Advantek NetworksメーカーAWN-USB-54Sの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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1 USB W irele ss LAN A dap ter User’s M an ual Model # AWN-U SB-54S.
2 FCC Warning This equipment has been tested and found t o compl y with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. T hese limits are designed to provide reaso nable protection a gainst har mful interf erence in a resident ial in stallation.
3 Revision History Revision History V1.1 Second release All br and a nd pr oduct n ames ment ioned in t his m anual a re trademar ks an d/or register ed trademark s of their respect ive holde rs.
4 Contents 1. Introduction ......... .......... ......... .......... ............ .......... ......... ......... .......... ..... 5 1.1 Features ..... ......... ......... .......... ......... ............ .......... ......... .......... ..... 5 1.2 LED Indi cato r .
5 1. Introduction This adapter is an IEE E 802.11g client device th at delivers unriva led wireless performan ce for your desktop PC or laptop PC. W ith this adapter, you can easil y upgrade your computer w ireless connectivit y.
6 2. Installation Procedure Note: If you hav e i nstalle d the Wireless USB 2.0 Adapt er dri ver & utility b efore, ple ase uninstall the old versi on first. 2.1 Install Driver & Utility Note: The followi ng i nstal lation was ope rated under Win dows XP.
7 STEP2: Insert I nstallation CD i nto CD-R OM dr ive then windows below will appear. Click Install D river to begin device dr iver installatio n. STEP3: Please wait for a w hile durin g the Setup W iza rd i s preparing the setup.
8 STEP4: Please read the following licen se agreement. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of this agreement. Click Yes to accept the agreem ent. STEP5: In W indows XP, the re is a Window s Zero Configu ration Tool f or you to setup wireless adapter.
9 STEP6: If you need the adapter to o perate w ith better performa nce, pl ease choose O ptimize for perfor mance mod e to enable the Tx Burst mod e . O r you can choose Optimi ze for WiFi mode to run in standard w ireless network . STEP7: Please wait for a while during th e a dapter is config uring your new software installation.
10 STEP8: W hen the adapt er is installed pr operly, the confi guratio n util ity w ill be displa yed automatica lly. STEP9: After the setup ha s finished the installing a nd click Finish button.
11 To check if th e ada pter is properl y installed , you can right-click My Co mputer choo se Properties cli ck Device Manag er . The C onfigur ation Ut ilit y appear s as a n icon on the s ystem t ray of W indows while the adapter is ru nning.
12 2.2 Install Driver for Vista Step 1: Once USB W ir eless LAN C ard i s plugge d into the Co mputer, you wi ll see the Found New Hardware w indows is shown as below. Cl ick Can cel to close th is window . Step 2: Insert the Install CD-Rom and Setup progr am will displ ay.
13 Step 3: Please w ait for a while dur ing the USB W ireless L AN Car d is configur ing your new software in stallation. Step 4: After setup ha s finished inst alling, click Finish to e xit the wi zard.
14 To check if th e ada pter is properl y installed , you can right-click My Co mputer choo se Properties cli ck Device Manag er ..
15 3. Wireless Network Configuration Utility The Conf iguration Utilit y i s a power ful a pplication that helps y ou to configure the W ireless USB 2.0 ad apter and m onitor the link stat us a nd statistics dur ing the communicat ion process. W hen the USB adapter is installed, the con figuration utility w ill be displayed automatica lly.
16 STEP3: Uncheck “Use Windows to configure my w ireless network settings” to enable the utility for the adapter a nd then click OK to contin ue. Note: If “Wireless Ze ro Conf iguration” is enabled , you can onl y configure the a dvance setting or c heck the link status and st atistics fro m the con figuration util ity of the ad apter.
17 3.2 Link Status In th is section, you can im mediatel y mo nitor the current con nected link sta tus, such as Link Speed, T hroughput , Link Quality, Signal Strength, Noise Leve l …etc.
