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Juice & Blen d Instruction Book BJB840 The Juice & Blend Instruction Booklet.
C ONGRA TULA TIONS On the p urch ase of y our ne w Bre ville J uice & Blen d.
3 CONTENT S 4 Bre ville recomm ends saf ety first 7 How t o Use a s a Juice Extr actor 8 Kno w y ou r Br evi lle J uic e E xtr act or 10 Assemblin g the J uice Extractor 13 Operating the J uice Extra.
4 BREVILLE RE CO MMEND S SAFE TY FIRST READ ALL INS TRUCTIONS BEF ORE USE AND SA VE F OR FU TURE REFERENCE • C arefully re ad all in structions befor e operating the a ppliance f or the first time and sa ve for future r eferenc e.
5 BREVILLE RE CO MMEND S SAFE TY FIRST 5 WHEN USING THE APPLIANCE AS A JUICE EX TRAC TOR • Do not operate the juic e extractor without th e pulp c ontainer in plac e • Do not use the juic e extractor if th e rotating filter b ask et is dama ged.
6 BREVILLE RE CO MMEND S SAFE TY FIRST IM PO R T ANT SA FE GU AR DS F OR AL L ELE C TR IC AL AP PL IA NC E S • F ully unwin d the power c ord before us e. • Do not let the pow er cord han g ov er the edge of a bench or ta ble, touch hot surfac es or become knotted.
9 KNO W Y OUR BREVILLE JUICE E XTRA CTOR A. F ood pusher B. Juicer c over with e xtra wide feed chute C. Pulp container with int egrated han dle D . Juicing s peed guide (not s hown) E. Filter bas ket F . Filter bow l surroun d G. Motor dri ve co upling H.
A SSEMBLING y our Br eville J uice Extr actor.
11 P AGE HEADER..... ASSEMBLING THE J UICE EX TRAC TOR ASSEMBLING THE JUICE EX TRACT OR Before usin g the J uice Extractor for the first time, r emov e and safely dis card any pack aging materi al and pr omotional l abels. Ensur e the power cor d is unpl ugged from the wa ll outlet.
12 P AGE HEADER..... ASSEMBLING THE J UICE EX TRAC TOR 5. Rai se the S afety L ocking Arm and lock into the two groo ves on either side of the J uicer C ov er.
OPERA TING y our Br eville J uice Extr actor.
14 OPERA TING THE JUICE EX TRAC TOR OPERA TING THE J UICE EX TRAC TOR 1. W ash an d prepare y our selection of fruit and/ or vegeta bles : F ruits with hard or inedi ble skins s uch as citrus fruit, melons an d kiwi fruit sh ould be peeled before juicin g .
15 OPERA TING THE JUICE EX TRAC TOR 4 . R otate t he spe ed c ontrol d ia l to the d esi red s pee d . Use the s pe ed sele ctor t able on page 14 as a g uide for juic ing d if ferent f r u it and ve getable s. F or y our conv enienc e, a ju ici ng spe ed g uide is a l so pr inted on t he i nside of the P u lp Contai ner.
16 OPERA TING THE JUICE EX TRAC TOR 7 . Im med iately a f ter eac h use , us e the prov ided nylon br u sh to t horoughly clea n t he fine me sh holes of t he Filter Ba sket a nd r in se t he rem ai ni ng remov able pa r ts u nder r u nn ing w ater.
DIS A SSEMBLING y our Br eville J uice Extr actor.
18 P AGE HEADER..... DISA SSEMBLING THE JUICE EX TRAC TOR DISA SSEMBLING THE JUICE EX TRACT OR 1. Ensur e the J uice Extractor i s turned off, the power i s switched off at the pow er outlet an d the power c ord is unpl ugged from the pow er outlet. 2.
19 P AGE HEADER..... DISA SSEMBLING THE JUICE EX TRAC TOR W ARNING The Filter Basket contains a titanium reinf orced cutting disc with ultr a sharp blades and teeth.
CLE ANING y our Br eville J uice Extr actor.
