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PUB. DIE-0444-000 NTSC HD Camcor der I ns tr u c t i o n Manu al C OP Y.
2 Important Usage Instructions COPYRIGHT WARNING: Unauthor ized recording o f copyrigh ted mate rials may infr inge on the rights of copyrigh t own- ers and be contrary to copy right laws. FCC/IC NOTICE HD Camcorde r , VIXIA mini systems This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
3 This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or trans- mitter . The available scientific evidence does not show tha t any health problems are associated with using low-power wireless devices. There is no pr oof, however , that these low power wireless devices ar e absolutely safe.
4 REGIONS OF USE The VIXIA mini is in compliance (as of June 201 3) with the radio signal r egulations of the regions listed below . For deta ils on other regions wher e it can be used, make inquiries with the contacts listed at the end of this instruction manual ( A 253).
5 • This product is licen sed under A T&T pat ents for the MPEG-4 st andard and may be used for encoding MPEG-4 co mpliant video and/or decodi ng MPEG-4 compliant vi deo that was encoded only (1) for a personal and non- commercial pur pose or (2) by a vide o provider lice nsed under the A T& T patents to provide MP EG-4 compliant video.
6 About this Manual Thank you fo r purc hasing the Cano n VIXIA mini. Pl ease re ad this manual carefully before you us e the cam corder and retain it for futur e r efer ence. S hould y our camco rder fail to operate corr ectly , refe r to T roublesho oting ( A 199).
7 • The phot os included in this ma nual are simulated pic tures taken with a still camera. • Illustrat ions of the camco rder’ s screen or a computer’ s screen includ ed in th is manu al may show on ly relevant parts of the screen.
8 T able of Contents Important U sage In structions.... .................... ............. . 2 About this Manu al .............. ............. ................... ........ 6 The Camcorder ’s Function s in Real-Life Situations .. ............. ......
9 Insertin g and Rem oving a M emory Ca rd....... ............ 36 First Ti me Settings . ................... ............. ................... 38 Basic S etup ................. ................... ............. ............ 38 Changi ng the Time Z one .
10 Advanced Functi ons ......... ......... ........... ......... ..... 85 Video Qua lity and Shooting Modes ....... ................... 87 Selectin g the Vid eo Qualit y ....... ............. ................... 87 Selectin g the Pho to Size .........
11 Ext ernal Co nnect ions ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ..... .. 123 Terminal s on the Ca mcorder ................. ............. .... 124 Connectio n Diagrams ......... ............. ................... .... 125 Playback on a TV Screen ....
12 Addi tiona l Inf ormat ion ....... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .. 1 76 Appendix: M enu Opti ons Lists ......... ................... .... 178 [ 1 Other Se ttings] Men us . ............. ................... .... 180 Appendi x: Onscre en Icons a nd Displa ys .
13 The Camcor der’ s Functions in Real-Life Situations Unique fun ctions for special cases Record a mirror imag e of your dance tr aining so yo u can pra ctice along with the playbac k scene. X Au toma tic I mage Rota tio n and Image Flipp ing ( A 108) Shoot a cool time -lapse vide o or use s low m otion to c heck your go lf swing.
14 Create a dynam ic montage sequenc e with sh ort cuts. X Video Snap sh ot ( A 100) Gett ing the look you wa nt Get gorg eous video and phot os without bothering with s ettings. X N mode ( A 54) Make the image brighter or da rker than the expos ure set by the camcorder .
15 Challenging subjects and shooting conditions Shoot great vide o of special sc ene situat ions wit h minimal settings. X Shooting Modes ( A 90) Obtain natural-l ooking colors even under special lighting conditions. X White Balance ( A 112) Optimize the exposure for the desired subject just by touch- ing the scr een.
16 Save part s of your video as ph otos or short video snapshot scenes. X Capturing Ph otos/V ideo Snapshot Sc enes ( A 120) Convert your s cenes into a smaller file size to upload to the Web . X Convertin g and Res izing Movies ( A 128) Play a slid eshow of y our photo s.
17 Wir eless funct ions Use your smartphone or table t as a remote contr ol while record ing. X Wi-Fi Remote Contr ol (CameraA ccess) ( A 145) Use a Web browser on your smart phone or table t to acce ss and play back the recordings in t he camc order .
18 Share your recor dings with Web albums using CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y . X CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y ( A 154) Connect the camco rder to your home networ k and wire- lessly stream you r recor dings. X Media Serv er ( A 161) X Wi-Fi Connect ion to an Acce ss Point ( A 163) Review and change Wi-Fi set tings (for a dvanced us ers).
19 Getting t o Know the Camc order Supplied Accessories and CD-ROM The followin g accessori es are supplied wit h the camco r der: * CB-2L VE inclu ding power co rd, in Asia.
20 The Cano n VIXIA mini CD-ROM contains the fol lowing compo- nents: - Instruction Ma nual - The f ull-version instruction manual of the camcorder (this PD F file).
21 Names of Parts Left side view 1 Photo bu tton ( A 61) 2 Memory card slo t cover ( A 36) 3 ACCESS indica tor ( A 54, 61) 4 LCD p ane l ( A 25) 5 Adjust able stand ( A 25 ) 6 Memory card slot ( A 36).
22 Right side view 9 (playback mode) button ( A 65, 70) 10 T erm inal co ver 11 Power in dicator 12 Powe r switch ( ON/OFF) ( A 54, 61 ) 13 Strap moun t ( A 25) 14 HDMI term inal ( A 124 , 125) 15 DC IN termi nal T o use t he optiona l CA-110 Comp act Power Adapter .
23 Front view T op view 16 Lens cove r 17 Stereo microphone ( A 1 10) 18 Speaker ( A 67) 19 LCD touch scr een ( A 26, 44) 16 17 18 19 C OP Y.
24 Bott om view Back vi ew 20 Serial num ber 21 T ripod socket ( A 228) 22 Batter y compartme nt cover ( A 30) 23 Wi -Fi antenna ( A 138) 24 Battery release latc h ( A 30) 25 Batter y compartme nt ( A.
25 Adjusting t he camc order’ s posit ion The camcorder ha s an adjustable stand ( 5 ) and an articu- lated LC D panel ( 4 ) that allow you to ea sily adjust i ts position to matc h your r ecordin g conditi ons.
26 19 LCD touch scr e en • The screen is produced using extremely high-precision manufac turing tech niques, with more than 99.99% o f the pixels operating to specification . Less than 0. 01% of the pixels may occasio nally misf ire or appear as b lack, red, blue or green dots.
27 Pr eparations Charging and Inserting the Battery Pack The first s tep for usin g your camcorder is to prepare the power supp ly . This section explains how to charge a bat- tery pack and how to install it in the ca mcorder . Using a Memory Car d Next, yo u need to prepar e a m emory c ard where your mov ies an d phot os will be r ecor ded.
28 Bas ic Ope rati on of t he Camcor der In this sect ion you can lea rn mo re about basic oper ations, such as usi ng the touch sc reen, changing op erating modes and using the menus.
29 Charging and Inserting the Battery Pack Charging and Inserting the Battery Pack Charge the sup plied bat tery pack in advance, usin g the suppli ed batt ery ch arge r . ■ Charg ing the B atter y Pack 1 Attach th e battery pack to the battery char ger , ali gning the t riang le mar ks.
30 Charging and Inserting the Battery Pack • When the CHAR GE indica tor on the ba ttery char ger tur ns green, the b attery pac k is fully charged. 3 When the batt ery pack is fully char ged, remove the bat - tery pack fr om the battery char g er and unplug the bat- tery char ger .
31 Charging and Inserting the Battery Pack 3 Close the battery compartment cover . • Pus h the cove r until you hear a cl ick. Do no t force the cover cl osed if the bat tery pack is not correctly i nserted.
32 Charging and Inserting the Battery Pack • Do not conne ct to the camcor der’ s DC IN term inal any elec trical equipmen t that is not expressly rec- ommended for use with this camcorder .
33 Charging and Inserting the Battery Pack • USA and Canada only : The Li thium ion/p olymer bat tery that powers the p roduct is recyclable. Please call 1-800-8-BA TTERY for i nfor- mation on how to recycle this battery .
34 Using a Memory Ca rd Using a Memory Card Memory Cards Compatible for Use with t he Camcorder Y ou can use the follo wing types o f commercia lly availab le microSD cards with this camcorder . We r ecommend using memory ca rds rated SD Speed C lass 10.
