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Document Scanner User Manual Please read this manual bef ore operating this scanner . After you finish reading this man ual, store it in a safe place f or future reference .
Internat ional ENERGY ST AR Program As an EN ERG Y S T A R ® Partner , Cano n El ectr onics Inc ., has dete rmined that t his machi ne mee ts the ENERGY ST AR ® Pro gram guidelines for ener gy efficie ncy .
INTR ODUCTION i INTR ODUCTION Thank yo u f or pu r cha sing the Canon DR-40 10C D ocument S c a nner . Please read this m anual thoroughl y bef ore us ing the scanne r to familiar iz e yourself wit h its capabil ities, and to m ake the most of its many funct ions .
INTR ODUCTION ii Symbols Used in This Manu al The following symb ols are used in t his manual to explain procedures, restri cti on s , hand ling precaution s , and instructions tha t should be obser ved f or s af ety .
Document Scanner User M anual Har dware.
Contents ii Contents Chapte r 1 Before Usin g the Scanne r .. ..... .... ... .... ... ..... .... ... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ... .... ..... .. .. 1-1 1-1 Important Sa fe ty Ins tructi ons ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ...
Contents iii Resetti ng t he Coun ter . ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. .... 4-6 Removi ng/At tachi ng the Roll er Uni t .. .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ...
1-1 Cha pter 1 Bef ore Using th e Scanner 1-1 Important Safe ty Instructions T o ensure the saf e operation of this scanner , be sure t o read the safet y warni ngs and precautions descri bed below . Install ation L ocatio n The performanc e o f this scanner is affect ed by the env ironm ent i n which it is installed.
Chapter 1 Before Using t he S canner 1-2 • Av o id e x posing the scanner to rapid changes in temperature. If the room in which the scanner is installed is c ol d but rapidly heated, water droplets (condensation) may f or m inside the scann er . This may result in a not iceab le d egradation in scanning qu ality .
Chapter 1 Before Using t he S canner 1-3 Handling W ARNING Note the f ollowing precau tions whenever using the scanner . Fai lure to do so may result i n a fire or electric shock. ■ Never use alcohol, benze ne, paint thinner , aerosol sprays, or an y oth er highly flammable substan ce near th e scann er .
Chapter 1 Before Using t he S canner 1-4 ■ Do not place objects on top of the scanner . Such objects may tip o r fall over , resulting in per son al i nj ur y .
Chapter 1 Before Using t he S canner 1-5 1-2 F eatur es of th e DR-4010 C Docume nt Scanner The m ain features of t he DR-4010C document scann er are desc ribed below . • Fast Document Feeding The sc anner can s can a m aximum of 42 documen ts per m inut e in a range of sizes from business cards to L TR/A4 size .
Chapter 1 Before Using t he S canner 1-6 • T ext E nhancement Mode This mode ena b les you t o scan docume nts wi th dark bac kgrounds or documents with f aint te xt wr itt en in pencil clearly . Note This mode may not function eff ectively , depending on the documen t t ype.
Chapter 1 Before Using t he S canner 1-7 1-3 Names and Functions of P ar ts This sec tion desc ribes t he nam e and func tion of ea ch par t . Mak e sure t o read t his section and f ami li ar iz e yourself with the par ts of the scanner bef o r e usin g the scanner.
Chapter 1 Before Using t he S canner 1-8 ■ Ba ck V iew ■ Interf aces (S ee “2 -4 Conn ecting the Scann er to the Compu ter , ” on p. 2- 11.) CA UTION • D o not bloc k the ven tilati on o penings. Doing so could cause the s canner to overheat, creating a risk of fire .
2-1 Cha pter 2 Setup 2-1 Setup Pr ocedure In orde r to pre pare the s canner for use, read and fol low the instructions in each s ection below . Inst a l lati on Req uirement s Inst alli ng the Softw .
Chapter 2 S etup 2-2 2-2 Installation Re q uireme n ts T o use the DR-4010C scanner, your c o mputer must satisfy the fol lowing system requirement s .
Chapter 2 S etup 2-3 • If the CPU , memor y , i nterface card, and other spec if ica t io ns do not satisfy the installation requirements, the scanning speed ma y be greatly reduced and transmiss ion ma y take a long time.
Chapter 2 S etup 2-4 2-3 Installing the Sof tware This section descri bes how t o install the required softw are. Setup Disc When you inser t the Set up disc supplie d with the s c an ner into the CD-ROM driv e of your computer , the menu shown below sho uld appear .
Chapter 2 S etup 2-5 Soft ware Install atio n Install the software be f ore connecting the scanner to the computer . 1 Log onto Windows with an account that has Adm inistrator privileges. IMPORT ANT • Be sure to log on as an Administrator . • C lose all other applications before i n s tall ing t h e software.
