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1 50CR Infinity t Single - - Pac kaged Heat Pump Units Wit h Puro n ® (R- - 410A) Refrigerant Sizes 024- - 060 Installation Instructions NOTE : Read the entire in structio n m anu al before starting th e installatio n.
2 SAFETY CONSIDERA TIONS Installatio n and serv icing o f this equ ipm ent can be hazar dous due to me cha nic al and el ec t ri ca l c ompone nts . Onl y tr ai ned and qua l if ie d per s onnel s hould ins ta ll , re pa ir , or se rvi ce t his e quipm ent .
3 Gask et around outer edge Insulated deck pan Gask et around duct S/A R/A HVAC unit base *Gask eting outer flange Flashing field supplied Roofing material field supplied Cant str ip field supplied *P.
4 A B C MAXIMUM ALLOW ABLE DIFFERENCE (in.) A-B B-C A-C 1/4 1/4 1/4 C99065 Fig . 3 - - U nit Lev eling T olera nces OPTIONAL RETURN AIR OPENING OPTIONAL SUPPL Y AIR OPENING EV AP . COIL COND . COIL 2" C99096 Fig. 4 - - Slab Mounti ng Detai l A06114 Fig.
5 A05299 Fig. 6 - - 50CR024 - - 036 Unit Di mens i ons 50CR.
6 A05300 Fig. 7 - - 50CR042 - - 060 Unit Di mens i ons 50CR.
7 Ste p 4—Ri g and Place Unit Rig gin g and h and ling of this equ ipmen t can b e h azar dous for ma ny reason s du e to th e in stallation locatio n (roo fs, elevated structu res, etc.). Only t r ai ned, qual if ie d cr a ne ope ra tor s and gr ound support st a f f shoul d ha ndle and i nst al l t his equi pme nt.
8 DETAIL A C03017 Fig. 8 - - Riggi ng Br acke t Under U nit Rai n Lip A06113 UNIT S IZE MAX IMUM S HIPP ING WEI GHT Lb Kg 50CR024 372 169 50CR030 372 169 50CR036 395 179 50CR042 462 210 50CR048 485 220 50CR060 521 236 Fig.
9 Step 5 —Select an d Insta ll Du ctwo rk Th e desig n an d in stallation of th e d uct sy stem m ust be in acco rdance with th e stand ards of t he NF P A for in stallation of n on - - resid ence typ e air con ditio ning an d ven tilating sy stems, NF P A 90 A o r re s ide nce t ype, NFP A 90B and/or l oc al c odes a nd ordina nc es .
10 T able 1— Physi cal Dat a - - Unit 50CR UNIT SIZE 024 030 036 042 048 060 NOMINAL CAP ACITY (ton ) 2 2- -1/ 2 3 3- -1/ 2 4 5 OPERA TING WEIGHT (lb.) 350 350 373 440 463 499 Comp ressor Scr oll Refrigerant ( R- - 410A ) Quantit y (lb.) 7.5 8 9.5 10.
11 Duct Covers A05301 Fig. 1 1 - - 50CR wit h Duct Cove rs On 1” (25mm) MIN. 2” (50mm) MIN. TRAP OUTLET C99013 Fig. 12 - - Condens ate T r ap Step 7 —Insta ll Electrica l Con nectio ns ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Fai lur e to fol low this wa rni ng coul d re sul t i n per s onal i njur y or dea t h.
12 Ta b l e 2 — E lectrical D ata —50 CR UNIT SIZE V - -P H - -H Z V O LTA G E RANGE CO MPRESSOR OFM FLA IFM FLA ELECT RIC HEAT SING LE POI NT POWER SUPPL Y NOMINAL FLA MCA MOC P MIN MAX RLA LRA kW* 024 208/230- - 1- - 60 187 253 13.5 61.0 0.9 4.3 -- / -- -- / -- 22.
13 228 =1v 229 =2v 227 =2v LEGEND FLA — Full Load Amps LRA — Locked Rotor Amps MCA -- Minimum Circuit Amps MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection RLA — Rated Load Amps NO TES: 1.
14 7.0 A05304 Fig. 15 - - Wi ri ng Schem ati cs- - 50CR Single Phas e 50CR.
15 5.0 A05259 Fig. 16 - - Wi ri ng Schem atic s- -50CR Thre e Phas e 50CR.
16 GROUND SCREW (IN SPLICE BO X) BLU YEL BLK GROUND LEAD SINGLE-PHASE CONNECTIONS T O DISCONNECT PER NEC 3-PHASE CONNECTIONS LEGEND NEC – National Electr ical Code Field Wiring Splice Connections NO TE: Use copper wire only . L1 L3 L2 C99057 Fig. 17 - - Line Powe r Conne ct ions A05303 Fig.
17 SEC-2 SEC-1 F1 5 HK38EA002 ABCD 1 COMM 1 1 OAT HUM C W O Y R HEATER 1 MO TO R STATUS A03169 Fig. 19 - - Det ail of Pr int ed Cir cui t Board PRE- - ST AR T - - UP FIRE, EXPLOSI ON, ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Fai lur e to fol low this wa rni ng coul d re sul t i n per s onal i njur y or dea t h a nd/or pr oper ty dam age .
