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Be sure to read this manual and the addendum before using the machine. We recommend that you keep these documents nearby for future reference. Operation Manual Embroidery and Sewing Machine Product Co.
Trademarks FlashFX ® is a regi stered trad emark of Da talight, In c. FlashFX ® Copyri ght 1998- 2007 Da talight, In c. U.S.Pate nt Office 5,860,082/6, 260,156 FlashFX ® Pro™ is a tr ademark of Datalight, Inc. Dataligh t ® is a regi stered trade mark of Da talight, In c.
INTRODU CTION 1 INTRODUCT ION Thank you for pu rchasi ng this embroidery and sewing machi ne. Before u sing th is ma chine, care fully read the “IMPORTANT SAFE TY INSTRUCTIONS”, and th en study this manual for the correct o peration o f the various f unction s.
IMPORTANT S AFETY INSTRUCTION S 2 5 Always keep you r work area clear : • Never operate the machi ne with any air open ings blocke d. Keep ventilatio n openings of the sewing m achine and foot con trol free f rom the b uild up of lint, dust, and lo ose cloth .
IMPORTANT SAFET Y INSTRUCTIONS 3 Use this machine only for its int ended us e as desc ribed in the manu al. Use ac cesso ries re comme nded by the manufac turer as co ntai ned in th is man ual. Use only the inte rfac e cable ( USB ca ble) i ncluded with th is mach ine.
IMPORTANT S AFETY INSTRUCTION S 4 Federal Communi cations Commi ssion ( FCC) Declaratio n of Conformi ty (For USA Onl y) This dev ice compli es with P art 15 of the FCC Rule s.
IMPORTANT SAFET Y INSTRUCTIONS 5 WARNING LABEL The follow ing wa rning lab el is on the includ ed side cutter. Be sure to ob serve t he preca ution. Lab el loca tio n CAUTION • When us ing th e side.
6 OUTSTAND ING FEATURES Display the Fabric W hile Aligning the Embroidering Position The fabric hooped in t he embroidery frame can b e displayed on the LCD so that the embroidery position can be eas ily aligned. This featu re allo ws you to e asily co mbine patt erns while checking t he final imag e.
7 Find New Color Sche mes With the Color Shuffling Function Wit h the co lor sh uffli ng functi on, th e mac hine suggests new color schemes f or t he embroi dery pattern t hat you have se lected .
8 WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH THIS MACHINE Gett ing Re ad y T o learn the operation o f the princ ipal parts and th e screens Se wing Basics T o learn how to prepa re f or se wing and b asic se w ing operati.
9 HOW TO USE TH IS MANUAL Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 explain your sewi ng machine’s basic oper ation procedur es for someone who is usin g t he s ewin g ma ch ine f or the f irst tim e.
CONTENTS 10 CONTENTS INTRODUCT ION .............. ............. ............. ..........1 IMPORTAN T SAFET Y INSTRUCT IONS .............. ...1 OUTSTAND ING FEATURE S .................. ............. ...6 WHAT YOU CAN DO WI TH THIS MACHINE ... ...8 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL .
CONTEN TS 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Savin g Sti tch Pa tterns in th e Comput er .......... .... .... ..... .... ..... 179 Retri evi ng St itch Patte rn s from the M achi ne’ s Me mory .. .... .. 18 0 Recall ing f rom USB Media ..... ...... .... ..... ...
CONTENTS 12 Storing Custom Stitc hes i n Your L ist ....... ....... .... .... .... ....... ... 334 Retriev ing Sto red S titch es ....... .... .... ...... .... ..... .... ...... .... ..... ... 335 Chapter 9 Append ix 337 CARE AND MA INTENANCE ........
NAME S OF MAC HINE PART S AND TH EIR FUNC TION S 13 NAMES OF MACHINE PARTS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS The names of the various parts of the sewing machi ne and their f unctions are desc ribed belo w. Before using the sewi ng machine, caref ully re ad these descript ions to learn t he names of the machine par ts.
NAMES OF MACHI NE PART S AND TH EI R FUNC TIONS 14 Needle and Pres ser Foot Se ction a But tonh ol e leve r The buttonhole lever is used with t he one-step buttonhole foot to create buttonholes. (page 132) b Presser foo t holder The presser foot is attached to the presser foot holder.
NAME S OF MAC HINE PART S AND TH EIR FUNC TION S 15 Embroidery Unit a Carriage The carriage moves the embroidery frame automatically when embroidering. (pag e 188) b Release butto n (located und er the em broidery unit) Press the re lease button to rem ove the em broidery unit.
NAMES OF MACHI NE PART S AND TH EI R FUNC TIONS 16 Using the Fla t Bed Attachme nt Pull the top o f the flat b ed attachment to open the accessory compar tment. Using the Acces sory Case ■ Opening the Accessory Case Fully slide the bar o n each s ide of the accesso ry case, a nd then lift off the lid t o open the case.
NAME S OF MAC HINE PART S AND TH EIR FUNC TION S 17 a Sto rage spac e of the f lat b ed at tach ment b Presser foo t stora ge space of the fla t bed attach ment c Presser foo t stora ge trays Storing Bobbin Clips Bobbin clips can be st ored inside of the accessory case cover .
NAMES OF MACHI NE PART S AND TH EI R FUNC TIONS 18 12345 67 8 9 1 01 11 21 3 1 41 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 * 46 * 47 * 48 * 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ** 59 60 *Inclu ded Acce ssories 45-48 are conta ined in the emb roidery un it carr ying case .
NAME S OF MAC HINE PART S AND TH EIR FUNC TION S 19 61 62 63 64 **In some countries or regio ns, this is not incl uded in t he encl osed acces sori es.
NAMES OF MACHI NE PART S AND TH EI R FUNC TIONS 20 Options The following are avai lable as optional accessori es to be purchased s eparately from your author ized Brother d ealer.
NAME S OF MAC HINE PART S AND TH EIR FUNC TION S 21 Using the Spool Stand The included spool st and is useful when usi ng thread spools with a large dia meter (cross -wound thread).
NAMES OF MACHI NE PART S AND TH EI R FUNC TIONS 22 c Firmly in sert the two sp ool pins into the two holes in the spool supp ort. d Open the up per cover of the machi ne. From the back of the machi ne, pres s in the uppe r cover lat ches (one on each side), and then pull the upper cover up to re move it from the machine.
NAME S OF MAC HINE PART S AND TH EIR FUNC TION S 23 Using the Pen Tablet ■ Installing a battery in the tablet pen A bat tery for the tab let pen is not i nclude d with your machine. Use a new A AA alkal ine batte ry (LR03). a Unscrew the upper barr el of the tabl et pen.
NAMES OF MACHI NE PART S AND TH EI R FUNC TIONS 24 b Gently pull the pen ti p straight out . c Push in the new pen ti p unti l it is flush with the table t pen. ■ Using wi th My Custo m Design a Select a favori te picture f or creating embroidery pa ttern.
Cha pter 1 Getting Ready TURNING THE MACHIN E ON/OF F ...............26 LCD SCRE EN............. ........... ............ ........... .... 28 ■ Home Page Screen ....................................... .................. .......... 28 ■ Utility Stitch LCD Scr een .
TURNING TH E MACHIN E ON/OFF 26 TURNING THE MACH INE ON/OFF WARNING • Use only regu lar hou sehol d electr icity for the po wer sour ce. Us ing oth er power so urces may resu lt in fi re, electr ic shock , or da mage to the machi ne.
TURNIN G THE MAC HINE ON/OF F Getting Read y 27 1 a Insert the power supp ly cord into the power cord receptacl e, then inse rt the plug in to a wall out let. a Main powe r switch b Power su pply cor d b Tur n the m ain p owe r switc h to “I” to tu rn on the ma chine.
LCD SCREEN 28 LCD SCREEN When the machine is tu rned on, the opening mov ie is played. Touch anywhere on the scree n for the home page scre en to be display ed. Touch the LCD screen or a key with your f inger or t he included touch pen to selec t a machine function.
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 29 1 ■ Utility Stitch LC D Screen Press a key with your finger to sel ect the stit ch pattern, to select a ma chine functio n, or to selec t an operation ind icated on the key. a Shows s ingle or tw in need le mo de set ting, a nd the n eedle stop pos ition.
LCD SCREEN 30 ■ Key Functions No. Displa y Key N am e Explanation Pag e a Utility stitch ke y Press this ke y to select a straight stitch, zigzag stitch, buttonhole, b lind hem stitch, or other stitches commonly used in garmen t construction.
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 31 1 l Presser foot/Needle ex change key Press this ke y bef ore changing the needle, t he presser f oot, etc. This k ey loc ks all ke y and button functions to prevent oper ation of the machine. 65-68 m Sewing machine help key Press this ke y to see explanations on how to us e the machine.
LCD SCREEN 32 USB Connectivity You can perform many functions us ing the USB ports on the mach ine. Con nect the appropri ate devices a ccording to the featur e of each ports . a Primary (to p) USB port for m edia or c ard Reader/ USB card wri ter modul e * (USB2.
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 33 1 ■ Connecting the Mac hine to the Computer Using the include d USB cable, th e sewi ng machine can be c onnec ted to y our comp uter.
LCD SCREEN 34 ■ Using the Pen Tablet The includ ed pen ta blet, con nected to th e sewin g machine, can be u sed when creating yo ur origina l embroide ry patt ern with My Custom D esign. A lso, you ca n use the pen tablet as a USB m ouse wh en oper atin g your sewi ng mac hine.
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 35 1 Using the Machine S etting Mode Key Press to change th e default machine sett ings (needle s top posi tion, e mbroidery speed, ope ning displa y, etc.). To display the diff erent set tings scre ens, pres s for “Sewing set tings”, for “General sett ings” or for “Embro idery setti ngs”.
LCD SCREEN 36 General se ttings a Select th e nee dle s top p osition (the n eedle po sition when the m achine is n ot ope rating) to be u p or d own. Sel ect t he down po sition w hen u sing the p ivot key . b Select th e opera tion o f the “ Needle Positio n - Stit ch Place ment” button from the f ollowin g tw o sequen ces ( see pa ge 86).
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 37 1 m Use to cert ify yo ur sewi ng machi ne when you purchase one of the upgrad e kits . n Displa y the serv ice cou nt whic h is a reminder t o take your mac hine in for re gular s ervicing. (Contact your autho rized dealer for deta ils.
LCD SCREEN 38 g Change the displ ay units (mm/inc h). h Change the initia l mod e of the display (embro idery/em broide ry edit). i Change the color of the b ackgroun d for th e embroid ery displ ay area (s ee pag e 42). j Change the color of the b ackg round fo r the thum bnail area (see p age 42 ).
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 39 1 ■ Saving a Se ttings Scre en Image to USB Medi a An ima ge of the se ttings sc reen can be saved a s a BMP file. A maxim um of 10 0 image s can b e saved on a sin gle USB media at o ne time. a Insert the USB media into the primary (t op) USB port on the right side of the machine.
LCD SCREEN 40 ■ Changing the Screen S aver Image Instead of the d efault image, you can se lect yo ur own per son al imag es for t he scree n sav er of yo ur machi ne. Befo re ch angi ng the sc reen save r ima ge, prep are the image on yo ur compu ter o r USB me dia.
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 41 1 * Press to dele te the selected imag e. * Press to view the p revious page. i Press a f ile na me to s elect image a nd then press . → The sel ected ima ge is sto red on your m achin e. * Press to view the p revious page.
LCD SCREEN 42 e Pre ss to re tu rn to th e or igina l sc reen . ■ Changing the Background Colors of the Embroidery Patterns In the settings screen , the ba ckgroun d color s can be chang ed for th e em broider y patter n an d patter n thumbna ils.
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 43 1 ■ Spec ifyi ng t he S ize o f P atter n Thumbnails The thu mbnails for selecting an emb roidery p attern can be se t to b e disp layed at the no rmal s ize or a larger si ze. The larger siz e is 1.5 tim es the no rmal size.
LCD SCREEN 44 Using the Sewing Machine Help Key Press to open the sewing machine hel p screen. Thr ee functions ar e availabl e from the screen shown below.
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 45 1 Using the Operation Guide Function Press to open the screen shown bel ow. Six categ ories are disp layed at the top of the screen. Press a key to see more informatio n about that cat egory. displays inf ormation about the main par ts of the machine and their functions.
LCD SCREEN 46 Example: Displaying info rmation about upper thre adin g a Press . b Press . c Press . → The low er half of t he screen will chang e. d Press (upper threadi ng). → The screen shows instructions for threading the machi ne. e Read the instruct ions.
LCD SC RE EN Getting Read y 47 1 d Press the key of the cate gory whose sewing instructi ons you wish to view. * Press to return to the original screen. e Read the explanati ons and select the appropria te stitch. → The screen d isplays d irections fo r sewing th e selected stitch.
LOWER THREADING 48 LOWER TH READING Winding the Bobbin Press → → → → in t his ord er to dis play a video example of bobbin winding on the L CD (see page 46). Follo w the s teps e xplained be low to complete the operation. ■ Using the Supplemen tal Spo ol Pin With this m achine, y ou can win d the bo bbin during sewing.
