ADICメーカー6-00028-01 Rev Aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Mana ging the AMASS ® File System AMASS V er sion 5.3 A ugust 2002 6-00028-01 Re v A.
Trad emark Notice ADIC, AMASS, CentraVision, DAS, DataMgr, FileServ, and VolServ are either trademarks or re gistered trademarks of A D IC, Advanced Digital Information Corporation. All other product names and identifications are tr ademarks or registere d trademarks of their respective owners.
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P Preface.
Managing th e AMASS File System P-2 Pr eface 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Preface P-3 Purpose of This Book This book describes the manageme nt tasks, commands, util ities, and troubleshooting tools used to operate AMASS and manage the AMASS file system.
Managing th e AMASS File System P-4 Pr eface 6-00028-0 1 Rev A • Reading of fline media • Adding space to v olume groups • Acti v ating and inactiv ating the file system Chapter 3: C ommand Refe.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Preface P-5 Con ventions The con v entions used throughout the AMASS technical books are listed below: Con vention Example The word “li brar y” usuall y incl udes “jukebox” and “stand alone dri v e” and is a gener ic wa y to ref erenc e a storage device.
Managing th e AMASS File System P-6 Pr eface 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Books The CD contains the AMASS books formatted as PDF documents. The books described belo w are part of the technical documentation set: Contact Publ ications T o make corrections or to comment on AMASS publicati ons, please contact T e chnical Public ations at techdocs@adic.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Preface P-7 Related Publ ications The publications described in the following table are created and distribut ed on an as-needed basis: Secured We.
Managing th e AMASS File System P-8 Pr eface 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents ix Contents Preface Purpose of This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P-3 Who Should Read This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices xC o n t e n t s 6-0 0025-01 R ev A Operati onal Ta sks 2 Database and Journal Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Automatic Backups Via Cron Job . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents xi Add Space to Volume Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29 Add Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices xii Co ntents 6-0002 5-01 Rev A amassstat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24 Shutdown Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents xiii Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 Outlet Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices xiv Co ntents 6-0002 5-01 Rev A fileonmedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-79 Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents xv Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-107 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices xvi Cont ents 6-00025-01 Rev A Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-135 Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents xvii Configure Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-164 volgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices xviii C ontent s 6-00025-01 R ev A voloutlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-194 Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents xix Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 amass_snap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices xx Contents 6-0002 5-01 Re v A Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents xxi dbcheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -55 When to Use Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices xxii Conte nts 6-00025-01 Rev A Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-74 Output Fields Defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices 6-0002 5-01 Rev A Contents xxiii Messages Generated by AMASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30 Operator Interactive Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Storage Devices xxiv Conte nts 6-00025-01 Rev A Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-6 setcbwght . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Initial Setup Ta s k s.
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-2 Initial Setup T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-3 Prepare Media to be the Ba c kup V olume Running the installation script created a Backup V olume entry in the AMASS File System Data base. T o prepare media to be the specified Backup V olume, perform the steps in the follo wing table.
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-4 Initial Setup T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A 2 Ph ysical ly designa te the m edia as the B ackup V olume i n some out ward wa y . See the f ollowin g e xamples: • Wr ite the words “ Backup V olum e” on the media. • Color c ode the me dia so it can be identifi ed as a Ba ck up Vo l u m e .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-5 F or networ k-attache d libraries : bulkinlet Create an entr y in the AMAS S File Sys tem Databas e. Loads volume through mailbox. AMASS : • G iv es media a uni que v olume numb er .
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-6 Initial Setup T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step Command Description Now, the V olume Label field displ ays the p repri nted num be r ( 112102 ).
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-7 5 volformat NO TE: N ot applic able f o r CDs . F or mat the Backup V olume. If you are usin g a sta ndalone dri v e, you must form at the volume from the sysop interface.
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-8 Initial Setup T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Create File System Organization The follo wing tasks are presented as guidelines only since the actual setup required for your specific site is u nique. Step 1. Decide how you want to or ganize the AMASS f ile system.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-9 Create Entries in Database for Y our Media Make AMASS aw are of your media by creating an entry for each volum e in the AMASS File System Database by performing the s teps in the fol lowing table.
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-10 Init ial Set up T as ks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A F or example: volinlet 33 NO TE: Not applic able f o r v olumes destined f o r librar ies without a mailbox. vgimport Impor t m etadata fil e for v olume that alre ady has d ata on it.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-11 2B F or networ k-attache d libraries : bulkinlet F or example: bulkinlet 4 Create an entr y in the AMA SS File System Database for each vo l um e. If desir ed, assign a volume to a v olume gro up (4).
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-12 Init ial Set up T as ks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A 2C bulkload F or example: bulkload -s Y ou ha ve just insta lle d AMASS and must create many ent ries i n the AM ASS File System Database a nd mar k them ONLI NE. The -s opti on synchron iz es both the AM ASS File System Database a nd the librar y’ s int erface.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-13 V olu me Gr oups Defin ed A volum e group is a method for partitioning the volum es in AMASS.
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-14 Init ial Set up T as ks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A The follo wing figure ill ustrates these volume groups. Unif orm Media in Numeric and Cleanin g Gr ou ps Both numeric vol ume groups and the cleaning group must contain a homogeneous type of media.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-15 Like wise, the cleaning group must contain volumes with uniform, dri ve-specif ic a ttrib utes. For cleaning volume groups, see “Create a Cleaning V olume Gr oup” on page 1-20.
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-16 Init ial Set up T as ks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A By allocating project f iles from a subdirectory to specif ic volum es, the data generated by the project can easily be added and remov ed from the library without af f ecting data generated by other projects.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-17 • The projects directory , is the root directory for v olume group 0. - If new fi les or new direct ories are added unde r archive , they belong to v olume group 0, unless you assign them to a specif ic vo lume group.
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-18 Init ial Set up T as ks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Instead, AMASS generates an out-of-space message, and you must assign more v olumes to the v olume group. • If ne w directories are a dded under amass_nt or production directories, they belong t o those directories’ volum e groups, either volume group 33 or 6.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-19 Assign Directory to a V olum e Gr ou p T o assign an existing directory to a v o lume group and enable the volum e group to use the space pool if it runs out of space, perform the steps in t he follo wing table.
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-20 Init ial Set up T as ks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Create a Cleaning V olume Gr oup T o create a volume group used solely for cleaning cartridges, use the procedure in the following table. Currently the CL v olume group can contain only one type of cleaning cartridge.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Init ial Se tup Ta sks 1-21 3 volclattr Define dr ive-specifi c attri b utes to the clean ing volume (23). F or e xample: volclattr -t 6 23 4 vollist -g CL View attr ibutes for the clean ing group .
Managing th e AMASS File System 1-22 Init ial Set up T as ks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
2 Operational Ta s k s.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-2 Ope rational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operationa l Tasks 2-3 Database and Jo urnal Bac kups File Sy stem Dat abase —The File System Database contains tables of attrib utes—or metada ta—representing the directory structure and media mounted under the AMASS file system.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-4 Ope rational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A The Journal tells AMASS what transactions—what entries—hav e acted upon a f i le stored on a v olume in a library . It is a daily diary of logged e vents. Both the Database and Journal can be backed up automatically and manually .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operationa l Tasks 2-5 The “full backup” (backs up the D atabase and Journal) and “partial backups” (backs up just the Journal) will allo .
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-6 Ope rational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A 0 3 1 * * /usr/amass/bin/amassbackup -fv 0 3 2-31 * * /usr/amass/bin/amassbackup -v minute hour day of m onth mont h day of we.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operationa l Tasks 2-7 Manual Bac kup Manually back up the Database and Journal under the follo w ing conditions prior to: • updating your opera.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-8 Ope rational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A 4 amassbackup -u As appr opriate, per f or m either a: • Full (- f) backup with the v erbos e (-v) opti on. • P ar tial ba ck up with the v erbose o ption. 5 Check the syste m log for a “Backup was successf ul” message.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operationa l Tasks 2-9 Replace a Full Backup V olu me AMASS issues a w arning message when the Backup V olume is almost ful l. If you receiv e a “95% full” mes sage befor e a backup starts, initialize a ne w Backup V olume and perform a full bac kup as described in the follo wing table.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-10 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Restore AMASS Database T o restore the AMASS File System Database and journal if the original f iles on the UNIX server becomes lost or corrupt, use the procedure in the following table.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-11 Restore wi th Earlier AMASS V ersion T o recove r data on a Backup V olume containing a backup from an earlier version of AMASS, make sure the current MAXIOSIZE parameter on AMASS is conf igured to the same v a lue as when the Backup V olume was made.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-12 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Reinitia lize Database T o empty the exi sting AMASS File System Database and reinitialize it, use the procedure in t he follo wing table. Caution All fil e and dir ector y entr ies as well as li brary , dri v e, and media informati on are deleted.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-13 4 # cd # /usr/amass/utils/initamass Change direc tor y and reini tiali z e the Fi le Syste m Da tabase . CA UTION : All file and directo ry entries as well as li brary , drive, and me dia inform ation are dele ted.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-14 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Back Up Media in Library There are a variety of ways to back up the data residing in the library . Even though a library is in volv ed, the backup issues are fundamentally the same as for hard disks.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-15 This solution pro vides faster backups than if the data is accessed randomly because it requires f e wer volume swaps. W ith this solution you can do full or incremental backups.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-16 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A T ake a Drive Out of Service T o take a dri ve out of service — whe ther because of excessi ve failures or for maintenance — use the procedure in the follo wing table. If all dri ves are out of service, AMASS suspends requests until a driv e is returned to ser vice.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-17 Return a Driv e to Service T o return a driv e to service, use the procedur e in the follo wing table. Note F or detail ed information on the command s used in thes e steps, see the "Comm and Reference" chap ter .
