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[en] Instruction manual Oven HBG675B.1B.
en 3 T able of contents [ e n ] I n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l 8 Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ( Important safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
en 4 Produktinfo Additional information on products, accessories, replacement parts and services can be found at and in the online shop www.
Intended use en 5 8 Intended use I n t e n d e d u s e Read these instructions carefully. Only then will you be able to operate your appliance safely and correctly. Retain the instruction manual and installation instructions for future use or for subsequent owners.
en Important safety information 6 : Warning – Risk of injury! ■ Scratched glass in the appliance door may develop into a crack. Do not use a glass scraper, sharp or abrasive cleaning aids or detergents. Risk of injury! ■ The hinges on the appliance door move when opening and closing the door, and you may be trapped.
Causes of damage en 7 ] Causes of damag e C a u s e s o f d a m a g e General information Caution! ■ Accessories, foil, greaseproof paper or ovenware on the cooking compartment floor: do not place accessories on the cooking compartment floor. Do not cover the cooking compartment floor with any sort of foil or greaseproof paper.
en Getting to know your appliance 8 * Getting to kno w y our appliance G e t t i n g t o k n o w y o u r a p p l i a n c e In this chapter, we will explain the displays and controls. You will also find out about the various functions of your appliance.
Getting to know your appliance en 9 Rotary selector You can use the rotary selector to change the adjustment values shown on the display. In most selection lists, such as the temperature, you have to turn the rotary selector back the other way if you reach the minimum or maximum value.
en Getting to know your appliance 10 -------- Default values For each heating type, the appliance specifies a default temperature or level. You can accept this value or change it in the appropriate area. F ur ther information In most cases, the appliance provides notes and further information on the action just carried out.
Accessories en 11 _ Accessories A c c e s s o r i e s Your appliance is accompanied by a range of accessories. Here, you can find an overview of the accessories included and information on how to use them correctly. Accessor ies included Your appliance is equipped with the following accessories: -------- Only use original accessories.
en Accessories 12 Optional accessories You can buy optional accessories from the after-sales service, from specialist retailers or online. *You will find a comprehensive range of products for your appliance in our brochures and online. Both availability and whether it is possible to order online differ between countries.
Before using for the first time en 13 K Before using for the f irst time B e f o r e u s i n g f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e Before you can use your new appliance, you must make some settings. You must also clean the cooking compartment and accessories.
en Operating the appliance 14 1 Oper ating the appliance O p e r a t i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e You have already learnt about the controls and how they work. Now we will explain how to set your appliance. You will learn about what happens when you switch the appliance on and off, and how to select the operating mode.
Operating the appliance en 15 4. Press the l Start/Stop button to start. The time on the display shows how long the operation has already been running. The appliance begins to heat up. When your dish is ready, switch off the appliance using the ÿ On/Off button.
en Time-setting options 16 O Time-setting options T i m e - s e t t i n g o p t i o n s Your appliance has different time-setting options. You can call up the cooking time and the end time after setting a operation using the s field. The timer has a separate t field and can be adjusted at any time.
Time-setting options en 17 3. Before starting, touch the s field again once. The end time is highlighted white in the display. 4. Set a later end time using the rotary selector. The value is applied after a few seconds, or touch the s field again. The end time is shown in the display under the operating mode and temperature or level.
en Childproof lock 18 A Childproof lock C h i l d p r o o f l o c k Your appliance is equipped with a childproof lock so that children cannot switch it on accidentally or change any settings. The control panel is locked and no settings can be made. The appliance can only be switched off using the ÿ On/Off button.
Sabbath mode en 19 -------- Note: Changes to the language, button tone and display brightness settings take effect immediately. All other changes take effect after the settings have been changed. Po wer cut The changes you make to the settings are saved even after a power cut.
en Cleaning agent 20 D Cleaning ag ent C l e a n i n g a g e n t With good care and cleaning, your appliance will retain its appearance and remain fully functioning for a long time to come. We will explain here how you should correctly care for and clean your appliance.
Cleaning function en 21 Not es ■ Slight differences in colour on the front of the appliance are caused by the use of different materials, such as glass, plastic and metal. ■ Shadows on the door panels, which look like streaks, are caused by reflections made by the interior lighting.
en Cleaning function 22 : Warning – Risk of fire! ■ Loose food residues, grease and meat juices may catch fire during the cleaning function. Before starting the cleaning function, remove coarse dirt from the cooking compartment and from the accessories.
Rails en 23 p Rails R a i l s With good care and cleaning, your appliance will retain its appearance and remain fully functional for a long time to come. This will tell you how to remove the shelves and clean them. Detaching and refitting the rails : W arning – Risk of burns! The rails become very hot.
en Appliance door 24 Removing the appliance door 1. Open the appliance door fully. 2. Fold open the two locking levers on the left and right (figure ! ). 3. Close the appliance door as far as the limit stop ‚ . With both hands, grip the door on the left- and right- hand side ƒ , and pull it out upwards (figure " ).
Appliance door en 25 4. Loosen and remove the screws on the left and right of the appliance door (figure # ). 5. Before closing the door again, trap a tea towel which has been folded several times in the door (figure $ ). Pull out the front panel upwards and lay it on a flat surface with the door handle facing downwards.
en Trouble shooting 26 3 T rouble shooting T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g If a fault occurs, there is often a simple explanation. Before calling the after-sales service, please refer to the fault table and attempt to correct the fault yourself. Rectifying faults y ourself You can often easily rectify technical faults on the appliance yourself.