LOWER THREADING Getting Read y 49 1 c Set the supplementa l spool pin in the “up” position. a Supple mental sp ool pi n d Place the spool of thre ad on th e supplemental spool pin, so that t hread unrolls fr om the front. Push the s pool ca p onto the spool pin as far as pos sible to secure the thread spool.
LOWER THREADING 50 g Wind the thread clockwis e around the bobbin 5-6 t imes. h Pass the e nd of th e threa d throug h the g uide slit i n the bobbin winder seat, and pu ll the thread to the righ t to cut the thre ad with the c utt er.
LOWER THREADING Getting Read y 51 1 k Cut the thread with cutter and remove the bobbin. ■ Using the Spool Pin You can use th e main s pool pin to wind th e bobb in before s ewing. You cannot use this s pool pi n to wind th e bobbin whil e sewin g. a Turn the main power to ON and open the top cover.
LOWER THREADING 52 f Pass the thread thr ough the threa d guide. a Thread gui de g Pass the thread arou nd the pre-te nsion disk making s ure th at the threa d is under the pre-tensi on disk . a Thread gui de b Pre-tension disk h Follow ste ps g thr ough k on pa ge 50 through 51.
LOWER THREADING Getting Read y 53 1 ■ Untangling Thread f rom Beneath the Bobbin Winder Seat If the bo bbin w inding sta rts wh en the thre ad is not passed th rough th e pre-te nsion d isk correc tly, the thread m ay become tangled b eneath t he bob bin winder seat .
LOWER THREADING 54 Setting the Bobbin Press → → → → in t his ord er to dis play a video example of the operat ion on the LCD (see page 46). Follo w the s teps e xplained be low to complete the operation. a Press to lock all keys a nd bu ttons.
LOWER THREADING Getting Read y 55 1 g Pass the t hread t hrough th e guide, and then pull the thread out toward the front. a Cutter → The cutter c uts the thread. h Insert the t ab in the lower-left corner of t he bobbin cover (1), and t hen lightly pres s down on the right side to clos e the cover (2).
LOWER THREADING 56 f Pull up the bob bin thre ad, pass it under th e presser fo ot and pull i t about 100 mm (appr ox. 3-4 i nches) t oward the back of the machine, making it even wit h the upper t hread. a Upper th read b Bobbin thre ad g Replace the bobbin cove r.
UPPE R TH REA DING Getting Read y 57 1 UPPER THRE ADING Upper Threading Press → → → → in this orde r to displa y a video example of the operat ion on the LCD (see page 46). Follow the steps explaine d below to complete the op eration. a Turn the mai n power t o ON.
UPPE R TH REA DING 58 d Pivot the spool pi n so t hat it a ngles up ward. Set the thr ead spool on the spool pi n so that the thread unwinds from the front of the spool. a Spoo l pi n b Spool cap c Thread sp ool d Spool f elt e Push the spoo l cap onto the spo ol pin as fa r as possibl e, then return the s pool pin t o it s original posi tion.
UPPE R TH REA DING Getting Read y 59 1 i Pass the thread thr ough the needle bar thread guide (marke d “6”) by holding t he thread with both hands and guiding it as sho wn i n t he illu stra tion . a Needle bar threa d guide j Press the “Press er Foot Lifter” button to lower press er foot .
UPPE R TH REA DING 60 n Carefull y pull the end of th e thread that was passed through the eye of the needle. * If a loop wa s formed in the threa d passed throug h the eye of the ne edle, carefully pull o n the loop of thread th rough to th e bac k of the needl e.
UPPE R TH REA DING Getting Read y 61 1 a Press to lock all keys a nd butt ons and the n ins tal l th e tw in n eedl e (“C HAN GING THE NEED LE” o n pa ge 67). b Thread the machine fo r the first needle according t o the procedure for threa ding a single needle ( “Upper Thre ading” on page 57).
UPPE R TH REA DING 62 g While holdin g the thread from the spool, pull the thread th rough the lower not ch in the thread guide pla te, then t hrough the upper notch. Hold the end of t he thread with your lef t han d, an d then gui de the thread through the groove, foll owing the arro ws in t he il lus trati on.
UPPE R TH REA DING Getting Read y 63 1 Using the Spool Stand The included spool st and is useful when usi ng thread on spools with a large d iameter (cross- wound thread) . This s pool stand can hold two spools of thre ad. ■ Using the Spool Stand • Be sur e to use a s pool cap that is sli ghtly larg er than the spool.
UPPE R TH REA DING 64 c Pul l the th re ad of f the s poo l. Pa ss the thr ead from the back to the front thr ough the thread guides at the top. When usin g threa d that quic kly fee ds of f the sp ool , such a s met allic t hread, use t he en closed ring to prevent the threa d from becomin g entangled.
CHANGING THE PRESSE R FOOT Getting Read y 65 1 CHANGING TH E PRESSER FOOT Removing the Presser Foot Press → → → → in this orde r to displa y a video example of the operat ion on the LCD (see page 46). Follow the steps explaine d below to complete the op eration.
CHANGING THE PRESSE R FOOT 66 b Press to unlock all keys and buttons. c Raise the press er foot lever. Attaching the W alking Foot The walking foot hol ds the fabric bet ween the presser foo t and the feed dogs to feed the fabric.
CHANGING THE NE EDLE Getting Read y 67 1 CHANGING TH E NEEDLE Press → → → → in this orde r to displa y a video example of the operat ion on the LCD (see page 46). Follow the steps explaine d below to complete the op eration. a Press the “Needle Posi tion” button to ra ise the needle.
CHANGING THE NEED LE 68 d With the flat side of the nee dle fac ing th e back, ins ert t he new needle all the way to the top of the n eedle s topper (vi ewing window) in the needle cla mp. Use a screwdriver to s ecurely t ighten the needle clamp screw.
CHANGING THE NE EDLE Getting Read y 69 1 About th e Needle The sewing machine needle is probably the most important par t of the sewing machi ne. Choosing the proper n eedle for you r sewing project wil l res ult in a beaut iful fi nish and fewer proble ms.
Cha pter 2 Sewing Basics SEWING ........... ......... .......... ......... ......... .............. .......... ......... ......... .... 72 Sewing a Stit ch .......... ............. ............. ............. ................... ............. ........
SEWING 72 SEWING Sewing a Stitch a Turn the main power to ON and press to disp lay the ut ilit y stit ch es, a nd push the “Nee dle Pos ition” button t o rai se th e need le . b Press the key of the s titch yo u want t o sew. → The sy mbol of th e corre ct pres ser foot will be displayed in the upper le ft corner of the LCD screen .
SEWIN G Se wing Ba si cs 73 2 f Adjust the sewi ng speed with the speed con trol s lide . * Yo u can us e this slide t o adjust sewi ng sp eed dur ing sewing. a Slow b Fast g Press the “Star t/Stop” but ton t o star t sewing. * Guide th e fabric l ightly by hand.
SEWING 74 a Insert the plugs for the main foot cont rolle r into the foot contr oller ja ck and the external port on the rig ht si de of t he machine. * Refer to O perat ion Manua l Adde ndum f or detaile d instruct ions of conn ectin g the mu lti-func tion foo t controller.
SEWIN G Se wing Ba si cs 75 2 Changing Sewing Direction Stop the machine. Lea ve the needle i n the fabric , and press th e “Presser Foot Li fter” butt on to raise the press er f oot. Using the n eedle a s a pivot , tu rn the fab ric so t hat you ca n sew i n the ne w directio n.
SEWING 76 ■ If the Fabric does not Fe ed If the fa bric does not fee d when starting to sew or when se wing thick seam s, pres s the blac k butto n on the left sid e of pre sser foot “J”.
SEWIN G Se wing Ba si cs 77 2 Sewing St retch Fabrics Firs t, ba ste tog ethe r the piece s of fab ric, a nd the n sew without stre tching th e fabric.
STITCH SETTI NGS 78 STIT CH SET TINGS When you sele ct a stitch, your machin e automatic ally select s the appropr iate st itch width, st itch le ngth, and upper t hread tensio n. However , if ne eded, y ou can c hange any of the individual sett ings.
STITCH SETT INGS Se wing Ba si cs 79 2 Setting the Stitch L ength Follow the steps be low when yo u want to change the st itc h patte rn length . Example: Pres s to sh orte n th e s titc h len gth. → The valu e in the d isplay ge ts smaller. Pres s to len gthe n the st itc h leng th.
STITCH SETTI NGS 80 ■ Upper Thread i s Too Ti ght If the bo bbin thre ad is vis ible from the right s ide of the fabric, t he upp er thread is too tight. a Bobbin thre ad b Upper th read c Sur fac e d Locks a ppear o n surfa ce of fabr ic Press , to lo osen the upper thr ead.
USEF UL FUNCTI ONS Se wing Ba si cs 81 2 USE FUL FU NCTI ONS Automatic Reinforcement Stitching Afte r sel ect ing a st itch pat ter n, tu rn on th e automati c reinfo rcement st itchi ng functio n bef.
USEFUL FUNC TIONS 82 Automatic Thread Cutting Afte r se lect ing a st itch pat tern, tu rn on th e auto mat ic th rea d cu tting fu nctio n be fo re se wing , and the machine will aut omatical ly sew .
USEF UL FUNCTI ONS Se wing Ba si cs 83 2 Using the Kn ee Lifte r Using the knee l ifter, you can raise and lower the presser foot wi th your k nee, l eaving both hands free to handle the fabric. a Change th e operating posit ion of the k nee lift er ha nd le bef or e inse rtin g in to the mac hin e.
USEFUL FUNC TIONS 84 Pivoting If the pivot se tting is selected, the machine stops with the nee dle low ered (in the fabr ic) and the presser foo t is autom atica lly raised to an appropriat e height when the “S tart/St op” button is pressed.
USEF UL FUNCTI ONS Se wing Ba si cs 85 2 c Place the f abric u nder the presse r foot with the needle at the sta rting point of the stitching , and then press the “Start/St op” button. The machine will begi n sewing. d Press the “Star t/Stop” but ton t o stop the machine at the point where t he sewing direction chang es.
USEFUL FUNC TIONS 86 Needle Position – St itch Placement When the “Needle Posi tion – Stitch Placement” is on, the needl e will be partial ly lower ed for precis e stitch pla cement and then pre ss the “Needle Pos ition ” butt on to lo wer th e nee dle co mpl ete ly.
USEF UL FUNCTI ONS Se wing Ba si cs 87 2 Checking the Nee dle Location in the Screen Press to use the buil t-in camer a to view the sewing area in th e LCD screen. View the location of th e needle from 2 di fferent angle s and the needle drop p ositi on, even i f th e needl e has not actual ly be en lower ed.
Cha pter 3 Utility Stitches SELECTING U TILITY ST ITCHES ....... ........... .... 90 ■ Stitch Selection Scre ens...................... ................... ................... 90 Selecti ng a Stitch ............ ........... ................ .........
SELECTI NG UTI LITY STI TCHES 90 SELECTING U TILITY STITCHES ■ Stitch Se lection Scree ns There a re 6 catego ries of Uti lity Stitc hes. If a p age num ber such as ap pears, the re is more than one stitch selection screen fo r that c ategory.
SELECTI NG UTIL ITY STI TCHES Utility Stitch es 91 3 Selecti ng a Stit ch a Turn the main power to ON and press to disp la y the utilit y stit ch es. → Either “1 -01 St raight st itch (Lef t)” or “1- 03 Straig ht stitch (Middl e)” is sel ected, de pending o n the set ting selected in the se tting screen .
SELECTI NG UTI LITY STI TCHES 92 ■ Using the Image Key You can dis play an ima ge of the s elected stitc h. You can che ck and ch ange t he color s of the image o f the scree n. a Press . → An image of the sel ected stitc h is displ ayed. b Press to change the thread col or of the stitch on the sc reen.
SELECTI NG UTIL ITY STI TCHES Utility Stitch es 93 3 c Press . → The setting s are sa ved and the origin al scre en automati cally ap pears. ■ Retrie ving Sa ved Settings a Select a stitch. b Press . c Press the nu mbered key of the s etting s to be retrieved.
SEWING THE STITC HES 94 SEWING TH E STITCHES Straight Stit ches Stitch Stitc h name Presser foo t Applicat ions Stitc h w idth [mm (in ch)] Stit ch l ength [mm (inc h)] Tw i n needle Au to M anua l Au to M anua l Straig ht stit ch (Left) General sewing, gather , pintuck, etc.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 95 3 a Select a stitch. b Attach presser foot “J”. * Attach pre sser foot “N ” when you select . c Ho ld th e thr ea d tai l an d fabr ic w ith you r left hand, and rotat e the handwheel wit h your right hand to insert the needle into the fab ric.
SEWING THE STITC HES 96 ■ Changing the Needle Position (Left or Mid dle Need le Posit ion St itche s Only) When y ou select le ft or midd le needle position stitches, y ou can use and in the stitch width d ispl ay to ch ange th e posit ion of the ne edle.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 97 3 ■ Aligni ng the Fabric with the Vert ical Stitch Alignment “V ” Foot Sew while keeping th e right ed ge of the fa bric aligned w ith a de sired po sition o f marki ngs on the vertical s titch alignm ent “V” f oot.
