ADT Security ServicesメーカーVISTA-15CNの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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K3893V1 3/00 9,67$ 9,67$ &1 6HF XULW 6VW HP 8VHU*XLGH ® • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *.
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- 3 - TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................... 3 System Overview............................................. 4 General Information .......................................... 4 Zones.....................................
- 4 - System Overview General Information Congratulations on your ownership of an ADEMCO Security System. You've made a wise decision in choosing this system because it represents the latest in security protection technology available today.
- 5 - System Overview (cont'd) The following table lists the five different arming modes and the features of each. FEATURES OF EACH ARMING MODE ARMING MODE Exit Delay Entry Delay Perimeter Armed .
- 6 - System Overview (cont'd) Cross Zoning Cross zoning is used to prevent f a lse alarms. Up to 10 zones can be linked together in your secu rity system (programmed by the install er). If any of the 10 linked zones f aults in the armed state, the system will wait to see if a second zon e faults with in a programmed p eriod of time.
- 7 - Entry/Exit delays General Information The VISTA-15 has preset time delays, known as exit delay and entry delay. Whenever you arm your system, exit delay gives you time to leave through the designated exit door without setting off an alarm.
- 8 - Entry/Exit delay (cont'd) Exit Alarms To minimize false alarms sent to the alar m monitoring company, your system may have been programmed for this feature. Ask your i nstal ler if Exit A larm is acti ve for yo ur system . Exit Alarm Ac tive Whenever you arm the system, the exit delay begins.
- 9 - About the Keypads IMPORTANT If the keypad beeps r apidly when you enter the premises , it means that an alarm has oc curred dur ing your absenc e and an intruder may s till be on the premises . LEAVE IMMEDIATELY AND CONTACT THE POLICE from a nearby safe loc ation.
- 10 - About the Keypads (cont'd) ARMED READY P ANIC OFF AW A Y ST A Y MAX TEST BYP ASS INST ANT CODE CHIME READ Y 1 2 3 6 5 4 89 7 0 * # ® AWAY STAY INSTANT BYPASS NIGHT ALARM CHECK FIRE NO AC CHIME BAT CANCELED NOT READY 6128 FIXED- WORD KEYPA D AWAY: All burglary zones, interior and perimeter, are armed.
- 11 - About the Keypads (cont'd) NO AC: AC power has been cut off. System is operating on backup battery power. AC: AC power is present. CHIME : The Chime feature is activated. BAT: There is a low-battery condition in a wireless sensor (if zone number is displayed) or a low s ystem battery (if no zone number is displayed).
- 12 - Functions of the Keypads 6139 2-LINE ALPHA KEYPAD Fixed-word keypads are functionall y similar, except for screen displays. 1. DISPLAY WINDOW: Fixed-word and 2-line Alpha Displays use Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) to display protection point identi- fication and sy stem status.
Functions of the Keypads (cont'd) - 13 - 4. STAY KEY: Arms the perimeter burglary sensors, guarding protected doors, windows, and other perimeter protection points, and sounds an alarm if one is opened. Interior protection is not armed, which allows movement within your house without causing an alarm.
Functions of the Keypads (cont'd) - 14 - 12. # KEY: Permits arming of the system without entering a security code (“Quick Arm,” if programmed). Also used to view the second line of single-line alpha keypads. 13. KEYS 0-9: Used to enter your individual security access code(s).
- 15 - Checking for Open Zones Using the ✱ Key Before arming your system, all protected doors, windows, and other protection zones must be closed or bypassed (see Bypassing Protection Zones section). Otherwise the keypad will display a NOT READY message.
- 16 - Arming Perimeter Only (with Entry Delay ON) Using the 3 Key STAY Use this key when you are staying home, but expect someone to use the entrance door later. When armed in STAY mode, the system will sound an alarm if a protected door or window is opened, but you may otherwise move freely throughout the premises.
- 17 - Arming Perimeter and Selected Interior Zones (with Entry Delay ON) Using the 3 Key to Arm Night-Stay STAY Use this key when you are staying home, but would like increased security by arming preselected interior zones.
- 18 - Arming Perimeter Only (with Entry Delay OFF) Using the 7 Key INSTANT Use this key when you are staying home and do not expect anyone to use the entrance door. When armed in INSTANT mode, the system will sound an alarm if a protected door or window is opened, but you may otherwise move freely throughout the premises.