Chapter 2 S etup 2-6 4 Clic k [Insta ll]. Installation of the DR-4010C dr iv er beg ins . 5 Clic k [Next ]. The software license agreement appears. 6 Read the license agreement and click [Y e s] to accept i t.
Chapter 2 S etup 2-7 Ne xt , the job tool software is installed. 7 The DR-4010C dri v er installation is com plete . 8 Cl ick [Fin is h]. Installation of CaptureP erf ect 3 .
Chapter 2 S etup 2-8 9 Clic k [Next ]. The software license agreement appears. 10 Read the license agreement and click [Y e s] to accept i t. The installation location sc r e en a ppears . 11 Clic k [Next ]. CaptureP erf e c t is installed. 12 The Captu reP e r fect i nst all ation is comp lete .
Chapter 2 S etup 2-9 13 Cl ick [Fin is h]. Installation of the User Manual star ts. 14 Clic k [Next ]. The User Manual is installed. 15 The User Manual installation is complete.
Chapter 2 S etup 2-10 17 Clic k [Exit]. Click [Back] to ret urn to the menu s creen. 18 After the software inst al lation i s compl et e, you can c o nnect the scann er to the com put e r . (See “2-4 Connecting the Scanner to the Comp ut er , ” on p.
Chapter 2 S etup 2-11 2-4 Connectin g t he Scanner to the Compute r There a re two m ethods for connecting t he DR-4010C scanner to a computer : USB connection, which m akes use of a standard USB por t on the c omputer , and SCS I connect ion, which m ak es use of a SCSI card installed in an e xpansion slot of the computer .
Chapter 2 S etup 2-12 3 Connec t the power cord into an AC outlet . b 4 Use the supp li ed USB cable to connect the scan ner to t he computer. Using a SCSI Connection IMPORT ANT • Make su r e that the computer is tur ned OFF bef ore connec t in g t he SCSI cable.
Chapter 2 S etup 2-13 1 Shut down Windows and turn the comp ut er OF F . 2 V eri fy t hat the power s witch of the s c a nner is OFF . If t he power s witch i s in t he ON p osition, push the switch t o set it to OFF . 3 Plug the supplie d power cord into t he power c onnector on t he rear of the uni t.
Chapter 2 S etup 2-14 2-5 T urning the P ower O N When you turn the comput er an d the scanner ON, the Plug and Play f u ncti o n of Wind o ws recognizes the scanner and automa ti cal ly installs the required device driv er .
Chapter 2 S etup 2-15 Note • In Windows XP , a message appears wh en installation is complete. • In Windows 2000, no message appe ars when installation is com plete . • The DR-4010 C is installed in De vice Manager under [Imaging Devi ces] as [CANO N DR- 4010C USB] or [CANON DR-4010C SCSI].
3-1 Chapter 3 Basic Operat ion 3-1 Document s The scanne r can sca n do c u ments ranging in s i z e from business cards and checks to A4 size document s . It can also scan long docume nt s up to 39.2” (1000 mm). The documen t siz es that this scanner can scan are shown below .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-2 IMPORT ANT A docum ent m ust meet the f o llowi ng criter ia to be sc an nab le: • W hen scanning a multiple page document , pages of the same size, thic kness, and wei gh t must be grouped t o gether . Sc a nning diff eren t siz es and types of pap er together can cause the scanner to ja m.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-3 3-2 Doc ument T ra y and Eje ct T ray Prepare the docum ent feed tra y and document eject t r ay according t o the paper size and f eed/e ject method. Prep aring th e Docu ment Feed T r a y 1 Grasp the middle of the documen t f eed tray and slowly open it toward you.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-4 Note • The U-tu rn path is used to scan documents on paper of norm al w eight . Sc a nned document s are ejected to the documen t eject tra y . • The straigh t path is used to scan document s on thin paper , thick paper and business cards that cannot be scanned through the U-tur n path.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-5 3-3 Placing Documents There a re two m ethods for feedi n g documen ts , the P age Separation mo de and B ypass mode. F ee ding pages continuously from a stack of doc uments placed in t h e feed tra y i s called the Page Separation mod e .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-6 CA UTION ■ Do not place the documents on top of the scanner to align them. Doing so may cause a malfu nction. ■ When placing docu ments into th e feed tray , take care not to cut y our hands on the edg es of th e paper .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-7 5 Adju s t the docum ent g uides to fit the width of the document. Note Bef o r e scann ing, make sure that the documen t i s not c u rled or creased, and that it is place d in the f eed tra y correctly . S can ning an improperly placed, cur led, or creased document may damag e the document or cause a pap er jam.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-8 Note F o r more informat ion on pl acing do cuments, see “F eed ing in the P ag e Sepa ration Mode, ” on p. 3- 5 . 