SEWING THE STITC HES 98 h Insert t he bobbi n case in its origin al position, and then attach the ne edle pl ate cover. i After reinst allin g the needle plate cove r, select a ny of the straig ht stit ches. j Insert ne edle a nd attach the st raight s titc h foot.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 99 3 Dart Seam a Select and attach presser foot “J”. b Sew a rever se st itch a t the beg inning of the dart and then sew from the wide end to the other end wi thout stretchin g the fabric.
SEWING THE STITC HES 100 c Pull the bobbin and upper thr eads out by 50 mm (approx. 1-15/16 i nches) (see page 55). a Upper th read b Bobbin thre ad c About 50 m m (approx . 1-15/16 i nches ) d Sew two rows of straight s titches par allel to the seam l ine, then t rim excess thread leavin g 50 mm (approx.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 101 3 e Fold the l onger seam all owance around the shorter one, and sew the edge of the fold. a Wrong sid e Finish ed flat f ell seam a Surface Pintuck a Mark along the fold s on the wrong side of the fabric. a Wrong sid e b Turn the fa bric a nd iron the fo lded parts only.
SEWING THE STITC HES 102 Zigzag St itches Zigzag st itche s are use ful fo r overca sting, a ppliqué, patc hwork, and many other applicat ions. Select a sti tch, and attach pr esser fo ot “J”.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 103 3 ■ Patchwork (for Crazy Quilt) Turn bac k the de sired width of fab ric and pos ition it over the lower fa bric, then s ew so th at the st itch bridge s both pie ces of f abric. ■ Sewing Cur ves (Using a Zigzag Stitc h) Shorten the stitch length s etting to o btain a fi ne stitch.
SEWING THE STITC HES 104 Elastic Zi gzag Stit ches Use elast ic zigza g sti tches for tape atta ching, over casti ng, darni ng, or a wide v ariet y of other uses . a Select a stitch. b Attach presser foot “J”. ■ Tape Attaching Stretch the tape fla t.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 105 3 Overcasting Use for the edge of seams in sk irts or trou sers, and the edge of al l cutti ngs. Use pres ser foot “G”, pre sser foot “J”, or the side cutt er attachment depe nding on the kind of overcasting st itch you select .
SEWING THE STITC HES 106 ■ Over cast ing Usin g Pres ser Foot “J ” a Select a stit ch and attach press er foot “J”. b Sew with the needle dropping s lightly off the edge of the fabric.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 107 3 ■ Overcasti ng Using the Side C utter By using the side c utter, you c an do ov ercasting whi le cutting the fabric . a Select a stitch. b Follow the steps on page 65 to remove the presser foo t. c Thread the needle (se e page 57).
SEWING THE STITC HES 108 e Pos ition th e sid e c utte r so tha t th e si de cutter pi n is al igned wi th th e notch in the presser fo ot hold er, an d then lower the presser fo ot. a Notch in p resser foot ho lder b Pin → The sid e cutt er is attache d.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 109 3 i Lower the pr esser foot an d start. → A seam all owance is c ut while the stitchin g is sewn. ■ When Sew ing Straight S titches Whil e Using the Side Cu tter The se am mar gin sh ould be a pproxim ately 5 m m (approx.
SEWING THE STITC HES 110 Quilting You can make beauti ful quil ts qui ckly and easil y with t his machi ne. When making a qu ilt, you will fin d it convenient to use the knee l ifter a nd foot co ntro.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 111 3 Quilt ing st ippli ng Background quilt ing 7.00 (1/4) 1.00 - 7.0 (1/16 - 1/4) 1.6 (1/16) 1.0 - 4.0 (1/16 - 3/16) NO Overcasting stitc h Stretch knit seam 5.00 (3/16) 0.00 - 7.00 (0 - 1/4) 4.0 (3/16) 1.0 - 4.
SEWING THE STITC HES 112 Piecing stitch (Left) Piecework/patchwork 6.5 mm (approx. 1/4 inch) left seam allowance 1.5 (1/16) 0.0 - 7.0 (0 - 1/4) 2.0 (1/16) 0.2 - 5.0 (1/64 - 3/16) NO Hand-loo k quil ting Quilting stitch made to look lik e hand quilting stit ch 0.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 113 3 ■ Piecing Sewing two piece s of fabric t ogether is c alled piecing. W hen cutti ng pieces for quilt b locks, mak e sure the seam a llowanc e is 6.5 m m (app rox. 1/4 inch ). a Select or and attach press er foot “J”.
SEWING THE STITC HES 114 ■ Appliqué a Trace the patter n onto the appli qué fabri c and then cut around it, lea ving a 3 to 5 mm (approx. 1/8 to 3/16 in ch) seam allow ance.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 115 3 You can use the appliqué te chnique to att ach appliqué de signs like the thre e pict ured below. ■ Quilting with Satin St itches For bette r fabric control, use the foot controlle r to sew with sa tin stitches.
SEWING THE STITC HES 116 Exampl e: Changin g the width h When you ar e fini shed se wing, set the width control back t o “OFF”. ■ Free Motion Qui lting With fre e motion q uilting, the feed do gs can be lowere d by press ing , so th at the fa bric can be moved fr eely in any di rection .
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 117 3 c Press to set the mach ine to f ree motio n sewing mode. → The key a ppears as , the quilt ing foot is ra ised to the necessary heigh t, and the n the feed dog s are lowered for free m otion sewin g.
SEWING THE STITC HES 118 h Press to ca ncel t he free mot ion se wing mod e. → Rotate th e han dwheel tow ard you (counterc lockwise) to raise t he feed d ogs. i After s ewing, make sur e to r emove th e straight stitch needle pl ate and presse r foot “C”, and re instal l the r egular needle plate and the needle plate cover.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 119 3 b Select a stitch. c Remove the presser foot holder (see page 66). d Attach free motion open toe quilting f oot “O” by posit ioning the pi n of the quilt ing foot above the needle cla mp screw and alig ning th e low er-l ef t of the q ui lting foo t and the presser bar.
SEWING THE STITC HES 120 a Select . b Press to set the mac hine to f ree moti on sewing mode. → The key appear s as , the quilting foot is r aised to the ne cessary he ight, t hen the fe ed do gs are lowered for free m otion sewi ng. c Follow the s teps on page 65 “Re moving the Presser Foot” to remove the presse r foot.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 121 3 g Using th e measuremen t on the qu ilti ng foot as a guide, sew around the motif . a 6.4 mm (a pprox. 1/4 inch) Finis hed pr ojec t h Press to ca ncel t he free motion se wing mode. → Rotate the handw heel tow ard you (count erclockw ise) to raise th e feed d ogs.
SEWING THE STITC HES 122 Blind Hem Stit ches Secure th e bottoms of skirt s and pants with a blind hem. Two sti tches are avai lable for blind hem stitchi ng. a Turn the skirt or pant s wrong side out. a Wron g si de of f abr ic b Right side of fab ric c Lower ed ge of fabri c b Fold the fabric al ong the desi red edge of the hem, and press.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 123 3 e Unfold the edge of fabri c, and position th e fabric with the wrong si de facing up. f Attach blind hem foot “R”.
SEWING THE STITC HES 124 ■ If the Needle Catches Too Much of the Hem Fold The need le is too fa r to the le ft. Press to dec rease the s titch widt h so tha t the needle sl ightly catc hes the fold of t he hem.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 125 3 Appliqué a Use a temporar y spray adhesiv e, fabri c glue or a basting stit ch to attach the appliqué to the fabric. * This wi ll keep th e fab ric from m oving during sewing. a Appliqué b Fabric glue b Select or .
SEWING THE STITC HES 126 Shelltuck Stitche s Shelltuck stitch es giv e an a ttracti ve appea rance of shells alon g the curve of a collar . This stitc h pattern can be used f or edging the neckli ne or sleeves of dre sses and blous es.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 127 3 Scallop Stitches This wave-s haped sa tin s titch i s calle d the scallop stitch. Use t his s titc h to de corate the e dges of blouse coll ars and handk erchief s or use it as a hem accent. a Select . b Attach presser foot “N”.
SEWING THE STITC HES 128 Smocking Stitc hes Use smocking stit ches for decorat ive sewin g on clothes, etc. a Select a straight sti tch and attach p resser foot “J”. b Set th e stitc h le ngth to 4.0 m m (app ro x. 3/16 inch) and lo osen the upper thread tensio n to approxi mately 2.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 129 3 c Attach presser foot “J”. Align the cent er of the presser foot wit h the middle of the space between th e fabrics and begin sewing. a Basti ng st itch es d When sewing is finished, gent ly tear the paper away.
SEWING THE STITC HES 130 g Pull out the stra ight stit ch threads. Heirloom ■ Hemstitching (1) (Daisy Stitch) Use for sewing tablecloths , decor ative hems , and decorative stitchin g on shirt fr onts. a Insert a type 130/705H, size 1 00/16 Wing needle.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 131 3 b Select . c Atta ch p res ser foo t “N ”. W ith the righ t sid e of the fabric faci ng up, sew one edge of t he open area. d Press to creat e a mir ror image of the stitc h. e Match beginning needl e drop points on the opposite edg e of t he open area to keep the stitching symmetri cal.
SEWING THE STITC HES 132 One-step Buttonholes With one-step but tonholes , you can make buttonholes appropriat e to the size of your but ton. Stitch Stitc h name Presser foo t Applicat ions Stitc h w .
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 133 3 One-step butto nholes are se wn from the front of the pre sser foot to the back, as shown below. a Reinforc ement st itchin g a Select a buttonhole stit ch, and attach buttonhole f oot “A”. b Mark the position and le ngth of the buttonhole o n the fabric.
SEWING THE STITC HES 134 e Lower th e buttonhole lever s o that it is positioned behi nd the metal bracket on the buttonhole foot. a Buttonh ole leve r a Metal bra cket f Gently hold the e nd of t he upper thread, and then start sew ing. * Feed the fa bric care fully by hand while the buttonhole is sewn.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 135 3 ■ Sewing Stretc h Fabrics When se wing on stretch fa bric with or , sew th e butt onhole stit ch es over a gimp thread. a Hook the gimp thread onto the back of pre sse r foot “A” . Ins ert th e en ds in to the grooves at the front of the presse r foot, and then temporar ily tie them ther e.
SEWING THE STITC HES 136 Four-step Buttonholes You can sew 4-step button holes u sing the follo wing 4 sti tches together. You ca n sew a ny desi red lengt h for the buttonh ole when using 4-s tep buttonh oles. 4-ste p buttonhol es are a good option when attac hing oversize but tons.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 137 3 b Attach mon ogramming f oot “N”, and selec t st itch to sew th e le ft sid e of th e buttonhole. c Press the “Star t/Stop” but ton t o star t sewing. d Sew the desi red l ength f or the buttonhole and press the “Start /Stop” button aga in.
SEWING THE STITC HES 138 ■ Darn ing Use dar ning stitc hes for mending and ot her applic ations. Darning is perfor med by s ewing from the fron t of the pr esser foo t to the back as shown be low. a Reinforcem ent st itches a Select a stitch, and at tach buttonhole foot “A”.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 139 3 c Check that the needle drops at the desired position and lower the presser foot , making sure the upper t hread pas ses un derneath the buttonhole foot . d Lower the but tonhole lever so that it is positioned behi nd the metal bracket on the buttonhole f oot.
SEWING THE STITC HES 140 Bar Tacks Use bar tacks to rei nforce areas that will be subject to st rain, such as pocke t corners . a Select . b Attach buttonhol e foot “A” and set the scale to the lengt h of the bar tack you wish to sew. a Pre sser f oot scale b Completed length measure ment c 5 mm (ap prox.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 141 3 e Lower the but tonhole lever so that it is positioned behi nd the metal bracket on the buttonhole f oot. a Metal bra cket f Gently hold the end of the upper th read and begin sewing . → When sewing is comp leted, the machin e will sew reinforce ment stitch es and stop autom atically .
SEWING THE STITC HES 142 Button Sewing Buttons wi th 2 o r 4 holes can be atta ched, using the machine. a Select . → The fee d dogs ar e lowe red autom atically . b Raise the press er foot. c Attach button sewi ng foot “M”, slid e the button along the me tal plate and int o the presser fo ot, an d lower the press er foot .
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 143 3 ■ Attaching 4 Hole Buttons Sew the two hole s closest to you. T hen raise the presser f oot and move the fa bric so that the needle goes into the next two ho les, and sew them i n the same way. ■ Attaching a Shank to the Button a Pull the shank l ever to ward you before sewing.
SEWING THE STITC HES 144 Eyelet Use this stit ch for making belt holes and other simil ar applic ations. a Select or . b Use in either the stitch widt h displa y or the stitch leng th displa y to choose the size of the eyel et. * Act ual si ze a Large 7 m m (app rox.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 145 3 Multi-direct ional Sewing (Strai ght Stitc h and Zig zag Stit ch) Use these st itch patter ns to attach pa tches or emblems t o pant legs, s hirt sleeves, etc. a Remove the flat bed attac hment to use the free-arm.
