Carrier AccessメーカーAxxius 800の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Ax x ius 800 U SER M ANUA L Part Number: 7 70-0104 AG Product Re lease : 2.2 May 200 4.
Copyrigh t 2004 C arrier Acces s Corpo ration. All rights reserved . The information presented in this m anual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Carrier Access Cor poration. The har dware and softwar e described herein are furn ishe d unde r a l icens e or non-d iscl osure agree men t.
P REFACE Pref ace Compliance Safety The Axxi us 800 is certified b y Underwrite rs Laboratori e s and is in complianc e with UL 60950, 3rd Edition; Safety of In forma tion Tec hnolo gy Equip ment and CSA/C2 2.
iv Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Preface Compliance The Facilit y Interfa ce Code (FIC) associated with each pr ivate line a pplicatio n represe nts the typ e of service that wi ll be provided by the telephone company . The following ar e currently registere d: An FCC-comp liant telep hone an d modula r plug is p r ovide d with this equipm ent.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 v Preface Compli anc e In dust ry C ana da CS- 03 Registra tion Number : IC: 2638 A-800 ’ ’ NOTICE: This equip ment me ets the appl icable In dustry Can ada Termin al Equi pment Technical Specificatio ns. This is confirmed by the registrati on number.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 vii Preface Notices Notices This manua l cont ains im por tant in forma tion a nd wa rning s tha t must b e follo wed to ensure s afe opera tion of t he equipment . DANGER! A D ANGER NOTICE INDICATES THE PRESENCE OF A HAZARD THAT CAN OR WIL L CAU SE DEATH OR SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY IF THE HAZARD IS NOT AVOIDED .
viii Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Preface Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Pr ecautions Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions ESD can damage processor s, cir cuit car ds, and oth er elect ronic components. Al ways observe the fo llowin g precauti ons bef ore inst alli ng a syste m component .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 ix Preface Warran ty Warranty Carrier Access Corpora tion conditiona lly warrants to BUYER that PRODUCTS are free fro m substantial defect in material and workmans hip unde r normal u se given pro per ins tallatio n and mainten ance for the period of f ive years from the date of shi pment by Carr ier Access Corp oration.
x Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Preface Warran ty Warranty Product Returns Before returning any equipment to Carrier Access Corporation, first contact the distributor or dealer from which you purchas ed the prod uct. A Return Material Authorization (RMA ) number is required for all equipment retu rned to Carrier Access Corpo ration.
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Preface Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii FCC Requirements, Part 15 .
xii Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Table of Contents Low Speed Protectio n card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Power Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 xiii Table of Contents 2 Physical Instal lation Unpacking and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Installation Enviro nment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xiv Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Table of Contents Quick Configu ration Reload. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Setup of DS0 Managemen t Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Equipment Req uired.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 xv Table of Contents clear key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37 clear log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xvi Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Table of Contents log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -62 ping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 xvii Table of Contents set ipds0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-90 set key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xviii Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Table of Contents set (router) rip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-131 set (router) snmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 xix Table of Contents set (v35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-170 set (v54) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xx Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Table of Contents show (router) lmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-197 show (router) lo gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-197 show (router) n tp .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 xxi Table of Contents status (adp cm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-225 status (adp cm) performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-226 status (adp cm) performance history .
xxii Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Table of Contents telnet (router) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-260 trace route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 xxiii Table of Contents Clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xxiv Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Table of Contents 9 ISDN BRI Card Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 ISDN BRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 xxv Table of Contents Power Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6 Physical .
xxvi Axxius 80 0 - Rele ase 2.2 Table of Contents 12 Power Supply Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2 Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 xxvii Table of Contents Card Configur ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6 CLI Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xxviii Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Table of Contents 15 Terminal Server Router Card Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2 Quad TSR with TBOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 xxix Table of Contents 16 V.35/. 54 Card Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xxx Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Table of Contents Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-5 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 xxxi Table of Contents C Loopback Tests Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-2 Test Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xxxii Axxius 80 0 - Rele ase 2.2 Table of Contents.
C HAPTER Base Platform In this Chapter n Overview n Feat ures n Technic al Spe cificat ions n Chassis n Buil t-In Card Hand les n Management Ports n Local an d Remote M anage ment n Control Panel Inte.
1-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Base Pl atfo rm Overview Ove rvi ew The Axxius 800 Acces s Integr ation Platform s olves toda y’s pr oblems of mul tiple boxes, scalabi lity, spa ce, power , and env ironmental constra ints ass ociat ed with deliver ing voice a nd data s ervic es.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 1-3 Base Platform Feat ures The Control Pane l Inter face card pro vides fr ont acce ss to all the physical int erfaces of the DS1 or DS3 Contro ller cards. It provi des fou r RJ-48C DS1 connect ions when usi ng the DS1 Cont roller a nd two s ets of DS3 SMB in terf aces when usi ng the DS3 Controll er.
1-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Base Pl atfo rm Contr ollers Controllers The Axxius 800 has t wo control lers ava ilable, o ne cont roller c an supp ort the s ystem, however wi th two c ontrolle r (same type) th e syst em is redund ant.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 1-5 Base Platform Servi ce Ca rds OCU-DP Service card The OCU-DP ser vice card is ava ilable i n a Single or Quad p ort opti on. The OCU-DP interf ace se rvice allows Digital Data Ser vice (DDS) circui t term ination s on the Adit 600 plat form.
1-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Base Pl atfo rm Power Su pplies Low Speed Protection card Low spee d protect ion provi des bac kup circui try for any T1 se rvice port on an y Quad T1 servi ce card i n the Axxi us chassi s.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 1-7 Base Platform Technical Specification s Capacities l 2 x Power Sup ply car ds l 2 x DS3 or DS1 Co ntroller card s l 1 x Contro l Panel Inter face car d l 8 x univer sal s.
1-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Base Pl atfo rm Technical Specifications Alarm Connector s The alar m contac t outp uts ar e per Telc ordia definiti ons fo r visibl e and a udible. They operate per the sp ec with the exc eptio n that th e audible out puts can be di sabled with the ACO button.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 1-9 Base Platform Chassi s Chassis Controller Relay Card Cards (A1 & A2) Service Ca rd Slots 1-8 Power Supplies (P1 & P2) Future Development Ground Terminals Audible .
1-10 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Base Pl atfo rm Built-In Card Ha ndles Built-In Card Handle s Several of the cards for the Axx ius 800 ar e desi gned with a h andle b uilt int o the facep lat e to ass ist in the re mova l of th e card from the chas sis .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 1-11 Base Platform Control Panel Inter faces Control Pa nel I nterfaces SMB connector (female) The reco mmended mate for the SMB connector is a n SMB ri ght angle cri mp connec tor.
1-12 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Base Pl atf orm Control Panel Inter faces RS-232 Craft Port (Female DB-9) The RS-232 c raft port conne cts via a female DB- 9 connector on the Axxius 800.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 1-13 Base Platform Control Panel Inter faces DS1 Connection Ports The DS1 conne ction ports are each e quipped wit h a st andard RJ-28C (f emale) on the Axxius 800 unit.
1-14 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Base Pl atfo rm Control Panel Inter faces Control Panel Interfac e Card Jumpers The C ontro l Pan el Inte rface card is provi ded w ith a ju mper that al lows t he user to put a -3 dB p ad in the tr ansm it DS3 si gnal p ath to lo wer th e outpu t to a sho rter li ne len gth.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 1-15 Base Platform Control Panel L EDs Control Panel LEDs Alarm LEDs LED State Descri ption CRITICAL Off No critical alarms present Red Critical alarms present MAJOR Off No major alarms pr esent Red Major alarm pre sent MINOR Off No minor alarms pres ent Red Minor alarms pres ent ACO Off Normal mode.
1-16 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Base Pl atf orm Control Panel LE Ds Ethe rnet LEDs When Status LED is on or flash ing: LED State Descri ption STAT US Off Lin k Dow n Green Link Up Flashing Green Traff.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 1-17 Base Platform ACO ACO The Alarm Cut off feat ure per mits t he operat or to t emporaril y silence the al arm output s while te sting and repai ring the Axxius 80 0. ACO does not s top al arm messages . Pressin g the ACO pus hbut ton switch disable s the alarm relays and light s the ACO sta tus LED.
1-18 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Base Pl atfo rm ACO.
C HAPTER Physical Ins tallation In this Chapter n Unpacking an d Inspection n Installat ion Environment n Assemb ly of Axxius 800 n Rack Mounting.
2-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Physical Installation Unpacking and Insp ection Unpacki ng and Ins pection W ARNING! O BSERVE PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTAT IC DEVICES . 1. Inspect containe rs for damage duri ng shi pment. Report any damag e to the freigh t carr ier f or possi ble in suranc e clai ms.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 2-3 Physical Installation Ins tallat ion E nvir onmen t Installation Environment The envir onment i n which you a re ins talling the Axxius 800 must meet the fo llowin g cond.
2-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Physical Installation Assem bly of A xxius 800 Asse mbly o f Ax xius 800 The cards should be posi tioned ac cordi ng to the f ollowing g uideli nes: l Power Suppl y(s) 24.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 2-5 Physical Installation Rack Mounting Rack Mounting The Axxius 800 c an be mounted on a 19 or 23 i nch rack with Ca rrier Ac cess mounting bracket s. NOTE: The Axxius 800 requires at l east 3/4 inc hes of free ai r space ab ove and below the chassis (approx 1/2 RU) for air circu lation.
2-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Physical Installation Rack Mounting To maintai n proper c onvect ion coo ling, maintai n at l east 1/2 RU b etween the Axxius and any other equip ment (eac h Axxius occu pies 3 RU of ra ck spa ce).
C HAPTER Electrical Installation and Cabling In this Chapter n Comp liant In stalla tion n Chassi s Conne ctions n Power Connection s n Ext ernal Alar m Inp uts n Visible and Audi ble Alarms n BITS Cl.
3-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Electrical I nstallation and Cabling Compliant Installatio n Compliant Installation W ARNING! A LL TELECOMMUNICA TION NETWOR K CONNECTIONS MUST USE MINIMUM 26 AWG WIR E . 1. Mount unit in an a rea that meets Envir onment c onditions , see Inst allati on Environmen t on pag e 2-3.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 3-3 Electrical Installation and Cabli ng Complian t Installation Ferrite Beads To be compli ant wi th FCC Part 15 EMI li mits wi th the Quad DS 1 ADP CM ser vice ca rd insta lled: l Route ala rm cabl es sepa rate fr om th e rear pan el ti p/ring c abling (wire wrap pins).
3-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Electrical I nstallation and Cabling Chass is Connect ions Chassis C onnections The fo llowing i llustra tions show all connecto rs on t he rear, a s well as the fr ont (inter face car d) of t he Axxius 8 00.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 3-5 Electrical Installation and Cabli ng Chassi s Conn ection s Front of t he Axxius 800 - I nterface Card l 10Base-T Etherne t (RJ-45) l RS-232 Craft Port l DS3-1 and 2 Tran.
3-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Electrical I nstallation and Cabling Chass is Connect ions Chassis Ground Con nector 1. Route wir e (#6 or #8 AWG co pper) fro m building g round to l ug on Axxi us 800. 2. Strip insula tion o ff wire en d, if ne cess ary .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 3-7 Electrical Installation and Cabli ng Chassi s Conn ection s Power Connections There ar e three po wer supp lies availabl e with the Axxius 800; 24 VDC and 48 VDC and 48 VDC NI, all use this connector . The Axxiu s 800 su pports a r edundan t power syste m, th erefo re the re i s INPU T (po wer) P1 and P 2.
3-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Electrical I nstallation and Cabling Chass is Connect ions 5. E nsure that no bare w ire sh ows af ter the wire s are in stall ed. 6. Plug conne ctor in the INPUT ( power) conn ector , as see n in the gr aphic and secure wi th se t screws.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 3-9 Electrical Installation and Cabli ng Chassi s Conn ection s External Alarm I nputs The exter nal a larm input connector suppor ts 10 alar m input s and is co mposed of two 10-pin c onnect ors (two i nput pai rs for e ach).
3-10 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Electrical I nstallation and Cabling Chass is Connect ions Visible and Audible Alarms The exter nal a larm connec tors a re six-p in connect ors wit h two output pair s for eac h alarm le vel (pi ns 1 & 2 f or minor, pi ns 3 & 4 f or majo r and 5 & 6 for cri tical a larms).
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 3-11 Electrical Installation and Cabli ng Chassi s Conn ection s BITS Clock 1/BITS Clock 2 The exter nal a larm connec tors are three-pi n wire -wrap connec tors. One for eac h, Tip (T), Ring (R) and Shield (S). Tip and Ring ar e the tw o connecti ons fo r the 1 00 ohm differ enti al signal t o the box.
3-12 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Electrical I nstallation and Cabling Chass is Connect ions Slot (1-8) Wire-Wrap Connectors The Axxiu s 800 provid es wire- wrap c onnect ors for each slot ( 1-8) of the unit . Pinouts are clear ly labeled with the pins. CAUTION! D ISCONNECT FROM NETWORK BEF ORE INST ALLING WIRE - WRA P CONNECTIONS .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 3-13 Electrical Installation and Cabli ng Chassi s Conn ection s Wire-Wrap Pinout for 4 Wire Services Wire-W rap Pins T1 Name Desc ript ion 1TX Port 1 Trans mit Ring To DS1 n.
3-14 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Electrical I nstallation and Cabling Chass is Connect ions Wire-Wrap Pinout 2 Wire Services Wire-Wrap Pins Descripti on T1 Channel 1 Tip R1 Channel 1 Ri ng T2 Channel 2 .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 3-15 Electrical Installation and Cabli ng Chassi s Conn ection s Standard Telco Color Code Circuit connec tions ar e made at th e wire- wrap co nnectors.
3-16 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Electrical I nstallation and Cabling Chass is Connect ions Pair Pin Locati on Function Color Code 15 40 15 Ti p Chan nel 15 Ring Ch annel 15 Black/Slate Slate/Black 16 4.
C HAPTER Configuration In this Chapter n Setting up a C LI Connection n Syst em In form ati on n Basic Syst em Setup n Quick Confi guration Relo ad n Setup of DS0 M anagement Channel.
4-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Configur ation Setting up a CL I Connectio n Setting up a C LI Conn ection NOTE: The Default IP addres s of the Axxi us 800 Control ler (DS1 o r DS3) is 10.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-3 Conf igur atio n System In formatio n System Information Once a ma nagement se ssion has bee ini tiated (T eln et or Hyper term) the system infor mati on will b e dis pla.
4-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Configur ation Basi c S yste m S etup Basi c System Setu p Initia l Setup Use th e fol lowing comm ands fo r your initia l setup , for fur ther in form ation s ee the specif ic comm and list ed in Chapte r 5, CLI Co mmands.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-5 Conf igur atio n Basi c Sy stem Se tup Set Up Securi ty Use the f ollowing c ommands to set up t he securi ty on the Axxius 8 00. Set Up IP Addresses for Telnet CLI Use the f ollowing c ommands to setup T elnet ad dresse s for Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI ).
4-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Configur ation Basi c S yste m S etup Set Up a DS0/Channel Use the f ollowing c ommands to set up a DS0. Set Up a DS1/T1 Use the f ollowi ng commands t o set up a DS1 /T1. See t he set (ds1) command fo r more detail s. Command Descript ion set {ds0-addr} type {data|voice} Set the channel type.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-7 Conf igur atio n Basi c Sy stem Se tup Set Up a DS3 Use the f ollowing c ommands to set up a DS3. See the set (ds3 ) command for more detail s. Command Descript ion set {ds3-addr} up Activate the port. set {ds3-addr} id {"id-name"} Set the DS3 ID.