21 P AGE HEADER..... CLEANING THE JUICE E XTRA CTOR 2. W as h the Filter Bo wl Surroun d, J uicer C ov er , F ood Push er, J uice J ug , Juice J ug Lid and Pulp C ontainer in warm soap y water with the pro vided nylon brush or a soft cloth. Rin se and dry thoro ughly .
TROUBLE SHOO TING y our Br eville J uice Extr actor.
23 JUICE EX TRACT OR TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM EA SY SOL UTION Juice Extr actor will not work or suddenly swit ches off during juicing • Check that th e power plug i s securely in serted into wall o utlet. • Insert the po wer plug into an indepen dent outlet.
24 JUICE EX TRACT OR TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM EA SY SOL UTION Motor a ppears to sta ll when juicing • The Electronic Pr otection device will a utomatica lly de-acti vate the m otor if the motor i s stalled. U nplug the power c ord from the w all outlet and cle ar the F eed Chute.
25 JUICE EX TRACT OR TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM EA SY SOL UTION V ery wet pulp and r educed juice extr action • J uice with a slow er juicing action b y pushin g the F ood Pusher down more s lowly . • Stop the juicing pr ocess and rem ov e the power cord fr om the wa ll outlet.
26 JUICE EX TRACT OR TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM EA SY SOL UTION Red light flas hing • The Ov erheat Pr otection ma y ha ve autom atically de-acti vated the m otor . If this occurs, th e ST ART | ST OP button surr ound will fla sh red. U nplug the power c ord from the w all outlet and allo w the applian ce to cool f or at least 15 minutes.
29 KNO W Y OUR BREVILLE BLENDER A. Inner lid B. Lid with breville assi st™ ring-pull r emov al C. 1.5L blender jug D . Remov able silicone gasket E. Remova ble blade assembl y F . Blade r emov al tool G. Motor dri ve co upling H. Motor b ase I. Safet y locking arm J .
A SSEMBLING y our Br eville Blen der.
31 ASSEMBLING THE BLENDER ASSEMBLING THE BLENDER Befor e usi ng the Blend er for the fi rs t ti me, r emove a nd sa fely d isc ar d any pack agi ng mate ri al a nd promot ional l abe ls . En sur e the p ower c ord is u nplugged fr om the w a ll out let .
32 ASSEMBLING THE BLENDER 3. Insert the Blade Ass embly into the Blender J ug base and turn clockwise until securel y locked into position. 4. With the Blen der Jug h andle to the left, plac e the Blender J ug on top of the Motor Ba se. 5. Rai se the S afety L ocking Arm and lock into the two groo ves on either side of the Blender J ug base.
OPERA TING y our Br eville Blen der.
34 3. Place the Lid firmly into position on top of the Blender J ug and insert the Inn er Lid by turning clockwi se until secur ely locked into position.
35 OPERA TING THE BLENDER 7 . T o stop blendin g at any time, pr ess the ST AR T | ST OP button. Lower th e Saf ety Locking Arm an d ensure th e blades h av e completely stopped bef ore removin g the Blender J ug from the Motor Bas e.
36 OPERA TING THE BLENDER The Bre ville Juice & Blend i s fitted with protection de vices as a saf ety prec aution to pre vent both person al injury and d amage to the appli ance. O VERLO AD PROTE CTION This protection de vice safeguard s again st ov erloading the motor with e xcessi ve lo ads.
DIS A SSEMBLING y our Br eville Blen der.
38 DISA SSEMBLING THE BLENDER DISA SSEMBLING THE BLENDER 1. Ensur e the Blender is turn ed off, th e power is switch ed off at the power o utlet and, the pow er cord is un plugged fr om the power o utlet. 2. Pull the S afet y Locking Arm down wards and o ver the gr oov es on either side of the Blender J ug base.
CLE ANING y our Br eville Blen der.
40 CLEANING THE BLENDER Alw ay s e ns ur e th at th e pow er c ord is un pl ugg ed fro m th e wa ll o ut let bef ore cle anin g , di sa sse mb lin g o r a sse mbl in g an d sto rin g t he ap pli anc e. P ull th e S afet y Lo ckin g Arm do wn wa rd s a nd o ve r t he gr oo v es o n eit her si de o f t he Blen der J ug b ase .