SEWING THE STITC HES 146 Zipper Insertion ■ Centered Zipper Use for bags and ot her suc h applicatio ns. a Select . b Attach pres ser fo ot “J” and s ew straight stitches up to the zipper openi ng. Change to a ba sting stit ch (s ee p age 9 8) an d s ew to the top of the fabric.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 147 3 ■ Inserting a Side Zipper Use for side zipp ers in ski rts or dre sses. a Select . b Attach pres ser foo t “J” and sew straight stitches up to t he zipper opening. Change to a basting stit ch and sew to the top of the fabric.
SEWING THE STITC HES 148 i Close the zipper, turn t he fabri c over , and sew a basting stit ch. a Front of the skirt (wron g side of fabric ) b Basti ng st itch es c Fro nt of t he sk ir t (ri ght si.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 149 3 a Select a stitch. * Edge sewin g using the built-i n camera can not be used with patterns w here appears in gra y when the pattern is select ed. b Attach the verti cal stitc h alignment foot “V”. c Peel off t he tra nsparent sheet of the e dge sewing sh eet.
SEWING THE STITC HES 150 d Place the edge sewing she et on top of the needle plate cove r. Align the g uides o n the ed ge sewi ng shee t with the sides of the needl e plat e cov er, an d then adjust the position of t he ed ge sewin g sheet so t hat its c utout aligns with th e edges of the opening for the feed dogs.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 151 3 g Place the fabric under the presser foot. h Move the fabric to th e desired positi on for edg e s ewin g. Posi tio n th e fabr ic s o t hat its edge is as strai ght as possi ble. a Fabric i Check that the built-in camera is correctly detecting the fabric.
SEWING THE STITC HES 152 When the Built-In Camer a Can Detect the Edge of the F abric The fab ric ed ge i ndi cato r l ine ap pear s co rre ctly followin g the edge of the fabr ic. a Fabric edge ind icator lin e When the Fabric Edge Indic ator L ine Does Not Appear The bu ilt- in came ra cann ot de tect t he edge o f the fabric.
SEWING T HE STIT CHES Utility Stitch es 153 3 j While checkin g the screen for the dist ance from the fabr ic edg e to t he edge s ewing position, move the fabric to the desir ed position. * The startin g point of the fa bric edge indic ator line shows the position fo r the start of sewing .
SEWING THE STITC HES 154 l Press the “Star t/Stop” button t o star t edge sewing. → Sewing starts with the set distanc e to the edge of the fabric ma intained . * While se wing, us e the re d scale marks on the vertical stitch alig nmen t foot “V” as a guid e to k eep a fixed distance fr om the edge of the fa bric.
Cha pter 4 Character/Decorative Stitches SELECTIN G STITCH PATTERNS................. ........... ................. ........... ........... ............ ................156 ■ Stitch Select ion Screens ................ .......... ................ ....
SELECTI NG ST ITCH PA TTER NS 156 SELECTING STITCH PATTERNS Pres s , th en to di spl ay the scree n belo w. a Decor ative stit ch pa ttern s b 7mm dec orativ e stitch patterns . You c an set s titch l ength and widt h. c Satin stit ch pat terns d 7mm satin sti tch pattern s.
SELECTI NG S TITCH PA TTERN S Character/D ecorative Stitches 157 4 ■ Stitc h Sel ecti on Scre ens There a re 10 c ategorie s of Char acter/D ecorativ e stitch pattern s. If a page numbe r such as appe ars, the re is more than one stitc h selection scr een for that category .
SELECTI NG ST ITCH PA TTER NS 158 Selecting De corative Stitch Patterns/7mm Decorat ive Stitch Patterns /Sat in St itch Patterns/ 7mm Satin Stitch Patterns/ Cross Stitch/Utility Decorative Stitch Patt erns a Select the ca tegory of the pattern you want to sew.
SELECTI NG S TITCH PA TTERN S Character/D ecorative Stitches 159 4 d Press and then enter “lue”. e Press to enter a space. f Press again and enter “S”. a Jump ing st itch * Remove the jumpi ng stitche s after sewi ng. g Press and then enter “ky”.
SELECTI NG ST ITCH PA TTER NS 160 b Select t he corr ect charact er. ■ Adjustin g the Characte r Spaci ng The sp ace be tween t he chara cters can be adju sted. a Press . → The ch aracter spaci ng wind ow appe ars. b Press to adjust cha racter spacin g.
SEWING STIT CH P ATTERN S Character/D ecorative Stitches 161 4 SEWING STIT CH PATT ERNS Sewing At tract ive Finis hes To achieve attr active resul ts when sewing charact er/de corative st itches , check the table bel ow for the proper fa bric/needl e/thread combin ations.
SEWING STIT CH P ATTERN S 162 e Press the “Star t/Stop” button t o stop sewing. f Press the “Revers e/Reinfo rcement Stitc h” but ton t o s ew r einf orce men t st itch es.
SEWING STIT CH P ATTERN S Character/D ecorative Stitches 163 4 b Attach monogrammin g foot “N” and sew the pattern. c Compare the finished pat tern to the illustr ation of the correct pattern bel ow. d Press , and then adjust the pattern with th e “Fine Adj ust Ve rti.
EDITING S TITCH PA TTERNS 164 EDITIN G STITCH PATT ERNS ■ Key Functions You ca n create j ust th e fini sh you want us ing the editing functions . Make patterns larger or sm aller, make mir ror images, etc. Note • Some edi ting fun ctions ca nnot be used wi th certain stitch patterns.
EDITING STITC H PATTER NS Character/D ecorative Stitches 165 4 No. Dis pl a y Key Na m e Explanation Pa g e a P attern dis pla y size Show the approxi mate size of the pat tern selected.
EDITING S TITCH PA TTERNS 166 Changing the Size Select a stitch patt ern, then press to change the size of the stitch pattern. The s titch pa ttern will be sewn in the size h ighlig hted on the key. Actual Stit ch Pattern Size * The size diffe rs depend ing on the fabric a nd thread s.
EDITING STITC H PATTER NS Character/D ecorative Stitches 167 4 Creating a Horizontal Mirror Image To create a hor izontal mirror imag e, sele ct a stit ch pattern then press . Sewing a Pattern Continuously Press to sel ect con tinuous se wing or singl e stitch sewi ng.
EDITING S TITCH PA TTERNS 168 Returning to the Beginning of the Pattern When sewing charac ter/decor ative stitches , you can return to the begi nni ng of t he pa tter n afte r tria l sewing or when the stit ching is sewn incorrectl y. a Press the “Star t/Stop” button t o stop the machine, and the n press .
EDITING STITC H PATTER NS Character/D ecorative Stitches 169 4 c Press to displa y the enlarged image. d Use / / / to view an y part of the image that exten ds out of the viewabl e display area. e Pre ss to r eturn to the or igina l s cree n. Memo • You can also sew fr om t his sc re en wh en the presse r foot symbol is displayed .
COMBINING STITC H PATTE RNS 170 COMBIN ING ST ITCH P ATTERN S You can combine many varieti es of stitch patt erns, such as char acter stit ches, cross sti tches, satin stitche s, or sti tches you design with MY CUSTOM ST ITCH funct ion (see chapte r 8 for infor mation about MY CUSTOM STITCH).
COMBINING STITC H PATTERNS Character/D ecorative Stitches 171 4 d Press . e Select . f Press to sew the patt ern continuousl y. g Press . Combining Large and Small Stitch Pa tterns Example: a Press . → The large siz e stitch will be selected. b Press aga in, then press to sele ct the small size.
COMBINING STITC H PATTE RNS 172 c Press to s ew conti nuously. → The ente red patte rn is repeated . Combining Horizontal Mirror Image Stitch Pat terns Example: a Press . b Press again, t hen pre ss . → The patt ern is flip ped alon g a verti cal axis.
COMBINING STITC H PATTERNS Character/D ecorative Stitches 173 4 Combining St itch Patterns of Different Length Example: a Press , then pr ess once. → The leng th of t he imag e is set to . b Select again, t hen press 3 times. → The length o f the i mage is set to .
COMBINING STITC H PATTE RNS 174 Making Step S titch Patterns (for 7mm Satin Stitch Patterns O nly) You can use the keys with 7mm satin stitch pat terns to creat e a step effect . Stitch patt erns sewn so that the y create a st ep effect are ca lled step s titch pattern s.
COMBINING STITC H PATTERNS Character/D ecorative Stitches 175 4 e Press . → The ente red patte rn is rep eated. ■ More Ex amples Pres s → → → → . Pres s → → → → → → → → . Pres s → → → . Pres s → → → → → → → → .
USING THE MEMO RY FUNCTION 176 USING TH E MEMORY FUNCT ION Stitch Data Precaut ions Observe the following precautions when usi ng stitc h data other than that created and saved in this machine. ■ Types of Stitch Data that can be Used • In the C haracter/De corative S titch mem ory, “.
USING THE MEMORY FUNCTION Character/D ecorative Stitches 177 4 Saving Stitc h Patterns in the Machine’s Memory You can save often used st itch patter ns in the machine’s me mory. A total of about 1 MB of st itch patterns can be sa ved in the machine’s memory.
USING THE MEMO RY FUNCTION 178 c Press . → A confir mation m essage appe ars. d Press . * If you de cide not to delete the stitch pattern , press . → The mac hine del etes th e stitch pattern, t hen automat ically sav es the ne w stitch pa ttern.
USING THE MEMORY FUNCTION Character/D ecorative Stitches 179 4 b Insert the USB media into the primary (t op) USB port on the machine. a Primary (top) USB p ort for media b USB media c Press . * Press to return to the original screen wit hout saving. → The “Sav ing” screen is display ed.
USING THE MEMO RY FUNCTION 180 c Press . d Press . * Press to return to the original scree n withou t saving. → The stit ch patte rn will be tempo rarily sa ved to “Remov able Disk” under “ Compute r (My comp uter)”. e Select the sti tch pattern’ s .
USING THE MEMORY FUNCTION Character/D ecorative Stitches 181 4 b Choose a stit ch pattern to retrie ve. * If the ent ire sav ed stitch pa ttern i s not disp layed, press the thumbna il. * Press to return to the orig inal scree n without saving. a Saved stitch patterns c Press .
USING THE MEMO RY FUNCTION 182 c Press when there is a subfolder to sort two or more stitc h patterns to USB media, the stit ch patter n in the subfolde r is displa yed. * Press to return t o the original screen withou t recalling . a Folder name b Stitch patterns in a folde r show on ly the first patter n of any c ombin ed patt erns.
USING THE MEMORY FUNCTION Character/D ecorative Stitches 183 4 c Move/copy the pattern dat a to “Re movable Dis k” . → Stitch pa ttern d ata in “Rem ovab le Disk” is wr itten to the ma chine . d Press . → The stit ch patte rns in the compute r are display ed on the selec tion screen .
Cha pter 5 Embroidery BEFORE EMBR OIDERING .......... ..... .... .... ...... .... .... 186 Embroidery Step by Step ....................... ..................................186 Attaching Embroidery Foot “W2” ......... .............................
BEFORE EMBROIDERING 186 BEFORE EMBROIDERI NG Embroidery Step by Step Follow the steps below to prepare the machine for embroide ry. Attaching Embroidery Foot “W2” a Press the “Needle Posi tion” button t o raise the needle.
BEFORE EMB ROIDERING Embroi dery 187 5 b Press to lock all keys a nd butt ons. → The en tir e screen become s whit e, and all ke ys and operation button s are lo cked. c Raise the presse r foot lever . d Push the black button on the presser foot holder and remove th e presser foot.
BEFORE EMBROIDERING 188 h Plug the connector of the embroidery foot “W2” with LED p ointer into the j ack on the left of your machine. i Press to unlock all keys and buttons. → All keys a nd operat ion but tons ar e unloc ked, and the previous scre en is displayed .
BEFORE EMB ROIDERING Embroi dery 189 5 c Turn the mai n power t o ON. → The follow ing me ssage will appear. d Press . → The carri age will move to the in itializatio n position. ■ Removing the Embroidery Unit a Press either or , then press . → The carri age will move to the re moval po sition.
SELEC TING PATTER NS 190 SELECTING PATTERN S ■ Copyright Information The patte rns st ored in the se wing machine and embroi dery ca rds are intended for pr ivate use only. An y public or commerc ial use of c opyrighte d patterns is an infringeme nt of copy right law and is stric tly proh ibited.
SELECTI NG P ATTERN S Embroi dery 191 5 ■ Pattern Select ion Screen s There are 7 categorie s of patterns in th is mach ine. If a page num ber such as appe ars, there is more than one pattern s electio n screen for that c ategor y.
SELEC TING PATTER NS 192 Brother “Excl usives” Vint age d esign s Monogr am desi gns New European designs Japanese designs Quilt desi gns Memo • Refer t o Operat ion Ma nual A ddendum, fo r the additiona l inform ation o n embroi dery pat terns.