4-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Configur ation Basi c S yste m S etup Establish a Static Channel Connection Use the f ollowing c ommands to establ ish a st atic chan nel con nection. Command Descript ion set {ds3-addr} protect {off|on} Set port protection o n the DS3.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-9 Conf igur atio n Basi c Sy stem Se tup Setup of ADPCM Set Up a V. 35 Port Use the f ollowing c ommands to set up a V .35 port. Command Descripti on Connect T1 cable to port 1 of the ADPCM service card set {adpcm_card-addr} {none|map1|map2|map3} Enable compressin g by selecting Map type.
4-10 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Basi c S yste m S etup Set Up a Single Channel POTS card Use the f ollowing c ommands to set up a POTS card. Change the IP Address of the DS 0 Management Channel Use the f ollowing c ommands to change the IP over DS0 Manageme nt Channel f or th e Axxius 800.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-11 Conf igur atio n Quick Configu ration Reload Quick Configu ration Reload The prin t config command can be used as a qui ck way to reload a confi guration into an Axxius un it, in the event that the con figurat ion has bee n lost due to sof tware reloa d pro blems o r opera tor err or .
4-12 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Quick Conf iguration Rel oad 5. Select the [S TART ] button , the wi ndow will cl ose and the opera tor wil l be retur ned to the Ax xius c omma nd line.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-13 Conf igur atio n Quick Configu ration Reload 3. Select the ASCII Setup butto n. 4. Set the Line del ay t o 50 milli seconds and the Chara cter dela y to 5 mill isecon ds. 5. Select the [OK] butto n back to t he Main HyperTe rminal screen.
4-14 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Setup of DS0 Managem ent C hannel Setup of DS0 Mana gement Cha nnel The DS0 Managemen t Channe l provide s an al ternati ve to the FDL link f or management i nforma tion where FDL is unavai lable.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-15 Conf igur atio n Setup of D S0 Mana gement Chan nel Equipment Required l Access Navi gator ( versi on 1.7) l (1) Coll ocated Router This exampl e uses a Axx ius 800 (version 1.0) with a Axxius TS R card (versi on 1.0) l Remote Axxiu s (1-24) Axxius 80 0 (vers ion 1.
4-16 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Setup of DS0 Managem ent C hannel The foll owing is t he Addr ess and DS1 assign ments us ed in thi s exa mple. Thi s will configu re 1 Acce ss Navigat or, one TSR and 24 remot e Axxius uni ts. LAN addr WAN addr Navigator DS1 Navig ator m gmt DS0 to Router Axxius Axxius DS0 to Navigator Navigat or 192.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-17 Conf igur atio n Setup of D S0 Mana gement Chan nel Set IP Configu ration of PC 1. Set IP Addr ess to 192 .168.201.1 02 2.
4-18 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Setup of DS0 Managem ent C hannel Add and Enable a ll Remote Axx ius Needed Telnet into the TSR ca rd 1. From the CLI execute a Telnet command to th e TSR card . Telnet {s lot} Example: telnet 1 The exa mple wil l Telnet into t he router locat ed in slo t 1.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-19 Conf igur atio n Setup of D S0 Mana gement Chan nel Configure Trunk Connections 1. Select Configurati on < Profile Directory > -> from the Router Main Menu and sel ect [ E NTER ] . 2. Select Router CARD <Setup - > from the Pr ofile w indo w an d sele ct [ E NTER ] .
4-20 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Setup of DS0 Managem ent C hannel 4. For all WAN por t numbers alrea dy assigne d a DS0 for manage ment sel ect < Frame-Relay 1490 > as the WAN conne ctions type. 5. Select the PVC Management as < Disabled > .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-21 Conf igur atio n Setup of D S0 Mana gement Chan nel 3. Set the follo wing on th is scre en: Select the IP Protocol Eth II (X), all other s shou ld not be s elect ed. Set the LAN Networ ks Updates for IP and IPX to < Neither > .
4-22 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Setup of DS0 Managem ent C hannel 2. Set the follo wing on th is scre en: Rename RemoteUnit (de fault nam e) to Axxius1 . Set WAN Netwo rks Updates for IP to <Never> . Set WAN IP: Numb ered to <N o> .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-23 Conf igur atio n Setup of D S0 Mana gement Chan nel 6. Set Devic e Name to Axxius1 Set the IP Addr ess to (Axxi us1 WAN addre ss) Set the Subnet Mask to 255.255 .255.255 Set the Metric to 1 7. Select [E SC ] to ex it and <Yes> to save chan ges.
4-24 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Setup of DS0 Managem ent C hannel 9. Select the fo llowing on thi s screen: At the Select WAN Port Number: < None> , scroll fro m None to 1 (which is the remote Axxi us1). Set DLCI to 16 . 10. Selec t [E SC ] to exit th e Trunk Port configur atio n window.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-25 Conf igur atio n Setup of D S0 Mana gement Chan nel Reinitialize the Router 1. Select Exit <Rein itial ize > from th e Rout er main window a nd select [E NTER ] . 2. Select < YES > a nd sele ct [E NTER ] to Rei nitia lize the TSR Ca rd.
4-26 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Setup of DS0 Managem ent C hannel Configuration of Remote Axxius Note: The Et hernet canno t be conn ected to t he Remote Axxius during the setup of the DS0. Use the f ollowing c ommands to setup t he IP over DS0 Management Channel f or each Remote Axxius 8 00 .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 4-27 Conf igur atio n Setup of D S0 Mana gement Chan nel Configuration of Access Navigato r Note: The Et hernet canno t be conn ected to t he Remote Axxius during the setup of the DS0. The foll owing se tup, cr eates a path fr om th e Axxius Rout er to the remote Axxius.
4-28 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Configur ation Setup of DS0 Managem ent C hannel Testing the DS0 M anagement Channel After the DS0 management cha nnels has bee n setup with one Remot e Axxius, test the management c hannel . 1. PING 192.168.20 2.1 (Axxius1 ) from the Axxius Router .
C HAPTER CLI Commands In this Chapter n Command Line Interface Help n CLI Commands.
5-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 CLI Commands Command Line Interfa ce Help During a CLI session, help is available at an y time. ? or help Type a ? (or "help" before a command) at any time for quick command information > add ? add ..........
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-3 CLI Commands the [TAB] feature, scroll through a ll available options for this comma nd: > set [TAB] will scroll through the set commands, with each <TAB> > set alarms [TAB] > set autoexit [TAB] > set clock1 .
5-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 CLI Commands CLI Commands For maneuverability through these commands, all command names in blue or italics ar e hyperlin ked.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-5 CLI Commands aco (Alarm Cu t Off) aco (Ala rm Cut Off) Use the aco command to activate the Alarm Cut Off, which opens the alar m relay contacts on the back of the unit.
5-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 CLI Commands add add Use the add command to create users, interfaces, serv ices or profiles. See the following sections for detailed information on the following add comm.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-7 CLI Commands add add (ds1 ) ais Use the add (ds1 ) ais command to add DS1s to a list for the AIS Forwarding feature. The DS1 enabled for AIS forwarding will be checked against the DS1 s defined in the list. Note: If no list is d efined, AIS will go to all the DS1s cross-co nnected to that DS1.
5-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 CLI Commands add add (router) dhcp server option Use the ad d (router) dhcp ser ver option c ommand to a dd opti onal DHCP serv er attri butes that will b e advertis ed ever y time a DHCP cl ient disc overy i s initia ted.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-9 CLI Commands add add (router) dns proxy Use the add ( rout er) dns prox y command to enable DNS proxy an d add a remote DNS server address to the s pecified Router card.
5-10 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router) snmp community Use the add (router) snmp community command to add a SNMP community to an interface on the specified Router car d.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-11 CLI Commands add add (router) snmp trap Use the add (rout er) snm p trap command to specify a destination to send SN MP trap messages for the specified Router car d.
5-12 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router) st atic dns host Use the add (router) static dns host command to add a static DNS hos t record for resolving a domain name to an IP address if the DNS se rver canno t provide the information.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-13 CLI Commands add add (router) up loaduser Use the add (router) uploaduser command to s pecify a host that is allowed to upload either the configuration or software files to th e specified Router card.
5-14 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router-lan) filter Use the add (router-lan) f ilter commands to add filters to the specified LAN interface. add (rout er-lan) f ilter ad dress Use the add (router-lan) fi lter address command to add an address filter to the table of Layer 2 filters applied to the specified LAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-15 CLI Commands add add (route r-lan) filter custom Use the add (router-lan) fi lter custom command to add a custom f ilter to the table of Layer 2 filters applied to the specified LAN interface.
5-16 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add Ethernet Frame and IP Packet Format Ethernet 802.3 (raw ) Frame - Da talink H eader 6 byt es 6 byt es 2 byt es 46 to 1500 byte s 4 by tes Dest MAC Sourc.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-17 CLI Commands add add (route r-lan) filter pr otocol Use the add (router-lan) f ilter protocol command to add a protoco l filter to the table of Layer 2 filters applied to the specified LAN in terface. Note that y ou only need to iden tify either an Ethernet o r IEEE value, but not both.
5-18 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router-lan) se condary ip address Use the add (rout er-lan) s econdary ip address command to add a secondary IP ad dress and subnet to the specified LAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-19 CLI Commands add add (router-lan) static Use the add (rout er-la n) static commands to add static elements on the specified LAN interface.
5-20 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router-l an) static ip networ k Use the add (router-lan) static ip network command to add a static IP n etwork (r oute) to the specified LAN interf ace. Syntax : add {rtr_lan-addr} stati c ip network {ip-addr} { mask} {next-hop-ip-addr} [metric] Example : add 3:1 static ip network 195.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-21 CLI Commands add add (router-l an) static ipx net work Use the add (r outer-lan) s tatic ipx network command to add a static IPX network (ro ute) to the specified LAN interface.
5-22 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router-l an) static mac address Use the add (router-la n) static mac address command to add a static MAC address to the table of learned addresses on the specified L AN interface. This command is typ ically used in bridgi ng.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-23 CLI Commands add add (router-wan) firewall Use the add (router-wan) f irewall command to add a firewall rule to a WAN. Syntax : add {rtr_card-addr} {"wan-name".
5-24 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add {s ervic e} {de st -ip -ad dr/b it s} The destin ation IP Addr ess and number of signifi cant bits. The IP Address i s in the form of, wh ere xxx is between 0-2 55. The ad dress "0.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-25 CLI Commands add {src-ip-addr/bits} The destination IP address and n umber of si gnificant bits. The address "" matches any address. src-ip-addr Enter the IP Address of the remote d evice or network that this rule will affect.
5-26 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router-wan) gre network Use the add (router-wan) gre network command to add a "by netw ork" Gener ic Route Encapsulation (GRE) tun nel to a WAN.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-27 CLI Commands add add (router-wan) nat bypass Use the add (rout er-wan) nat bypa ss command to add subnets to the list of source addres ses that will not be subject to NAT translatio n when passing through a NAT enabled WAN interface.
5-28 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router-wan) static Use the ad d (router-wan) static co mmands to add static elemen ts on the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-29 CLI Commands add add (router-wan) static ip netwo rk Use the add (r outer-w an) stat ic ip ne twork command to add a static IP network (route) to the specified WAN interface.
5-30 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router-wan) static ipx network Use the add (router- wan) static i px network command t o add a s tatic IP X networ k (route) to the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-31 CLI Commands add add (router-wan) static mac address Use the add (rout er-wa n) st atic mac address command to add a s tatic MAC address to the table of learned address es on the specifi ed WAN interface. This command is typically used in br idging .
5-32 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands add add (router-wan) static nat address Use the add (router-w an) static nat ad dress command to add a static NAT bi-directional mapping to the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-33 CLI Commands alarm s alarms Use the alarm s command to display the active alarms. The report can be filtered by address, category and/o r severity (major, minor , alert). The alarms command alone, displays a fu ll alarm report.
5-34 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands clear clear User the clear command to clear logs, performance data and tables. clear ( ds1) clear ( ds3) clear key clear l og clear ( ocudp) perfo rmance cl.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-35 CLI Commands clear clear ( ds1) Use the clear (ds1) com mand to clear specified DS1 per formance data. Syntax : clear {ds1-addr} performance {setting} Example : clear a:1 performance all Clears all performan ce data o n DS1 1 (po rt 1) on the DS1 Cont roller card .
5-36 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands clear clear ( ds3) Use the clear (ds3) com mand to clear specified DS3 per formance data. Note this command app lies only when us ing a DS3 Controller card.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-37 CLI Commands clear clear ke y Use the clear key command to remove a specific keyed feat ure. To acqui re a feature key code, contact Carrier Access Customer Service.
5-38 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands clear clear (router) ip address table Use the clear (router) ip address table com mand to flush the learned entries fr om the IP address table for the specified inte rface fro m the specified Router car d.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-39 CLI Commands clear clear (router) performance Use the clear (router) performance command to clear the runtime statistics that are dis played by th e status (rout er) per formance co mmand. Th is command ta kes effect immediately.
5-40 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands connect connect Use the connect command to create two-way connections between any DS0 channels of the service or controller cards. Syntax : connect {slot:port|slot:port:channel} {slot:port|slot:port:channel} Use the disconnect command to de lete connections.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-41 CLI Commands connect connect (route r-trunk) (t1) Use the connect (router-trunk) (t1) command to create two-way connections between the Router port trunk connection s and any DS 0 channels of the service car d or C ontroller.
5-42 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands dele te delete Use the delete command to r emove users, interf aces, services or p rofiles. See the following sections for detailed information on the follo.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-43 CLI Commands delete delete ( ds1) a is Use the delete (ds1) ais command to delete DS1s from the AIS DS1 list. The DS1 that is AIS enabled will be checked against the DS1s defined in the list. Note: If no DS1s are defined, an d AIS is enabled, the default will b e all the DS1s in the system.
5-44 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands dele te delete (router) dhc p server option Use the delete ( router) dhcp server option command to delete optional DHCP server attributes that will be advertised every time a DHCP client discovery is initiated.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-45 CLI Commands delete delete (router) remote Use the delete (router) remote command to delete a remote WAN profil e from the WAN profile table on th e specified Router card.
5-46 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands dele te delete (router) snmp trap Use the delete (router) snmp tra p command to delete a trap destination from the specified Router card. Syntax : delete {rtr_card-addr} snmp trap {"community-name"} {ip-addr} Example : delete 2 snmp trap "commune" 192.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-47 CLI Commands delete delete (router) uploaduser Use the delete (router) uploaduser command to remove an existing host that is allowed to upload either the configuration or softwa re files to th e specified Router card.
5-48 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands dele te delet e (rout er-la n) filt er Use the delete (router-lan) filter command to delete a single filter rule from th e table of Layer 2 filters applied to the specified LAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-49 CLI Commands delete delete (router-lan) se condary ip address Use the delete (router-lan) secondary ip address command to delete a s econdary IP address and subnet to the specified LAN interf ace.
