Calculated Industriesメーカー4095の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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U ser ’ s G Uide — 1 P IPE T RADES P Ro ™ Advanced Pipe T rades Math Calculator USER ’ S GUidE Model 4095.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 3 Designin g and building new c alculator s like the Pipe T r ades Pro ™ Advanc ed Pipe T rades M ath Calculator and t he Plumbing Calc ™ Pro Flow & Dimensi onal Math Cal culator c ould not have been done w ithout the supp or t of pipe t ting and plumbing profes sionals.
4 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ P iPe T rades P ro ™ The Pipe T rades Pro ™ Advanced Pipe T r ades Math Ca lculator has been spec i cally de signed for to day’ s pipe t rade professi onals. No mat ter what Pipe T rade you wor k in, you'll nd it easy to use, fast, accur ate, and reliable.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 5 T ablE of conTEnTS GET TING ST A RTED ................................................................ 7 Order of O peratio ns ............................................................... 7 Using Paren these s .............
6 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Simple O f f set - Known Be nd Angl e ..................................... 30 Simple O f f set - Unknown Bend A ngle .................................. 31 Simple O f f set - Cut Length ....................................
U ser ’ s G Uide — 7 GETTinG ST aRTEd Y ou may want to practice g ettin g a feel for your c alculator ke ys by reading through the key denitions and lea rning how to enter basic feet-inc h -frac tions an d metric , how to store values in Memo r y , etc.
8 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Using Parent he ses Y our c alculator has parenthe ses ke ys an d for per fo rming mathematic al oper ations. (In the O rder of Oper ations metho d, expressions ins ide of parenthese s are per forme d rst .
U ser ’ s G Uide — 9 kEy dEfiniTionS Basic F unc tion Ke ys On /Cle ar Key – T ur ns on power . Pressing onc e clear s the last entr y and the display . Pressing t w ice clear s all non - per manent values. Of f – T urns all power of f.
10 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Dimensional F unct ion Ke ys Fee t – Enters or conver ts to feet as whol e or decimal numb ers. A lso used wit h and keys for entering feet- inch values (e .g., ). Repeated presses during co nve rsio ns toggle bet ween fractional feet- inch and decima l feet.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 11 Weight / V olum e F unction s Weight / Volume – Stores a new weight volume as pounds per c ubic feet or other for mat as shown below .
12 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Pi pet ting Project K eys T ravel Slope Offset Angleº Enters or calc ulates a linear Slo pe, Slope A ngle, or Percent Gr ade.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 13 Dene s the Pipe Mater ial. ( Stee l, Stainles s Steel, Brass, A luminum, Cast Iron, PVC or Copp er) . E l b o w Ty p e – D enes th e ty pe of radius (long or shor t) and whether a facto r y or e ld cut 4 5 ˚ But t Weld elbow is being used.
14 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Miscellaneous F unc tions Open parenthesis ke y Close parenthesis k ey En ter s an exponential value other t han x 2 or Squar e Root . Exp onent ial Root Value – Enters the exponential root value (x 1/ y ).
U ser ’ s G Uide — 15 PREfEREncE SETTinGS HOW TO SET PREF ERENCES The followin g sect ions detail Preferenc e Set ting optio ns for the Pipe T r ades Pro cal culator . Enter the Preference Mo de by pressing ( P r e f s) . Acc ess eac h categ or y by pressin g the ke y until you reach the desire d sett ing.
16 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Sec ond pres s of : (Area displays) AREA Std. ARE A 0. SQ FEET ARE A 0. SQ I NCH ARE A 0. SQ M ( repeats options) AREA Std. Third pres s of : ( V o lume disp lay s) VOL Std. VOL 0. CU FEET VOL 0.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 17 EnTERinG dimEnSionS Linear Dimens ions When enter ing feet-inc h values, enter dimensions fr om largest to smallest — feet before inch es, inches b efore frac tions. Enter fract ions by entering the nume rator ( top number) , p ressing (F rac tion Bar key ) and then t he denominator (bot tom number).
18 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ EnTERinG convERSionS Linear Con versions Conver t 1 0 feet 6 inches to other dimens ions, inc luding metr ic: KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y 1 0 FE ET 6 INCH * 10. 5 FE E T * 12 6 . I N C H m (m m) 320 0.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 19 KEYS TROKE DISPLA Y 0. 5 CU FEET 7 ( P ou n ds) 3 1 2 .1 3 9 8 L B (K i lo g r a ms) 141. 5 8 4 2 K G Conver t a cubic m eter of concr ete to pounds. The c oncr ete weighs 1 1 1 lbs per cubi c foot.
