Bradford-White CorpメーカーFlammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Save this manual for future reference Manual 238-44943-00D SERVICE MANUAL Troubleshooting Guide and Instructions for Service FEATURING (To be performed ONLY by qualified service providers) For the Bra.
The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® Flammable Vapor I gnition R esistant Wate r Heaters Table of Conte nts Page Service Procedure Introduction 3 - - - Trouble shooting Chart 4 - - - Inner Do.
Th e Bradfo rd Whit e DEFE NDER Safet y Syste m ® Th e Brad for d Wh ite DE FENDE R Saf ety Syst em ® was desig ned to resist the ig nit ion of fl amma ble va por s that ca n occ ur outs ide of t he wat er heat er. Us e and in sta llat ion are nearly id en tica l to pre vious ve rsi ons of atm osph erica lly fi red an d vente d wate r heat ers.
White Rod gers/Rob ertshaw Ga s Valve Tro ubleshoo ting Chart SYMPTO M PROBABL E CAUSE CORRECT IVE ACTION Pilot Will Not Light 1. N o inco ming g as or to o low g as pre ssure. 2. Gas c on trol kn ob set to wr ong po siti on. 3. Pi lot l ight bu tton not b eing full y dep res sed wh en a tte mpt ing to l igh t p ilot .
Hon eywell Gas Control T rouble shootin g Char t LE D Status Cont rol Stat us Prob able Caus e None (LED n ot on or fla shing Gas Control is oper ating normall y. Pilo t flame may not be present . Check fo r pilot flame throug h si ght glas s and light if nec essary.
Hon eywell G as Contr ol Troubles hootin g Char t LE D Status Cont rol Stat us Prob able Caus e Five flashes and three seco nd pause Therm ostat/w ell sensor faul t.
Inner Do or Removal Procedur e Step 1. Rot ate knob of the comb ina tion ther most at/gas valve to the “O FF” p ositi on. Step 2. Re move oute r j ack et burn er acc ess door Step 3. In ner D oo r Re mova l. a) Disconnect resett able thermal switch wire leads (l eading from Gas Control/gas valve) .
Instal lation of Inner Doo r With Gas ket. WARNING Stripp ed fastener connectio ns may allo w for seal breach of inner door. A seal brea ch may result i n a fire or explosi on causin g property damage, perso nal injury or d eath. Do not over tighten sc rews in steps 8, 10 and 11.
St ep 10. Fir mly place right s ide inner doo r flang e agai nst th e le ft si de inne r door fla nge and secur e with (2) he x dri ve screws from step 3c.
St ep 1 . C losed ci rcui t tes tin g is th e pre fe rred meth od fo r te sti ng th er mocou ple. Fol lowi ng t he li ghti ng in str ucti on labe l o n the heat er, proceed to li ght t he pilo t and a llow t o ope rate fo r th ree mi nuet s.
THERMOCOUPLE REP LACEMENT (Whit e Rodgers/Robertshaw Ga s Valve) Ste p 1 . Tu rn off gas su pply to wa t er he ate r. R ot ate kn ob of comb ina ti on the rm ost at /ga s valv e to “O FF” p o siti on. Step 2. Remov e outer j acket door . Step 3. Remove right si de of inner d oor per SERV ICE PROCEDURE RG-I, steps 3a t hrough 3c.
The f oll owin g t est s hou ld be perf orm e d whi le th e pi lot f lam e is on. St ep 1. Tu rn kn ob to pilo t pos iti on and depr ess. Step 2. Con tinu e pre ssin g knob and remo ve r ed ( +) wi re from r ese tt able the rmal door swit c h. Step 3.
PILOT /ELECT RODE ASS EMBLY INSPE CTION, CLEANING AND REPLACE MENT St ep 1. Tu rn off gas s upply to wat er h eater. Rotat e knob of gas c on trol/ ga s v alve to “O FF” p osi tion . Step 2. Rem ove oute r j ack et do or . St ep 3. Re move r igh t side o f in ner d oor p er SERVICE PROCEDURE RG-I, st eps 3a t hro ugh 3 c.
