ACR ElectronicsメーカーRLB-36の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 1 NOTE re: Applicable products This manual supp orts all c onfigurations of GlobalFix™ i PRO/ RLB -36 beacons . In addition to the part num bers listed on the cover page, o ther configurations of these products are availabl e, thus you may have purchased a product configuration with a som ewhat different part num ber.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 2 Ta ble of Contents STEP ONE - REGIST ERING YOUR BEACON ___________________________________ 2 STEP TWO - HOW THE BEACON WORKS ________________________________ ____ 6 STEP THREE .
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 3 STEP ONE - REGISTERING YOUR BEAC ON 1. Why is registration imp ortant? As the ow ner of t his 406 M Hz beacon, it is mandatory that you register it with the EPIRB national autho rity of your country : It is th e law .
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 4 2. What country should I register in? Register your beacon with the EPIRB national authority of the countr y for which th e beacon was program m ed, typically the countr y where purchased, regardless of where you do your boating.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 5 Registration outside of the United States In countries other than t he United States, 4 06 MH z beacons are registered with that countr y’s nationa l authorit y at the tim e of purchase. T he sales agent should have ass isted you in filling out the form s and s ending them to the country’s n ational authority.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 6 STEP TWO - HOW THE BEACON WORKS 1. How your beacon brings help 406 MHz beac ons are a t ype of portable emergenc y equipm ent that trans mits a distress signal to searc h and rescue ( SAR) organi zations .
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 7 2. Anatomy of your b eacon NOTE : W hen unpack ing your beaco n, it is recommended that you save the original packaging f or re-use when shipp ing the beacon for battery replacement in the f uture. // Activation switch w ith Witness Tab The activation s witch embodies a special, pat ented method of activating a beacon .
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 8 GPS Interface Internal GPS Receiver Activation/Test Switch Red LED Digital Display Screen OFF/READY Position TEST Position ON/TRANSM ITTING Position Top View Switch Positions S.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 9 Spring Release knob HydroFix™ Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU) GPS Interface Cable Front cover hook (detent) Release Latch Antenna hoo k Water Sensor Deactivation M agnet GPS I.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 10 3. Digital Display The digital displa y in the beacon is used as a secondar y v isual aid, supporting t he green /red LED a nd the audio to ne, whi ch indicate the st atus of the beacon during te sting and d uring em ergency operation .
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 11 4. Activating your bea con Overview Category I beac ons are d esigned to be autom atically dep loyed and activated in the event of a sinking vessel. The beacon may also be hand held on the deck of vessels, or f loated in water and att ac hed to a raft or life vest with the lanyard provided.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 12 Category I beacons -Automatic d eployment and activation If the vessel sink s, the H ydroFix™ HRU frees the beac on from the bracket, allowing it to float to the su rface.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 13 Category I and II Be acons-Manu al deplo y ment and ac tivation Both Cat egory I and II beac ons can be m anually de ployed b y rem ovi ng t he beacon from the brack et.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 14 TIPS FOR OPT IMUM D EPLOYMENT OF AN ACTIVATED BE ACON: When activating and deploying your be acon in an emergency, DO NOT: // Hold or clutch the be acon o r antenna // Operate.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 15 Precautions to prevent f alse alarm s // Do not m ount or trans port the beaco n within 4.6ft/1 .4 m of a m agnetic source. // Do not store the beaco n outside of its brac ket if it can get wet. // Do not m ount the EPIRB backwards in its brac ket (lanyard roll must face in).
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 16 STEP THREE - INST ALLING THE BEA CON 1. Marking batt ery and Hydrostatic Rel ease Unit expiratio n dates NOTE : It is the beacon o wner’s responsibility to recor d the expiration dates for both the beacon batter y and the H ydroFix™ hydrostatic release u nit.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 17 Visually inspect the area surrounding the m ounting bra cket installa tion s ite for hidden hazards or obstac les that m ay have been overlooked during the location selection.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 18 3. Category I bracket The SeaShelter 3 ™ Category I brack et has f ive pre -dri lled screw holes to use for s ecuring the brack et to a flat surface. Remove the SeaShelter 3 ™ lid b y turning the s pring loaded knob o n the lid 1/4 t urn counterclock wise a nd pull.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 19 4. Category II bracket Category I I brack ets are design ed to hold the beacon securel y in place. T he beacon must be manually deplo yed. T he bracket can be m ounted on a vertical flat surf ace with b eacon antenna u p or on a horizontal f lat surfac e facing skyward.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 20 5. Installing the optical inter face to an extern al GPS receiv er The beacon is fitted with an optical interface to connec t with an external Global Posit ioning System (GPS) receiver th at will determine the latitude and longitude of its position .
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 21 STEP FOUR - MAINTA INING THE BE ACON 1. Sa fety DOs and DO N’Ts On a routine basis abo ard ship, DO NOT : // Hold or carr y the beacon by its antenn a // Mount the beacon in.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 22 Always refer battery replacem ent an d any other beacon service t o a factor y authorized Service Center. Find a Center near y ou at http://www.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 23 6. Changing ow nership or contact info rmation As the owner of the beac on, it is your responsibi lity to ad vise the nationa l authority of an y ch ange in the i nformation on the r egistration form . If y ou are transferring the beacon to a new owner, you are required to inform the national auth ority .