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-18 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Delete Files and V olume Numbe r T o delete: • All f i les on a v olume • V olume number from the AMASS File System Database Use the procedure in the following table.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-19 3B For networ k-attac hed librar ies: bulkoutlet -u F or e xample: bulkoutlet 1,2-10,21,23 Or , ej ect multiple volume s from the lib rary . AMASS m arks th e media OFFLINE i n the datab ase.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-20 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Delete V olu me Gr ou p T o delete a V olume Group, use the procedure in the following table. Note F or detail ed information on the command s used in thes e steps, see the "Comm and Reference" chap ter .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-21 Recyc le a V olume T o perform the following tasks, use the procedure described in the table: • Mov e non-contiguous data.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-22 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A 4 volformat vo lumenumb er F or e xample: volformat 3 Reformat t he now-empty v ol ume. NO TE: Not applica b le for CDs. 5 volstat -a vo lumenumb er F or e xample: volstat -a 3 A CTIV A TE v olume so AMAS S can re ad and wr ite to it.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-23 Remo ve Media From Library The follo wing steps describe how to remo ve a volu me after it has been written to b y AMASS. Note F or detail ed information on the command s used in thes e steps, see the "Comm and Reference" chap ter .
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-24 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A 5C If — for some reaso n — you manually remove a volume from the l ibrary : volloc -o volumenumb er F or e xample: volloc -o 47 Mar k the volume OFFLINE( -o ) in th e AMASS Fi le Syst em Databa se.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-25 Read Offlin e V olume Of fline Media Manager (OMM) provi des read- acce ss to volum es that hav e been rem oved from the library . These v olumes hav e a status of A CTIVE but OFF LINE in the AMASS File System Database.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-26 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A • Use the Standalone Operator Interface to monitor load requests. For information on this int erface, see “sysop” on page 3-93 .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-27 The syso p int erfac e us ed b y OMM c reates a /tmp/sysop.out f ile that contains en tries similar t o those show n in the followi ng example.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-28 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Return Media W ithout Star ting AMASS T o return media in a dri ve to its home storage slot without starting AMASS, perform the steps in the follo wing table.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-29 Add Space to V olume Gr oup T o add space to a volume group so AMASS can continue to write to the volume group, do one of the follo wing: • Add v olumes to the v olume group.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-30 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Create Space P ool Step Command Description 1 Log in as amass or root . 2 volgroup volumenumb er SP F or e xample: volgroup 24 25 SP Assi gn a f or ma tted v o lume to the spa ce pool.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-31 Reassign V olume Group T o reassign ne w files in the amass_nt directory , as illust rated in the follo wing figure, to another volum e group, use the procedure in the following table.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-32 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step Command Description 1L o g i n a s amass or root . 2 vollist -g vol um egr ou p F or e xample : vollist -g 33 List the volumes in a volume group (33). The outpu t lists volumes 2 and 4 in volume group 33 .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-33 Activate the File System T o activ ate the AMASS file system, which allo ws AMASS file system fil es to be accessed, use the proce dure in the follo w ing table.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-34 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A 2 amassstat -u For e xa mple: amassstat -i -t 600 AMASS i nactivate in 600 secon ds, 10 m inutes. INACTIV A T E the AM ASS fil e system. AMASS ge ner ates an er ror if a client attempts to ac cess file s while th e file sy stem is INACTIVE.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-35 Modify Conf iguration File Change the AMASS library confi guration in response to the follo wing circ umstances if you: •.
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-36 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step Command Description 1L o g i n a s amass or root . 2 sysperf [ upda teint erv al ] T o m ake sure there ar e no pending w rite requests in the AM ASS que ue, view the queue with the sysperf comman d.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Operational Tasks 2-37 MAXIOSZ Changes If you want to change the MAXIOSZ , perform the follo w ing steps: Step Command 1 Log in as amass or root .
Managing th e AMASS File System 2-38 Operational T asks 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
3 Command Ref erence.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-2 Co mmand R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3- 3 Commands The commands described in this chapter are located in the directories listed in the follo w ing table. Specify this path in the system admi nistrator’ s login PATH variable.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-4 Co mmand R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Return Code Des cription -1 error all other values succ ess.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3- 5 adf V iew statistics for all v olume groups in the AMASS File System Database.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-6 Co mmand R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. See an example of the output in the follo wing illustration: Output Fie lds Defined The follo wing fi elds are generated by this command.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3- 7 A vail Amount of space, in MB, a vaila b le in this v olume gro up V ol umes Number of volumes as signed t o this volume g.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-8 Co mmand R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A amassbackup Back up to a Backup V olume in either a library or a standalone dri ve the follo wing f iles: • File System Database ( /usr/filesysdb ) • Journal (/ usr/filesysdb/journal ) While the backup is being completed, the Database is locked.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3- 9 Prerequisites Before using this command, use the vollis t c ommand to make sure the Backup V olume has th e followin g cha.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-10 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o perform a full bac kup to a v olume with v erbose information, e.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-1 1 Addit ional Inform ation For more information, see “Databa se and Journal Backups” on page 2-3.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-12 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A amassrepor t Report f ile system information. The follo w ing types of reports can be generated: • F o rmatted Column titles are printed at the top of each page.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-1 3 Options Last Modi fied Date an d time showin g date the fi le was last mod ified V ol File is l ocated on this volume number T opics Description /usr/amass/bin .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-14 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Option Descript ion no options Gene rate f orm atted repo r t -d Only li st dire ctories -f Only l ist file s -P List fil es with an absolute path, star t ing from mou nt point.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-1 5 -e errnumber -e “< errnumber ” -e “> errnumber ” Only l ist files t hat have a: • Specif ied err or number . Ent er fo r examp le, -e 49 to select all files with an error of 49.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-16 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A -m mode List only those f iles having one of the following per missio n IDs: • rwxrwxrwx • r--r--r-- • rwxr-xr-x -n name -n “ * name ” Only l ist files t hat have a: • Specif ic name • Specif ic group of letters some where in the name.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-1 7 Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. Enter the following options to see f ile access and modif ication times in seconds : Step 3.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-18 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 5. See an ex ampl e of the dates output in the follo wing illustration: NAME FILEID P ARENT UID GID LA ST MODIFIED LA ST .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-1 9 amassrestore Restore from a Backup V olume loca ted in either a library or a standalone dri ve t he follo wing f iles: • File System Da tabase • Journal Options Caution Do no t us e this co mmand when AMASS is runni ng.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-20 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Op tion Defi nition -t View files on the Backup V olume Does not resto re an y files -u Usage st atement -v V er bose messages -e date time Restore files from t he Backup V ol ume with a timest amp eq ual to a spe cified date and time .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-2 1 Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. Inactiv ate the AMASS f ile s ystem with the follo wing command: Step 3. Check the integrity of the file syst em by running the UNIX fsck command.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-22 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 4. Make sure the Backup V olume is in the cor rect driv e in the library . If there is another volume in the dri ve, return it to its home slot b y using the follo wing utility .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-2 3 where: V alue Description -v V erbos e messa ges -d /dev/rst12 Backup V o lume is on t his standal one drive -L 12N6J P r.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-24 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A amassstat V i e w and change the current status—Activ e or Inactiv e —of AMASS.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-2 5 Options /usr/amass/bin ./amassstat [-uy] [-acfisvw] [-f -t secon ds ] Op tion Defi nition no options View the status of AMASS When AM ASS a sks if you want to togg le the st atus, type y for yes and n for n o.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-26 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A -w Inactivate AMASS NO TE : Cl ients read from open files, only . -y Suppres s interactive mess ages but retur n a code as def.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-2 7 astats V i e w the status and attributes of the library , driv es, and media.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-28 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Exam ples The follo wing exam ples show the output generated by the command with v arious options to obtain information and st atus of the libraries configured al ong with the dri ves and media supported.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-2 9 The follo wing output is generated when the astats command is run with the -c option: Stat e De vic e Stat us Fl ags: •.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-30 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A astat s -c Out put Fields Defined The follo wing output is generated when the astats command is run with the -j option.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-3 1 astats -j Output Fields Defined The follo wing output is generated when the astats command is run with the -v option.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-32 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A astat s -v Out put Fields Defined The follo wing output is generated when the astats command is run with the -w option.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-3 3 astats -w Output Fields Defined Fields Descript ion State Device I/O mode f lags: • BlankSearch - search for blank writ.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-34 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A b ulkinlet Load multiple v olumes through the mailbox and mark online. This command is only v alid for multislot mailbox libraries.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-3 5 Options Note F or trac king purposes , AMASS assi gns each new volume a uni que v olume num ber . Tip T o c reate File S ystem Dat abase entr ies for v olumes already residing in the lib rary (bypass the ma ilbox), use the bulk load comm and.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-36 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Load New V olumes Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. Place volumes in the mailbox. Step 3. Enter the command as sho wn in the followi ng illustration. In our e xample, all the vol umes are assigned to volum e group 101.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-3 7 Step 4. All ne w volumes in the Fil e System Database hav e an initial status of unformatted (U) and inactiv e ( I). T o further prepar e the volumes so AMASS can read or write to them, use the commands listed in the follo wing table.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-38 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Unsuccessful L oads If you attempt to load se veral v olumes at one time and one v olume fa ils to load, AMASS will not load the rema ining volum es after the first failure.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-3 9 Reload Existing V olumes Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. Place seve ral v olumes in the multislot mailbox. volumenumb er Enter the uni que volume number s you w ant t o unload fr om the librar y an d mar k Online i n the Database.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-40 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 3. Enter the command as sho wn in the followi ng illustration. In our e xample, we reload three vol u me s . The picker reads the barcode and returns the volumes to their home storage position.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-4 1 b ulkload Suppor ted Netw ork Libraries This command is v alid for the follo wing network-attached librar ies: • ADIC A.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-42 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A For tracking purposes, AMASS assigns each v olume a unique volum e number . Librar y Interfaces AMASS manages the network-a ttached libraries through the library inte rfaces liste d in the follo wing tabl e.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-4 3 Option Descript ion no options Create e ntri es and mar k multiple volumes Online in the F ile Sy stem Da tabase base d on an inventor y of the librar y -s NO TE: Us e this option if you hav e not recently upd ated the librar y’s interface.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-44 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Create Entries f or Existing V olumes Y ou have just i nstalled AMASS b ut your library already contains media known to your library’ s interface D AS. Y ou must “introduce” this exis ting media to the File System Database by performing the following procedure: Step 1.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-4 5 Manually Load New V olumes Introduce ne w v olumes to both the File Syst em Database and to the library interface by performing the follo wing procedur e: Step 1. Make sure the po wer is of f .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-46 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 6. New v olumes in the Database ha ve an initia l status of unformatted (U) a nd inacti ve (I).