3 Star t sc anning.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-9 3-4 Job F unction In addition t o usin g s can ning applications, such as Capt ure P e r fect 3.0 to perf orm scanning , the DR- 4010C is equip ped with the Job Funct ion. The Job Function ena b les you to scan simp ly b y touching a job b utt on on the scanner.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-10 Job R egi strat ion T o ol The Job Reg ist ration T ool is a T W AIN-compatible appli cat ion that is installed with the IS I S/ TW AI N dr iv er , and launches f rom the Programs menu. Use the J ob Registration T ool to program functions in the job butt on s.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-11 1 Place the doc uments into the feed tr ay . (See “3 - 3 Placing Docum ents, ” on p . 3-5.) 2 Press the job button c to sta r t t he j ob . The DR-4010C monitor appears, an d scanni ng star ts. 3 W hen s can ning is com plete, the imag e data are sent according to the preset conditions.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-12 shown below will app ear . Select an application from this dial og box or click [Cancel] and change the ev ent sett ings . • Only appl ications that supp or t the Windows e vent function can be star ted using the Launcher f eature of the DR-4010C.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-13 3. Dou b le-click [S cann ers and Cameras]. 4. Sel ect [CANO N DR-4010C U SB] (or [CAN ON DR-4010C SC SI]) Æ clic k [Proper t ies] . The [CANON DR-4010C USB Prop erties] (or [CANO N DR-4010C S CSI Proper ties]) window appears.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-14 5. Cl ic k the [Ev ents] tab . 2 Under [ Scanner ev ents], select the button whose s et ting you want to c hange (But t on No .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-15 3 By de f ault, all appl ications listed under [Send to this a pplication] a r e selected. S elect only one application (deselect the check bo xes f or all other applications.) Then clic k [Appl y ]. IMPORT ANT If the [Disable de vice e vents] chec k bo x is selected , t he Job Fun c tion canno t be used.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-16 3-5 Cap tureP erfect 3. 0 This section descr ibes the flo w of the Capture P erfect 3.0 ap pli cat ion. F or more inf or mation on CaptureP erfect 3.0, see the CaptureP erf ect 3.0 Ope r ation Gui de and t he CaptureP erf ect 3.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-17 • Sca n T o Presen tation This mode is useful whe n the scanner is used in environments, such as conference halls, where it can be connected to large di spla ys or projectors.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-18 2 F o ll ow the procedure below to select the Canon DR-4010 C Document Scanner as t he scanner to be used. 1. O n the [Scan] menu, click [Select S canner]. 2. Sele ct [ Can on DR -4010C] Æ c lic k [OK]. Note If [Canon DR-4010C] is not displa yed i n the list of scanners, re-i nst all the ISIS/TW AIN driver .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-19 3 On t he [Scan] menu, cli c k [Scan ner Setting] . The Prope rt ies dial o g box f or the ISIS driver opens. 4 Set t he sca n settings. F o r more informat ion on sc an settings, see Chapter 7, “I SIS /TW A I N Driver Setti ng s .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-20 6 On the [Scan] menu, selec t [Scan B at ch to File]. The [Scan Ba tch t o File Setting] dialog box opens . F o r more details o n how to scan d ocuments, see t he CaptureP erf ect 3. 0 Operation Gui de and CaptureP erf e c t Onli ne H elp .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-21 • Feeding O ption is set to “Panel -Feeding”: Place the ne xt docum ent an d p r e ss job b utton a (Star t) to resume sca nning, or press job but t on b (S top) to stop scanning. 9 After scanning is complete, select [E xit ] on the [File] menu to q uit Cap t ureP erf ect 3.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-22 Scan P anel Funct ions The S can Panel has the fol lowing f unctions. a Start butto n If F eed ing Option i s set to “P anel-Feedi n g, ” clic king this button star ts scanning.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-23 3- 6 U sing P at c hco de S hee ts The DR-4010C ISI S dr iv er and CaptureP erf ect 3.0 both suppor t the automatic file separation function with patchcode sheet s . P atchcode p atter ns are prin ted on patchc ode sheets, which are us ed to aut omatically separate files.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-24 P at chc ode P a tte rn Fu nct ion There a re two t ypes of patchcodes and their f un ction chang es accordin g to their pat tern. ■ P A TCH T (FILE A) P A TCH II (FILE B) How to Use P a tch co de Sheets 1 Pri nt patchcode s heets on a p rinter .