3ComメーカーVFD-D Dの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Preface Firmware V ersion 1.07 Thank you for choosing DEL T A ’s high-performance VFD-D D Series. The VFD- DD Series is manufactured with high-quality components and m at erials and incorporate the latest microprocessor technology available.
; Do NO T connect AC main pow er direct ly to the drive’s output terminals U/T 1, V/T2 and W /T3. ; DO NOT use Hi-pot test for internal components. The semi-conductor us ed in the AC motor drive is easily damaged by hi g h-pressure.
without pri or notice. Please cont act your local distri butors or v isit our websit e to download th e most updated v ersion a t http://www .delta.com.tw /industrialauto m ation/ . The AC motor drive may also be called a s “drive”, all drive mentioned in this manual refers to the AC motor drive.
T able of Content Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 R eceiv ing and Inspecti on ................................................................................................... .1 - 2 1-2 Prepara tion for Instal l ation and W iri ng ......................
Group 04: Doo r Open P aramete rs .................................................................................. 4 - 4 2 Group 05: Doo r Close P aramete r .................................................................................... 4 -46 Group 06: Pro tection and S pecial Paramete rs.
Chapter 1 Introd uction | DD Series 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 Receiving and Inspection 1-2 Pr ep ar ation for Installation and W iring 1-3 Dimensions The AC motor drive should be kept in the shipping car ton or crate before installation.
Chapter 1 I ntroduc tion | DD Serie s 1-2 1-1 Receivi ng and Inspection This VFD-VL AC motor drive has gone through rigorous quality control test s at the factory before shipment.
Chapter 1 Introd uction | DD Series 1-3 Explanation f or Series Number 33 0 T 02DD2 1A0 Production nu mber Production year 2007 Production factor y Pro ductio n week (T : T aoyuan, W: Wujian) Model 230V 1-PHASE 0.
Chapter 1 I ntroduc tion | DD Serie s 1-4 1-2 Prep aration for Inst allation and Wiring Install the AC motor drive in an env ironment with the following conditions: Air T emperature: -10 ~ +45°C (14 .
Chapter 1 Introd uction | DD Series 1-5 CAUTION! 1. Mount the AC motor drive vertically on a flat vertical surface by using bolts or sc rews. Other directions are not allowed. 2. Th e AC motor drive w ill generate heat during operat ion. Allow sufficient space around the unit for heat dissipation.
Chapter 1 I ntroduc tion | DD Serie s 1-6 1-3 Dimension VFD002DD21A; VFD002DDDD21AB; VFD002D D 21C; VFD002DD21CB; VFD004DD21A; VFD004DD21AB; VFD004DD21C; VFD004DD21CB; VFD002DD21E; VFD004DD21E; Uni t: mm [inc h] W W1 W 2 H H1 H2 H3 H4 D D1 Φ 1 Φ 2 215.
Chapter 1 Introd uction | DD Series 1-7 ECMD-B9160GMS.
Chapter 2 W iring | DD Series 2-1 Chapter 2 Wiring After removing the front cover, examine if the po wer and control terminals are clearly noted. Please read following pr ecautions before wiring. ; Make sur e that power is only applied to the R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 terminals.
Chapter 2 Wi ring DD Series 2-2 2-1 Wiring Diagram When wiring for an AC motor drive, user needs to connect wires to two sections, main circuit and control circuit.
Chapter 2 W iring | DD Series 2-3 W iring/T erminals Sett ing Us ed wi th i nt e rn al power ( +24 Vd c ) Us ed wi t h ex te r nal po wer COM MI1 +24V MI2 MI5 ~ External +24V power + COM MI1 +24V MI2 MI5 ~ COM CAUTION! ; The wiring of main circuit and control circuit should be separated to p revent erroneous actions.
Chapter 2 W iring | DD Seri es 2-4 ; Damaged insulation of wiring may cause personal injury or damage to circuits/equipment if it co mes in contact w ith high voltage.
Chapter 2 W iring | DD Series 2-5 2-2 Main Circuit T erminal Main Circuit T erminal U/T 1 V/T 2 W/T3 IM/PM Mo t or E E L1 L2 L1 L2 W ire Gau ge T orque W ire T ype 14-12 A W G .