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-4 7 bul k o u tl e t Eject multiple v olumes to the mailbox and mark of f-line.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-48 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Outlet V olumes Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . . Step 2. See the following e xa mple: a total of 12 volum es—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 21, and 23—are ejected from the library .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-4 9 Unsuccessful Eje cts If you attempt to eject se veral volumes at one time and one vo lume fails to e ject, after the f irst failure, AMASS will not eject the rema ining v olumes.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-50 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A cdimpor t Import data from CDs forma tted by the standards prescribed by: • High Sierra • ISO 9660 • Rockridge (an ISO 9.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-5 1 Solar is Step 1. Use the UNIX vi editor or a similar produ ct to edit the /etc/vold.con f f ile. Step 2. Comment out the internal CD driv e entry as shown in the follo wing illustration.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-52 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 3. Reboot the SGI machine fo r the changes to take effect. Options # /dev/scsi/ sc3d5l0 /CDROM iso9660 mon=off 00 # /dev/scsi/ sc3d4l0 /CDROM2 iso9660 mon=off 00 # /dev/scsi/ sc3d1l0 /CDROM4 iso9660 mon=off 00 /usr/amass/bin .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-5 3 Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. Create a direc tory (for example, cdpubs ) under the AMASS mount point (def ault is / archive ) for the f iles on the CD.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-54 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 3. Use the A MASS vo ln ew command to crea te an entry in the Fi le System Databa se fo r the CD. AMASS assigns the CD a unique volume number (49) and asks for confirmation of the process.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-5 5 If this operation is unsuccessful, the CD may be left in the drive. If this happens, manually remove the CD.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-56 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A dirfilelist V i e w , recursiv e ly , files under a directory , one entry per line.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-5 7 V erbose Exam ple The follo wing example assum es we: • Use Storage T echnology driv es (-h) • W ant to se e the abso.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-58 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A • W ant to vie w all the files under the / prodcode directory Output Fie lds Defined The follo wing fi elds are generated by.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-5 9 TIME F orm at The Access_time and Modif ied_time v alues hav e the following format: yyyymmddhhmmss . F or e xam ple, t he v alu e 19980307114408 = 1998, March 07, 11:44:08 a.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-60 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A # cd /archive/accting # dirfilelist . | sort -n +1 +2 | awk ’ {print $1} ’ | cpio -oc | (cd /archive/fian; cpio -icdvum) Lists files. The cd command insures the data will go to the correct s ource director y .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-6 1 driveclean Mount a cleaning volume in a tape dri ve, clean the driv e , and eject the cleaning volume. Prerequisites T o prepare for tape drive cleaning, p erform the following steps: Step 1.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-62 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Options Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . /usr/amass/bin ./driveclean [-uy] [-V vol u menu mber ] [ driv enumb.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-6 3 Step 2. Assign a cleaning volume to the cleaning group. For SCSI-attached storage devices, use the vo ln ew command. For network-attache d storage devices, use the b ulkinlet co mman d.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-64 Command R eference 6-00028-0 1 Rev A where: Step 4. T o view t he current attributes of our cleaning volum e and verify that we ha v e done this ex ercise correctl y , use vollist with the -g option to vie w the attributes of the cleaning group.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-6 5 Step 5. Standalone driv e only: Because we are using a standalone driv e, we ne ed to run the Standalone Operator Inter face so enter the comm and in the follo wing illustration.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-66 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A The drive ejects the cleaning volume afte r the specified amount of time (120 seconds in our example) has elapse d. To exit the sysop interface, use <Control-C>. Step 8. After clea ning, use the AMASS drivesta t -a driv enumb er c ommand to reacti v ate the dri ve.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-6 7 ADIC Scalar 1000 AMASS does not support automatic dri ve cleaning on the ADIC Scalar 1000 with firmw are earlier than lev el 2.10. Consequently , the Cleaning Mode must be disabled as follows: Step 1.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-68 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A drivededicate Dedicate a driv e ’ s use to one of the follo w ing: • Write-Only • Read and Write Options Tip If your clie nt applicati ons use many write- intensive appli cations, dedicati ng a dr iv e to Write- Only may improve perf or mance.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-6 9 -d Dedicate the dr ive f or W rit e-Only requ ests NO TE: If al l drives in the lib rary are mar ked as Wri te-Only , AM ASS arbitrar ily pi ck s a dr ive f o r read re quests.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-70 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A drivelist V i e w condition and err ors for dri ves. Options /usr/amass/bin .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-7 1 Reset to Ze ro Use the setdrverr command to reset the error counts reported by the dri velist command to zero.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-72 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Status Drive stat us: • A = Acti ve dri ve used by AMASS • I = Inacti ve d ri ve no t currently u sed by AMASS • D = Dri.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-7 3 drivestat V i e w and cha nge the status of driv es. Options Note If media i s in a dr ive when you INA CTIV A TE the d rive, AMASS retur ns the volume to i ts home stora ge slot.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-74 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Output E xamples Foll o wing is an example of output generated b y using no options: IDLETIME The IDLETIME parameter—configu.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-7 5 The idle ej ect drivestat -e s ecs driv enumb er c ommand will ov erride the global IDLETIME setting on a per dri ve basis.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-76 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Output E xamples Foll ow ing are examples of output generated b y the idle eject option.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-7 7 Disable F eature f o r A Drive-Succeed s In the follo wing e xample, we set the dri ve to zero time out; the idle ej ect featur e will be di sable d for the specified driv e.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-78 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A View Current V a lues T o vie w a list of current v alues, enter a question mark ( ? ): # drivestat -e “?” all DRIVE JUKE .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-7 9 fileonmedia Reports whether a file has been completely stored on media. Options /usr/amass/bin ./fileonmedia [-uv] [ filename ] Option Description -u Usage statemen t -v V erb ose m essag es fil en a m e Enter the fu ll path to file you want inform ation on.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-80 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A File Stat es A f ile in the AMASS f ile system can ha ve the fol lo wing stat es: Example s Foll owing are e xamples of the ou.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-8 1 healthchec k T est sev eral AMASS components. The command does not correct any malfunction that it encounters, it just advises you that a test failed.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-82 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Option Description -i T est integrit y of the Dat abase using the dbcheck utility . F or informa tion on this utili ty , see “d bcheck” on page 4- 55. T o p re vent requests f rom usi ng the Databa se while A MASS is runnin g this tes t, the Databa se is locked.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-8 3 Option Descri ption -f path T est the fi le transfer procedure. • Enter the absolute path (beg inning with the mount point) of the file y ou want AMASS to use for this test.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-84 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. The following e xa mple runs all of the tests. If a test fails AMASS will continue running the other tests ( -C ). A summary report ( -s ) is returned to the screen.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-8 5 Step 3. An example of a summary report ( -s ) generated by this command is sho wn in the follo wing illustration. --- healthcheck summary --- dbcheck was successful. library was successful.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-86 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A setdrverr Resets the error counts to zero repor ted b y the dr i velist command.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-8 7 setv olerr Resets the error counts to zer o reported by the v ollist comma nd.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-88 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A setv olgrp Assign direc tories and subdire ctories to a specif ied vo lume group. This assignment allo ws you to restrict the a llocation of space for the direct ory and its subdirectories to a specified set of vol u me s .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-8 9 [-f] path vol umegroup Option Description -f F orce the assignm ent of new files to a specifi ed volume group, e ven if ther e are e xisting files under th e path tree. NO TE: This option work s only six lev els deep.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-90 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Initial File System Step 1. See the follo wing figu re, which illustrates an initia l f ile system. All directories and fil es are in volume group number 0, which is the def a ult v olume group.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-9 1 The following figure shows that all new subdirectories or files created unde r the amass_nt directory belong to volume group 2. Assign Any New Files to V olume Group On e Step 5.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-92 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A The -f option is used beca use there are exis ting files under the amass_unix directory and we want to “force” all new f iles to belong to volum e group 1.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-9 3 sysop System administrators must use the Standalone Operator Interfa ce to ha ve full re ad-access and write -access to media i n standalone dri ves. The standalone driv e must be daisy-cha ined to a library .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-94 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Ta s k s Use the Standalone Inte rface for the follo wing tasks: • All management operations for the AMASS f ile system • .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-9 5 Running the Interface Run the Standalone Interface from either a standar d shell tool windo w or basic ASCII terminal. Normally , the interf ace is run from one window or terminal while AMASS is run from another window or terminal.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-96 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Step 3. The interface prompts you to load a volume into a specific dri ve. The prompt always specif i es a volum e number , a volume side, and the v olume label.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-9 7 sysperf V i e w AMAS S I/O acti vity . T o exi t this program, use <Control-C>.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-98 Co mmand Reference 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Exam ple Output from the sysperf comma nd is sho w n in the foll o wing table: # su root # sysperf 5 -k -c SYSTEM STATISTICS -.