Bosch AppliancesメーカーFW5.50の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Camera Browser Interface Bosch IP 200 Series Cameras FW5.50 en Software manual.
Camera Brow ser Interface Table of Cont ents | en 3 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 T able of Contents 1 Browser connection 10 1.1 System requirements 10 1.2 Establishing the connection 11 1.2.1 Password protection in camera 11 1.
4 en | Table of Cont ents Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 5.3 Network 26 5.4 Encoder 27 5.5 Audio 27 5.6 Recordi ng 27 5.7 System Overview 27 6 Advanced General Settings 28 6.1 Identification 28 6.
Camera Brow ser Interface Table of Cont ents | en 5 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 7.2.2 Show alarm inputs 35 7.2.3 Show relay outputs 35 7.2.4 Show VCA trajectories 35 7.2.5 Show overlay icons 35 7.2.6 Show event log 35 7.
6 en | Table of Cont ents Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 9.1.7 Standard definition video resolution 45 9.1.8 Expert Settings 46 9.1.9 Default 47 9.2 Encoder Streams 48 9.2.1 H.264 settings 48 9.
Camera Brow ser Interface Table of Cont ents | en 7 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 11.1.9 Decoder 62 11.1.10 SSL encryption 63 11.1.11 Auto-connect 63 11.1.12 Audio 63 11.2 Video Content Analyses (VCA) 64 11.3 Audio Alarm 65 11.
8 en | Table of Cont ents Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 12.4.4 Delay [s] 77 13 Interfaces 78 13.1 Alarm input 78 13.1.1 Name 78 13.2 Relay 78 13.2.1 Idle state 78 13.2.2 Operating mode 78 13.
Camera Brow ser Interface Table of Cont ents | en 9 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 14.2.4 Authentication (802.1x) 84 14.2.5 RTSP port 85 14.2.6 UPnP 85 14.2.7 TCP metadata input 85 14.2.8 Quality of Service 85 14.3 Multicast 86 14.
10 en | Bro wser connect ion Camera Bro wser Int er face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 1 Bro wser connection A computer with Microsoft Internet Explorer is us ed to receive live images from the camera, control the camera, and replay stored sequences.
Camera Brow ser Interface Brow ser connection | en 11 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 1.2 Establishing the connection The camera must have a valid IP address to operate on your network and a compatible subnet mask. By default, DHCP is pre-set at the factory to ON and so your DHCP server assigns an IP address.
12 en | Syst em Over view Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 2 Syst em Over view When a connection is established, the Livepage is init ially displayed. The application titl e bar displays three items: LIVEPAGE , RECORDINGS , SETTINGS .
Camera Brow ser Int er face Operation via the br owser | en 13 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 3 Operation via the brow ser 3.1 Liv epage After the connection is established, the Livepage is initially displayed. It shows the live video image on the right of the browser window.
14 en | Operation via the br owser Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 3.1.2 Status icons Various overlays in the video image provide i mportant status information. The overlays prov ide the following information: Decoding error The frame might show artefacts du e to decodin g errors.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Operation via the br owser | en 15 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Motion flag Indicates that motion is dectected. Storage discovery Indicates that recorded vi deo is being retrieved. 3.1.
16 en | Operation via the br owser Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems Pre-position To move the camera to a pre-po sition, click one of the buttons numbered one to six. To store the current position of the camera in a pre-position: 1.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Operation via the br owser | en 17 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 3.1.6 Saving snapshots Individual images from the vide o sequence that is currently being shown on the Livepage can be saved in JPEG format on the computer 's hard drive.
18 en | Operation via the br owser Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 3.1.9 Audio communication Audio can be sent and received via the Livep age if the active monitor and the remote station of the camera support audio.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Operation via the br owser | en 19 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 3.2 Recordings page Click Recordings to access the Recordings page from the Livepage or Settings page. The Recordings link is only visi ble if a direct iSCSI or microSD ca rd has been configured for recording.
20 en | Operation via the br owser Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 3.2.1 Controlling playback The time bar below the video image allows quick orientation. The time interval associated with the sequence is displayed in the bar in gray.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Operation via the br owser | en 21 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Bookmarks You can set markers in a sequence and jump to these directly. These bookmarks are indicated as small yellow arrows above the time interval.
22 en | Set tings Over view Camera Bro wser Int er face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 4 Se t tings Over view 4.1 Configuration Menu The settings page provide s acc ess to the configuration menu which contains all the unit's pa rameters arranged in groups.
Camera Brow ser Interface Set tings Overview | en 23 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 4.2 Set tings Navigation To view the current settings: 1. Click the Basic Mode menu or the Advanced Mode menu to expand it. 2. For the Advanc ed Mode menu, click a menu sub-heading to expand it.