35 Using a Memory Ca rd ■ microSDXC Car ds Y ou can use m icroSDXC cards with this cam corder . When using microSDXC cards with oth er devices, such as digital recor ders, computers and card readers, make sure that the exter nal device is com patible with microSDXC cards .
36 Using a Memory Ca rd Inserting and Removing a Memory Card Make sure to initializ e all memory cards with the camcorder , using the [Complete Initializatio n] option, befor e using them for the first t i me.
37 Using a Memory Ca rd 4 Close the memory car d slot cover . • Do n ot force the cov er closed if the mem ory card is no t correctly insert ed. T o r emo ve the memo ry card Push the memory card once to release it. Wh en the mem ory card springs out, p ull it all the w ay out.
38 First Time Settings First Time Settings Basic Setup The firs t time you t urn on the cam corder , you will b e guided by the camcorder’ s basic setup screens to se lect the cam corder’ s language a nd set the date and ti me. For detail s on how to use the touch sc r een, refer to Us ing the T o uch Scree n ( A 44).
39 First Time Settings 3 T ouch [Y .M.D], [M.D,Y] or [D.M.Y ] to select the date for- mat you prefer and then touch [ æ ]. • After you selec t the date form at, the [Date/ Tim e] screen will appear with the first field selec ted. 4 T ouch a field you want to change (year , month, day , hour s or minu tes).
40 First Time Settings 6 Set the correct date and t i me by chan ging all t he fields in the s ame way . • T ouch [24H] to use 24 -hour clock or l eave it unselect ed to use 12-hour c lock (AM/PM). 7 T ouch [OK] to complete the basic setu p and close the setu p scree n.
41 First Time Settings Changing the Time Zon e Change th e time zone to match your l ocation. The default se t- ting is Ne w Y ork. In addition, th e camcorder is ab le to retain th e date and time of an other lo cation.
42 First Time Settings Initializing a Memory C ard Initiali ze mem ory cards when you use them with t his camco r der for the first ti me. Y ou can also init ialize a mem ory card to perma- nently del ete all t he recordings it con tains. 1 Make sur e the camcorder has suf ficient power to com- plete the operation.
43 First Time Settings 1 T ouch this option if you want to physically erase all the data rather than just clear the f ile allocation table of the memory card. 2 If you selected the [Com plete Initialization] option, yo u can touch [Cancel] to cancel th e initialization wh ile it is in pro gress.
44 Basic Operation of the Camcorder Basic Operation of the Camco r der Using the T ouch Screen The butto ns and menu items that appe ar on the touch scr een change dy namically depending on the opera ting mo de and the task you are per forming. W ith t he intuiti ve touch s cr een in terface you ha ve all the c ontrols at you r fingerti ps.
45 Basic Operation of the Camcorder Using the Menus The 0 (Ho me) menu is the gateway to most of the camcor der’ s functio ns and settings. In re cording mode, the 0 (Home) menu offers immediate access to some frequently used functions.
46 Basic Operation of the Camcorder ■ 0 (Home) Men u 1 T ouch [ 0 ] on t he bottom left corner (r ecording mode) or top left corner (playback mode) of the screen to open the 0 (Home) menu. 2 Drag you r finger left /right to bring the desir ed menu to the center .
47 Basic Operation of the Camcorder Menu item Description [ 1 Other S ettings] ( A 50, 180) Opens the [ 1 Other Settings] menus, which giv e you access to various camcorder settings. [Audio Scene]* (r ecording mode only) ( A 110) Optimize audio settings for your surroundings to get the best possible sound.
48 Basic Operation of the Camcorder [ < Self Timer] (recor ding mode only) ( A 102) Conveni ent funct ion to g ive you time to get in the p icture after setting up the camcorder . [ 4 Remote Contr ol+Streaming] (r ecording mode only) ( A 145) Use your smartphone or tablet as a remote contr ol to recor d with the camcorder .
49 Basic Operation of the Camcorder ■ Using the Men us Changing th e camcor der’ s various setti ngs using the menus i s very easy . Y ou make your select ion simply by touching the but- ton of the desired option. Wh en they appear on the screen, you can touch [ K ] to r eturn to the pre vious scr een or [ X ] to clo se the me nu.
50 Basic Operation of the Camcorder The [ 1 Other Settings] Menu The [ 1 Other Settings] menus o ffer many options to con trol various aspects of t he camcorder’ s operation. For detail s, refer to the co mplete list o f settings in the appendi x [ 1 Other Set- tings] Menus ( A 180).
51 Basic Operation of the Camcorder 3 T ouch the tab of the desi red me nu. 4 Drag your f inger up/down to bring th e setting you want to change into the orange select ion bar . • Y ou can al so use the [ Í ] an d [ Î ] icons fo r scrolling . • Menu items not a vailable ap pear gra yed out.
52 Basic Operation of the Camcorder ■ Recor ding When you set the power sw itch to ON , the camcorder wil l tur n on in recording mode. In r ecording mod e, the cam corder’ s oper- ating m ode is det ermined b y the selected shooting mode ( A 90).
53 Basic Recor ding and Playback Basic R ecording This sect ion cove rs how to easi ly record video and pho tos in N mode. T o r ecord usin g othe r shooti ng modes, u se more advanced fun ctions and enj oy full access to all menu settings, r efer to Advanced Functions ( A 85).
54 Basic Recording Basic Record ing Recording Video Wit h N mode, you can take g reat-looking videos by letting the camcorder aut omatically adjust setti ngs. N mode is therefore used as an examp le in the fol lowing procedure. Y ou can select a differ ent shoo ting mode according to the shoot ing condit ions ( A 90).
55 Basic Recording 1 Set th e power switch to ON t o turn on the camcord er . • The l ens co ver wi ll open . • Pla ce and adjust t he camcorder as n ecessary . If shooti ng with th e camcorder hand-held, b e careful not to ob struct the lens. 2 Set the camcor der to N mode.
56 Basic Recording 4 T ouch [ Ü ] to begin recording. • Mov ies have a n aspect ratio of 16:9. W hen the r ecording starts, the onscree n display will ch ange to l etterbox m ode. • Th e ACCE SS ind icato r will fl ash from ti me to ti me while the scene i s being recorded.
57 Basic Recording ■ Chang ing the Fie ld of View The camco r der fe atures a ultra w ide angle len s so you c an cap- ture a vast fie ld of v iew (about 16 0° for vi deo, abo ut 170° for photos), f or exampl e to inclu de a large group in a fishey e-like image.
58 Basic Recording * Under certain conditions, the Smar t AUTO icon that appears on the screen may n ot match the actual s cene. Es pecially when shooting against orange or blue backgro unds, the Sunset or one of the Blue Skies icons may appear and the colors may not lo ok natural.
59 Basic Recording Smart AU TO icons * The icon in parentheses appears under backlight conditions. Subject Background Bright * Blue skies* Vivid colors* People (stationary) ( ) ( ) ( ) People (moving).
60 Basic Recording • Observe t he follow ing precautions w hile the ACCESS indicat or is on or flashing. Fai ling to d o so may result in permanen t data loss or d amage to the m emory card. - Do not remove the mem ory card. - Do not di sconnect t he power sour ce or turn off the camcorder .
61 Basic Recording Ta k i n g P h o t o s Y ou can easi ly take photos with the ca mcorder . In the fol lowing procedure, N mode is use d as an examp le but you can select a different shooting m ode according t o the shoo ting con- ditions ( A 90) . • When recor ding in bright p l aces, i t may be dif ficult to use the L CD screen.
62 Basic Recording 1 Set th e power switch to ON t o turn on the camcord er . • The l ens co ver wi ll open . • Pla ce and adjust t he camcorder as n ecessary . If shooti ng with th e camcorder hand-held, b e careful not to ob struct the lens. 2 Set the camcor der to N mo de.
63 Basic Recording 4 Press the photo button halfway to lock the exposur e. • Th e camcorder will beep and automatica lly adj ust the expo sur e. • and the ap erture value and sh utter speed will appear on the sc r een. 5 Press the photo button fully to take a photo.
64 Basic Recording The in formation in the side bars, (important precau- tions) and (additional not es) sections i n the previous pages ( A 58-61) apply al so to phot o shootin g.
65 Basic Playback Basic Playback Playing Back V ideo 1 Press the ^ button to turn on the camcorder i n play- back mode. •T h e [ y ] in dex screen will appea r . • T o play back only v ideo snapshot scenes, touch 0 > [ ¦ ] to open the [ ¦ ] index screen.