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-9 9 Output Fie lds Defined The follo wing fi elds are generated by this command: Fields Descri ption Update Inter v al Ho w o ften, in seconds, AMASS upd ates the scr een A verage Throug hput Num ber of KB transferred since th e last snapsho t.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-100 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A V olFlags F or mo re in forma tio n, see “V olF lags Defined” on page 3-1 02.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-101 Fields Descript ion Appears onl y if the -k opt ion is used: Cache B locks • T otal = total number of cache blocks • .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-102 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A V olF lags Defin ed The follo wing table describes the Acti ve, Inacti ve, Online, and Of fline v alues a volume c an ha ve in t he V olFlags fi eld: Online O = Of fline A = Active Vo l u m e i s in librar y .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-103 tapelength Define the length of unformatted tape to the F ile System Database for the Stora ge T e chnology Redwood SD-3 dri v e.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-104 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Create a T emplate File If you use tape volumes of dif ferent lengths, crea te a template f ile that imbeds a spe cifi e d tape length in the barc ode in the File System Database.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-105 Step 1. Use an edi tor , such as vi , to create a t emplate f ile similar to the f ile sho wn in the follo wing example: Step 2. The D=n string, indicates the tape length value.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-106 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A vgexpor t Export data and attributes (metadata file) for a volume group to another AMASS f ile system. The metadata f ile contains th e directory structure and media attributes (such as media type, ownership, and t imestamp) for a volum e group.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-107 Limitations The follo wing limitat ions apply to the export process: • Hard links and soft links are not exported. If the v olume group being exported contains th ese f ile types, a warning message appears, but the e xpor t continues.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-108 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A [-uy] [-dgq] -f meta filep ath vol umegroup Option Descri ption -d Remove all entries associat ed with the expor ted volume .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-109 Exam ple This e xample assumes we ha v e tw o AMASS installations, one in Den ver and one in T exas, that need to share da ta. The Den ver site colle cts data used b y the T exas site.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-110 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Step 5. AMASS marks the vo lume group Read-Only to pre vent t he files from being changed. Step 6. Use FTP (File T ransfer Protocol) or something similar to send the ne wcustomers metadata f ile to T exas.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-111 vgimpor t Import data and attributes (met adata f ile) for a volume group from another AMASS f ile system.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-112 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Options /usr/amass/bin ./vgimport [-uy] [-p path ] -v vol u menu mber metafilepath Option Descripti on -u Usage sta tement -.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-113 Exam ple The follo wing steps outline the same scenario we be gan with the vgexport command. -v volumenumb er Enter the volume numb er— not the volume group—assoc iated with the metadata file.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-114 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Step 1. T o begin, see the vgexport command. The f ollo wing f igure illustrates our example: At the Destinati on Site Step 2. For bar code-reading libraries: Open the /usr/amass/.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-115 Step 3. For network- attached storage devices: Use the b ulkinlet com mand to load v olume 67 into the mailbox, assign it to v olume group 3, mark it Online, and mov e it to a home storage slot.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-116 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-117 vglist V i e w attributes for a vol ume group. Options Note By default, the v iew will not in clude block size or compr ession attri butes, unless specifi cally re quested wi th the -a opti on.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-118 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o view attrib utes, including tape block size and compression, f.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-119 Flags Status of v olume, not volume group : • full = space on volum e group is full • worm = Media type • rw = Read.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-120 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A vgpo ol Define media for an out-of-space volume group to one of the follo wing: • Use the space pool. • Use specific media (re writable , WORM, tape, CD) from the space pool.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-121 [-cdeirstw] [-j juk eboxnumber ] vol umegroup Option Descript ion -c Limits t he specifie d volume group to use only CD m edia -d Disable space p ool -e Enable space pool -i Vie w wheth er or not th e sp ecifi ed vo lume group can use the spac e pool.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-122 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Enab le V olume Gr oup to use Space P ool Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. For more information about enabling volume groups to use the space pool, see “V olume G roups Defined” on page 1-13.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-123 Limit M edia Us age an d Locati on of Space P ool Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o enable space pool, use re writable optical platter , and use the space pool located on library 2, enter the command as show n in the follo wing example.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-124 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Enab le V olume Group to use T ape Media Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o define media for an out-of-space volume group that currently is without vol umes in it, AMASS defaults to optical media.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-125 vgreadonly Define a v olume group a s one of the follo w ing: •R e a d - O n l y • Read and Write Characteris tics A .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-126 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A [-uy] [-rw] vol umegroup Option Descript ion no options View status for the s pecified volume group When AM ASS as ks if you want to tog gle the status, type y for yes and n fo r no.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-127 vgr oot V i e w the direc tories assigned to a v olume group. If you hav e assigned more than one directory to the same volum e group, AMASS returns the relativ e paths for all the directories.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-128 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o view t he relativ e paths for f iles a ssigned to volum e group 674, enter the command as shown in the following e xample.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-129 v olclattr Define attrib utes for c leaning v olumes. For more information on dri ve cleaning, see the driv eclean command. Prerequisites T o prepare for either automatic or manual dr i ve cleaning, perform the follo wing steps: Step 1.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-130 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Step 3. V ie w cleaning attribut es with the vollist -g CL command, if desired. Cleaning vol umes must be: unformatted (U), Inactiv e (I), and Online. Options /usr/amass/bin .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-131 -m maxusage Enter the maxi mum number of time s this cleaning volume can be used, ev en if the error co unt remai ns at z.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-132 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A v olclean Delete: All the f iles on a volume , b ut not the volume number from the File Syste m Database. Prerequisites Prior to using this command, make sure the v olume is in its home storage slot.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-133 Options /usr/amass/bin ./volclean [-uy] vol u menu mber Option Descript ion -u Usage st atement -y Suppres s interacti v .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-134 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A vo l c o m p Recov er dead space by rewriting remaining data on a v olume to a dif ferent volum e in the same volum e group. Dead space is space that has been previously written to by AMASS.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-135 After the volcomp process completes, the original v olume is without data so AMAS S marks it Inacti ve in the File System Database. T o reuse the v olume, format it with the v olformat command.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-136 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Options Exam ple Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. In the following e xa mple, we used the vol s p ac e command to li st all v olumes th at ha v e more than one-third (33%) dead space .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-137 Step 3. Run the v olcomp command on specif ied v olume number (2) as sho wn in the following example: The few files on volume number 2 are moved to another volume in the same volume group.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-138 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A vo l c o py Copy data from a source v olume to a destination v olume. If the original vol ume is lost, destroyed, or damaged, you can use the duplicate volume e xac tly like you w ould the original.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-139 Requireme nts Before using this command: • T wo dri ves are required—one dri ve to read the source volum e and one driv e to write to the destination media. The dri ves can be either standalone or in a library .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-140 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A • Both source and destination m edia must be of the same type and ha ve the same block size and capacity . Requirements are illustrated by the follo wing f i gure: Tip Manufacturing variati ons make “equal” tapes hav e variable lengths.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-141 Name Contention Solaris and HP-UX only: Because AMASS, Solaris, and HP-UX all hav e a volcopy command, mak e sure you use the full path to dif ferentiate w hich command you want to use.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-142 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Opti on Defi niti on type Enter one of the f o llowing copy types : • -c = Copy s our cevolume data to destsl ot media •.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-143 Exam ple T o perform a v olume copy , follow the ste ps belo w . Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . dest slott ype Enter th e home sto rage slot wher e the destinat ion media reside s and wher e it will be retur ned.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-144 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Step 2. If the so urce volume is not in its home storage slot, use the mediamove utility to mo ve the source v olume to its slot in the library . When the volcopy process starts, the source volume must be in its home storage slot.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-145 • After the copy has completed, AMASS returns the destination media to its original location.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-146 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A v oldelete Delete: • All the f iles on a v olume • V olume number from the File System Database Before a v olume is delete d, AMA SS checks to se e if any f il es exi sts on the volume and asks you to confirm their deletion.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-147 Options Additio n al Inf or matio n For more i nformation on deleting a v olume, see “Delete F iles and V olume Number” on page 2-18.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-148 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A v oldir Vi e w : • All f i les on a v olume (Files that span media are ma rked with an aster isk) • T ime and date the f ile wa s last accesse d Options Note If you create a zer o length fi le within an AMASS d irector y , ex.