Cisco SystemsメーカーCP9951CCAMK9の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Americas Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6387 ) Fax: 408 527- 0883 Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971 User Guide for Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager 7 .
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) iii Contents Your Phone 1 Cisco Uni fie d IP Phon e 8961 1 Phone Con necti ons 1 Foot.
iv OL-199 63-01 Footst and 36 Phone Dis play Viewing Angl e 37 Change Di splay Viewin g Angle 37 Button s and Hard ware 37 Phone Screen 42 Phone wit h Singl e Line 42 Phone w ith Mu ltiple Lines 43 Ph.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com munica tions M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) v WLAN Sign in 56 Sign in for WLAN 56 Change WLAN Si gn in 56 Runn ing App licatio ns.
vi OL-199 63-01 Barge 70 Add Yo urself to a Call on a Share d Line 70 Call Bac k 70 Set up a C all Back Not ifica tion 70 Call Fo rward Al l 70 Forw ard Ca lls on Yo ur Phon e 71 Call Pa rk 71 Park an.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) vii Put a Cal l on H old by An swer ing a New Call 80 Determi ne if a Sh ared Line is.
viii O L-199 63-01 Speed Dia l 89 Place a Ca ll wit h a Speed-Di al But ton 89 Place a Ca ll wit h a Speed-Di al Code 89 Use a Speed- Dial Code On-hook 89 Use a Speed- Dial Code Off-ho ok 89 Transf er.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) ix User Se tti ngs 99 Change You r Browse r Passwo rd 99 Change You r PIN 100 Change .
x OL-199 63-01 FAQs and Troubl eshooting 113 Freque ntly Asked Ques tion s 113 Troub lesh ootin g Tips 115 Person al Di rect ory 116 User Op tion s 116 Product Safet y, Secur ity, Accessib ility, and .
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com munica tions M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 1 Your Pho ne Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961 The Cis co Unifie d IP Phone 8961 prov ides.
2 OL-199 63-01 1 DC ada pter port (DC48 V) 5 Compute r port (10 /100/ 1000 PC) 2 AC-to-DC power supp ly (optional) 6 Hands et po rt 3 AC power w all plug (option al) 7 Anal og head set po rt (he adset opti onal) 4 Network p ort (1 0/100/ 1000 SW) wi th IEEE 802.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com munica tions M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 3 Note Each USB po rt sup ports a max imum of five s upporte d and nons upported devic es that are connect ed to the phon e.
4 OL-199 63-01 Footstand If you r phon e is pl aced on a ta ble or desk, c onnec t the fo otstand to the b ack of the p hone. 1 Insert th e curv ed conn ectors i nto the lower sl ots . 2 Lift the footstand un til the connec tors sna p into the upper sl ots.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com munica tions M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 5 Phone Display Viewing Angle The vie wing angle of the phone di splay can be adju sted a ccordin g to your prefer ence.
6 OL-199 63-01 1 8 12 11 13 10 9 14 18 20 19 15 16 17 5 6 7 2 3 4 194674.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com munica tions M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 7 1 Phone screen Shows i nform ation a bout y our p hone, in cludi ng dir ectory number , call informati on (for exam ple call er ID, icons for an active cal l or call on hold) and available so ftkeys.
8 OL-199 63-01 6 Navigation p ad and Select b utton The four -way Navigation pad allows you to scroll through me nus, highlight item s, and move within a text inpu t field. The Sel ect but ton (cen ter of the N aviga tion pad ) all ows you to select a highli ghted i tem.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com munica tions M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 9 16 Appl icat ions but ton Open s/cl oses the Appli cat ions m enu.
10 OL-199 63-01 Phone Screen The w ay tha t your system admi nistr ator set up yo ur pho ne dete rmin es wh at is displ ayed on you r phone scr een. Phone with Single Line 1 Line l abel Displ ays the line phone inform atio n. 2 Header Displays the date and tim e, and infor mation (s uch as phon e numbe r) about the sele cted l ine.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 11 Phone with Multiple Lines If you have multiple lin es, it is recommen ded that yo u use the All Calls button to view al l calls on all lines.
12 OL-199 63-01 1 Primary line label Displays informa tion about the primary phone line. Look f or th e blue icon on the lin e labe l to se e wh ich li ne is sele cted. In this ca se, the prim ary line is selected, a nd the info rmatio n displa yed is for the pri mary l ine o nly .