Chapter 2 W iring | DD Seri es 2-6 (Resistance-Capaci tance), unless approved by Delta. ; DO NOT connect phase-compensation capacitors or surge abso r bers at the output terminals of AC motor drives. ; Use a well-insulated motor , suitable for inverter operation.
Chapter 2 Wi ring DD Series 2-7 2-3 Control Circuit T erminal RA 1 RB1 RC1 RA 2 RB2 RC2 MO 1 MO 2 MO 3 MCM MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 CD OD 24V CO M DCM T orque Wire Gauge 5 kgf-com (6.
Chapter 2 W iring | DD Seri es 2-8 Digital Input s (CD, OD, MI1~MI5, COM ) ; W hen usin g contact s or switches to control the digital inputs, please use high quality components to avoid contact bounce. Digital Output s (MO1, MO2, MO 3, MCM) ; Make sure to connect the digital outpu ts to the right polarity , see w iring diagrams.
Chapter 3 Key pad and S tar tup | DD Series 3-1 Chapter 3 Keypad and S tart-up 3-1 Operation Method 3-2 Keypad Descriptions ; Make sur e that the w irin g is correct. In par ticular , check that the output terminals U/T1, V/T2, W/T3 are NOT connec ted to power and that the d rive is well grounded.
Chapter 3 Keypad and S tartup | DD Seri es 3-2 3-1 Operation Method The factory setting of VFD-DD series AC motor drive’ s oper at ion met hod is set to external terminal control. But it is just one of the operation methods. T he operat ion method can be via communication, control term inals settings or opt ional digital keypad.
Chapter 3 Key pad and S tar tup | DD Series 3-3 3-2 Keyp ad Descriptions Descriptions of Digit a l Ke y pad Outlook En t e r Ke y STO P/R ESET Key P r og ra m /F un c t i on LED D isp lay D oor O pen .
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-1 Chapter 4 Parameter Settings 4-1 Summary of Parameter Sett ings 4-2 Su mmary o f Detai led Para meter Set tings The VFD-DD parameters are divided into 12 groups by property for easy setting.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-2 4-1 Summary of Parameter Settings 0 0 S y s t e m P a r a m e t e r s : T his para meter can be se t during operation. Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 00.00 Identity Code of AC motor drive 0: 200w 2: 400w Read only ○ ○ ○○○ 00.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-3 Parame te r Explanation Setti ngs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 00.05 Software version Read only(Different versions will display differently) #.## ○○○○○ 00.06 Password Input 0~9999 0~2:times of wrong p assword 0 ○○○○○ 00.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-4 0 1 M o t o r P a r a m e t e r s : This parameter can be se t during operation. Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 01.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-5 Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 01.22 Slip Compensation T ime Constant 0.001~10.000sec 0.100 ○ 01.23 T orque Compensation Gain 00 ~ 10 0 ○ ○ 01.24 Slip Compensation Gain 0.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-6 0 2 I n p u t / O u t p u t P a r a m e t e r s : This pa rameter can be set during ope r ation. Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 02.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-7 Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 02.09 Multi-f unction Output (Relay2) 1: AC drive in operation 17 ○○○○○ 02.10 Multi-f unction Output (MO1 ) 2: Zero speed frequency signal (including STOP) 0 ○○○○○ 02.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-8.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-9 0 3 F e e d b a c k P a r a m e t e r s This p aramete r can be set d uring operation. Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 03.00 Encoder (PG) Signal T ype 0: No function 1: ABZ 7: PWM pulse 7 ○ ○ ○ 03.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-10 0 4 D o o r O p e n P a r a m e t e r s This pa r ameter can be se t dur ing operation. Parame te r Explanation S ettings Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 04.00 Door Open by Initial S peed 0.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-1 1 Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 04.25 Current Level when unable to open the door 0.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-12 05 D o o r C l o s e P a r a m e t e r s This pa r ameter can be set during operation. Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 05.00 Door Close Initial S peed 0.00~120.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-13 Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 05.24 Door Close DC Brake S tarting Fre quency 0.00~120.00Hz 0.00 ○○○○ 05.25 Door Re-open Current Level 1 0.0~150.0% (AC drive’ s rated current) 100.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-14 0 6 P r o t e c t i o n a n d S p e c i a l P a r a m e t e r s This parameter can be set during opera tion. Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 06.00 Software Braking Level 350.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-15 Parame te r Explanation Setti ngs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC Bit6=0 O D and CD signal are input at the same time, but without reaction. Bit6=1 O D and CD signal are input at the same time and with door opening Bit7=0 When the r unning signal come from an external terminal.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-16 Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 6: Over-current at stop (ocS) 0 ○ ○ ○○○ 7: Over voltage during accele.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-17 Parame te r Explanation Setti ngs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 52:Password error (PcodE) 0 ○○○○ ○ 53:Software error (ccodE) 0 ○○.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-18 07 Control Para meters This pa rameter can be set during operation. Parame te r Explanation Settings Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 07.00 ASR (Auto S peed Regulat ion) Control (P) of Zero S peed 0.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-19 08 Multi-step Speed Parameter This parameter can be set during operation. Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 08.00 Zero S tep S peed Frequency 0.00~120.00Hz 0.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-20 09 Co mmunicat ion Para meters This pa rameter can be set during opera tion. Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 09.00 Communication Address 01~254 1 ○ ○ ○○○ 09.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-21 10 User- defined Parameters This pa rameter can be set during opera tion. Group 10 shows the explanation for the “User-def ined Parameters” from Group 00~09 Parame te r Explanation Settings Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 10.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-22 Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factor y Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 10.23 Door Close Holding T orque Level 0510 Read only ○ ○ ○○○ 10.24 Door Close Holding T orque 0511 Read only ○ ○ ○○○ 10.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-23 1 1 Vie w User-define d Parameter s This para meter can be set during operation. Parame te r Explanation Settin gs Factory Setti ng VF VFP SVC FOC FOC 11.00 ~ 11.31 V iew User-defined Parame ters Pr.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-24 4-2 Description of Parameter Settings 0 0 S y s t e m P a r a m e t e r T his parameter can be set during operation.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-25 5: Displa y output p ower (kW ) 6: Displa y motor angle sp eed (HU) 7: Displa y the dr ive’s estim ated out put torqu e (kg-m ) 8: Displa y PG pu lse.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-26 The password c onsists of min. 1 dig it and m ax. 4 digits . Ho w to m ake the pass word valid ag ain after dec oding by Pr .0- 07: Method 1: Re- input or igina l password into Pr .0-07 ( Or you can enter a new pass word if you want to use a ne w one).
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-27 accurate (1:1 000). Door Contr ol Mo de Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Factor y settin g: 3 Settings 0: Distance c ontrol m ode 1: Reserved 2: Mu.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-28 08. 00 Z e r o S tep Spee d 08. 01 08. 02 08. 03 08. 04 08. 05 08. 06 08. 07 08. 15 15t h S tep Sp eed 08. 14 14t h Step Spee d 08. 13 13t h S tep S peed 08. 12 12t h S tep S peed 08. 11 11t h Ste p Sp eed 08.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-29 T his param eter determ ines the P W M c arrier fr equency of the AC motor drive. 1kHz 8k Hz 15kHz Carrier Freq uen cy Acoust i c Noise Electromag .
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-30 W hen Pr .00- 15 is not 0, do or will m ove in t esting f requenc y , other c omm ands to d oor will st op.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-31 0 1 M o t o r P a r a m e t e r s This parameter can be set during operation. Motor A uto Tuning (PM) Control mode FOCPM Factor y setting: 0 Settings 0: No funct ion 1: Auto-tuning for PM motor parameters (brake loc ked) 2: Auto- tuning for PG offset ang le with out load ( Pr .
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-32 Full-l oad Current o f motor (PM) Control mode FOCPM Unit: Am per Factor y setting: 1. 00 Settings ( 20~120%)* 00.01 Amps T his valu e shoul d be set ac cording to the rat ed frequ enc y of the m otor as ind icated on the motor nameplate.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-33 Magne tic Pole Re-orientatio n (PM) Control mode FOCPM Factor y setting: 0 Settings 0:No functi on 1:Reset m agnetic po le posi tion T his f unction is use d to s earch m agnetic pol e posit ion and is only a vailable on perm anent m agnet m otor .