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-149 Exam ple Foll ow ing is an example of output generated b y this command for volume 3.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-150 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A v olfilelist V iew all f iles on a volume , one f ile per line . Options Note If you create a zer o length fi le within an AMASS d irector y , ex. "touch fi lename", the file is not asso ciated wit h a volume or volume group .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-151 V erbose Exam ple The follo wing exam ple illustrates output for: • Storage T echnology driv es (-h) • Absolute paths.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-152 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A • Files on v olume number 2 Nonv erb ose Ex ample The follo wing exam ple illustrates output for: • Relative paths (-r) .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-153 • Files on v olume number 2 Output Fie lds Defined The follo wing fi elds are generated by this command.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-154 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A TIME F orm at The Access_time and Modif ie d_time v alues hav e the following format: yyyymmddhhmmss . F or e xam ple, t he v alue 19980307114408 = 1998, March 07, 11:44:08 a.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-155 File Names Last Exa mple The following output sho ws an example of the f ile names in the last f ield position: # volfile.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-156 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Pra ctical A pplicat ion The follo wing e xample uses this command to back up fil es, in optimized order , from a volume to a tape. AMASS backs up entire f iles, e ven if they span media.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-157 Using tar Comma nd Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. Enter the commands as sho wn in the follo w ing example. Step 3. T o back up the files on v olume 2 to your magnetic disk, substitu te / mydir / vol2.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-158 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A vo l f o r m a t Forma t media with specif ied attributes. Prerequisites Before using this command, the v olume must hav e the follo wing characteristics: • Be Online (Use the vo ll o c command to vie w and toggle status.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-159 Options /usr/amass/bin ./volformat [-uy] [-pq] [-b blocksize ] [-c {on|off}] [-d num] [ vol u menu mber ] Option Descript ion no options NO TE: Not v alid fo r W O R M because the v olume c annot be erased.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-160 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A volumenumb er Enter the uni que volume number of the med ia you are formatti ng T o lis t more than one volume, separate the numbers w ith a space. For e xample: volformat 6 12 47 49 f ormats v olumes 6, 12, 47, a nd 49.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-161 Option Descript ion For tape drives: -b bloc ksize (defaults are dri v e- dependen t) NO TE: V ali d only for specifi ed drives, see “Configu re Block Size” on page 3-164.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-162 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A F orma t a New V olu me Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o make the initial entry in the File System Dat abase and recei ve from AMASS a unique volume number , use the vo l new command.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-163 Step 7. T o furthe r prepare the volume so AMASS can r ead or write to it, use the commands list ed in the follo wing table. Attr ibutes Within V ol ume Groups Each volum e’ s attribut es within a numerical volum e group must be uniform.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-164 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A attributes of the second v olume group. If the values do not match, AMASS issues an erro r and does not complete the reassignment. For information on num erical volume groups, s ee “V olume Groups Defined” on page 1-13.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-165 Example Config urin g Block Size a nd Compre ssion Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. The following e xa mple formats v olume number 1 with a block size of 128 KB and compression is enable d.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-166 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A vo l g r o u p Assign a v olume to one of the follo w ing groups: • Numeric vo lume group numbered 1 through 2047 • Space pool A volum e with fil es on it cannot be assigned to the space pool (SP).
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-167 Options /usr/amass/bin ./volgroup [-uy] [-f] vol u menu mber vol umegroup Option Descripti on -f F orc e the ass ignm ent.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-168 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Attr ibutes Within V ol ume Groups Each volum e’ s attribut es within a numerical volum e group must be uniform.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-169 AMASS asks for confirmation of the process. Step 3. Use the setvolgrp command to update the directories and f iles with the ne w volume number . Assi gn V olu me to Space P ool Step 1.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-170 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A v olinlet Load pre viously def ined volume th rough the mailbox and mark online. Options Tip This com mand i s v alid onl y for SCSI-atta ched stora ge devices. Note This command is not valid for libraries without a mailbox.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-171 Load a New V olume Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o make the initial entry in the File System Dat abase and recei ve from AMASS a unique volume number , use the vo l new command.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-172 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Step 5. T o furthe r prepare the volume so AMASS can r ead or write to it, use the commands list ed in the follo wing table: Command Description vo l l o c NO TE: Not v alid f or librari es without a mailb o x.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-173 v ollabel Reassign AMASS v olume to media with a dif fere nt label or change the v olume label (-r).
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-174 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Change V olume Lab el Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o change a volume label on v olume number 2 to pubsvolume , enter the comm and as sho wn in the follo wing example.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-175 v olleft Write ho w much space—in kilobytes—re mains on a v olume to standard out ( stdout ) . Options Exam ple Foll ow ing is an example of output generated b y this command for volume 2.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-176 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A There is 338,652 KB of space remaining on this volume. 338652.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-177 v ollist V i e w attributes for: • One v olume • All v olumes • A v olume group If you think there may be a discrep.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-178 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Reset to Ze ro Use the setvolerr command to reset the error counts re ported by the v ollist command to zero.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-179 Vie w Attributes f o r On e V olume Foll ow ing is an example of the output for v olume number 2. View Att ributes f or All V olumes Foll ow ing is an example of the output for all v olumes in a library:.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-180 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Vie w Attribut es f or Cleaning Group Foll o wing is an example of status output for the volum es in the cleaning group: Out.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-181 V ol ume Label Eithe r : • User-assig ned name • Prepr inted barcod e Field Descript ion Field Descript ion Flags Fo r m o r e informati on, se e “Fla gs Defi ned” on page 3-183.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-182 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A A vail Amount of space, in MB, available on the vo l u m e NO TE : AMASS assu mes a c o mp ressed capaci ty of 2:1 rati o , but som e newer drives may ha v e a com pressed c apacity of 3 :1.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-183 Flags Defined The follo wing table describes the Acti ve, Inacti ve, Online, and Of fline v a lues a volume can ha ve in the Flag field: On line O = O ffline A = Act iv e Vo l u m e i s in libr ary AMAS S can read and wr ite to volume.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-184 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A v olloc Mark a v olume in the File S ystem Database a s either: • -n (Online) = Inside the libra ry • -o (Of fline) = Ou.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-185 Mark New V olume Online Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o make the initial entry in the File System Dat abase and recei ve from AMASS a unique volume number , use the vo l new command.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-186 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Step 5. T o furthe r prepare the volume so AMASS can r ead or write to it, use the commands list ed in the follo wing table.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-187 vo l n e w Create an entry in the File System Database for new , unknown media. Options Note F or tracking pur poses, AMAS S assi gns the new v olume a unique v olume num ber .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-188 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Create Database Entry for Ne w V olume The follo wing exam ple illustrate s ho w to create an entry in t he File System Database for a new v olume, assign it to volum e group 4, slot 0A64 in library number 2, and label it with a volum e label of “test.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-189 Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o cr eate an entry in th e File System Data base and receive a unique volume number from AMASS, enter t he command a s sho wn in the foll o wing example.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-190 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Command Description vo l i n le t NO TE: Not v alid f or librari es without a mailb o x. Load volume in to the librar y vo l l o c NO TE: Not v alid f or librari es without a mailb o x.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-191 vo l n o t e Enter a user-def ined 255-c haracter description for a volume.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-192 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A The follo wing exam ple genera tes a list o f all v olumes and their descriptions: The follo wing example generates the description for volum e #2: The following e xample a llo ws you to create the description for volume #4.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-193 For of fline volume s, the Of fline Media Mana ger , run with the sysop command, displays the v olume de scription as part of the mount request if the notation is at least eight b ytes long and contains no unprintable characters that would corrupt the display .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-194 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A v olout let Eject volume to the mailbox and mark of fline. Ta s k s The follo wing tasks are v alid for libraries with a mai.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-195 Option Descript ion -u Usage sta tement -y Supp ress inte ract iv e mess ages volumenumb er Enter the uni que volume numb.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-196 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A v olreadon l y Mark v olume eithe r: •R e a d - O n l y • Read and Write Options Note This com mand is n ot valid f or volumes in the space pool or in the cleanin g group.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-197 -w Mark volume Read and W rite -y Supp ress inter activ e messag es volumenumb er Enter the uni que volume number Option .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-198 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A v olslot Change a v olume’ s home storage slot in the File System Database, b ut the volum e is not physically mo ved. This command can also be used to assign an of fline volume to a standalone dri ve i f you hav e Of fline Media Ma nager (OMM).