SELECTI NG P ATTERN S Embroi dery 193 5 Selecting Embroidery Patterns/ Brother “Exc lusives”/Gr eek Alphabet Patterns/Floral Alphabet Patterns/Utilit y Embroidery Patterns a Touch the key of the categor y of the pattern you want to embroider. b Press the key of the patt ern you want to embroider.
SELEC TING PATTER NS 194 Selecting Alphabet Character Patterns Example: Entering “Bl ue Sky”. a Press . b Press the key of the f ont you want to embroider. c Press to change the sel ection scree ns. d Press and then enter “B”. * If you w ant to cha nge the size of a characte r, select the ch aract er and then p ress to chan ge t he size.
SELECTI NG P ATTERN S Embroi dery 195 5 f Press to en ter a sp ace. g Press again a nd enter “S”. h Press and then enter “ky”. i Press . → The sewing screen is displayed.
SELEC TING PATTER NS 196 j Proceed to “VIEWI NG THE SEWING SCREEN” on page 198 to embroider the pattern. * To return t o the p reviou s screen to select anoth er pattern, pr ess . Selecting Fra me Patterns a Press . b Press the key of the f rame shap e you want to embroider in the top par t of the screen.
SELECTI NG P ATTERN S Embroi dery 197 5 Selecting Patterns from Embroidery Cards ■ About Embroider y Card Reader (Sold Separately ) and USB Card Writer M odule* • Use only an emb roider y card Reader des igned for this machine. U sing an un authoriz ed embroid ery car d Reader m ay cau se your machin e to op erate i ncorre ctl y.
VIEW ING TH E SEW ING SCREEN 198 VIEWING TH E SEWING SCREEN a Shows the p resse r foot code . Attach embro idery foot “W2” or “W” (opti onal) for all embroidery projects. Whe n the foot pres ser symbo l is displayed on the sc reen, y ou are abl e to s ew.
VIEWI NG T HE S EW ING SCR EEN Embroi dery 199 5 ■ Key Functions Using th ese ke ys, you can chan ge t he size of the pa tte rn, rot ate th e patt ern, et c. r o q p m R Q u v s t z y w x n Note • Some oper ation s or functi ons are not avail - able for certa in patterns.
PREPA RING THE FA BRIC 200 PREPARING THE FAB RIC Attaching Iron-on Stabilizers (Backing) to the Fabric For best results in your embr oidery proj ects, always use stabi lizer mat erial for embr oidery . Follow the package instruc tions for the stabi lizer being used.
PREPAR ING TH E FABRIC Embroi dery 201 5 b Iron the iro n- on sta biliz er ma ter ial to th e wrong side o f the fabric. a Fusi ble side of sta bil ize r b Fabric (wron g side) Memo • When embr oide.
PREPA RING THE FA BRIC 202 Hooping the Fabric in the Embroidery Frame ■ Types of Embroi de ry Fr ames Other op tional embroid ery frame can be used. Whe n choos ing frames tha t do not appea r on the screen, be sure to check the desi gn size of t he embr oidery fie ld of the op tional frame.
PREPAR ING TH E FABRIC Embroi dery 203 5 ■ Inserting the Fabric Pres s → → → → in t his orde r to displa y a video example of hoping the fabric in the embroide ry frame (see pag e 46). Fo llow the ste ps explaine d below to c omplete the opera tion.
PREPA RING THE FA BRIC 204 e Return the frame adjustment screw to its init ial p ositi on. ■ Using the Embroidery Sheet When you want t o embroi der t he pattern in a particula r place, use the emb roider y sheet wi th the frame. a With a chalk penci l, mar k the are a of t he fabric you want to embroide r.
PREPAR ING TH E FABRIC Embroi dery 205 5 Embroidering Small Fabrics or Fabric Edges Use an embroider y stabilize r to provid e extra support. Aft er embroide ring, remo ve the stabili zer carefull y. Att ach t he sta biliz er as shown i n the following exampl es.
ATTACHI NG THE EMBROI DERY FRAME 206 ATTACHING THE EM BROIDERY FRAME Press → → → → in this or der to disp lay a vide o example of attac hing t he embroi dery fra me (see page 46 ). Foll ow the s teps explained b elow to complete the op eration.
ATTACHING THE E MBROIDERY FRAME Embroi dery 207 5 ■ Removing the Embroidery Frame a Raise the frame -securing le ver. b Pull the embroidery fr ame towar d you.
CONF IRMI NG THE PA TTER N POSI TION 208 CONFIRMING THE PATTERN PO SITI ON The pattern is normally positi oned in the center of the embroider y frame. If the pat tern needs to be repositi oned for bett er placement on the gar ment, you can check the layout before st arting embroi dery.
CONFIRMIN G THE PA TTERN POSITION Embroi dery 209 5 c Select t he patt ern on your sewing machine. d Press in the se wing screen. e Press to set the starting p oint to the center of the patte rn. f Press . g Press the “Press er Foot Lifter” button to lower the p resser foot.
CONF IRMI NG THE PA TTER N POSI TION 210 j Press to display the gr id lines . a Grid lines b Chalk mark on th e fabri c k Adjust the orient ation of the patt ern by pressing the ori entation keys until the grid lines are pa rallel wit h the chal k mark drawn on the f abri c.
CONFIRMIN G THE PA TTERN POSITION Embroi dery 211 5 Display the Fabric While Aligning the Embroidering Pos iti on The fabri c hooped in the em broidery frame ca n be displ ayed on the LCD so tha t the em broidery positio n can be e asily align ed.
CONF IRMI NG THE PA TTER N POSI TION 212 e When the fabri c appears as a backgrou nd for the pa ttern, th e patte rn can be mo ved if i t is necessary.
CONFIRMIN G THE PA TTERN POSITION Embroi dery 213 5 ■ Positioni ng the Pattern on Thick Fabric When po sitioning th e pattern on thic k fabric s uch as quilting, the fabric may not be detected c orrectly. In order fo r the fabric to be corr ectly detect ed, its thickness must f irst be measu red.
CONF IRMI NG THE PA TTER N POSI TION 214 b After se lecting the pa ttern, p ress , and then press . → A window appears so that the a rea con taining the embroide ry posit ioning sticke r can b e selecte d. c From the area s shown i n the window, s elect the area containi ng the embroide ry positioni ng sticke r.
CONFIRMIN G THE PA TTERN POSITION Embroi dery 215 5 d Press . e Following mes sage app ears. Pre ss . → The built-i n camera a utomatic ally searc hes for the embroide ry positi oning sticker , and th en the carriage is m oved so th at the center o f the embroide ry pat tern is alig ned with the ce nter o f the embroide ry positi oning sticker .
CONF IRMI NG THE PA TTER N POSI TION 216 Checking the Pattern Position The embroidery fr ame moves and shows the pattern position. Watch t he frame c losely to make sure th e pa tter n wi ll b e s ewn in the righ t p lace . a Press . → The follow ing screen is display ed.
CONFIRMIN G THE PA TTERN POSITION Embroi dery 217 5 Previewing t he Completed Patt ern a Press . → An image of the pa ttern as it w ill be em broide red appe ars. b Press to select the frame used in the previ ew. * Frames di splayed in light gray canno t be sel ected.
SEWING AN EMBROIDER Y PATTERN 218 SEWING AN EMBROIDERY PATTER N Sewing Attra ctive Finishes The re ar e m any fact ors tha t g o in to s ewin g be auti ful emb roi de ry. U sing th e app ro priat e s tabil ize r (s ee page 200) and hooping the fabri c in the f rame (see page 202) are two impor tant facto rs mentio ned earli er.
SEWI NG A N EMB ROI DERY PATT ERN Embroi dery 219 5 ■ Embroidery Needle Plate Co ver Under s ome condi tions, ba sed on th e type of f abric, stabilize r, or thre ad being us ed, ther e may be some looping in the upper thre ad. In this case, attach th e includ ed embr oid ery ne edle pl ate co ver to the needle pl ate.
SEWING AN EMBROIDER Y PATTERN 220 b Lower the presser foot , then press the “Start/St op” button to start embroideri ng. After 5-6 stit ches, pres s the “Start/ Stop” button again to st op the machine. c Trim the exces s thread at the end of the seam.
SEWI NG A N EMB ROI DERY PATT ERN Embroi dery 221 5 Sewing Embroidery Patterns Which Use Appliqué There are some pat terns which cal l for an appl iqué inside the pat tern.
SEWING AN EMBROIDER Y PATTERN 222 f Apply a thin layer of adhes ive or spray adhesive t o the back of the appli qué pie ce and attach it to th e appliqué posit ion so that it follows the sea m of the outline. g Press the “Star t/Stop” button. → The app liqué will then be c omplete d.
PRINT AND ST ITCH (COMBI NING EMBROIDE RY PATTER NS AND PRIN TED DESIGNS) Embroi dery 223 5 PRINT AND ST ITCH (COMBI NING EMBROID ERY PATTER NS AND PRINT ED DE SIGN S) Completed embroider y patterns combin ed with print ed designs are buil t into this machi ne.
PRINT AND ST ITCH (COM BINING EMB ROIDERY PAT TERNS AND PR INTED DESI GNS) 224 Selecting a Pat tern Patterns combinin g embroidery and pr inted designs c an be s elected from the pages that contain . S elect the de sired pattern. a Press the key of the p attern you want t o embroider.
PRINT AND ST ITCH (COMBI NING EMBROIDE RY PATTER NS AND PRIN TED DESIGNS) Embroi dery 225 5 Outputting the Background Image and Positioning Image Use USB medi a or the computer to o utput the following thr ee images fr om the machine. * File nam e may d iffer d epending on the PD F file select ed.
PRINT AND ST ITCH (COM BINING EMB ROIDERY PAT TERNS AND PR INTED DESI GNS) 226 ■ Using a US B Cable a Plug the USB cable conn ectors in to the corresponding USB ports on the computer and on the machine.
PRINT AND ST ITCH (COMBI NING EMBROIDE RY PATTER NS AND PRIN TED DESIGNS) Embroi dery 227 5 c Print the embroide ry position shee t (file named E_1p.pdf) onto plai n paper. a Embroid ery posi tion s heet d If an iron-on trans fer sheet is used, transfer the image onto fabr ic.
PRINT AND ST ITCH (COM BINING EMB ROIDERY PAT TERNS AND PR INTED DESI GNS) 228 d After ch ecking tha t a p attern is sel ected, press . → The se wing scre en ap pears . e Align the embroider ing position acc ording to steps b throug h f of “Using the Built - In Camera to Align the Embroideri ng Position” on page 213.
ADJUST MENT S DU RING TH E EM BRO IDERY PR OCE SS Embroi dery 229 5 ADJUSTMENTS DURING TH E EMBROIDERY PROCESS If the Bobbin Runs Out of Thread When the bobbin beg ins to r un out of thre ad during embroider ing, th e machine will stop and the message below wi ll appear .
ADJUST MENTS DU RING TH E EMBR OIDERY PROCESS 230 If the Thread Bre aks During Sewing a Press the “Star t/Stop” button t o stop the machine. b If the upper thr ead is broken, redo the upper threading . If the bobbin thr ead is broken, pre ss and follow the directions in steps a through e fro m the previous sect ion to reset the bobbin.
ADJUST MENT S DU RING TH E EM BRO IDERY PR OCE SS Embroi dery 231 5 Restarting from the Beginni ng a Press . b Press . → The embroid ery frame m oves, retu rning the n eedle to the pa ttern’s be ginning position . c Press the “Press er Foot Lifter” button to lower the presser foot and s tart sewing.
ADJUST MENTS DU RING TH E EMBR OIDERY PROCESS 232 c Attach the embroider y frame and press . → The pr evious sewing sc reen displa yed befo re the machi ne was tu rned off ap pears.
MAKING EMBROIDE RY ADJUSTMENTS Embroi dery 233 5 MA KING E MBR OIDER Y ADJU STM ENT S Adjusting Thread Tension When embroide ring, t he thr ead te nsion shoul d be set so tha t the uppe r thre ad can sligh tly be s een on the wro ng side of the fabri c.
MAKING EMBROIDERY A DJUSTMENTS 234 ■ Upper Thread i s Too Loos e The ten sion of the upper t hread is to o loose , result ing in a loose upper th read, loose th read lo cks, or loops appea ring on t he right sid e of th e fabric . a Right side b Wrong sid e a Press .
MAKING EMBROIDE RY ADJUSTMENTS Embroi dery 235 5 ■ Bobbin Thread i s Too Loos e Bobbin thr ead appe ars slightl y on the rig ht side o f fabric. a Right side b Wrong sid e If this oc curs, tur n the slotte d screw (-) clock wise, being ca reful not to over-tig hten the scre w, appro ximately 3 0-45 d egrees to increas e bobbin tension .
MAKING EMBROIDERY A DJUSTMENTS 236 Using the Thread Trimming Function (JUMP STITCH TRIM ) The thread trimming functi on will automatical ly trim any exce ss thread jumps within the c olor. Thi s func tion is initial ly t urned on. To turn this fun ction off , press key and then .
MAKING EMBROIDE RY ADJUSTMENTS Embroi dery 237 5 Adjusting the E mbr oidery Sp eed a Press and . b In the “Max Embroidery Speed” display, use to change the maxi mum embroidery sp eed.