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-34 NO TE ; In torque/vec tor co ntrol m ode, it is not r ecomm ended to ha ve m otors run i n parallel. ; It is not rec omm ended to us e torque/v ector con trol m ode if m otor r ated power exc eeds the rated po wer of the AC moto r drive.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-35 Settings 0.0 ~6553.5m H T orque C ompens ation T ime Cons tant Control mode SVC Factor y setting: 0. 020 Settings 0.00 1~10.000s ec Slip Com pensatio n T ime Co nstant Control mode SVC Factor y setting: 0.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-36 Settings 0~1 0000 (0: No action) T he motor will have c urrent wave m otion in som e spec ific area. It can improve th is situat ion b y setting this param eter . (W hen it is hig h frequenc y or ru n with PG , it ca n be set t o 0.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-37 Settings 0.00 ~120.0 0Hz Output V olt age 3 Control mode VF VFPG Factor y setting: 5. 0 Settings 0.0V ~240. 0V Output Freq uency 4 Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG Factor y setting: 0. 00 Settings 0.00 ~120.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-38 0 2 I n p u t / O u t p u t P a r a m e t e r s Th is pa rame ter ca n be set du ring ope ration.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-39 8: 1st, 2nd accelera tion/d ecelerat ion tim e selec tion ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 9: Force s top (NO) input ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 10: Dem o mode ○ ○ ○ .
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-40 14 Door open com plet e signal W hen Pr .06-1 1 is s et to 01 or 03, dri ve will o pen the do or to the complete d positi on b y this signa l. 15 Door close com plete signal W hen Pr .06- 1 1 is set to 02 or 03, drive wil l close th e door to t he complete d positi on b y this signa l.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-41 Multi- function Output ( MO3) Factor y setting: 0 Settings Contr ol mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM 0: No funct ion ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 1: AC driv e i.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-42 10 OD com mand Active when the op eration direc tion is door open. 11 CD comm and Active when the operation dir ection is door close.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-43 Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: 1 2.5 Settings 0.0 ~100.0% Position D etection Signal 3 Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Factor y settin g: 7.5 Settings 0.0 ~100.0% W hen Pr .
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-44 03 Feedback Pa rameter This param eter can be set during oper ation. Encoder (P G) Signal T ype Control mode VFPG FOCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: 7.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-45 Encoder Feedb ack Fault T reatment (PGF1, PGF2) Control mode VFPG FOCPG Factor y setting: 2 Settings 0: W arn and keep o peratio n 1: W arn and ram p to stop 2: W arn and stop op eration Detection T ime for Enc oder Feedb ack Fault Control mode VFPG FOCPG FOCPM F actory sett ing: 1.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-46 Settings 0: Dis able 1: Enable T he door width will be d ifference due t o its app licatio n. For ex ample, the door of the f reight ele vator is much wider than passen ger ele vator .
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-47 0 4 D o o r O p e n P a r a m e t e r s This parameter can b e set dur ing oper ation. Door Ope n by Initi a l S peed Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Factor y settin g: 2.00 Settings 0.00 ~120.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-48 D oor Cl os e H ol di ng S peed O p en Door ( R E V) D oor O pen Li mi t 0. 0% 100 . 0% C l os e D oor (F WD ) 04. 00 D oor O pen Spe ed b y I ni ti a l 04. 08 D oor O pen A cce l e r a t io n Tim e 1 04 .
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-49 W ithin the holding tim e, when CD com m and (door clos e comm and) is given, the drive will beg in door close acti on.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-50 Door Open D C Brake S tarting Frequency Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG Factory settin g: 0.00 Settings 0.00 ~120.0 0Hz Dur ing the per iod AC m otor dr ive decel erating t o stop, this parameter sets the DC brake s tarting frequenc y If Pr .
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-51 0 5 D o o r C l o s e P a r a m e t e r s T his param eter can be s et during o peration. Door Close initial Speed Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: 2. 00 Settings 0.00 ~120.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-52 Do o r C lo se Ho ld in g Spe e d Op en D oo r (RE V) Doo r O p e n L imi t 0. 0% 100 . 0% Clos e Doo r (FWD) 04. 00 Doo r O p e n Sp e ed by In i t i al 04. 08 Do o r O p e n A cce l e r a t io n Time 1 04 .