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-199 Change Slot Ass ignmen t T o change the home storage slot number for v olume number 15 from slot 0A02 to 0A56 in library number 1, perform the follo wing steps: Step 1. Log in as either amass or root .
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-200 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Step 3. Change the volume’ s home storage slot number to 0A56 with the follo wing options and va lues: Step 4. Insert the volume into the mailbox and enter the follo wing option and values: The library moves volume number 15 to slot 0A56.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-201 v olspace V i e w all volumes with a specif ied percentage of dead space. Dead space is space that has been previously written to by AMASS. A v olume that contains scattered files separated by great expanses of dead space is a waste of media.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-202 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Exam ple Foll owing is a n example of output generated with a dead space percentage grea ter than or equal to 33 percent.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-203 P osi tion Home storage slo t. V alid entr ies are: • 4-alphanumeric designation = SCSI-attached storage de vice • n/.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-204 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Field Descript ion Dead Am ount of spac e no longe r referenced by files Express ed as a percentage of the total volume spac.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-205 Flags Defined The follo wing table describes the Acti ve, Inacti ve, Online, and Of fline v alues a volume can ha ve in the Flags field: Online O = Offline A = Active Vo l u m e i s in li brar y AMASS ca n read and wr ite to volume.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-206 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A vo l s t a t V i e w and change the current status—Activ e or Inactiv e—of a vol u me . Name Contention hp T ru64 UNIX only: Because both AMASS and hp T ru64 UNIX hav e a volstat command, make sure you use the full path to dif fe rentiate which command you want to use.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-207 Activa te New V olum e Step 1. Log in as either amass or root . Step 2. T o cr eate an entry in th e File System Data base and receive from AMASS a uni que volume number , use the vol n ew command.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-208 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Step 4. T o mark the specif ied volume number Online in the Database, use the volloc com mand. Step 5. StorageT ek Redwoo d tape drives: Enter the length of tape in the Database with the tapelength command.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-209 vo l u s a g e V iew st atistics for all v olumes in the AMASS fil e system.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-210 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A Step 2. An example of the output is sho wn in the following illustration. Output Fie lds Defined The follo wing fi elds are generated by this command.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Command Referen ce 3-211 Last Mounted Date and tim e this volume was last moun ted in a dr ive • Hyph en (—) = V ol ume ha s not be en moun te.
Managing the AMA SS File System 3-212 Comma nd Refere nce 6-00028-01 R ev A NO TES.
4 Utility Ref erence.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-2 Utili ty Refer ence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Re feren ce 4- 3 Utilities The utilities des c ribed in this cha pter are locate d in the directori es listed in the follo wing table. Sp ecify these directories in the system administrator’ s login PATH vari a bl e .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-4 Utili ty Refer ence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Scripts in /usr/amass /tools The follo wing AMASS scripts help to identify and resolve operation problems: Operation Script P .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Re feren ce 4- 5 amass_atboot Define st atus of AMASS startup commands. Options Exam ple Step 1.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-6 Utili ty Refer ence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 2. If AMASS is hung, disable AMASS at reboot by entering the follow ing path, script name, and option: Step 3.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Re feren ce 4- 7 amass_log Redirect the AMASS system log messages to the console. AMASS sends messages to the system log. F or a numerical list of AMASS system log messages and correctiv e a ction, refer to Err ors and Corr ective Action .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-8 Utili ty Refer ence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Example Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. Follo wing the path and scr ipt name, enter the path to your system log. F or default system log locations, refer to Err ors and Corr ective Action .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Re feren ce 4- 9 amass_snap Collect system information after a problem occurs. When to Use Script For an e xa mple of when to use this script, see “A M A S S Appears Hung” on page -3. Exam ple Step 1.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-10 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A amass_star t Perf orms the fol lowin g tas ks: • Start the AMASS daemons. • Mount the AMASS f ile system.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-11 List of S tar tup Da emons The startup daemons are loca ted in / usr/amass/daemons and are li sted in the fol lo wing tabl .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-12 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A amass_tests AMASS must be running prior to e x ecuting the test: • Storage device h ardware • AMASS File System Dat abase, volumes, syst em f i les, and message files • No output means that ama ss_tests wa s successful.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-13 List of T ests The script runs the tests listed in the follo wing table: Gro up T est Name Definit ion Backup Scheduled Mak.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-14 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Example Step 1. Log in as root . Group T est Name D efinit ion System Amassuse rid Makes sure AMASS user ID a nd group ID are.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-15 Step 2. Enter the path and script name. Step 3. Because the util ities are opera tor interacti ve, the y use standard in ( stdin ) and standard error ( stderr ) . Lists are written to standard out ( stdout ), which you can redirect to either a f ile or a printer .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-16 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A install_tests Perf orms the fol lowin g tas ks: • T est storage device hardware. • Modify AMASS sta rtup script to a utomatically sta rt AMASS at bootup (uses the amass_atboot script).
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-17 Prer equisi tes Before running this script, the follo wing conditions must be met: • AMASS must not be running when you run install_tests . • The driv es must be empty but Activ e .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-18 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A List of Hardw are T ests The script runs the tests liste d in the foll o wing table. The se tests can take a long time to complete if the storage de vice is lar ge . Example Make sure all the libraries are connected to the system and running.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-19 Step 2. If AMASS is acti ve, inacti vate i t with the option sho wn in the following e xample.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-20 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 7. For instructions on resolving other problems, see “amass_log” on page 4-7.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-21 None # T est v olume for jukebox 1 None # " " " " 2 None # " " " " 3 None # " .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-22 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A killdaemo ns Perf orms the fol lowin g tas ks: • Inactiv ate AMASS by running the amassstat -i command.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-23 Exam ple T o run killdaemons , perform the following s t eps: Step 1. Log in as root .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-24 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 2. T o make sure there are no pending write re quests in the AMASS queue, vie w the queue with the sysperf command. T o stop the sysperf command, use <Control-C>. Step 3.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-25 Har dware Utilities in /usr/amass/ut ils The follo wing AMASS utiliti es help to ident ify , diagnose, and possibly correct.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-26 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A init_element Run the element_status command that physically scans the library then updates the libra ry’ s database ( not the A MASS Fi le System Database). Prerequisites Before using this utility: • Ina cti vate AMASS .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-27 Step 2. Enter the follo wing: # cd /usr/amass/utils # init_element 1.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-28 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A mediaeject Eject media f rom a specified dri ve. Option s Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-29 Step 2. T o eject media from driv e 1 in library 2: Step 3. If a hardware error occurs, ref er to your hardware manuals.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-30 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A mediaerase Erase media starting at a specif ic block address through to one of the follo w ing: • ending block address • end of the media Options Caution This ut ility dest ro ys data ! Do not use this utili ty on medi a that contains data you want to keep.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-31 Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. T o erase da ta on a standalone driv e and stop at the end of the media, e nter t.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-32 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A where: Step 3. If a hardware error occurs, ref er to your hardware manuals. V alue Description /dev/rst 12 Driv e number for .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-33 medialist Perf orms th e fol lo wing t a sks : • Read the library’ s database ( not the AMASS File System Database). • Display t he status of elements. Options /usr/amass/utils .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-34 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A View Statu s f o r All Ele ments Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. T o display the status for all elements in library number 2, enter the path, utility , a nd options similar to what is sho wn in the following e xample: Step 3.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-35 View Status for One El ement Be careful when you ask for the status for a single element because the output could be misleading, as illustrated in this example. T o display the in ventory for one elemen t, perform the follo w ing steps: Step 1.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-36 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A mediamove Mov e volumes from and to the locations listed in the foll o wing table: Options Librar y Descriptio n ADIC FastStor The AMASS medialist utilit y outp ut dis plays “FU LL ” to indic ate me dia in a h ome storage s lot f or SCSI-attac hed libr ar ies .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-37 sour ce destination [0|1] [ juke boxn umbe r ] Option Description sour ce Enter one of the followi ng eleme nts ident ified on the source librar y: • xxxx = Home s torage slot or barcode.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-38 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. In the fo llo win g e xampl e, AMAS S ins tructs t he dri ve to mo ve the media in home storage slot 0A03 to dri ve tw o, and flip it to side B: Step 3.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-39 mediaread Perf orms the fol lowin g tas ks: • Read a specif ic bloc k of data. • Write the data to /tmp/mediaread . When to Use Utility Use this utility t o: • Read corrupted data blocks.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-40 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Example Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. T o read block six on dri ve 2, enter t he path, utility , and options simil ar to what is sho wn in the follo wing example: AMASS writes the data in block six to /tmp/mediaread .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-41 mediawrit e W rite a predet ermined line beginning at EOD for tape or at a specified block number for optical media. Options Caution This util ity destroy s data on optical media.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-42 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. T o hav e driv e two write to block six, enter the path, utility , and options sim ilar to what i s sho wn in the follo wing example: AMASS writes the foll owing text to block number 6 : Step 3.