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50TCQA Si ngle Packa ge Rooftop Heat P ump with P uron r (R - - - 410A) Refrig erant S i z e s 0 4 --- 0 7 Installation Instructions NOTE : Read the entire instru ction manual before s tarting the ins tallation T ABLE OF CONTENTS SAFET Y CONSIDE RA TIONS 1 .
2 ELECTRIC AL SHOCK HAZARD Failure t o follow thi s warning could c ause personal injury or dea th. Before performi ng service or m ainte nance ope rati ons on unit, always turn off main power switc h to unit a nd install l ockout ta g. Unit may have more than one power switch.
3 Horizontal Connections / Economizer V ertical Connections / Economizer C09001 Fig. 1 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 04 — 07 Size Units 50TCQA.
4 C09002 Fig. 1 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 04 — 07 Size Unit (cont.) INST ALLA TION Jobsite Survey Complete th e follow ing check s bef ore ins tallation. 1. Consult local buildi ng codes a nd the NEC (Nat ional Electrical Code) AN SI/N FP A 70 for special ins talla- tion requ irements .
5 Roof moun t — Check bui lding code s for weight distribution requirem ents. Unit operat ing weight i s shown in T a ble 1. Ste p 2 — Plan for Seque nce of Unit Ins tallat ion The support me thod used for thi s uni t will di cta te different sequence s for the steps of unit i nstall ation.
6 50TCQA04-07 ROOFCURB ACCESSORY CRRFCURB001A02 CRRFCURB002A02 1’ - 2” [356] 2’ - 0” [610] UNIT SIZE C08548 Fig. 3 - - Roof Curb Details 50TCQA.
7 A-B 0.5” (13) B-C 1.0” (25) A-C 1.0” (25) MAXIMUM ALL OWABLE DIFFERENCE IN. (MM) C06110 Fig. 4 - - Unit Lev eling T olerances Ste p 5 — Field Fabr icate Duct work Cabinet re turn-ai r static pre ssure (a negative condition) shall not exceed 0.
8 P o s i t i o n i n go nC u r b— Po sition unit on roof curb s o that the follow ing clearances are maintained : 1 / 4 in. (6.4 mm) clearance between the roof curb and the base rail inside the front and rear , 0.0 in. clearance betw een the roof cu rb and th e base r ail insid e on the duct en d of th e unit.
9 T wo P osition Damper H ood Removal and Setup - - Factor y Option 1. T he hood is shipped i n knock - - down form a nd assembled t o a me tal support tray using plastic stretch w rap.
10 Economize r Hood and T wo- - Position Hood — NOTE : If the pow er exhaus t access ory is to be ins talled on the unit , t he hood shipped with t he unit will not be used and mus t be dis carded. S ave the aluminu m filter for use in the powe r exhaust hood assembl y .
11 NOTE: T rap should be deep enough to offset maximum unit static difference. A 4” (102) trap is recommended . MINIMUM PITCH 1” (25mm) PER 10’ (3m) OF LINE BASE RAIL OPEN VENT TO ROOF DRAIN DRAIN PLUG ROOF CURB SEE NOTE 2 ˝ (51) MIN C08022 Fi g.
12 Un its wit h Factory- - Ins talled D iscon nect — The factory- - installed op tion dis connect sw itch is located in a weathe rproof enclosure loca ted under the m ain control box. The m anual sw itch handle is accessible through an opening in the access panel.
13 Mount the weatherproof c over to t he backi ng pla te as sho wn in F ig. 18. Remove two s lot fillers in the bottom of the cove r to permit servic e tool cords to exit t he cover . Check f or full clos ing and latchin g. RECEPTACLE NOT INCLUDED COVER – WHILE-IN-USE WEATHERPROOF BASE PLATE FOR GFCI RECEPTACLE C09022 Fig.
14 LOW VOL T AGE CONDUIT CONNECTOR HIGH VOL T AGE CONDUIT CONNECTOR C08637 Fig. 20 - - Thru- - Base Con nectio n Fittin gs Field - - suppli ed and fie ld - - i nstalle d liqui dtight conduit connec tors and conduit may be at tac hed to t he conne ctors on the bas epan.
15 RACEW A Y HOLE IN END P ANEL (HIDDEN) C08027 Fig. 22 - - Fi eld Control Wiring Raceway El ectric H eaters 50TCQ units may be equippe d with fie ld - - insta lle d access ory electric heaters.
16 TRACK FLANGE C08135 Fi g. 2 5 - - T y pic al M odul e Insta ll ati on Sing le Poi nt B oxe s and Suppl e me ntar y F uses — When the unit MO CP device value exceeds 60 - - A, unit- - mounted supplementary fuse s are required for each heater circuit.