66 Basic Playback 2 Look for the scene you want to play back. • Drag y our finger ri ght/left (2 a) or touch [ Ï ] or [ Ð ] (2b) to display the previous/next index s creen. 3 T ouch the desir ed scene to play it back. • The cam corder will play back the scene selected and con- tinue un til the end of the last s cene in the i ndex screen.
67 Basic Playback T o adju st the volum e 1 During playback, touch t he screen to displ ay the play- back contr ols. 2 T ouch [ ], drag your fing er along the [Speaker V olume] bar , or r epeatedly touch the speaker icon on eit her end of it, to adju st the v olume and touch [ K ].
68 Basic Playback 6 V olume contr ol. 7 Decoration ( A 103). 8 Capture a video sna pshot scene ( A 12 0). 9 Fast play back* backwar d/forward. 10 Recording dat e. 11 Jump to the beginning o f the next scene. 12 Resume the playback. 13 Capture the display ed frame as a photo ( A 122).
69 Basic Playback 2 T ouch [ K ] twic e to re tur n to the inde x sc reen. ■ Repeat Playback During playback of the desired sc ene: • The sam e scene will be play ed back in a loop. Repea t the pro- cedure to return to normal p layback. Stopping t he playback will als o cancel th e repeat playback setting.
70 Basic Playback The ^ button When the c amcorder is tur ned on , press the ^ button to switch bac k and forth between play back and recording mode . • When the camcorder is off, you can press the ^ button to tur n it on directly in pla yback m ode.
71 Basic Playback • Observe t he follow ing precautions w hile the ACCESS indicat or is on or flashing. Fai ling to d o so may result in permanen t data loss. - Do not remove the mem ory card. - Do not di sconnect t he power sour ce or turn off the camcorder .
72 Basic Playback Viewing Photo s 1 Press the ^ button to turn on the camcorder i n play- back mode. •T h e [ y ] in dex screen will appea r . 2 Open the [ } ] index screen. • Sound will not b e outpu t from the buil t-in s peaker wh ile the opt ional HTC-1 00 High Speed HDMI cable is con- nected to t he camcorder .
73 Basic Playback 3 Look for t he photo you want to view . • Drag y our finger ri ght/left (3 a) or touch [ Ï ] or [ Ð ] (3b) to display the previous/next index s creen. 4 T ouch the photo yo u want to view . • Th e photo is di splayed in sing le ph oto vie w .
74 Basic Playback ■ Photo Ju mp Function When you have recorded a larg e number o f photos, you can jump e asily through th e photos using a sc r oll bar . 1 In single ph oto view , display the [Photo Jump] scr oll bar . 2 T ouch [ Ï ] or [ Ð ] , or drag your finger along the scr o ll bar to find the desir ed photo.
75 Basic Playback • T ouch [ ] to magn ify the image fu rther . T o uch [ ] to reduce the magnific ation. • Drag y our finge r along th e magnif ied area to check other parts of the photo. The white sq uare within the frame rep- resents the approximat e location of the porti on of the photo that i s shown magni fied.
76 Basic Playback Deleting Scenes Y ou c an delete th ose scenes tha t you ar e not int erest ed in keep - ing. Dele ting scenes a llows you also to free up spa ce on the memory ca rd. ■ Deletin g a Single S cene 1 Play back the scene you want to delete ( A 65).
77 Basic Playback ■ Deleting Scenes f rom the Index Screen 1 Open the [ y ] or [ ¦ ] index s creen ( A 65) . • T o delete al l the scen es save d in the s ame fo lder (recorded on the sa me date), d rag your fing er left/rig ht until a scen e you want to de lete appear s.
78 Basic Playback Options [<folder name>]: Delete all the scenes recor ded on a particular date that are stored in the same folder . Th e last four digits of the folder name that appears in the bu tton indicate the date th e folder was cre- ated (ex.
79 Basic Playback T rimming Scen es Y ou can tr im scenes by removing eve rything up to a certain point or everyth ing after a certain point. B y doing so, you leave only me morable m oments to ke ep for p osterity . 1 Play back the scene you want to trim ( A 65).
80 Basic Playback • Pla yback co ntrols will app ear on the screen ( A 67). Use any specia l playback modes (f ast playback, frame r everse/ advance) as nece ssary to locat e the desired po int.
81 Basic Playback Deleting Photos Y ou ca n delete those photos that you ar e not inter ested in keep- ing. ■ Deleting a Single Ph oto 1 In single ph oto view , select the photo you want to dele te. 2 T ouch the scr een to display th e playback contr ols.
82 Basic Playback ■ Deleting Photos from the Index Screen 1 Open the [ } ] index screen ( A 72). • T o delete al l the photos sav ed in th e same fo lder (recorde d on the sa me date), d rag your finger left/ right until a photo you want to de lete appear s.
83 Basic Playback Options [<folder name>]: Delete all the photos taken on a particular date. The last four digits of the folder name that appears in the button indicate the date the folder was cr eat ed (ex. 1103 = 3 November). [Select]: Select individual photos to delete.
84 Basic Playback Slideshow Y ou can play a slideshow of all th e photos. 1 Open the [ } ] index screen ( A 72). 2 T ouch the photo that will open the slideshow to displ ay it in s ingle photo view . 3 Start the slidesh ow . • During th e photo slidesho w , touch the scr een and touch [ Ý ] to stop the slideshow .
85 Adva nced Fu ncti ons Video Q uality and Shootin g Modes This sect ion explai ns how to change t he video q uality o f your recordings and how to use t he camcorder’ s various shooting modes to get perfect recordings when you are shooting fashion scenes, dance trai ning sessions, n ight scenes or m any other sp ecial scenes.
86 When Y o u W ant More Control This sect ion explai ns function s you can u se when yo u want more con trol over how y our recordings look . It is more oriented for advanc ed users a nd covers f unctions such as white bal ance, exposure compen sation and frame rate.
87 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes Video Q uality and Shooting Modes Selecting the V ideo Quality The camcor der off ers thre e video quality op tions (bit ra tes*) for re cording movies. Select 2 4 Mbps for hig her video quality; se lect 4 Mbps for longe r re cordi ng times or s maller file s izes.
88 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes Approximate recording times * Using the optional CA-110 Compact Power Adapter , a single scene can be r ecorded continuously for 12 hours. After that, recor ding will continue as a separate scene. Memory card Video quality (Resolution) 24 Mbps (1920x1080) 17 Mbps (1920x1080) 4 Mbps (1280x720) 8 GB 40 min.
89 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes Selecting the Photo Siz e Photos are r ecorded as JPG files. The camcorder off ers three photo siz es but the p hoto qual ity can not be ch anged. As a gen- eral rule , select a la rger phot o size for higher qual ity .
90 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes Selecting the Shooting Mode In addi tion to N mode, the cam corder features a number of shooting modes that offer the m ost appropriate se ttings for a variety of special s cenes.
91 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes 2 Drag your finger u p/down to bring the desir ed shooting mode to the cen ter and then to uch [OK ]. Option s ( Default v alue; ƒ - spec ial scene shooting mode) [ N Auto] Let the camcorder take care of most of the set- tings while you concentrate on recor ding ( A 54).
92 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes [ L Beach] ( ƒ ) T o record on a sunny beach without the subject being underexposed. [ K Snow] ( ƒ ) T o record in bright ski r esorts without the sub- ject being underexposed. [ Macro] ( ƒ ) The camcorder can focus at a shorter distance, allowing you to get closer shots of flowers or insects.
93 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes •[ I Sports]/[ L Be ach]/[ K S now]: The p icture may not appear smooth du ring play back. •[ L Beac h]/[ K Snow]: Th e subject may become over- exposed on cloudy day s or in shad ed places. C heck the im age on the s creen.
94 Special Recording Modes Special Recording Modes Interval Recording Y ou can easily set the camc order to recor d half a seco nd of video or a photo at fixed intervals fr om 5 seconds to 10 minutes.
95 Special Recording Modes • and the se lected interv al leng th will appear on the screen. Also, the remaining video recording time will au to- matica lly be reduced b y about half. 3 Start r eco r ding with interval r ecordin g. • Movies: T ouch [ Ü ] to rec ord the first vi deo.
96 Special Recording Modes 7 T ouch [Y es] to delete the original interval scenes. • If yo u prefer to kee p the orig inal in terval sce nes even after they w er e successf ully joined , touch [No] instead. • Y ou can to uch [Stop] to in terrupt the operat ion whil e it is in progr ess.
