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w w w . a ct i. co m Encoder Firmware V4.06.09 User ’ s Manual 1 Firmware User ’s Manual A1D-500- V6.04.15 - AC 2013/09/04.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 2 T able of Con tents Recommended PC Specifications 4 Preparation 5 Connect the Equipment ............................................................................. 5 Configure the IP Addresses .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 3 DNS ...................................................................................................... 35 DDNS ..........................................................................
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 4 Recommended PC Spe cifi cation s In order to configure or t es t the cam eras, a PC wi th follo w in g b asic specif i cations is needed: CPU Core2Duo 2.13GHz or a bove Memory 2 GB or abov e Operating Sy stem Windows XP with SP2 or abov e.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 5 Preparation Connect the Equipment T o be a ble to connect to the c amera f i rmware from y our PC, bo th the cam era an d the PC have to be connected to each other v ia Ethernet cable. At the sam e t ime, the cam era ha s to have its o wn power supply .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 6 In the example below , we successfully f ou nd D1 1 cam era that we had just connected to the network.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 7 Use the default IP addres s of a came ra : If there is no DHCP server in the give n n etwork , th e user m ay have to assign the I P address es to both PC and cam era manua ll y to m a ke sure the y are in the s ame netwo rk seg m e nt .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 8 Manually adjust the IP addresses of mu lt iple cam e ras : If there are more than 1 cam era to be used in the same local area network an d there is no DHCP server to assign unique IP address es to each of them, all of the cam eras would then ha v e the initial IP address of 192.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 9 A cc e ss the Camera Now that the cam era an d the PC are bo th having the i r unique IP addresses and a r e under the same network s eg m en t, it is possible to use th e W eb brow ser of the PC to ac cess the cam era.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 10 Assum i ng that the camera ’ s IP address is 19 , y ou can access i t by opening t he Web browser and t y pi ng the follo wi ng address i nto Web browser ’ s address bar: http://192.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 11 Live View This section descr i bes how to configure the IP camera. The administrator has unlim i ted access to all settings, while the n orm al user ca n o nl y vie w l ive video.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 12 Live V iew The live v ie w will app e ar a utom ati cally with the v ideo resolution of 1280x720 (1MP cameras) or 1920x1080 (2 -5MP cameras ) .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 13 Y ou can also digitally re-scale the v ideo to full y match the si z e of y our disp l a y with j ust 1 click : - Full screen M o de Y ou may use ESC key from th e keyboard to exit th e full sc reen mode.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 14 The cameras w it h a udio function s hall have the a ud io c ontrol s o n L i ve View page.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 15 Y ou can change the viewing m od e into: - ePTZ View Mode - Panorama View Mo d e - Fisheye View Mode ePTZ Vie w Mod e ePTZ mode work s as an optical PT Z (pan - tilt- z oom) function.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 16 If Miniature Fishe y e -v iew is en abled, t he current sc op e of view is sho wn o n the M iniature Fisheye-view windo w wi th t he red mark i ng.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 17 Setup The following chapters g uide y ou t hroug h the S etu p functions of the cam era.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 18 Host The section “ Host ” a l lows the a dmini strator to de fine t he nam e of the camera and pref err ed user i nterface languag e. There are two kinds of na mes – Host N ame and Camera Name.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 19 Date & T ime Each video f r am e contai ns a time stam p. The accurac y of the t i m e sta m p is very im po rtant for incident investigators. Therefore the clock of the ca m er a has to be adjusted to m os t accurate tim e possible.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 20 If all the cameras are getting the date and tim e f rom the same NTP Server , you can be m os t sure that the video c l ips from di ff erent cam eras can be w ell s y nchronized l ate r for c omparison purposes.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 21 Net w ork The section Netw o rk provides the l i st of network related functions and serv i ces. The [+] mark before Network indicates that the list can be expan de d by click i ng on it. Once expanded, the l i st can later be c ollapsed ag ai n by click i ng on the [ -] mark.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 22 “ Allowed ” m od e will refus e a ccess to a l l IP addresses except the on es listed belo w . “ Blocked ” m od e will accept all inc omi ng acces s except the IP addresses list ed below .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 23 Port Mapping T h e secti on Port M apping prov ides the l i st of s erv ices an d protocols that require their own p ort number for co m m unication. By de fau l t, th e camera al ready has all the ports defined.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 24 HTT PS HTTPS protocol a llows creating a s ecure channel over an insecure network i n order to protec t t he data s ent bet wee n the camera and its c ou nterpart.