDE 2 The m other board has a 32-bit En hance d PCI IDE Co ntrolle r that pr ovide s PIO Mode 0~ 4, Bus Master, and Ult ra DMA / 33, Ultra DMA / 66, Ultra DMA / 100 functio nality .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-27 1.6. 7 Cle ar CM OS Ju mper: JCM OS 1 JCM OS1 Assi gnment 1 3 1-2 Clo sed Normal Operation (defaul t ) 1 3 2-3 Clo sed Clea r CMO S Dat a 1.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-28 1.7 Peripheral Por t 1.7.1 PS/2 Mo use / Key board Connector: JKBMS1 The mo therbo ard prov ide s a standard PS/2 m ouse / Keybo ard mi ni DIN co nnecto r for a ttaching a PS/2 mouse. You can plug a PS/2 m ouse / Keyboard dir ect ly into this c onne ctor .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-29 1.7. 2 USB Con necto r: JUSB 1 The m otherbo ard pr ovide s an OH CI (Open H os t Co ntroller Interfa ce) Universal Seria l Bus Roots for attach ing US B devic es such a s: keyb oard, m ouse an d other USB dev i c es .
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-30 1.7.3 Serial and Parallel Interface Ports This s ystem comes e quipped with tw o ser ial ports and one paral lel por t.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-31 Con nectivity The ser ia l po r ts c an be use d i n ma ny wa ys , a nd i t ma y be nec es sa ry to be com e famil iar wit h the pinout diag ram. The follow ing chart g ives you the func tion of each pin on the 9-pi n conne ctor and so me of the 25- pin co nnect or.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-32 Parallel Interface Port: JP RNT1 Unli ke th e s erial ports, par allel in terfa c e p ort has b een stan dar diz ed an d s houl d n ot present a ny difficu lty interfaci ng periph erals to you r system.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-33 1.7. 4 Game (J o ysti ck / M IDI ) Por t C on n ector : JGAM E 1 This connect or allows you to c onnect a j oystick or game p ad for pla ying co mput er ga m e s. Als o , yo u m a y pla y o r e dit pro fe s s i ona l m us ic by co nne c ti ng MI DI de v ic e s.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-34 1.7. 6 Audio Sub sy stem CD-ROM Audio-In Header: JCDIN1 Pin No. A ssignment 1 Left Channel Input 2 Ground 3 Ground 4 Right Chan nel Input Socket 478 82845 1 DDR 1 DDR2 I/O 2 1 24 23 82801B A High Point HPT 370A 1 1 SECONDARY IDE CONN.
Chapter 1 Motherboard Descr iption 1-35 CD-ROM Audio-In Header: JCDIN2 Pin No. A ssignment 1 Left Channel Input 2 Ground 3 Right Chan nel Input 4 Ground 1.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-1 2. BIOS Se tup Introdu ction This ma nual disc usse d Award™ Setup prog ram built into the ROM BIO S. The Setup pr ogram allow s users to modify the ba sic system confi gura tion. This spec ial so tha t it re ta i ns t he Se tup inf o rm at io n whe n the po we r is tur ne d off .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-2 PCI Bus Support This AW ARD BI OS al so support s Vers ion 2.1 o f the Inte l PCI (Pe riphe ral Com ponent I nt e rc o nne ct ) lo c a l bus sp e c if i cat io n. DRAM Support DDR SDR AM (Double Data Rat e Synchron ous DRAM) are sup ported.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-3 2.1 Main Menu Once yo u enter A war d BIO S™ CMOS Se tup Util it y, the M ain Menu wi ll appe a r on the sc reen. The Main Menu all ows you to sele ct f rom seve ral setup func tions . Use the arr ow keys to sele ct amo ng the item s and press < Enter> to acce pt and ente r the sub-m e nu.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-4 Advanced Chipset F eatures This submenu allow s you to conf ig ure special ch ipset features. Integrated Peripherals This subm e nu allo ws you to c onfig ure cer tain I DE har d drive options and Prog ramm e d I nput / Output f e a tur e s.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-5 Set User Passw ord If the Supe rv isor Pass word is not set, the n the Use r Passwor d will functi on in the same wa y as the Supervis or Passw ord. If the Supe rviso r Passwor d is set and the User P assw ord is s et, th e “U ser” will onl y b e abl e t o vi ew conf iguration s but will not be able to change them.