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 13 4 Sessio n lab els (with Held Ca ll i cons) Disp lay i nforma tion (such a s ca ll s tatus a nd durati on) a bout he ld ca lls associ ated with the s electe d line.
14 OL-199 63-01 Phone Screen Navigation and Item Selection T ask Action Example Scroll to highlight an i tem. Press th e Navigation pa d. Highlight a call f rom the misse d call list . Select an it em by numb er . Press the corre spondi ng numb er on the keyp ad.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 15 Power-Sa ve M ode Depen ding on how y our sys tem admin istra tor set up your ph one, the phone displ ay may go into a power -save m ode (the phon e scr een appears blank and t he Sele ct butto n is l it w hite).
16 OL-199 63-01 Cisco Unified IP Phone 9951 The Ci sco Unifie d IP Phone 9951 p rovid es the se fe atures: • Phone co nnect ions • Bluet ooth • Foot stand • Phone-display vi ewing angle • Bu.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 17 1 DC adapter port (DC48V) 6 Handset po rt 2 AC-to-DC powe r supp ly (o.
18 OL-199 63-01 Note Ea ch USB po rt supp orts a maximum of five su ppor ted and nonsup porte d device s tha t are connect ed to the phon e. Each device conn ected to the ph one is inclu ded in the max imum devic e count.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 19 Bluetooth Y our phone s uppo rts Bluet ooth Cl ass 2 techno logy wh en the hea dse ts supp ort Blu etooth .
20 OL-199 63-01 Footstand If you r phon e is pl aced on a ta ble or desk, c onnec t the fo otstand to the b ack of the p hone. 1 Insert th e curved conn ectors into the lower s lots. 2 Lift the footstan d until the conn ectors snap into the uppe r sl ots.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 21 Phone Display Viewing Angle The vie wing angle of the phone di splay can be adju sted a ccordin g to your prefer ence.
22 OL-199 63-01 1 8 12 11 13 10 9 14 18 20 19 15 16 17 5 6 7 2 3 4 194674.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 23 1 Phone screen Shows i nform ation a bout y our p hone, in cludi ng dir ectory number , call informati on (for exam ple call er ID, icons for an active cal l or call on hold) and available so ftkeys.
24 OL-199 63-01 6 Navigation p ad and Select b utton The four -way Navigation pad allows you to scroll through me nus, highlight item s, and move within a text inpu t field. The Sel ect but ton (cen ter of the N aviga tion pad ) all ows you to select a highli ghted i tem.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 25 16 Appl icat ions but ton Open s/cl oses the Appli cat ions m enu.
26 OL-199 63-01 Phone Screen The w ay tha t your system admi nistr ator set up yo ur pho ne dete rmin es wh at is displ ayed on you r phone scr een. Phone with Single Line 1 Line labe l Displ ays the line ph one inform ation. 2 Header Displays the d ate and time, an d inform ation (such as ph one numb er) about th e sel ected lin e.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 27 Phone with Multiple Lines If you have mu ltipl e line s, it is reco mmen ded t hat yo u use th e All C alls b utton t o vie w all ca lls on all lines .
28 OL-199 63-01 1 Primary line labe l Displ ays infor mation about the prim ary phon e line. Look f or the blu e icon on the line label to see w hich lin e is selected . In this cas e, the primar y line is sel ected, and the inform ation d ispl ayed is for the pr imar y line only .
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 29 4 Sessio n labels (with Held Call icons) Displa y infor mation (su ch as call s tatus a nd d uratio n) about hel d calls ass ociated with the se lected line.
30 OL-199 63-01 Phone Screen Navigation and Item Selection T ask Action Example Scroll to highlight an i tem. Press th e Navigation pa d. Highlight a call f rom the misse d call list . Select an it em by numb er . Press the corre spondi ng numb er on the keyp ad.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 31 Power-Sa ve M ode Depen ding on how y our sys tem admin istra tor set up your ph one, the phone displ ay may go into a power -save m ode (the phon e scr een appears blank and t he Sele ct butto n is l it w hite).