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 25 IEEE 802.1X IEEE 802.1X is an IEEE s tan dard for port - bas ed Network Acc es s Control. 802.1X authentication invol v es thre e parties: a supplic an t, an au thent i cator , and an authentication server .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 26 If certificates or pri vate k ey ex ist alread y , there wi ll be a “ Remove ” button be hind these item s, in order to remove these i tems w h en necess ar y . After changing an y of the items abov e, press Apply to s av e the changes.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 27 SNMP Setting The SNM P Sett ing item displays the SNMP configurat i on p age . SNMP provides an easy way to m an age net w ork devices. The m ai n features are: 1. Monitori ng device up tim e 2.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 28 SNMP functio n is now enabled. Y ou m ay now install and run the SNMP m an agement software on computer server .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 29 RTP The RT P section allows user to c on figure RTP Settings. If the RTSP Authentication is “ Enabled ” , then the RTP stream i ng will require account name and password authenticatio n.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 30 Network (T oS, UPnP , Bonjour , ONVIF) The section Net w ork contains the controls for following f un ctio ns : T ype of Service UPnP Bon.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 31 undoes the changes th at had just been m ad e but not Applied y et. Most of the W ind ows-base d c om pu ters have the ca p abilit y to discover the d ev ic es that support UPnP TM .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 32 ONVIF The camera with given firm w are is ONVIF 2.2 compliant. By default, the ON V IF func ti on is disabled.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 33 IP Settings The section IP Settings prov ides the o pti ons to defi ne how the camera would obta i n its IP address; and to w h i ch DNS s erv er should the c am era c onnect to, in order to resolve dom ai n nam e s.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 34 recommended to activate a DDNS service f or such scenario, and let t he control center connect to the camera b y t he dom ai n nam e i nstead. P l ease refer to th e DDN S secti on for m o re details.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 35 DNS The section D NS allows s etting up th e Domain Name S ervice for the cam era. T he camera will connect to the DNS server when th ere is a need to resolve a dom ai n name for s en ding data to.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 36 DDNS There are s ur v eillance solutions that consist of s ingle cameras sc att ered over a wide territor y , the refore each of those cam eras should be c on nected to Internet in order to becom e acc es sible by Control C en ter .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 37 Every t i me the IP cam era gets an IP that is different from previous one, it notifies t he public DDNS Service abou t the chan ge . The DDNS Ser v ice upd at es i ts database i mm ed iatel y , mapping the assigned domain nam e (for exam pl e camera123.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 38 T o activate DDNS, please check the „ Enabled “ . Select the service reference, input the Host Name (the domain name given to the camera by DDNS service, User Name an d Passw o rd of the DDNS server acc ou nt.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 39 V ideo The section V ideo provides the options to a dj ust the video quality and co nf igure the stream i ng details of the camera. The default settings of the camera are sufficient f or most envi ro nments and the video adjustments are not nec es sar y .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 40 The sub-section is al so nam ed Video . For Aud io supported cam eras , there w ill also be a sub-section named Audio. T he video section is divided into t ab s. The functionality of each ta b i s explained sep arate l y be l ow .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 41 Compression The section “ Com pression ” allows the user to define t he com pres sion settings of the video stream 1 and stream 2. The purpose of compression is to reduce t he bandwidth and VMS storage consum pti on.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 42 Resolution Depending o n the c am era model, the n umber of av ailable r esolutions ma y be different. The def au lt resolution set ti ng of the c amera m ay n ot necessarily be the m axi mum resolution of t he camera.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 43 GOP (only for H.264) Under VBR mode it is possible to ad just the GOP length - that is the occurrence rate of I - f r ames. B y default, there is one I- f ram e pe r second. F or example, in ca s e of 30 f ps , t here will be 1 I -frame an d 2 9 P-frames every second by def au lt.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 44 Motion Detection The section “ Motion Detec ti on ” allows the user to co nf igure the video motion detection s y stem of the camera. Motion detection regions are b as ed on t he Stream 1.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 45 Enabled or disabled Each of the 3 motion de tection regions c an be enab l e d or di sabled individually . Look at the exa mple: Only the region 1 is enabled while 2 and 3 ar e disabled. T he disable d regions di sa pp ear fro m the video displa y .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 46 T rigger threshold Look at the moving objec t entering th e area of motion detection: although moving quite slowly , it caused m oti on activity – s ev eral pixel regio ns reported a m oti on that was f as ter than allowed “ speed limit ” of s ensitivit y ( 70 ).