Customer service en 27 Replacing the bulb in the top of the cooking compar tment If the cooking compartment light bulb fails, it must be replaced. Heat-resistant, 40 watt, 230 V halogen bulbs are available from the after-sales service or specialist retailers.
en Dishes 28 P Dishes D i s h e s With the “AutoCook” operating mode, you can cook a wide range of dishes. The appliance selects most settings for you automatically. Information about the programs ■ The cooking result depends on the quality of the food and the type of cookware.
Tested for you in our cooking studio en 29 J T ested f or y ou in our cooking studio T e s t e d f o r y o u i n o u r c o o k i n g s t u d i o Here, you can find a selection of dishes and the ideal settings for them. We will show you which type of heating and temperature are best suited to your dish.
en Tested for you in our cooking studio 30 Preheating is necessary for selected dishes, and this is indicated in the table. If you wish to follow one of your own recipes when baking, you should use a similar baked item in the table as a reference. You can find additional information in the tips on baking attached to the settings table.
Tested for you in our cooking studio en 31 Tips on baking Roasting and braising Here, you can find information on roasting and braising poultry and meat. You can find the ideal settings for many dishes in the settings tables. Poultry For duck or goose, pierce the skin on the underside of the wings.
en Tested for you in our cooking studio 32 Roasting on the wire rack On the wire rack, poultry and meat will become very crispy on all sides. Roasting on the wire rack is well suited for larger poultry or for multiple pieces at the same time. Depending on the size and type of the meat, add up to ^ litres of water to the universal pan.
Tested for you in our cooking studio en 33 Tips on roasting and braising Shoulder (bone-in) wire rack 2 < 160-170* 25+20 Shoulder (boned and rolled) wire rack 2 < 170-180* 25+25 Rack of lamb wir.
en Tested for you in our cooking studio 34 Grilling Here, you can find information on grilling poultry, meat and fish, as well as toast. You can find the ideal settings for certain dishes in the settings tables. Grilling with circulated air Circulated air grilling is very well suited to the preparation of whole poultry, fish, and also meat, e.
Tested for you in our cooking studio en 35 Grilling flat pieces Flat pieces of poultry, meat and fish, such as steaks, drumsticks and burgers, can be prepared well using the "Grill" heating type. Excellent results are also achieved when grilling toast.
en Tested for you in our cooking studio 36 Con venience products Here, you can find the ideal settings for preparing chilled and frozen food. Only use original accessories supplied with your appliance. These have been tailored to the cooking compartment and the operating modes of your appliance.
Tested for you in our cooking studio en 37 Shelf positions Use the indicated shelf positions. Baking on one level When baking on one level, use the following shelf positions: ■ Tall baked items: Level 2 ■ Flat baked items: Level 3 Baking on two levels Use 4D hot air.
en Tested for you in our cooking studio 38 Y ogur t You can make your own yogurt using your appliance. Preparing yogurt Remove accessories and shelves from the cooking compartment. The cooking compartment must be empty. 1. Heat 1 litre of milk (3.5 % fat) to 90 °C on the hob and then cool down to 40 °C.
Tested for you in our cooking studio en 39 Types of heating used: ■ . Hotair Eco ■ # Top/bottom heating Eco Acrylamide in foodstuffs Acrylamide is mainly produced in grain and potato products prepared at high temperatures, such as potato crisps, chips, sliced bread, bread rolls, bread or fine baked goods (biscuits, gingerbread, spiced biscuit).
en Tested for you in our cooking studio 40 Slow cook Slow cooking is a technique for cooking food over a long period at low temperatures. For this reason, it is also called "low-temperature cooking". Slow cooking is ideal for all prime cuts (e.
Tested for you in our cooking studio en 41 Tips for slow cooking Dr ying With 4D hot air, you can dry foods with outstanding results. With this type of preserving, flavourings are concentrated by the dehydration. Only use unblemished fruit, vegetables and herbs and wash them thoroughly.
en Tested for you in our cooking studio 42 Preserving You can preserve fruit and vegetables using your appliance. : Warning – Risk of injury! If the food is preserved incorrectly, the preserving jars may burst. Follow the instructions for preserving.
Tested for you in our cooking studio en 43 Pro ving dough You can prove yeast dough in your appliance more quickly than at room temperature. Use the top/bottom heating type. Only start operation when the cooking compartment has fully cooled down. Always allow yeast dough to prove twice.
en Tested for you in our cooking studio 44 T est dishes These tables have been produced for test institutes to facilitate the inspection of the appliance.
Tested for you in our cooking studio en 45 Grilling Also slide in the universal pan. The liquid will be caught and the cooking compartment stays cleaner. Type of heating used: ■ ( Grill, large area Dish Accessories Shelf posi- tion Type of heating Grill setting Cooking time in mins.
デバイスBosch HBG675BS1Bの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Bosch HBG675BS1Bをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBosch HBG675BS1Bの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Bosch HBG675BS1Bの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Bosch HBG675BS1Bで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Bosch HBG675BS1Bを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBosch HBG675BS1Bの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Bosch HBG675BS1Bに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBosch HBG675BS1Bデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。