BlaupunktメーカーTha Series Tha475pnpの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Subje ct to av ailabi lity an d techni cal mo difi cat ion · CM/ SMC · 8 67123 022 9- 001 · Pr inted i n Germ any Blaupunkt Postfach 777777 D-31132 Hildesheim Hotline +49-180/5000225 T elefax +49-5121/494154 extranet@blaupunkt.
2 | 3 B i g b a s s i n a n y c a s e . Contents 04 | 13 Velocity Speak ers 14 | 15 Velo cit y Am plifi ers 16 | 19 TH Speakers 20 | 27 THA-PnP Ampl ifi ers 28 | 31 GT Spea kers 32 | 3 3 GTA Ampli.
Per fect s ound qua lity ha s a name: Vel ocit y. The sub- woofer, compo nent and c oaxi al system s with the triangular emblem guarantee music enjoyment of the highes t qualit y. Made for anyon e who is unwilling to compro mise and a lways look ing for per fec tion.
Vw 800 Vw 1 000 6 | 7 Somet hing for ever yone – t he Velocit y subwoofe rs in the Vant age Se ries a re availa ble in four dif ferent size s from 200 mm to 38 0 mm in diameter. All of them hav e been opt imized for us e in sealed or bass-refl ex enclosures.
Cuttin g the corners o f f the bo x – the Vb 1 000 s ubwoofer . 1600 W 2 x 250 mm 94 The pr otec tive ro ds of the subwo ofers a nd the l ogo ca n be illu minated. 8 | 9 Enclos ed subwo ofers in a new di mension – t he Velocit y Vb subwo ofers ar e proof po sitive of th e fact th at a box does n’t always h ave to have four c orner s.
A lege nd in the ir own tim e – expe rt s rate V Pc twe eters a mong the be st in th e worl d. Hea vy me tal – the c ompl ex frequency crossover in the V Pc syst ems is bu ilt into a solid aluminum enclosure. Nice t o look at a nd impo ssib le to destr oy.
280 280 165 mm 130 mm 60 50 91 91 1 30 % 1 00 % 4-ohm speakers 3-ohm speakers Amplifi er power i n % 12 | 13 No room in you r car for separate tweeters and woo- fers ? N o proble m – the Velocit y coa xial sy stems of fer ever yth ing for optima l sound qua lity that you wo uld other wise on ly expec t of compo nent sys tems.
3000 W 850 1 High-Level Input The di rect l ine – the Ve locit y amplifi er s are als o equip ped with Blaupunkt’s unique “Direct Aux input” . Which means that yo u can c onnec t such por tab le devi ces a s MP3 p layer s, iPod s or navi gatio n syste ms to the au dio sys tems yo u have with out an Au x input .
16 | 17 240 6 165 mm Great s ound with n o troubl e: The dr ive conc ept of the TH Serie s impressively displays how compac t high- qualit y vehic le spea ker syste ms can b e today. Don’t waste a ny more tim e on thinking a bout how yo ur fac tory -inst alled sp eakers c an be re place d by a better syste m.
18 | 19 240 200 mm 140 200 mm 71 THb 21 0 A This is ho w small gre at per forma nce ca n be: The T Hb 210 A is par ticula rly com pact (only a bout 9 liter s of net volum e), but still ha s all the p ower of a big , fat subwoofe r. Saving space i s one of its s pecia lties.
20 | 2 1 1000 W An id eal cou ple – th e THA 1 250 Pn P (not incl uded) fi ts pe rfe ctly i nto the rece ss in th e THs 6 90 2. THs 690 2 Get your h ead “round” t his ! Now you ca n tuck your subwoofer aw ay in a space that i s usually lef t unuse d in many ve hicle s – in the spa re- wheel we ll.
22 | 23 Plu g’ n ’Play for R ock ’n ’Ro l l – the THA - PnP a mp l ifi ers . More a nd more ve hicles a re now equi pped wi th ra- dios from the factor y that can be upgraded with other systems some time down the line.