PIEZO IGNITER, ELECTRODE TESTING AND REPLACEMENT With the pilo t not in op erat io n (no pilo t flam e) yo u can check the Piezo a nd e lec trod e ci rcui t by v iewi ng p ilot thr u th e sight glass loca ted on the i nner door and ob servi ng th e spa rk acti on.
SERVICE PROCE DURE RG-V Gas Valve Testing and R eplacement ( W hit e Rodgers/Robertshaw) The gas va lve is a non r epai rable devi ce. If troub le sh ooti ng has d eter mine d a pro blem with the ga s valve , it must b e repl aced.
See SERVICE PRO CEDURE RG-II THERM OCOUPL E TESTI NG MAGNET ASSEMBLY T ESTING (White Rodgers Control) Ste p 1. Fo llow ing t he li ghti ng instru cti on label on the he ater, proc eed to li ght t he p il ot and al low t o ope rat e f or thre e min uets.
COMBINATION THERMOST A T/GAS V ALVE REPLACEMENT Step 1 . Rot ate kn ob of th e ga s valv e to th e “O FF ” pos iti on. Step 2. Turn off gas supply to water hea ter. Ste p 3. D isc onnec t gas sup ply l ine f rom gas valv e. Ste p 4. Tu rn off water supp ly and drai n wate r heat er co mple tely .
Step 7. Removal of gas valve. a) Disconnect main burner f eedline, pilot tube and thermocouple from gas valve & remove burner from combustion chamber . NOTE: Feed line nut for natural gas control uses right hand threads, LP control us es left hand threa d.
Step 9. Re installation of inner door assembly. (cont.) b) Clean a ny g asket r esi due o r other debr is fr om co mbust ion c hambe r sur face b efore i nst alling the in ner d oor /ga sket a sse mbly . c) P osit ion t hermoc oup le, pi lot t ube an d Pie zo w ire agai nst left s ide i nner door f lange gask et.
SERVICE PROCEDUR E RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Re pl a cement (Honeywell) The Bradford W hite DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® Honey well Gas Control T esting, D isasse mbly, and Rep laceme.
SERVICE PROCEDURE RG -VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Replacement (Honeywell) The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety Sy stem ® MANIFOLD P RESSURE T ESTING (this proce dure presu mes a maxi mum line pr essure of 14 .0" w.c.) St ep 1. Set the Gas Cont rol to th e “OFF” posi tion .
SERVICE PROCEDUR E RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Re pl a cement (Honeywell) The Bradford W hite DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® TEMPERAT URE S ENSOR TES TING Tempe rat ure Sensor Test ing Fol low ing “ Gas Co ntr ol Dis assem bly/ Reasse mbly” inst ruc tions, disa ssembl e Gas Co ntr ol to a cces s te mpe rat ure se nsor .
SERVICE PROCEDUR E RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Re pl a cement (Honeywell) The Bradford W hite DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® ° F 012345678 9 40 26109 25400 24712 24045 23399 22771 22163 .
SERVICE PROCEDUR E RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Re pl a cement (Honeywell) The Bradford W hite DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® GAS CONTROL DISASS EMBLY/ REASSEMBL Y St ep 1. Ro ta te kno b of the Gas Cont rol to th e “OFF ” pos iti on. Step 2.
SERV ICE PROCEDURE R G-V I Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Replacement (Honeywell) The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety S ystem ® GAS CONTROL DISASSEMBL Y/REASSE MBLY Step 8. D isconn ect te mper ature s ens or fr om con trol b oard and r emove wire f ro m the tem pera ture senso r wire ro utin g cli p.
SERV ICE PROCEDURE R G-V I Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Replacement (Honeywell) The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety S ystem ® GAS CONTROL DISASSEMBL Y/REASSE MBLY Step 11.
Temperat ure sensor Insertion s t ick SERVICE PROCEDUR E RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Re placement (Honeywell) The Bradford W hite DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® GAS CONTROL DISASS EMBLY/ REASSEMBL Y St ep 12. Remov e t emper ature s ens or fr om i nsert ion s tick by pu llin g apar t as illu stra ted belo w.