18 Status: Display the SSID and MAC I D of the netw ork that the adapter i s connecti ng to. Extra Info: Displa y the link status . Channel: Display the nu mber of the ra dio chan nel and the frequenc y used for the network ing. Link Speed ( Mbps): Display t he t ransmi ssion and reception rate of t he netwo rk.
19 make conn ection. If the i ntended netw ork has encr yption o ther than “ Not Use ”, RaConfig w ill br ing up the security page and let use input the appropria te information to make the connect ion Available Netwo rk: Thi s list shows all available wireless networ ks within range of your adapter.
20 Profile Na me: Define a recogni zable profile n ame for you to identi fy the different network . SSID: The SSID (up to 32 printable ASCII charact ers) is the unique name identified in a W LAN. The ID pre vents t he uninte ntional m erging of tw o co-l ocated W LANs.
21 stations. If ther e are only 802 .11b wire less stations i n the network, you can set the card to this mod e. 802.11 B/G mix – I f you h ave a mix of 802 .11b and 802.11g wirel ess station s in your network , it is recommen ded to setting the card to this mode.
22 3.3.2 Authentication and Se curity Authenticat ion T ype: This setting h as to be consist ent w ith the wire less networ ks that the adapter inte nds to conne ct. Open: No authenticatio n is needed among the w ireless de vices. Shared: Onl y W ireless devi ce us ing a s hared ke y (W EP Key id entified) is all owed to connecting each othe r.
23 WPA2 – Lik e W PA, W PA2 su pport s IEEE 802.1 x/EAP authentication or PSK tech nolog y. It also i ncludes a new advance d en cryption mecha nism using the Adva nced Encr yption Standard (A ES). AE S is r equired to t he corp orate u ser or go vernment u sers.
24 Fill the text b ox by follow ing the ru le below: 64-bit – Input 10-d igit Hex value s ( in th e “ A-F ”, “ a-f , and “ 0-9 ” ran ge) or 5-digit ASC II characters (i ncluding “ a- z ” and “ 0-9 ” ) as the e ncryption k eys.
25 Authenticat ion Type: The EAP authentication prot ocols this adapter has supporte d are included as fo llows. This setting has to be consistent w ith the wire less APs or Rou ters that the adapter inte nds to conne ct. PEAP: Protect Ext ensible Auth entication P rotocol.
26 Identity: Enter the name as the id entity for the server. Password: Enter the p asswo rd as the identit y for the serv er. Use C lient C ertific ate: A client cer tificate i s r equired fo r T LS, and i s o ptiona l f or TTL S an d PEAP.
27 Allow Intermediate C ertifi cates: A server des ignates an i ssuer as a truste d root auth ority b y placing the issuer’s self-signed certificate, which contains the issuer ’s public k ey, into the trusted root certif ication authorit y cert ificate store o f the host computer.
28 or more ret ies. 4. Frames F ail To Recei ve ACK A fter A ll Retries: Frames f ailed tran smit after hitt ing retry limit. 5. RTS Fram es Su ccessful ly Receive CT S: Suc cessfull y r eceive C TS after sendin g RTS frame. 6. RTS Frames F ail To Rec eive CTS: Failed to re ceive CTS af ter sending R TS.
29 802.11 B only – This ada pter can be compatible with both 802.11g and 802.11 b wireless stations. If there are onl y 802.11b w ireless stations in t he network , you can set the adapter to thi s mode. 802.11 G onl y – This a dapt er can be compatib le with b oth 80 2.
30 applied to the multime dia applica tion or a voice call. T he adapter w ill fast r oaming to the n ear network when the rece ive sensit ivity (signal stre ngth) i s lower to th e value you have set up. Turn Off RF Bu tton: If you w ant t o turn off the rad io of the a dapter tempor arily, click this button.