5-50 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands dele te delete (router -lan) static Use the delet e (router-lan) sta tic commands to delete static eleme nts from the specified LAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-51 CLI Commands delete delete ( router-lan) s tatic ip network Use the dele te (rou ter -la n) stat ic i p ne two rk co mmand to delete a static IP netw ork from the specified LAN interf ace. Syntax : delete {rtr_lan-addr} static ip network {ip-addr} {mask} {next-hop-ip-addr} Example : delete 3:1 static ip network 195.
5-52 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands dele te delete ( router-lan) s tatic ipx network Use the delete (router-lan) static ipx net work command to delete a static IPX network (route) to the specified LAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-53 CLI Commands delete delete ( router-lan) s tatic ma c address Use the delete (router-lan) static mac address command to delete a static MAC address entry to the s pecified LAN interface.
5-54 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands dele te delete (router-wan) gre network Use the delete (router-wan) gre network comman d to d elete a " by network " GRE tu nnel t o a WAN. Syntax : delete {rtr_card-addr} {"wan-name"} gre network {ip-addr mask|ip-addr/bits} Example : delete 3 "LosAngeles" gre network 10.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-55 CLI Commands delete delete (router -wan) static Use the delete (router-wan) stat ic commands to delete a st atic element from the WAN interface. delete ( router-wan) static ip addr ess Use the delete (router-wan) static ip address command to delete a st atic IP address on the specified WAN interface.
5-56 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands dele te delete ( router-wan) static ip network Use the delete (router-wan) static ip network co mmand to delete a static IP network from the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-57 CLI Commands delete delete ( router-wan) static mac address Use the delete (router-wan) static mac address command to delete a static MAC address entry from th e specified WAN interface.
5-58 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands disconnect delete user The delete user command will remover a user created by the add user command. Syntax : delete user {"user-name"} Example : delete user "jsmith" {"user -name"} The user-name is an existing user I D in the system.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-59 CLI Commands exit exit Use the exit command to log out of the Command Line I nterface (CLI). Syntax : exit Example : > exit Logging out of Carrier Access - Axxius Pro.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-61 CLI Commands load load xmo dem Use the load xmodem comman d to down load software via Xmod em. This c ommand is only available with an RS-232 con nectio n.
5-62 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands log log log Displays the event log. Where th e optional [slo t:port:channel], [categor y], and [severity] are variable s used to narrow do wn the log di splaye d. The log command witho ut any op tions displays a full log.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-63 CLI Commands ping ping ping Use the ping command to perform a ping test from th e Controller and report the result. If the host is reachable, each individual response will be disp layed. Syntax : ping {ip-addr} [count] [length] Example : ping 192.
5-64 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands prin t print Use the print command to display the help inf ormation or print the configuration file. Syntax : print {config|help} print config Print the configuration file for the Axxius 800.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-65 CLI Commands rename (router) print help Print the complete help file to the scr een. Syntax : print help Example : print help This example would print the entire help tex t, which can be scrolled though with Enter or Spacebar .
5-66 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands reset reset rese t (co ntrol ler ) Use the reset (contro ller) co mmand to reboot the s ystem. Reset alone w ill reboot the entire system. Syntax : reset [ctrlr-addr|active|standby] Example : reset a1 Will reset the contr oller in the controller slot 1.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-67 CLI Commands resto re reset (router) coldboot Use the reset (router) co ldboot command to r eboot th e Router. This will r eboot i ncluding a power cycle to the Rou ter card. Syntax : reset {rtr_card-addr} coldboot Example : > reset 2 coldboot OK The example will co ldboot the Router card in slot 2.
5-68 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands rtrping rtrping Use the rtrping command to request that the Router per form a ping test and report the r esult. Syntax : rtrping {rtr_card-addr} {dest-ip-addr|"domain-name"} [count] [count length] [count length source-ip-addr] Example : rtrping 4 192.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-69 CLI Commands set set set alarms set (ocudp ) baud set a utoe xit set (o cudp) loop back set (bri) set (ocudp ) loopde tect set ( bri) mo de set (o cudp) mvec set (bri) p.
5-70 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (r oute r-lan ) ip ad dress set (r oute r-wa n) nat set (r oute r-lan) ipx n etwork set (r oute r-wan ) othe r set (r oute r-lan ) phy set (r oute r.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-71 CLI Commands set set al arms Use the set alarms to manually set a n alarm state for testing. Syntax : set alarms {critical|major|minor} {off|on} Example : set alarms critical on The example set the alarm s tate of critical on.
5-72 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (bri) Use the set (b ri) comman d to setup the I SDN BRI card. Syntax : set {bri-addr} {day|hour} {es|ses} {value} Example : set 3:4 threshold day ses 30 To set the dai ly thre shold to 30 Severely Err ored Seco nds on port 4 of a BRI card in slot 3.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-73 CLI Commands set set (bri) mode Use the set (b ri) mod e command to set the mode for the ISDN B RI Service. Syntax : set {bri_card-addr} mode {setting} Example : set 4 mode nt3ds0 To set the BRI card in slot 4 to use 3 DS0 LUNT {bri_ca rd-add r} The slot num ber (1-8) of the Adit chassis that contains the BRI card.
5-74 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set ccl abel Use the set cclable command to set a u ser defined cro ss-connect label. Syntax : set cclabel {addr} {"label"} Example : set cclabel a:1:1 "Idle Ch" The example will set a u ser connect label "Id le Ch" on the DS0 a:1:1.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-75 CLI Commands set set clock ( 1 and 2) Use the set c lock (1 and 2) command to set the master transmit clock. The primary master clock source may be used to clock each DS1 transmitter. The clock circuit au tomatically switches to the secondary clock source if the p rimary clock fails.
5-76 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (ds0) Use the set (ds0) command to setup one o r all DS0s in a DS1. The command specifies DS0 or range of D S0s, and t he setti ng to apply . set(ds0) signa l Use the set (d s0) signa l command to setup one or all DS0s in a DS1 signal.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-77 CLI Commands set set(ds0) type Use the set (d s0) type command to setup one or all D S0s in a DS 1 sign al type. Syntax : set {ds0-addr} type {data|voice} Example : set 3:1:1-4 type voice To set th e traffic ty pe to voice o n channels 1- 4 on po rt 1 of sl ot 3 on a service card.
5-78 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (ds1) Use the set (d s1) command to set up DS1 interfaces. The command specifies a ra nge of interfaces and the setting to apply. Syntax : set {ds1-addr} {setting} Example : set a:1 framing esf To set DS 1 1 (port 1) on a DS 1 Contr oller to u se ESF f raming.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-79 CLI Commands set id Set the DS1 cir cuit identification name. Thi s is the same as dsx1Cir cuit Identifier fro m DS1 MIB t ransmission v endor’s identificati on.
5-80 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set threshold Se t defa ult thre sholds for a DS1. Defaults for a ll are 0. day Set threshold for a daily inter val bes Bursty error ed second s range: 0 - .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-81 CLI Commands set set (ds1 card) Use the set (d s1 card ) commands to configure DS1 card ty pes. These command s apply to the Quad DS1/E1 (hard ened) and Quad DS1 ADPCM (hardened ) service cards. set (ds1 card) spantype Use the se t (ds1 card ) span type command t o set the sp an type (T1 or E1) on the D S1 type card.
5-82 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (ds1 card) adpcm map Use the set (ds1 card) a dpcm ma p command to s et voice compres sion map on th e Quad DS1 ADPCM card. Syntax : set {adpcm_card-addr} adpcm {none|map1|map2|map3} Example : set 5 adpcm map1 {adpc m_card- addr} - The slot number (1-6) th at contains the Quad DS1 ADPCM card.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-83 CLI Commands set set (ds3) Use the set (d s3) command to set up DS3 interfaces. The command specifies a ra nge of interfaces and the setting to apply. Syntax : set {ds3-addr} {setting} Example : set a:1 framing m23 To set DS3 1 (port 1) on a DS3 Controller (slot A) to use M23 framing.
5-84 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set frame Set the DS3 frame PMDL ID string Command syntax: s et {ds3 -addr} frame {"string"} {"string"} = transmis sion ven dor’s i dentificati on, up t o 10 charact ers, enclosed in quotes.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-85 CLI Commands set reversion Set pro tection r eversion on the DS3 off Disable protect ion revers ion of lo opback r equests on En able protect ion rever sion of lo opback re quests threshold Set defe ct thres holds f or a DS3.
5-86 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set ethe rnet ip address Use the set ethernet ip address command to set the E thernet address for the Axxius 800. Syntax : set ethernet ip address {ip-addr} [mask] Example : set ethernet ip address 172.26.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-87 CLI Commands set set (fxo) Use the set (fx o) command to setup one o r all of the voice chan nels of an FXO card. The command specifies the list of vo ice channels within that card, an d the setting to app ly.
5-88 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (fxs PS or fxsPSM ) Use the set ( fxsPS or fxsPSM) command to setup voice channels of an Single Channel POTS card (FXS PS) or th e POTS card with modem (F XS PSM). The command specif ies the list of voice channels, and the setting to apply.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-89 CLI Commands set set idle Use the set idle command to set the system-wide idle code s ent on DS0s. Syntax : set idle {pattern} Example : set idle 0xff {patte rn} A hexadecimal number with a range from 0x00 to 0xff. This number must be preceeded by 0x.
5-90 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set ipds0 Use the set ipds0 command to setup the D S0 manag ement channel. Note: the DS0 selected as the DS0 management chann el can only reside on the Contro ller T1.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-91 CLI Commands set set key Use the set key command to enable a specif ic keyed f eature. To acquire a feature key code, contact Carrier Access Customer Service. Curr ently, k eyed features (if available) can be enabled on a Con troller or a Router.
5-92 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set login support Use the set login support command to enable or disable the internal login accounts for Carrier Access Support per sonnel for th e Controller and Rou ter cards.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-93 CLI Commands set set lsprot ect enabl e/disabl e Use the set lsprotect enable/disable command to set the global enable or disable th e Low Speed Protection option s on the system.
5-94 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set lsprotec t nonrevertive Use the set lsprotect nonrevertive command to set low speed prot ect ed port(s) t o non-revert ive mode. When a port is in non-rev ertive mode and a failu re occurs the port is switched to the protect ion port, and will remain there until m anually reset.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-95 CLI Commands set set lsprotect remove Use the set lsprotect remove command to remove port from protected mo de. Syntax : set lsprotect {slot:port} remove Example : set lsprotect 5:2 remove Do you really want to do this? y *-Protected port(s) not removed since they were not previously assigned.
5-96 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set lsprotect revertive Use the set lsprotect revertive command to s et low speed protected port(s) to revertive mode. When a port is set to revertiv e mode and a failure occurs the port is switched to the protection port.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-97 CLI Commands set set (ocudp) baud Use the set (o cud p) baud command to configure the Baud Rate for OCU-DP por ts. Syntax : set {ocudp-addr} baud {rate}[sw56|sw56cp] Example : set 3:2 baud 2400 Set the b aud rate on port 2 t o 2400, o n the OCU-D P card in s lot 3.
5-98 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (ocudp) loopback Use the set (o cud p) loopback command to manually se t OCU/CSU loopback tests. Syntax : set {ocudp-addr} loopback {csu|ocu} {loopdown|loopup} Example : set 3:2 loopback csu loopdown {ocudp-addr} The {slot:port} address of the OCU-DP card you want to apply the changes to.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 5-99 CLI Commands set set (ocudp) loopdetect Use the set (o cud p) loopdetect to config ure the OCU n on-latch ing/lat ching loop back code detection.
5-100 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (ocudp) mvec Use the set (o cud p) mvec to set Majority Vot e Error Correction (MVEC). Syntax : set {ocudp-addr} mvec {disable|enable} Example : set 3:2 mvec enable {ocudp-addr} The {slot:port} address of the OCU-DP card you want to apply the changes to.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-10 1 CLI Commands set set (ocudp) selftest Use the set (ocudp ) selftest to initiate th e OCU-DP card to perfor m a self test. This requ est will display a messag e to wait 8 seconds b efore requesting self test status with the status command.
5-102 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) autologout Use the set (router) auto logout command to set the period of time of inactivity after which the user will be automatically logg ed-out of a Telnet session.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-10 3 CLI Commands set set (router) dhcp Use the set (router) dhcp comman ds to configure th e DHCP functions. set (router) dhcp di sable Use the set (router) dhcp disable command to disable b oth DHCP server an d DHCP relay functionality for the specified Router card .
5-104 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) dhcp se rver dnsser ver Use the set (router) dhcp server dnsserver command to set the IP address of up to 4 DNS servers that the DHCP server will inform the clients of . Syntax : set {rtr_card-addr} dhcp server dnsserver {number} {ip-addr} Example : set 5 dhcp server dnsserver 4 122.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-10 5 CLI Commands set set (rout er) dhcp se rver dur ation Use the set (router) dhcp server duration com mand to set the lease duration tha t the DHCP server applies to client assignments.
5-106 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) dhcp server net bios nodetype Use the set (router) dhcp server netbios nodetype command to set the NetBIOS node type (see RF C 1001/ 1002) t hat the DHC P server pr ovides to clients .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-10 7 CLI Commands set set (router) dhcp se rver start addr Use the set (router) dhcp server starta ddr command to en able the DHCP server o n the specified Router card. Syntax : set {rtr_card-addr} dhcp server startaddr {ip-addr} {count} Example : set 4 dhcp server startaddr 134.
5-108 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) dns Use the set (router) dns comman ds to set Domai n Name Server (DNS) options. set (router) dns domai n Use the set (r outer ) dns domai n command to set the default domain that the DNS resolver will add to any name queries that are not fully qua lified.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-10 9 CLI Commands set set (rout er) dns r esolver Use the set (router) dns reso lver command to enab le/disable use of DNS re solver to convert domai n names to IP addresses . The DNS server addres s must be set before the D NS resolver can be en abled.
5-110 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) enhanced security Use the set (router) enhanced security command to enable or dis a ble enhanced logi n security on the TSR. When enabled the user will not receive any login prompt or other output until the security password is typed .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-11 1 CLI Commands set set (router) lmi poll Use the set (router) lmi poll command to specify the Local Man agement Interface (LMI ) for the specified Router card.
5-112 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) login prompt Use the set ( router) lo gin pro mpt command to enable/disable the login prompt on the specified Router card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-11 3 CLI Commands set set (router) ntp poll Use the set (router) ntp poll command to specify p olling of the NTP s erver every d efined number of seconds.
5-114 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) ntp ti mezone Use the set (router) ntp timezone command to specify the timezone offset relative to GMT for this TSR.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-11 5 CLI Commands set set (router) port Use the set (router) port comm and to s et port characteristics o n a Terminal Server Router (TSR) card. set (rout er) port baudrate Use the set (router) port baudrate comman d to set the baud rate on a TSR port.
5-116 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (rout er) port databits Use the set (router) port databits comman d to set the data bits on a TSR port. Syntax : set {tsr_card-addr} port {port-number} databits {5|6|7|8} Example : set 5 port 2 databits 6 The example will set the data bits to 6 on the port 2 on the TSR card in slo t 5.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-11 7 CLI Commands set set (router) port flowcontrol Use the set (router) port f lowcontrol command to set the flow co ntrol on a TSR po rt.
