Black BoxメーカーACS4222A-R2-xxの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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ACS2009A-R2-xx, ACS2 028A-R2-xx ACS2209A-R2-xx, ACS2 228A-R2-xx ACS4001A-R2-xx, ACS4022A-R2-xx ACS4201A-R2-xx, ACS4222A-R2-xx DVI-D-Fiber-KVM-Extender Single and DualHead Manual http://www.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 2 Welcome to the DVI-D Fiber KVM-Extender Family! Thank you for purchasing an DVI-D Fiber KVM- Extender! We appreciate your bus iness, and we think you’ll appreciate th e many ways that your enhanced RGB Graphic system will save you money, time, a nd effort.
DVI-D FI BE R KVM-EX TE NDER 3 Copyrights and Trademarks ©2008. All rights reserved. This in formation ma y not be reproduced in any manner wi thout the prior written consent of the manufacturer.
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 5 EUROPEA N UNI O N DE CLA RAT I ON OF CONFO RMITY This is to certify that, when in stalled and used accord ing to the instruct ion s in this manual, together with the specif.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 6 Safety Precautions a nd In stallation Guidelines To ensure reliable and safe long-term operation, pl ease no te the following i nstallation guidelines: • Only use in dry, indoor environments.
CONTE NTS 7 Contents 1. Quick Set up 8 2. Overview 9 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Glossary 9 2.3 Features 11 2.4 Product Range 12 2.5 Compatibility 13 2.6 How to Use This Gui de 14 3. Installation 15 3.1 Package Contents 15 3.2 Interconnection Cable Requirements 17 3.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 8 1. Quick Setup This section briefly describes how to install your KVM extend er system. Unless you a re an experienced us er , we recommend th at you follow the full procedur es described in the rest of this manual. Install system 1.
OVERVIEW 9 2. Overview 2.1 Introducti on A Fiber KVM Extender is mainly used, to extend the maximu m distance bet ween a CPU and his Keyboard / Monitor / Mous e c onsid erably . In ad d ition t hey are b enefi ci al in installations in elec tromagnetic hazardous en vironme n ts (EMI).
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 10 DVI-D F iber – KVM Extender s ystem (example) CPU with DVI-D Graphi c car d DVI-D Fi ber KVM- Extender sy stem Local C onsole Remote Console Optional 2 nd Monitor Op.
OVERVIEW 11 2.3 Features All members of the DVI-D Fiber - DVI KVM Ex tender Series offer the following features: • Support for DVI-D Graphi c cards (all devices) • Support for PS2-Keyboard and PS2.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 12 2.4 Product Range There are sixteen products in th e range and vari ous upgrade kits: DVI-D Fiber – Ext ender Where: xx is MM is Multimode D evi ce xx is SM is Singl.
OVERVIEW 13 2.5 Compatibility Interface Compatibility • Digital Video ( DVI-D): Digital Video st andard, insta lled by Digital Display W orking Group ( ) R, G, B, CLOCK in a da t a stream with up to 3x 1,6 GBit/sec. Signals are TMDS Level.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 14 2.6 How to Use This Guide This guide describes the installation and confi gurat ion of the DVI-D Fiber – Extender Series.
INSTALLATIO N 15 3. Installation For first-time users, we reco mme nd that you carry out a test place ment, confined to a sing le room, before commencing full installation. This will allow you to i dentify and solve any cabl ing problems , and exper iment with t he KVM exte nder sys tem mor e conveni ently.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 16 ACS4001A-R2-xx, ACS4022A-R2-xx, ACS4 201A-R2-xx and ACS4222A-R2- xx (additionally): • DVI-D (1,8m) video cable (DVI -D dual li nk male-to-male) • USB (1,8m) cable .
INSTALLATIO N 17 3.2 Interconnection Cable Requirements To connect the Local and Re mote unit s you will need: • DVI, PS2-Keyboard, PS2-Mouse: Connect the supplied KV M CPU cable set to your CPU (KVM.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 18 3.3 System Setup To insta ll yo u r DVI-D F i ber – Extender system: 1. Switch off all de vices. 2. Connect your keyboard, monito r(s) and mouse to the Remote unit (depending on device type). Please ensure, to not swap Mouse- and Keyboard connector.
INSTALLATIO N 19 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2009A-R2-x x Local Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2009A-R2-x x Remote Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2 009A-R2-x x Local/ Remot.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 20 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2209A-R2-x x Local Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2209A-R2-x x Remote Unit Connect to CPU: 2 nd DVI-Graphic card 2 n d lo.
INSTALLATIO N 21 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2028A-R2-x x Local Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2028A-R2-x x Remote Unit Connect to CPU: DVI, keyboard, mouse local DVI-Monitor port Co.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 22 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2228A-R2-x x Local Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2228A-R2-x x Remote Unit Connect to CPU: 2 nd DVI-Graphic card 2 n d lo.