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-53 will STOP . T he holding t ime is val id onl y when door op en has r eached th e com plete position. W ithin the holding tim e, when OD c omm and (door op en com m and) is given, t he dr ive will begin door close acti on.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-54 Door Close D C Brake S tarting Fr equency Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG F actory sett ing: 0.00 Settings 0.00 ~120.0 0Hz Dur ing the per iod AC m otor dr ive decel erating t o stop, this parameter sets the DC brake s tarting frequenc y If Pr .
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-55 Lar ger curr ent is req uired a t the beg inning of door op en an d door clos e, so it needs to have l arger re-open cur rent lev el in the acc eleration area.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-56 0 6 P r o t e c t i o n a n d S p e c i a l P a r a m e t e r s This parameter c an be set dur ing op eration. Soft ware Br aking Level Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Fac tory settin g: 380.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-57 Emergency /Force S top D e celeratio n Method Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: 3 Settings 0:Coast to stop 1: Decelerat e by 1st dec el. tim e 2: Deceler ate b y 2nd decel. tim e 3:By Pr .
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-58 1. Incor rect door c lose limit: a. The s ignal for th e door o pen lim it is rec eived b efore Pr .05-04 sett ing. b. The s ignal for th e door o pen lim it isn ’t receive d after Pr.05-06s etting.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-59 T imes of D oor Opened/C losed in D emo Mode (L) Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: 0 Settings 0~9 999 T imes of D oor Open.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-60 38 Over-v oltage dete ction error (Hd2) 39 Groun d current detectio n error (Hd3) 40 Auto tu ning error (AuE) 41: Reser ved 42: PG f eedback error (P.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-61 Auto Rest art After Faul t Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: 0 Settings 0~1 0 After fault occ urs (oc and ov), th e AC m otor drive can be reset/r estarted autom atic ally up to 10 tim es.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-62 07 C o n t r o l P a r a m e t e r s This parameter can be set d uring oper ation. ASR (Aut o S peed Regulati on) Co ntrol (P) of Zero S peed Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Fac tory sett ing: 1.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-63 Zero S peed/ASR1 W id th Adjustment Control mode VFPG FOCPG FOCPM Fac tory settin g: 2.00 Settings 0.00 ~120.0 0Hz ASR1/ASR2 Widt h Adjustment Control mode VFPG FOCPG FOCPM Fac tory settin g: 5.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-64 1. Get s ystem iner tia 2. Adjus t Pr .07-1 5 and 07-16 ( W hen larger n umber is set, the su ppressed overshoot function will be better . But it needs t o be us ed with t he actua l condit ion) PI PDFF It i s r eco mmen ded to di s abl e thi s f unc tio n ( Pr .
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-65 08 Multi -step Speed Parameter This param eter can be set d uring o peration. Zero S tep S peed Freq uency 1 st S tep S peed Freque ncy .
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-66 09 Communic ation Parameter s This param eter c an be set during operatio n. RS - 4 8 5 Se ri a l i n t e rf a ce 1: +E V 2 : S G + 5: N C 6: N C.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-67 14: 8E1 (RTU) 15: 8O1 (RT U) 16: 8E2 (RTU) 17: 8O2 (RT U) 1. Co ntrol b y PC or P LC A VFD-VL can be set up to comm unicate on Modbu s network s using o ne of the follo wing m odes: ASCII (Am erican S tandard C ode for Inform ation Intercha nge) or RTU (Rem ote T erm inal Unit).
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-68 1 1-bit ch aracter f ram e (For RTU): Sta rt bit 01 2 34 56 Stop bit Stop bit 8-bi t ch ar ac ter 1 1- bi t ch ar ac te r fr ame ( 8 . N . 2 ) Sta rt bit 01 2 34 5 6 Ev en pa rit y Stop bit 1 1- bi t ch ar ac te r fr ame ( 8 .