5-118 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (rout er) port inactivi ty time r Use the set (router) port inacti vity tim er command to set the inactivity timeout for a RS-232 session . This setting can be issued when the card is physically strap ped for Ethernet, bus has no effect.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-11 9 CLI Commands set set (router) port name Use the set (router) port name command to set d efine name f or a TSR po rt. Syntax : set {tsr_card-addr} port {port-number} na.
5-120 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) port passive Use the set (router) port passive comm an d to se t th e TS R po rt to pa ss ive . Th is c om mand will terminate any active telnet connection on this interface and wil l reinitialize its associated TCP socket.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-12 1 CLI Commands set set (router) port prompt Use the set (router) port prompt command to set the authen tication prompt on a TSR port.
5-122 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (rout er) port stopbits Use the set (router) port stop bits com mand to set the number of s top bits on a TSR port. The stop bit is an interval at the end of eac h Asynchron ous Character that allows the receiving compu ter to pause bef ore the start of the next character.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-12 3 CLI Commands set set (router) port tbos map displ ay Use the set (router) port tbos map displ ay command to set a TB OS (Telemetry Byte Oriented Serial) display map v alue for one of the eight TBOS display available for monitoring equipmen t.
5-124 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (rout er) port type Use the set (router) port type comman d to set t he applicat ion being used for a R S-232 (serial) port. This setting can be issued when the card is physically strapped for Ethernet, but has no effect.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-12 5 CLI Commands set set (router) ppp auth Use the set ( router) ppp auth command to configur e the PP P (Point -to-Po int Prot ocol) authentication on the specified R outer card.
5-126 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) ppp auth byremote user Syntax : set {rtr_card-addr} ppp auth byremote user {profilename|"protocol-name"} Example : set 5 ppp auth byremote user profilename The example will set th e PPP authentication u ser name for the Router in slot 5 to equal the profile name.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-12 7 CLI Commands set set (router) ppp security Use the set (router) ppp security command to set up the local external security serv er, that the Router will use to authenticate remote PPP devices.
5-128 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) ppp sec urity server Syntax : set {rtr_card-addr} ppp security server {none|radius|tacacs} Example : set 5 ppp security server none The example will set the R outer in slot 5 to not use an external s ecurity server to authenticate remote PPP devices .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-12 9 CLI Commands set set (router) proxy Use the set (rou ter) proxy co mmand to enable/disable p roxy ARP mode on the Router. This command will add an IP interface between the Controller and th e Router over the backplane.
5-130 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set There are nume rous cases of IP address assignmen ts for the proxy and each case cau ses slightly different behavior: Proxy address is in the same subnet as t he Controller LAN address.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-13 1 CLI Commands set set (router) reboot Use the set (router) reboo t command to set automatic rebo ot after an upload of code or configuration file. Syntax : set {rtr_card-addr} reboot {code|config} {disable|enable} Example : set 5 reboot both disable Disable aut omatic rebo ot after upload fo r the Router in slot 5.
5-132 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) s nmp Use the set (ro uter) snmp command to set the SNMP contact, lo cation and name on the specified Router card. set (router) snmp contact Use the set (router) snmp contact comman d to set the valu e of sysContact on the s pecified Router card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-13 3 CLI Commands set set (router) snmp name Use the set (rout er) snm p name command to set the v alue of sy sName on the specified Router card.
5-134 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) s tp Use the set (ro uter) stp commands to configur e the Spanning Tree Pro tocol on the Router . Note : Enter {slot} only, if {slot:port} is entered the comma nd will be directed to the Router LAN and no t the Router Card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-13 5 CLI Commands set set (router) stp bri dge maxage Use the set (rou ter) stp brid ge maxage co mmand to conf igure Spanning Tree maximum age value for the b ridge. The bridge max age value sp ecifies the maximum age of received protoco l informati on before i t is di scarded.
5-136 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) stp enabl e/disable Use the set (router) stp enable/d isable command to enable and disable Spannin g Tree Protoc ol on th e Rout er. Syntax : set {rtr_card-addr} stp {disable|enable} Example : set 3 stp enable The example will enable Span ning Tree o n the Router in slot 3 .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-13 7 CLI Commands set set (router) s yslog Use the set (r outer ) syslog commands to config ure the Rout er to send alarm and event messag es to a Syslo g server .
5-138 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router) sysl og level Use the set (rou ter) syslo g level command to set the Syslog severity level.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-13 9 CLI Commands set set (router-lan ) filter forward Use the set (router-lan) filter forward comma nd to specify the forward ing mod e for Lay er 2 filters on the LAN interface.
5-140 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router-lan ) framing Use the set ( router-lan) framing comm and to s pecify which Ethernet fr ame types are supported on the LAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-14 1 CLI Commands set set (router-la n) gateway Use the set ( router-lan) gateway command to specify a default IP g ateway for the specified LAN interface. If there is no static network entry to 0.0.0 .0, then this addres s is used as the default gateway for packets with no explici t route.
5-142 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router-la n) ip address Use the set (router-lan) ip a ddress command to specify an IP address for the specified LAN interface. When first installed th e Router car d’s LAN interf ace has a default IP ad dress of 10.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-14 3 CLI Commands set set (router-la n) ipx network Use the set (rou ter-lan) ipx netwo rk command to sp ecify IPX n etwork numbers fo r the four IPX LAN frame types. This enables the Axxius to Ro uter IPX to Remote (WAN) networks, even if an IPX server does not exist on the local LAN.
5-144 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router-la n) phy Use the set (router-lan) phy command to specify the Ethern et PHY (physical specifications ) speed and mode. NOTE: It is highly r ecommended that this setti ng be left at auto- negotiati on.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-14 5 CLI Commands set set (router-la n) rip Use the set (router-lan) rip co mmands to specify RIP for the specifi ed LAN interface. set (rout er-lan) rip ip Use the set (router-lan) rip ip command to specify the IP RIP for the specified LAN interface.
5-146 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (rout er-lan) rip ipx Use the set (router- lan) rip ipx command to specify the IPX RIP and SAP for the specified LAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-14 7 CLI Commands set set (router-la n) stp Use the set (router-lan) stp commands to configure the Span ning Tree Prot ocol on this interface. set (router-l an) stp enable/d isable Use the set (router-la n) stp enable/disable command to enable/disable Spannin g Tree Protocol on this interface.
5-148 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router-l an) stp port cost Use the set (router-lan) stp port cos t command to co nfigure Spanning Tree path cost value for this bridge port.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-14 9 CLI Commands set set (router-lan) up/down Use the set (router-lan) up/d own command to set the specified LAN interf ace up or down . When the Router port is set down, a link failure will not cause an alarm. This can be used to eliminate alarms from Router port s that are not in-use.
5-150 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router-t runk ) encapsulation Use the set (router-tru nk) encapsulation command to specify the encap sulation to use on the TSR interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-15 1 CLI Commands set set (router-t runk) speed Use the set (router-trunk) speed command to s pecify the data s peed for each DS0 in the given trunk. This command takes effect upon transiti on of the trunk to active. This command app lies to the TSR card only.
5-152 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router-wa n) dlci Use the set (router-wa n) dlci command to s et the DLCI ( Data Link Conn ection Identif ier) for a specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-15 3 CLI Commands set set (router-wa n) gre Use the set (router-wan) gre comm and to config ure Generic Rout ing Encap sulatio n tunnelin g for a specified WAN interface.
5-154 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (rout er-wan) gre ip Use the set (router-wan) gre ip command to configur e the GRE t unneling o f the IP protocol for a specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-15 5 CLI Commands set set (router-wan ) ip Use the set (router-wan) ip command to s et the IP traffic h andling on the W AN interface.
5-156 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router-wa n) ipx Use the set (router-wan) ipx command to set the IPX traffic handling on the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-15 7 CLI Commands set set (router-wa n) nat Use the set (router-wa n) nat commands to configu re Network Address Tran slation (NAT) on a specified WAN interface.
5-158 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (rout er-wan) nat enable/disab le Use the se t (router-wan) nat com mand to enab le and disab le Network Addres s Translation (NAT) on a specified W AN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-15 9 CLI Commands set set (router-wa n) other Use the set (ro uter-wan) other comma nd to set t he traf fic h andli ng of prot ocols other than IP or IPX on the specified WAN interf ace.
5-160 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router-wa n) ppp Use the set (router) ppp comman d to conf igure t he PPP (Po int-to-Poi nt Pr otocol) on the specified Router card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-16 1 CLI Commands set set (router-wan) ppp comp ression Use the set (router-wan) ppp comp ression command to configure the PPP compression with the remote PPP de vice.
5-162 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (router-wa n) rip Use the set (router-wan) rip commands to set the type of RIP updates on the W AN interface. set (router-w an) rip ip updates Use the set (router-wan) rip ip updates command to set the ty pe of RIP updates on the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-16 3 CLI Commands set set (router-wa n) stp Use the set (router-wan) stp commands to configure the Span ning Tree Protocol o n the specified WAN interface. set (rout er-wan) st p enable/disab le Use the set (router-wan) stp ena ble/disable command to enable and disable Spanning Tree Protocol on this interface.
5-164 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (rout er-wan) st p port cost Use the set (router-wan) stp port cost command to configure Span ning Tree path co st value for this bridge port.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-16 5 CLI Commands set set (router-wa n) trunk Use the set (router-wa n) trunk command to configure the trunk port or multilin k group for a specified WAN interface. If the tru nk encapsula tion is subsequently ch anged, this tru nk ass ignme nt is r eset to 0.
5-166 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set scr een Use the set screen command to set the he ight of the scrolling outpu t screen, in number of lines. For example, if the screen height is set to 40 lines, the Command Line I nterface (CLI) will print the maximu m of 40 lines o f a long output befo re paus ing.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-16 7 CLI Commands set set sn mp Use the set snmp command to set the Simple Netwo rk Management Pro tocol (SNMP) MIB -II System Group o bjects. Syntax : set snmp {setting} {"string"} Where {setting} is as b elow, and {string} is its val ue.
5-168 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set time Use the set ti me command to set the time. Syntax : set time {hh:mm:ss} Example : set time 12:00:00 The example will set the time to 12 no on. {hh:mm:ss} Where hh:mm:ss is the time in hours , minutes, and seconds, using a 2 4-hour clock.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-16 9 CLI Commands set set user Use the set user command to modify attributes for a s peci fic user that have been created with the add user command. set user level Use the set user level com mand to set the user access level.
5-170 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (v35 ) Use the set (v 35) comman d to setup V.35 ports. The comm and specifies the range of channels within that card, and the setting to apply . Syntax : set {v35-addr} {setting} Example : set 6:1 rxclk normal To set port 1 (v .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-17 1 CLI Commands set speed Set the data rate for each DS0 to which a V.35 is crossconnected 56 56K d ata ra te 64 64K d ata ra te txclkinv Set the transmit clock invert mo.
5-172 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set (v54 ) Use the set ( v54) command to set up V.54 Loopback Test Parameters. The command specifies the range of channels within that card, and the sett ing to apply.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-17 3 CLI Commands set [nnn] chart pattern Syntax: set{v54-addr} v54 equipm ent pattern {n} Set V.54 test pattern n is from the following: 0 = QRSS pattern (d efault) 1 = 20.
5-174 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands set set verification Use the set verification comman d to enable o r disabl e verificat ion prom pts. Syntax : set verification {off|on} Example : set verification off The example will cau se yes/no verification messages to be s uppressed.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-17 5 CLI Commands show show The following show c ommands are link ed to a detailed descrip tion of each command. show (adpcm) show (router) ntp show autoex it show (rout er.
5-176 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (adpcm) Use the show (a dpcm) command to display the settings for the ADPCM card. Syntax : show {adpcm-addr} Example : > show 6:1 show 6:1 SLOT 6: Settings for DS1 1: Circuit ID: CAC DS1# 6:1 Up/Down: UP Framing: ESF Line Coding: B8ZS Line Build Out: DSX-1 EQU ALIZATION FOR 0-133 ft.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-17 7 CLI Commands show show autoex it Use the show au toexit co mmand to display whether autoexit is on or off. If on, the time-out perio d i s disp layed . Syntax : show autoexit Example : > show autoexit Autoexit is off.
5-178 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show cclabels The show ccl abel s command disp lays al l user defi ned DS0 cross-conn ect labels . Syntax : show cclabels Example : show cclabels >.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-17 9 CLI Commands show show connect The show connect comm and displays the static conn ections for channels and ports. Syntax : show connect {slot|slot:port|slot:port:chann.
5-180 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show connect adpcm The show connect adpcm command displays the connections for the ADPCM port. Syntax : show connect adpcm {adpcm-addr} Example : sho.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-18 1 CLI Commands show show (ds0) The sho w (ds0) command displays settings for DS0s. Syntax : show {ds0-addr} Example : show a:2:1-2 In the following example, the show (ds0) command has queried s lot A (Control ler card), p ort 2, ch annels 1 th rough 2.
5-182 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (ds1) The sho w (ds1) command displays settings for DS1s. Syntax : show {ds1-addr} Example : show 1:1 SLOT A: Settings for DS1 1: Circuit ID: CAC DS1# A:1 Up/Down: DOWN Framing: ESF Line Coding: B8ZS Line Build Out: DSX-1 EQUALIZATION FOR 0-133 ft.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-18 3 CLI Commands show show (ds3) The sho w (ds3) comm and disp lays the cu rrent set tings fo r a DS3. Syntax : show {ds3-addr} Example : show a:1 SLOT A: Settings for DS3.
5-184 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show {ds3-addr} In the form of {slot:port}. show ethernet The show ethernet co mmand disp lays Et hern et and IP sett ings . Example : show ethernet > show ethernet IP Address and Mask: 198.1 62.3.196 255.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-18 5 CLI Commands show show (fxo) The show (fx o) command disp lays the settings for FXO s. Syntax : show {fxo-addr} Example : show 7:1 The example shows settings for port 1 on the FXO card i slot 7.
5-186 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (fxsPS or fxsPSM) The sho w (fxsPS or fxsPSM) command displa ys the set tings fo r the Sing le Ch annel POTS card wit hout mod em (FXS PS ) or wit h modem (F XS PSM). Syntax : show {fxsPS-addr|fxsPSM-addr} Example : show 8:1 The example shows settings for the FXS PS card in slot 8.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-18 7 CLI Commands show show image The sho w imag e command displays the ap plication images stored in the Controller or Router. Syntax : show [rtr_card-addr] image Example : show image > show image App. Image: Ver=7.0 Fri Aug 29 06:4 0:42 2003 - ACTIVE App.
5-188 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show impedance The sho w im pe dance comm and dis plays the im pedan ce setti ngs for FXS 5G card . Syntax : show impedance Example : show impedance Index Impedance CODEC Country 1 120 Ohms + (.110 µ F || 820 Ohms) A-law Norway 2 150 Ohms + (.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-18 9 CLI Commands show show ip The sho w ip command displays the IP Addres s informat ion for the Axxius 800. Syntax : show ip Example : show ip IP Address and Mask: 192.1 68.3.193 IP Address of the Gateway: 192.
5-190 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show lsprotect The show lsprotect command disp lays the low speed protection inf ormation. Syntax : show lsprotect Example : show lsprotect > SHOW.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-19 1 CLI Commands show show ntp The sho w ntp co mmand dis plays se ttings for Network Time Proto col. Syntax : show ntp Example : show ntp NTP Settings: NTP: Disabled NTP Server Address: 0.