- 19 - Arming All Protection (with Entry Delay ON) Using the 2 Key AWAY Use this ke y whe n no o ne will be staying on the premise s. When armed in AWAY mode, the system will so und an alarm if a prote cted door or wi ndow is opened, or if any movement is detected ins ide the premis es.
- 20 - Arming All Protection (With Entry D elay OFF) Using the 4 Key MAX Use this key when the premises will be vacant for an extended period of time, such as during a vacation, or when no one will be moving through protected interior areas.
- 21 - Disarming and Silencing Alarms Using the 1 Key OFF Use the OFF key to disarm the system and to silence alarm and trouble sounds. See Summary of Audible Notificat ion section for information to help you distinguish between fire and burglary alarm sounds.
Disarming and Silencing Alarms (cont'd) - 22 - Memory of Alarm If an alarm occurs, the keypad displays the zone number(s ) that caused the alarm and the type of alarm. Th ese messages remain displayed until cleared by a user. To clear the display: Note the zone number displayed and enter an OFF sequence.
- 23 - Bypassing Protection Zones Using the 6 Key BYPASS This key is used when you want to arm your system with one or more zones intentionally unprotected. Bypassed zones are unprotected and will not cause an alarm when violated while your system is armed.
Bypassing Protection Zones (cont'd) - 24 - Quick Bypass Your system may allow you to easily bypass all open (faulted) zones without having to enter zone numbers individually. Ask your inst aller if this feature is active. 1. + 6 (Security Code) BYPASS Enter 4-digit security code, then press the BYP ASS key.
- 25 - Chime Mode Using the 9 Key CHIME Your system can be set to alert you to the opening of a door or window † while it is disarmed by using CHIME mode. When activated, three beeps sound at the keypad whenever a protected perimeter door or window is opened.
- 26 - Panic Keys (For Manually Activating Silent and/or Audible Alarms) Using Panic Keys Your installer may have programmed your system to use special keys to manually activate panic functions. The functions that mig ht be programmed are listed below.
- 27 - Using Device Commands General Information Your system may b e set up so that certain lig hts or other devices can be turned on or off by using the device command from the keypad. Ask your installer if this has been done in your system. If programmed for y our system, some devices may activa te automatically upon certain system conditions.
- 28 - Paging Feature General Information If the Paging feature has been programmed for your system, your pager will respond to certain conditions as they occur in your system. This message appears in a 7-digit format explained below. You can also send up to 16 additional digits that may consist of PIN numbers, messages, reminders, etc.
- 29 - Security Codes General Information As an additional safety feature, other users who do not need to know your code can be assigned different security codes. These secondary users are identified by "user numbers," which you select when you assign a user's security code.
Security Codes (cont’d) - 30 - Quick Arming Note that if Quick Arming was programmed by the installer, you can press the # key in place of the security code when arming the system. You must always use the security code to disarm the system, however.
Security Codes (cont'd) - 31 - To Delete a User 1. + 8 (Master Code) Enter 4-digit Master code, then press the 8 key. Example: Press 2 0 5 9 then 8 2. (User Number) Enter user number. Enter the 2-digit user number (03-16) for the user whose code you are deleting.
- 32 - Testing the System (To be conducted weekly) Using the 5 Key TEST The TEST key puts your system into a TEST mode, which allows each protection point to be checked for proper operation. The keypad sounds a single b eep every 30 seconds as a reminder that the system is in this TEST mode.
Testing the System (cont'd) - 33 - Walk in front of any interior motion detectors (if used) and listen for three beeps. The keypad should display the identification of the detector when the detector is activated. The display will clear when no motion is detected.
- 34 - Trouble Conditions Typical Check Displays The word CHECK on the keypad's display, accompanied by a rapid beeping at the keypad, indicates a trouble condition in the system. The displays in parentheses in the left column below may appear on non-alpha keypads when the associated trouble condition is present.
Trouble Conditions (cont'd ) - 35 - Telco Fault (or CHECK and zone 94 ) If the telephone line monitor feature has been programmed for your system, this display indicates that the telephone line has been disconnected or cut. In some sy stems, this display is accompanied by a trouble sound from the keypad and an external sounder.
Trouble Conditions (cont ’ d) - 36 - POWER indicator (if present) is off. AC LOSS is displayed. The system is operating on battery power only. If only some lights are out on the premises, check circuit breakers and fuses and reset or replace as necess ary.
- 37 - Fire Alarm System (If Installed) General Information Your fire alarm system (if installed) is active 24 hours a day, providing continuous protection. In the event of an emergency, the installed smoke and heat detectors will automatically activate your security system, trig gering a loud, in terrupted sound from the keypad.