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-25 3 On t he [Oth er] tab of the ISIS dr iver proper ties, set the b at ch separation sett ing to “P atchcode. ” 4 F rom the application , perf or m scanning with batch separation enabled.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-26 3-7 Clear ing a P ape r J am When p aper jams occur d uring scanni ng, use the foll owing proc edure to c lear them. CA UTION W hen re mo ving jamm ed paper , take care not to cut yo u r h an ds on th e edg es of t h e pap er .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-27 3 Remov e the jammed do c u ment. ■ If the jam occurred in t he f e ed s e ction ■ If the jam occurred in th e ej ect sec tion IMPORT ANT Make sure to pull the doc ument out caref ully , without applying too much f orce.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-28 • If a paper jam occurs when “Rapid recov er syste m” i s enab led in the ISIS/T W AIN drive r settings, t he image data of the docume nt is not sav ed and scanning stops. This allows y ou to continue scanning from the document that caus ed the pape r j am after the pape r jam is fix ed.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-29 3-8 Other Functi ons This scanne r also suppor ts the scanning function s descr ibed below . • Folio Scan Documents larger than A4 (up to A3) can be scanned by f olding them first. • Doub le Fee d Detec tion Fu ncti on The scanner w ill det ect a doub le feed and st op scanni ng.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-30 Do uble Fee d Det ect io n Fu nct ion The scann er is equipped with a [Double F e ed Detection] function that automat ically detects w hen two or more pag es are f ed at t he sam e time ( d oub le feed) wh il e scanning continuously .
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-31 • W hen scanning in the L ong Documen t mode, if the docum ent is placed on the s canner in a sk ewed po sition, it may b e damag ed.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-32 3. Dou b le-click [S cann ers and Cameras]. 4. Sele c t [CANON DR-401 0C USB] or ([CANON DR-401 0C SCSI ]) Æ clic k [Proper t ies]. The [CANON DR-4010C USB Prop erties] (or [CANO N DR-4010C S CSI Proper ties]) window appears.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-33 2 Click the [Maintenan ce] tab . 3 Click [Long Docum ent mode (1,000 mm)]. 4 Click [A pply] to chan ge t he scanner’ s settings. 5 Click [OK] t o close [S c an ners and Cam eras Proper t ies] . 6 T ur n the scanner OFF a nd then O N ag ain.
Chapter 3 B asic Operation 3-34 MultiS tream Func tion If the application that you are using suppor ts t he MultiS t rea m function, then it i s pos s ible to scan a document once a nd si multaneously output two ty pes of images ( Pr imar y imag e and S econdar y image.
4-1 Cha pter 4 Maintenance 4-1 Regular Maintena nce Clean the scanner on a regular ba s i s as des cribed b elo w to main t ai n peak sc anning q uali ty . CA UTION ■ When cleaning the scan ner , turn OFF the power switch and disconnect the power cord fr o m the power outlet.
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-2 Clean ing th e Sens or Glass and th e Ro llers If scanned images have e xtr a neous marks, or if the scann ed documents are dirt y , the sensor glass or rollers inside the scann er m a y be di r t y . Clean them periodically .
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-3 3 Use a clean dry cloth to wipe d irt o ff the s ensor glass. W ipe both the top an d bottom sensor glasses. IMPORT ANT Scratches on the sensor glass may caus e marks on the images and could caus e feeding errors.
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-4 6 W ipe t he remov ed rollers with a cl o th t h at has been mo ist en ed w it h water and thoroughly wr ung out. 7 Attach the rollers that were removed. ( See “Attaching the Roller Unit, ” on p. 4-10 , and “Attaching the Retard Roller , ” on p .
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-5 4-2 Remov ing an d Att aching the Roller s T o clean or replace the r o ller uni t or retard roller , remove and t hen attach the par ts as descr ibed in each respect iv e section. IMPORT ANT F e ed rollers a r e consumable p art s .
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-6 Reset ting t he Coun ter After replacing the f eed rollers, open the [Counter setup] dialog bo x and reset the counter . 1 Open the [Event settings] dialog bo x. 1. Cl ic k the [Start ] b utton, Æ [Set ti n gs] on t he [Star t] menu Æ c lick [Co n trol P an e l].
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-7 3. Dou b le-click [S cann ers and Cameras]. 4. Sel ect [CANO N DR-4010C U SB] (or [CAN ON DR-4010C SC SI],) Æ click [P roper ti es] .
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-8 2 Click the [Maintenan ce] tab . 3 Click the [Reset ] button, and then make sure that the counte r f or the roller being used is set to 0.
