AcroprintメーカーtimeQplus TQ600の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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TQ600 User Manual Proximity Badge Te r m i n a l Fingerprint Te r m i n a l.
- I - FCC Warnin g: Note: Th is equ ipm ent has been tested a nd fo und to com ply with th e lim its for a Class A di gital de vice, pur suant to Part 15 of the FCC rul es. The se limit s are designed t o provide reasonabl e protecti on agai nst harmful interference when the equipm ent is o perated in a co mm ercial environment.
- II - Declaration Of Conformity Accord ing To EM C Directive 89/336/EEC We declare under our sole responsibility that the U600 Finger Pr int reader and/or U600P Proximity re ader and/or data record i.
- III - Contents Getting S tar ted ....................... .......................... ........ 1 T erminal Co nfigurat ions .......................... ........................................... 2 Operator Pa nel LEDs ... .............................
- IV - Password V erification . ................................... ............................. 27 Enr olling – Pro ximity T er minals . ................. ............ 29 Proximity Card Enro llm ent ............................. ..................
- V - Review All Attendance Re cords .................... .................................. 51 Review Indivi dual Attendan ce Records ........ .................................. 52 Browsing Attendanc e Re cords ...................... ................
- 1 - Getting Started Import ant! Do not a ttempt to servic e the TQ600 y ourself. Opening the terminal will voi d the warranty . Always follow the inst ruct ion s in t he u ser guid e. • Do not place the terminal in di rect sunli ght. Bright light ma y sign ifican tly affect fin gerp rint r eads o r cause f ingerpr int verification to fail.
- 2 - T erminal Configurations The TQ600 is available with either a fingerprint sensor or a proximity badge sensor . The fingerprint sensor provides the m ost secure user verifica tion as it uniquely identifies each user .
- 3 - Operator Panel LEDs 1) Norm al Operation. Gree n light bli nks eac h second . 2) Error Condition (Fingerpri nt or Badge not Enrolled) Red light shines for 2 seconds 3) T ransaction (Fingerprint .
- 4 - Menu Tree 2.
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- 8 - Basic Concepts This section c ontains definitions and d escriptions of fi ngerprint identification conc epts: z User Enrollment: Fingerprints z User Identification/V erification z Threshold z Us.
- 9 - User Identification / V erification User ide n tific ation is the proc ess of compa ring a user ’ s finge rprint again st a fi ngerpr int t empl ate stor ed in th e termi nal.
- 10 - The threshold value is a global setting, i.e., it is se t for all users. If a user ha s a proble m with finge rprint verification d u e to worn fingerprin ts or dry skin you m ay n ee d to have the user enter their User ID in order to matc h their fing erprint to their store d templa te.
- 11 - User ID (PIN number) Before b eginni ng fin gerprint enroll ment , a user is as signed a User ID number (s ometim es referre d to as a PIN num ber). This U ser ID number is us ed to recall fingerpri nt template s or passwords e ach time verific ation is requeste d.
- 12 - z Super visor is th e high est au thori zati on level. Supervisors can enroll supervis ors, adminis trators, enrolle rs and users. Supervisors can de lete a d ministrators, enrollers and users. Supervisors can access all functions and change all setups.
- 13 - Enrolling – Fi ngerprint Terminals This cha pter des cribes how to enrol l and verify us ers on the TQ600. The following topic s are included: z Fingerprin t Enrollment T ips z Enrolling User.
- 14 - CORRECT finger positioning: P l a c e f i n g e r f l a t o n t h e s e n s o r s u r f a c e Place f inger in the cent er of th e sen sor surf ace INCORRECT finger positioning:.
- 15 - T ips for impr oving the quality of finger print reads: Cor rect ion Dirty or Dry Finge r Clean finge r with moisturizing s oap or wipe w ith a pre-mois turized tis sue (alcohol -free wipes pref erabl y , en riched t o hydr ate the s kin) Not enough pressu re The user sh ould place finge r firmly and flat on the sensor surfa ce.
- 16 - Enrolling Users – Fingerprint T erminals After configuring the TQ600 you ar e ready to enroll users. If there are no use r s on the system all users will ha ve a privilege level of supervisor , if an administra tor (Admin) is enrolle d on the system they will be the only one allo wed to en roll a new user .