BLENDING TIPS for y our Bre ville Blender.
42 BLENDING TIPS • U se low speeds (1-3 – MIX, CHOP and BLEND) f or emulsions s uch as ma yonn aise, dr essings an d marinades. • U se high speeds (4-5 – LIQUIFY and PUREE) for pur eeing soups an d aerating liquid s. • U se the SMOO THIE setting f or drink ma king using both liquid and solid ingr edients.
TROUBLE SHOO TING y our Br eville Blen der.
44 BLENDER TROUBLESHOO TING PROBLEM EA SY SOL UTION Blender will not work or suddenly swit ches off during juicing • Check that th e power plug i s securely in serted into wall o utlet. • Insert the po wer plug into an indepen dent outlet. • Insert the po wer plug into a diff erent out let.
45 BLENDER TROUBLESHOO TING PROBLEM EA SY SOL UTION Motor a ppears to sta ll • One of the pr otection devices will be a ctiv ated if the motor sta lls from o verlo ading or o verh eating . U nplug th e power cord fr om the wa ll outlet. Eith er too much food is bein g blended at one tim e or the pieces are n ot small eno ugh.
46 BLENDER TROUBLESHOO TING PROBLEM EA SY SOL UTION Blender Jug i s leaking • U nplug th e power cord fr om the wa ll outlet bef ore remo ving the Blender J ug from the M otor Base. Check that th e Remo va ble Silicone Gas ket is securel y attached to the Blade Assem bly .
RE CIPE S using th e Bre ville Juic e & Blend.
48 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER AND BLENDER - SMOO THIES FRUIT SALAD S MOO THIE Ma kes 4 s er v ing s INGREDIENTS 2 oranges, peel and pith r emov ed, cut in half 500g (1lb), cu bed watermelon, rin d and .
49 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER AND BLENDER - SMOO THIES BL UEBERRY AND COC ONUT SMOO THIE Ma kes 3 s er v ing s INGREDIENTS 250g (8oz) ripe stra wberries, hulled and cut half 125g (4oz) fres h or defros.
50 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER AND BLENDER - COCKT AILS W A TERMELON M AR TINI W A TERMELON ICE CUBE S Ma kes 2 8 ice cub es INGREDIENTS 500g (1lb) w atermelon, rind and seed s remo ved and cut in pieces ½ lemon, peel and pith rem ov ed METHOD 1. U sing the juicer attachment, f eed watermelon an d lemon thro ugh the juice extractor’ s feed tube .
52 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER AND BLENDER - COCKT AILS MANGO , RASPBERR Y AND PEAR LA YERED COCKT AIL Ma kes 2 s er v ing Lay ering , als o known as floatin g or stacking , uses the diff erent densities of vario us liquids to cre ate an attractiv e array of c olored la yers.
54 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER AND BLENDER PEA CH AND MANGO Y OGUR T POPS Ma kes 8 yo g ur t p ops INGREDIENTS 2 ripe pea ches, stone rem ov ed and cut in half 2 oranges, peeled and c ut in half 1 large.
55 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER AND BLENDER 3. Allow mixture to cool slight ly . 4. U sing the blen der attachment, car efully transfer s lightly cooled mixture in two batches into blen der jug . Process for about 2 minutes on s peed 3/BLEND or until soup is sm ooth.
56 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER APPLE, C ARROT AND CELERY J UICE Ma kes approx im ately 2 c ups INGREDIENTS 4 small Grann y Smith apples 3 medium siz ed carrots, trimmed 4 sticks celery METHOD U sing the juicer attachment, f eed apples, carrots an d celery through th e juice extractor’ s feed tube .
57 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER S WEET PO T A TO , CELER Y , GINGER AND ORANGE JUICE Ma kes approx im ately 3 c ups INGREDIENTS 1 small sweet potato , peeled and halved 4 sticks celery , trimmed 2.