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-9 Remo ving/Attac hing the Rolle r Unit T o remov e or attach th e roller unit, proceed as f o llows . CA UTION Use caution wh en removing or attachin g t he roller unit. Using to o m uch f o r ce may lead to da ma ge or pe r so nal inj ur y .
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-10 4 Mov e the roller unit to t he right a and then pull it out b . Attaching the Roller Unit 1 Align the cutout on the roller un it with the shaft pin on the mai n un it . Note If t he cutout a nd pin do not fit , rotate t he roller until t he par ts a re prope rly matched.
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-11 4 Carefully lower the upper unit. Finally , push the upper unit down with b oth han ds at the sides until the unit click s into place. V er ify that the u pper unit is proper ly closed. CA UTION W hen closing the upper unit, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in pers onal in jury .
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-12 2 Inser t a finger of each ha nd into the g rooves on bot h ends of the rol ler cover and remov e the cov er . 3 Mov e the roller loc k le ver down an d forw ard ( a , ) and then slide it to the right ( b .) 4 Shi ft the ret ard r oll er to the right to remov e it.
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-13 2 Slide the roller l ock le ver to the left, and i nser t i t into the retard roll er slot. 3 Push the roller l oc k lev er towards the ba c k of the scanner to loc k the retard rol ler into place. 4 Replace the roller co ver .
Chapter 4 M aintenance 4-14 6 Close the upper unit slowly . Make sure that the upper uni t i s com pletely closed by pushing on both edges with both hands until you hear a c lick. CA UTION W hen closing the upper unit, be careful not to get your fingers caught, as this may result in pers onal in jury .
5-1 Chapter 5 T r oubleshooting 5-1 T roub leshooting This section de s cr ibes the possible problems that might occur dur ing use of the scanner and how to solv e t hem. The S canner Does Not T urn O N ....................... ........................
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-2 P r o ble m T he US B hu b is no t c om p at ible w ith th e s c ann e r . Sol utio n Remo v e the USB hub . ✘ The PC D oes No t Reco gniz e the S can ner (Conn ectin g vi a SC SI) T he f ollow ing are poss ible cau ses of t he PC failin g to reco gnize t he scan ne r .
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-3 IMPORT ANT • If doc uments are not scanned norm all y even if the scanne r s e tup is OK, a proba ble cause is that the scanner dr iver or application software is n ot run ning correctl y . Re-install the scanner d riv er or application softw a r e.
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-4 Problem Attempting to scan a docum ent of a size, thi c kness, or w eight that the sca nn e r cannot scan . Solution Check the siz e, thickness , and weight of the document. For precautions concer ning document s, see “3-1 Documents, ” on p .
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-5 Symp toms T ext o r images o n the rear side of your document ap pear i n the sca nned ima ge . Problem The [B rightness] set ting is too low , or the p aper is too thin. Solution Set a higher [ Brightness] setting. If the pa per is too t hin, ma k e a copy of the document s and t hen sc an the c op y .
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-6 5-2 Uninstalling Software If the ISIS/TW A IN driver , and “CaptureP erf ect 3. 0” are not operating norma lly , f ollo w the procedure below to uninstall them . Then, re-install the softw are from the DR-4010C setup disc.
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-7 The [Add/Rem o ve Programs Proper ties] dialog bo x appears. Note F o r Windows XP , the [Add or Remov e Programs] dialog bo x appears. 3 F rom the list in the d ialog bo x, select the application you w ant to delete Æ click [Change/ Remov e ] .
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-8 The uninst all procedure is carr ied out. 3 After uninstall is complete, click the [Finish] b utton to exit the uninstalle r . Uninsta lling the Jo b Registrat ion T o ol 1 F rom the Programs list in the dialog bo x, select [DR-4010C Job Registration T ool ] and cli ck the [Change/ Remov e] but ton.
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-9 2 The [Confir m File Deletion] screen appears. Clic k the [Y es ] button. The [Remove Shared File?] dialog bo x appears. 3 Click the [Y es T o All] but ton. A confirm ation messa ge appears . Note Under Windows XP , the [Add/Remove Programs] dialog bo x appe ars .
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-10 5 After uninstall is complete, click the [OK] but ton to exit the uninstalle r . Uninsta lling CaptureP erfect 3.0 1 Sele c t [CaptureP erf ect 3 .0] from t he list in the dialo g bo x Æ clic k the [R emov e] button.
Chapter 5 T roub leshoot ing 5-11 2 The file delete conf irm ation scree n appears. Click the [Y es ] button. Uninstallation star ts. 3 After uninstallation is complete, click the [Finish] button t o e xit the uninstaller .
