CanonメーカーWEBVIEW LIVESCOPE 3.2の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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User's Manual Viewer Software V er . 3.20 E ENGLISH.
Introduction Important ....................................................................................... 4 Copyright Information ................................................................... 4 T rademark Information .......................
Using the Helper Viewer ......................................................... 30 "Helper Viewer" Screens ............................................................ 3 0 Panorama Window ...................................................
4 Copyright © 2002 by Canon, Inc. All rights reserved. The unauthorized transfer of all or any part of the contents of this manual is forbidden. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure that content of this manual is free from errors.
Introduction 5 Overview ■ WebView Livescope is the system that allows camera control and live video distribution from a remote location. ■ The system is configured of a camera server and viewer software. The camera server distributes live videos taken by the video camera to the Internet or an Intranet.
6 Java Viewer LiveApplet Video display functions Camera control functions Java Viewer Glimpse Video display functions Jav a Viewers V iewer Ov erview These are viewers written using Java. These viewers allow the camera server videos to be viewed on any computer with a Web browser that runs Java, regardless of the platform.
Introduction 7 Helper Vie wer This is a viewer that runs as a helper application. This viewer provides video display and camera control functions and appears in a separate window at startup. While the Helper Viewer has to be pre-installed, it offers the advantage of displaying the first video quickly.
8 Operating En vir onment Jav a Viewer V er . 3.20 Web Browser A Web browser that runs Java. Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or later recommended. Netscape Navigator or Communicator 4.78 or later recommended. (excluding 6.01 and 6.1) Computer Operating System IBM PC/AT Conpatible Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.
Chapter 1 J a v a V iewers This chapter describes the preparations required for using the WebView Livescope Java viewers and explains how to use the viewers.
10 Pr eparations f or Using t h e J a v a V iewer The Java Viewer is automatically downloaded from the camera server. There is no need to install it in advance. However, depending on the type of Web browser you are using and your software settings, you must change your Web browser settings.
J av a View ers 1 11 When You are Connected to a LAN If the camera server is used via an Intranet and you specify the Web browser proxy setting manually, videos are distributed via the proxy. This can result in a slower frame rate and proxy server overload.
12 Starting Up the J a va V iewer The Java Viewer is started up from the Web browser that displayed the Web page for distributing videos. To create a Web page for distributing videos, refer to Chapter 5 of the User's Manual for the camera server.
Java Viewers 1 13 Using "LiveApplet" "LiveApplet" is a viewer with a GUI that allows the user to change the camera angle, zoom ratio and backlight adjustment settings. "LiveApplet" Screens The functions of the GUI displayed on the Web browser are briefly described below.
14 6 7 8 9 10 11 Camera control status window Used to display camera control information ("Camera controllable", "Camera not controllable", "Awaiting turn", "Remaining camera control time"). Start control button Used to acquire camera control privileges.
J av a View ers 1 15 Starting Camera Control Although multiple clients can simultaneously connect to the camera server, multiple clients cannot simultaneously control the camera. Consequently, "control privileges" has been introduced by which only the client who currently holds the control privileges can control the camera.
16 Procedure Controlling the Camera Once you have been granted camera control privileges, you have complete control over the camera angle, the zoom ratio and the backlight adjustment setting. Changing the Camera Angle Move the button on the pan scroll bar or tilt scroll bar.
J av a View ers 1 17 Using "LiveApplet" Procedure Changing the Camera Zoom Ratio Move the scroll bar button up or down. The camera zooms in or out to match the position of the zoom bar button.
18 Procedure Selecting the Camera When multiple cameras are installed on the camera server, you can switch between cameras. Click in the Camera selection bar to view the list of cameras. When you select a camera from the list of names, the display changes to show the video from that camera.
J av a View ers 1 19 Using "LiveApplet" Procedure Adjustment of Backlight Backlight adjustment is useful when the video is dark due to backlighting. When you click the [Backlight adjustment] button, video darkened by backlighting become brighter.
20 Printing and Saving Still Pictures The Java viewers do not have functions for printing or saving the video displayed. However, you can use the Snapshot function to save and print video as still picture. Take a snapshot of the video you want to print or save.
J av a View ers 1 21 Using "LiveApplet" Customizing the Viewer Screen The function buttons and other aspects displayed in the Java Viewer can be customized according to camera server settings.
22 Using "Glimpse" The "Glimpse" viewer is a light-weight Java viewer. It has a short download time as it has no camera control functions and only displays video images. This viewer is useful for viewing videos from multiple sites, as shown below.
Chapter 2 Helper V iewer This chapter describes the preparations required for using the WebView Livescope Helper Viewer and explains how to use the viewer.
24 Procedure Pr eparations f or Using the Helper V iewer Installing the Helper Viewer Unlike the Java viewers, the client must pre-install the Helper Viewer on his or her computer.
Helper Vie wer 2 25 2 Specify the folder where the Viewer is to be installed and click Next. If no folder specification is required, simply click Next. 3 Specify the menu name to be registered in the Program menu of the Start menu, then click Next. 4 Check the settings and selections thus far and click Next to confirm.
26 Using Browsers Other Than the Recommended Products To launch and run the Helper Viewer from a Web browser, the recommended browsers are: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or later, and Netscape Navigator or Communicator 4.78 or later. The use of any browser other than these may require some setup measures.
Helper Viewer 2 27 Starting Up Helper V iewer The Helper Viewer can be started up in two ways: From the Web browser that displayed the Web site for distributing videos, or starting it up independently.
28 Connecting to a Camera Server When you use the Helper Viewer to connect to a camera server and monitor, if the Helper Viewer was started up from the Web browser, it automatically connects to the camera server, but if the Helper Viewer was started up independently, you need to specify a connection target or select a registered connection target.
