Black BoxメーカーLMC5235Aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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LMC5207A- R2 LMC5228A LMC5205A LMC5234A LMC5227A LMC5208A- R2 LMC5203A LMC5206A LMC5235A LMC5227A- R2 LMC5204A LMC5233A LMC5236A High-Density Media Converter Syst em II Choose from a wide variety of chassis and modules to build a powerful media-convert er solution.
ii FCC and In dustry Can ada RF Int erf eren ce Stat em ents Class A This equipment generat es, uses, and can radiat e radio-frequenc y energy, and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordan ce with the ma nufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio communic ation.
iii This digital apparatus does n ot exceed the Class B li mit s for radio noise emission fro m digital apparat us set ou t in the Ra dio In terf ere nce Regu lati on of Indu stry Canada .
iv 11. El aparato eléctrico deberá se r conectado a una fuente de poder sólo del tipo descrito en el ins tructi vo de op eración, o como s e ind ique en e l apara to. 12. Precaución debe ser tomada de t al man era que la ti e rra física y la polarización del equipo no sea eliminada.
v Table of Contents FCC a nd Indus try Ca nada RF I nterfer ence Statem ents .............. ................ ... ii Nor mas Ofi ciale s Me xicana s (N OM) Ele ctr ical Saf ety State ment ..................iii Part Numb ers ....................... ....
vi DC Power Supply Wir ing Instruct ion s .............................................................. 14 User-R eplac eabl e Power S uppl ies .................................................. ............. 14 Fans .................................
1 Part Numbers 20-Slot Rackm ount C hassis Part Number Description LMC5200A SNMP Manage ment Module LMC5207A-R 2 20-Slot, w /Dual AC Powe r LMC5208A-R 2 20-Slot, w/Dual D C Power LMC5227A-R 2 20-Slot,.
2 3-Slot Deskt op Chas sis Part Number Power Supply 2 LMC5233A 3-Slot , w/AC P ower LMC5234A 3-Slot , w/Dua l AC P ower LMC5235A 3-Slot , w/DC P ower LMC5236A 3-Slot, w/ Dual DC Power LMC5237A 3-Slot,.
3 Abou t th e 20- Slot Rack moun t Cha ssi s The 20-Slot Rackmount Chassis series is a modular chassis platform designe d for use with Black Box Simple N etwork Management Protocol (SNMP) manageable series of modules.
4 Reset Alarm Button When one powe r supply module malfun ctions, an audible alarm soun ds indicating the l oss of the power module . The alarm can be silenced by pr essing th e Alarm R eset Butt on, located next to th e power connector on th e power supply module.
5 LNK/ACT FDX/COL TEMP PS FAN A / FA N B Glows green when a link is established on port. Blinks green w hen data activ ity occur s. Glows yellow w hen port is in Full -Duplex m ode. Blinks yellow when p ort is operating in Half- Duplex mode and co llisions occur.
6 7. Circuit Overloading - C onsideration should be given to the co nnection of th e equipment to th e supply ci rcuit and the ef fect tha t overload ing of the circui ts might have on ov er current protection and supply wiring. 8. Reliable Gr ounding - Relia ble groun ding of Rackmoun ted e qui pment shoul d be maintained.
7 Installing SNMP Management and Application Mo dules To install a module: 1. Remove the blank bracket (if present) cove ring the slot where the module will be installed. Black Box recommen ds installing blank brackets in unuse d module slots. 2. Slide the mo dule into the chassis usin g the card guides.
8 Replacing Power Supply Modules User-Repla ceable Power Suppl y Modules While power supply module s are redun dant, failed power supply modules sh ould promptly be replaced to maintain ne twork integrity and prevent data l oss. To replace a power supply m odule: 1.
9 Dual DC, Par t Number LMC 5208A-R2 NOTE Do not mix AC and DC power supply modules..
10 ACDC, Part Number LMC5228A NOTE For LMC5228A 20-Slot Rackmount Chassis, all models in that model number series can support Dual AC, Dual DC or ACDC. The power supply modules for that model numbe r series are inte rchangeable. 20-Slot Rack mount Chassis Specifica tions Input Specifications Dual AC 100 to 240V AC, 50/60Hz, 3.
11 Abou t the 6-S lot Ra ckmoun t/Des ktop Ch assis The 6-Slot Rackmount/Desktop Chassis, is a modu lar chassis platform designed for use with Black Box Simple N etwork Management Protoc ol (SNMP) man ageable series of module s.