SERVICE PROCEDUR E RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Re pl a cement (Honeywell) The Bradford W hite DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® GAS CONTROL REPLACE MENT Ste p 1. R ota te kno b of t he Gas Cont rol to th e “OFF ” pos iti on. Step 2. Turn off gas supply to water hea ter.
SERVICE P ROCEDURE RG- VI Gas C ontrol Testing, Disassembly & Replacement (Honeywell) The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety System ® GAS CONTROL REPL ACEMENT b) Re att ac h ma in bu rn er f eed line , p il ot tu be, pie zo ig ni ter w ir e, i nne r do or wi re (re d) and t herm op il e wi re (white) to G as C o ntrol.
SERVICE PROCEDUR E RG-VI Gas Control Testing, Disassembly & Re pl a cement (Honeywell) The Bradford W hite DEFENDER Safety Sys tem ® GAS CONTROL REPLACE MENT Step 9.
Step 1. W it h ma in bu rne r i n ope rat ion , re mov e r ight side i nne r door pe r SE RVIC E P ROC EDUR E I , s teps 3b & 3 c. Be s ure t o ma inta in wi re con nec tion to rese tta ble th erm al sw itch for th is ad justme nt p ro cedure . St ep 2.
Step 3. Fully ins pect i nner ga sket per SE RVICE PR OCEDURE RG-I, s tep 4 . Replac e gas ket if r equi red fol lowing SERVICE PROCEDURE I, ste ps 5 & 6.
Step 5 . Discon nect ( unscr ew) Main burner (ste el) f rom ma in burner or ifice or on ca st iron burner s (“C” burner), loo sen air shutter & dis conne ct (u nscre w) f eedli ne from bur ner. St ep 6. Remove ma in burner orif ice fro m fee d line.
Ste p 1. Remo ve ou ter j acket d oor . Step 2. Di sco nnect wire leads from res ettab le th erma l swit ch. Ste p 3. Using a mu ltim eter cap able o f mea surin g cont inui ty (O hms) , place o ne pr.
RESET TABLE THE RMAL SWITCH REP LACEMENT Ste p 1. Rota te kn ob o f c ombi nati on th ermo sta t ga s valv e to the o ff posi ti on. Step 2 . Rem ove ou ter jacket door. Step 3 . Disco nnect wire leads from re settab le ther mal sw it ch. Ste p 4. Remo ve re setta ble the rma l swi tch f rom inne r doo r (P hilli ps sc rew driv er) Step 5 .
SERVICE PROCEDU RE RG -IX Screen Lok ® Flame Arrestor Cleaning St ep 1. Rotat e knob of comb in atio n therm ostat g as v alve t o the o ff pos iti on. St ep 2. Remove ou te r jacket door. Step 3. R emo ve i nner do or pe r SER VIC E P ROCED URE RG- I, st ep 3 a thr ou gh 3e .
SERVICE PROCE DURE RG -X Dip Tube a nd Anode Inspection and R eplacement St ep 1. Rotat e kno b of com binatio n the rmost at/g as valv e to “O FF” p ositi on. Step 2. Tu rn of f co ld wate r su pply to hea ter. Co nne ct ho se to d rai n va lve of wate r he at er a nd r oute to a n o pen drai n.
St ep 1. Turn off wat er sup ply to w ate r heater . Rotat e kno b of com binat ion the rmost at/g as valv e to “O FF” pos ition . Step 2. Tu rn of f co ld wate r su pply to hea ter. Co nne ct ho se to dr ai n va lve of wa ter he ate r a nd rou te to a n op en dr ai n.
1 Dra ft Hood 2 Hot W ater Outle t/Ano de 3 Col d Wate r I nlet T ube 4 Flue Baffle 5 T&P Relief Valve 6A Gas Control (Honeywe ll) 6B Gas Valv e (R obertsh aw) 6C Gas Valv e (Whi te Ro dger s) 7 P.
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デバイスBradford-White Corp Flammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Bradford-White Corp Flammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBradford-White Corp Flammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Bradford-White Corp Flammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Bradford-White Corp Flammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Bradford-White Corp Flammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBradford-White Corp Flammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Bradford-White Corp Flammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBradford-White Corp Flammable Vapor Ignition Risistant Water Heatersデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。