Helper Vie wer 2 29 Selecting a Registered Camera Server and Connecting Procedure Select the connection target from the site selection box. The camera servers displayed here are sites that were registered by selecting "Add to camera site list (see p.
30 Using the Helper V iewer The Helper Viewer provides a GUI that allows you to change the camera angle, zoom ratio and backlight adjustment settings. "Helper Vie wer" Screens The functions of the GUI displayed when the helper viewer starts up are briefly described below.
Helper Vie wer 2 31 9 10 11 12 13 14 Zoom scroll bar Used to change the zoom ratio. Moving the button up zooms in (telephoto) and moving it down zooms out (wide- angle). Panorama view button Displays the pop-up panorama window. Panorama pictures must be saved at the camera server.
32 Starting Camera Control Although multiple clients can simultaneously connect to the camera server, multiple clients cannot simultaneously control the camera. Consequently, "control privileges" has been introduced by which only the client who currently holds the control privileges can control the camera.
Helper Vie wer 2 33 Using the Helper V iewer Procedure Controlling the Camera Once you have been granted camera control privileges, you have complete control over the camera angle, the zoom ratio and the backlight compensation setting. Changing the Camera Angle Move the button on the pan scroll bar or tilt scroll bar.
34 Procedure Changing the Camera Zoom Ratio Move the scroll bar button up or down. The camera zooms in or out to match the position of the zoom bar button.
Helper Vie wer 2 35 Using the Helper V iewer c Note Procedure Selecting the Camera When multiple cameras are installed on the camera server, you can switch between cameras. Click in the Camera selection bar to view the list of cameras. When you select a camera from the list of names, the display changes to show the video from that camera.
36 Procedure Changing the Video Source Size If multiple video source sizes are specified on the camera server, these buttons can be used to select the size used for display. Changing the video source size does not change the size of the video displayed.
Helper Vie wer 2 37 Using the Helper V iewer Procedure Adjustment of Bac klight Backlight adjustment is useful when the video is dark due to backlighting. When you click the [Backlight adjustment] button, videos darkened by backlighting become brighter.
38 Menu-based Operations All the functions accessed via buttons can also be accessed from the menu bar. Functions that can only be accessed from the menu bar are discussed on the following pages. * See p. 46 for details on using the Camera Sites list and the Relay Servers list.
Helper Vie wer 2 39 Using the Helper V iewer e Tip Procedure Saving Still Pictures to Files When the video you want to save appears, click the "Pause/Restart" button. The video is displayed as a still picture. Select "Save" from the "File" menu.
40 Using the Helper V iewer Displa ying Inf ormation Dialog boxes can be displayed that show the video, connection and camera information. To view this information, select "Video information", "Connect I nformation" or "Camera Information" from the "View" menu.
Chapter 3 Helper V iewer Settings This chapter describes how to specify the software environment settings for the WebView Livescope Ver. 3.20 Helper Viewer.
42 Procedure Specifying the "Starting protocol" Setting Select "Setup properties" from the "View" menu. Select "Protocol for starting with WVH file" in "Starting protocol" tab.
Helper Vie wer Settings 3 43 Procedure "HTTP protocol" Settings Select "Setup properties" from the "View" menu and then select the "HTTP protocol" tab. 1 2 Specify these settings when you are connecting using the WebView-HTTP protocol.
44 Procedure "P erf ormance" Setting Select "Setup properties" from the "View" menu and then select the "Performance" tab. Select "WV-TCP protocol option". 1 2 You can use the WV-TCP protocol high-speed TCP mode to achieve faster video frame rates.
Helper Vie wer Settings 3 45 Helper V iewer Settings Procedure "Display option" Setting Select "Setup properties" from the "View" menu and then select "Display option". Select "Set video display size used at startup".
46 Registering and Changing the Server The VB Package Version lets you register the camera server and relay server and thereafter you can connect simply by selecting a registered server. Here we explain how to change the registration of the camera site and relay server.
Helper Vie wer Settings 3 47 ■ Protocol Select whether to connect to the camera server using auto select or to connect using the WebView-TCP or WebView-HTTP protocol. In connections using auto select, the viewer automatically selects the optimum protocol and connects to the camera server.
48 Procedure Adding a rela y server to the list Choose Relay Server List from the View menu. When the relay server list appears, click Add. Enter each item and click OK. The relay server is added to the list. 1 2 ■ Relay Name Any name can be given to the relay server being registered.
Helper Vie wer Settings 3 49 Registering and Changing the Server Procedure Changing or deleting registration details in the list Choose Relay Server List from the View menu, and select the registered relay server that you want to change or delete. If you want to make changes in the details, click Edit.
Appendix Messages displayed in the viewers are explained in this section..
52 Err or Messages Message Details Solution too many clients The limit on the number of video server connections has been e xceeded. Access to the camera server is apparently ov ercrowded.
Appendix 53 Helper Viewer Error Messages Message Details Solution No response from video server . The viewer could not connect to the video server . There is a coding error in the Web page used for video distribution, or there is a problem on the camera server .
54 Error Messages Message Details Solution Couldn’t get camera control privileges. The limit on the number of people queuing for camera control privileges has been exceeded. Access to the camera server is apparently overcrowded. W ait some time and then reconnect.
Appendix 55 Index A Allowing Java to be used 10 B Backlight adjustment 14,19,31,37 C Camera angle 16,33 Camera control 15,32 Camera control status display 15,32 Camera selection bar 13,18,30,35 Camera.
PUB.YT1-1330-000 © CANON INC.2002.
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Canon WEBVIEW LIVESCOPE 3.2を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCanon WEBVIEW LIVESCOPE 3.2の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
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