32 OL-199 63-01 Cisco Unified IP Phone 9971 The Ci sco Unifie d IP Phone 9971 p rovid es the se fe atures: • Phone co nnect ions • Wir eles s connecti on and bluetoot h • Foot stand • Phone-di.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 33 1 DC adapter port (DC48V) 6 Hands et po rt 2 AC-to-DC powe r supp ly (.
34 OL-199 63-01 Note Ea ch USB po rt supp orts a maximum of five su ppor ted and nonsup porte d device s tha t are connect ed to the phon e. Each device conn ected to the ph one is inclu ded in the max imum devic e count.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 35 Wireless Connection and Bluetooth Y our ph one can be con nect ed to a wi reles s net work us ing 80 2.11a or 802.1 1b/ g, but your sys tem admini strato r sets up th e connec tion.
36 OL-199 63-01 Footstand If you r phon e is pl aced on a ta ble or desk, c onnec t the fo otstand to the b ack of the p hone. 1 Insert th e curv ed conn ectors i nto the lower s lots. 2 Lift the footstan d until the conn ectors sna p into the upper sl ots.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 37 Phone Display Viewing Angle The vie wing angle of the phone di splay can be adju sted a ccordin g to your prefer ence.
38 OL-199 63-01 1 7 11 10 12 9 8 13 17 19 18 14 15 16 4 5 6 3 2 194675.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 39 1 Phone screen Shows i nform ation a bout y our p hone, in cludi ng dir ectory number , call informati on (for exam ple call er ID, icons for an active cal l or call on hold) and available so ftkeys.
40 OL-199 63-01 5 Navigation pad and Select b utton The four -way Navigation pad allows you to scroll through me nus, highlight item s, and move within a text inpu t field.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 41 15 Applic ati ons button Ope ns/c loses the App lica tions men u.
42 OL-199 63-01 Phone Screen The w ay tha t your system admi nistr ator set up yo ur pho ne dete rmin es wh at is displ ayed on you r phone scr een. Phone with Single Line 1 Header Displays the d ate and time, an d inform ation (such as ph one numb er) about th e sel ected lin e.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 43 Phone with Multiple Lines If you have multiple lin es, it is recommen ded that yo u use the All Calls button to view al l calls on all lines.
44 OL-199 63-01 1 Header Displa ys the date a nd time , an d inf ormati on (such as p hone number ) about the sele cted line. (If you are on a call and hi ghli ght the header inst ead of a call , the so ftkeys that display are the same as those that d isplay when the phon e is idle.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 45 Phone Screen Navigation and Item Selection 6 Speed-dial l abel Disp lays if you or your syste m administrator as signed a speed dial to the progra mmabl e feature bu tton.
46 OL-199 63-01 Select a n it em us ing th e Select button. Press the Select but ton (at the center of the N aviga tion pad). Highli ght the Preferen ces application and press the Selec t button. Navigate to a submenu . (A right arr ow (>) next to the menu item in dicates that a submenu exis ts.
Y our Phone Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 47 Power-Sa ve M ode Depen ding on how y our sys tem admin istra tor set up your ph one, the phone displ ay may go into a power -save m ode (the phon e scr een appears blank and t he Sele ct butto n is l it w hite).
48 OL-199 63-01 Handset Rest Y ou r system admi nistrato r may have moun ted you r phone on a wall . With a wall-mounted phone, you may need to adjus t the ha ndset res t to ens ure that th e recei ver does not sli p out o f the c radle. 1 Remove the handset from the cradle and pull the plastic tab from the handset rest.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 49 Applic atio ns Phone Appli cations Phone applic ation s all ow you to ac cess th e.
50 OL-199 63-01 View Call Hi story 1. Pres s the Applicatio ns button . 2. Select Call H isto ry . (Use the Na vigat ion pa d and Sele ct but ton to scro ll and sel ect.) The phon e scre en disp lays the cal l histo ry with an ico n associa ted for each type of cal l.
Applications Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 51 Edit Number F rom Call History 1. Pres s the Applicatio n s b utton . 2. Select Call H isto ry . (Use the Na vigatio n pa d and Sele ct butt on to scro ll and sel ect.
52 OL-199 63-01 • Bluet ooth Ringtones Y ou can choose the r ingtone , per line , that your p hone play s to ind ica te an in comi ng ca ll. F or inform atio n about addin g cus tom ring tones to you r phone , see your system adm inis trator . Change R ingtone fo r a Line 1.