- 17 - Fingerprint Enr ollment Notes on Buttons: F1 = ESC, use to ba ck up in the m enu or quit F2 = ▲ , use to scroll up in the menu F3 = ▼ , use to scroll down in the menu F4= OK, use to se lect a menu item 1) Press [ MENU ], se lect “User Manage”, press [ OK ], select “Enrol l Us er”, pr ess [ OK ].
- 18 - Note: The User ID (PIN number ) is a 5 digit number . If you input less than 5 digits the term i nal pads t he Use r ID with 0 ’s in front of the User ID, i.e., if you enter 1 1 the User ID 0001 1 is displayed on the terminal. 3) Input t he User ID (ra n ge is 1 to 65 534), pre ss [ OK ].
- 19 - T e s t i n g a F i n g e r p r i n t E n r o l l m e n t Ask the use r to place their finger on the fingerprin t sensor . If the test was succe ssful the enro llment is com p lete.
- 20 - P a s s w o r d E n r o l l m e n t 1) Press [ MENU ], sel ect “User Ma nag e”, pr ess [ OK ], s el ect “Enroll User”, press [ OK ]. Three enrollment methods are displayed, selec t “Enroll Pwd”, press [ OK ] .
- 21 - 4) Input the password an d af firm: 5) Press [ OK ], the following screen is displayed: 6) Press [ OK ]. P ress [ ESC ] to ex it user enr ollmen t or press [ OK ] to continue Password enrollment.
- 22 - Fingerprint & Password 1) Press [ MENU ], sel ect “User Ma nag e”, pr ess [ OK ], s el ect “Enroll User”, press [ OK ]. Three enrollment me thods will be displayed, sele ct “FP & Pwd”, press [ OK ] .
- 23 - 4) If the test is successful three times in a row , the following appears: 5) Input you r password , the following appears: 6) Input the password aga in, press [ OK ], the following appears: 7) Press [ OK ] , the previous message c onti nues to be displayed while the template is c r eated.
- 24 - User V erification T ypes Fingerpr int V er ific ation There are (3) fingerpri nt verifi c ation (“authentic ation”) types: 1:1 V erif icatio n (“ One to One” V eri fica tion) In this mode, a user e nters th eir 5-digit User ID and takes a finger print reading.
- 25 - 2) Press [ OK ] and the following appe ars: 3) It cont inues fo r about 0.5 seconds. If the te st is successful, t h e following a ppears: 4) If your identity cannot be ve rifie d, you are prompted to try again, the following appears: It continues for about 0.
- 26 - 1:N V erification (“One to Many” V erification) In this m ode, a us er simply take s a fingerprint re ading. The TQ 600 compares their fingerprint to all of the f ingerp rint templates stored in the term inal. 1:N verifica t ion take s more time than 1:1 verifica tion.
- 27 - P a s s w o r d V e r i f i c a t i o n A password 1 to 5 digits lon g is used to validate authentication. Password verifica tion can be us ed in special case s, i.
- 28 - 4) If the passw ord cannot be veri fie d, the followin g appears: Pwd Af firm Error Pwd..
- 29 - Enrolling – Proximity Terminals This chapter d escribes how to enroll use rs on the TQ600P . Pr oximity Card Enr ollment 1) Press [ MENU ], se lect “User Manage”, press [ OK ], select “Enroll User”, press [ OK ]. The following sc reen is displayed: 2) Sel ect “Reg R FID”, p ress [ OK ].
- 30 - 4) Press [ OK ] to com plete the enrollment. The follow ing screen appears: 5) Press [ OK ] to save enrollment. Press [ ESC ] to cancel the new enrol lment. P a s s w o r d E n r o l l m e n t 1) Press [ MENU ], sel ect “User Ma nag e”, pr ess [ OK ], s el ect “Enroll User”, press [ OK ].
- 31 - 2) The ne xt available User ID is displayed. Press [ OK ] to choose this ID or enter a U s er ID (range is 1 t o 65534) & press [ OK ]. The following screen is displayed: 3) Input the password an d af firm: 4) Press [ OK ], the following screen is displayed: 5) Press [ OK ].
- 32 - P r o x i m i t y C a r d & P a s s w o r d E n r o l l m e n t 1) Press [ MENU ], sel ect “User Ma nag e”, pr ess [ OK ], s el ect “Enroll User”, press [ OK ]. Three enrollment methods are disp layed, select “R eg Card &Pwd ”, press [ OK ].