97 Special Recording Modes 3 T ouch [Join] and continu e from step 5 in the pr evious pr ocedure ( A 95) . • Face detecti on and trackin g, decora tion, exposure adjustmen t and W i-Fi fu nctions canno t be used during interval recording.
98 Special Recording Modes Slow and Fast Motion Y ou can use slow motio n or fast motion to record movies with a unique loo k. Soun d is not recorded in this special rec ording mode. 1 Activate sl ow/fast motion. • Before touch ing [OK], yo u can change the play back speed with the fo llowin g procedure.
99 Special Recording Modes 2 T ouch [ Ü ]/[ Ñ ] to rec ord scenes i n slow/fast motion. T o chan ge the playback speed Y ou can chan ge the playb ack speed wh ile activatin g slow/fa st motion (from t he [ Slow Mo tion]/[ Fast Mot ion] sele ction screen) or from the record standby screen after sl ow/fast mot ion is ac tiva ted.
100 Special Recording Modes Video Snapsho t Y ou can record a series of sho rt scenes, each a few secon ds long. When you pla y the video s napshot sce nes one a fter the other , this will result in f ast-paced , dynamic vid eo. Y ou can also recor d a video snapshot scene every t ime you record a photo.
101 Special Recording Modes 3 T o record a photo along with a video snapshot scene: Press the photo button, first hal fway , then fully . • The cam corder record s a p hoto and abou t 4 second s of video af ter that. Th en, the camc order returns to record standby mode.
102 Convenien t Functions Conven ient Funct ions Self Timer • or wi ll appear on the screen. • Rep eat, se lectin g [ j Of f], to tu rn off the self timer . Movies: In r ecord standby mode, touch [ Ü ]. The camcor der starts rec ordi ng after a cou ntdown.
103 Convenien t Functions Decoration: Adding a P ersonal T ouch Add a new level o f enjoymen t to your scenes by d ecorating them. Y ou can add animat ed graphics , stamps and e ven your own freehand d rawing easi ly just by si mply usin g your fingertip.
104 Convenien t Functions ■ Decorat ing S cenes while Recording 1 In recor d standby mode, touch [ Ò ] to open the deco- ration scr een. 2 Use a tool from the toolbar as explain ed in the follow- ing procedu res. 3 T ouch [ Ü ]/[ Ñ ] to record movies with your decorations.
105 Convenien t Functions 3 [ Ó Pens and S tamps] Sele ct the type of pen or stam p and its color . Y ou can also save a single can vas or loa d a previ- ously s aved ca nvas. 4 [ × Animat ed Stamps] Select anim ated stamp s to add t o your de coration .
106 Convenien t Functions 2 Select the desir ed pen or stamp from [T oo ls]. • Th e main decor ation screen wi ll appe ar again. 3 Draw fr eely on the canvas with your fin gertip. • T o select a different pen or stamp : Repeat step s 1 and 2. • T o change col or: T ou ch [ Ó ] and t hen touch th e white or black butto n under [Col ors].
107 Convenien t Functions 2 T ouch one of the buttons. 3 T ouch anywher e on the canvas to place the selected animated stamp. Y ou can also drag s ome animated stamps to a dif ferent location. ■ Decorat ing Sc enes duri ng Playba ck Have fu n decorat ing movi es while p laying them back wi th friends and fa mily .
108 Convenien t Functions 4 Decorate the scene using the tool s from the toolbar as explained in the previous sect ions. • In play back mode , the [ Ü ]/[ Ñ ] button i s replaced by [ Ý ]/ [ Ð ]. T ouch [ Ý ] to pause the play back; touch [ Ð ] to res um e.
109 Convenien t Functions Example o f image flipping Examples of image rotation when [ Detect Orientation] is set to [On] Recor ding Playback Camcorder’ s orientation* Onscreen icon Movies** Photos*.
110 Convenien t Functions * As seen from the back of the camco r der , with the lens pointing for - ward. ** Even when orientation detection is turned on, movies r ecorded with the camcorder turned sideways cannot be played back in vertical ori- entation using the camcorder .
111 Convenien t Functions Options ( De fault value) [ Stan dard ] T o record most general si tuations. The camcorder recor d s with standard settings. [ Music] T o vibrantly record mu sic performances and singing indoors. [ Speech] Best for recor d ing human voices and dialog.
112 When You Wan t More Control When Y ou W ant Mo r e Control White Balance The whit e balance f unction helps you to accurate ly reproduce color s under dif ferent l ighting c onditions so that white o bjects will al ways look t ruly whi te in you r recordings.
113 When You Wan t More Control T o set the custom white bala nce 1 Point the camcor der at a white object, so it fills the frame at the center of the screen . 2 T ouch [Set WB]. When the adjustmen t is compl eted, Å stops flashing and disappears. The camco rder will retain the cu stom whit e bal- ance even if you tur n it off.
114 When You Wan t More Control Exposure The camco r der d etermines the optimal exp osure of a scene based on the av erage brightne ss of the whol e pictur e. When you want to record a subject th at is much brighter or d arker than it s surroundings, the automatic exp osure obtained by t he cam- corder may not b e best for tha t specific subject.
115 When You Wan t More Control 1 Select t he desir ed shooting mode ( A 90), but do not touch [OK ]. 2 T ouch [ y ] to open the exposur e adjustment screen. ■ Exposure Compensation 1 T ouch [ n ]. • The exp osure is locked an d the exposu r e com pensation dial a ppears with t he compensa tion value set at ±0.
116 When You Wan t More Control • Th e compensatio n range may vary depe nding on the init ial bright ness of the image, and some val ues may b e grayed out. 3 T ouch [ X ] to apply th e selected shooting mode and exposur e compensation value. • Durin g exposure lock, y and t he exposure compensat ion value will appear on the screen.
117 When You Wan t More Control Face Detection The camco rder automaticall y detec ts people’ s faces and uses this info rmation to set the corr ect exposure . * Face detection is alway s activated in N mode. By defau lt, face de tection is activate d so you can skip step 1 in the follo wing procedure.
118 When You Wan t More Control 2 Point the camcor der at a person. • If there is mo re than one person i n the picture, the ca m- corder will automa tically select one p erson it de termin es is the m ain subje ct. The m ain subje ct is indicat ed by a w hite frame an d the camcorder will optimize t he settings for that person.
119 When You Wan t More Control • In certain c ases, faces may not be det ected correctly . T ypi cal examples i nclude: - Faces extremely small, large, dark or b right in relation to the ov erall pictu re. - Faces tur ned to the si de, at a d iagonal or parti ally hi d- den.
120 When You Wan t More Control Capturing Vide o Snapshot Scene s and Pho- tos from a Movie Y ou can capt ure video snapshot scenes o r photos f r om a previ- ously recorded scene.
121 When You Wan t More Control 4 T ouch [ Ñ ] t o stop the pl ayback. • Th e new video sn apshot scen e will be saved in a folder correspondin g to the dat e when it was cap tured. • Y ou can change the le ngth of the video snapsh ot scenes you capt ure to 2 or 8 second s with the 1 > s > [Video Sna pshot Length ] setting.
122 When You Wan t More Control ■ Capturing Pho tos 1 Play back the scene fr om which you want to capture the p hoto ( A 65 ). 2 At th e point you want to captur e, pause the playback and captur e the photo. 3 T ouch [ Ñ ] t o stop the pl ayback. • The size of photos captured from a scene is 1920x1080 (16:9 aspec t ratio).
123 Exter nal Connections T ermi nals on t he Ca mcor der This sectio n gives more details abou t the camcorder’ s output terminals and p resents connection diagrams f or connecting your camco rder to other devices.
124 Terminals on the C amcorder T erminals on the Camcorder Open the si de termi nal cove rs to access t he termin als on t he camcorder . 1 HDMI T e rminal The HDMI terminal offer s a high-quali ty digit al connect ion that combines au dio and video in a singl e convenien t cable.
125 Terminals on the C amcorder Connection Diagrams In the foll owing connect ion diagram s, the left side shows the ter- minals on t he camcorder and the ri ght side shows (for r eference only) an ex ample of terminals o n a connected device.
126 Terminals on the C amcorder Connection 2 USB T yp e: Digital data connection Connect to a computer to save your recordings. • The HDMI term inal on the cam corder is for output only . Do not conn ect it to an HDMI o utput term inal on an exter nal de vice, as this may d amage the camcorder .