24 | 25 Say goo dbye to bulk y tool kit s: Up to now, anyo ne wanting to install an am plifi er needed a w hole ran ge of different pliers, screwdrivers, special wrenches and often even a soldering ir on at the ready . Nowadays, sometimes all you need are the mounting brackets to remove the original radio.
26 | 2 7 VW ada p te r BM W adapt er Ford adap ter Volvo adapter Suzuki adap ter A conne ction fo r any car: The re are 40 d iffere nt adap - ters to choose from, which means that you can easily conne ct a TH A PnP am plifi er to fa ctor y-ins talle d radios in close to 15 00 ve hicle mo dels built by Eur opean , Asian and American manufacturers.
28 | 29 Bl ack is beau tif ul – the GT Se ri e s . Hardly another speaker series curren tly on the market has be en as su cces sful over the p ast few yea rs as th e GT Se r i es m ad e by B la up u nk t .
30 | 31 240 900 850 56 126 300 mm 165 mm 250 mm 91 GT c 662 M ystic Serie s GT w 1 000 Mystic Series Going s epara te ways for pe rfe ct soun d harmo ny – the comp onent sy stems in th e GT serie s make it p ossibl e to separately i nstall the tweeters at the acoustically most su itable l ocati on.
32 | 33 Even reall y succe ssful mo dels c an still be t weaked a nd optimize d. That ’s why the new GTA ampli fi e rs were treate d to a full power ma keover. Both ve rsions now delive r more power un der all kin ds of condi tions to provide for greater sound en joyment.
34 | 35 Y our start into th e Bl aup un k t worl d of so und – the E M Seri e s . 160 56 165 mm I f y ou r b ud ge t i s l o w , b u t y ou r e xp ec ta ti on s a re hi gh , it’s time to t ake a look at t he new EM Se ries .
36 | 3 7 600 300 mm 91 150 200 mm The sma ll bas s sensat ion – the co mpact E Mb 8 00 A is the ide al way to dra matic ally upgr ade so und syste ms that are a lit tle weak on t he bas s in smaller ve hicles .
38 | 39 So l i d ba s is – the E MA Seri es . Are you lo oking for re liable amp lifi ers at particularly affo rdable p rices? In t hat ca se, the ne w EMA Se ries is exactly the right choice.
40 | 41 T echnology 1000 W Max. power: Ma ximu m load -han dling c apabi lity of t he spe aker or ma ximum o utput p ower of t he amp lifi er . Installation depth: Install ation d epth of t he spe aker in mil limete rs. 165 mm Diameter: Exterior diameter of the speaker in millimeters.
42 | 43 System Diameter (mm) Rated power handling Peak power handling Sensitivity 2,83 V/m Frequency response Hz Impedance Cone material Installation depth (mm) Subwoofer box 2 x 200 2 x 150 watts 2 x.
System Diameter (mm) Rated power handling Peak power handling Sensitivity 2,83 V/m Frequency response Hz Impedance Cone material Installation depth (mm) 2-way coaxial 100 50 watts 200 watts 90 dB 70 – 25,000 Hz 3 ohms IPP/silk 43.
46 | 47 Max. total power RMS power 4 ohms RMS power 2 ohms Max. power (4 ohms) Number of channels Speaker outputs Inputs Frequency range Hz Stability Signal/noise ratio Gain adjust Low pass High pass/.
System Diameter (mm) Rated power handling Peak power handling Sensitivity 2,83 V/m Frequency response Hz Impedance Cone material Installation depth (mm) Subwoofer 250 200 watts 900 watts 91 dB 35 – .
Car Navigation 2008/20 09 Car Radio 2009 T o be honest, they should really be called sound stations: The new r adios fro m Blaup unkt can do a lmost any thing – exc ept com pose, that is.
デバイスBlaupunkt Tha Series Tha475pnpの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Blaupunkt Tha Series Tha475pnpをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBlaupunkt Tha Series Tha475pnpの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Blaupunkt Tha Series Tha475pnpの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Blaupunkt Tha Series Tha475pnpで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Blaupunkt Tha Series Tha475pnpを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBlaupunkt Tha Series Tha475pnpの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Blaupunkt Tha Series Tha475pnpに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBlaupunkt Tha Series Tha475pnpデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。