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-6 2.2 Standard CM OS Features The i tems in Stand ard CMOS Setup Menu ar e divi ded int o 10 cat egori e s. Each category includ es no, one or more th an one s etup it ems. Use t he arrow keys t o highli ght th e item and th en us e th e<P gUp> or <PgDn > k eys to sel ect th e valu e you want in each it e m .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-7 Mai n M enu Selecti o ns This table shows t he sele ctions t hat you can make on the Mai n Menu. Item Options Descri ption Date MM DD Y Y Y Y Set the system date. Note that the ‘ Day’ automati cally changes when y ou set the date.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-8 Item Opti o ns D e scription Halt On All Er rors No Erro rs All , but Key board All , bu t Di skette All , but Di sk/ Key Select the si tuati on in w hich you want the BIOS to st op the POST pr ocess and notify you. Base Memory N/A Displays th e amount of convention al memory detected dur ing boo t up.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-9 2.3 A dv anced BIOS Featur es Figure 3. Advanc e d BIOS S etup Virus Warning This opti on all ows you to c hoose the VI RUS War ning fe ature tha t is used to prote ct the ID E Ha rd Disk boot sect or.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-10 Quick Pow er On Self Test Enab ling this option wil l caus e an abr idged v e rsion of th e Power O n Self-T est (P OS T) to ex ecut e aft er you po wer up th e comp uter . Ena bled (d efault) Enab le quick PO ST. Disab led Normal PO ST.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-11 Ty pe m ati c Ra t e Set t i ng Whe n a key is he ld dow n, the key stro ke will repea t at a rate de te rmine d by the keyboar d cont roller. When enabled, the t ypematic rate and typ ematic d elay c an b e confi gur ed. The Cho ices: Disab led (defau lt), Enabl e d.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-12 OS Select For DRAM > 64M B A choi ce other than Non- OS2 is onl y used fo r OS2 sys tems with me mory exc ee ding 64M B. The Cho ices: Non-OS2 (default), OS2. Repor t No FD D Fo r WIN 95 Whe the r repo rt no FDD fo r Win 95 or no t.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-13 2.4 A dv anced Chipset Features This submenu al lows you to configur e the specific f eatures of the ch ipset install ed on your s ystem. Thi s chips e t man ages bus s peeds and access to the syst em memory resourc es, such as DR AM and external cache.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-14 Active to Precha rge Delay This it em con trols th e nu mber of DR AM cl ocks to ac tivat e th e p rechar ge del ay. The Cho ices: 7 (defau lt), 6, 5. DRA M RAS# to CAS# Del ay This fie ld let you inse rt a timing delay be twee n the CAS and RAS strobe signals, u sed when D RAM is w ritten to, r ead from, or refresh ed.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-15 Video BIO S Cach eable Select E nabled al lows cachi ng of th e video B IOS, resu lting a b etter sys tem pe rforma nce. H owever , if any prog ram wr ites to thi s memo ry area , a s yst em erro r may resu lt . The Cho ices: Disab led (defau lt), Enabl ed.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-16 2.5 Integrated Peripherals Figure 5. Integrated Peripherals Onboard R AID PCI IDE ( Op t ion al) This item sele ct to Enab led or Disabl ed RAID PCI IDE. The Cho ices: Enab led (def a ult ), D isa bl e d. On-Chip IDE Contro l The ch ipset contain s a PCI IDE in terface with sup port for two IDE chann els.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-17 IDE Primary / S econda ry Ma ster / Slave PIO The IDE PIO (P ro gra m med Input / O u tp u t) fields l et you s et a PIO mod e (0-4) for ea ch of th e IDE devices that the on b oard IDE int erfa c e su pports . Mode s 0 through 4 provide s suc ce ssive ly incre a se d perfo rm an ce.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-18 Init Display First This item allows you to decide to active wh ether PCI Slot or on-chip VGA first. The Cho ices: AGP (def ault), PC I Solt. Onboard FDC Control ler Sele ct Enable d if your system has a floppy disk cont rolle r (FDC) ins tall ed on the syste m bo ard and yo u wis h to use it.