INSTALLATIO N 23 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2 028A-R2-x x Local/ Remot e Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS2 228A-R2-x x Local/ Remot e Unit Connect to 5V Power supply INTERCONNE CT .
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 24 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4001A-R2-x x Local Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4001A-R2-x x Remote Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4 001A-R2-.
INSTALLATIO N 25 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4201A-R2-x x Local Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4201A-R2-x x Remote Unit local 1 s t DVI-Monitor port Connect to Local console 1 st mon.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 26 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4022A-R2-x x Local Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4022A-R2-x x Remote Unit Connect to CPU: DVI graphic card local DVI-Mon.
INSTALLATIO N 27 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4222A-R2-x x Local Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4222A-R2-x x Remote Unit local 1 s t DVI-Monitor port Connect to Local console 1 st mon.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 28 DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4 022A-R2-x x Local/ Remot e Unit DVI-D F iber KVM-E xtender T ype ACS4 222A-R2-x x Local/ Remot e Unit Connect to 5V Power supply .
INSTALLATIO N 29 3.4 Diagnostic LEDs Each DVI-D Fiber KVM-Extender is fitted with four indicator LEDs: Po wer, Vi deo OK, Dat a Error, Li nk St atus : The Power LEDs are next to the Power socket.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 30 LED Appearance Diagnostics Power LED (Red LED) Off On Device not ready Device ready Video Okay (Green LED) Off On No or invalid video signal detected Device ready Link.
SERVICE SETUP 31 4. Service Setup For most applicati ons, you should n't ne ed not to make any adju stments to set up your DVI-D Fiber KVM-KVM-Extender. Under some special c ircumstance s it could be necessary to setup configuration specials. For some applications, you may need to open the Local Unit and/or the Remote Unit.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 32 4.1 Setup at the Local Unit After unscrewing and opening the uppe r shell, please place t he device in t his orientation: with the Fiber c onnectors to the right and the electrical connectors to the left. The ma in P CB then w ill lo ok lik e this: Use the diagram to lo cate ju mper s.
SERVICE SETUP 33 Loading the DDC Information from the Remote Monitor into the internal DDC Table To load the DD C Information from the Remote Monitor into the internal DDC Table, please proceed the fo.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 34 4.2 Setup at the Remote Unit After unscrewing and opening the uppe r shell, please place t he device in t his orientation: with the Fiber c onnectors to the right and the electrical connectors to the left. The ma in P CB then w ill lo ok lik e this: Use the diagram to lo cate ju mper s.
TROUBLESHOOTIN G 35 5. Troubleshooting Monitor There isn ’t a pic ture. Check the power supply connection at the local a n d r emo te unit. Is th e Power (Red LED) at th e L o c a l un i t il lumin at ed (se e p a ge 29)? If not, the inte rnal power-supply may be dama ged or the re ma y be an i nternal er ror.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 36 Try a different model of keyboard. If th e new keyboard works then original one may be incompatible Check that the Interconnection cable is c onnected at the Local Unit and the Remote Unit . Is t he Link Status LED illu min ated ( s ee p ag e 29)? The other console is active.
TROUBLES HOOTING 37 or horizontally graduated colors – bet ter use monochrome backgrounds. They allow higher compression -> higher frame rates. Your mouse is moving like ‘hanging on a rubber ba.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 38 Other USB-devices Your USB- device does not work You have connected a non- HID device. There are suppor ted HID devices only.
APPENDIX A : EXAMPLE APPLICATIO NS 39 Appendix A: Example Applications This section illustr ates some sp ecific appl ications using the DVI-D Fiber - Extenders: • DVI-D Fi ber KVM-Extender wit h optional , secondary screen.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 40 • 4 CPU’s – local outp uts managed through a KV M- Switch and a single console. Remote Consoles up to 140m away.
APPENDIX B: RACK MOUN T OPTIONS 41 Appendix B: Rack Mount Options DVI-D Cat X KVM- Extender units can be mounted in a 19” rack using the moun ting kit: DVI-D Cat X- Rackmount Kit . Two differen t vers ions ar e avail able – one each for Singlehead and for Du alh ead devices.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 42 The Rackmount-Kit ACS 1009A-RMK allows, to mount a di fferent count of devices (1…4 pi eces ): In the leftmost po sition, you can in stall a rack mo unta ble p.s.u. type ACS2228A-PS instea d of an extender de v ice. This p.