127 Terminals on the C amcorder Playback on a TV Screen Connect the camco r der to a TV to e njoy yo ur recordings with famil y and fri ends. 1 T urn off the camcorder and t he TV . 2 Connect the camcor der to the TV . • Conn ection 1 . R efer to Co nnection Diagrams ( A 125).
128 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings Saving and Sharing Y our Recordings Converting and Resizin g Movies Y ou can con vert scenes t o a lowe r video qu ality (do wn-conver- sion) to ob tain smal ler file si zes. This is convenien t, for exa mple, when you w ant to u pload video s to the Web, as smaller video files will upload fast er .
129 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings • A check mark ! will ap pear on the scenes you touch. Th e total number of sele cted scenes will appear next to the " icon. • T ouch a selected sce ne to remove the ch eckmark . T o remove all c heckmark s at once , touch [Re move All] > [Y es].
130 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings 5 T ouch [ST ART] to convert the scene. • T ouch [STOP] to interr upt the op eration whi le it is in progr ess.
131 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings Saving Recordings on a Computer Make sure to save your r ecordings o n a comp uter on a regular basis. Th is section exp lains how to save your recordings on a computer using a USB connection a nd the sup plied software Imag eBro wser EX .
132 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings The ‘Ima geBrowse r EX Us er Guide’ will also be insta lled with t he software. 1 Insert th e V IXIA mini CD-ROM int o the computer’ s disc driv e. 2 Windows: Use Windows Explorer to open th e drive into which you i nserted the CD-ROM.
133 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings 7 Follow the onscr een instructions to complet e the insta llati on. • Durin g the install ation process, y ou may be prompted to ins tall Mic rosoft Sil verlig ht. Fo llow the inst ructio ns to do so. • Came raWindow w ill also be installe d.
134 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings First-time conne ction to a computer running Windo ws The first tim e you conn ect the cam corder to the compu ter , you also need t o select the CameraW i nd ow auto-launc h setting. Connecting the Camc or der to a Computer 1 Open the desir ed index screen ( A 65, 72).
135 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings • When the camcorder is con nected to a comput er: - Do not remove the mem ory card. - Do not c hange or de lete any of t he memory card’ s folders or files directly from the comp uter as this may result in perm anent data loss.
136 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings • Regardless of the ch arge condit ions of th e battery p ack in the ca mcorder , Battery C apacit y on the c amcorder’ s details area of CameraWin dow ’ s main scree n will always a ppear as ‘Ful l’.
137 Saving and Sharing You r Recordings Uploading Recordings to the Web With the supplied software Imag eBrowser EX , you can also uploa d your movie s to Y ouT ube and photos to Facebook fr om your com puter . Addi tionally , yo u can use C ANON i MAGE G A TE- WA Y* to ma ke photo albu ms and mor e.
138 Wi-Fi Functions The Camcor der’ s Wi-Fi Functio ns This is a n overview of the W i-Fi functions o ffer ed by t he camcorder and co ntains also importa nt inform ation abou t the supported Wi-Fi standar ds.
139 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point This sect ion explai ns how to connect yo ur camcorder to an access poi nt (wireless ro uter) on an existing W i-Fi net - work, for e xample, you r home wireless net work.
140 The Camcorder’s W i-Fi Functions The Camcorder’ s Wi-Fi Functions Y ou can use the camcorder’ s W i-Fi functions to connect w ire- lessly to W i-Fi enabled devices* like sma rtphones or tabl ets and save, pla y back and u pload yo ur recordings.
141 The Camcorder’s W i-Fi Functions Andro id Devices • Install the CameraAccess app and use your smartphone or tab- let as a remote contr ol to record with the camcorder ( A 145). Y ou can even stream video from the camcorder and recor d it directly on your Android dev ice.
142 The Camcorder’s W i-Fi Functions Comp uter s an d Other Wi-Fi De vice s • On computers with a W i-Fi r eceiver , use a Web brow ser to access the camcorder and play back recor dings on the device. Y ou can also save a local copy on the computer ( A 148).
143 The Camcorder’s W i-Fi Functions ■ Before Using Wi-Fi Functi ons Based on the funct ion, the c amcorder will wirelessly conn ect directly to a W i-Fi-e nabled devi ce, such as a sm artphone, or to a Wi -Fi network via a n access poin t (wireless router)*.
144 The Camcorder’s W i-Fi Functions • We r ecomm end insertin g a ful ly charged battery p ack or usin g the opt ional CA- 110 Comp act Pow er Adapte r when using Wi-Fi fu nction s. • When using the camcorder’ s Wi-Fi f unctions, do n ot cover th e front left cor ner o f the camcorder with your hand or ot her object.
145 Wireless Connections Without an Access Point Wir e less Connections Withou t an Access Point Using an iOS or Android Device as a R emote Control Using the C ameraAcces s app* for iOS devices an d Android™ devices, you can control the camcorder from a distance while you view the camc order’ s imag e on t he device’ s screen.
146 Wireless Connections Without an Access Point 1 Camcorder: T urn on the camcorder (recor ding mode). • Adjus t the position of the ca mcorder . Change the f ield of view ( A 57) or other se ttings to mak e sure you are get- ting the image you wa nt to r ecord.
147 Wireless Connections Without an Access Point 3 iOS/Andr oid device: In the Wi-Fi setti ngs screen, turn on Wi-Fi and select the network nam e that appears on the camcor der’ s screen (s tep 2). If necessary , enter the passwor d that appears on the camcor der’ s screen.
148 Wireless Connections Without an Access Point Remote Browse: Viewing Rec ordings Using a Web Br owser on an iOS or An dr oid Device Wi th the R emote Browse func tion, you can use th e Web browser on any d evice equi pped with a Wi -Fi receiver (iO S/ Android devices, com puters, et c.
149 Wireless Connections Without an Access Point * Depending on the device , OS, browser and video quality , you may not be able to play back or save r ecordings. For details, visit your local Canon Web site. 1 Camcor der: From any index scr een, activate the Remote Br owse mode.
150 Wireless Connections Without an Access Point 3 iOS/Andr oid device: Start the W eb br owser . 4 iOS/Andr oid device: Enter the URL that appears on the camcorder’ s scr een into the W eb browser’ s addr ess bar . • When the W i-Fi connectio n is correctly est ablished, the Remote B rowse screen will appear .
151 Wireless Connections Without an Access Point Saving Recordings and Uploading Mov ies to the Web Using an iOS Device Using the M ovie Uploader app*, you can play bac k and save your mo vies and p hotos on an iOS dev ice. Y ou can also upload your mov ies to Y ouT ube and Facebook ev en when you ar e aw ay fr om your hom e network.
152 Wireless Connections Without an Access Point 1 Camcorder: From any index scr een, set the camcor der to connect with the iOS dev ice. • The cam corder’ s S SID (network name) and password will app ear . • Th e camcorder will be ready to con nect wit h the iOS device.
153 Wireless Connections Without an Access Point 3 iOS device: Use th e Movie Uploader app to upload the camcorder’ s movies. • Y ou can also play b ack or save movies and photos on the iOS devi ce.
154 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point Wir el ess Connections Using an Access Point Sharing Recordings with CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y After yo u re gister for CANON iM AGE GA TEW A Y*, you wil l be able to acce ss vario us Web services** .
155 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point General requir ements • Compute r with the suppl ied softwa re ImageB rowser EX and CameraWin dow correctly inst alled. For details on install ing the software, refer to S aving Recordings on a Computer ( A 131).
156 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point ■ Setting the Desired Web Services in the Cam- cor der Using the supplied software CameraWindow , lo g in to CAN ON iMAGE GA TEWA Y and set the Web se rvices you wa nt to use. Refer to ‘CameraW indow User Gu ide’ for d etails on using th e software.
157 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point 5 Computer: Log in to CANON iMA GE GA TEW A Y and complete the setup pr ocess. • Follo w the o nscreen instructions t o register the servic es you wan t to us e. Y ou will ne ed the acco unt inf ormation (user name , password, etc.
158 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point ■ Sharing Y our Reco rdings Using W eb Services Conven iently share your recordings with fa mily a nd frie nds usin g Web services. 1 Fr om any index screen, set t he camcorder to connect with the W eb service.
159 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point 2 Select t he desir ed W eb service. • When you sele ct (e-mail), the l ist of registered e-mail addresses will ap pear . Selec t the e-mail addresses to whic h you want to send an e-mail no tification.