6-1 Chapter 6 Appendix 6-1 S pecific ation s Spec ificatio ns Ty p e Scanning Document Specific ations Width: Length: Desktop sheetf ed scanner 2.08" to 8.
Chapter 6 A ppendix 6-2 • The fu ncti o ns described abov e can be used if they are supp ort ed b y the application software. • Som e f u nctions may not be av ailable , depend ing on t he performan c e of your PC and on y our so ft ware .
Chapter 6 A ppendix 6-3 Exter na l Dime nsio ns 21.4 " (544 mm) (Do cumen t F e ed T ra y Ext ensio n i s open ) 12.5" (318 mm) 8.9" (225 mm) 19. 3 " ( 491 mm ) (Do c umen t F ee d T r a y is op en ) 5.2" (131 mm) 10.9 " (278 mm) 7.
In dex 6-4 Inde x B batc h sepa ratio n . ....... .... ........ ....... .... ........ ....... .... ........ .. 3- 23 Bypa ss Mode ...... ... ........ ........ .... ....... ........ .... ....... ........ .... 3-7 C Ca pture Perfec t 3.0 ........ ......
Document Scanner User M anual Sof tware.
Contents ii Contents Chapte r 7 ISIS/TWAIN Dr iver Set tings ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... .. 7-1 7-1 Befor e Use . .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ....
7-1 Chapter 7 ISIS/TW AI N Driver Settings This chap ter descr ibes the dialog box es o f the IS I S a nd TW AI N drivers . P lease read this cha pt er and t he ISIS/TW AIN d river’ s Help before making driver settings. 7-1 Before Use This sc anner can scan docum ents rangi ng in si z e from business cards and checks to A4 size document s .
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-2 2 On t he [Scan] menu, cli c k [Se lect Scanner] . 3 Select [Canon DR-4010C] Æ cli ck the [ OK] b utt on. Note If [Canon DR-4010C] is not displa yed i n the list of scanners, re-i nst all the ISIS/TW AIN driver .
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-3 7-2 ISIS /TW AI N Driver Pr oper t ies Dia log Bo x The ISIS/TW AIN d riv er proper ties dialog box consists of four t abs: Basic, Brightne s s, Image processing and Others. See the descr iption of each tab s heet for de tails .
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-4 Basic T ab S heet This [Basic] tab sheet is displa yed when the driver i s called directly and not from another settings dialog box.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-5 ☞ Refer to the descriptions of the f ollo w ing function f or det ail s about “Skip Blank P age, ” “A uto Color Detection, ” “Detect P age Size, ” “T ext Enhanced Enhancem ent Mode” and “Margin.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-6 ☞ Docu ments with low-contrast text can be made more rea dab le by adju sting Con t rast on the [Brig htness] tab sheet. ☞ If the bac kground is non-uniform , such a patter n, t h e b ac kground remain s visible in the image, and text ma y be hard t o read.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-7 Mode-Dependent Function Limit ations The fol lowing tab sheet functions are par tially disab led ac c o r d ing t o the selec t ed mode. Ref e r to “[Brightnes s] T ab Shee t, ” on p . 7-13 f or the [B r ightness] tab sheet settings.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-8 Dots per inch Select t he sc anning resolution. ☞ Higher resolutions provide clearer images, b ut produce larger files. ☞ W hen t he sele c ted resolution is 300 dpi or less, the [Moire Reduct ion] setting is enabled to a ll ow reduction of Moir e patter ns in s canned i mages.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-9 [Folio] Document s that are nor mally f olded in half are scanne d on both sides and compo sed i n to one image. (See “Foli o Scan, ” on p. 3-29. ) ☞ [Folio] is not display ed if [P atchcode] is selected as the Batch Separation setting on the [Others] tab sheet .
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-10 [Speed Priority] This mode gives priority to scanning speed , and generates 400 or 600 dpi images from images scanned at 3 00 dpi. Although sc anning speed is f as t, image quality is slightly red uced. [Image Qu ality Priority] This mode gives priority to image quality , an d scans at 600 dpi .
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-11 Mode in case of binary Select t he sc anning mode when a page is judged to b e blac k a nd white. ☞ [High - Spee d T ext Enhancem ent] is d isab led wh en [Auto Color Detection] is enabled.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-12 Scan Are a Dialog Bo x (T W AIN Driver) This di alog box appears with app lication programs that display the [Scan] button in t he Prope rt ies dialog box.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-13 ☞ When [Deskew] is enabled on the [Basic] t a b she et, the spec ified area m ay be displaced when scanni ng. Area Win dow The size i ndicated f or the A rea window correspon ds to the page siz e setting, and the a r e a within the panel indicates the current sc anning are a.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-14 The avai lability of brightne s s and cont r ast settings are as f ollows according to the mode setting on the [Basic] tab sheet.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-15 [Gam m a Settin gs ] Dial o g B ox Use the [Gamm a Settings] dialog box to adjust the gamma correction value .