31 3.6 QoS The Q oS Page of R aConfig. It involves “WMM Enab le” , “W MM – Powe r S ave Enable” and DLS setup. WMM Enabl e: Enable W i-Fi Multi-Me dia. WMM – Pow er Sa ve Enable: Enable W MM Power Save. Direct Link Se tup Enabl e: Enable DLS (D irect Link Setup).
32 Step3: Chan ge to “Site S urvey Pag e” . And add a n AP t hat supports W MM features to a Profile. The result wi ll look like the below figure in Profi le page.
33 3.6.2 Enable WMM – Pow er Save Step1: Click “WMM – Power Save Enable” . And Click “Setting…” butt on. Step2: After click ing “Setting …” b utton, show “Pow er Save Setti ng” dialog. Please select whi ch ACs you w ant to en able.
34 3.6.3 Enable DLS (Dir ect Link Setup) Step1: C lick “Direct Li nk Setup En able” . And Click “ A pp ly” button Step2: Change to “Site Su rvey Page” . A nd a dd an AP t hat s upports DL S featur es to a Profile. The re sult will look lik e the below figure in Prof ile page.
35 The Setting of DLS in dicates as follow : 1. Fill i n the blank s o f Direct Link w ith M AC Address of S TA. The STA mu st c onform to tw o conditions as follow: Step1: C onnect with th e same AP t hat support DLS feature s. Step2: H ave to enable DLS.
36 3. Click “ Apply” button. The result w ill look lik e the below figu re. Describe “DLS Status” as follow : 1. As the up f igure, after config uring D LS successf ully, sh ow MAC ad dress o f the o pposite side and T imeout Value of setting in “DLS Statu s” .
37 Step2: D ouble click. An d the result w ill look like the bel ow figure. 3. Disconnect Direct Link Setup as fol low: Step1: Select a dire ct link STA.
38 Step2: C lick “Tear Dow n” button. The result w ill look lik e the below fi gure. 3.7 About About page di spla y the wireless c ard and dr iver versio n information.
39 In the “About” , you can c lick the h yperlink to connect the w ebsite fo r the i nformation of the w ireless chipset ve ndor an d re view basic in formati on a bout th e Ut ility such a s t he RaConfig V ersion, Dri ver Version , EEPROM Versio n, IP Addre ss, Sub Mask , and Default Gatewa y.
40 4. Troubleshooting This chapter pr ovides so lutions to pr oblems usually enc ountered dur ing the ins tallation and operation of t he adapter. 1. Sympto m: The LED is Of f. Possible Re medy: Make sure the W ireless adapter is inserted properly. Otherwise, plea se co ntact your vendor.
41 Possible Re medy: Move the antennas of the access point or wir eless r outer into an L shape (one vertica lly, and on e ho rizontal ly). C lick on the R efresh bu tton on the Site Surv ey screen. If the computer still doe s n ot see the Acces s Point, and t hen tr y to mo ve your Ac cess Point closer to the computer.
42 10. Wha t does IE EE 802.11 fe ature suppo rt? The produc t supports the followin g IEEE 802. 11 functio ns: -- CSMA/CA Plus Ack nowledge Proto col -- Multi-Cha nnel Roam ing -- Automat ic Rate Sele ction -- RTS/CTS F eature -- Fragment ation -- Power Management 11.
43 software than prev ious encr yption standards. It is also included in IEEE 8 02.11i stand ard. Compare w ith A ES, TKIP is a temporar y protocol for re placing W EP security until manufacturer s implem ent AES at the hardwa re level.
デバイスAdvantek Networks AWN-USB-54Sの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Advantek Networks AWN-USB-54Sをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAdvantek Networks AWN-USB-54Sの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Advantek Networks AWN-USB-54Sの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Advantek Networks AWN-USB-54Sで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Advantek Networks AWN-USB-54Sを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAdvantek Networks AWN-USB-54Sの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Advantek Networks AWN-USB-54Sに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAdvantek Networks AWN-USB-54Sデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。