- 33 - 4) Input your password, press [ OK ], the following appe ars: 5) Affirm your pa ssword, press [ OK ] , the following ap pears: 6) Press [ OK ] to save.
- 34 - Prvilege Levels The T Q600 has f our u ser privi leg e levels: User , Enro ller , Ad min (administ r ator) and Supe rvisor . z Users are people whose identit y must be veri fied to reco rd time s uch as p unch ing in /out or t he time spe nt work ing on a job o r working in specific departm ents.
- 35 - Enroll w/ Privilege Level Important! Until you enroll a user with at least Admi nist rat or privileges, all use rs will autom atic ally be entered with Supe rvisor privileges even if they were entered as users.
- 36 - 3) Select “Enroll Adm in”, press [ OK ], the following a ppears: 4) Y ou can enroll an employe e with (3) possible levels of te rminal privileges: (1) “Supervisor”, (2 ) “Admin” or (3) “E nroller” .
- 37 - Delete User Data 1) Press [ MENU ], th e foll owing app ears: 2) Select “Use r Manage”, pres s [ OK ], the following appea rs: 3) Select “D elete”, p ress [ OK ], in put the User ID, press [ OK ] t o confirm , follow the prompts to delete user .
- 38 - Options Press [ MENU ] and ve rify your identity . The following a ppears: Select “Options”, press [OK ], the following appears: The following topics a re reviewed in this se ction: System Options, Power Manag ement, Communica t ion Options, L og Options and Auto T est.
- 39 - System Options Select “Syste m Opt”, press [ OK ] , the following appe ars: The System O ptions are: Date & T i me, T ime Forma t, Language, Display Format a nd Advanc ed Options.
- 40 - Chan ging the T ime Format Select “T ime Fmt”, press [ OK ], press [ ▲ / ▼ ] to cha nge between 12 Hour and 24 Hour Format. Changing the Language Select “Langua ge”, press [ OK ], p r es s [ ▲ / ▼ ] to select the language (the default langua ge is English), press [ OK ].
- 41 - C h a n g i n g t h e D a t e F o r m a t Select “Fmt Y Y -MM-DD”, press [ OK ], pres s [ ▲ / ▼ ] to selec t the date and tim e form at, press [O K ]. Ther e ar e ten fo rmat s: YY -MM-DD, YY/MM/DD, YY .MM.DD, MM-DD- YY , MM/ DD/YY , MM.
- 42 - A d v a n c e d O p t i o n s Select “Adv O ption”, pres s [ OK ], the foll owing appe ars: Press [ ▲ / ▼ ] to sc roll up or dow n to sele ct the optio n. Reset Opt s.: Restore all setup value s to factory defaults . Delete At tLogs: Delete all tra n saction logs.
- 43 - Match Thr: Set the fi ngerprint ma tch threshold level. The threshol d value ca n be set 0 – 75 (de fault is 3 5). See T able 1-1. Mst Input ID: T urns 1:1 (one to one ) fingerprint verifica tion on or of f. 1:1 Thr: The mi ni mu m f ing erp rin t r e ad corr elati on nee ded to achieve a positive m atch for 1:1 verifica tion.
- 44 - Power Manager Select “Power Mng”, press [ OK ], the following ap pears: Shutdown: Set a time the term inal will autom atically turn of f. The termina l can be turned on again with the pow er button. Select Sh utdown, press [ OK ], the following appea rs: Press [ OK] and ente r the time the unit will shut of f.
- 45 - Slee p: Set a tim e the terminal will go into s leep mode. Pressi ng any butto n will awa ken t he ter minal. Idle: Select “S LP” or “O FF” for t he Idle mo de. “SLP” – Sleep mode allow s the terminal to b e aw akened by press ing any key .
- 46 - Communication Options Select “Com m Opt”, pre ss [ OK ], the following a ppears: The TQ6 00 fully supports Ethernet, R S232 & USB communications . Baud Rate: The baud rate m ay be se t to 9600, 19200 38400, 57600 & 1 15200. Dev Num: The t ermi nal’ s uni que Devi ce N umber , th e rang e is 1 to 255.
- 47 - NetMask: The default Net Mask is Gatew ay: T he default gateway is 0. 0.0.0 Eth ernet : T urn Ethernet conne ctivity on or of f. RS232: T urn RS232 connect iv ity on or off . RS485: Not Supported USB: T urn USB connectivit y on or of f.