20 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Flo w Rate Conv ersions Y ou c an enter a Flow value in cubic feet per sec ond, liters per sec ond, cubic feet pe r minute, or gallons per minute, then conver t to other units. Enter 4 7 c fs, then c onver t to other units: KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y 0.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 21 baSic ma TH oPERa TionS Adding and Subtract ing Strings of D imensions Add the following m easurements: • 6 feet 2- 1 /2 inche s • 1 1 feet 5 - 1 /4 inche s • 1 8.
22 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ PERcEnT aGE cal cUla TionS The ke ys c an be use d for nding a given perc ent of a number or for wor king add - o n, discount or divi sion perc entag e calc ulations. It c an be used w ith any typ e of number , in any dimension (feet, inch, millimeter , etc.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 23 mEmoR y oPERa Tion Whenev er t he ke y is pre ssed, the disp lay ed value will be added to the M emor y . O ther m emor y f uncti ons: FUN CTI O N KE YST ROK E Add to Mem.
24 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Using Memor y Storage Ke ys ( M 1 - M9) In addition to t he standard c umulative Memor y ( as previously descr ibed), your calculator has nine inde pendent Storage Registers – M1 through M9 – that c an be used to pe rmanently store single, noncumulat ive values.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 25 P aPERlESS T aPE The Paper less T ape all ows you to display and re v iew the last 30 entr ies of a c alculati on. acc esse s the tap e mode and or scr olls for ward or back ward th rough the entr ies.
26 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ calcUla TE coSTS The Co st functi on provides t he total c ost for material, base d on a stored unit co st and an entered quantit y of material. This is convenient for quick ly calc ulating c osts on a jo b that requires many of the same kind of items.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 27 USinG THE PiPE TRadES PRo Pi pe Mater ial Ke y The Pipe Mater ial ke y let s you choose a p ipe material, whic h denes th e available sizes and sur fac e roughnes s used by the calc ulator . See App endix A on page 5 3 for mo re inform ation.
28 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ (Schedule 8 0) T Y PE 8 0 PL ASt I C (Schedule 1 20) T Y PE 12 0 P L A S t I C (SDR 21 ) T Y PE SD21 P L ASt IC (SDR 26) T Y PE SD26 PLASt IC (SDR 32.5) T Y PE SD32 P L AStIC (SDR 4 1 ) T Y PE SD41 PL AStIC Y ou can also di rectly enter a Pipe T ype, e.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 29 (M ater ial ) MA TL SIZE S tEEL ( Weig ht per Foot) PIPE SIZ E 10.2528 LB PER FEET (Filled Weight / Foot) FILL SIZ E 1 3.
30 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ But t Weld – S hor t Use this optio n when utilizing 9 0 ° shor t r adius or factor y 45° shor t r adius t tings, or any odd -ang le shor t radius t ting cut in the e ld from a 9 0 ° B. W . elb ow . Field Cut – Lo ng Use this optio n when utilizing l ong radius B.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 31 KEYS TROKE DISPLA Y 0. 1 . Enter Of fset: 2 4 O FST 24 IN CH 2. Enter bend angle: 4 5 / _ Ø 45. 00° 3. Find the pi pe length: TR AV 33-1 5/16 INCH S.
32 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Simple Of fset – Cut Length Find the cut length ( end -to - en d) fo r a pipe offs et with a 1 0” Of fset and a 1 2 ” Run. The bend angle is u nknown. This example assumes 6 ” Steel, factor y made long radius butt weld elbows are used.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 33 TO 3-1 /4 IN CH GAP 0 I NCH FIT ° 3 9.81° I ARC 3 -1 5 /1 6 I NCH CAR C 6 -1/4 IN CH OARC 8 - 9 /1 6 I NCH The cut len gth for the p ipe is 9 and 1/8 inches and bend angl e is 39.