MAKING EMBROIDERY A DJUSTMENTS 238 d Wh en the th rea d num ber is displayed, use to select from six embroidery t hread br ands pictu red bel ow. * Depend ing on the coun try or area , cott on-like polyester thread is sold. e Press . Changing the Embroidery Frame Display a Press .
MAKING EMBROIDE RY ADJUSTMENTS Embroi dery 239 5 * For the op tional embro idery fram e. a Extra la rge frame e mbroi dering area 30 cm × 2 0 cm (12 inche s × 8 inc hes) b Center mark c Quilt fram e.
REVISIN G THE PA TTERN 240 REVISING THE PATTERN Moving the Pattern Use to move the pa ttern in t he dir ection shown by the arrow. Press to center the pattern.
REV ISING T HE PATT ERN Embroi dery 241 5 a Mark the embroidery sta rt posit ion on the fabric, a s shown. b Press . c Press . a Start posit ion b This key is used for a lignin g linke d characte rs (see page 245).
REVISIN G THE PA TTERN 242 * Press to stretch t he patte rn vertically . * Press to compa ct the p attern ve rtically. * Press to return th e pat tern to its original appear ance. a Size of th e pattern c Pre ss to retu rn t o the o rig inal sc reen .
REV ISING T HE PATT ERN Embroi dery 243 5 * Press to retu rn the pat tern to its original position. a Deg ree of ro tat ion c Pre ss to re turn to the or igina l scre en . Creating a Horizontal Mirror Image Press so it appears as to creat e a horizontal mirror image of the selected pattern.
REVISIN G THE PA TTERN 244 Changing the Density (Alphabet Character and Frame Patterns Only) The th read densit y for some a lphabet character and frame patterns can be chang ed. A setting b etween 80% and 120% i n 5% incre ments can be specif ied. a Press .
REV ISING T HE PATT ERN Embroi dery 245 5 Changing the Colors of Alphabet Character Pat terns Combined alphabe t char acter pat terns can be sewn with each let ter in a dif feren t color. If “MULTI COLOR” is se t, the machin e stops aft er each charac ter is sewn so th at the thre ad can be changed to a differ ent color.
REVISIN G THE PA TTERN 246 b Press . c Press . → The nee dle is positio ned in the lower-left c orner of the pa tte rn. Th e embr oide ry fra me moves so th at t he needle is position ed correc tly. d Press . e Press . Note • To c ancel the star ting po int se tting a nd return the s tarting p oint to the center o f the pattern, pre ss .
REV ISING T HE PATT ERN Embroi dery 247 5 f Press to turn off the threa d cu tting function and then press . g Press the “Star t/Stop” button. h After t he charact ers ar e embroi dered, cut the t.
REVISIN G THE PA TTERN 248 n Press the “Star t/Stop” button t o begin embroidering the remaining char acter patterns. Uninterrupted Embroidering (Using a Single Color) A selecte d patte rn can be s titched out in one color inste ad of multico lor.
USING THE MEMORY FUNCTION Embroi dery 249 5 USING TH E MEMORY FUNCT ION Embroidery Data Precautions Observe th e fol lowing pre cautions when us ing emb roidery d ata ot her than that created and s aved i n this machine. ■ Types of Embroi dery Da ta that can be Used • Only .
USING THE MEMO RY FUNCTION 250 ■ Computers and Ope rating Systems with the Followi ng Specif ic ations can be Used • Compa tible mode ls: IBM PC wi th a USB port a s standard e quipment IBM PC-c o.
USING THE MEMORY FUNCTION Embroi dery 251 5 Saving Embroidery Patterns in the Ma chine’s M emory You can save embroid ery pat terns t hat yo u have customized a nd will use oft en; f or exa mple, your name, patterns that have been rotat ed or had the size chang ed, pat terns t hat hav e had th e sewing position chang ed, etc.
USING THE MEMO RY FUNCTION 252 b Select t he patt ern you want to de lete. c Press . a Amount of memo ry use d by the p attern to be deleted b Amount of memo ry need ed to sav e the c urrent pattern d Press . * If you de cide not to delete the pattern, press .
USING THE MEMORY FUNCTION Embroi dery 253 5 b Insert the USB media into the primary (t op) USB port on the machine. a Primary (top) USB p ort for media b USB media c Press . * Press to return to the original screen wit hout saving. → The “Sav ing” screen is display ed.
USING THE MEMO RY FUNCTION 254 c Press when the pattern you want to save i s in th e sew ing sc reen. d Press . * Press to return to the original scree n withou t saving. → The patt ern will be tempora rily sav ed to “Remov able Disk” under “ Compute r (My comp uter)”.
USING THE MEMORY FUNCTION Embroi dery 255 5 c Press . → The sewing screen is displayed. Recalling from USB Me dia You can rec all a speci fic embroi dery pa ttern f rom either d irect U SB media or a folder in the USB media. If the pat tern is in a folder , check each folder to fi nd the embroidery patt ern.
USING THE MEMO RY FUNCTION 256 d Press the key of the p attern you want t o retrieve. * Press to retu rn to th e origi nal screen . e Press . * Press to delete the patte rn. The pa ttern will be dele ted from th e USB m edia. → The se wing screen is disp layed.
USING THE MEMORY FUNCTION Embroi dery 257 5 e Press the key of the patt ern you want to recall. * Press to return to the original screen. f Press . → The sewing screen is displayed.
EMBROIDERY APPL ICATIONS 258 EMBROIDERY APPLICATIONS Using a Frame Pat tern to Make an Appliqué (1) You can use framed patterns of the same size and shape to create an appliqué. Embr oider one pattern with a s traight stitch and one pa ttern with a satin s titch .
EMBROIDERY APPL ICATI ONS Embroi dery 259 5 d Select t he satin stit ch frame pattern o f the same shape as the appl iqué. E mbroider ove r the appliqu é and bas e fabric f rom step c to create the ap pliqué. Using a Frame Pat tern to Make an Appliqué (2) This is a second method to make appliqu é using embroidery patterns.
EMBROIDERY APPL ICATIONS 260 c Embroider the same patt ern on the appliqué fabric. d Remove the embroidery frame fr om the embroidery unit, and cut around the outside of the s titches. e Select the sat in stitch frame pat tern of the same shap e as the appliqu é.
EMBROIDERY APPL ICATI ONS Embroi dery 261 5 Sewing Split Embroidery Patt erns Split embroid ery pat terns cr eated wit h PE-DESI GN Ver.7 or later can b e sew n.
EMBROIDERY APPL ICATIONS 262 d If nece ssary, e dit t he patt ern. * For details, re fer to “RE VISING THE PATT ERN” on page 24 0. e Press the “Star t/Stop” button t o embroide r the patte rn secti on. f When embroider ing is finish ed, th e following s creen a ppears.
Cha pter 6 Embroidery E dit EXPLANAT ION OF FU NCTION S.................. 264 SELECTING P ATTERN S TO ED IT ................ .. 265 Selecting Em broidery Patterns/Br other “Exclus ives”/Greek Alphabet Pat terns/ Floral Alph abet Patterns /Utility Emb roidery Pattern s/Frame Patterns .
EXPLANATIO N OF FUNCTIO NS 264 EXPLANATION OF FUNCTIONS With the Embroi dery Edit funct ions, you can combine embroi dery patt erns and charact er patterns, change the size of pat terns, rotate p atter ns, and perform many other ed iting funct ions. Thi s machine can perform the 11 funct ions li sted below.
SELECTI NG PA TTERN S TO EDIT Embroi dery Edit 265 6 SELECTING PATTERNS TO EDIT Prepare the machine for embroide ry accordi ng to the inst ructions on page 186, and press , then to d ispl ay the s cre en b elow .
SELEC TING PA TTER NS TO ED IT 266 Selecting Embroidery Patterns/ Brother “Exc lusives”/Gr eek Alphabet Patterns/Floral Alphabet Patterns/Utility Embroidery Patterns/Frame Patterns a Select t he cate gory of the patt ern. b Press the key of the p attern you want t o edit .
SELECTI NG PA TTERN S TO EDIT Embroi dery Edit 267 6 c Press to change the layout of the pattern. * If the cha racters ar e too smal l to see , press to view a display of all entere d characte rs. d Select t he layo ut. (Exampl e: ) When select ing an arc, use and to chan ge the d egree of t he arc .
EDITING PATTERN S 268 EDITIN G PATTERNS a Shows th e size o f the entire comb ined p attern. b Shows the s ize of th e patte rn currently selecte d. c Shows the d istance from the center of the fram e. d Shows the c olor sequ ence and times of each step o f the pa ttern curren tly sele cted.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 269 6 ■ Key Functions No. Display Ke y Name Explanation Pa g e a Thread palette key Pres s this key to change the colors of the display ed patter n. 277 b Rotate ke y Press this key to rotate the patter n. Y ou ca n rotate a patter n one degree, ten degrees or ninety degrees at a time.
EDITING PATTERN S 270 Moving the Pattern For d eta ils on mov ing the patte rn, refe r to “Mov in g the Pa ttern” o n page 2 40. Rotating the Pa ttern For detai ls on rota ting the patte rn, refe r to “Rotating the Pattern” on page 242.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 271 6 e When the following mess age appear s, press . → The pattern will be re turned to its origin al size, angle, a nd position as it w as before i t was edited. f Select how to change the pat tern size. * Press to enl arge t he pattern pr oportion ately.
EDITING PATTERN S 272 Deleting the Pattern Pres s to del ete th e patte rn from th e scre en. Displaying Patt erns in th e Screen Magnified by 200% a Press . → change s to , and the patte rn is magnifie d by 200 %. b Check th e displaye d patt ern. → Use to scroll through the display in any d irection.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 273 6 Changing the Configuration of Alphabet Char acter Patte rns a Press . b Press the key of the layou t you want to embroider. * See page 267 for mo re info rmation a bout layo ut types. → The displa y will show the selected l ayout.
EDITING PATTERN S 274 b Use to c hange th e spaci ng. * Press to increa se the characte r spacing. * Press to decre ase the c haracter spacing . * Press to return th e pat tern to its original appe aranc e. c Pre ss to r etur n t o the or igina l scr een .
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 275 6 Separating Combined Chara cter Patt erns Combined charac ter patter ns can be separat ed to adjust t he char acter spa cin g or to separat ely e dit the patterns after all char acter s have been entered. a Press .
EDITING PATTERN S 276 d Use to select a patt ern, and then us e to adjust the character spacing. e Press . Changing the Color of Each Alphabet Character in a Pattern a Press so you can assign a thread color to each character . b Change the t hread t o sew each charact er in a different color .
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 277 6 Embroidering Linked Characters You can embroider linked char acters exampled below, in a single row when the pattern extends beyond th e embroider y frame . For detai ls on embr oideri ng linked charact ers, refer t o “Emb roiderin g L inked Cha racters” on page 245.
EDITING PATTERN S 278 d Press . → The d isplay sh ows the cha nged colors. Creating a Custom Thread Table You can create a custom thr ead table contai ning the thread col ors tha t you most often us e. You can select thr ead colors from the machine’s ext ensive list o f thr ead colors from nine di fferent thre ad brands.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 279 6 c Use to select one of the thread brands in the machine. d U s e to enter a colo r’s 4-digit number. * If you ma ke a mistak e, pre ss to erase the entered n umber, a nd the n enter th e correct numbe r. a Thread brand e Press .
EDITING PATTERN S 280 g Pre ss to re tu rn to th e or igina l sc reen . ■ Adding a Color to the Custom Thread Table fr om the List a Repeat the pre vious s teps a th rough c on page 278. b Press to di splay the thread l ist. c Use to select a thread col or.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 281 6 c Insert the USB media into the primary (t op) USB port on the machine. a Primary (top) USB p ort for media b USB media d Press . → The “Sav ing” screen is display ed. When the data is saved, the d isplay retu rns to the original screen automati cally.
EDITING PATTERN S 282 c Press . → The “S aving” scre en is di splayed. Wh en the data is loaded t o the mac hine, the displa y retur ns to the original sc reen aut omatically.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 283 6 c Press . a Custom thread ch ange k ey → The cus tom threa d tab le wil l appear. d Press to c hoose a new color f rom the cust om thre ad table. * Use and to scroll through the custom thread ta ble. * Press to retu rn to the o riginal color.
EDITING PATTERN S 284 c Select th e number of c olors you want to use and then selec t the desired effec t. a Number of c olors to be u sed in th e pattern b Effects fo r sche mes d Press the desir ed color scheme fro m samples. * Press to display the new schemes.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 285 6 e Press to sel ect the displ ayed color scheme. * Press to return to t he pre vious screen. * You can c ontinu e selecti ng co lor scheme s from the selected page prior to pre ssing . * Press or to display the o ther color schemes.