24 en | Basic Mode Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 5B a s i c M o d e 5.1 Device Acce ss 5.1.1 Naming Enter a unique name to assist in identification. This name simplifies the management of multiple devices in more extensive sy stems.
Camera Brow ser Interface Basic Mode | en 25 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Password Define or change a separate pass word for each level. En ter the password (19 characters maxi mum) for the selected level. Confirm password Re-enter the new password to en sure that there are no ty ping mistakes.
26 en | Basic Mode Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 5.3 Ne tw ork Use the settings on this page to integrate the device into a network. Some changes only take effect after a reboot. In this case, the Set button changes to Set and Reboot .
Camera Brow ser Interface Basic Mode | en 27 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 5.4 Encoder Select a profile for encoding the video signal on stream 1 (this is not a selection of the recording profile).
28 en | Advanced G eneral Se t tings Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 6 Advanced G eneral Se t tings 6.1 Identification 6.1.1 ID Each device should be assigned a unique identifier that can be entered here as an addition al means of identification.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Advanced G eneral Set tings | en 29 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 6.2 Passwor d A password prevents unauthorized access to the device. The device has three authorization levels: service , user , and live .
30 en | Advanced G eneral Se t tings Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 6.3 Date/Time 6.3.1 Date format Select the required date format. 6.3.2 Device date / Device time If there are multiple devices operating in your system or network, it is important to sync hronize their intern al clocks.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Advanced G eneral Set tings | en 31 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 First, check the time zone setting. If it is not correct, select the appropriate time zone for the system: 1. Click Set .
32 en | Advanced G eneral Se t tings Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 6.4 Display S tamping Various overlays or stamps in the video im age provide important supplementary inform ation. These overlays can be enabled individually and arrang ed on the image in a clear manner.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Advanced G eneral Set tings | en 33 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 6.4.5 Alarm message Enter the message to be displaye d on the image in the event of an alarm. The maximum text length is 31 characters.
34 en | Web I nterface Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 7 W eb Interface 7.1 Appearance You can adapt the appearance of the web interface and change the website language to meet your requirements.
Camera Brow ser Interface Web Int er face | en 35 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 7.2 LIVEP A GE F unctions You can adapt the Livepage functions to meet your requirements. Choose from a vari ety of diff erent options for displaying information and controls.
36 en | Web I nterface Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 7.2.7 Show system log The system messages are displayed with the date and time in a field next to the video image an d provide information about the establishment and terminati on of connections, etc.
Camera Brow ser Interface Web Int er face | en 37 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 7.3 Logging 7.3.1 Save ev ent log Select this option to save event messages in a text f ile on the local computer. This file can be viewed, edited, and printed with any text editor or standard office soft ware.
38 en | Camera Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 8 Camera 8.1 Installer Menu 8.1.1 Mirror image Select On to output a mirror image of the camera picture. 8.1.2 Flip image Select On to output an upside down camera image.
Camera Brow ser Interface Camera | en 39 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 8.2 Picture Set t ings Contrast (0...255) Adjust the contrast with the slider from 0 to 255. Saturation (0...255) Adjust the color saturation wi th the slider from 0 to 255.
40 en | Camera Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 8.2.2 Day/ Night Select the control setting for IR illumination: – Auto : the camera automatically switches the IR illumination. – Color : the IR illumination is always off.
Camera Brow ser Interface Camera | en 41 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 8.3 Encoder Set tings The Encoder Profile and Encoder Streams settings allow you to adapt the video data transmis sion characteristics for your operating environment (network structure, bandwidth, data structures).
42 en | Camera Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 8.4 Audio Switch the audio and audio output On or Off . Adust the level with the slider. Select G.711, L16 or AAC* as the audio Recording format .
Camera Brow ser Int er face Encoder Set tings | en 43 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 9 Encoder Se t tings The encoder settings de termine th e characteristics of the four streams generated by the camera.
44 en | Encoder Set tings Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 9.1 Encoder Profile Profiles are rather complex and in clude a number of parameters that interact with one another, so it is generally best to use the pre-defined profiles.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Encoder Set tings | en 45 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 9.1.3 Profile name If required, enter a new name for the profile. 9.1.4 Target bit rate To optimize use of th e bandwidth in the network, limit the data rate for the camera.
46 en | Encoder Set tings Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 9.1.8 Exp ert Settings if necessary, use the expert settings to adapt the I-frame quality and the P-frame quality to specif ic requirements.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Encoder Set tings | en 47 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 To obtain the highest quality at the lowest bandwidth, even in the case of increased movement in the picture, configure the quality settings as follows: 1.