- 48 - Alm Att Log: An alarm will sound when the lo gs are full. The set number is th e remaining log capa city before the logs are ful l, set fr om 0-9 9. ReCh eck M in: Set the number of minutes before another punch is accepte d by the termina l.
- 49 - System Information System Information allows review of the t ermin al i nfo rmati on. Press [ Menu ], select “Sys Info”, press [ OK ], the follow ing appea rs: User Cnt: The num ber of enrolle d users. FP Cnt: The num ber of en rolled finge rprints.
- 50 - Dev Info : T ermi nal informat ion (see bel ow) Users (100): 100: Proximity T ermina l: Maximum number of users (100 X 100 = 10,000). FPCnt (100 ): 15: Bi ometric T erminal: Maximum number of fi ngerprints (15 X 100 = 1,5 0 0). AttLog (10k): 5: Ma ximum numbe r of transaction (5 X 10,000 = 50,000).
- 51 - V iew Time and Attendance Re c o r d s T ime & attenda nce records s tored insi de th e terminal can be reviewed. Review All Attendance Records 1) Press [ MENU ], select “User Manage”, .
- 52 - Review Individual Attendan c e R e c o r d s 1) Press [ MENU ], select “Use r Manage”, pre ss [ OK ], sel ec t “Browse AttLogs”, press [ OK ] and the fo llowing appe ars: 2) Enter User I D (“00014 for ex ampl e), pr ess [ OK ] and the individual attendance r ecords will be displayed.
- 53 - B r o w s i n g A t t e n d a n c e R e c o r d s The table below details add itional c ommands for browsing attendance re cords: Key De scription ▲ Scrol ls displa y content up ▼ Scrolls d.
- 54 - 6 Toggle betw een Small and Large fonts. Small Fo nt Large Font 9 Scrolls to the newest record 0 Scrolls to the oldest record 00014 2006-5 1/23 27 08:30 12 :10 13:20 18:08 26 08:46 12 :15 13:25.
- 55 - Cleaning the TQ600 1. Cleaning th e Keyp ad and Display Use a soft damp cloth t o remove dirt. W ipe dry . 2. Clea ning th e Opt ical Senso r Clean the o ptical s ensor as follow s: (1) Use a can of compresse d air to blow of f any loose dust or dirt pa rticles on the se nsor .
- 56 - Troubleshooting 1. Q: Fingerp rint cann ot b e verif ied. A: Possible Causes: T he following conditio ns could re sult in a failed rea d. 1) Fingerpri nt is dama g ed or smooth 2) Finger is dry Correctio n: Use 1:1 matching (se e page 21). Moisturize finge r .
- 57 - 2) The LCD display is de fective. Correctio n: Contact your dealer or Acroprint for repair . 4. Q: How do I r emove a Supe rvisor? A: Call Acroprint T echnical Support. 5. Q: The t ermin al beeps wh en the co mmu nicati on conn ectio n is made.
- 58 - Appendix USB Flash Driv e Management Not available at this tim e. Bell Schedule The TQ600 ha s a bell signa l that can be program med for dif ferent times duri ng the day . The bell sche dule and bell duration ca n be set based on user requirem ents.
- 59 - Reserve Batter y (Mini-UPS) In order for the TQ600 to functio n during p ower in terrup tions an optional 1 2V Mini-UPS (p/ n 74-016 9-000) is available.
- 60 - batteri es at least on ce every three months in order to maintain 50% of the rated c apacity of the ba ttery . Ke ep the batteries away from chem icals and heat sources.
- 61 - W o rk Codes Not available at this time..
- 62 - Fingerprint Privacy: 1. The TQ 600 merel y capt u res points of the fi ngerpr int but not the actual fingerprint image. 2. T he finge rprint points ca nnot be us ed to create a fingerprint image. 3. Acroprint w ill not be liable for an y di rect or the indirect damages resulting from the us e or inab ility to use ou r equip ment.
06-0386-000 Revision A.
デバイスAcroprint timeQplus TQ600の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Acroprint timeQplus TQ600をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAcroprint timeQplus TQ600の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Acroprint timeQplus TQ600の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Acroprint timeQplus TQ600で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Acroprint timeQplus TQ600を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAcroprint timeQplus TQ600の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Acroprint timeQplus TQ600に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAcroprint timeQplus TQ600デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。