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 47 possible com bi nations of settings using sens i tivit y le v el and trigg er thr eshold per c entage.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 48 actions again. There is one more item on the Motion Detec ti on conf i guration page which was not explained above – the Profile of Motion Detection . T hi nk of the m as Profile 1 ( Runtim e MD P r of ile) a nd Profile 2 ( E vent MD Profile).
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 49 Day/Night Th e section Day/Night allo w s user to co ntrol the swit c hing between da y m od e and night mode.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 50 Image Th e section Image allows user to contro l certain param ete rs of a v i deo fram e. Parameters Description Video Flipping Check this box to flip the v ideo up -down. Usuall y used tog eth er with Video Mirroring to achieve the 1 80 -de gree rot ation ef f ec t.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 51 Exposure / White Balance The sec ti on Exposure / White Balance a l lows th e user to c onfigure Exposure (shutter , iris and gain c on trol) and White Balance s et tings . In most cases, the default settings are sufficient and n o ad justm en t i s ne eded.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 52 Shutter speed choi ce s according to env ironment: Shutter Speed 1/5 1/13 1/15 1/25 1/30 1/50 1/60 1/100 1/120 1/250 1/500 1/1000 1/2000 .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 53 and wait a few seconds – the aut o white balance system w ill adjust the c ol ors until the whi t e paper will really look white on the display . At that m o m en t, the user can fr ee ze these white balance settings by pressing the Ho ld button.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 54 Exposure M o de - M anu al W h en the l ighting conditions are stable 24 hours a day , the advanced users m ay consider us i ng manual ex posure mode, to further f i ne tun e the i m ag e qu alit y i n order to f ul fill the special project requirements.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 55 OSD/Privacy Mask The s ec tion OSD / Privacy Mask allows user to do one of the t wo on - vid eo operation s: 1. Add t ex t to th e up pe r or l ower l eft c orner of the v i deo. Thi s f un ction is c alled T ext Overlay or On -Screen Displa y ( O SD) .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 56 Below is the list of c haracte r s with speci al meaning t ha t can b e u sed in the text f i eld: Parameters Description %YYYY Y ear in four-digit form at . For exam pl e, 2008 %YY Y ear in two-digit form at .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 57 There are 4 pre- de f i ned color op t i ons for privacy m as ks. If the user wants to use any other colors, please use URL com mand s to set up the privacy mask instead. T o do that, please ref er to the Guide that explains the us e of URL commands.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 58 On -Screen Graphics On -Screen Graph i cs ( O SG) is a n e w f eature that allows plac i ng cus tom image files on the top of the video as a layer . For e xa m pl e, it c an be used as a waterm ar k for security purposes, or a brand logo in the corner of the video i mage.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 59 W h en done, use a no ther U RL comm an d to configure its position: CONF IG= 1,0,0,240,106,EB8080,4 .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 60 A u dio The section A ud io is a vailable on l y for audio - sup po rted m od els. The user interface f or aud io control look s as below: Parameters Description Audio In The op tion “ E n ab led ” would activate incoming audio (ei th er line in or built - in microphone).