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-19 Use IR Pins Cons ult yo ur IR periphe ral docum enta tion to sele ct th e co rre ct setting of the TxD and Rx D signals. The Cho ices: IR-Rx 2Tx2 (defau lt), RxD2 TxD2 . Onboard Paral lel Port This item allows yo u to dete rmine acce ss onboa rd paral lel port contro ller with whi ch I/O Addr ess.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-20 Midi Port Address Midi Por t Base I / O Addre ss. The Cho ices: 330 (de fault), 300, 290, Disa bled. Mid i Po rt IR Q This determ ines the IRQ in which th e Midi P ort can us e .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-21 2.6 Pow er Management Setu p The Po wer Ma nageme nt S etup Me nu allow s you to confi gure your sy stem t o utilize ene r g y conse rvatio n a nd powe r up/powe r dow n f eat ure s.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-22 Power Manageme nt Opti on This category allows you to select t he typ e (or d egree) of power savin g and is directly related to th e followin g m odes: 1. HD D P owe r D own. 2. Do ze Mode . 3. Suspe nd Mode. There are four option s of P ower Mana gement, th ree of which have fix ed mod e settings Min.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-23 Blank Screen This op tion only writ e s blanks to th e video buffer. DPMS Support (def ault ) Initial d isplay p ower m anagem e nt signalin g. Video Off In S u spend This determines the manner in which th e monitor is blan ke d.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-24 Soft -Off by PW R-BT TN Pressing th e power button for more than 4 seconds forces t he system to enter the Soft-O ff state whe n the system has “h ung.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-25 Pow er On by Ring An i nput signal on th e serial Rin g Indi cator (RI) li ne (in other wo rds, an i ncomin g call on the modem) awakens the sys te m from a soft off state. The Cho ices: Disab led (defau lt), Enabl e d. WakeUp On LAN To use this func tion, y ou nee d a LAN add-on c ard whic h support po wer on func tion.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-26 2.7 PnP/PCI Configuration s This s ecti on des cribe s conf iguri ng the PCI bus sys tem. PCI, or Persona l Co mpute r Intercon nect , is a syst em whi ch a llow s I/O d evic es t o op erat e at sp eeds n earing t he speed of th e CPU it self us e s wh en communi cating w ith its own special co mponents.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-27 The above settings wi ll be sho wn on the scree n only if “Ma nual” is cho sen for the res o ur ce s controll e d by funct i o n. Legacy is the term, whi ch signifies that a r e sour ce is assi gned to th e ISA Bus an d provi des no n-PnP I SA add-o n cards.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-28 PCI / VGA Palette Sn oop Choos e Disabl e d or E nabled. Some gra phic con trollers w hich ar e not VGA compati ble take the ou tput from a VGA contr oller and m ap it to th e ir di splay as a way to provid e boot inf orm ation an d VGA compatibili ty.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-29 2.8 PC Health Status Figure 8. PC Health St atus CPU Warn ing Temp eratu re The item will prevent CPU from overheating. The Cho ices: Disab led (defaul t), 50 O C/122 O F, 53 O C/127 O F, 56 O C/1 33 O F, 60 O C/140 O F, 63 O C/145 O F, 66 O C/151 O F, 70 O C/158 O F.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-30 CPU Vcore /A G P Voltage/+3.3V/+-5V/+-12V/VBAT (V)/5VSB( V) Detect the system’s voltage status au tomatically. Shutdow n Temp erature This item all ows you to set up t he CPU sh utdown Temperatur e. This item on ly eff e ctive unde r Windows 98 AC PI m ode .
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-31 2.9 Frequency Control Figure 9. Frequency Control CPU Clock R atio This item allows you to se lect the CPU Ratio. Auto De tect DIMM/PCI Clk This item allows you to e nable / d isable aut o Dete ct DIMM/PCI Clock. The Choices: Enabled (d e fau lt), Disabl e d.