Fire Alarm System (cont ’ d) - 38 - 2. If the keypad indicates a trouble condition after the s econd OFF sequence, check smoke detectors to see if they are responding to smoke or heat-producing objects in their vicinity. Should this be the case, eliminate the source of heat or smoke.
Recommendations for Proper Protection (cont'd) - 41 - Recommendations for Proper Intrusion Protection For proper intrusion coverage, sensors should be located at every possible point of entry to a home or commercial premises. This includes skylights and upper windows in a multi-level building.
- 42 - Emergency Evacuation Establish and regularly practice a plan of escape in the event of fire. The following steps are recommended by the National Fire Protection Association: 1. Position your detector or your interior and/or exterior sounders so that they can be heard by all occupants.
- 43 - Maintaining Your System Taking Care of Your System The components of your security system are designed to be as maintenance-free as possible. However, to make sure that yo ur system is in reliable working condition: 1. Test your sy stem weekly.
Maintaining Your System (cont ’ d) - 44 - Important: Use only batteries recommended by your installer as replacement. Silencing Low Bat tery Warning Tones at t he Keypad You can silence the keypad .
- 45 - Quick Guide to System Functions FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zones Press [ ✴ ] Do this to view faulted zones when system is not ready. Arm System Enter code or press # Press arming key d.
- 46 - Summary of Audible Notification (Alpha Display Keypads) SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPTED* Keypad & Externa l FIRE ALARM FIRE is displ ay ed; desc riptor of z one in alarm is display ed.
- 47 - Glossary The following terms are used throughout the manual. ARM/DISARM: "Armed" simply means that the burglary portion of your sy stem is turned ON and is in a state of readiness. "Disarmed" means that the burg lary system is turned OF F, and must be re-armed to become operational.
- 48 - UL NOTICE: This is a "GRADE A" system. FEDERAL COMM UNI CATIONS CO M MISSI ON (FCC) Part 15 STATEM ENT This equipment has been test ed to FCC r equirements and has been found accept able for use.
- 49 - FEDERAL COMM UNI CATIONS CO M MISSI ON (FCC) Part 68 NO TI CE This eq uipment complies with Pa rt 68 of t he FCC rules. On the front cover of this equipme nt is a label that contain s, among other in formation, the FCC re gistration n umber and ringer equiva lence number (REN) for this equipment.
- 50 - WARNING! THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this system is an ad vanced desig n security system, it does not offer guaranteed protec tion again s t burgla ry or fire o r othe r eme rge ncy. Any a l arm sys tem, wh ethe r co mme rcial or reside ntial , i s subje ct to compro mise or fail ure to wa rn for a va riety o f reaso ns.
- 51 - WARNING! THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM (cont'd) • Alarm warning devices such as sirens, bells or hor ns may not alert people or wak e up sleepers if they are loc ated on the ot her side of closed or partly open doors.
- 52 - CANADIAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATI O NS (DOC) STATEMENT NOTICE The Canadian Department of Communic ations l abel identifi es cert ified equipment . This certi ficat ion means that the equipment meet s cert ain telecom municat ions network protecti ve, operat ional and safet y requirement s.
- 53 - OWNER ’ S INSURANCE PREMIUM CREDIT REQ UEST This form should be completed and forwarded to yo ur homeowner ’ s insura nce carri er for pos sibl e premium cre dit. A. GENERAL INFORMAT ION: Insured ’ s Name and Address: Insurance Company: Policy No.
- 54 - OWNER ’ S INSURANCE PREMIUM CREDIT REQ UEST (cont.) E. SMOKE DE TE CTOR LOCA TIONS Furnac e Room Kitchen Bedrooms Attic Basement Living Room Dining Room Hal l F.
- 55 - Index AC Loss ..................................................... 36 Add a User................................................. 30 Alarm ......................................................... 11 Alpha Keypad ..............................
¬.9Jl K3893V1 3/00 ADEMCO ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANT Y Alarm Devic e Manufacturing Company , a Division of Pittway Corpor ation, and its divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates ("S e.
デバイスADT Security Services VISTA-15CNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
ADT Security Services VISTA-15CNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはADT Security Services VISTA-15CNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。ADT Security Services VISTA-15CNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。ADT Security Services VISTA-15CNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
ADT Security Services VISTA-15CNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はADT Security Services VISTA-15CNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、ADT Security Services VISTA-15CNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちADT Security Services VISTA-15CNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。