160 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point Checking your uploads using CANON iMAGE GA T EWA Y Library Y ou can use th e CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y Li brary screen to see th e movies an d photos y ou uploaded. Y ou can also check what files you have sent and the various settings for the W eb services.
161 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point Wireless Playback on a Compu ter Using the M edia Serv er function , you can w irelessly view you r movies an d photos on your co mputer or similar d evice.
162 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point • If yo u have p reviously c onfigured and s aved a connectio n to an acce ss point, t he camcorder will connect au tomati- cally t o the last acc ess point us ed.
163 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point 5 Camcor der: T ouch [End] > [OK] when finished. Wi-Fi Connection Using an Access Poi nt The camcorder can c onnect to a W i-Fi netwo rk using an access point (wireless router) and even remember th e settings for the 4 most recently used a ccess poin ts.
164 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point 1 Fr om any index screen, op en the [ — Network Setup] screen . 2 T ouch the desir ed setup method. • Dep ending on th e setup meth od chosen, the p rocedure will be d ifferen t. Re ad the descriptio ns below and continue with the pr ocedur e described in the rel evant page .
165 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point * WPS, which stands for W i-Fi Protect ed Setup, is a standar d that makes connecting to an access point easier . [WPS: PIN Code]* Access the access point’ s configuration scr een using your Web browser .
166 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point ■ Wi-Fi Pr otected Setup (WPS) If your ac cess point is W PS-compat ible (bears the logo sh own below), connectin g the ca mcorder to it ca n be ver y easy . If you cannot succ essfully connect the cam cor der using WPS, try using th e [Search for Access Points] m ethod.
167 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point 2 Within 2 minutes, touch [OK] on the camcorder’ s screen . • The cam corder will connect to t he access poin t. • Y ou can to uch [Stop] and then [OK] to in terrupt the Wi-Fi Protected Se tup while it is in p r ogress.
168 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point ■ Searching fo r Acces s Points After yo u touch [Sear ch for Access Poi nts], the camc orde r will take a few seconds to de tect access po ints avail able in the vicini ty and will display t he first o ne.
169 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point 3 T ouch [OK] to save th e configurat ion. • If yo u were in the process of perfor ming an other proce- dure, the ca mcorder will au tomaticall y connec t to the access point.
170 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point Using the virtual keyboa rd When you ne ed to enter text f o r vari ous settin gs, touch the text fiel d and a virt ual keyb oard will appear on the screen. The illust ration below explains the vario us keys you can use.
171 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point ■ Manual Setup Perform thi s procedu re to manually config ur e the wir eless con- nection se ttings. This m ay be n ecessary , for examp le, if you r access point’ s network name ( SSID) cannot be detected due to the steal th functio n being e nabled.
172 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point 5 T o ente r th e [IP Addre ss] f ield, t ouch [0 .0.0.0 ]. T ouch the first fi eld and touch [ Í ]/[ Î ] t o change the value. Change the res t of the fields in the same way and touch [OK ]. 6 Enter the [Subnet Mask] field in the same way and touch [Nex t].
173 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point Viewing and C hanging Wi-Fi Se ttings When the cam corder is connec ted to an acce ss point or to a Wi -Fi-enabled d evice, you can view the W i-Fi con nection set- tings and ev en change them, if neces sary .
174 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point • The next time you make a wir eless connection, you will need to change the W i-Fi setti ngs on the iOS/A ndroid device. 3 T ouch [ K ] > [ X ] t o close the menu. T o view the acces s point’ s connect ion setting s 1 T ouch [Access Poi nt Connecti on Settings ].
175 Wireless Connections Using an Access Point 3 T ouch [ K ] > [ X ] t o close the menu. Glossa ry This is a glossary of so me of the basi c terms used fre- quently in this chapter . Th e documentat ion fo r your acc ess point m ay also con tain a glo ssary you can refer to.
176 Additional Inform ation Appendix: Menu Options Lists This section contains tables of all the camcorder’ s menu set- tings and se tting op tions f or your refe rence.
177 General Information This sect ion conta ins inform ation about optional accesso- ries that c an be used w ith the camc order and ends wit h the com prehensive list o f technica l specif ications.
178 Appendix : Menu Options List s Appendix: M enu Option s Lists The fu nction s that a re availab le depe nd on th e camc order’ s oper- ating m ode. On the ca mcorder’ s screen, men u item s not av ailabl e appear grayed out. F or det ails abo ut how to selec t an i tem, refer to Using the Menus ( A 45).
179 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Shooting Mode] ( A 90) [ N Auto] , [ Food and Fashion], [ I Sports ], [ J Night Scene], [ L Beach], [ K Snow], [ Macro], [ ’ Programmed AE] [ Flip/Rotate Image] (.
180 Appendix : Menu Options List s [ 1 Other Settings] Men us [Edit] Functions in Pla yback Modes Button Setting options [Convert to MP4] ( A 128) [Delete] ( A 76, 81) [ y ] or [ ¦ ] index screen: &l.
181 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Frame Rate] – [ ½ 30P] , [ » 24P] [Face Detection & T racking] ( A 117) [ i On } ] , [ j Off ] [Auto Backlight Corr ection] – [ i On] , [ j Off] [Flicker .
182 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Frame R ate]: Sets the frame rate (t he number of f rames recor ded per se cond). C hanging the fr ame rate will change ho w smooth movement looks in your movie s. Y ou can sele ct 30P (30 frames per secon d, progressive) or a cinema-li ke 24P (24 frames per second , progressive).
183 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Auto Rota te]: When set to [ i On], the cam corder will display in the cor rect orientation photos that were recor ded wi th the camcorder held vertically , i f at the t ime of recording > [ Detect Orient a tion] was set to [On].
184 Appendix : Menu Options List s t Display Se tup Menu item Setting options [Onscreen Markers] – [ j Of f] , [ 16:9 (White)], [ 16:9 (Gray)], [ 3 Level (White)], [ 4 L evel (Gray)], [ 5 Grid (Whit.
185 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Onscreen Markers] (recor ding mode only) : Yo u c a n d i s p l a y 16:9 area markers, a grid, or a h orizontal line at t he center of the screen. Use the marker s as a reference to make s ure your sub- ject is f ramed cor rectly (vertical ly and/or horizon tally) .
186 Appendix : Menu Options List s • Changin g the br ightness of the LCD scr een does not af fect the brightne ss of your r ecor dings or the bright ness of the play- back im age on a TV . • Using the [ H Bright ] settin g will shorte n the ef fective usa ge time of the battery pack.
187 Appendix : Menu Options List s q System Setup Menu item Setting options [Language H ] ( A 38) [ ], [Dansk], [Deu tsch], [ ], [English] , [Español], [Français], [Italia no], [Magyar], [Melayu], [.
188 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Notification Sounds] – [ ÷ High Volume] , [ ø Low Volume], [ j Off] [File Numberin g] – [ m Reset], [ n Continuous] [Auto Powe r Off ] – [ i On] , [ j Off] .
189 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Available Space in Memor y] (recor ding mode only)/ [Used Space in Me mory] (play back mo de only) : Di splays a screen where you can veri fy how much of the mem ory card is currently ava ilable f or recording or how much is in use ( ª indi - cates photos).
190 Appendix : Menu Options List s • We recommend using the [ n Continuous] setti ng. • Folders can contain up to 500 fil es (movies a nd photos c om- bined). • File numb ers consi st of 7 digits, f or example “101-0107 ”. The 3 digits b efore the hyph en indica te the folde r where the file i s saved and can range from 10 0 to 999.
191 Appendix : Menu Options List s • Approximately 30 seconds bef ore the camcorder shuts off, [Auto Pow er Off] will appea r . Operating any of the cam corder’ s controls while t he message i s displaye d will prevent the cam- corder from shutting off.
192 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Appendix: O nscreen Icons and Dis- plays Recording 1 Scene cou nter (hou rs : minute s : second s, only wh ile re c o rd i n g) 2 Sho oti ng m ode b utton ( A.
193 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays 7 Mirror image recording ( A 108) 8 White bal ance ( A 112) 9 Memory card oper ation ( A 19 8) 10 User -selected m ain subje ct frame ( A 1 17) 11 Self timer .
194 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Recording Photo s and Spec ial Recording Mode s 25 Special recording modes - Interval recording and sel ected int erval ( A 94) - Slow moti on and sele cted s.