48 en | Encoder Set tings Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 9.2 Encoder Str eams 9.2.1 H.264 settings Select H.264 Settings 1. Select the codec algorithm Property fo r stream 1 from the drop-down box.
Camera Brow ser Int er face Encoder Set tings | en 49 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 9.2.2 JPEG stream Set the parmeters for the M-JPEG stream. – Select the Resolution . – Select the Max. frame rate in images per second (IPS).
50 en | Recording Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 10 Recording For camera with SD slots, images can be recorded locally to an SD card or to an appropriate ly configured iSCSI system. SD cards are the ideal solution for shorter storage times and temporary recordings.
Camera Brow ser Interface Recording | en 51 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 10.1 Storage Management 10.1.1 Device manager Check the Managed by VRM box to let an external Video Recording Manager (VRM) manage all recording.
52 en | Recording Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems SD card recording performance is highly depen dent on the speed (class) and performance of the SD card. An SD card of Class 4 or higher is recommended.
Camera Brow ser Interface Recording | en 53 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 2. Click Set to activate all media in the Managed storage media list. – The Status column shows all media as Online . 3. Check the box in the Rec.
54 en | Recording Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 10.2 Recording Profiles A recording profile contains the characteristics of the tracks that are used for recording. These ch aracteristics can be defined for ten different profile s.
Camera Brow ser Interface Recording | en 55 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 10.2.1 Recording track selection Standard and alarm recording can be defined for the two recording tracks. You must firs t select the track before setting up the standard and alar m recording parameters.
56 en | Recording Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems Check the with encoding interval from profile: box and select an encoder profile to set the as sociated encoding interval for alarm recording.
Camera Brow ser Interface Recording | en 57 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 10.3 Re tention Time If the available capacity of a medium has been fully used, older recordings are on ly overwri tten when the retention time entered here has expired.
58 en | Recording Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 10.4 Recording Scheduler The recording scheduler allows you to link the created recording profiles to the days and times at which the camera's images are to be recorded.
Camera Brow ser Interface Recording | en 59 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 3. Click OK . The selection is removed from the table and the window is closed. 4. Repeat for any other dates to be deleted. 10.4.3 Profile names Change the names of the recording prof iles listed in the Time periods box.
60 en | Recording Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 10.5 Recording Status Details of the recording s tatus are displayed here for information.
Camera Brow ser Interface Alarm | en 61 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 11 Alarm 11.1 Alarm Connectio ns In the event of an alarm, the camera can automatically connect to a pre-defined IP address. The camera can contact up to ten IP addresses in the order listed until a connection is established.
62 en | Alarm Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 3. Enter the password in the Destination password field. 4. Set the user password of al l the remote stations to be accessed using this password.
Camera Brow ser Interface Alarm | en 63 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 11.1.10 SSL encryption SSL encryption protects d ata used for establishing a connection, such as the password. By selecting On , only encrypted ports are available for the Remote port parameter.
64 en | Alarm Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 11.2 V ideo Content Analyse s (VCA) The camera has integrated Video Content Analyses (VCA) which detects and analyze changes in the picture using image processing algorithms.
Camera Brow ser Interface Alarm | en 65 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 11.3 Audio Alarm Alarms can be generated based on audio signals. Configure signal strengths and frequency ra nges so that false alarms, for example, machine noise or ba ckground n oise, are avoided.
66 en | Alarm Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 11.4 Alar m E-Mail Alarm states can be documented by e-mail. The camera automatically sends an e-mail to a user-defined e-mail address. This makes it possible to notify a recipient who does not have a video receiver.
Camera Brow ser Interface Alarm | en 67 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 11.4.7 Attach JPEG from camera Check the box to specify that JPEG images are sent from the camera. 11.4.8 Destination address Enter the e-mail address for al arm e-mails here.
68 en | Set ting up VCA Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 12 Se t ting up VC A Several VCA configurati ons are available. – Off – Silent MOTION+ – Profile #1 – Profile #2 – Scheduled – Event triggered 12.
Camera Brow ser Interface Set ting up VCA | en 69 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 12.2 VCA - Profiles Two profiles can be set up with differ ent VCA configuration s. You can save profiles on your computer's hard drive and load saved profiles from there.
70 en | Set ting up VCA Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 12.2.2 Analysis type Select the required analysis algorithm. By default, only Motion+ is available — this offers a motion detector and essential recognition of tampering.
Camera Brow ser Interface Set ting up VCA | en 71 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Minimum object size Specify the number of sensor fields that a moving object must cover to generate an alarm. This setting prevents objects that are too small from triggering an alarm.