5-192 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show radius The show radi us command displays the RADI US configuration settings for the Controller .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-19 3 CLI Commands show show (router) The show (router) command displays the settings for the Router card. Syntax : show {rtr_card-addr} Example : show 1 SLOT 1: LMI Setting.
5-194 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show Spanning Tree Protocol Settings for Ro uter: Spanning Tree: Disabled Syslog Settings for Router: Syslog: Disabled TFTP Upload/Download User Settings .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-19 5 CLI Commands show show (router) dhcp The show (router) dhcp command displays the current DHC P settings for the Router card. Syntax : show {rtr_card-addr} dhcp Example : show 5 dhcp The following 3 examples, shows there is different information is displayed depending on the settings .
5-196 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router) dns The show (router) dns command displays the current DNS setup f or the Router card. Syntax : show {rtr_card-addr} dns Example : show 3 dns > show 3 dns SLOT 3: DNS Settings: DNS Resolver: Disa bled DNS Server 1 IP Address: 0.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-19 7 CLI Commands show show (router) lmi The show (router) lmi command dis plays the current Local Management Interfa ce (LMI) settings for the R outer card. Syntax : show {rtr_card-addr} lmi Example : show 5 lmi The example shows the LMI settings for the Router card in slot 5.
5-198 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router) ntp The show (router) ntp comma nd disp lays set tings f or NTP o ptions. Syntax : show {rtr_card-addr} ntp Example : show 4 ntp The example shows the NTP options for the R outer card in s lot 4.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-19 9 CLI Commands show show (router) port The show (router) port command di splays the current TSR por ts configurati on. This com mand applies to the Terminal Server Router card only.
5-200 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router) ppp The show (router) ppp command displa ys the current Local P PP (Point -to-Poin t Protocol ) authentication and security settings for the Router card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-20 1 CLI Commands show show (router) rip The show (router) rip command displays the current RI P settings for the Router card.
5-202 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router) stp The sho w (router) stp command dis plays the current Spanning T ree Protoc ol setti ngs for the specified Router card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-20 3 CLI Commands show show (router) uploaduser The show uploa duser command displays the current list of users allo wed to upload and download configur ation and co de files.
5-204 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router-lan) The show (router-lan) command disp lays the settings for the router car d. Syntax : show {rtr_lan-addr} Example : show 3:1 > sho.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-20 5 CLI Commands show Total: 0 Static MAC Address Settings for LocalU nit: Total: 0 LAN Filters Enabled for LocalUnit: Forward Mode: Forward ALL Frames N OT Matching Filte.
5-206 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router-lan) filter The s how (router-lan) f ilter command displays the current LAN Layer 2 data filter s applied to the LAN on the specified Router card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-20 7 CLI Commands show {rtr_lan -addr} The Router address is in the form {slot:p ort} or {slot "profile-name"} [addres s|custom| protocol|a ll] This setting will display the defined filter types of the specif ied filters.
5-208 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (rout er-lan) st atic The show (router-l an) st atic commands to display the current list of static entries for the LAN on the specified Router car d.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-20 9 CLI Commands show show (router-l an) static ip network The show (router-lan) static ip network command displays the cu rrent list of static IP network entries for the LAN on the specified Router card.
5-210 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router-l an) static mac address The show (router-lan) static mac address command displays the current list of static MAC address entr ies for the LAN on the specified Router card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-21 1 CLI Commands show show (router-lan) stp The show (r outer-lan) stp command displays the current Spanning Tree Protocol settings for the specified LAN interf ace.
5-212 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router-wan) The sh ow (router-wan) command displays the current conf iguration s ettings for the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-21 3 CLI Commands show WAN Spanning Tree Protocol Settings fo r RemoteUnit: Spanning Tree: Disabled WAN Static IP Network Settings for Rem oteUnit: Total: 0 WAN Static IPX .
5-214 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router-wan) firewall The show (router-wan) firewall command displays the current firewall filter set tings for the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-21 5 CLI Commands show show (router-wan) ppp The sho w (rout er-w an) ppp com mand displ ays the curren t PPP (Point-to -Point P rotocol) settings for the specified WAN interf ace.
5-216 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router-wan) st at ic ip addr ess The show (router-wan) static ip address co mmand displays the curr ent list of static IP address entries for the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-21 7 CLI Commands show show (router-wan) st at ic ip x netw ork The sho w (router-wa n) st atic ip x netwo rk command displays the current list of stat ic IPX network entries for the specified WAN interface.
5-218 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (router-wan) stat ic nat address The show (rou ter-w an) stat ic nat addr ess command displays the cur rent static NAT addres s entries for the specified WAN interface.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-21 9 CLI Commands show show (router-wan) trunk The sh ow (rou ter-w an) trun k comman d displays the cu rrent trunk assignment f or the specified WAN interface.
5-220 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show snmp The sho w snmp command displays the SNMP set tings. Example : show snmp SNMP Settings: System Name: System Location: System Contact: GET Co.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-22 1 CLI Commands show show time The sho w time comman d display s the syst em time, in 24 ho ur hh:mm:s s format . Syntax : show time Example : show time > show time ti.
5-222 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands show show (v35) Use the show (v 35) to d isplay current set tings for V.35 card. Syntax : show {v35-addr} Example : show 2:1 The example shows settings for port 1 (V.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-22 3 CLI Commands show show (v54) Use the show (v 54) to d isplay current set tings for V.54 card. Syntax : show {v54-addr} Example : show 3:1 The example shows settings for port 1 (V.
5-224 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status Use the status command to see the status of the system clocks , DS0s, DS 1s, equipmen t, and th e DS0 Managemen t Channel.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-22 5 CLI Commands status statu s (adpcm) Use the status (a dpcm) command to display the s tatus information for the ADPCM card .
5-226 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status (adpcm) performance Use the status (adpcm) performance comman d to display the performance statistics fo r the current (15 min) and previo us (15 min, hour an d day) inf ormation fo r the ADPCM card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-22 7 CLI Commands status status (adpcm) performance history Use the status (adpcm) perfo rmance history command to display perfo rmance statistics fo r the current 15 minute interval and all previous 15 minute inter vals (up to a total of 96) for the ADPCM card.
5-228 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status statu s (bri) Use the status ( bri) command to display the status information for the ISDN BR I card. Syntax : status {bri-addr} Example : status 3:1 The ex ample displa ys st atus of port 1 ( BRI) on slot 3.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-22 9 CLI Commands status status (bri) performance Use the status (bri) performance command to display the perf orm ance statistics f or the cur rent (hour and day) and pr evious (hou r and day ) for the ISDN BRI card.
5-230 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status statu s (bri) perf ormance history Use the status ( bri) performance history com mand to display the per formance st atistics for the current 1 h our interval and all previo us 1 h our interv als for the ISDN BRI card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-23 1 CLI Commands status statu s (ds0) Use the status ( ds0) command to display the curren t status of the specified DS0. Syntax : status {ds0-addr} Example : status a:1:1 Displays the curren t status of the DS0s on por t 1 on sl ot A (controller card), po rt 1, chan nel 1.
5-232 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status statu s (ds1) Use the statu s (ds1) command to display the current statu s of a DS1. Syntax : status {ds1-addr} [performance] [history] Example : s.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-23 3 CLI Commands status status (ds1) performanc e Use the status (ds1) performance command to display the pe rformance statistics for the current (15 min) and previo us (15 mi n, hour an d day) inf ormatio n of a DS 1.
5-234 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status (ds1) performance history Use the status (ds1) performance histo ry command to d isplay performance statistics f or the current 15 minute interval and all previous 15 min ute intervals (up to a total of 96) of a DS1.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-23 5 CLI Commands status statu s (ds3) Use the statu s (ds3) command to display the current status o f the specified DS3. Syntax : status {ds3-addr} Example : status a:1 &g.
5-236 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status (ds3) performanc e Use the status (ds3) performance command to display the performance statistics for the current (15 min) and previo us (15 mi n, hour an d day) inf ormation of a DS3.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-23 7 CLI Commands status status (ds3) performance history Use the status (ds3) performance histo ry command to d isplay performance s tatistics for the current 15 minute interval and all previous 15 min ute intervals (up to a total of 96) of a DS1.
5-238 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status statu s equipme nt Use the status equipmen t command to display curren t equi pment information of the Axxius 800.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-23 9 CLI Commands status Example : status equipment 3 The example with display the status of th e card in s lot 4. In this example a TSR card is in this slot. > status equipment 3 SLOT 3 CardType: TSRx4 Status: Present SW Revision: 1.
5-240 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status stat us (f xsPS or fxsPS M) Use the status (fxsPS or FX S PSM) to d isplay the current near -end line status of the specified FXS PS or FXS PS card with modem. Syntax : status {fxsPS-addr|fxsPSM-addr} Example : status 4:1 The ex ample d isplay s stat us of por t 1 (FXS PS) on slo t 4.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-24 1 CLI Commands status statu s lsprotect Use the stat us l spr ote ct comman d to display the curren t status of the low speed p rotection cards.
5-242 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status (ocudp) Use the stat us (o cudp ) command to displaystatus for selftes t and loopbacks. Syntax : status {ocudp-addr} Example : status 2:1 SL.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-24 3 CLI Commands status status (ocudp) performance Use the status (ocudp) performance command to display performance s tatistics for the current 15 minut e interv al, previous 15 minu te interva l, prev ious 1 hour interv al, and for the previo us day.
5-244 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status (ocudp) performance history Use the status (ocudp) pe rform ance hi story command to display performance statistics f or the current 15 minute interval and all previous 15 min ute intervals (up to a total of 96).
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-24 5 CLI Commands status statu s (router) status ( router) al arms Use the statu s (route r) alar ms command to display the cu rrent alarm log fro m the specified TSR card. Syntax : status {tsr_card-addr} alarms Example : status 5 alarms ROUTER BLADE ALARM LOG REPOR T Slot-5 Time Message Count Jan 4 22:26:47.
5-246 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status ( router) even ts Use the status (router) events command to display the curren t event log from the s pecified Router card. Syntax : status {rtr_card-addr} events Example : status 5 events > status 5 events ROUTER BLADE EVENTS LOG REPO RT Slot-5 Time Message Count Jan 10 0:56:44.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-24 7 CLI Commands status status ( router) i p address table Use the status (rou ter) ip ad dress table command to d isplay the current IP address table for the specified TSR card.
5-248 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status ( router) i p network table Use the status (router) ip network table command to display th e current table of lear ned IP Networks for the specified interface on th e Router card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-24 9 CLI Commands status status ( router) i px network table Use the status (rout er) ipx netw ork table command to display the current table of learned IPX Networks for the specified interface on the Rout er card.
5-250 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status ( router) i px server table Use the status (r outer) ipx server table command to display the cur rent table of learned IPX Servers for the specified i nterface on the Router card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-25 1 CLI Commands status status ( router) mac address ta ble Use the status (router) mac address table command to display the current table of learned MAC Addresses for the specified interface o n the Router card.
5-252 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status status ( router) per formance Use the status (router) perfo rmance comman d to display the curren t runtime statistics from the specified R outer card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-25 3 CLI Commands status statu s (router-la n) Use the status (r outer-l an) command to d isplay the curren t Router status information. Syntax : status {rtr_lan-addr) Example : status 3:1 The example dis plays status of the Rout er card in slot 3.
5-254 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status statu s (router-t runk) Use the status (router-tru nk) command to display the current status information for the specified Trunk o n the Router card .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-25 5 CLI Commands status statu s sessions Use the status ses sions com mand to display the current status of all activ e CLI sessions. Syntax : status sessions Example : status sessions > status sessions Session User Login Port ------- ---- ---------- * TELNET1 paul 192.
5-256 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands status statu s (v54) Use the stat us (v54 ) to disp lay the current near- end line status of the V.54 car d. Syntax : status {v54-addr} Example : status 3:all The example dis plays status of all ports (V.54) on slot 3.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-25 7 CLI Commands store store The stor e command is used t o upload a soft ware fil e from a de fined slot t o a defin ed location on a PC, via TFTP. Currently uploads for general use are only permitted for the Controller and TSR card configuration files.
5-258 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands switch switch switc h active image Use the switch acti veimage com mand to switch the active with the backup application images stored in a C ontroller or Router car d.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-25 9 CLI Commands switch switch (ds3) Use the switch (ds3 ) command to s witch to the stand by DS3 por t. Note: for redundant Axxius systems only.
5-260 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands telnet telnet telnet (router) Use the telnet (router) co mmand to establish a Telnet session from the Axxius 800 CLI to the Router card menu-driven us er interface. Syntax : telnet {rtr_lan-addr} Example : telnet 3 The example will Telnet into a TSR in Slot 3.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 5-26 1 CLI Commands trace route trace r oute tracert (router) Use the tracert (router) command to invoke a Trace Route to a host device on a network of a particular TSR Router.
5-262 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 CLI Commands trace route {ip-addr|"doma in-name"} [typ e] [src-ip] This optional parameter, only applies it [ty pe] is set to ICMP. This defines the source IP address in the I CMP echo request and m ust be one of the router interface I P addresses.
C HAPTER DS1 Controller Card In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technic al Spec ificat ions n Co nfiguratio n n Buil t-In Card Hand les n LEDs.
6-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 DS1 Controller Card Overview Ove rvi ew The Quad port DS1 Control ler card dr ives t he Axxius 8 00 Access Int egratio n Platform, deliver ing a cost-eff ecti ve, compact.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 6-3 DS1 Controller Card Feat ures Features l Rescues u p to 35% or more of net work ban dwidth commo nly wasted at the cell site or when provi ding fr actional T1 servi ce l .
6-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 DS1 Controller Card Technical Specifications Techni cal Sp ecifications Product Includes l Built- in non-blo cking 1/0 Di gital Cr oss-co nnect Syst em for up to 36 T1 po.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 6-5 DS1 Controller Card Technical Specification s Management l Local - RS-232 cr aft por t interf ace dri ves up to 50 ft. (15 .
6-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 DS1 Controller Card Technical Specifications Service Inte rfaces Supported l Dual V.35/.5 4 Service card ( hardened) l FXO Voice Ser vice card l ISDN BRI Servi ce card l .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 6-7 DS1 Controller Card Technical Specification s Alarms l Three vi sible al arm outp uts, cr itical , major a nd minor l Three aud ible ala rm outputs, crit ical, major and .
6-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 DS1 Controller Card Contr oller Active and Standb y Controller Active and Standby The Axxius 800 can f unction f ully with a single Control ler car d, however Cont roller redundan cy is avai lable with two l ike Control lers (DS1 or DS3) i nstalle d.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 6-9 DS1 Control ler Card Configur ation Configuration Options o n the Qua d DS1 Controll er card are se t by th e Command Line Inte rface (CLI). Note: t he facepl ate sta te DS1/E1 Con troll er, the E1 featur e is not suppor ted on this re lease .
6-10 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 DS1 Controller Card Built-In Card Ha ndles Built-In Card Handle s The Contro ller card is de signe d with a hand le bui lt in to the fa ceplat e to assi st i n the remo val of the ca rd fro m the ch assis . Th is han dle sl ides ou t away from the uni t, creati ng a han dle fo r a more effec tive grip.
C HAPTER DS3 Controller Card In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technic al Spec ificat ions n Co nfiguratio n n Buil t-In Card Hand les n LEDs.