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 61 Event This section describes ho w to setup the Eve nt Handler , which dea l s with how the IP devices respond t o situations. Each IP device can hav e a maxim u m of 10 Event Rules. Ea c h rule includes one s i ngle trigger , and one or m an y resp on ses.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 62 T o setup FTP servers, make sure to e nter the n etwork ad dress of FT P s erv er , the Netw ork ( FT P ) port, the User Nam e and Password of FTP account , Conn ect i on m od e (Passive or Acti v e) an d Connection time bef ore ti meout.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 63 T o setup SMTP servers, m a ke sure to enable the SMT P account and c h o os e the pro pe r Authentication type. There are many types available. The default is L og in. W e recomm en d you to use Auto Detection.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 64 T o setup HTTP servers , make s ure to en able the HT TP server , enter t he user name, the user password, Network (HTTP S erv er) address, Network (HTTP Server) port number and Max connection tim e b efore timeout ( i n seconds ) .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 65 disable it. This will allow y o u to k ee p the settings without using it, which will be useful in testing and troubleshooting. T o setup Notification Messages, make sure to enable the message and then determ i ne w h at t y pe of message to send (HT TP CGI or email).
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 66 *Pre-re qu is ites: SMTP ser v er / FTP ser v er / HTTP CGI ser v er se tup. Upload Video/snapshot IP devices m a y s en d video recording / s n apshots to your chosen server upon event. V ideo will be in .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 67 Upload V ideo/ snap shot and Audio checkbox : this decides if th is rule is i n effect, or di sab l ed. Sometim es it is useful to keep the settin gs for troubleshooting purposes , but keep them as disabled.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 68 CGI server designer f or this section. IP devices do not allo w upload of Sna ps hots / Video into their embedded CGI s ervers . E-Mail Recipient / Subject : W hen uploading video/ s na pshots via email, t h ese fields are required.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 69 *Pre-re qu is ites: HTTP CG I serv er setup. *Pre-requisi tes: SMTP server / HTTP CGI se r v er setup. Send URL commands URL comm an ds c an be s e nt to HT TP CGI servers u po n event. This pro v ides the p os sibilit y of highly i ntelli ge nt r esp on se upon e v ent.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 70 Event List Y ou m ay define a m ax imum of 10 Event rules, w hich will be sho wn in abbreviat ed f or m in the Event L i st panel.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 71 How is it triggered? Events may be triggered by one of the several s ource s . In th e example b elo w , Motion Detection region 1 is used as the e v ent trigger . Y ou may also as k the ev en t to b e r epeatedl y triggered during this s chedu l e d time.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 72 Reboot device : This triggers the event response when the device is shut down via web UI “ Sav e and Reboot ” . Use thi s to keep record of w h en was the device setting edited. N ote that this will not take effect when the device is unplugge d, as this i s not norm al shutdown.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 73 Go to a preset po i nt: if the device is a P T Z camera, and there are preset po ints alread y configured in PTZ setup page, then you m ay include this in the response section of the event rule by using Send U RL Command m eth od .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 74 Local Storage Management The ca m eras that co m e with built-in loca l s torag e capability will have the [Local Storage] item shown i n the “ Setup Page ” when the m as s storage has been inserte d into the stora ge drive slot of the device.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 75 Status W h en the mass storage ha s not be en f or matted or mounted yet, the c am era would not k no w the status of the storage, and t .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 76 Utilities The “ Uti lities ” are res p onsib l e for managing the st orage itse l f r ather t ha n th e f i les o n th e sto rage. There are three ut i lities – M ou nt, Form at and Scan.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 77 Unmount Once th e drive has been m ou nted, it c a n later be unm ou nted b y pressin g “ Unmount ” button, if necessary .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 78 the l oca l storage i s being used b y camera an d some videos or snapshots are being record ed to the disk, then the sud de n shutdo wn or r em ov al of the disk w ithout unm ou nting m ay corrupt the file that is c urrentl y b eing u sed b y the c amera.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 79 Format Failure If the disk i s da m ag ed or it i s not w it hi n the specifications of the camera, the formatting m ay fail. W h en this happe ns , there i s no wa y to c o ntinue using tha t disk, and it has to be r ep laced with a proper one.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 80 Scan T o chec k th e “ health ” of th e disk, i t i s possible to us e t he “ Sc an ” function. If th e disk ha s alread y been mounted, the “Sca n” bu tto n is grayed out, un m ou nt the disk first to enable the “Sca n” button.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 81 Setup The “ Setup ” function provides the option to m an age the f i le writing behavior of the camera. B y default, the cam era i s s et to “ Remove old recordings when ra n ou t of s torage space automatically ” .