EDITING PATTERN S 286 c Select the dir ection in which the patt ern will be rep eat ed. a Ver tical dir ectio n b Horizon tal direc tion c Repeati ng and deleting vertic al ke ys d Repeati ng and de leting horizo ntal k eys e Spac ing ke ys → The pattern dire ction indi cator wil l change dependi ng on t he dire ction s elected.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 287 6 g Press to finis h repeati ng. ■ Repeating One Element of a Repeated Pattern By using the Cut func tion, you can selec t one element of a repe ated p attern and rep eat only that single el ement. Th is func tion allows you to design comple x repeated patte rns.
EDITING PATTERN S 288 b Use and to select the cut line. → The cut line will m ove. c Press . → The repe ated pat tern w ill be div ided into se parat e elem ents.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 289 6 f Repeat the select ed element. g Press to finis h repeati ng. ■ Color Sorti ng Repeated Patterns Press to autom atically change the sewing order o f colors in combine d borde r embroide ry patterns so that th e same color can be contin uously sewn.
EDITING PATTERN S 290 ■ Assigning Thread Mar ks By sewing thread ma rks, you can easily a lign patterns when se wing a series. Wh en sew ing is finish ed on a p attern, a t hread m ark in th e shap e o f an arrow will be s ewn usin g the final t hread.
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 291 6 Embroidering the Pattern Repeatedly After cr eating t he repe ated pa ttern , rehoop t he embroidery frame and k eep sewi ng for t he next pattern. a Create the repeate d patte rn with the thread mark at the center of the end of the pa ttern.
EDITING PATTERN S 292 f Attach the embroider y frame to the machine, and the n touch . g Touch to set the start ing point to the left si de of t he patt ern. h Touch . i Press the “Press er Foot Lifter” butto n to lower the presser foot. j Press .
EDITING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 293 6 m If the pattern posi tion cannot be aligned using the positi oning keys, reho op the fab ric, an d the n try ag ain to alig n th e position wi th th e positi oning ke ys. n Pre ss t o r etur n to the pre vio us screen.
EDITING PATTERN S 294 After Editing a Press . * To comb ine the pa ttern with othe r patterns, se lect (see page 295 ). * See page 218 for more informa tion abou t sewin g patterns. Memo • If you w ant to r eturn to t he edi t screen aft er pressing , press .
COMBINING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 295 6 COMBINING PAT TERNS Editing Combined P atterns Example: Combining alph abet characters with an emb roidery pattern and editing a Press to sel ect an embroide ry pattern. b Use to view 2/7, then select . c Press .
COMBINING PATTERN S 296 d Press . e Press to enter the alphabet characters . * Press to re turn to the previous sc reen. f Select and enter “Sprin g”. * After selecting , press to change th e charact er case, then ente r the rema ining cha racters.
COMBINING PAT TERNS Embroi dery Edit 297 6 i Press to change the layout of the characte rs. Press . * See pag e 273 for more i nforma tion a bout chan ging the layo ut. j Press to change the color of the characte rs. * See pag e 277 for more i nforma tion a bout chan ging the co lor .
COMBINING PATTERN S 298 Sewing Combined Patterns Combined pa ttern s will be embr oidere d in t he order th ey were entere d. In this example, the embroidery orde r will be as follows : → a Embroider by following t he color order on t he rig ht si de of t he disp lay.
VARIOUS EMBROID ERING FU NCTION S Embroi dery Edit 299 6 VARIOUS EMBROIDERIN G FUNCTIONS Uninterrupted Embroidering (Using a Single Color) A selected pattern c an be st itched out in one col or inst ead of mu ltic olor. The mac hi ne w ill hesit ate but not s top betw een color steps, and th en continue t ill t he patt ern is completed.
VARIOU S EMBROIDERI NG FUNCTI ONS 300 c Press to return to the pre vious screen. d Press . e Pre ss t o sel ect the ba sting se tting . → Basting is a dded t o the beg inning of the sewin g order. f Press the “Star t/Stop” button t o begin embroidering.
VARIOUS EMBROID ERING FU NCTION S Embroi dery Edit 301 6 a Select t he patt ern, and edit i t if ne cessary . b Press , and then display 7/8 of the sett ing s scr een. c Use and to specify the distance between the patter n and t he appliqué outline. d Press to return to the pre vious screen.
VARIOU S EMBROIDERI NG FUNCTI ONS 302 f Pre ss t o se lect th e a ppl iqué se ttin g. → The st eps for cr eati ng the ap pliq ué piec e ar e added to the sew ing orde r. g Fuse or s tick a piece of stabi lizer t o the back of the felt or denim fabri c to be used as the appliqué pie ce.
VARIOUS EMBROID ERING FU NCTION S Embroi dery Edit 303 6 h Hoop the appl iqué fabr ic in the embroidery frame, attach the embroidery frame to the machine, and the n start embroider ing. i After t he patter n is embro idered, threa d the mac hi ne wit h the th re ad fo r the cutt ing line , and then se w the cuttin g line (APPLIQUE MATERIAL).
VARIOU S EMBROIDERI NG FUNCTI ONS 304 n With the machine t hreaded us ing the t hread for the outlin e from step l , s ew the outline (APPLIQUE). a Outline of appl iqué pie ce o After embr oidering is fi nished, r emove the stabili zer material from the embroidery frame.
VARIOUS EMBROID ERING FU NCTION S Embroi dery Edit 305 6 c Edit the frame pattern to fit the size of the appliqué patte rn. d Press and then press . e Press to select the appliqué piec e sett ing . f Press . g Use to select the frame patter n, and then press and .
USING THE MEMO RY FUNCTION 306 USING TH E MEMORY FUNCT ION In the same way as embroi dery pattern s in Chapter 5, you can save and retrieve edited embroi dery patt ern s to and fr om th e mac hine ’s m emo ry, a pe rson al com pute r, or U SB me dia.
Cha pter 7 How to Create Bobbin Work ABOU T BOBBIN WORK ..... .............. ......... ......... .......... ......... ........... 308 PREPARING FOR BOBBIN WORK .................. .............. ......... ........... 309 Required Mat erials .... ......
ABOUT BOBBIN WORK 308 ABOUT BOBBIN WORK Beautiful embroid ery work , with a three- dimensio nal appe arance, can be cr eated b y winding t he bobbin with heavy we ight thread or ribbon, wh ich is too thi ck to be threade d through t he machine’ s needle.
How to Cr eate Bobbin Work 7 PREPARING FO R BOBBIN WORK 309 PREPARING FOR B OBBIN WO RK Required Materials ■ Bobbin case and bobbin cover a Bobbin case (gray) There i s a notch at the location indic ated by th e letter “A” .
PREPARING FOR BOBBIN WORK 310 Upper Threading a Install a needl e appropriate for the upper thread and fabric to be use d. For detai ls on insta lling the needle, refer to “CHANGING THE NEE DLE” o n page 67.
How to Cr eate Bobbin Work 7 PREPARING FO R BOBBIN WORK 311 a S mark b z mark c Bobbin case h Wind a dec orative t hread a round th e bobbin by hand. After winding t he bobbin so it i s fil led as s hown below (about 80%), cut the thre ad.
PREPARING FOR BOBBIN WORK 312 ■ When tension is ap plied to t he bob- bin thread Insert bobbin into bobbin case so the th read unwinds from the left side.
How to Cr eate Bobbin Work 7 PREPARING FO R BOBBIN WORK 313 m Gently p ull t he upper t hread to bring the bobbin threa d up th rough th e needl e plate. → A loop of th e bobb in thre ad come s out thro ugh the hole in the nee dle pl ate. n Insert tweez ers thr ough bobbin th read loop and pull bobbin thread abov e the needle plate.
CREATING BOBBIN WORK (SEW ING) 314 CREATING BOBBIN WORK (SEWING) Positioning the Fabric and Sewing a Turn on the machine. b Select a stit ch in the Utilit y and Decorativ e Stitches mo de. For this example, pres s . c Adjust the upper thr ead tensio n.
How to Cr eate Bobbin Work 7 CREATING BOBBIN WORK (SEW ING) 315 h Use the presse r foot lever to r aise th e presser foo t. i With the wrong side facing up, place the fabric under the pres ser foot. a Wrong sid e of fab ric j Turn the han dwheel toward you (counter clockwis e) to feed the needl e into the fabric or punched hole .
CREATING BOBBIN WORK (SEW ING) 316 p Select a low spe ed, gentl y hold the threa ds behind the presser foot and start sewing. Threads can be releas ed after seve ral stitches have b een made. q When you hav e reache d the end of the stitchin g area, stop the machine .
How to Cr eate Bobbin Work 7 CREATING BOBBIN WORK (SEW ING) 317 Bobbin Work Free M otion Sewing If so d esired , use a templ ate or draw your desig n on the stabili zer to allow for eas e of stitchi ng.
CREATING BOBBIN WORK (EMBROIDE RY) 318 CREATING BOBBIN WORK (EMBROI DERY) Selec ting the Pa ttern a Attach the embroider y foot “W2” or “W” and the embroidery unit . b Install a bobbi n wound with an adequate amount of thread for patte rn. c Pull up the bobbin threa d above the needle plate.
How to Cr eate Bobbin Work 7 CREATING BOBBIN WORK (E MBROIDERY) 319 i Press . → The sewing screen is displayed. j Press , and then adjust the tension of the upper thread. For d etails on adjusting the tens ion of th e upper thread, refer to “Adju sting Thr ead Tensio n” on page 233 .
CREATING BOBBIN WORK (EMBROIDE RY) 320 Start Embroidering a Hoo p th e f abri c s o t he ri gh t si de of th e fab ric is f aci ng dow n wi th the stabil ize r lying on the top. Use an embroi dery frame that fits the size of the pattern and the n attach the frame to the machine.
How to Cr eate Bobbin Work 7 CREATING BOBBIN WORK (E MBROIDERY) 321 h Press to unlock a ll keys and buttons. i Lower the presser foot . j While holding both the upper thread and the bobbin thread, sew a sec tion o f the pattern. k Stop the machine, and then tie the upper thread and the bobbin thr ead together to secure the thread s.
ADJU STIN G TH E T HREA D TEN SIO N 322 ADJUSTI NG THE THRE AD TENSI ON After sewing trial stit ches and chec king the sewin g results, a djust the thr ead tension s if necessa ry. After adju sting the tensions , be sur e to sew tr ial stitc hes aga in in o rder to ch eck the se wing r esults.
How to Cr eate Bobbin Work 7 TROUB LESHOOT ING 323 TROUBLESHOOT ING Several s olution s for mino r problems are desc ribed b elow. If t he probl em persist s, cont act your n earest autho rized Brothe r dealer .
Cha pter 8 MY CUSTOM STITCH DESIGNING A STITCH ........ ......... ......... .............. .......... ......... ......... .. 326 ENTERING STITCH DATA ............ ......... .............. .......... ......... ......... .. 328 ■ Key Functio ns ......
DESIGNI NG A STITCH 326 DESIGNING A ST ITCH By using the MY CUSTOM STITCH function, you can regis ter stitches you hav e crea ted your self. You can also sew designs combi ning MY CUSTOM STITCH creations with bui lt-in character s (see page 170). a Draw the stitch desi gn on the grid shee t (part code SA507, GS 3:X81277-15 1).
DESIGNI NG A STI TCH 327 MY CUSTOM ST ITCH 8 Examples of Custom Stit ches S t i t c h 123456789 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 0 1 2 1 8 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 7 1 4 1 2 963136 0036 1 0 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 .
ENTERING ST ITCH DATA 328 ENTERI NG STI TCH D ATA ■ Key Functions a This area displ ays the stitch being create d. b Displa ys the nu mber o f the p resent set po int over th e total number of points in th e stitch. c Displa ys the y -coordi nate o f over the x-c oordi nate of .
ENTERING S TITCH DAT A 329 MY CUSTOM ST ITCH 8 a Press and then . b Press . c Use to move to the coordinates of the fir st poi nt on th e grid sheet . * Press to c hange the directi on of the g rid sheet. * Press to enla rge the i mage of the stitch being creat ed.
ENTERING ST ITCH DATA 330 e Select whether one st itch or three st itches will be sewn between the first two points. * To sew three stit ches , press the key s o that it appe ars as .
ENTERING S TITCH DAT A 331 MY CUSTOM ST ITCH 8 ■ Movi ng a Point a Press or to move to the point that you want to move. * To move to the first point, press . * To move to the last point , press . b Use to move the point. * You can a lso move by using the to uch pen.
ENTERING ST ITCH DATA 332 c Press or to move the section. d Press . → The se ction wil l be m oved. ■ Inse rting Ne w Poin ts a Press or to move to a place on the desig n where y ou want to add a ne w point. * To move to the first po int, pres s .
ENTERING S TITCH DAT A 333 MY CUSTOM ST ITCH 8 c Use to move the point. * You can a lso move by using the to uch pen..
USING STO RED CU STOM STITCH ES 334 USING STORED CUSTOM S TITCH ES Storing Custom Stit ches in Your List Stitch patt erns creat ed using the MY CUSTOM STIT CH func tion c an be s tored fo r late r us e. Onc e you finish ente ring the sti tch data, press .