34 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y ALL CLEAr Ed 1 . Enter Of fset: 2 4 OFST 24 I NCH 2. Enter bend angle: 4 5 / _ Ø 45. 00º 3. Enter the Ro ll and calcu late the pipe length: 4 LNTH 34 -7 /1 6 I NCH Continue pr essing the T ravel k ey t o v iew all related values.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 35 2. Enter the advance : 2 (Advan ce) RUN 28 I NCH 3. Enter the Ro ll and calcu late the pipe length and u nknown bend angle: 6 1 2 LNTH 33 - 3 /8 INCH FIT° 3 3.02 ° Continue pr essing the T ravel k ey t o v iew all related values.
36 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y ALL CLEAr Ed 1 . Enter Pipe Size : 6 S TD SI ZE 6 I NCH 2. Change the defaul t Welder’s Gap from 1/8 ” to 3/ 32 ”: 2 * GAP 0 - 3 /32 INCH 3. Enter O f fset: 2 4 OFST 24 I NCH 4.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 37 Concentr ic Pipe Bend Cutback Find the pipe Cutbac k when you are r unning pipes t hrough a 45º ben d with a 10" of fset. 10” CUTBACK 45º KEYS TROKE DISPLA Y 0. 1 . Enter the bend angle: 4 5 / _ Ø 45 .00 º 2.
38 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Calculate T ake- O ut and Butt Weld Elbow C u t Marks The T ake- Out func tion c an be use d to quickly so lve a T ake - Out and but t weld elbow cut mar ks for a know n bend angle and Pipe Size. Find the arc lengt hs for an odd be nd angle of 37° for 1 2 ” pipe.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 39 Cut Length – Known T ake- O ut V alue The Pipe T rades Pro c an so lve cut lengths for mater ials and t tings not cur rently built into the c alc ulator by ent e ring a k nown T ake- O ut value. Find the cut leng th ( end -to - end) for a pipe of fset wit h a 1 0 ” Of fset and bend angl e of 45° .
40 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Combination Roll ing O f f set Unlike a regular rolling of f set, the entr y an d exit tt ings for a com bination ro lling of fset are on dif ferent planes and t herefore hav e dif ferent t ting an gles fro m each other .
U ser ’ s G Uide — 41 a tri angle is for med whi ch will allow fo r an easy solution of th e exit tting angle in step 2. 0’ -39” 15/16 TRA VEL 0’ - 15” RUN Unknown Exit Fitting Angle Diagram 2 2.
42 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Hori zontal to Hori zontal In the next example, the same b ox dimensions are used except the exit t ting now cr eates a pipe exit horizont ally instead of ver tic ally .
U ser ’ s G Uide — 43 Calculating Drop If a pipe Run requires 1/8" drop per fo ot for drainage, how much total drop is require d for a 25' Run ? KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y 0. 1 . Enter the Slop e (Drop) : 1 SLP 0 -1 /8 IN CH 2.
44 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y ALL CLEAr Ed 1 . Enter the V elo cit y: ( Ve l o c i t y ) FPS 5 . 2. Enter the Area: ( A r e a) ARE A 1.8 SQ INCH 3. C alculate Flow Rate (defa ult is Gal lons per Mi nute ): (Flow) GPM 28 .
U ser ’ s G Uide — 45 (Cubic Feet per Minute) CF M 0 .668403 (Cubic Feet per Seco nd) C F S 0 . 0 111 4 (Li ters per Sec ond) L / S 0 . 315 4 51 V elocit y Y ou c an enter a known V el ocit y , c alculate V el ocit y and c onver t bet ween dif ferent units of V e loci ty .
46 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y 0. M/S 0. If you know the veloci ty , you can c onver t to other dimensio nal units. KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y ALL CLE Ar Ed 5 ( Vel o c i t y ) FPS 5. (feet per sec ond) FPS 5 .
U ser ’ s G Uide — 47 inHG PER FEE T 0.00 041 7 H E AD PER FEET 0.0 0 0472 BA R PER FEET 0.0 00 01 4 KP A PER FEE T 0.001 41 1 PSI PER FEET 0.00 0205 Using values above, add the Run (Length ) to ca lculate the Pressure Loss over the length of the pipe.
48 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Press ure/For c e If you know the Force a nd Area, you c an c alculate Pressure and co nv e r t the so lution to dif fe rent units of Pressure. For this example the Force is 100 lbf and the A rea is 2 square inc hes. KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y A LL CLEA rEd 1 .