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-69 3.2 Address (Comm unicati on Address ) V alid com m unication addre sses are in the range of 0 to 254. A com munic ation ad dress equa l to 0, means broadcast t o all AC drives ( AMD). In th is case, t he AM D will not r epl y any message to t he m aster devic e.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-70 06H: sing le write, write s ingle data to reg ister . Exam ple: writing data 6000 (1770H) to r egister 0 100H.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-71 ‘A ’ ‘0’ ‘9’ LRC Check ‘A ’ CR END LF RTU m ode: Comm and m essage: Respons e m essage: ADR 01H ADR 01H CMD1 10H CMD 1 10H 05H 05H S ta.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-72 S tep 6: R epeat ste p 2 to 5 for the next 8-bit byte of the comm and m essage. Contin ue doin g this un til all bytes ha ve been pr ocess ed. T he final c ontents of the CRC reg ister are the CRC v alue.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-73 0001B: 1st accel/ decel. 0010B: 2nd acc el/decel 001 1B: 3r d accel/ decel 0100B: 4th acc el/decel 0101B: 5th acc el/decel 01 10B: 6 th acce l/decel 01.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-74 2129 H Input s tatus of m ulti-func tion term inal when m alfunc tion (f ormat is the same as Pr .00-04 =16) 212 AH Output s tatus of m ulti-f unction term inal whe n m alfunction (f orma t is the sam e as Pr .
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-75 Response D elay T ime Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: 2. 0 Settings 0.0 ~200.0m s This param eter is the r espons e dela y time after AC drive r eceives c omm unication comm and as s hown in the follo wing.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-76 10 User- defined Parameters This pa rameter can be set during opera tion. Start-up Di splay Selection Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG TQCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: #. ## Display address 0003 M aximum Op eration Frequency Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG TQCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: #.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-77 Door Open Acc e leration T ime 1 Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG TQCPG FOCPM Factory setting: #. ## Display address 0408 Door Open Dec e leration T ime 1 Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG TQCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: #.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-78 Door Open Holding Torque Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG T QCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: #. ## Display address 041 1 Door Close High Speed Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG T QCPG FOCPM Fact ory settin g: #.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-79 Multi- function Output RY 1 Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG TQCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: #. ## Display address 0208 Multi- function Output RY 2 Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG TQCPG FOCPM Factor y setting: #.
Chapter 4 Para meter Set t in gs | DD Seri es 4-80 The setting method of 21 1BH Convert 21 1BH (hexadecimal) int o decimal value: 2 1 1B 11 1 x1 6 + x1 6 = 1 6 + 11 = 10 27 Ente r 2 1 27.
Chapter 4 Par ameter Sett ings | DD Se ries 4-81 1 1 Vie w User-defined Parame ters This parameter can be se t during operation. ~ V iew User- defined Pa rameter s Control mode VF VFPG SVC FOCPG TQCPG FOCPM F actory sett ing: #. ## Settin gs - Ple ase ref er to the par ameter gr oups shown in group 10.
Chapter 5 T roubles hooting | DD Series 5-1 Chapter 5 T roubleshooti ng 5-1 Over Current (OC) 5-2 Ground Fault (GFF) 5-3 Over V oltage (OV) 5-4 Low V oltage (Lv) 5-5 Over Heat (OH1) 5-6 Overload (OL) .
Chapter 5 T r oublesho oting | DD Series 5-2 5-1 Over Current (oc) ocA oc d OC Ov er -c ur r en t d uri ng acc el er at i on Over -cur ren t duri ng a cceler ati on Ove r curre nt Ch ec k i f t he r e.
Chapter 5 T roubles hooting | DD Series 5-3 5-2 Ground Fault (GFF) GF F Gr ound fa u l t No Ye s If outpu t c ir c uit( c able o r motor ) of A C moto r dr iv e i s gr ounded? R emove g r ou nd ing M a y b e A C m o t o r d r i v e h a s malfunction or mi s o per a tion due to noi s e.
Chapter 5 T r oublesho oting | DD Series 5-4 5-3 Over V olt age (ov) Over volt a ge Ye s No Ye s No No No If voltag e is within sp eci f ic ati on Reduce vo lta ge t o be wi t hi n s pe c. If over-vo ltage is occ u rred withou t load May be A C motor dri ve has malf uncti on or mi sop er at i on du e to nois e .
Chapter 5 T roubles hooting | DD Series 5-5 5-4 Low V olt age (Lv) Low v ol tage Power cut, inc luding mo m entar y powe r l o s s Yes Yes Ye s Yes Yes Ye s No No No No No No No Res tar t after r es e.