APPENDIX B: RACK MOUN T OPTIONS 43 Mounting Instruction Rackmount-Kit ACS2228A-RMK Using the Rackmount-Kit AC S2228A-RMK, up to 4 devi ces of th e de vice s ize 103x143x42mm (Dualhead Devices) can be mounted into a 19“-Server Rack. The Rackmoun t Kit requires 1U Rack space.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 44 The Rackmount-Kit ACS 2228A-RMK allows, to mount a di fferent count of devices (1…4 pi eces ): In the leftmost po sition, you can in stall a rack mountable p.s.u. type ACS2228A-PS instea d of an extender de v ice. This p.
APPENDIX C: A UDIO/SERIAL SUPPOR T 45 Appendix C: Audio/Serial Support Single he ad KVM devices: The Audio/Serial al lows bi-direction al stereo audio and a full-duplex serial da ta link to be sent across the regular inter conn ection cab le in addition to keyboard, mouse and DVI video.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 46 Audio Interface - Set Up and Operation The audio i nterface is line-level and is designed to t ake the output from a sound card (or other line-level) source and be connected to a set of powered speak ers at the other end of the link.
APPENDI X D: CALLING TECH NI CAL S UP P O RT 47 Appendix D: Calling Technical Support If you determine that your DVI-D –Fiber KVM Extender is malfunctioning, do not attemp t to alter or repair it . It cont ains no user-ser viceable parts. Contact Te chnical Support at Black Box! Before you do, make a record of the hi story of the problem.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 48 Black Box Technical Support Countr y Web Site/E-Ma il Phone Fax US www.blac kbox.c om 724-746-5500 724-746-0746 Austria www.blac +43 1 256 98 56 +43 1 256 98 56 Belgium www.
APPENDIX E: SPECIFIC ATIONS 49 Appendix E: Specifications Power Sup ply Voltage 100-240VAC-0.5A-47-63Hz/5VDC-2000 mA Power required Local Unit : max. 5V/750mA Remote Unit : ma x.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 50 Seri al Int er f ac e Serial Speed Up to a maximum of 19,200 Baud Serial Data Format Form at I ndepende nt Flow Control Singlehead Dev ices Dualhead Devices RTS, CTS, DT R, DSR are sent a cross link NO flow control (XON/XOF F) Maximum Length of Interconne ction Ca ble ( L C Connectors) Singlemode 9 μ m 10.
APPENDIX F: C ONN ECTOR S 51 Appendix F: Connectors DVI-D Fiber KVM-Extend er Connecto r Pinouts DVI-I female connector (Input/ Output c o nnec tor f or A LL device s be side s of PS2 Singlehead local un it and PS2 Dualhead local u n it 1 st Monitor ) Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 T.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 52 DVI-I female conn ector (In p ut connector fo r ALL PS2 Sing lehe ad devi ces and Inp ut connector PS2 Dualhead d evices 1 st Monitor) Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 T.M.D.S data 2- 9 T.M.D.S data 1- 17 T.M.D.S data 0- 2 T.
APPENDIX F: C ONN ECTOR S 53 Combined Keyboa rd/Mouse con nector (output connector Lo ca l Unit) Pin 1 KBD-DATA 2 MOUSE-DATA 3 KBD/MOUSE-GND 4 VCC (+5V) 5 KBD-CLK 6 MOUSE-CLK Keyboard/Mo use con necto.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 54 Keyboard/Mouse Connector, USB Typ B (connec tor at Lo cal Unit ) Pin Signal 1 VCC (+5V) Red 2 Data - White 3 Data + Green 4 GND Black Keyboard/Mouse Connector, USB Typ.
APPENDIX F: C ONN ECTOR S 55 Keyboard/Mouse Adapter to connect Keyboard/Mouse to Local Unit Pin Connector (device) Pin Keyboard Pin Mouse 1 KBD-DATA 1 KBD-DA TA 2 2 MOUSE -DATA 2 1 MOUSE-DA TA 3 KBD-G.
DVI-D FIBE R KV M -EXTE NDE R 56 RS232 (Singlehead Devices only) 9 pin DSUB female (Local Unit ) 9 pin DSUB male (Remote Unit ) Pin Signal 1 Not connected 2 RxD 3 TxD 4 DTR 5 GND 6 DSR 7 RTS 8 CTS 9 N.
APPENDIX F: C ONN ECTOR S 57 CATx- Interface Pin out according to EI A/TIA 568A (1000BaseT). Pin Pin 1 D1+ 5 D3- 2 D1- 6 D2- 3 D2+ 7 D4+ 4 D3+ 8 D4- 1 8.
デバイスBlack Box ACS4222A-R2-xxの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Black Box ACS4222A-R2-xxをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBlack Box ACS4222A-R2-xxの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Black Box ACS4222A-R2-xxの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Black Box ACS4222A-R2-xxで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Black Box ACS4222A-R2-xxを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBlack Box ACS4222A-R2-xxの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Black Box ACS4222A-R2-xxに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBlack Box ACS4222A-R2-xxデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。