18 10 sec onds ). Onc e comm unic at ions wi th Us er I nte rf ac e ar e successfu l, CO MM LE D will b e lit and h eld on . At th e same time, am ber ST A TUS LED wi ll be li t a nd hel d c ontinuous l y on unti l a requ est for o peratin g mo de is receiv ed.
19 Whe n the motor is comma nde d to stop, the M OTOR LED wil l be tur ned of f. The MOT OR LED wil l not fl as h to i ndic at e com mun ication s when it is tu rned o f f. Unit cont rol is const ant ly c ommuni ca t ing wi th t he mot or , e ve n whe n the mot or and MOT OR LED ar e of f.
20 Ch eck system wirin g to be sure the User Interface is po wered and conne c ti ons a re ma de A to A, B t o B, e tc ., a nd wi ri ng is not short ed. Mi s- -wiri ng or short ing of the A BCD comm unic at ions wi ri ng wi ll no t allow su ccessful co mmu nicatio ns.
21 COMPRESSOR ACCUMULATOR OUTDOOR COIL INDOOR COIL LCS LEGEND HPS – High Pressure Switch LCS – Loss of Charge Switch Accurater ® Meter ing De vice Arro w indicates direction of flo w TXV in Metering Position Bypass P osition HP S C03011 Fig.
22 CHECKING AND ADJ USTING REFRI GERANT CHARGE The r e fr ige ra nt s yst em is f ull y cha r ged wi th Pur on ( R - - 410A) refrigeran t an d is tested and facto ry sealed. NOTE : Adjus t ment of t he re f ri ger ant c har ge is not r equi r ed unle ss the uni t is s us pec te d of not having the prope r R- - 410A char ge.
23 75 (24) 82 ( 28) 85 (29) 95 (35) 105 (41) Pressure (psig) 5 1 01 52 02 5 Pressure (kPa) 3 6 8 11 14 024 10.3 ( 5.7 ) 9.8 ( 5.4 ) 9. 4 ( 5.2 ) 9 ( 5 ) 8.6 ( 4.7 ) 189 61 56 51 46 41 1303 16 13 11 8 5 030 9.3 ( 5. 2 ) 8. 8 ( 4.9 ) 8.6 ( 4.8 ) 7.8 ( 4.
24 Ta b l e 6 — E lectric Hea t Pressur e D r op T ab le Large C abine t: 042- - 060 CFM 1 100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 5kw 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.1 1 0.12 7.2 kw 0.
25 The mi nimum mai nte na nce re quir eme nt s for this e quipm ent ar e as follo ws: 1. Insp ect air filter(s) each m on th. Clean or rep lace w hen necessary. 2. Ins pe ct i ndoor coi l, dr ai n pan, a nd conde nsa t e dra in each coo ling seaso n for cleanlin ess.
26 Balance Point Worksheet 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -20 -10 0 10 20 3 0 40 50 60 Outdoor Air Temp (Deg F) Building Heat Loss, 1000BTUH Unit Integrated Heating Capacity, 1000BTUH 060 048 042 036 030 024 Based on Entering Indoor Air of 70 Deg. F and Rated CFM C03008 Fig.
27 ai rf low a cr oss i ndoor coi l, di rt y f ilters, etc. It o pens o n a p ressure drop at a bout 20 psi g. If s yst em pr es sur e is above thi s, s wi tc h shoul d be closed . T o check sw itch: 1. T urn of f al l power t o unit. 2. Dis c onnec t le ads on sw it ch.
28 Step 1 4—S ystem In forma tion LOSS - - OF- - CHARGE SWI TCH Th e loss o f charge switch is a pro tective d evice w ired into co ntro l ci rc ui t (l ow volta ge) . It s huts of f the compr e ss or if abnor mal ly low pressu res are presen t in th e refrigeratio n circuit.
29 HEA T PUMP WITH PURON REFRIGERA T I ON SECTION QUI CK- - REFERENCE GUIDE Pu ron refrig erant o perates at 50 - - 7 0 p ercent h igher p ressures th an R - - 22 . Be su re that servicin g equ ipmen t and rep lacement co m ponent s ar e des igne d to oper at e w it h Puron.
30 Ta b l e 7 — T r ouble shoot ing Char t SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY Comp ressor and o ut door fan will no t start Powe r failure Call power c ompany Fuse blown or c ircuit break er tripped Replace fus e.
31 T able 7— T r ouble shoot ing Chart ( Cont ’d) SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY Head pressure to o low Low refr i gerant c harge Chec k for leaks, repair and rechar ge Restr iction in l iquid tube Re move .
32 ST ART -UP CHECKLIST (Remove and Store in Job File) I. Preliminary Information MODEL NO .:_________________________________ SERIAL NO .:__________________________________ D A TE:_______________________________________ TECHNICIAN:_________________________________ II.
デバイスCarrier 50CRの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Carrier 50CRをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCarrier 50CRの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Carrier 50CRの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Carrier 50CRで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Carrier 50CRを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCarrier 50CRの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Carrier 50CRに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCarrier 50CRデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。