7-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 DS3 Controller Card Overview Ove rvi ew The Dual p ort DS3 Controlle r card dr ives the Axxi us 800 Acce ss Int egratio n Platform, deliver ing a cost-eff ecti ve, compac.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 7-3 DS3 Controller Card Feat ures Features l 2 DS3 ports built into th e Controll er del iver band width t o the r esident ce ll si te fo r servic e deli very ap plicati ons .
7-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 DS3 Controller Card Technical Specifications Management l Local - RS-232 craft por t interf ace drives up to 50 ft. (15 .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 7-5 DS3 Controller Card Technical Specification s Service Inte rfaces Supported l Dual V.35/.5 4 Service card ( hardened) l FXO Voice Ser vice card l ISDN BRI Servi ce card l.
7-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 DS3 Controller Card Technical Specifications Testing and Diagnostics l Supports mainte nance sign als sp ecified i n ANSI T1.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 7-7 DS3 Controller Card Contro ller Active an d Stand by Controller Active and Standby The Axxius 800 can func tion f ully with a single Control ler car d, however Cont roller redundan cy is avai lable with two li ke Cont rollers (DS1 or DS 3) instal led.
7-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 DS3 Controller Card Contr oller and DS3 Redundancy Con troll er an d DS 3 Redu ndan cy Protection Modes The Axxius 800 can b e provisi oned with on e or two DS3 Controll .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 7-9 DS3 Controller Card Control ler and DS3 Redu ndancy switchi ng the out put path s so that th e transmit path of th e DS3 line is connect ed to the standby Con troller . Service i nterr uptions ( hits) wil l be taken on both t he DS3 and lo w- speed co nnecti ons durin g this type of switch .
7-10 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 DS3 Controller Card Contr oller and DS3 Redundancy Network Protection Mode The network mo de of protecti on requi res a single Cont roller wit h two indepen dent DS3 channels . The cros s connects are set up i dentical ly for bot h DS3s.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 7-11 DS3 Control ler Card Configur ation Configuration Opti ons on the D S3 Con troll er car d are set by the fo llowin g CL I comm ands . CLI Commands The foll owing co mmands are used to con figur e the DS3 Cont roller c ard.
7-12 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 DS3 Controller Card Built-In Card Ha ndles Built-In Card Handle s The Contro ller card is de signe d with a hand le bui lt in to the fa ceplat e to assi st i n the remo val of the ca rd fro m the ch assis . Th is han dle sl ides ou t away from the uni t, creati ng a han dle fo r a more effec tive grip.
C HAPTER FXO Voice Card In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technical Specifi cations n Card Co nfiguration - CLI Comma nds - DIP Swi tch Settings n LEDs n Channel Associated Si gnaling (CAS) Conv.
8-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 FXO Voice Card Overview Ove rvi ew The FXO Voice S ervic e card provide s high-de nsity provis ioning of reli able Fo reign Exchange Of fice ( FXO) or Direct Inward Di aling (DID) tele phone servi ces. Eig ht FXO or Dial Pulse Ter minate (DPT) telep hone line chann els can be depl oyed on each FXO Serv ice ca rd.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 8-3 FXO Voice Card Feat ures Features l Deliv ers F XO or DI D tele phon e servic es fro m T1 ac cess circu its l Supports CLASS servi ces incl uding cal ler ID, cal ling par.
8-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 FXO Voice Card Technical Specifications FXO Signalin g Performance l DC Loop Range: > 1600 Ω loop or gro und start l Ringer Equ ivalency Number (REN) : 0.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 8-5 FXO Voice Card Card Con figuration Card Configu ration The FXO voice ca rd can be c onfigured , to support e ither FXO loop s tart or FXO ground start signalin g, with v arious t ransmit an d recei ve atte nuatio n options.
8-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 FXO Voice Card DIP Switch Settings DIP Switch Settings The FXO card DIP switc hes are no t functi onal on the Axxius 800 plat form.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 8-7 FXO Voice Card Channel Associated Signali ng (CAS) C onversions Channel Assoc iated Signa ling (CAS) Conversions Cross-c onnects ar e done a t a DS0 leve l. The foll owing rule s need to be ke pt in mind while per forming cr oss-conne cts f or a FXO voice card.
8-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 FXO Voice Card Channel Associ ated Signa ling ( CAS) Conver sions.
C HAPTER ISDN BRI Card In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technical Specifi cations n Card Co nfiguration - CLI Comma nds n LEDs n Connecto r Pinouts - Wire-Wrap Pinout 2 Wire Se rvices.
9-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 ISDN BRI Card Overview Ove rvi ew The ISDN BRI Servi ce Cards enable serv ice pro viders and ente rprises t o deploy high- density , stand ards-bas ed, ISDN Bas ic Rate In terf ace (BRI) s ervic es over one or more T1 or DSL access lines using TDM or ATM transport.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 9-3 ISDN BRI Card Feat ures Features l Enables c arriers to eco nomical ly bundle I SDN with al l other service s at 64 Kbp s or 128 Kbps over T1 acc ess lines l Conf igura b.
9-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 ISDN BRI Card Technical Specifications Management l Standar d ISDN SNMP MIB support ed Network Interface l 3 DS0 mode: Use s 3 cont iguous DS0 ch annels per ISDN BRI channel o n T1 Network Standards l Telcordi a TR-NWT -000397 ( 1993) l Telcordi a TR-TSY- 000821 (1 991) l Telcordi a TR-TSY- 000829 (1 989) l ANSI T1.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 9-5 ISDN BRI Card Technical Specification s Power l Maximum power i nput: 6 W (8 port) l Solid -stat e fuse less p rotec tion Environment In ad ditio n to the sy stems envi ronme nt req uire ment s, the follo wing a pplie s to the IS DN BRI card.
9-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 ISDN BRI Card Card Co nfig urati on Card Configu ration BRI card op tions are set wi th th e Command Line Inte rface (CLI ).
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 9-7 ISDN BRI Card LEDs LEDs There is an LED for ea ch ISDN BRI o n a card. The funct ion for ea ch LED is listed belo w: State Descri ptio n Off Line U-interface is attempting syn chronization, or BRI is out of service. Red Line alarm (LOS or self test failure) Yellow ES or SES has occu rred.
9-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 ISDN BRI Card Connector Pinout s Connec tor Pino uts Wire-Wrap Pi nout 2 Wire Services The fol lowing pinout app lies to the wir e-wrap pi nout for the s lot of t he IS DN BRI car d.
C HAPTER OCU- DP Card In this Chapte r n Overview n Features n Technical Specificat ions n Card Confi guration - CLI Comm ands - Ba sic Se tup n LEDs n Jump er Set tings n Alarms n Line Rates/ Line Le.
10-2 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 OCU-DP Card Overview Ove rvi ew The Singl e Port and Qu ad Port all-ra te OCU-DP Ser vice Cards provide e lectri cal and phys ical t ermin ation o f the 4-wi re Di gital.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 10-3 OCU-DP Card Overview Customer Premise Applicati on In this mode l, the c arrier de ploys t he Axxius 800 in conjunct ion with DDS DSU/CSUs to provi de standa rds-ba sed DDS acces s for c ustomer da ta ter minal need s.
10-4 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 OCU-DP Card Overview SS7 Backhaul Application In thi s appl icatio n, the carrie r use s the OCU to tr ansfer signal ing a nd call infor mation between MSCs.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 10-5 OCU-DP Card Feat ures Features l Provides availabl e baseban d data r ates fr om 2.4 to 72 Kbps l Supports primar y and seco ndary c hannel service s, 64K cl ear chan nel se rvice, and 4-wi re Swit ched- 56 se rvice l Complies with AT&T Pub.
10-6 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 OCU-DP Card Technical Specifications Network Interface l Each OCU port DS0 cross-c onnect ed to T1 por t Loopbacks OCU, CSU and DSU: l Manual loo pbacks a ctivate via CL.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 10-7 OCU-DP Card Card Con figuration Card Configu ration OCU-DP card options are set with the Command Line Int erface (CLI ).
10-8 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 OCU-DP Card Card Co nfig urati on Basic Setup Command Des cr ip ti on set {ocudp-addr} baud {2400|4800|9600|19200|38400| 56000*|64000} Set the OCU-DP Baud rate. Where ocudp-a ddr = {sl ot:port} o f the OCU-DP card to apply se ttings t o.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 10-9 OCU-DP Card LEDs LEDs There are two LEDs for eac h channel on the OCU-DP card . The functi on for ea ch LED is list ed bel ow: State Descri ption Yellow Flickeri ng ALL Boot Software in con trol. Green (walking d own) Red (walking up) ALL Applicat ion So ftware in co ntrol (repeated 3.
10-10 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 OCU-DP Card Jumper Setti ngs Jumper Settings The P1 and P2 Jumpers are defau lted to RJ -48S, whi ch are the set of pins near est t he bottom of the serv ice c ard. Wit h the jumper in this pos ition the signals are routed to the RJ-48S conn ector (s) on the face of the card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 10-1 1 OCU-DP Card Alarms Alarms The OCU-DP car ds and s upporting Control ler Soft ware will support the foll owing ala rms: Alarm/ Event Severity Cat egory De scriptio n Cl.
10-12 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 OCU-DP Card Line Rates/Line Lengt hs Line Rate s/Line Lengths All leng ths were measure d to meet a BER of 10 -7 with up to 45 d B of cabl e attenua tion at the Ny quist frequency for 56, 64 and 72 Kbps, and 40 dB all ot her rate s.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 10-1 3 OCU-DP Card Connecto r Pinouts Connec tor Pino uts The OCU-DP is p art of th e network, i t conn ect to cus tomer equi pment. DDS RJ-48S The pinout for RJ-48 S female is as follows: Note : The ab ove li sted f uncti ons are relati ve to t his po rt.
10-14 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 OCU-DP Card Connector Pinout s Wire-Wrap Pi nout 4 Wire Services The foll owing pi nout appl ies t o the wire-wrap pin out fo r the slot of the OCU-DP c ard.
C HAPTER Single Channel POTS Cards In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technical Speci fications n Card Con figuration - CLI Commands n Connector Pin outs n LEDs n Basi c Configu ratio n.
11-2 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Single Channel POTS Cards Overview Ove rvi ew A Single Channe l POTS card provi des wirele ss serv ice provide rs a st andard FXS vo ice ci rcuit f or communic ations, wi th the ope ratio ns support group under con diti ons where the cell sit e radios a re being servic ed.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 11-3 Single Ch annel POTS Cards Technical Specification s Techni cal Sp ecifications Controller Software Required l Release 1.0 or highe r is requ ired f or the POTS Se rvice car ds FXS Transmission Per formance l Retu rn Loss : ERL > 28 dB , SRL > 20 dB w ith re spect to 900 Ω + 2.
11-4 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Single Channel POTS Cards Technical Specifications Physical l POTS connect ions a re through front pa nel RJ-11 l Dimensions : 3.5 i n. (H) x 0.75 in. (W) x 11.25 in. (D) 8.9 cm (H) x 1.9 cm (W) x 28. 6 cm (D) l Weight: Si ngle Channe l POTS - 5.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 11-5 Single Ch annel POTS Cards Built-In Card Handles Built-In Card Handle s The Singl e Channel POTS c ards a re design ed with a handle bu ilt int o the f aceplat e to assist in t he remov al of the c ard from the chas sis.
11-6 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Single Channel POTS Cards Connector Pinout s Connec tor Pino uts RJ-11 Connector There is one RJ- 11 (female ) connecto r on th e front of the POTS car d and two RJ-11 connecto rs on the P OTS card wi th modem.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 11-7 Single Ch annel POTS Cards LEDs LEDs The POTs ch annel L ED (left) stat us is des cribe d in the t able b elow. The secon d LED (righ t) is a s tatus LED fo r the MOD EM.
C HAPTER Power Supply In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technical Speci fications n Input Power n LEDs n Installi ng/Replacing a Power Supply.
12-2 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Power Supply Overview Ove rvi ew The Axxius 800 Power Supply opti ons operat e from eit her 24 VDC or 4 8 VDC to supply 5V p ower to the Axxius p latform. A s ingle Power Supply is capabl e of powering the ent ire Axxius 800 unit.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 12-3 Power Supply Technical Specification s Techni cal Sp ecifications Components l 24 VDC Power Supp ly l 48 VDC NI48 Power Supply l 48 VDC I48 Power Supply l Cable con nector Electri cal In put Character istics Input powe r fully isola ted from ci rcuit an d chass is gro und 24 VD C l 24 (21.
12-4 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Power Supply Technical Specifications Alarms l Communicates status to Contr oller when 24 o r 48 VDC inp ut voltag e is low Interface Connectors l Rear PCB conn ector : Axxius 800 backpla ne Environment In addit ion t o the s ystems e nviron ment req uiremen ts, th e followi ng appli es to the Pow er Supp lies.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 12-5 Power Supply Input P ower Input Po wer The foll owing gr aphic dis plays the bac k of the Axxi us cha ssis, wit h the I nput power for the Power Supply slot A and B n oted.
12-6 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Power Supply LEDs LEDs Both power s upply ca rds have ide ntica l LEDs, as d escribed i n the ta ble be low. LED State Des cription DC Input Off DC in put mi ssing o r f.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 12-7 Power Supply Install ing/Repla cing a Pow er Sup ply Installin g/Replacing a Power Supply Install a Power Supply The Axxius has red undant Power Supply S ystem capabi lit y. The unit wi ll run on one power supp ly (an d not be re dundant ) or can ha ve 2 power supplies inst alled .
12-8 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Power Supply Insta lling/ Replacin g a Powe r Suppl y.
C HAPTER Quad DS1 ADPCM Card In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technical Speci fications n Card Con figuration - CLI Commands - Cross-Connects - Basic Setup n Jumper Sett ings n Connecto r Pino .
13-2 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card Overview Ove rvi ew The Quad DS1 ADPCM Ser vice c ard is a c omponent o f the Axxiu s 800 Acce ss Integr ation Pla tform.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 13-3 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card Feat ures Features l 32 Kbps ADPCM vo ice compres sion l Supports Clear Channel S ignaling and line f ormatt ing for 32 Kbps ADPCM voice-b and sig nals a ccording t o ANSI T1.30 2-1989 l Grooms the voice a nd data mix f rom sel ectable channel control optio ns l Supports up to 14 .
13-4 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card Technical Specifications T1 Interface (continued) l Jitter: meets AT&T Pub. TR-62411 l Solid-s tate fuseless overvo ltage and overcu rrent li ne .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 13-5 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card Technical Specification s Alarms l Support s tandard T1 .403 alarms l LOS (Loss of Signal), Red, Yellow, Blu e l ESF Perfor mance Error Count Thres h.
13-6 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Quad DS1 ADPCM Ca rd Card Co nfig urati on Card Configuration All opt ions on the th is Servic e card are set u sing t he Command Li ne Int erface ( CLI) . CLI Comman ds The foll owing commands are used t o confi gure the Quad DS1 ADPCM card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 13-7 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card Card Con figuration l show (adpcm) Disp lays cu rrent s ettings for th e ADPC M card ( circuit ID, up .down, framing, l ine coding, l ine build ou t, loop cod e detec tion, loop bac k, fdl ty pe, ADPCM, ADPCM Map) l show connect adpcm Displays the co nnections for the ADPCM por t.