Applications Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 53 3. Select Brightne ss . – T o increase brig htne ss, press the righ t ar row on th e Navigation pad. – T o decreas e brigh tness, pr ess the left arrow on the Navigation pad.
54 OL-199 63-01 3. Pres s the Exit softkey to r eturn to th e Appli cations s creen. View Accessory Det ails 1. Pres s the Applicatio n s b utton . 2. Select Acces sories . (Use the Navigation pad and Select button to scroll and select. ) A list of p hone acce ssorie s is displaye d.
Applications Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 55 Before You Begin Before you add a Blueto oth ac cesso ry , it mu st be discov era ble by the p hone. Look for a flashi ng L ED on a Bluetooth accessory as an indication that it is discoverable .
56 OL-199 63-01 Disconnect Bluetooth Accessory (For Cis co Unifie d IP Phone 9951 and 997 1 only .) 1. Pres s the Applicatio ns button . 2. Select Acces sories . (Use the Navigation pad and Select button to scroll and select. ) 3. Select a Blue toot h acces sory and th en pres s the Discon nect s oftkey .
Applications Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 57 The pho ne displ ays a li st of a pplic ations running on the phone incl udin g those th at are not un der the App lica tion menu.
58 OL-199 63-01 Administrator Settings For in format ion on a ccessi ng and chang ing th e Admi nistr ator Se ttings, see yo ur syst em admi nistr ator .
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 59 Contac ts Phone Conta cts The Ci sco Un ified IP Phone 8 961, 9951, and 99 71 pr o.
60 OL-199 63-01 – Pres s the Headset butto n . – Pick up th e ha ndset . Search for and Dial a Contact While on a Call 1. Pres s the Contacts b utton . 2. Select Corp orate Dir ectory . (Use th e Navig ation pad and Sel ect button to scro ll and se lect.
Contacts Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 61 Sign In and Out of Perso nal Directory 1. Pres s the Contacts b utton . 2. Select Pers onal Di rectory . (Use the Navigation pad and Select butto n to scrol l and sele ct.
62 OL-199 63-01 2. Sign in to Pers onal D irec tory . 3. Select P ersonal Ad dress Book and search for an entry . 4. Sele ct the pe rson al addr ess bo ok ent ry that you wa nt to dia l. 5. Pres s the Dial softke y . Delete a Perso nal Directory Entry 1.
Contacts Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 63 3. Select Pers onal Add ress Book . 4. Enter th e name i nformation an d pr ess the Submit softkey . 5. Pres s the Selec t soft key , then pr ess the Fast Dial softkey .
64 OL-199 63-01.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 65 Messa ges Voice Messages V oic e messages are stored on your voicemail system. Y our comp any determines the voicemai l system your phone uses .
66 OL-199 63-01 Y ou can set up audi ble messag e waiti ng tones us ing your Us er Options W eb pages. Related Topics • Change the Aud ible Voice Me ssage Indicator Setting Per Lin e, page 9 6 • Change the Voice Message Indicator Setting Per Line, page 95 Listen to Voice Messages 1.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 67 Call ing Feat ures Featur e Buttons and Softke ys Depend ing up on ho w your syst em ad minist rato r sets up your ph one, so me featu res in clude d in th is guide might not be available to you.
68 OL-199 63-01 All Calls All Call s allows y ou to view a list, sor ted in chrono logi cal orde r (oldest firs t), of all active calls on all of yo ur ph one lines. This fe ature is reco mmen ded fo r users w ho have multip le line s and/ or shar e lines with other us ers.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 69 View All Calls on Your Phone Pres s the A ll Ca lls button. All a ctive call s from a ll the lines on yo ur ph one a re disp layed in chr onol ogica l orde r , old est t o newes t.
70 OL-199 63-01 Barge The bar ge featu re allo ws you to add yo urself to non-p rivate ca lls o n a shar ed line. Y ou can conve rt the call into a confer ence and add new participa nts. Add Yourself to a Call on a Share d Line Pres s the red line butt on for th e shar ed li ne.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 71 When fo rwar ding c alls fro m your p hone : • Enter the ca ll forwar d target nu mber exa ctly as you w ould di al it from yo ur phone.