58 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER BEETROO T , APPLE AND CELERY J UICE Ma kes approx im ately 2 c ups INGREDIENTS 4 medium siz ed beetroot, trimmed 2 medium Grann y Smith apples 4 sticks celery METHOD U sing the juicer attachment, f eed the beetroot, apples an d celery through the juice e xtractor’s f eed tube.
59 RECIPE S USING THE JUICER GAZP ACHO Ma kes 4 s er v ing s INGREDIENTS 4 medium tom atoes 4 sprigs fr esh pars ley 1 large clo ve garlic, peeled 1 small onion, peeled and trimm ed 2 carrots 2 stalks.
60 RECIPE S USING THE BLENDER - COCKT AILS MARGARIT A INGREDIENTS ¼ cup (60ml) tequila ¼ cup (60ml) cointre au 1 ⁄ 3 cup (80ml) lime juice 12 ice cubes METHOD 1. Plac e tequila, cointre au, lime juice and ice cu bes into blender jug . 2. U se the ICE setting or speed 2/ CHOP and blend until well c ombined an d ice is crushed.
61 RECIPE S USING THE BLENDER - SHAKES P ASSIONFRUIT MILK SHAKE INGREDIENTS 1 punnet stra wberries, hulled Pulp of 4 passionfruit 2 cups (500ml) milk, chilled 4 scoops passionfruit ic e-cream 2 tablespoons str awberry topping METHOD 1. Plac e strawberries into blender jug .
62 RECIPE S USING THE BLENDER - SA UCES PES TO INGREDIENTS 1 bunch ba sil lea ves 2 clov es garlic 2 tablespoons lem on juice 125g (4oz) pine nuts 125ml (4 fl oz) oliv e oil 60g (2oz) grated parm esan cheese METHOD 1. Plac e all ingredients into blen der jug .
63 RECIPE S USING THE BLENDER - SA UCES SA T A Y SA UCE INGREDIENTS 2 clov es garlic, peeled 1 small onion, peeled and quarter ed 2 teas poons peanut oil ½ cup roa sted peanuts 1 small chilli, ha lve.
64 RECIPE S USING THE BLENDER - MAINS W ONTON SOUP INGREDIENTS 125g (4oz) lean pork me at, trimmed and roughly chopped 125g (4oz) green pra wns, shelled and dev eined 2.
65 RECIPE S USING THE BLENDER - MAINS S WEET PEPPERED TO MA T O SOUP INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon oil 2 clov es garlic, crushed 2 leeks, sliced 2 x400g can tomatoes, ch opped 2 teas poons chicken stock po.
66 RECIPE S USING THE BLENDER - MAINS THAI GREEN CURR Y P AS TE INGREDIENTS 4 large gr een chillies, stems remo ved and roughly ch opped 1 teas poon black pepperc orns 1 onion, roughly ch opped 2 clov.
67 RECIPE S USING THE BLENDER - DESSER TS MIXED BERRY CREPE S INGREDIENTS 2 x 60g (2oz) eggs 1 cup (250ml) milk 1 tablespoon butter , melted 1 cup plain flour 2 teas poons caster s ugar ¼ cup (60ml) caster s ugar , extra ¼ cup (60ml) water 250g (8oz) mixed fres h berries (stra wberries, raspberries, bl ueberries), was hed and hulled METHOD 1.
68 RECIPE S USING THE BLENDER - DESSER TS CHILLED CHEESE CAKE WITH RASPBERR Y PUREE INGREDIENTS 250g (8oz) pack et plain sweet bisc uits, broken 125g (4oz) butter , melted 250g (8oz) cre am cheese, cu.
69 NOTE S.
70 NOTE S.
71 NOTE S.
www .breville Breville i s a registered tradem ark of Breville Pty . Ltd. A.B.N . 98 000 092 928. Cop yright Breville Pt y . Ltd. 2010 . Due to continued product impr ovem ent, the products illustrated/ photographed in this brochure m ay vary s lightly from th e actual product.
デバイスBreville BJB840の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Breville BJB840をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBreville BJB840の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Breville BJB840の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Breville BJB840で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Breville BJB840を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBreville BJB840の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Breville BJB840に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBreville BJB840デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。