17 PremierLi nk t (Facto ry - - O pti on ) — C08199 Fig. 28 - - Premie rLink Controller The Premier Link contr oller (see F ig. 28 ) is compatib le with Car rier Comf ort Netw ork r ( CCN) dev ices.
18 C09014 Fig. 30 - - PremierLin k W iring Sch ematic 50TCQA.
19 Outdoor Air T e mpera ture (OA T) Sensor — T he OA T is fact ory- - mounte d in the EconoMi$er2 (FIOP or access ory) . It is a no minal 10k ohm ther mistor attached to an eyelet moun ting ring. EconoMi$er2 — T he PremierLi nk control is used w ith EconoMi$er2 (option or accessory) for outdoor air management.
20 GJ 4 - 1 2 J4- 1 0 J4-8 Y1 Y2 2 R R 4 6 J4-6 J4-4 W2 C 8 10 C SP ACE THERMOST A T PL CTB THERMOST A T W1 TB1 CTB THERMOST A T C08119 Fig. 35 - - Space Th ermostat C onnect ions T ab le 3 – Premie.
21 T abl e 4 – Space Se nsor M ode TB1 TERMINA L FIELD C ONNEC TION INPU T S IGNAL 1 T 5 5 --- S E N / T 5 6 --- S E N An alog (10k th erm istor) 2 RMTOC C Discrete, 24VAC 3 T 5 5 --- S E N / T 5 6 .
22 If the 50 TCQ unit has an eco nomizer s ystem and free - - c ooling opera tion i s required, a sensor repre senting Return A ir T emperature mus t also be connected (field - - supplied and i nstall ed). T his s ensor may be a T - - 55 Space Sensor (see Fig.
23 8 7 6 5 4 32 1 2 1 HG 24 V AC OR 24 VDC NC ALARM RELA Y CONT ACTS COM NO } 0-10VDC SIG COM 4-20mA + + - + - J3 J4 C08635 Fig. 38 - - Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality (CO 2 )S e n s o r (33ZCSENC O2) - - .
24 On 50TCQ units equippe d with fact ory - - insta lled Smoke Detector (s) , the smoke detector co ntroller implemen ts the unit shutdown t hrough its NC conta ct set c onnect ed to the unit’ s CTB input. The FSD func tion is initiated via the smoke detec tor ’ s Alarm NO contact set .
25 At any baud (9600, 19200, 38400 baud), the numbe r of contro llers is limited to 23 9 devices max imum. Bus leng th may not exceed 4000 ft, with no more than 60 total devic es on a ny 1000- - ft sect ion. Opti cal ly isolat ed RS- - 485 repea ters are re quired e very 1000 ft.
26 R TU - - MP contr ol system The R TU- - MP c ontrolle r , see Fig. 47, provides expanded stand - - al one operati on of the HV AC system plus connec tion and c ontrol t hrough communi cat ion with several Bui lding Automa tion System s (BAS) through popular thi rd - - part y network systems.
27 C09015 Fig. 49 - - RTU- - MP System Control W iri ng Diagram 50TCQA.
28 T abl e 8 – RTU- - M P Cont roll e r Inputs and O utputs POI NT N AME BA Cnet O BJE CT NAME TYPE OF I/O CON NECTI ON PIN NUMB ERS INPU TS Space T em peratu re Sensor sptsens AI (10K T hermistor) .
29 The raceway p rovid es the UL r equired clear ance betw een high - - and low- - volta ge wiring. Pass the control wires through the hol e provide d in the c orner post, t hen fee d the wires thorough the raceway to the R TU- - MP . Connect to the wire s to the rem ovable Phoenix c onnectors and t hen reconne ct the conne ctors to the board.
30 entha lpy sensor and the (SR) te rmina l on the e nthal py controll er . NOTE : The ent halpy control must be set t o the “ D” setting f or dif ferential enthalpy co ntrol to w ork pro perly . Indoor Air Quality (CO 2 sensor) — The indoor air quality sens or accesso ry monito rs sp ace carbon dio xide (CO 2 ) levels.
31 Remote Occ upancy The remote occup ancy access ory is a field- - installed access ory . This access ory ove rrides t he uno ccupied mode and put s the unit in occupied mode.
32 Loc al Access BACvie w 6 Handhel d The BA Cview 6 is a keypad/di splay inte rface used to connect to th e R TU- - MP to acces s the control inf ormation, read sensor values, and t est the R TU, see F ig. 57. This is an access ory inter face that does no t come with the MP controll er and c an only be used at the unit.
33 T able 9 – LEDs The LEDs on the R TU- - MP s how the s tatus of cer tain functio ns If th is LE D is on ... Statu s is... Power The R TU MP has power Rx The RTU MP is receiving data from the netw.