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-16 ☞ Y ou can also m o ve the gamma cur v e b y dragging it with the mouse. [Freeha nd ] The output value f or a par ticula r input value in t he gamm a t a b le can be specified with the m ouse. ☞ Click any p oint in the Gamm a Cur v e G raph to set that point as an output value.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-17 [Ima ge pr oc essing] T ab Shee t The [ Image proces sing] ta b sheet pro vides settings affecting proc essing of s canned im ages. Som e settings may be disabled depe nding on t h e mode set ti n gs on the [Bas ic] tab sheet.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-18 [T ext O rientation Re cognition] Check Box Select this check bo x to detect te xt orientation in scanned image s, and rotate images in 90º increment s as needed to nor malize or ientation.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-19 The [Setting] butt o ns are enabl ed when [Drop-out color Custom] or [Custom Color Enhance] is selected, so that you can s pe c i f y a color range in t h e [Colo r Settings] dialog bo x for drop-out o r enhanc ement.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-20 [Others] T ab Sheet (T W AIN driver) [Rev erse sid e] Scannin g occurs as f o ll ows depending on the scann ing side s e t tings. ☞ W hen t hi s check box is selected and the scanning side is set to [Simplex], only the back o f each page is scanned .
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-21 Double F eed Detection This function stops docum ent tr an s p ort w hen doub l e feeding of document pages is detected, and provides sel ecti o n of the detect ion method to suit t h e docu ments to be sca nned.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-22 With the [Standard Feeding ] Feeding Option Wit h the [Automa tic Fee di ng] or [Panel Fe edin g] Feed ing Op tion [Au to] Each batch of documen ts is sav ed with diff erent file names. [P anel] Document b at ches are s e par a ted when the [ Bat ch Sepa ration] button on the Scan P anel is pressed.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-23 [Ba rcode s] Butt on This is enabled when the o ptional barcode module is installed: clic k it to open the Barcode dialog box and m ake settings aff ecting barcode det ection in documents. F or details , see the ISIS/TWA IN dr iv er Help, or contact your supplier .
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-24 Ad don D ia log Bo x The [Addon] dialo g box pro vides acces s to the f ollowing dialog bo xes , where y o u can mak e setting f or adding text or bitma p image s to scanne d do cument images.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-25 [Addon] Ch eck Box Select this check bo x to apply te xt or bi t m ap images to scanned document imag es. Imprinter Side Select the side on which to apply y our te xt or images. [En able] C heck Box Select this check bo x to enable t he application of add-on text.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-26 [Left arrow] abbre viation : <L> Inserts a lef t arrow ( ) symbol. [Right arr ow] abbreviation: <R> Inserts a right arro w ( ) symbol. ☞ Specia l text can only be ente r e d for one type of counter .
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-27 ☞ W hen add-on t ext is applied t o an image, the size o f t he characters depen ds on the scan resolution. [En able] C heck Box Select t his check box to enable application o f bitma p imag es to scann ed ima ges.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-28 [Horizonta l Offset] Enter the desired offset from the edge of the document f ee der inlet. ☞ W hen applying an add-on to t h e front side, enter the offset from the left side of the f eede r inlet.
Chapter 7 IS I S/ TW AIN Dr iv er Settings 7-29 Sta rt V alu e Enter the star t v alue f or the counter . Inc rem ent This i s the cou nter increment v alue. T he count er increments by t he va l ue entered h ere. Inc rem ent T ri gg er Specifies the type of e v e nt t hat trigg ers a c ount er increment .
8-1 Chapter 8 Job Registrat ion T ool Set tings This chapter describ es Job Regi st r ation T ool settings f or job functions. Refer to Section “3-4 Job Function, ” on p.
Chapter 8 Job Registration T ool S ettings 8-2 8-2 Job Registration T ool Se tt ings Dia log Bo x The Job Registration T ool Settings dialog box provides access to the [Ne w /Editing ] di alog bo x and the [Admin] dialog box, and the New/Edit dialog bo x prov i des a ccess to f u ncti o n setting dialo g boxe s.
Chapter 8 Job Registration T ool S ettings 8-3 Job R egi strat ion T o ol Dia log Bo x This dialog box appears when t he Job Registration T ool is start ed from the Progr am s menu. Job Button Settings Li st The display ed job b utt ons correspond to t hose on th e scanne r , showing their currently assigned settings.