Chapter 5 T r oublesho oting | DD Series 5-6 5-5 Over Heat (oH1) A C motor dr i v e ov er heats He at s ink over h eats Ch ec k if t empe r a t ur e of he at s i nk is higher than 90 O C No No No No Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Re du c e l oad No T emper at ur e de te c tion ma l f u nc ti o ns .
Chapter 5 T roubles hooting | DD Series 5-7 5-6 Overload (oL) EoL1/o t1 O v er load Redu c e lo ad or i nc r eas e the power of AC mot or dr i v e Check if the s etting of el ec t r on i c t h e rma l.
Chapter 5 T r oublesho oting | DD Series 5-8 5-7 Digit al Keyp ad Display is Abnormal A bn or m a l dis pl ay or no dis p la y T u r n the po we r off and po we r o n ag ain aft er di splay is of f No.
Chapter 5 T roubles hooting | DD Series 5-9 5-8 Phase Loss (PHL) Phase l oss No Ye s Ch ec k i f th e wi r i ng of ter mi n al s R, S an d T i s O K Co nn ect all thr ee phas e wel l Chec k i f t he s.
Chapter 5 T r oublesho oting | DD Series 5-10 5-9 Motor is not Running Motor cannot run Chec k i f CE 01 displays nor ma ll y No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Chec k if non-fu se breake r .
Chapter 5 T roubles hooting | DD Series 5-1 1 5-10 Fail to Adjust Motor S peed M o t o r c a n r u n b u t ca nn ot cha nge sp ee d Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s No No No No No No No No No C he ck if th e se tt ing o f th e ma x .
Chapter 5 T r oublesho oting | DD Series 5-12 5-1 1 Motor S t alls during Acceleration Moto r stal ls dur ing acceler ation C he ck if ac ce le r at ion time is too s hor t Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s No No N.
Chapter 5 T roubles hooting | DD Series 5-13 5-12 Motor Run Error Chec k i f V/ f char act er ist i c an d to rque c om pen s a ti o n is sui tab le No Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s No No No Adjust an d low er .
Chapter 5 T r oublesho oting | DD Series 5-14 5-13 Electromagnetic/Induction Noise There are many noises surround the AC motor d r ives and invade it by radiation or power circuit. It may cause the misoperation o f control circuit and even damage the AC motor drive.
Chapter 5 T roubles hooting | DD Series 5-15 5.14 Environment al Condition Since AC motor drive is a n electronic device, you should comply w ith the en vironmental condition stated in the appendix A. Following are the remedial measures for necessary .
Chapter 5 T r oublesho oting | DD Series 5-16 5.15 Prevent Interfer e to Other Machines AC motor drive may affect the operation o f ot her machine due to many reasons. The solutions are as foll ow s. High Harmonic at Pow er Side If there is high harmonic at power side during running, the improved me thods are: 1.
Chapter 6 Fault C odes a nd Descript ions | DD Series 6-1 Chapter 6 Fault Code s and Descri ption s 6-1 Common Problems and Solutions 6-2 Maintenance and Inspecta t ions The AC m otor drive has a com prehensive fault diag nostic system that includes several di fferent alarms and fault messages.
Chapter 6 Fa ult Cod es and Descripti ons | DD Series 6-2 6-1 Common Problems and Solutions Following fault name will only be displayed when using the digital keyp ad. Display Description Corrective Actions Ove r- c ur r en t du r i ng acceleration (Output current exceeds triple rated curren t du ring acceleration.
Chapter 6 Fault C odes a nd Descript ions | DD Series 6-3 Display Description Corr ective Actions Hardware failure in voltage detection 1. Check if the input volta ge falls within the rate d AC motor d rive i npu t volt age ra nge. 2. Check for possible voltage transients.
Chapter 6 Fa ult Cod es and Descripti ons | DD Series 6-4 Display Description Corrective Actions Hardw are failu re in curr ent detection (Isum) U-phase error V-phase error W - phas e er r or Re-apply power and try again. If fault still occurs, please return it to the factory.
Chapter 6 Fault C odes a nd Descript ions | DD Series 6-5 Display Description Corr ective Actions Emerg e ncy st o p 1. W hen mu lt i- f u nc t io n in pu t t er m in a ls MI1 ~ M I5 are se t to eme r gency s top, th e AC motor drive will stop out put.