USING ST ORED CU STOM STIT CHES 335 MY CUSTOM ST ITCH 8 Retrieving Stored Stitches a Press . → A list of stored stitch patterns is displayed . b Select t he stitc h patt ern. * Press to return to the pre vious screen without re trieving. c Press . * To delete the stored stitch p attern, pre ss .
Cha pter 9 Appendix CARE AND MAIN TENANCE ............ ........... .. 338 Restricti ons on o iling . ........... ............... ........... .......... ...... 338 Precauti ons on s toring the m achine ........... .......... .......... . 338 Cleanin g the LCD S creen .
CARE AND MAI NTENANC E 338 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Restrictions on oiling In orde r to prevent damaging thi s machine, it must not be oi led by the us er. This machine was manufactured with the necess ary amount of oil applied t o ensur e correct opera tion, making periodic oil ing unnecessar y.
CARE AND MAI NTENANC E 339 Appendix 9 a Press the “Needle Posi tion” button to ra ise the needle. b Turn the mai n power t o OFF. c Remove the needle and th e presser foot holder (see p ages 66 through 67). d Remove the flat bed attac hment or the embroidery unit if eith er is atta ched.
CARE AND MAI NTENANC E 340 * Make sure th at the indicate d point s are align ed before in stalling the bo bbin cas e. i Insert the tab s on the needle plat e cover into the ne edle plat e, and then slid e the cover back on. Cleaning the Cutter in the Bobbin Case Area The cutter belo w the ne edle plat e shoul d be cleaned.
CARE AND MAI NTENANC E 341 Appendix 9 d Use the screwdriver included with t he machine t o screw and attac h the needle plate. e Insert t he tabs on th e needle p late cover into the ne edle plat e, and then slid e the cover back on.
ADJUST ING THE SC REEN 342 ADJUSTING THE SCREEN Adjusting the Brightness of the Screen Dis play If the scree n is not looks ver y clear under certai n situati on, you can adjust the br ightnes s of the screen display. a Press . → The Sewin g settings scree n appears.
TROUB LESHOOT ING 343 Appendix 9 TROUBLESHOOT ING If the machi ne stops o peratin g correctl y, check the followi ng possible p roblems be fore request ing ser vice. You can solv e most problems by y ourself. If you need a dditional he lp, the Brother Solut ions Cent er offers the latest FAQs and troubleshooti ng tips.
TROU BLESH OOTI NG 344 d While holdin g the bobbin in p lace wi th your finger, pass the t hread through t he slit in the ne edle pl ate. * Hold down the bobbin with your right hand, and then pull the end o f the t hread around the tab w ith your left hand.
TROUB LESHOOT ING 345 Appendix 9 d Raise the pre sser foot using th e presser foot lever. * If the presse r foot is n ot raised, t he sewing m achine canno t be thread ed co rrectl y.
TROU BLESH OOTI NG 346 Incorr e ct thr ea d tens ion ■ Symptoms • Sympto m 1: The lo wer threa d is visibl e from th e upper sid e of th e fabric. • Sympto m 2: The u pper thre ad appe ars as a straight line on th e upper sid e of th e fabric. • Sympto m 3: The u pper thre ad is vis ible from the lower side of th e fabric.
TROUB LESHOOT ING 347 Appendix 9 F abric is caught in th e machine and cannot be remo v e d If the fa bric is caught i n the sewin g machine and cannot be removed , the t hread m ay have be come tangled und er the needle plat e. Follow the procedure de scribe d below to remov e the fa bric from the machin e.
TROU BLESH OOTI NG 348 k Slightly lift u p the needle plate, cu t any tangled threads, and t hen remove the needle plate. Remove the fabric and thre ads from the needle plate . If the f abric canno t be rem oved, e ven after co mple ting these steps, conta ct your de aler o r neares t authoriz ed servi ce cent er.
TROUB LESHOOT ING 349 Appendix 9 q Insert t he tabs on th e needle p late cover into the ne edle plat e, and then slid e the cover back on. r Check the c ondition of t he needle , and the n install i t. If the ne edle is in a poor co ndition, for e xample, if it is bent, be su re to install a new needle.
TROU BLESH OOTI NG 350 List of Symptoms If you have a minor proble m with your sewing machi ne, check the fo llowing sol utions. If the solutions suggested do not cor rect the problem, contact your authori zed dealer. Pres s → → for advi ce about min or sewing p roblems during sewing.
TROUB LESHOOT ING 351 Appendix 9 Bobbin thread does not wind neatly on the bobbin. The thread is not pa ssed through t he bobbin winding thread guide c orrectly . Correctly pass t he thread through t he bobbin winding thread guide. 49 Bobbin spins slowly .
TROU BLESH OOTI NG 352 F abric puck ers There is a mistake in t he upper or bobbin threading. Check the steps f or thr eading the machine and rethread it correctly . 54, 57 Using improper needle or thread f or the selected fabric. Check the “F abr ic/Thread/Needle Combination” char t.
TROUB LESHOOT ING 353 Appendix 9 Loops appear on the surface of the f abric when embroidering The thread tension is incorrectly set. Adjust the thread tension. 233 - 235 The tension of the upper thread is incorrectly set f or the combination of t he fabric, thread and pattern being used.
ERROR MESSAGES 354 ERROR MESSAGES If the ma chine is not pr operly s et and the “St art/S top” button or the “Rever se/Reinf orcement St itch” button is pres sed, or i f t he opera tion proced ure is incorre ct, t he machin e does not star t. An alarm sounds and an error message is displayed on the LCD.
ERROR MESSAGE S 355 Appendix 9 This message appears when there are not enough colors in the custom thread table, to display the color schem e you have selected to display . In thi s cas e, se t mo re co lo rs in the custom thread table (See page 278), or select less colors in the color shuffling function.
ERROR MESSAGES 356 This message is displayed when the “ Reverse/ Reinforcement Stitch” button is pushed while the embroidery unit is attached. This message is displayed when the foot controller is pressed while th e embroidery unit is attache d and mach ine is set u p for embroidering.
ERROR MESSAGE S 357 Appendix 9 This message is displayed when the machine is in embroidery edit mode, and you try to use an editing function when the patte rn is not completely within the red outline. This message is displayed when you try to save a copyright protected pattern to USB media/Computer.
ERROR MESSAGES 358 This message is displayed when the m achine failed to recognize the embroidery positioning mark . - Confirm t hat the embroidery positioning mark is in the selected area. If problem persists, see page 215 to reposition mark. - Machine failed t o recognize printed positioning mark.
ERROR MESSAGE S 359 Appendix 9 This message is displayed when the machine is retrieving a previously sav ed pattern while in embroidery edit mode. This message is displayed when, after selecting a patter n, , , or is pressed and the pattern is about to be deleted.
ERROR MESSAGES 360 This message is displayed when you attempt to select a pattern after t he USB media in which the pattern is saved has been changed. This message is displayed when an error occurs with the USB med ia. This message is displayed while the USB media is transmitting.
ERROR MESSAGE S 361 Appendix 9 ■ Alarm Sounds If the operat ion w as perf ormed incorr ectly , an ala rm sounds to indic ate that an error occ urred. If th e operatio n was pe rforme d corre ctly, the machine beeps to c onfirm th e oper ation. This message appears if the file format is incompatible with t his machi ne.
SPECIFIC ATIONS 362 SPECIFI CATIONS * Please be aware tha t some specifica tions ma y chan ge witho ut notic e. Item Specification Sewing Machine (Box 1 of 3) Dimensions of ma chine Approx. 61.5 cm (W ) × 33.2 cm (H) × 27.0 cm (D) (approx. 24-7/32 inches (W) × 1 3-5/64 inches (H) × 10-5/8 inches (D)) Dimensions of box App rox.
UPGRADING YO UR MACHINE’S SOFTWARE 363 Appendix 9 UPGRAD ING YOU R MACHIN E’S SOFTW ARE You can use USB media or a computer to upgrade software fo r your sewing machi ne. When an upgrade progra m is availab le on “ http://s oluti ons.broth ”, plea se download the fi les following the instruc tions on the websit e and steps below.
UPGRADING YO UR MACHINE’S S OFTWARE 364 Upgrade Procedure Using Computer a While pr essing th e “Automat ic Thr eading” but ton, tu rn th e main pow er to O N. → The follow ing scre en will a ppear on the LCD . b Press . c Plug the USB cable connecto r int o the corresponding USB ports for the compu ter and for the machine.
STITCH SE TTING C HART 365 STITCH SETTING CHART The followi ng chart shows info rmation for ea ch utili ty stit ch concer ning applic ations , stitc h lengt hs, sti tch widths, a nd whether or not the t win needl e mode c an be us ed. Note • Quilting fo ot “C” i s used wh en the s traight st itch ne edle plate is attac hed to the machi ne.
STITCH SE TTING C HART 366 2 steps elastic zigzag Overcasting (medium weight and stretch fabrics), tape and elastic 5.0 (3/16) 1.5 - 7.0 (1/16 - 1/4) 1.0 (1/16) 0.2 - 4.0 (1/64 - 1/16) OK ( J ) 3 steps elastic zigzag Overcasting (medium, heavyweight and st retch fabrics), tape and elastic 5.
STITCH SE TTING C HART 367 Piecing stitch (Left) Piecework/patchwork 6.5 mm (approx. 1/4 inch) left seam allowance 1.5 (1/16) 0.0 - 7.0 (0 - 1/4) 2.0 (1/16) 0.2 - 5.0 (1/64 - 3/16) NO Hand-loo k quilt in g Quilting stitch made to look lik e hand quilting stitch 0.
STITCH SE TTING C HART 368 Ladde r stit ch Decorative stitching 4.0 (3/16) 0.0 - 7.0 (0 - 1/4) 3.0 (1/8) 2.0 - 4.0 (1/16 - 3/16) NO Rick-rac k stitch Decorative top sti tching 4.0 (3/16) 0.0 - 7.0 (0 - 1/4) 2.5 (3/32) 1.0 - 4.0 (1/16 - 3/16) OK ( J ) Decorative stitch Decorative stitching 1.
STITCH SE TTING C HART 369 Honeycomb stitch Heirloom, decorative hems 5.0 (3/64) 1.5 - 7.0 (1/16 - 1/4) 2.5 (3/32) 1.5 - 4.0 (1/16 - 3/16) OK ( J ) Honeycomb stitch Heirloom, decorative hems 6.0 (15/64) 1.5 - 7.0 (1/16 - 1/4) 3.5 (1/8) 1.5 - 4.0 (1/16 - 3/16) OK ( J ) Hemstitching Heirloom, decorative hems 6.
STITCH SE TTING C HART 370 Round ended but tonhol e Buttonholes with b ar tack 5.0 (3/16) 3.0 - 5.0 (1/8 - 3/16) 0.4 (1/64) 0.2 - 1.0 (1/64 - 1/16) NO Round doub le ended but tonhol e Buttonholes for fine, medium to heavyweight fabrics 5.0 (3/16) 3.0 - 5.
STITCH SE TTING C HART 371 Button sewing Attaching buttons 3.5 (1/8) 2.5 - 4.5 (3/32 - 3/16) — —N O Eyelet F or making ey elets, holes on belts, etc. 7.0 (1/4) 7.0 6.0 5.0 (1/4 15/64 3/16) 7.0 (1/4) 7.0 6.0 5.0 (1/4 15/64 3/16) NO Sta r eye le t For making star-shaped ey elets on holes.
STITCH SE TTING C HART 372 Hand-look quilt in g Quilting stitch made to look l ike hand quilting stitch 3. 50 0.00 - 7.00 (0 - 1/4) 2.5 (3/32) 1.0 - 4.0 (1/16 - 3/16) NO Basting stitch B asting 3.50 0.00 - 7.00 (0 - 1/4) 20 (3/4) 5 - 30 (3/16 - 1-3/ 16) NO Stem stitch Reinforced stitching, se wing and decorative applications 1.
STITCH SE TTING C HART 373 P atchw ork doubl e o verlo c k stitch P atchwork stitches, decorative stit chi ng 5.00 (3/16) 2.50 - 7.00 (3/32 - 1/4) 2.5 (3/32) 1.0 - 4.0 (1/16 - 3/16) NO Smocking stitch S mocking, decorative stitching 5.00 (3/16) 0.00 - 7.
INDEX 374 INDEX A Accessories included acce ssories ..... .... .... ..... .... ...... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... ..... ..... 16 options ... ...... .... ..... .... ...... .... .... ..... .... ...... .... ..... .... ...... .... .... ..... ... 20 Accessory c ase .
INDEX 375 editin g ... .... ..... .... ...... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... .... ..... ...... . 268 lin ked ch ar act ers .. .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... .... ....... .... . 245 pattern selection screens .
INDEX 376 Retri eving character/dec orative st itch patterns ...... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... ..... ... 180 computer ..... .... ....... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... ...... ..... .... .... .... . 182 , 256 embroidery patte rns ...... ..
XF6298-001 English 882-W07 Printed in T aiwan Please visit us at .com where you can get product support and answers to frequently asked questions (F AQs).
デバイスBrother 882-W07の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother 882-W07をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother 882-W07の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother 882-W07の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother 882-W07で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother 882-W07を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother 882-W07の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother 882-W07に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother 882-W07デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。