195 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Only while r ecording photos ( A 61) 29 Exposure locked 30 Apertur e value and shutter speed Only when 1 > q > [SP-V1 Mode] is set t o [ i On] ( A 191) .
196 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Pl aying Movies (dur ing pl ayba ck) 33 Mirror image p layback ( A 69) 34 Repeat playback ( A 69) 35 Slow/Fast mo tion and p layback speed ( A 98) - Interval .
197 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays View ing Photos 44 [Edit] but ton: Open the [Edi t] panel ( A 180) 45 Shootin g info rmati on 46 Shooting mode ( A 90) 47 Curr ent photo / T otal number of ph.
198 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays 9 Memory ca rd operation Ü Record, Ñ Reco r d stand by , Ð Playback, Ý Playback paus e, × Fast p layback, Ø Fast reverse p layback, Õ Slow pla yback, Ö Slow reve rse playbac k, Ó Frame advance , Ô Frame reverse.
199 Trouble? Tro u b l e ? T roubleshooting If you hav e a problem with your cam corder , refer to this sectio n. Someti mes what you thi nk is a malfunc tion of the camcor der may have t he simplest of solutions - p lease read the “CHECK THIS F IRST” bo x before goin g on to the more det ailed p roblems and solutio ns.
200 Trouble? Power Source The camcor der will not turn on or it turns off by it self. - The batte ry pack is exhausted . Repla ce or charg e the bat- tery p ac k. - Remove the battery p ack and i nsert it co rrectly . Cannot ch arge the battery pa ck.
201 Trouble? Recording T ouchi ng [ Ü ] wi ll no t star t re cordi ng. - Y ou cannot record whil e the camcorder i s writing p revious recordings onto the me mory card (whil e the ACCE SS ind ica- tor is on or f lashing). Wait until the ca mcorder has finish ed.
202 Trouble? Changing t he operati ng mode between recor ding ( Ü )/rec ord- ing st andby ( Ñ )/playback ( Ð ) takes lo nger than u sual. - When the mem ory card contains a large numb er of scenes, some oper ations ma y take longe r than usual . Save your recordings ( A 131) an d initiali ze the m emory c ar d ( A 42).
203 Trouble? Dele ting scenes takes lo nger tha n usual . - When the mem ory card contains a large numb er of scenes, some oper ations ma y take longe r than usual . Save your recordings ( A 131) an d initiali ze the m emory c ar d ( A 42). Cannot captur e a video snap shot scene f rom a movie.
204 Trouble? appears (in r ed) on the s creen . - A memory c ard error occurred. T urn o ff the camcorder . Remove an d reinsert the memory card. Initia lize the memo ry card if the display does not cha nge back to n ormal. and [ End ] appear (in r ed) on the sc reen .
205 Trouble? - Remove the battery p ack and i nsert it co rrectly . Abnormal cha racters app ear on the scr een and the cam- cor der does no t operate pr operly . - Remove the battery p ack and i nsert it af ter a few moments. V ideo noise app ears on scr een.
206 Trouble? Memory Card and Accessories Cannot in sert the memory card. - The memor y card was not facing t he correct direction. T ur n the memo ry card over and i nsert it . Cann ot record on the memo ry ca rd. - The memory card is full. Del ete some recordings ( A 76, 81) to free some space o r replace the memor y card.
207 Trouble? - The camcorder may be set to recording mode. Dis connect the optional HTC -100 High Speed HDM I cable, set the cam- corder to playbac k mode a nd then restore the connection . - Video and audi o will not be output from the camcorder whil e Wi-Fi functions a re in use.
208 Trouble? - The effective comm unicatio n range between the camcorder and ac cess point may v ary depend ing on th e stre ngth of the wireless signal.
209 Trouble? - Switch the wireless access p oint to I EEE 802.11 n. Refer to its inst ruction m anual for d etails. - If these do not solve the issu e, the cause may be due t he device or cond itions unique to the surroundin g area. Use the optional HTC-100 H igh Speed HDMI cable to conn ect the camcorder to a TV ( A 127).
210 Trouble? - Enable JavaS cript and co okies in yo ur Web browser’ s set- tings. For details, refer to t he help mo dules or on line docu- mentat ion of the We b browser used.
211 Trouble? Cannot l oad can vas - The canvas f ile that was saved on t he memory card is cor- rupted. - Canvas da ta cannot be r ead fro m canvas files cr eated using other dev ices. Cannot pl ay back - Y ou may not be able t o play ba ck scenes th at were recorded with other devi ces or c r eated or edited on a com- puter .
212 Trouble? Cannot play th e mov ies on th is me mory card Initi aliz e only using the camc orde r - The memor y card in the camcorder was ini tialized using a computer .
213 Trouble? Cannot s ave th e canvas - Cannot save y our [Pens and Stamps] d rawings on the memory card. S ave your recor dings ( A 131) an d initial ize the memory card ( A 42). Cannot trim the s cene - Scenes that w ere r ecorded or edi ted with other d evices cannot b e trimmed w ith this cam corder .
214 Trouble? File n ame err or - The folder and file numbers h ave reached their m aximum value. S et 1 > q > [File Nu mbering] t o [Reset] and delete a ll the mov ies ( A 76) and photos ( A 81) on t he memory card or initia lize it ( A 42).
215 Trouble? Memory card writi ng error Attemp t to recover the d ata? - This message w ill appear the next time you turn on the camcorder if power supply was accidentally interrupte d while the ca mcorder was w riting to the memo ry card. Select [R ecover] to try to recover t he recordings.
216 Trouble? Recor d ing was stopped d ue to i nsuf ficient write sp eed of the memory car d - The data tran sfer rate wa s too high fo r the memory card in use and the recor ding was stopped. Replace the memory card with one rated SD Spee d Class 10 .
217 Trouble? T ask in pr ogress. Do not discon nect the power sour ce. - The c amcor der is updat ing the memor y card . W ait unt il the operation en ds and do n ot remove the batte ry pack. This phot o cannot be displayed - Y ou may not be able to display ph otos taken with other devices o r image fi les created or ed ited on a c omputer.
218 Trouble? List of Messages for Wi-Fi Func tions Refer als o to the in struction manual of your access p oint and other dev ices you will us e. Another use r is alr eady contr olling the ca mcorde r . T ry again later . - This mes sage appears o n the screen of the W i-F i devic e.
219 Trouble? No access p oints fo und - The acce ss point set in the camcorder cou ld not be f ound. - Cordless phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators an d other appliances may int erfere with the wireless sign al. T ry using the cam corder in a locat ion farth er away from such appli- ances.
220 Trouble? Unable to complete WPS. T ry the operat ion again. - Some access p oints require pr e ssing and hold ing the Wi -Fi Pr otected Se tup (WPS) butt o n.
221 Trouble? Una ble t o ob tain an I P addres s - If you are not using a DHCP se rver , connect using th e [Man- ual Setup] o ption and e nter the IP a ddress usin g the [Man- ual] opti on ( A 171). - T urn o n the DHC P server . If it is a lready on, make sure it is functi oning properly .
222 Trouble? Wi-Fi co nnection terminat ed - Cordless phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators an d other appliances may int erfere with the wireless sign al. T ry using the cam corder in a locat ion farth er away from such appli- ances. - The camc order may not be able to con nect to the access point if too many dev ices are accessing it .
223 Trouble? List of Messages for W eb Services Wi- Fi e rror . I nc orrect enc ry ption me tho d. - Make sure the camc order and access poi nt are using the same auth entication/ encryption method. - If the ac cess point is using MAC address filtering, e nter the camcorder’ s MAC address in the acces s point’ s configura - tion screen.
224 Trouble? Connect to a comput er and use supplie d software to set up This servi ce may not be av ailable in your re gion - T o use Web services, set in the camc order the settings saved o n CANO N iMAG E GA TEWA Y . Inst all Image Browser EX and Camer aWindow in your comput er and configur e the setti ngs using CA NON iMA GE GA TEW A Y .
225 Trouble? This image ca nnot be sen t - Y ou attempted t o send a t ype of recording or a file w ith a size that is not supported by the selecte d Web service. Check t he recording before sending. Tr y a g a i n - An error occurred w hen connect ing to the CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y server o r the serv er is temp orarily dow n.
226 Do’s and Don’ ts Do’s and Don’t s Handling Precautions Camcorder Be sure to observe t he follow ing precautions to ensure maxi- mum perfo rmance. • Save your r ecordings perio dically . M ake sure to transfer your recordings to an ext erna l device, such as a comput er ( A 131), and sav e them o n a regular basis.