Chapter 2 BIOS Setup 2-32 CPU Clock This item allows you to select CPU Cl ock . If unfo r tuna te ly, the sy s te m ’s freq ue ncy t hat yo u are sele c te d is not fu nctioning, there are two me thods of bootin g-up the system. Met ho d 1: Clear the COMS data by se tting the JCOMS1 ( (2- 3) close d)) as “ON” stat us.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-1 3. RA ID BIOS Settin g (Opt ional) 3.1 Getting Started 3.1.1 Introduction RAID Adm inist rato r is a Wind ows-ba se d RAI D m anag eme nt util ity for H PT370 Serie s UDMA / ATA100 RAI D Control ler.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-2 3.2 Installation of Dr iver 3.2.1 Introduction After the computer start u p, you shall instal l RAID driver . 3.2. 2 Wind ow s 98/M E/ XP A utomatic Installation Afte r the co m puter sta rt- up, Windo ws sy s te m will find the ne wly installe d R AI D adapte r and ask y o u to ins ta l l its dr iv e r .
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-3 Verify Installation Wh en t he dr iver has been su cces sfu ll y in stal led and the c ompu ter r esta rted : 1. Rig ht-c lic k My Compute r ic o n on des k to p, and the n sele c t P roper ty ite m fr om the popup me nu.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-4 3.2. 3 Wind ow s NT4.0 Install driver under Windows NT4.0 1. Clic k Start --> Se tup --> Control P ane l , the n double -click SCSI Ada pter icon. 2. In th e follow-on window, select Driver i tem. th en c lic k Add button.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-5 Verify Installation Wh en t he dr iver has been su cces sfu ll y in stal led and the c ompu ter r esta rted : 1. Clic k Start --> Se tup --> Control P ane l , and th en double-click SC SI Ada pter item.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-6 3.2. 4 Wind ow s 2000 Install d riv er under Window s 2000 Automati c Installa tion St art th e com put er an d enter th e op erat in g syst em of Wi ndo ws 2 00 0, t he syst e m wi ll auto m a t ica l ly de te ct new hardw a re and pr o m pt use r s to inst a ll the dr iver .
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-7 restarted, pr ess F6 key when the messag e Setup is insp ecting y our comput er’s hard ware co nfig uratio n appears.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-8 3.3 Use RA ID A dministrator 3.3. 1 Inst a l l R AID Admin i stra to r Please take the following steps to instal l RAID Administrator: 1.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-9 3. 3.2 Ru n RAID Admi nis trat or The followi ng steps shou ld be taken to run RAID Admin istrator.”: 1.Cli ck Start --> Progra m --> RAID Ad ministr ator --> RAID Adminis trator . 2.Then the main int erface of RAID Admin istrator wi ll come up.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-10 3.3.3 Create Stripe A rray (RA ID 0, fo r Performa nce) The f ollo wing st e ps shall be take n to c re ate the st r ipe a rra y. 1. Clic k Stri pe icon on t he tool bar. 2. Se le ct the str ipe s ize in the fo l lo w -o n windo w, and the n click Next butto n.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-11 3. In t he fo ll o w-o n dia lo g bo x, se l e c t a ha rd disk f ro m Availab le Disks column. 4. Add it int o Stripe Arra y Member Disks colu mn by clickin g the c o rr e s po nding ar r o w butto n.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-12 5. Cont inue to se lect the o the r har d disk f ro m Availab le Disks col umn. 6. Add it int o Stripe Arra y Member Disks colu mn by clickin g the c o rr e s po nding ar r o w butto n.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-13 7. In t he fo ll o w-o n dia lo g bo x, cli ck Create butt on to create strip e array, or cl ick Cancel button to can ce l this creation. If the cancel operation ha s been sel ected, the s yste m wil l remai n u nch anged .
