Bosch AppliancesメーカーHBG78R7.0Bの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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[e n] In str ucti on m anu al Built-in oven HBG78R7.0B.
3 Ú T able of cont ents [ en ] In s t r u c t io n m a n u a l Im po rt a nt sa fety info rma ti on ... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. .... 4 C au ses o f da mag e ... ... .. .... .. .... .. ..... .. .... .. .. .. .... ..
4 : Important safety in formatio n R ead thes e ins tru cti ons ca ref ull y. On ly th en wil l yo u be able to oper ate you r ap p l ian ce sa fely a nd co rrectl y. Retain the instruc tion m anual an d insta llat ion instr ucti ons for futu re us e o r for subs eque nt ow ners.
5 ■ Th e cabl e insul atio n o n ele ctri cal appli a nces ma y me lt whe n touching ho t parts of the ap p li a nce. N ever bring elect rica l ap plian ce c abl es in to con tac t with hot parts o f the appliance. Risk of electric shock ! ■ Penetr ating mois ture ma y cau se an elect ric s hoc k.
6 Y our new o v en He re you will learn abou t your new oven. The c ontrol panel and the ind ividual operating controls are explained. You will find information on the c ooking compartment and the accessories. Co ntro l pa nel Here, you will s ee an overview of the c ontrol panel.
7 Oven l ight During operat i on, the oven ligh t in the cooking compartment is on. Wh en temperatures u p to 60 °C are s elected, and when self-cleaning is activated, t he light switches off. This enables precise temperat ure regulation. The oven light switches on when you ope n the oven door.
8 After -sales s er vice p roducts You c an obtain suitable care and cl eaning agent s and other a ccess ories for your do mestic app lian ces from the afte r-s ales service, specialist retailers or (i n som e countries) onl ine vi a t he e Shop. Please s pecify the relevant product number.
9 Bef or e usin g the app liance f or the fi rst time This s ection tells you everythin g you need to do before us ing the applianc e for the first time.
10 Setting the o ve n I n t his se ct ion , yo u wil l fin d i nfo rm atio n abo u t ■ which types of heating are available in your oven ■ how you set a t ype of hea ti n g and a temperature ■ h.
11 4. Pre ss th e n but ton. Op era tion sta rt s. Once the d is h is ready, s wit c h the oven of f with the % b utton or select and apply a new ope rating mode. Opening the o ven door durin g co oking Operation is s uspended. When t he door is closed ag ain, op eration resum es.
12 Time-se tting option s You ca n call up the time-setti ng opt i ons menu by pressing the 0 b ut ton. The following funct ions are available: If the ov en is switched off: ■ Se ttin g th e ti mer .
13 Cancell ing the e nd ti m e This is p ossible while the oven is in standby. Press the 0 bu tto n to open th e menu . Pr ess the X b utt on a nd reset th e En d time usi ng the r otar y se lec tor. Pr ess the 0 bu tton to cl ose the m enu. Sett ing th e timer The ti m er runs indepen dently of the oven .
14 3. Use the X b utt on to swi tch to the tempe ra ture and s et t he desired t em perature using the rotary selector. 4. Pr ess th e 0 button to open the time-s etting options men u. 27:00 hours are suggested. 5. Tu rn th e r otar y s elec tor to set the re quire d c oo king time .
15 Ad jus t in divi dua ll y: - ÛÛÛÚÛ ÛÛ + e.g. increasi ng intensity of cook- ing resu lt - ÛÛÛÛ ÚÛÛ + Change cooking result of all automatic pro- gram me s.
16 Changin g the basic settings Prerequisite: T he oven must be switched off. Example : Changing the ac oustic signal du ration basic setting from m edium to short. 1. Pr ess and ho ld the ° button fo r approx. 4 se conds until the "Basic settin g s" heading and the first basic setting "Select language: English" appears.
17 : Risk of seri ous damage to health. ! Never c lean non-stick b aking trays an d baki n g tins at the same time using the self-cleaning programme. High temperatures dam age th e no n-st ick c oati ng a nd poi so nous gase s ar e released.
18 Deta chin g and r ef itti ng the rails The r ails c an b e r emov ed f or cl eaning . Th e o ven mu st ha ve cooled d own. De ta c hin g t he r ai ls 1. Lift up the fron t o f the rai l 2. and unhook it (figure A). 3. Then pull the w hole rail forward 4.
19 Remo vin g the door co v er The oven door cover can b ecome discoloured. To c arry out thorough cleaning, you c an rem ove the c over. 1. Open the ove n door fully. 2. Unscrew the oven d oor cover. To do this, undo the left and rig h t screws (fig u re A).
20 7. Put the cover back i n place and screw it on. 8. Attach the oven door. Do not use the ov en again unt i l the panel s hav e be en correctl y install ed. T roubles hooting Ma lfu nc tion s ofte n have s im ple expl anat io ns . Ref er to th e tabl e before calling the after-sales service as you may be able to rem edy th e fault yo urse lf.
21 Replacing the bulb in the left-h an d o v en light If th e bulb in th e oven li ght f a ils, it mu st b e rep lace d. He at- resistant, 25 watt, 230 V halogen bulbs are available from the af ter-sa les s ervice or spe ciali st ret ailer s. Whe n handli ng the halogen b ulb, use a dry cloth .