13-8 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card Card Co nfig urati on Basic Setup Before c onfiguri ng the DS1 ADP CM card, th ere are s ome basics t hat ne ed to be conside red: l All DS0s t o be .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 13-9 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card Card Con figuration Cross-Connects It is i mportant t o note that all times lots are cross -connecte d in pa irs. The ac tual p airs that ca n be cro ss-connec ted ar e dependa nt upon wh ich of the 3 suppor ted mappings are set using the set (d s1 card ) adpcm map command.
13-10 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card Jumper Setti ngs Jumper Settings The P2 and P3 Jumpers are defau lted to RJ -48, whic h are t he set of pins near est t he connecto rs.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 13-1 1 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card Connecto r Pinouts Connec tor Pino uts RJ-48 Connector There are four RJ-48 (fem ale) connec tors on the fr ont of the Quad DS1 ADPCM Card.
13-12 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Quad DS1 ADPCM Card LEDs LEDs Each chan nel on the Quad DS1 ADPCM ca rd has two LEDs. Th e descri ption of the to p LED is shown b elow, the bo ttom LED is not used wi th this a pplicat ion.
C HAPTER Quad T1 & Quad DS1/E1 Card In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technical Specifi cations n Card Confi guration - CLI Comma nds n Jumper Set tings n Connector Pin outs - RJ-48 Connecto.
14-2 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Quad T1 & Quad DS1/ E1 Card Overview Ove rvi ew The H arden ed Qu ad T1 a nd DS1 /E1 Se rvice cards enab le wirel ess se rvice prov iders to cost-e ffect ively pr ovisi on and expand network bandwidt h and groom a vaila ble DS0s onto o ther T1 tri butarie s for optima l T1 bandwi dth utili zation.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 14-3 Quad T1 & Quad DS1/E1 Card Feat ures Features l Integr ated T1 CSU functi onali ty with FCC r egist ration f or dir ect conne ction to T1 lines l B8ZS or AMI enc odi.
14-4 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Quad T1 & Quad DS1/ E1 Card Technical Specifications Techni cal Sp ecifications Controller Software Required l Release 1.0 or highe r is r equired f or the Quad T1servi ce ca rd T1 Interface l 4 T1 ports ope rating a t 1.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 14-5 Quad T1 & Quad DS1/E1 Card Technical Specification s Clocking l Loop-ti med from an y T1 l External from BITS cl ock input (t1.
14-6 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Quad T1 & Quad DS1/ E1 Card Technical Specifications Envi ronmen t In addi tion to th e syste ms envi ronment requi rements , the foll owing a pplies t o the Quad T1 (ha rden ed) ca rd. F or addi tion al inf ormati on s ee Install ation Envi ronment on page 2-3 .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 14-7 Quad T1 & Quad DS1/E1 Card Card Con figuration Card Configu ration All op tion s on the this card are set usin g the Comm and Lin e Inte rface (C LI) . CLI Commands The foll owing co mmands are used t o configur e the Quad T1 card.
14-8 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Quad T1 & Quad DS1/ E1 Card Jumper Setti ngs Jumper Settings The P2 and P3 Jumpers are defau lted to RJ -48, whic h are t he set of pins near est t he connecto rs.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 14-9 Quad T1 & Quad DS1/E1 Card Connecto r Pinouts Connec tor Pino uts RJ-48 Connector There ar e four RJ- 48 (female) connec tors on t he front of the Quad T1 and DS1/E1 Cards.
14-10 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Quad T1 & Quad DS1/ E1 Card LEDs LEDs Each chann el on the c ard ha s two LEDs. The de scri ption of t he top LED is shown below, the botto m LED is not used with t his appl ication.
C HAPTER Terminal Server Router Card In this Chapter n Overview n Feat ures n Technic al Spe cificat ions n Card Co nfiguration - CLI Commands n Connector Pinou t n LEDs.
15-2 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard Overview Ove rvi ew The Q uad- Port Te rmin al Ser ver Ro uter (T SR) card c ombin es the perfo rman ce an d expand abi lity of a select abl.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 15-3 Terminal Server Router Card Feat ures Features l Enab les re mote m anag ement of ce ll site resou rces l Supplies 4 select able RS-232 synchr onous or 10/ 100Base-TX Et.
15-4 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard Technical Specifications Techni cal Sp ecifications Controller Software Required l Release 1.0 or highe r is r equired f or the TSR servic e card l Release 2.0 or highe r to suppor t a TSR Se rvice car d with TBOS l TSR relea se 1.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 15-5 Terminal Server Router Card Technical Specification s RS-232 Inter face l Up to 4 RS-23 2 DCE ports l Selecta ble async hronous data rat es and d ata parame ters l 8-pin.
15-6 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard Technical Specifications Frame Relay l RFC 1490 encapsula tion l ANSI T1.617 Anne x D LMI l ITU Q.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 15-7 Terminal Server Router Card Technical Specification s Equipment Su pported for TBOS-to-SN MP Conversion l Proxim Lynx. sc Micro wave Radio Model s 31250, 3160 0, 31250, 3 1650 l Proxim Lynx.
15-8 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard Card Co nfig urati on Card Configu ration The Term inal Serv er Route r card ha s the o ption o f configu ration t hrough CLI or th e TSR Menu-dri ven sof tware, whic h is ac cessed th rough Tel net.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 15-9 Terminal Server Router Card Card Con figuration l add (router-l an) fi lter Add a n add ress f ilter to the ta ble o f Laye r 2 filt er app lied s pecif ied LA N inter face. l add (router-l an) sec ondary ip a ddress Add a secon dary I P address a nd subne t to the LAN i nter face.
15-10 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard Card Co nfig urati on l delete (rout er) st atic dns host Dele te a sta tic DN S ho st rec ord.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 15-1 1 Terminal Server Router Card Card Con figuration l reset (rou ter) Reboot t he Route r. All ne w confi guratio n sinc e the la st co nfigurat ion wi ll be in-us e. l set (router) default Reset th e rout er to it s defau lt confi guration sett ings, and wil l re boot.
15-12 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard Card Co nfig urati on l set (router) reboot Set auto matic r eboot after an upload o f code or c onfigu ration f ile. l set (router) rip Specify version of RIP pac kets t o transmit and re ceive.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 15-1 3 Terminal Server Router Card Card Con figuration l set (router- wan) dlci Conf igure the D LCI f or a s pecif ied W AN in terfa ce th at will be us ing a fram e relay e ncapsul ated tr unk. l set (router-wan) gre Configur e the Ge neric Rout ing Enca psulatio n tunne ling for a speci fied WAN in terfac e.
15-14 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard Card Co nfig urati on l show (router) d ns Displays the cu rrent DNS se ttin gs for the TSR card.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 15-1 5 Terminal Server Router Card Card Con figuration l show (router-l an) filt er Disp lays t he curr ent LA N Laye r 2 da ta filte rs ap plied to the LAN on the router card. l show (router-l an) stat ic Displays the cu rrent li st of static entries for th e LAN on the r outer card.
15-16 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard Card Co nfig urati on l status (rout er-trunk) Displays the cu rrent st ate of t he DNS res olver and t he ent ries in the DNS cache. l st ore Save a sof tware fi le from a s lot to a d efined l ocation on a PC, via TFTP.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 15-1 7 Terminal Server Router Card Connector Pi nout Connec tor Pino ut 10Base-T Ethernet The pinou t for the RJ-4 8C (fe male) conne ctors on t he front of the card ar e as fo llows: RS-232 If the car d is set t o use the RS-232 conn ector (with ju mpers) u se the a bove RS-23 2 pinouts.
15-18 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard Connector Pinout TSR Card Jumpers The jump ers on the TSR card select t he use of the 10/ 100Base- T (RJ-45) o r RS-232. There is one ju mper for each port on the car d. Each j umper can be set t o 10/100Bas e-T or RS- 232, indepe ndent o f the othe rs.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 15-1 9 Terminal Server Router Card LEDs LEDs The TSR serv ice ca rd has 2 LEDs per por t. At Power-up Normal Operation Port Set f or E ther net Top LED indic ates 100M Lin k,.
15-20 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Terminal Server Router C ard LEDs.
C HAPTER V.35/.54 Card In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technic al Spec ificat ions n Card Co nfiguration - CLI Commands n Cables n Connector Pinou ts - V.
16-2 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 V.35/.54 Card Overview Ove rvi ew The Harden ed Dual V.3 5/.54 Servi ce car d enables wirele ss servi ce prov iders to provisi on connect ivit y to high-s peed s erial sy nchrono us Data Termi nal Equi pment (DTE) devi ces commonl y deployed in the cell si tes.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 16-3 V.35/.54 Card Feat ures Features l Each port provides any n x 56 / 64 Kbps data rate up to 1.536 Mbps on ea ch port l Full non- blocki ng cross- connec tion of al l timesl ots t o any T1 acce ss li ne l Up to 16 V.
16-4 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 V.35/.54 Card Technical Specifications Testing and Diagnostics (V.35/54 card) l Addressa ble V.54 loop up and l oop down ( 127-code) pattern g enerati on/ detect ion l 2.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 16-5 V.35/.54 Card Card Con figuration Card Configu ration The V.35/54 card can be confi gured, usi ng the Command Lin e Inte rface ( CLI). CLI Commands The foll owing co mmands are used t o configur e the V.35 ca rds. For detaile d inform ation on these commands, se e Chapte r 5, CLI Commands .
16-6 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 V.35/.54 Card Cables Cables Depending on your applica tion, you will nee d to purchase one or more of the available Carrier Access Corporati on V.35 data cables : These cab les ca n be purcha sed at a licens ed Carrier Access distri butor.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 16-7 V.35/.54 Card Connecto r Pinouts Connec tor Pino uts V.35 DCE (DB-26) The V.35 DCE data port con nection i s made at the sub-mini ature DB-26 connect or on the Axxiu s 800 using the 10- foot, 25-f oot, or 50 foot Car rier Acc ess DTE V.
16-8 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 V.35/.54 Card Connector Pinout s LEDs Each V.35 por t has an LED, with def initio ns as shown i n the tabl e below. Sub-miniatur e DB-26 Signal Winche ster 34- pin (fema.
C HAPTER Low Speed Protection Card In this Chapter n Overview n Features n Technical Specifi cations n Card Confi guration - CLI Commands - Basic Setup of a Protected System n LEDs.
17-2 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Low Speed Protection Card Overview Ove rvi ew Low spee d protecti on provides backup ci rcuit ry for any T1 s ervic e port on a Quad T1 servic e card or Qua d DS1 ADPCM ser vice c ard in t he Axxi us chas sis.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 17-3 Low Speed Protection Card Overview The Backup Card A Quad T1 or Quad DS1 ADPCM service card can be con figured as t he “Backup card”. The Backup c ard pr ovides T1 po rt prote ction for other instal led T1 s ervice ca rds, an d can occup y any one of the eight se rvice car d slots.
17-4 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Low Speed Protection Card Features Features l Redundant 1:7 T1 i nterf ace prote ction l Mainta ins se rvice during ca rd swaps l Four T1 por ts pro vide ho t-standb y b.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 17-5 Low Speed Protection Card Technical Specification s Service Cards Supported l Quad T1 Serv ice Car d (hardene d) l DS1/E1 Serv ice Car d (hardene d) l Quad DS1 ADPCM Servi ce Card (ha rdened) Management l RS-232/V.
17-6 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Low Speed Protection Card Card Co nfig urati on Card Configu ration CLI Commands The foll owing co mmands are used t o configur e the Low Spee d Prote ction car ds. For detail ed informa tion on these command s, see Ch apter 5, CLI Commands.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 17-7 Low Speed Protection Card Card Con figuration Use t he fol lowing step s to se t up a Protected Syst em. 1. Instal l a Relay c ard in the Axxius Relay s lot. 2. S et the jumpe rs on t he Qu ad T1 cards to rou te the signal to the wire -wra p pins , see Jumper Set ting s on page 14- 8 for de taile d inst ructio ns.
17-8 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Low Speed Protection Card LEDs LEDs The Low S peed Prote ction car d has 10 LEDs, which ar e defi ned below. Each chan nel on t he Quad T1 card has t wo LEDs. The descript ion of the to p LED is shown below, t he bott om LED is not us ed wit h this appl icatio n.
C HAPTER Maintenance In this Chapter n Software Loading - Loading System Software via TFTP - Upgrading Software Levels via XModem n Back up Axxi us 80 0 Conf igur ati on - Save Controller Configuratio.
18-2 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Maintenance Software Loadin g Software Loading Loading System Softwar e via TFTP 1. Login to t he Axxius 8 00, usin g a termina l emula tion progr am or via Te lnet. NOTE: The tftp utilit y provide d by Car rier Acces s with the down loadable software must be runni ng, in the same directory as th e softw are file.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 18-3 Maintenance Softwar e Loadi ng Loading Router Software via TFTP 1. Login to t he Axxius 8 00, usin g a term inal emula tion progr am or vi a Telnet.
18-4 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Maintenance Software Loadin g load standby tftp {ip-addr} "file-name" CLI command to lo ad software to the Stand by Controller. See the l oad tftp command for detai ls. reset standby Do you really want to do this ? Y Reset the Standby Contro ller.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 18-5 Maintenance Softwar e Loadi ng Upgrading System an d Router Software via TFTP using Proxy Required : - Rou ter Servi ce car d (TSR) rel ease 1 .0 or higher - Controll er softwa re 1.1 or hi gher - Ethernet cable connected to port on front of Router car d 1.
18-6 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Maintenance Software Loadin g 3. After downl oad, the pro gram wil l be loaded fro m RAM into the fla sh memory and th e sys tem wil l auto mati cally restar t. Wai t until the boo t men u pro mpt is display ed befo re power ing down the unit.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 18-7 Maintenance Softwar e Loadi ng Upgrading Software Levels via XModem The foll owing upg rade can a lso be performed t hrough the POTS modem. 1. Login to t he Axxius 8 00. 2. E nter: load {ctrlr-id} xmodem to dow nlo ad the ap plica tion from t he bina ry file .
18-8 Axxius 800 - Releas e 2.2 Maintenance Software Loadin g 3. The binar y file name is usua lly in th e format : AxxiusAxxi us.pkt. At 9600 bau d, the fil e trans fer wil l take a pproxi mately 2 0 minute s. 4. After downl oad, the pro gram wil l be loaded fro m RAM into the fla sh memory and th e sys tem wil l auto mati cally restar t.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 18-9 Maintenance Backup Axxi us 800 C onfiguratio n Backup Axxius 800 Configuration A text fi le fro m the curr ent co nfigurat ion can be gener ated to reloa d the in t he even t the configu ratio n has been lost due to card or softwa re problems.
18-10 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Maintenance Backup Axxi us 800 Co nfigurat ion Load Controller Config uration 1. Open HyperTe rm session with th e Axxius 800 unit. 2. In HyperTe rm, select File /Pro perti es/Sett ings /ASCI I Setup . 3. Set the Line delay to 300 ms an d the Charact er del ay to 5 ms .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 18-1 1 Maintenance Hot Sw ap Ser vice Ca rd Hot Swap Service Card To Hot-Swap ( replace ) a ser vice car d while the unit is power ed on, fol low the ste ps belo w: 1. Gently sl ide t he Servic e card strai ght out of the s lot.
18-12 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Maintenance Hot Sw ap Ser vice Ca rd.