Chapter 6 Fa ult Cod es and Descripti ons | DD Series 6-6 Display Description Corrective Actions Door width a uto-tuning error Chec k the wirin g of the encoder Open door t ime-out Check if door open s fluently. 6.1.1 Reset There are three methods to reset the AC motor dri ve after the fault is corrected: 1.
Chapter 6 Fault C odes a nd Descript ions | DD Series 6-7 6.2 Maintenance and Inspections Before the check-up, always turn off the AC input pow er and remove the cover. Wait at least 10 minutes after all display lamps have gone out, and then co nf ir m t hat the capacitors have fully discharged by measuring the voltage between DC+ and DC-.
Chapter 6 Fa ult Cod es and Descripti ons | DD Series 6-8 Main tenan ce Period Check Items Methods and Criterion Daily Half Y ear One Y ear If there are any loose screw s Ti g hten the screws { If any.
Chapter 6 Fault C odes a nd Descript ions | DD Series 6-9 DC capacity of main circuit Main tenan ce Period Check Items Methods and Criterion Daily Half Y ear One Y ear If there is any leak of liqu.
Chapter 6 Fa ult Cod es and Descripti ons | DD Series 6-10 Maintenance Period Check Items Methods and Criterion Daily Half Y ear One Y ear If there are any loose screw s and connectors T ighten the screw s and press the connectors firmly in place.
Append ix A Sp ecific ations | DD Series A -1 Appendix A Specifications VDD-D D series pr ovide our c ustomers 230V-200 W model and 230V- 400W model , choose the one that f its your n eed.
Append ix A Sp ecifica tions | DD Series A -2 Multi-Function O utput Signal (RC1,RA1,RB1) , (RC2,RA2,RB2) ,(MO1,MO2,MO3 and MCM) AC drive operating, frequency attained, fault indication, over torque, .
Append ix A Sp ecific ations | DD Series A -3 Motor S pecifications Maximum speed: 240 RPM; Poles number: 8 pairs (16 poles) Frame ECMD-B9120GMS ECMD-B9160GMS Rated Output Power ( W ) 70 65 Rated V oltage (V) 70 65 Rated T orque (N-m) 220 220 Rated S peed (rpm) 1.
Appendix B How to Selec t AC Motor Dr ive | DD Series B-1 Appendix B How to Select AC Motor Drive The choice of the right AC motor drive for the application is very important and has great influence on its lifet ime. If the capacity o f AC motor drive is too large, it cannot offer complete protection to the motor and motor maybe damaged.
Appendix B How to Selec t AC Motor Drive | DD Seri es B-2 B-1 Cap acity Formulas 1. When one AC motor drive operates one motor The starting cap acity should be less than 1.5x rated cap acity of AC motor drive The star t ing capaci ty= ) ( _ _ _ _ _ 5 .
Appendix B How to Selec t AC Motor Dr ive | DD Series B-3 S ymbol explanation P M : Motor shaft output for load (k W ) η : Motor efficiency (normally , approx.
Appendix B How to Selec t AC Motor Drive | DD Seri es B-4 B-2 General Precautions Drives Se lection 1. W hen the AC Motor Drive is connec ted directly to a large-capacity power transformer (600kVA or .
Appendix B How to Selec t AC Motor Dr ive | DD Series B-5 B-3 How to Choose a Suit able Motor S t andard moto r W hen usin g the AC Motor Drive to operate a standard 3 -phase induction motor , ta k e the following precautions: 1. Th e energy loss is greater than for an inverter duty motor.
Appendix B How to Selec t AC Motor Drive | DD Seri es B-6 Sp ecial motors: 1. Pole- changing ( Dahlander) motor: The rated current is di ff ers from that of a standard mo tor. Please check be f ore operation and select the capacity of the AC motor drive care fully.
Appendix B How to Selec t AC Motor Dr ive | DD Series B-7 Motor torque The torque characteristics of a motor operated by an AC motor drive and commercial mains power are different.
デバイス3Com VFD-D Dの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
3Com VFD-D Dをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこには3Com VFD-D Dの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。3Com VFD-D Dの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。3Com VFD-D Dで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
3Com VFD-D Dを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又は3Com VFD-D Dの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、3Com VFD-D Dに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわち3Com VFD-D Dデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。