22 tim es. Yo u ca n see wh ich acc esso rie s and shelf positi ons a re sui tab le. The temperature and cooki n g time d epend on the am ount, c omp os itio n a nd qua lit y of the foo d.
23 En vironme ntally-fr iendly disposal Disp ose of packag ing in an environmental ly-f ri endly manner. A utoma tic pro gramme s The automatic programmes h elp you to achieve el aborat e pot roasts, j uicy roasts and del icious s tews very easily.
24 Mea t Pour the spe cifie d amou nt of liqu id int o the ov enwa re. Be ef W hen c ookin g po t roa sts , ensur e that suffi cien t liq uid is a dde d. You c an also us e the m arinade. When cooking Viennese boiled b eef, add enou gh liquid (water or st ock ) to almo st co ve r the meat .
25 Lamb a nd mutt on Wh en r oast ing join ts o f me at a nd drum sti cks, se t the wei ght o f the mea t. When roasting me at loaf, set the total weight . Game Ga me can be cov er ed wit h b acon , wh ich ke ep s the meat mor e succulent, but means that it will n ot brown as m uch.
26 Fish Prepare the fi s h, t hen add vinegar, lemon j uice or whi te wine a nd salt as usual. Fo r b raised fish: Po ur som e l iquid (e. g. w ine o r le mon juice ) into the c ookware, ½ cm d eep. For baked fish: Turn the fish in flour and brush with melted but ter.
27 2. Select the programme group by t ur n ing the rotary selector. 3. Pre ss th e X but ton to c han ge th e line . 4. Us e th e ro tary se lec tor t o se lec t the pr ogr am me. In s ome of th e pr og ramm es, you c an ma ke fur ther specifications, e.
28 T ested f or y ou in our cooking studio He re you will find a sele ction of dishes and the ideal set tings for them. We will show you which type of heating and which temp erature are best su ited for y our dish. You can find information about suitable accessories and the heigh t at which they should be inserted.
29 T ype of heati ng: ■ : =3 D h o t a i r Sw iss ro ll Un iv er sal pan + sw is s r ol l tin 2 ' * 200-210 10-1 2 Wire rack + swiss roll tin 3 : * 1 80-190 10-12 Tart Universal pan + Ø 2 0 cm.
30 Ba ki ng tip s Meat, po ultr y , fi sh Ov en wa re The universal pan with insert wire rack is suitable for lar g e roasts. You may also use any heat-resistant ove nware. Gla ss o venw ar e is t he m ost sui tab le. Ensu r e th a t the lid o f th e roa s ting d is h fits we ll an d c lose s p rop erly.
31 T ypes of heati ng: ■ % = Top/bottom heat ing ■ 4 =H o t a i r g r i l l i n g Shoul d er (boned and rolled) Uni versal pan with wire insert 1 : 170-18 0 25 + 25 Rack of l amb Univ ersa l pan w.
32 G rilli n g When grilling, p reheat the ov en for approx. 3 minutes, b efore putting the food i n. Alwa ys grill wi th the oven door closed. As far as possible, the pieces of food you are grilling should be of eq ual thickness. This will allow them to b rown evenly and remai n succ ulent an d juic y.
33 Slo w cooking Slow cooking, also known as low-temperature cooking, is the ide al co oki ng met hod for te nde r p iece s of mea t th at ar e t o b e c ooke d me dium ra re or à p oint .
34 Pre prepa red p rod uct s Obse rve th e ins tr u ct ions on th e packag ing. If y ou line t he ac ce sso ries with g reas epr oof p aper , mak e sure that t he paper is su itable for these tempe ratures . Make sure the pa per i s a suitab le size f or the di sh to be co oked .
35 Specia l dishes At low t emperatures, : 3D hot a ir i s equally useful for p roduc ing c re amy y ogh urt as it is fo r pr oving lig ht yea st d ou gh. First, remove accessories, hook-in racks or telescopic shelves from th e c ook ing co mpa rtm ent.
36 Preserving For preserving, t he jars and rubber seals must be clean and in ta ct. If po ss ib le, us e ja rs o f t he s a me s iz e. Th e i nf or mat ion in the table i s for round, one-litre jars. Caution! Do not us e jars t hat are larger or t aller than this.
37 T est dish es These tab les have been produced for t est institutes to facilitate the insp ection and testing of the various appliances. In accordance with EN 50304/EN 60350 (2009) and IEC 60350. Baking Baki n g on 2 lev els: Always in sert the universal pan above the baking tray.
38 Beefburgers, 12 pieces* do no t p re heat wire rack + un iv ers al p an 4+1 ( 3 25-30 Dish Acce ssories Lev el T ype of heati ng Grill set ting Cooki ng time in minutes * turn over after Z of the cooking time.
45 9207 0 3 *900 0710 369* 9000 7103 69 Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH Carl -Wery- S t raße 34 8 1739 Münc hen Ge rma ny
デバイスBosch Appliances HBG78R7.0Bの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Bosch Appliances HBG78R7.0Bをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBosch Appliances HBG78R7.0Bの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Bosch Appliances HBG78R7.0Bの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Bosch Appliances HBG78R7.0Bで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Bosch Appliances HBG78R7.0Bを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBosch Appliances HBG78R7.0Bの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Bosch Appliances HBG78R7.0Bに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBosch Appliances HBG78R7.0Bデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。