72 OL-199 63-01 • Dire cted Call P ark— All ows yo u to park and retri eve an ac tive call in t wo d iffere nt wa ys: – Assisted Directed Call Park—Al lows you to park an active call by pressing a feature button, which you r s yste m ad mini stra tor set s up as a spe ed di al l ine.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 73 Park and Retrieve a Call Usi ng Assisted Directed Ca ll Park 1. Duri ng a call , press a Directed Ca ll Park button displaying an idle Line Status indicator .
74 OL-199 63-01 Call Pickup Call Picku p allo ws yo u to a nswer a cal l that is rin ging o n a co -worke r’ s p hone b y redi rect ing the call to yo ur phon e.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 75 Answer a Call Using Group Pickup and a Group Pickup Nu mber 1. Pres s the Group Pickup bu tton to answer a ca ll o n a ph one o utside yo ur p ickup group.
76 OL-199 63-01 Respond to a Call Waiting Notification T o answe r the ringi ng call, pr ess the flas hing amber se ssi on button or pr ess the Answe r softkey to answer the ca ll. Y ou can als o use the Navi gatio n pad and scr oll to the cal l and press the Select button to answer it.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 77 Join Calls T ogether in a Confere nce 1. Start with t wo connec ted call s. 2. Make su re that one of the calls is ac tive (not on hold).
78 OL-199 63-01 Divert a Call Divert a c all in any o f these wa ys: • T o re direct an in comi ng (rin ging) ca ll wh ile o n anot her c all, u se th e Nav igatio n pad to highligh t the i ncoming call a nd then press the Divert softkey . (Other wise pr essing the Divert softkey wi ll redirect the curren t, active cal l.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 79 Extension Mobility Cisco Ex tension Mobility (EM) all ows you to temporar ily co nfigure a Cisco Unified IP Phon e as your own.
80 OL-199 63-01 Hold Hold all ows y ou t o put an act ive c all i nto a h eld stat e. Y o ur p hone allo ws on e ac tiv e ca ll a t a t ime; othe r calls a re put on ho ld. Hold and Resume a Call 1. T o put a call on hold, pr ess the Hol d button . The H old ico n disp lays a nd th e line button breath es gr een.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 81 Remote Hold With the Re mote H old fea ture, when you pl ace a c all on hold while u sing a s hared li ne, th e line button puls es gre en an d the phone disp lays t he Hol d ic on .
82 OL-199 63-01 Intercom Interco m allows you to place and r eceive one -way call s using a dedicated or dialable int erc om line. When y ou pla ce an inter com ca ll, t he re cipie n t’ s phone aut.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 83 Line Status Line Status indicator s allow you to view the sta te of a phone line that is as sociated with a sp eed-dial button.
84 OL-199 63-01 Malicious Call Ident ification Maliciou s Call Id entificat ion (MCID) all ows you to i d entify an active call as susp icious, which initiate s a series of automated tracking and notification mess ages.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 85 Mobile Conn ect Mobile Conne ct al lows yo u to us e your mobile phon e to han dle ca lls a ssocia ted wit h you r desk phon e numbe r .
86 OL-199 63-01 Switch an In-Progress Call From a Mobile Ph one to Your Desk Phone 1. Select a l ine o n your desk phone . 2. Hang u p the call o n your mo bile pho ne to disc onnec t the m obile phone , but not th e call . 3. Pres s the Resume so ftkey on your de sk pho ne within five to 10 seco nds and start talk ing on the desk ph one.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 87 Privacy Privacy allows you to prevent others who share your line from seeing informa tion about your calls. Privacy applies to all share d lines on your phone.
88 OL-199 63-01 Redial a Numb er Pres s the Redial softkey . T o place the call on a specific phone lin e, get a dial ton e on that line, the n pres s the Redial softkey . Shared Line s Shared lin es all ow yo u to use o ne phon e num ber for mul tiple phon es.
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 89 Speed Dial Speed-d ial feat ures allow yo u to place a call by pressing a button or enter ing a code.
90 OL-199 63-01 Transfer T ransfer allo ws yo u to redirec t a c onnec ted cal l fro m your p hone to ano ther numbe r: • Y ou can redi rect a si ngle cal l to another number tha t you speci fy . • Y ou can also conne ct two calls on one line or two d iffe rent l ines t o each o ther ( witho ut rema inin g on the line you rself).