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-14 9. Afte r yo u rest art yo ur comput er, please rem embe r to run “FDI SK” in DO S mode in or der to let yo ur compute r find al l y our hard di sks and the completely finished R AID 0 array. Note: 1. At leas t tw o ha rd di sks a re n eeded to creat e th e str ip e arr ay.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-15 3.3.4 Create Mirror A rray (RA ID 1, for Data Prote ction) The f ollo wing st eps sha ll be take n to cre ate the mirr o r a r ray : 1. Clic k Mirror icon on the too l bar . 2. In t he fo ll o w-o n dia lo g bo x, se l e c t a ha rd disk f ro m Availab le Disks column.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-16 3. The n add it into Source Di sk column or Mirror Disk column res pec tive ly by c l icki ng t he c or re sponding arro w but to n.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-17 5. Add it into Source D isk co lumn o r Mirro r Disk col umn respect ively by clickin g the corr esponding arr ow but ton. Then cl ick Create to begi n the creation or Cancel to exit . If you s e lect th e cancel op eration, th e system will r e main uncha nge d.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-18 6. After the creation is complete, the program will prompt you to synchr onize mirror, sel e ct Yes to be g in or No to ca nce l. 7. If you select Yes , the sy nchroniza tion pro ces s will proce e d as shown belo w.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-19 8. A fter your se lect ion o f eithe r , the prog ram wi ll prom pt you to restart your com pute r. Then y ou can cli ck Yes to restart the comput e r, or select No to re s ta rt the comput e r lat e r. 9. Aft er you restart your c omputer, the crea ting mirr or arr ay proc e ss will b e completely finished.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-20 Note: 1. At lea st t he so urc e dis k and th e mirr or di sk a re need ed i n th e crea tio n of the mirror array. The spar e disk is op tional. Disks can be conn e cted at any cable and se t as either master or slave device.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-21 3.3.6 Sy nchronize/Va lidate/Verify M irror A rray Synchronize M irror After the completion of creatin g mirror array, the data on t he source disk h as no t been cop ied to th e mirr or d isk. The d ata on th e sou rce d isk and the mi rror disk do no t ke ep i den ti cal ye t.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-22 Validate M irror The user can vali date the locked m irror array through th e followin g steps: 1.R ig ht -c l ic k the locke d m irr o r ar ra y .
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-23 3.3. 7 Cre ate Sp an Arra y Please follow the steps b e low to create the sp an array: 1. Clic k Span icon on t he tool bar. 2. In t he po pup windo w , se l e c t ha rd disk s fro m Availa ble Disks column. Add the m into Span Arra y Member Disks colu mn by clicking the correspond ing arrow.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-24 3.3 .8 Cr eate 0+ 1 Array (Fo r Per forman ce & D ata Prote ction) The f ollo wing st eps shall be take n to cre ate the 0+1 arra y : 1.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-25 3. In the popup dia log bo x, selec t the hard disk s to be use d, and add t hem into S ource Di sks colu mn or Mirro r Disks column. The n click Crea te button to cre ate or Cancel but ton to can cel the cr eation .
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-26 5. Afte r yo u rest art yo ur comput er, please rem embe r to run “FDI SK” in DO S mode in or der to let yo ur compute r find al l y our hard di sks and the completely finish e d RAID 0+1 arr ay. Note: 1. Fou r h ard di sks are n eeded in th e cr eati on of th e 0+ 1 a rra y.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-27 3.3. 9 Re move Di sk A rr ay The followi ng steps shal l be taken to rem ove disk array. 1. Select the disk array to be deleted in the disk tree. 2. Clic k Rem ove icon on the tool bar. 3. In t he po pup dia log box, sel e c t Yes to confirm the remove operation, select No to cancel the remove operation .
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-28 3.3.10 Se t Transfe r Mo de The followi ng steps shal l be taken to set transfer mode of hard disk: 1. Se le ct the har d disk in the dis k tr e e .” . 2. Clic k Mode icon on the tool bar. 3. In t he po pup Set Tran sfer M ode windo w s e le ct the mo de to be se t.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-29 3.3. 11 Device S tatu s Raid Adm inis tra t o r de te cts the st a tus o f e ach de vic e and s ho ws the ir st atus infor m a tio n wi th dif fe rent ico ns to pro m pt use rs (s e e be l o w).