72 en | Set ting up VCA Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems Sensitivity and Trigger delay [s] can only be changed if Reference check is selected. Sensitivity The basic sensitivity of the tam per detection can be adjusted for the environmental conditions to which the camera is subject.
Camera Brow ser Interface Set ting up VCA | en 73 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Scene too dark Activate this function if tamperi ng associated with covering the objective (for instance, by sprayi ng paint on it) should trigger an alarm.
74 en | Set ting up VCA Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems Appearing edges Select this option if the select ed area of the reference image includes a largely homogenous surf ace. If structures appear in this area, then an alarm is triggered.
Camera Brow ser Interface Set ting up VCA | en 75 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 12.3 VCA - Scheduled A scheduled configuration allows you to link a VCA profile with the days and times at which the video content analysis is to be active.
76 en | Set ting up VCA Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems Deleting Holidays Delete defined holidays at any time: 1. Click De lete . A new window ope ns. 2. Click the date to delete. 3. Click OK .
Camera Brow ser Interface Set ting up VCA | en 77 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 12.4 VCA - Event trigger ed This configuration allows you to stipulate that the video content analysis is only to be activate d when triggered by an event.
78 en | Interfaces Camera Browser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 13 Interfaces 13.1 Alar m input Configure the alarm triggers for the camera. Select N.C. (Normally Closed) if the al arm is to be triggered by closing the contact.
Camera Brow ser Interface Network | en 79 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 14 Ne twork 14.1 N etwork Access The settings on this page are used to integrate the device into a network. Some changes only take effect after a reboot.
80 en | Network Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 14.1.3 IP V6 address IP address Enter the desired IP address fo r the camera. The IP address must be valid for the network. Prefix length Enter the appropriate prefix length for the set IP address.
Camera Brow ser Interface Network | en 81 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 The camera uses the TLS 1.0 pr otocol. Ensure that the browser has been configured to support this protocol. Also ensure that Java application support is ac tivated (in the Java Plug-in Control Panel of the Windows Control Panel).
82 en | Network Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 14.1.13 Network MTU [Byte] Specify a maximum value in bytes for the package size (including IP header) to optimize data transmission. 14.1.14 Enable DynDNS DynDNS.
Camera Brow ser Interface Network | en 83 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 14.1.19 Status The status of the DynDNS func tion is displayed here for information purposes; these settings cannot be changed.
84 en | Network Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 14.2 Advanced The settings on this page are used to set advanced settings the network. Some changes only take effect after a reboot. In this case Set changes to Set and Reboot .
Camera Brow ser Interface Network | en 85 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 2. Enter the Password that the Radius server expects from the camera. 14.2.5 RTSP port If necessary, select a different port for the exchange of the RTSP data from the list.
86 en | Network Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 14.3 Multicast The camera can enable multiple receivers to receive the video signal simultaneously.
Camera Brow ser Interface Network | en 87 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Duplication of data places a heavy demand on the CPU and can lead to impairment of the image quality under certain circumstances. 14.3.3 Port Enter the port address for the stream here.
88 en | Network Camera Brow ser Interface AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 14.4 FTP Posting The FTP server is used for JP EG posting and the export of recordings. 14.4.1 JPEG posting Save individual JPEG images on an FTP server at specific intervals.
Camera Brow ser Interface Network | en 89 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 FTP server pass word Enter the password that gives access to the FTP server. Path on FTP server Enter an exact path to post th e images on the FTP server or click Browse to find the path.
90 en | Ser vice Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 15 Ser vice 15.1 Maintenance 15.1.1 Firmware The camera functions and parameters can be updated by uploading new firmware. To do this, the latest firmware package is transferred to the device via the network.
Camera Brow ser Interface Ser vice | en 91 Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 1. In the address bar of your browser, enter /main.htm after the device IP address, for ex ample: 2. Repeat the upload.
92 en | Ser vice Camera Brow ser Inte r face AM18-Q0611 | v5.50 | 2012.03 Software manual Bosch Security Systems 15.1.4 Maintenance log Download an internal maintenanc e log from the device to send it to Customer Service fo r support purp oses. Click Download and select a storage location for the file.
Bosch Security Systems © Bosch Security Systems, 2012.
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Bosch Appliances FW5.50をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBosch Appliances FW5.50の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Bosch Appliances FW5.50の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Bosch Appliances FW5.50で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Bosch Appliances FW5.50を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBosch Appliances FW5.50の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Bosch Appliances FW5.50に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBosch Appliances FW5.50デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。