Chapter 8 Job Registration T ool S ettings 8-4 [Ne w/Ed iting] Dia log Bo x The [New/Editing] dialog b o x appears when you cl ic k a Job button in the Job Regi strat ion T oo l dialog box. The [ Ne w/Ed it ing] dialog box appears as f oll o ws dep ending on t he function settings registered to the Job buttons.
Chapter 8 Job Registration T ool S ettings 8-5 Jo b title Enter the job titl e to be display ed in the Job Button Settings list. ☞ Job titles may consist of up to 29 alphanumer ic c h ar acters. Function Sel ect th e f u nct i o n to r egist er to th is jo b .
Chapter 8 Job Registration T ool S ettings 8-6 Sa ve in f ol der When the [Sav e to My Pictures f older] check bo x is no t s e lect e d, this is enabled f or you to enter a f older nam e in which to sav e scanned images. Y ou can also select a f older b y clicki ng the [Browse] button.
Chapter 8 Job Registration T ool S ettings 8-7 PDF Se tti ngs Di alog Bo x Com pr essi on ra te Sele ct the compression ra te fo r PDF files. • Selec t [ No rmal] to sa ve with standard com pression. • Sel ect [ High Com pression] to sav e files with high compression.
Chapter 8 Job Registration T ool S ettings 8-8 Setting t o Print S canned Images (Functio n: Pri nt) [Pr inter ] Shows the printer to use f or printing images. Click the [ Pri nter setti n g] b utton to change printer sett ings . [Pr int fo rmat] Select wh ether to resi z e ima ges for printing.
Chapter 8 Job Registration T ool S ettings 8-9 Settings for Monit oring the Fold er for Saved Images [Capacity W arning Sett ings] The Capacit y Warnin g S ett ings all ow you to spec ify in adv ance the fol d er for saving image files, and the space to be av ailable f or saving files .
Chapter 8 Job Registration T ool S ettings 8-10 [B ac k Up / Rest or e] Se tti ng s [Ba c k Up] B utton Wr ites a backup file (*.reg) of registered jo b data t o the s p ecified fol de r . [Re sto re] Butto n Restores t he job data f rom a st ored backup file (*.
9-1 Chapter 9 Practi cal Examples This chapter pro vide s examples of set ting s f or the DR-4010C ISIS/TWA IN driver . Refer to these examples when m aking ISIS/TWA IN d river settings. For descriptions of par ticular setting i tems , s ee “I SIS/TW AIN D riv er Se tti ngs, ” on p .
Chapter 9 P racti cal Exam ples 9-2 • T o scan long-pag e documents Set the scanning m ode t o Long Docum ent mode, and select [A uto-detection] as the [P age Size] in the Proper ties dialog bo x. Docu ment pages ma y be up to one meter long. (See “Long Docum ent M ode, ” on p .
Chapter 9 P racti cal Exam ples 9-3 • T o av oid losing the edges of an image due to shifting of the d ocument page, or to remove black frames from ar o und imag es Adjust t he sc an area u sing the [Margin] slide r in the S can A rea dialog bo x.
Chapter 9 P racti cal Exam ples 9-4 • T o scan a batch of documents on e page at a time Set the [F eeding Op tion] t o ei t he r [Automatic F ee ding] o r [Panel Feeding], and scan each page. After scanning each page, the scanner retur ns to t he waiting state .
Chapter 9 P racti cal Exam ples 9-5 Scanned images a re rotated as f ollows according to the or ientation of loaded docum ents and t he selected angl e . • T o r ota te i mages to ma tch docum ent text Select [T ext Orien t ation Re cognition] on the [Im age processing] tab sheet .
Chapter 9 P racti cal Exam ples 9-6 • T o skip or enhanc e a cu stom color Select [Drop-out color Custom] or [Custom color Enhance] in the [Color drop-out] l ist on the [Image process ing] tab sheet to open t he [Colo r Set t ings ] di alog bo x. He re you can specify the range of colors t o be droppe d ou t or enhanced.
Chapter 9 P racti cal Exam ples 9-7 Pres can • T o con firm i mages be fore sca nning Select t he [Prescan] check box on the [Others] t ab sheet , and sc an. When s canning is first star ted, the first docume nt page is prescanned and displ a y e d i n the Prescan pan el.
デバイスCanon DR-4010Cの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Canon DR-4010Cをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCanon DR-4010Cの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Canon DR-4010Cの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Canon DR-4010Cで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Canon DR-4010Cを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCanon DR-4010Cの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Canon DR-4010Cに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCanon DR-4010Cデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。