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-30 3.3.12 Hot-swapping Hard Disks of Mirror A rray Du rin g th e wo rkin g pr oces s of the mirr or a rra y, if th ere i s fai lu re of eit her th e source disk or th .
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-31 3.3. 13 Event Lo g Eve nt Lo g wi ndo w wi ll be ope ne d by clic k ing Vie w L og icon on th e tool bar. Eve nt l o g wi ndo w li sts al l the hi st o ric a l o pe.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-32 3.4 BIOS Configur ation 3.4.1 Enter into BIO S Configur ation Utili ty When th e followin g in for mation i s d isp l ayed on scr een during th e syst em star ti n g, press ctrl + H key to e n te r into BI OS c o nfig uration util it y .
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-33 3.4. 2 Cre ate RAID The followi ng steps shal l be taken to create RAID in BIOS. 1. Use th e arr ow key to select 1. Create R AID . 2. Press Enter to co nfirm and g o to ne xt. 3. Se le c t 1. A rray M ode in the popup sub- inte rface and pre ss Enter .
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-34 3.4.3 Delete RA ID The followi ng steps shal l be taken to dele te RAID. 1. In t he men u z one, select 2. Delete RA ID , press Ent er to c o nfi rm this op e ration and go to next.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-35 3.4. 5 Add S pare Di sk Th e fo llo win g step s s hal l b e ta ken to a dd t he s pa re d isk. 1. In t he men u z one, select 4. A dd Spare Disk and pre s s Enter to confirm. 2. In m e nu zone of the popup sub-i nte r fa ce , sele ct 1.
Cha pter 3 RAID Setting Gu ide 3-36 3.4. 8 Se t Boot Disk . The followi ng steps shal l be taken to set the boot dis k: 1. In t he men u z one, select 7.
Chapter 4 Trouble Shooting 4-1 4. Trouble Shootin g PROBLEM No pow er to th e system at all. Power light do e s not illuminat e , f an insid e pow er supply do e s not turn on. I ndi ca to r lig ht on k e y bo a rd do e s no t tur n o n. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTI ON Power cable is unplugged.
Chapter 4 Trouble Shooting 4-2 PROBLEM Sy stem d oes n ot b oot fr om ha rd d isk dri ve, ca n be b ooted fr om CD- ROM dri ve. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTI ON Connector be tween hard drive a nd syst em board unplugged. W hen attempti ng to r un the FDI SK util it y y ou get a message, IN VALID DRIVE SP ECIFICATION.
Chapter 4 Trouble Shooting 4-3 PROBLEM Error mess age reading “SECTO R NOT FOUND ” or o the r error me ssag es no t allo wi ng c er tain da t a to be r etr ie v ed. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTI ON A number of causes could be behin d thi s. Use a fil e by file backup inste ad of an i mage backup to backup the hard disk.
Chapter 4 Trouble Shooting 4-4 PROBLEM No scr een. PROBABLE CA USE DI AG NOSIS SOLUTION Memory problem . Reboot computer. Rein s tall me mo r y, ma ke sure that al l m em ory modul es are install ed in correct socket s. Computer virus. Use anti -virus programs to detect and clean v iruses.
Chapter 4 Trouble Shooting 4-5 PROBLEM No color on screen. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTI ON Faulty Monito r. If possibl e, connect moni tor to another syst em. If no color replace moni tor. CMOS i ncorrectl y set up. Call technical support. PROBLEM C: driv e failur e .
Chapter 4 Trouble Shooting 4-6 PROBLEM Miss ing o pe rat ing sy s t e m o n har d driv e . PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTI ON CMOS setup has b een changed. Run setup and select correct drive type. PROBLEM Cer tain k e ys do no t funct ion. PRO BABLE CAUSE DIAG NOSIS SOLUTI ON Keys j ammed or defective.
デバイスBiostar M7TDFの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Biostar M7TDFをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBiostar M7TDFの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Biostar M7TDFの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Biostar M7TDFで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Biostar M7TDFを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBiostar M7TDFの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Biostar M7TDFに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBiostar M7TDFデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。