A PPENDIX Regulatory Approvals In this App endix This appe ndix co ntains a c hart o f all th e componen ts of the Axxius 8 00 and their Re gulatory Approval s.
A-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Regulatory Approvals Ax x i us 8 0 0 Cha s s i s UL60950 FCC Part 15, Class A FCC Part 68 NEBS Level 3 cert, type 2 & 4 equip CSA C22.
A PPENDIX SNMP Interface In this App endix n Overview n SNMP B asics n Enterprise M IB Su pport n Router E nterprise MIB Support n Public MIB Su pport n Router Pu blic MIB Support n SNMP Trap Reports.
B-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 SNMP Interface Overview Ove rvi ew The Simple Network Man agement P rotocol (S NMP) enables network operatio ns cente rs (NO Cs) to moni tor an d manag e netw ork elemen ts acro ss an intern etwork .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 B-3 SNMP Interface Enterpr ise MI B Support Enterprise MIB Supp ort This releas e is w ith full S NMP v1 and SNMPv 2c sup port. Enterp rise MI Bs ar e defi ned using onl y SMIv2 ( as note d in the t able) . Enterprise MIB Name Enterprise MIB Filena me Axxius-SYSTEM-MIB Axxi us-syste m.
B-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 SNMP Interface Router Ent erprise M IB Suppor t Router Ente rprise MIB Suppor t Enterprise MIB Na me Enterprise MIB Filena me Router Specif ic CAGENROUTER-CARDPROFILE-MIB caGenRout er-CardProf ile.mib CAGENROUTER-FILTERS-MIB ca GenRouter-Filt ers.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 B-5 SNMP Interface Public MI B Support Public MIB Support MIB Table Comm en ts RFC1155 (RFC-1155- smi.MIB) RFC1212 (RFC-1212.MIB) RFC121 3 (RFC-1 213-MIB) system interfaces ip icmp tcp udp snmp egp not s upported RFC1215 (RFC-1215.
B-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 SNMP Interface Public MIB Supp ort MIB Table Comm en ts RFC249 4 (DS0-MIB, DS0BUNDLE-MIB) dsx0Con figTable dsx0Chan MappingTable dsx0Bun dleTable Dsx0Bondi ngTable n ot s.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 B-7 SNMP Interface Router Public MIB Su pport Router Publ ic MIB Support MIB Table Comment s RFC1213 (RFC-121 3-MIB) system inte rface s ip icmp tcp udp snmp egp not su pporte d RFC1907 (SNMPv2-MIB) system snmp SMIv2 Extens ion of RFC1213 SysORTabl e not supporte d RFC2011 (IP-MI B) ip icmp SMIv2 Extens ion of RFC1213.
B-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 SNMP Interface SNMP Tr ap Repo rts SNMP Trap Repo rts The Axxius 800 can s end the fo llowin g SNMP trap rep orts. Standard Traps Enterprise Traps Trap Descr iption Te st Me tho d authentication Failure Occurs when a bad community string is used.
A PPENDIX Loopback Tests In this App endix n Overview n DS1 Loopback s n V.35 Loopbacks n V.35/V.54 L oop.
C-2 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Loopback Tests Alarms Alarms Test Alarm The Axxius 80 0 alarm f unctions c an be manuall y tested us ing the following comma nd for set ting cri tical, ma jor an d minor ala rms. Turning alarms on or off wi ll produc e alarm mes sages and log entries stat ing the alarm event wa s manuall y set/ cleared by the user.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-3 Loopback Tests Alarms The following are hyperlinks to all the card LED information: DS1 Controll er Card, LEDs DS3 Controll er Card, LEDs FXO Voice Card, LEDs ISDN BRI Ca.
C-4 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Loopback Tests Alarms Display Al arms Use the al arms command to displ ay the a ctive al arms. Each a larm is rela ted to a partic ular a ddress an d has a s everity categ ory (maj or, minor , criti cal, aler t). The report can be f iltere d by port a ddress and/or se verity.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-5 Loopback Tests Logs Logs Display t he event log to view a l og of all system e vents, or n arrow the view to only display speci fic i nformat ion.
C-6 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Loopback Tests Status and Perf ormance Status and Performance The foll owing s tatus command s will display vital in format ion re gardin g the syst em that will ai d in troub leshoo ting. All commands list ed bel ow are hyper linked t o the CLI comm and .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-7 Loopback Tests Overview Ove rvi ew A loopback test is a d iagnos tic proc edure i n which a s ignal is tr ansmit ted an d returne d to the sendi ng devi ce afte r pass ing t hrough all or a port ion of a networ k or c ircuit .
C-8 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Loopback Tests DS1 Loop backs View Status of Loopback > status a:1 SLOT A: Status for DS1 1: Receive: Traffic Transmit: Traffic Loopback: LINE Disable Line Loopback &g.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-9 Loopback Tests DS1 Loop backs DS1 Payload Loop Loops at DS1 (in f ramer) and reframes the T1. Ha ve DS1 vend or check fo r fra ming/ error s.
C-10 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Loopback Tests DS1 Loop backs Receiving DS-1 CSU Loop Causes a l ine Lo opback. Loopup code se nt by remot e unit or network . Occurs at lo cal DS1 CSU. Have DS1 vendor che ck for fr aming/e rrors. Enable Detection of CSU Loopcode Enable det ection of CSU loop code (1 0000 fo r loopup ; 100 fo r loopdo wn).
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-11 Loopback Tests DS1 Loop backs View Status of Loopback > show a:1 SLOT A: Settings for DS1 1: Circuit ID: CAC DS1# A:1 Up/Down: UP Framing: ESF Line Coding: B8ZS Line Build Out: DSX-1 EQU ALIZATION FOR 0-133 ft.
C-12 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Loopback Tests DS1 Loop backs DS1 Equipment Loop Note: Quad T1 LED flashe s green dur ing equ ipment loop . Enable Eq uipment Loopback Where a Quad T1 card is in slot 5.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-13 Loopback Tests DS1 Loop backs errored seconds: 0 0 sev. errored frame seconds: 0 0 line errored seconds: 0 0 controlled slip seconds: 0 0 bursty errored seconds: 0 0 deg.
C-14 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Loopback Tests V.35 Lo opbac ks V.35 Loop backs V.35 Line Loop Note: V.35 L ED flash es green du ring l ine loop. Loop occur s at V.35 por t. Check for sync a nd err ors at lo cal data port. Enable Line Loopback Where a V.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-15 Loopback Tests V.35 Loop backs Disable Line Loopback > set 6:1 line loopdown OK View Status of Loopback > show 6:1 SLOT 6: Settings for V35 Port 1: CTS: Always Hi .
C-16 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Loopback Tests V.35 Lo opbac ks V.35 Equipment Loop Note: V.35 L ED flash es yellow d uring e quipment lo op. Loops at lo cal V.35 por t. Check f or sync an d errors at remote data po rt, wit h or without BERT. Enable Eq uipment Loopback Where a V.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-17 Loopback Tests V.35 Loop backs Disable Equipment Loopback > set 6:1 equipment loopdown OK View Status of Loopback > show 6:1 SLOT 6: Settings for V35 Port 1: CTS: .
C-18 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Loopback Tests V.35/V.54 Loo p V.35/V.54 Loop V.35/V. 54 Servic e Card Desc ription The V.35 Card wi th V.54 Loop Test pr ovides the capabi lity for the V.35 c ard to detect network l oop bac k initi ation signals and pro vide a networ k loop back for l oop te sting.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-19 Loopback Tests V.35/V.54 Loo p V.54 Loop Note : Loca l LED f lashe s yell ow, re mote LED fla shes green. Enabl e V.54 Loop Where a V.
C-20 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Loopback Tests V.35/V.54 Loo p V.54 Equipment Loopback Enable V.54 Equipment Loopup Where a V.35/V.5 4 card is in slot 6.
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 C-21 Loopback Tests V.35/V.54 Loo p > status 6:1 SLOT 6: Status for V35 PORT 1: DCD: High CTS: High DSR: High RTS: High DTR: High BERT: RUNNING BITS: 8386950 ERRS: 0 BER: 0.
C-22 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Loopback Tests V.35/V.54 Loo p.
G LOSSARY 10Base-T The most widely in stalled Ethernet local area networks (LANs) us e ordinar y telephone t wisted-p air wire. When used on Ethe rnet, this carri er medium is known at 1 0BASE-T. 10 BASE-T s upports Et hernet’s 10 Mbps transmission speed.
Gloss ary - 2 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Glossary authorizatio n authorization The process o f granting or d enying access to a network r esource. Most computer security s ystems are ba sed on a two-s tep process, sometimes more.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Gl ossary - 3 Glossary bipol ar bipo lar The predominant si gnaling method used for digital tran smission services, such as DDS and T1.
Gloss ary - 4 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Glossary broadb and broa dband A technology that provides an extrem el y wide and f ast bandwi dth so that many people can simulta neously us e the serv ice.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Gl ossary - 5 Glossary channel channel A generi c term for a communication s path on a g iven medi um; multiplex ing techni ques allow provid ers to put mult iple channels over a single m edium.
Gloss ary - 6 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Glossary Constant Bit Rate (CBR) Consta nt Bit Rate (CBR) Refers to t he transmi ssion pro perties t hat data, vi deo and voi ce uphol d when travers ing a transport medium. I nformation traveling at a constant bit rate means there is no fluctuatio n in signal integrity.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Gl ossary - 7 Glossary DHCP DHCP Dynamic H ost Con figur ation Pr otocol. DHCP is a network confi guration that allows maintenance to be perf orm ed from a central site rather than by en d users.
Gloss ary - 8 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Glossary E&M Si gnal ing E&M Signaling A signaling arrangement that uses se parate leads, called res pectively the E lead and the M lead , for the sign aling and voice signals.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Gl ossary - 9 Glossary frame frame A fragment of data th at is packaged into a frame f ormat, which compr ises a header, paylo ad, and trailer. frame rel ay A packet-switching proto col for connecting devices on a Wide Area Network (WAN).
Gloss ary - 1 0 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Glossary GUI GUI Graphical User Interface, p ronounced "GOOEY". A set of screen presentations and metaph ors that utilize graphic elements such as icons in an attempt to make an operating system easier to use.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Gloss ary - 11 Glossary ISDN BRI ISDN BRI Integrated Services Digital Net work. B RI, which is 144,000 bits pe r second and designe d for the d esktop.
Gloss ary - 1 2 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Glossary Line Codi ng Viola tion (LC V) Line C oding Violation (LCV) This parameter is a co unt of both BPVs and EXZs occurring over the accumulation period . An EXZ increments the LCV by one regardles s of the length of the zero string.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Gloss ary - 13 Glossary LULT LULT Line Unit Line Termin ation LUNT Line Unit Netw ork Termination Management Information Base (MIB) A data base of objects, with attributes an d values, represen ting the manageable com ponents of a networ k device.
Gloss ary - 1 4 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Glossary Network Ad dress T ranslatio n (NAT) Network Address Translation (NAT) An Internet standard that enables a local-area network (LAN) to use one set of IP addr esses for intern al traffic and a s econd set of addresses for external traffic.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Gloss ary - 15 Glossary Password Authe ntication Proto col (PAP) Password Auth en ticat ion Protocol (PAP) An authenticat ion prot ocol that al lows Point-t o-Point Pro tocol peers to authenticate one ano ther. Peak Cell Rate (PCR) The Peak Cell Rate, in c ells/sec, is the cell rate which the sourc e may never exceed.
Gloss ary - 1 6 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Glossary robbe d bit robb ed bit A type of analog s ignaling that will occasionally s teal information bits used f or cir cuit signa ling co ding . router A computer or internet wo rking device that directs traffic and moves packets between netwo rks.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Gloss ary - 17 Glossary star netw ork star network A star is a network topology that connects all devices to a central location called a hub. Trad itional star networks are designed to be eas ily expandable because hubs can be connected to additional hubs of other networks.
Gloss ary - 1 8 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Glossary TBOS TBOS Telem etry Byte Oriented S erial. TBOS is an alarm moni toring and control p rototype f or teleph one network equipment . telnet An Internet standard protocol t hat enables a com puter to function as a terminal working f rom a remo te computer.
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Gloss ary - 19 Glossary V.90 V.90 The standard fo r full-duplex modems sending and receiving data across phone l ines at up to 56 ,600 bps, approved by the I nternation al Telecommun ication Unio n (ITU) in F ebruary, 19 98. VC MUX Virtual Channel Mu ltiplexer.
Gloss ary - 2 0 Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2 .2 Glossary.
I NDEX Numerics 10/1 00Ba se-T Et hern et Conn ecto r . . . . . . . . 1-13 10Ba se-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary-1 26-pi n micro- SCSI V.35 card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-7 V.35 /V.5 4 card s . . . .
Index - 2 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Index C Base Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 ACO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17 Card Removal Handles 1- 10 , 6-10 , 7-12 , 11-5 Chass is . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Index - 3 Index C st atic ipx net work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30 static mac address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31 static nat address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32 user . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index - 4 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Index C (fx o) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-87 (fx sPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-88 (ocu dp) baud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-97 loopback . . .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Index - 5 Index C enable/disable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-136 syslog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-137 enable/disable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-137 facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-137 level .
Index - 6 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Index C level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-169 passw ord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-169 verificati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-174 show . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Index - 7 Index D performance comman d . . . . . . . . . 5-233 performance histo ry . . . . . . . . . . . 5-234 (ds3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-235 performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-236 performance histo ry .
Index - 8 Axxius 80 0 - Releas e 2.2 Index D (ro uter) dhcp server option command . . . . . . . 5-44 dns pro xy command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 remote co mmand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45 snmp com munity comman d . . . . . . . . 5-45 snmp trap command .
Axxius 800 - Re lease 2.2 Index - 9 Index E features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-3 , 17-4 LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-8 , 17-8 over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2 , 17-2 E Electroni cs Protecti on Mode .
Index - 10 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Index L L label DS0 connec tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-74 FXSPS conn ection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-74 Router trunk connect ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-74 V.35 connection . . . . .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 Index - 11 Index Q command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-63 pino uts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-11 10Base-T Ethern et . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17 10Ba se-T e ther net .
Index - 12 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Index S connecto r pinout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 data por t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 rtrp ing co mman d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-68 S security enhanced .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 Index - 13 Index S password comm and . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-120 prom pt com mand . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-121 protoco lport command . . . . . . . . . 5-121 stopbi ts command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-122 tbos map de scri ption comm and .
Index - 14 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Index S enable/disable command . . . . . . . 5-163 port cost command . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-164 port prior ity co mma nd . . . . . . . . . 5-164 trunk comman d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-165 up/d own co mman d .
Axxius 800 - Rel ease 2.2 Index - 15 Index S ppp comman d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-215 static ip address command . . . . . . . . . . . 5-216 ip network command . . . . . . . . . . . 5-216 ipx networ k command . . . . . . . . . . 5-217 mac address command .
Index - 16 Axxius 800 - Release 2 .2 Index T stp command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-252 (ro uter- lan ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-253 (router -trunk) comman d . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-254 (v54) com mand . . . . . . . .
デバイスCarrier Access Axxius 800の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Carrier Access Axxius 800をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCarrier Access Axxius 800の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Carrier Access Axxius 800の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Carrier Access Axxius 800で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Carrier Access Axxius 800を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCarrier Access Axxius 800の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Carrier Access Axxius 800に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCarrier Access Axxius 800デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。