34 termi nal for c onnect ing to t he cont rolle r . Ea ch sensor has four LEDs (for Power , Trouble, Alarm and Dirty) and a manua l test/re set button (on the le ft - - side of the housing).
35 dow nwar d, into the r eturn air s tream. The sampling tube is connec ted via t ubing to t he ret urn a ir sensor t hat i s mounted on a bracket high on the partition bet ween return filter and con troller locatio n. (This s enso r is ship ped in a flat - - mounting locat ion.
36 T abl e 10 – Uni t Wire/ M OCP Si z ing Da ta UNIT N O M . V --- P H --- H Z IFM TYPE ELECT RIC HEATER NO C.O. o r UNPWR D C.O . Nom (kW) FLA NO P .E. w/ P .E. (p wrd fr/u nit) MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E FLA LRA FLA LRA 50TCQ *04 208/230 - - - 1 - - - 60 STD --- --- 30.
37 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ M OCP Si z ing Da ta (c ont ) UNIT N O M . V --- P H --- H Z IFM TYPE ELECT RIC HEATER w/ PWRD C .O. Nom (kW) FLA NO P .E. w/ P .E. (p wrd fr/u nit) MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E FLA LRA FLA LRA 50TCQ *04 208/230 - - - 1 - - - 60 STD --- --- 35.
38 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ M OCP Si z ing Da ta (c ont ) UNIT N O M . V --- P H --- H Z IFM TYPE ELECT RIC HEATER NO C.O. o r UNPWR D C.O . Nom (kW) FLA NO P .E. w/ P .E. (p wrd fr/u nit) MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E FLA LRA FLA LRA 50TCQ *05 208/230 - - - 1 - - - 60 STD --- --- 36.
39 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ M OCP Si z ing Da ta (c ont ) UNIT N O M . V --- P H --- H Z IFM TYPE ELECT RIC HEATER w/ PWRD C .O. Nom (kW) FLA NO P .E. w/ P .E. (p wrd fr/u nit) MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E FLA LRA FLA LRA 50TCQ *05 208/230 - - - 1 - - - 60 STD --- --- 41.
40 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ M OCP Si z ing Da ta (c ont ) UNIT N O M . V --- P H --- H Z IFM TYPE ELECT RIC HEATER NO C.O. o r UNPWR D C.O . Nom (kW) FLA NO P .E. w/ P .E. (p wrd fr/u nit) MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E FLA LRA FLA LRA 50TCQ *06 208/230 - - - 1 - - - 60 STD --- --- 41.
41 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ M OCP Si z ing Da ta (c ont ) UNIT N O M . V --- P H --- H Z IFM TYPE ELECT RIC HEATER w/ PWRD C .O. Nom (kW) FLA NO P .E. w/ P .E. (p wrd fr/u nit) MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E FLA LRA FLA LRA 50TCQ *06 208/230 - - - 1 - - - 60 STD --- --- 46.
42 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ M OCP Si z ing Da ta (c ont ) UNIT N O M . V --- P H --- H Z IFM TYPE ELECT RIC HEATER NO C.O. o r UNPWR D C.O . Nom (kW) FLA NO P .E. w/ P .E. (p wrd fr/u nit) MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E FLA LRA FLA LRA 50TCQ *07 208/230 - - - 3 - - - 60 STD --- --- 30.
43 T abl e 10 — Uni t Wire/ M OCP Si z ing Da ta (c ont ) UNIT N O M . V --- P H --- H Z IFM TYPE ELECT RIC HEATER w/ PWRD C .O. Nom (kW) FLA NO P .E. w/ P .E. (p wrd fr/u nit) MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E MCA MO C P DISC. SIZ E FLA LRA FLA LRA 50TCQ *07 208/230 - - - 3 - - - 60 STD --- --- 35.
44 Legend and Notes for T able 10 LEG END: CO - - - Conve nie nt ou tl et DISC - - - Disconn ect FLA - - - Full load amp s IFM - - - Ind oor fan motor LRA - - - Locke d roto r amps MCA - - - Minimum c.
45 Step 12 — I n stal l Access ori es A vailable access ories includ e: Roof Curb Thru - - base c onnect ion kit (m ust be insta lle d before unit is set on c urb) Manual outside air da mper T wo- -.
46 50TCQA.
47 50TCQA.
48 Copyright 2009 Carrier Corp. D 7310 W . Morr i s St. D In dianapolis, IN 46231 Print ed in U.S.A. Edition Date: 02/10/09 Manufacturer reser ves the right to change , at any time, specifications and d esigns without notice and without ob ligations.
デバイスCarrier 50TCQAの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Carrier 50TCQAをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCarrier 50TCQAの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Carrier 50TCQAの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Carrier 50TCQAで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Carrier 50TCQAを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCarrier 50TCQAの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Carrier 50TCQAに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCarrier 50TCQAデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。