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-43 printjournal Print to stdout the contents of the journal , which is the daily transaction log for the AMASS File System Da tabase. F or more informat ion about this journa l , refer to “Journa l” in Installing AMASS .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-44 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A -n drive dri v e number to us e (1 relat ive) -P positio n bac ku p volume is in this sl ot -s date starting date of print (M.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-45 quedisplay Display what is in the queues. The queues consists of a sna pshot of the follo wing items: • An I/O queue of R.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-46 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A When to Use Util ity Use this utility , to diagnose the follo wing problems: • Y ou write to a file but the dri ve li ght does not come on. • The system is slo wing down. • An AMASS command does not com plete.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-47 Example Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. Enter the path and utility as sho wn in the follo wing example: Step 3. For help in reading the output, see “Pre pare to Contact T echnical Support ” on page -32.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-48 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Output for streaming tape I/O ( quedisplay -c ) looks similar to the exa mple shown in the followin g example: # quedisplay -.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-49 sl_logger The sl_logger utility allo ws you to re direct messages to a location other than to the system log.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-50 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A location (defaults to stdin ) Specify w here message shou ld be re directed Option Descript ion.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-51 Database U tilities The follo wing AMASS utiliti es help diagnosis problems with the AMASS File System Da tabase: Database .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-52 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A amassrecovery Perf orms the fol lowin g tas ks: • Rec ov er the AMA SS f ile s ystem. • Initialize the checkpoint. When to Use Utility This utilit y automatica lly runs e very time the system is rebooted.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-53 Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. If AMASS is acti ve, inacti vate i t as sho wn in the follo wing example. For command information, see killdaemons . Option Descript ion no opt ions Start AMASS Reco ver fil es in cache, i t com pletes writ e operation s.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-54 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 3. Enter the path as sho wn in the follo wing ex ample: # su amass Password: # /usr/amass/daemons/amassrecovery.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-55 dbchec k T est integrity of the AMASS F ile System Database. This test can be time consuming, because the follo wing compon.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-56 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. From the AMASS File Syst em Database directory , enter t he path, utility , and opt.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-57 fileincache Report on the status of a specified f ile in the AMASS cache. Exit codes follo w: Options Exit Code Description.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-58 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Option Descript ion -u Usage statement -v Verbose m essages fullpath _filename Specify t he full path t o the file you wan t .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-59 filepath Display the full path for the f ile indicated b y the record ID ( rid). If the ri d appears in an AMASS error message, use thi s utility to vie w the full pa th for the fi le.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-60 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 3. AMASS returns the f ile’ s full path as sho wn in the follo wing example: # /archive/swpubs/amass/chap2.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-61 fileprint Print the AM ASS File Syst em Databas e entry information for one of the follo wing: • File • Directory • S.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-62 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Example Step 1. The follo wing path and ut ility ex ample displa ys File System Database information for a file named testplan . -u Usage sta tement Print entry for the spec ified file.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-63 The output looks similar to the display shown in the follo wing example: Step 2. The following path and utili ty example dis plays the same File System Dat abase information for the same file named testplan b ut instead uses its AMASS rid number .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-64 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A initamass Clear the e xisting AMASS File Syst em Database b y reinitializing it to an empty dat a base. T ypically , this is done only for disaster recovery . Options None Example Step 1.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-65 initjournal Clear the e xisting tra nsaction log b y reinitia lizing it to an empty journal. T ypically , this is done only for disaster recov e ry . Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-66 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A keyb uild Rebuil d the AMASS File System Database ke y tables. When to Use Utility For an example of when to use this ut ility , see “A M A S S Database is Bad” on page -6.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-67 Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. If AMASS is acti ve, inacti va te AMASS with the option sho wn in the follo wing example. For command information, refer to killdaemons .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-68 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A sysdbchk Sysdbchk is an AMAS S utility th at ve rif ies the consiste ncy of the AMA SS f ile sy stem an d either : •D i s p.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-69 Options /usr/amass/utils ./sysdbchk [-c dir ] [-d] [-h] [-i] [-l dir] [-q] [-y] Op tion Des crip tion no option Check onl y.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-70 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. Because this utili ty modif ies the AMASS File System Database, first make a cop y of the AMASS database, /usr/filesysdb .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-71 The following figure illustrates the hierarchy that is created because AMASS found a lost file named “ misplaced_file .” The mountpoint is / archive . Step 4. For help in interpreti ng the sysdbchk output, see “Prepare to Contact T echnical Suppor t” on page -32.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-72 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A vo l p r i n t Display the attributes for one of the follo wing: • One v olume • All v olume s Name Contention hp T ru64 .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-73 Options /usr/amass/utils ./volprint [-a] [-u] [-y] volumenumb er Option Descript ion no opt ions Displa y info rmatio n for.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-74 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Exam ple Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. T o display tape block size and compression values for v olume six, enter t he path.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-75 Flags Status of volum e, not v olume group : • A = V olume is Acti v e • C = V olum e is being volcompr essed o r a volcompress pr ocedure has a bor ted. A fter volcompress ion complete s, the volume is mar ked Inactive .
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-76 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Field Descript ion Dead Blocks Amoun t of previously w ritten space on the vol ume that is no lo nger refe renced by files This is expresse d as a percentag e of th e total vo lume space; t he hig her the percentage , the g reater th e amount o f dead space.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Utility Reference 4-77 writecachemru Allo w AMASS to use WRITE ca che blocks before READ cache blocks.
Managing th e AMASS File System 4-78 U tility Refe rence 6-00028-0 1 Rev A.
5 T r ouble- shooting T ools.
Managing th e AMASS File System -2 T rouble shooting T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools - 3 AMASS Appears Hung There is no AMASS activi ty , incl uding: • All dri ves in all libraries a re inacti v e • All v olume s are inacti ve T o correct, perform the f ollo wing steps: Step 1.
Managing th e AMASS File System -4 T rouble shooting T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Cancel Outstand ing Requests Y ou ca n cancel an outstanding READ or WRITE request to the AMASS f ile system by using <Control C>, which is the standard UNIX interrupt signal.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools - 5 Operating Issu es The follo wing table lists operating issues: Operating Sy stem Issues All AMASS suppor ts a file p athname li mit of 102 3 characters.
Managing th e AMASS File System -6 T rouble shooting T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A AMASS Database is Bad An error message occurs that points to an AMASS File System Database problem. T o correct, perform the f ollo wing steps: Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools - 7 Step 5. Check the inte grity of the AMASS Fil e System Database by running the dbcheck util ity: where: If dbcheck reports errors, proce ed to Step 6. , Ste p 7. , Step 8.
Managing th e AMASS File System -8 T rouble shooting T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 6. T o resolve database key errors, run the AMASS keybuild utility .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools - 9 Step 7. T o fix bad chain errors or deleted File System Database records, r un dchain .
Managing th e AMASS File System -10 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A where: After running dchain , rerun dbcheck on the affected database to make sure that all problems are fixed.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -11 Verify that the lock has been set by using the ls -la /usr/amass/fslock1 command. After the problem has been resolved, rerun dbcheck on the affected databa se to make sure that all problems are fixed.
Managing th e AMASS File System -12 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A A) Generate the PID of the lm_ip process b y using the UNIX ps command. If the lm_ip process is running, stop the process by using the kill -9 comma nd with the pid option, which is the number from the second column (915) shown in the above example.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -13 B) Run ifconfig adapt er and compare th e inet address to the expec ted IP address.
Managing th e AMASS File System -14 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Rerun the sysdbchk utili ty without the -y opt ion to make sure that all errors have be en fixed. Examples of errors re turned by this utility are i llustrated in the follo wing example.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -15 • Make sure the Backup V olume is in the correc t dri ve in the library . If there is another volume in the drive, return it to its home slot by using the following utility.
Managing th e AMASS File System -16 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A AMASS Does Not Star t AMASS does not start. T o correct, perform the f ollo wing steps: Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. Use the amass_log script to display t he system log messages.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -17 UNIX Serve r’ s P artitions Cras h An AMASS partition on the UNIX server’ s hard disk crashes. T o correct, perform the a ppropriate steps in the follo wing procedure.
Managing th e AMASS File System -18 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 5. T o restore the File System Database and journal, from the Backup V olume enter the follow ing command and options: where: Step 6. Copy your intact AMASS Fi le System Database ( /home/filesysdb ) from Step 2.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -19 Step 7. Start AMASS using amass_start as sho wn in the following e xample: If Database P ar tition Crashes If the AMASS File Syste m Database ( /usr/filesys db ) partition cras hes, perform the follo wing steps: Step 1.
Managing th e AMASS File System -20 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Step 5. T o restore the database and journal from the Bac kup V olume, enter the follo wing command and options: where: Step 6. Copy your intact AMASS journal ( /home/filesysdb/journal ) from Step 2.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -21 Step 7. Start AMASS using amass_start as sho wn in the following e xample: If Cac he P ar tition Crashes Y ou have lost all write transactions that were pending in the cache when t he crash occurred.