12 • Both powe r supp ly mod ules malf unct ion • Both power su pply mod ules are pow ered dow n • When the AC line fails Tempera ture Gauge The 6-Slot Rack mount/Desktop Chassis includes a temperature monitorin g gauge with a heat sensor on the b ackplane of the chassis.
13 LNK/ACT FDX/COL TEMP PS FAN A / FA N B Glows green when a link is established on port. Blinks green wh en data activity occurs. Glows yellow w hen port is in Full -Duplex m ode. Blinks yellow when por t is operating in Half- Duplex mode and collisions occur.
14 8. Reliable Grounding - Reliable grounding of Rac kmounted equipment sh ould be maintained. Particular attention should be given to supply connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit (e.g ., use o f power strips). 9. All AC and DC versions are intende d for u se in a Restricted Ac cess Location (RAL).
15 in iV iew²) to th e admini strator. There are a lso two LED indicato rs on the SN MP Manag ement Module for fan failure. The red Al arm Reset Button also functions as a Fan Test button. To verify f an functionali ty, hold the button down for severa l seconds, the fa ns should engage.
16 6-Slot Rackmount/ Desktop Chassis Sp ecifications Input Specifications Dual AC Input 90/264VAC 47-63Hz 1.8A @ 100V 0.8A @ 240V Dual DC Input 35-75VDC, 3.
17 Abou t th e 3-S lot D esk top Ch ass is The 3-Slot D esktop Ch assis series is a modular c hassis platform designed for use with Black Box Simple Network Manageme nt Protocol (SNMP) manageable ser ies of module s.
18 Tempera ture Gauge The 3-Sl ot Desktop Chassis includes a tem perat ure monitoring gauge with a h eat sensor on the backplane of the chassis. Users define a threshol d for chassis temperature via SNMP. If the chassis’ tem perature rises above the spec ified level, the SNMP agent sen ds a trap (configured in iVie w²) to the administrator.
19 7. A readily access ible disconne ct device s hall be incorpora ted in the buil ding installation wiring. 8. A suitable listed circ uit bre aker shall be provide d in the buildin g installati on as the un it’s disconnect device. The branch circuit ratin g (i.
20 Fans The 3-Slot Desktop Chassis includes temperature-triggered fans. When the temperature of t he chassis reaches 40° C, the two fans activate to cool th e chassis. The fans’ operation can be tested by holding the Alarm Reset Button down for 4 to 5 seco nds.
21 SNMP Write Lock The SNMP Wr ite Lock switch is locate d on th e back of t he 3-S lot Deskto p Chass is. The SNMP Write Lock switch prevents a ne w ma nagement board from re-configuri ng the application module settings (e.g., the status of features such as LinkL oss, FiberAlert, Force mode, e tc.
22 3-Slot Desktop Chassis Specifications Input Specifications AC 100 to 240V AC, 50/60Hz, 0.7 5A DC 35V D C to 75V DC Max, 1.6A Operating Tem perature AC 0° C to 50° C (32° F to 122° F) DC -40° C.
23 Black Box Customer Service Order toll-free in the U. S.: Call 877 -877-B BOX (outsi de U.S. call 724 -746-5 500) Free technical su pport , 24 hours a day, 7 day s a week. Call: 724-746 -5500 or Fax: 724-746 -0746 Mail order: Black Box Corporation 1000 Park Drive, Lawrence, PA 15055-1018 Web site: www.
24 Fiber Optic Clean ing Guidelines Fiber Optic transmitters and receivers are e xtreme ly susceptible to c ontamination by particles of dirt or dust, which c an obstru ct the o ptic pa th and ca use pe rforman ce degr adati on. Good system performance requires clean o ptics and connector fer rules.
25 Certif icat ions UL/CUL: Listed t o Safety of Information T echnol ogy Equi pment, in cludin g Electrical Business Equipment. European Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE) require s th at any equipment t hat bears this s ymbol on product or pack aging must not be dispose d of with un sorted munici pal was te.
724-746-5500 Black Box Tech Support : FREE! Live. 24 /7. Tech support the way it should be . Great tech support is just 20 se conds away at 724-746 -5500 or www.b lackb About Black Box Black Box Network Servi ces is your source for more than 118,0 00 networkin g and infrastructure products.
デバイスBlack Box LMC5235Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Black Box LMC5235Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBlack Box LMC5235Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Black Box LMC5235Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Black Box LMC5235Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Black Box LMC5235Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBlack Box LMC5235Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Black Box LMC5235Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBlack Box LMC5235Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。