227 Do’s and Don’ ts blister ing. The u se of a tr ipod is recommen ded for people with circulation problem s or ver y sensitive sk in, or when using the camcorder in ver y hot places. • Do not leave the camcorder in places subject to high te mpera- tures (like the insi de of a car p arked unde r direct sunlight), or high hum idity .
228 Do’s and Don’ ts • Be careful of heat generated by lighting e quipment. • Do not disassemb le the camcorder . If the camc order does not function properly , co nsult qualifi ed service perso nnel. • Handle t he camcorder with care. Do n ot subject th e cam- corder to shocks or v ibration as t his may cause d amage.
229 Do’s and Don’ ts Battery Pack • Dirty terminals m ay cause a p oor cont act betw een the batt ery pack and the camc order or battery ch arger . W ipe t he term i- nals with a so ft cloth. ■ Long-T erm Storage • Store battery packs in a dry place a t temperat ures no higher than 30 °C (86 °F).
230 Do’s and Don’ ts Memory Card • We recommend backi ng up the recordings on th e memory card onto your co mputer . Data may be corrupte d or lost due to memory ca rd defects or exposure to stat ic electr icity . Cano n sha ll no t be liabl e for lost or c orrup ted dat a.
231 Do’s and Don’ ts Built-in Rechargeable Lithium Battery The camc or der ha s a b uilt -in r echar geab le lithiu m bat ter y to keep the date/tim e and other settings. Th e built-in lithium battery is recharged wh ile you u se the camcorder; how ever , it wil l dis- charge co mpletely i f you do no t use the camco rder for about 3 months.
232 Maintenan ce/Others Maintenance/Others Cleaning Camcor der Body • Use a sof t, dry cloth to clean t he camcorder body . Nev er use chemically treated cloths or volat ile solvents such as pa int thi nner . Lens • Remove an y dust or d irt particles using a non- aerosol type blower brush.
233 Maintenan ce/Others Condensation Moving the camc order rapidly be tween hot and cold tempera- tures may cause con densation (w ater droplets) to fo rm on its inter nal surf aces. Stop u sing the c amcorder if co ndensatio n is detected. C ontinued use may dama ge the camcorder .
234 Maintenan ce/Others Using the Camcorder Abroad Power S ources Y ou can use the suppli ed batte ry charger to charg e battery packs in any c ountry with po wer supply betwee n 100 and 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Consult a Ca non Serv ice Center for inf or- mation on plug adapter s for overse as use.
235 General Information General In formation Optional Accessories The followi ng optional accessor ies are compatible with this cam- corder but the ir availabi lity may d iffer from area to area. Select accessories a re described in more detail in the fo llowing p ages.
236 General Information Call or visit you r local r etailer/d ealer fo r genuine Ca non video accessories. Y ou can also o btain genuine ac cessories for your Canon camc order by callin g: 1-800 -828-4040 , Canon U.S.A. Infor mation Ce nter . SP-V1 Splashproof Case Use of ge nuine C anon acces sories is recommended.
237 General Information Battery P acks When you need extra battery p acks, use only t he NB-4L. CB-2L V or CB- 2L VE Battery Char ger Use the batte ry charger t o charge th e battery packs. Fully charging a battery pack will take ap proximately 1 hour 30 min - utes.
238 General Information This ma rk ident ifies genui ne Canon video a cces- sories . When you u se Canon v ideo equipm ent, we recommend Canon-brand accessories o r produc ts bearing th e same mark.
239 General Information Specifications VIXIA mini — V alues given are ap proximate figures. System •R e c o r d i n g S y s t e m Movies: Video: MPE G-4 A V C/H.264 Audio: MPE G-2 AA C-LC (2ch) Photos: DCF (Desi gn rule fo r Camera File system) , compatib le with Exif* V er .
240 General Information • Maximum Recording Time Commercially availab le 16 GB mem ory card 24 Mbps : 1 hr . 25 min . 17 Mbps : 2 hr . 5 min . 4 Mbps : 8 hr . 40 m in. Commercially availab le 32 GB mem ory card 24 Mbps : 2 hr . 55 min . 17 Mbps : 4 hr .
241 General Information • Lens f=2.7 m m, F/2.8 35mm-equiv alent focal length (ultra wide) : Movies: 16. 8 mm Photos: 15.4 mm 35mm-equiv alent focal le ngth (close-up ) : Movies: 35. 0 mm Photos: 32.1 mm • Lens Configura tion 6 elements i n 5 groups (1 dou ble-sided aspher ic elem ent) • Focusing Di stance Deep focus, 0 .
242 General Information • Size of Photo s 4000x3000 pix els, n 1920x1440 p ixels, 640x480 pixels Photos c aptured from movies: 1 920x1080 p ixels T erminals • USB T erminal: mini-B, Hi-Speed USB • HDMI T erminal: HDMI Mi ni Connector; o utput onl y Wi-Fi •S t a n d a r d Compli es with th e IEEE 802.
243 General Information • Dimensions [W x H x D] (ex cluding the wrist st rap) 76 x 22 x 96 m m (3 .0 x 0.9 x 3.8 in.) •W e i g h t (camcorder bo dy only) 160 g (5 .6 oz.) NB-4L Battery Pack • Battery type Rechar geable li thium ion batte ry • Rate d volta ge: 3.
244 General Information • Operating t emperature : 0 – 4 0 °C (3 2 – 10 4 °F) • Dimensions : 53.0 x 86. 0 x 19.5 mm (2 .1 x 3.4 x 0.77 in.) • Wei g ht : 60 g (2 .1 oz .) Weight and dimen sions are approximate. Er rors and omission s excepted.
245 Index A Abroad, usi ng the camcord er ......... ........ . 234 AUTO mode ..... .............. 54 Auto rota te ....... ........ .... 183 Automat ic backlight correcti on ............. ...... 182 B Battery p ack Char ging . ............. ........ 29 Remain ing char ge indicator .
246 Phot os ......... ............. ... 81 E Edit pan el ............ ......... 180 Erro r messa ges ......... .... 210 Exposure compensat ion .... ........ . 114 F Face detec tion .......... .... 117 Facebook ......... .... 137 , 151 Fast moti on . .
247 O Onscreen i cons ....... ...... 192 Orienta tion dete ction ..... . 108 Other S ettings menus ......... ........ 49 , 180 P P (Program med AE sh ooting mode) ....... ............. ...... 90 Photo r eview time ......... . 182 Photo s ize ...... ..
248 Turning o ff not ificati on sounds ..... ........ ........ . 189 U Ultra wide angle ......... ...... 57 Uploading movies .......137 , 151 , 154 USB terminal ........ 124 , 126 V Video qu ality ........ ........ ... 87 Video snapshot ........ .... 1 00 , 120 Volume .
249 CANON CONSUMER DIGIT AL VIDEO EQUIPMENT LIMITED W ARRANTY FOR THE UNITED ST A TES The limited warr anty set forth below is given by Canon U.S.A ., Inc. (“Canon USA”) with respect to Cano n Consumer Digital Vi deo Equipment (the “Equipm ent”) pu rchased in the U nited States.
250 D) I f the E quipment is used for com m ercial or i ndustrial use. This Limite d Warranty d oes not cover cabinet (exterior finish), video casset te tape, head cleanings, nor does it apply to Eq uipment pur chased outside the United States.
251 CANON CONSUMER DIGIT AL VIDEO EQUIPMENT LIMITE D WARRANTY The limited warr anty set forth below is given by Canon Canada Inc. (“ Canon Canada”) with respect to Canon Con sumer Digita l Video Eq uipment (the “Equipment”) purchased in Canada.
252 Canon Canada assumes no liability for special , consequential or in cidental damages, loss o r corruption of data includin g, without limitation, data stor ed on the hard disk drive of the Equipme.
cover 4 © CANON INC. 2013 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, T okyo 146-8501, Japan PUB. DIE-0444-000 USA CANON U.S.A., INC. NEW JERSEY OFFICE 100 Jamesburg Road, Jamesburg, NJ 08831 USA CANON U.S.A., INC. CHICAGO OFFICE 100 Park Blvd., Itasca, IL 60143 USA CANON U.
デバイスCanon 8455B003の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Canon 8455B003をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCanon 8455B003の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Canon 8455B003の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Canon 8455B003で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Canon 8455B003を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCanon 8455B003の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Canon 8455B003に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCanon 8455B003デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。