Managing th e AMASS File System -22 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Requests Not Getting to Librar y AMASS is running b ut is not beha ving as e xpected, for example, I/O requests are not going to the library . T o correct, perform the f ollo wing steps: Step 1.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -23 System P anics If a process causes a system panic, dump information to the core (memory) fi le. Sa ve this f ile because it contains clues about what was going wrong when system came do wn.
Managing th e AMASS File System -24 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A IBM Step 1. When the AIX operating system was installed, a dump de vic e is automati cally configured.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -25 Step 3. After information has bee n dumped, enter the follo wing: Step 4. The / dir direc tory should contai n entries similar to those sho wn in the following e xa mple.
Managing th e AMASS File System -26 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Command Gives U ne xpected Results A command gi ves an une xpe cted result. T o correct, perform the f ollo wing steps: Step 1. Log in as root . Step 2. Use the quedisplay utility t o make sure the command is sho wing up in the queue.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -27 Step 7. If the problem persists, run the script command, which prints a line sim ilar to the foll o wing: Try th e com mand agai n.
Managing th e AMASS File System -28 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Librar y or Drive is Nonfunct ional A library or driv e does not function as expected.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -29 P ower F ailu re After a system is rebooted because of a power failure, AMASS attempts t o automat ically run t he amassrecovery utility , which starts AMASS and reco vers an y files in the cache.
Managing th e AMASS File System -30 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Messages Generated by AMASS AMASS generates the foll owing types of messages: • Operator Inter activ e Me ssages • T echnical Support Messages • Customer-specif ic Messages These messages types are desc ribed belo w .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -31 These system log messages help you to: assess system operation, resolve problems, check system health, and monitor performance. For location of the system log and correcti ve action for messages, refer to Err ors and Corr ective Action .
Managing th e AMASS File System -32 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Prepare to Contac t T echnical Suppor t Depending on how you purchased technical support, telephone support is provided either through your reseller or directly through ADIC.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshoo ting Tools -33 Step 4. Obtain the follo wing information: • AMASS Serial Number: _________________ • Site ID: ______________________________ Step 5. Contact technical support and be prepared to suppl y the above information to t hem.
Managing th e AMASS File System -34 Troubleshoot ing T ools 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
A Bac kup Scripts f or HP-UX.
Managing th e AMASS File System A-2 Backup Sc ripts for HP- UX 6-0 0028-01 R ev A NO TES.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Bac kup Scripts for H P-UX A -3 Backup Example f or Small File Syste ms The script below performs: • A complete backup ev ery Friday (day 5) of all the files in a specified v olume group.
Managing th e AMASS File System A-4 Backup Sc ripts for HP- UX 6-0 0028-01 R ev A # # Shell variables: # TEMPFILE - temporary location for # file listing # MOUNTPT - the directory where the # amass is.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Bac kup Scripts for H P-UX A -5 then if [ -f /etc/archivedate ] then /bin/mv /etc/archivedate ŽŽŽŽŽ /etc/archivedate.
Managing th e AMASS File System A-6 Backup Sc ripts for HP- UX 6-0 0028-01 R ev A Backup Example f or Large File System s The follo wing script backs up data on lar ge file sys tems. Consequently , a full backup comp letes ov er an extended per iod of time, usually one month.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Bac kup Scripts for H P-UX A -7 #!/bin/sh set -a # abackup # # Purpose: # Store AMASS file system to tape.
Managing th e AMASS File System A-8 Backup Sc ripts for HP- UX 6-0 0028-01 R ev A # # Output: # A set of tapes the can be used to # restore user files to an amass system # # Warning: # The output filelists can be very # large. # Estimate 1 mb per 15,000 files.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Bac kup Scripts for H P-UX A -9 >${TEMPFILE} >/tmp/BACKUPFILES cd / cd ${MOUNTPT} if [ -f /etc/archivedate ] then # find . -newer /etc/archivedate -print >/tmp/BACKUPFILES echo “ ” else >/etc/archivedate fi if [ ${DAYTYPE} = 1 ] then /bin/mv /etc/archivedate /etc/archivedate.
Managing th e AMASS File System A-10 Backup Scripts for HP-UX 6-00028-0 1 Rev A done if [ -f ${TEMPFILE} ] then cat ${TEMPFILE} | sort +1n +2n | awk ’{print $1}’ > /tmp/AMASSOUT${FILEINDEX} rm ${TEMPFILE} fi else find .
B Fine-tune Bloc k Siz e.
Managing th e AMASS File System B-2 Fine- tune Block Size 6-0 0028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Fine -tune Blo ck Size B-3 Optimiz e T ape B loc k Siz e Overall system performance is generally improv ed by conf iguring the block size that AMASS uses to write to a tape dri ve. T ape block size is conf igured with the volformat -b blocksize command.
Managing th e AMASS File System B-4 Fine- tune Block Size 6-0 0028-0 1 Rev A • Read the dri ve manufacturers published data on yo ur dri v e’ s performance and block size Some of these pa ramete rs are described belo w .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Fine -tune Blo ck Size B-5 Correlate with READ-BLOCK LIMIT A SCSI dri ve writes to tape in a fix ed block segment determined by t h e READ-BLOCK LIMIT of t he driv e. This means th at at the end of e very write, the last block se gment may hold less than one full block of data.
Managing th e AMASS File System B-6 Fine- tune Block Size 6-0 0028-0 1 Rev A T o dete rmine t he READ-BLOCK LIMIT v alue, refer to your dri ve’ s manual. Y our goal is to ha ve a c omplete f ile fit into a tape block segment, without having partially fil led segments as illustrated abo ve.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Fine -tune Blo ck Size B-7 Each tape block can be configured as: MAXIOS Z = 256 KB 16 KB 16 KB 16 KB 16 KB 32 KB 32 KB 32 KB 32 KB 64 KB 64 KB 64 .
Managing th e AMASS File System B-8 Fine- tune Block Size 6-0 0028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
C Cache Commands.
Managing th e AMASS File System C-2 Cache Comma nds 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Cache Co mmand s C-3 Cache Commands Using ne w AMASS commands, you can no w a ssign cache block list v alues for reads and writes per volume group.
Managing th e AMASS File System C-4 Cache Comma nds 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Options /usr/amass/bin ./setcblist -uy [-r read_list volumegroup ] [-w write_list volume group ] Option Descript ion -u Usage st a.
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Cache Co mmand s C-5 Output The example belo w illustrates how to assi gn volume group 126 both a read and write cac he block list v alue of 2: Th.
Managing th e AMASS File System C-6 Cache Comma nds 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Options Output The example belo w illustrates how to display cache block list v a lues for volume group 52: /usr/amass/bin .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Cache Co mmand s C-7 The example belo w illustrates how to display cache block list v a lues for v olume groups 121 through123: setcbwght Assigns weight factor v alues to the cache block list numbers.
Managing th e AMASS File System C-8 Cache Comma nds 6-00028-0 1 Rev A Options /usr/amass/bin ./setcbwght -uy cachelist_number weight_factor Option Descript ion -u Usage statement -y Suppres s confir mati on and in f o rm ational message s cachelist_number Enter a cache block list value from 1 through 8 .
Mana ging th e AMAS S F ile S yst em 6-00028-01 Rev A Cache Co mmand s C-9 Output The example belo w illustrates how to set cache block list 8 for a weight factor of 100: cbwghtlist Displays the weight factor v alues for e ach cache block list.
Managing th e AMASS File System C-10 C ache Comma nds 6-00028-0 1 Rev A NO TES.
6-0002 8-01 Rev A Inde x INX- 1 Inde x Symbols /usr/amass/bin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 /usr/amass/daemons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 /usr/amass/tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 /usr/amass/utils. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manag ing the A MASS File System INX-2 Ind ex 6-0002 8-01 Rev A cdimport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50 dirfilelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 driveclean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-61 , 3-66 drivededicate . . . . . . . .
Managing the AMASS File System 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Inde x INX- 3 Drive function not as expected . . . . . . 5-28 Redwood tape length . . . . . . . . 3-103 return to service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 standalone interface . . . . . . . . . . 3-93 take out of service .
Manag ing the A MASS File System INX-4 Ind ex 6-0002 8-01 Rev A offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 recycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 redundant for backup . . . . . . . . . 2-15 remove from library . . . . . . . .
Managing the AMASS File System 6-0002 8-01 Rev A Inde x INX- 5 AMASS path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 amass_atboot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 amass_log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 amass_snap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manag ing the A MASS File System INX-6 Ind ex 6-0002 8-01 Rev A V vgexport Command . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-106 vgimport Command . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-111 vglist Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-117 vgpool Command . . . . . . . . . . . . .
デバイスADIC 6-00028-01 Rev Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ADIC 6-00028-01 Rev Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはADIC 6-00028-01 Rev Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ADIC 6-00028-01 Rev Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ADIC 6-00028-01 Rev Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ADIC 6-00028-01 Rev Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はADIC 6-00028-01 Rev Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ADIC 6-00028-01 Rev Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちADIC 6-00028-01 Rev Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。