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 82 By this option, the poss i bility of send i ng notification e -mails automaticall y has be en enabled.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 83 W h en click i ng on the “ ? ” m ark on th e upper ri gh t corner , the usef ul help m es sage would appe ar: In order to let the cam.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 84 Search Recording s b y Time If you are looking for the recordings of specific time peri o d, then you m a y check the “ Search recordings by time ” , an d select the starting tim e of th e searchable r a nge as well as the length of the time period.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 85 Download Recordings Y ou can download the files m an ually to remote PC b y click i ng on the File Nam e. Delete Recordings Y ou can manuall y delete the files b y filling the check bo xes and then press i ng the “ Remov e ” button.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 86 View and Download Snapshot s By click i ng on t he sna ps hot file nam e in file l ist it is p os sible to view the sn ap shot wi t hi n W eb Configurator . T o download the snapshot, right c l ick on the p i cture and save it to the computer .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 87 Downloading Files by FTP Client In addition to W eb Configurator ’ s File Managem en t, it is also possible to use any of the FTP Clients to list and download the recordings from the local storage thanks to the built -in FT P Server of the cam era.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 88 Event Handler with Local Storage In order to save v ideo clips or snapsho ts on a l ocal stor ag e, there has to be a t as k c reated under Event Handler system of the camera that defines what type of files and when are they to be recorded on local storage.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 89 Check the “ Upload V ideo/Snapsho t1 ” . Please note that l ater on scheduler page this i tem will be referred to as “ Image 1 ” . Let ’ s s ee the exam pl e of video form at first – Upload Med ia T ype s hall be Video.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 90 Make sure to hav e the rule “ E nabled ” by filling the c he ckbox. By the exam pl e above, the camera will be 24/7 on guard to watch for motion events.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 91 Scheduled Video Recording Although it i s not r eal l y recommended to hav e full- t ime recording for MicroSDHC due to i t is n ot physically as c ap able as hard di sk , the f i rmware still allows it to be configured for full - tim e recording m od e.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 92 As a r esult, t he c amera will be cont i nuousl y recording, having ea ch v ideo f i le w ith the l eng th of 1 minute.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 93 Scheduled Snapshot s Media configuration:.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 94 Schedule configuration: As a r esult, The re wi ll be one s naps ho t f r om Me dia 1 stored on l ocal s tora ge on c e ever y m i nute, 24 hours a day .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 95 System The s ection System pro v i des the list of functio ns th at help manage the camera. The [+] mark be f o re System i ndicates that th e list can be expanded b y clicking on it. Once expanded, the l i st can later be c ollapsed ag ai n by click i ng on the [ -] mark.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 96 System Info The section System Info provides the full i nform ati on about cam er a status, settings and log. This i nform ati on is ver y helpful w hile doing the cam er a conf i guration , maintenance or troub l eshooting.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 97 Factory Default The section Factor y Defau lt allows the camera setti n g s be rese t to the original factor y sett i ngs. If you want to k ee p n et work sett ings a nd res tore ot he r settings to f ac tor y default, p l ea s e s elect the f i rst option.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 98 Firmware Upload The section Firmw ar e Upload allows rem ote upgrade or downgrade of camera firm w are.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 99 Save & Reboot Th e Save & Reboot s ection allows sa v ing the s ett ings and rebooting the camera remotely . This is critic al because some settings might not tak e eff ec t before save & reboot.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 100 Logout Clicking this item allows you to log out of the IP device. Be sure to logout this IP device once you hav e c om pl eted all the task s via Web Conf i gurator .
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 101 Troubleshooting Although the default settin gs of the cam era are id ea l for 90% of the cases , t here m ay be some rare cases when the s ett ings need t o b e adjusted or the devi ce has to be examined.
w w w . a ct i. c o m Firmware User ’ s Manual V6.04 . 15 102 IR light reflection Make sure the dome o r bullet cover is tightly mo u nted; Reduce the AE reference target in Auto Exposure mode; Redu.
デバイスACTi E82の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ACTi E82をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはACTi E82の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ACTi E82の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ACTi E82で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ACTi E82を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はACTi E82の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ACTi E82に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちACTi E82デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。