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 24 To remove th e expired H RU W hen opening the SeaShelter 3 ™ lid, note th at the beac on is installed with the lanyard face in. Pu ll the beacon with steady press ure from the brack et. Do not get beacon wet while out of brack et.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 25 9. Servicing the Low Pro 3 ™ To r emove a beacon fr om the Category II brack et, lift the latch and release the pr essure from the beacon. The beacon will now be able to slide u pwards out of the brack et. It is not anticipated that the LowPro 3 ™ will r equire servicing other than cleaning or, rarel y, replacem ent.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 26 11. Extended GPS test The beacon may be tested f or GPS f u nctionalit y, ho wever, this m ay on ly be done once in the fi ve- year lifetim e of the batter y du e to the significant drain on th e bat tery .
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 27 A PPENDIX A - USING AND TESTING THE GPS SYSTEMS 1. How the external GP S interface w orks The beacon is fitted with an optica l interface to co nnect with an external Global Positio ning S ystem (G PS) receiver t hat wi ll determ ine the l atitude a nd longitude of its position.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 28 If the new GPS pos ition is acquired, the co ordinates will be displayed after the beacon has com pleted the S elf -Test. If no valid G PS position da ta is available, t he beaco n will keep the previous ly stored G PS position dat a for up to 4 h ours.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 29 7. Compatible GPS rec eivers External G PS i nterface requirements: In or der to be compatible with the GlobalFix™ iPRO, an ex ternal GPS receiver mus t provide location inform ation according to the following req uirements: // NMEA 0183, Version 1.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 30 A PPENDIX C - USER INTERFACE: DIGITAL DISPLAY DURING OPERATION The following c hart d escribes the audio-vis ual feedback the beacon provides during activation. The m essages on the digital display typically a ppear as one or two w ords at a time, until the entire mes sage ha s been displayed .
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 31 The s ystem reports that the 121 .5 MHz homing s ignal is on. Search and Rescue (SAR) personne l use this frequency when arriving close to the scen e. If this message is accompanied by a green LED flash, the GPS coordinates have been sent.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 32 The s ystem reminds you that leaving the beacon o n continuously gives the best ass urance of being rescued. SAR groups need the ongoing transmissions from the beacon to most effectively find yo u. If this message is accompanied by a green LED flash, the GPS c oordinates have been sent.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 33 A PPENDIX D - USER INTERFACE: DIGITAL DISPLAY DURING SELF-TEST The f ollowing chart describ es the displa y and a udio -v isual f eedback the beaco n provides during Self -Test. T he m essages on th e d igital display typicall y appear as one or two words at a tim e, until the entire m essage has been disp layed.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 34 The fourth test checks for 406 MHz signal strength/RF power. If p ower is adequate the syste m passes. The fourth test checks for 406 MHz signal strength/RF power. If pow er is not adequate the system fails. The fifth test che cks GPS engine readine ss.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 35 This message appears if Self-Test has pas sed. The display indicates that the exter nal GPS did not update its coordinates during Self-Test. NOTE: If ex ternal GPS data cannot be acquired, typically due t o the external GPS not having achieved a good fix, it does not affect the pass status of Self-Test.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 36 A PPENDIX E - USER INTERFACE: DIGITAL DISPLAY DURING EXTENDED GPS TEST The following chart describes the displa y and audio -visu al fee dback the be acon provides during extended GPS Test. The messages on th e digital display typicall y appear as one or t wo words at a time, until the e ntire message has been disp layed.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 37 A PPENDIX F - USER INTERF A CE: L ANGUA GE TRANSLATIONS The RLB-36 user interfac e is available in fi ve languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. The f ollowi ng table provides the digital displ ay phrases tha t appear on the screen.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 38 A PPENDIX G - THE COSP A S-SARSAT SYSTEM 1. General ove rvi ew EPIRBs transmit to the s atellite portion of t he Cospas-Sarsat system. Cospas-Sarast satellites are an internation al syst em that utilizes Russian Federation and United States’ low altitude, near-polar orbiting satellites (LEOSAR).
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 39 A PPE NDIX H - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL / ENVIRONMENTAL Beacon size (without antenna ) 17.7 H X 10 .67 W X 9.09 D cm (6.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 40 A PPENDIX I - WARRANTY, USEFUL LIFE POLICY, NOTICES 1. Limited Warranty This product is warranted against factory defects i n material a nd workmanship for a period of 1 (one) year* from date of p urchase or receipt as a gift.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 41 EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ACR Electronics h ereby declares t hat the followi ng product is in c onformity wit h Council Directive 96/98/EC of 2 0 December 1996 on Marine Equipm ent (MED) last am ended by Comm ission Directive 2008/67/EC o f 30 June 2008, and has b een type exam ined as describ ed in this Declaratio n.
Y1 - 03 -023 3 Rev. D 42 IN T E R N A T IO NA L MA R IT IM E OR GA NI ZA TI ON SH OR E BA S ED MA IN TE NA NC E Th e M ar iti me Sa fe ty Co mm i tt ee a p p ro ve d gu id el in es fo r sh or e-b a se.
デバイスACR Electronics RLB-36の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ACR Electronics RLB-36をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはACR Electronics RLB-36の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ACR Electronics RLB-36の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ACR Electronics RLB-36で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ACR Electronics RLB-36を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はACR Electronics RLB-36の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ACR Electronics RLB-36に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちACR Electronics RLB-36デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。