Calling Features Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 91 Use Web Dialer with Cisco Directo ry 1. Sign in to you r User Option s web pa ges . 2. Select User Option s > Dire ctory and se arch for a co-worker .
92 OL-199 63-01 – Do no t disp lay ca ll co nfirm atio n—If se lect ed, t he W e b Dial er M ake Ca ll pag e will not di spl ay the nex t time W eb Dia ler is used. Calls will au tomatica lly be dial ed after selecti ng a co ntact from t he Cisco Dire ctory .
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 93 User Op tions User Options Web Pages Y our Cisco Unifi ed IP Phon e is a network dev ice that ca n share informatio n with othe r network devices in your com pany , inc luding your perso nal computer .
94 OL-199 63-01 The Ci sco Un ifie d CM Us er Op tion s main web page d ispl ays. F rom th is pa ge y ou can selec t User Options to s elect a device, access User Settings, Directory features, your P ersonal Address Bo ok, and Fast Dials. 7. T o sign out of user options, select Logo ut .
Use r O ptio ns Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 95 Related Topics Do N ot Dist urb, page 78 Line Se tting s Line setti ngs affect a specific ph one lin e (directo ry numb er) on your p hone.
96 OL-199 63-01 6. In the Message W aiting Lamp area, choose from various settings. T ypically , the default message waiting se tting pr ompt s your phone to di spla y a st eady red l ight from th e hand set li ght str ip to indicate a new voice message .
Use r O ptio ns Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 97 3. Select a p hone fro m the Name drop -down menu. 4. Select Line Sett ings . 5. If you hav e more than one dir ector y numbe r (line) assigned to your phone, se lec t a line from the Line drop -down me nu.
98 OL-199 63-01 The services available for your phone dep end on how the s ystem adminis trator set up the p hone system and whic h services you are subscr ibed to. For more in formati on, see you r system admi nistrato r . If only one serv ice is set up , the ser vice op ens by defa ult.
Use r O ptio ns Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 99 Change a Service Name 1. Sign in to you r User Option s web pa ge. 2. Sear ch fo r se rvi ces. 3. Select a se rvice na me.
100 OL -19963 -01 Change Your PIN 1. Sign in to you r User Option s web pa ges . 2. Select User Options > User Setti ngs . 3. Enter your Curren t PIN. 4. Enter your New PIN. 5. Reenter your new PI N in the Co nfirm P IN fie ld. 6. Select Save . Change the Lang uage for Your User Opti ons We b Pages 1.
Use r O ptio ns Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 101 Personal Ad dress Book Y ou can add, dele te, or upd ate pers onal addr ess boo k entrie s from the User Op tions web page.
102 OL -19963 -01 Assign a Fe ature Button for Personal A ddress Book 1. Sign in to you r User Option s web pa ge. 2. Select User Options > Device . 3. Select a p hone from the Na me drop -dow n me nu. 4. Select Service URL . Y our syst em admini strator s ets up you r phone to displ ay servic es.
Use r O ptio ns Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 103 Assign a Fast Dial Co de to a PAB Entry 1. Sign in to you r User Option s web pa ge. 2. Select User Options > Fast Dial s .
104 OL -19963 -01 Delete a PAB Entry 1. Sign in to you r User Option s web pa ge. 2. Search for a Fast dial entry . 3. Select one or mor e entr ies. 4.
Use r O ptio ns Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 105 – As speci fied bel ow—Selec t this op tion and sele ct from the follo wing ite ms to set up a r ing sched ule base d on day a nd tim e: a.
106 OL -19963 -01 Plugins Plug ins on yo ur User Opti ons we b pages allows you to do wnlo ad and a ccess appli catio ns th at your system admini strator set up for you. F or mor e inf ormation , see yo ur system ad ministrat or . Access Plug ins 1. Sign in to you r User Option s web pa ge.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 107 Acces sori es Phone Acce ssories Y our phone supp orts a ccesso ries fr om C isco a nd thir d-party manu facturers .
108 OL -19963 -01 Cisco Unified IP Color Key Expan sion Module The Cis co Unifie d IP Color Key Expansi on Module a ttaches to y our Cisco Unified IP Phon e 8961, Cisco U nified IP Pho ne 995 1, and Cisco Un ified IP Phon e 9971 and allo ws yo u to add u p to 36 extra line a ppear ances or p rogra mmable button s to your phon e.