U ser ’ s G Uide — 49 Pipe Capacit y How many gallons of water will a 20 ' long 6 " pipe hol d? KEYS TROKE DISPLA Y 0. 1 . Enter the Pipe Size : STD SIZ E 6 INCH 2. Find the Area: A RE A 28 .8 902 6 SQ INCH 3. M ulti ply by the Pipe length : 2 4 .
50 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Find the weight of the same length of p ipe lled with ethanol (one gallon of ethanol weighs 6 .59 lbs.) Do not c lear pr evious key s trokes. KEYS TROKE DISPLA Y 1 . Enter the weight of one gal lon of ethanol: LB/G 6 .
U ser ’ s G Uide — 51 Cir cle Area and Circumference Find the area and c ircumferenc e of a circ le with a dia meter of 25 In c h es: KEYS TROKE DISP L A Y 0.
52 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ Given side A and angle a, find: Side C A a (e.g., 5 1 ) Side B A a Angle b 90° a Given side A and angle b.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 53 aPPEndix a – Pipe Material, Pipe T ype And Data T ables Af ter sele cting a Pipe mater ial, you can sel ect Pipe T yp es for that material and g et data for each t yp e, including Out side Diameter , Internal Diam eter , Wall Thickne ss, Pipe Weight per Foot, Filled Weight per F oot, and Internal A rea.
54 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ aPPEndix b – Default Settings Af ter a Clear A ll ( ), your calc ulator will return to t he following settings: Stored V alu es Default Value Mater ia l Ste el Pipe T y pe S tandard Elbow T yp e Long Radius Butt Weld Weight to V o lume 62.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 55 aPPEndix c – Preference Settings The Pipe T rades Pro h as Preference Set tings t hat allow you to customize or set desire d dimensional fo rmats and c alc ulations.
56 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ 3 ) Volume Display F o rmat – * Stand ard (if units entered are the same — e.g. , Feet x Feet x Feet — the answer will remain in this for mat ( c u. ft), but if units entered are dif ferent — e.g. , Feet x Feet x Inches — vol.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 57 aPPEndix d – Constants For material sur fac e roughne ss, we use the foll owing: Mater ial PVC Copper Steel (lo w c arbon ) Stainless Steel ( austenitic ) Brass Aluminum Cast Iron 15 . 6 4.9 2 21 49. 2 4.9 4.9 850 e (x 10 -6 f t) Roughness F ac tor For wat er proper ties: Visc osit y = 0.
58 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ aPPEndix f – Accuracy/Errors, Auto Shut-Off, Batteries, Reset Accuracy/ Erro rs Accura cy/Displ ay Capacit y — Y o ur calc ulator has a t welve- digit display made up of eight digits (normal display ) and four frac tional digi ts.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 59 Batteries The Pipe T rade s Pro uses t wo LR- 4 4 batter ies. Replacing Batteries Should your c alculator display bec ome ver y dim or e rrati c, replac e the bat teries. Note: Please use caution when dispo sing of your old bat ter ies, as the y c ontain hazardous chemi cals.
60 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ aPPEndix G – Formulas Area F o rmulas.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 61 Sur face A rea / V olume Formulas.
62 — P iPe T rades P ro ™ W ARR ANT Y , REP A IR AND RETURN INFORMA TION Return Gu idelines 1. Please read the Wa r ra nt y in t his User ’ s Guide to determine if your Calc ulated Industri es produc t remains under warr anty befo re calling o r returning any device for ev aluation or re pairs.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 63 War ra n t y Warranty Repair Service – U.S.A. Calc ulated In dustr ie s ( “CI ”) war ra nts thi s p rodu ct aga inst defec ts in mater ials an d wor kman ship for a p er iod of one (1 ) year f ro m th e da te of o r igi nal c on sum er p urc has e in t he U.
U ser ’ s G Uide — 65 48 40 Hy tec h Dr ive Carso n City , N V 89706 U.S. A . 1 -800-8 54-8 0 7 5 • F ax : 1 - 77 5-88 5-49 49 E-mail: info@calc ulated.
デバイスCalculated Industries 4095の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Calculated Industries 4095をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCalculated Industries 4095の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Calculated Industries 4095の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Calculated Industries 4095で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Calculated Industries 4095を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCalculated Industries 4095の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Calculated Industries 4095に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCalculated Industries 4095デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。