Accessories Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 109 Features of the Cisco Unified IP Color Key Expa nsion Modu le The Cis co Unifie d IP Color Key Expansi on Module in cludes the followi ng featur es.
110 OL -19963 -01 1 Phone scr een—Dis play s the phone num ber , speed d ial nu mber (or name o r other text label), phon e servic e, ph one fe atur e or Privacy assigned to each button. Icons indicat ing line status appea r sim ilar t o, a nd function the same as, thos e on the Cisco Unifi ed IP Phon e to wh ich i t is att ach ed.
Accessories Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 111 Place a Call on th e Expan sion Modu le Pres s the li ne butto n on the Expa nsion Mo dul e.
112 OL -19963 -01 • Once a Bluetooth headset i s conne cted, tur ning it o ff/o n will rec onnect it to the phon e. Pleas e read the be low ment ione d instru ctions before using the Blue tooth he adse t. – If you have both, a Bluetooth headset and an analog headset attached to the phone, only one type of headset will work at any given time.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 113 FAQs an d Troub lesh ooti ng Frequently Aske d Question s Q.
114 OL -19963 -01 Q . Why do the softkey s keep chang ing? A . Softkeys ac t on the select ed (highl ight ed) call or me nu item only . Which softke ys are disp layed depend s on the c all or item you h ave s electe d. Q . What is th e best way to look at cal ls whe n I h ave a s hared line or mu ltiple lin es? A .
FAQs and T roubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 115 2. Pres s the Tr a n s f e r button again. (Y o u do not have to wait for the re cipient to answer to complete the transfe r .
116 OL -19963 -01 Probl em: Miss ing th e All C alls butt on. I would li ke to use the All Ca lls button but it is not on my pho ne. Poss ible Cau se It has not bee n se t up b y your system admi nistra tor . Solution Ask your sy stem ad mini st rato r to enab le the All Call s feat ure for you.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 117 Produc t Safe ty, Se curit y, Acces sibi lity , and Rel ated Inform ati on Safety and Per formanc e Inform ation Powe r outage s and othe r devi ces can affec t your Ci sco Uni fied I P Phone .
118 OL -19963 -01 Bluetooth Wireless Headsets Performance The Cis co Uni fied IP P hone 9951 and 997 1 supp ort Blueto oth Clas s 2 tech nology when the headse ts suppo rt Bluetooth . Bluetoo th enab les low band widt h wirele ss conn ection s within a range of 30 feet (10 meters ).
Product Safety , Security , Ac cessibility , and Related Information Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 119 interferen ce to radio co mmunic ations. H owever , there is no guar antee th at interf erence will n ot occur in a partic ular ins talla tion.
120 OL -19963 -01 Accessibility Feature Description Set Up Requirements 1. High-Contrast V i sual a nd Audi ble Alert o f Inco ming Call Cisco Un ified IP Ph ones pr ovide an au dibl e alert, and the handset provides a visual alert when the phone receive s an inc oming c all.
Product Safety , Security , Ac cessibility , and Related Information Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 121 3. Progr ammabl e Featur e Buttons Users c an use the line buttons to ini tiate, answer , or switc h to a call on a partic ular l ine.
122 OL -19963 -01 Hearing Impaired Acc essibility Features Access ibil ity fea tures for the hea ring i mpair ed ar e suppo rted on the Ci sco Unifie d IP Phone 8961 , 9951, and 997 1.
Product Safety , Security , Ac cessibility , and Related Information Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.
124 OL -19963 -01 Accessibility Feature Description Set Up Requirement 1. V isual Message Wa i t i n g I n d i c a t o r (Handset) V ie wable fr om 3 60 de grees, this visu al indicator als o provides an audible mess age waiting ind icator .
Product Safety , Security , Ac cessibility , and Related Information Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.
126 OL -19963 -01 Mobility Impaired Accessibilit y Features Access ibil ity fea tures fo r the mob ility i mpaired are suppor ted on the Ci sco U nified IP P hone 89 61, 9951, a nd 9971.
Product Safety , Security , Ac cessibility , and Related Information Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.
128 OL -19963 -01 Additional Information • Y ou can access the Cisco website at this URL: http:/ /ww w.cisc • Cisco Unifie d IP Phone 9951 and 9971 quick r eferen ce ca rds, quick start guides , and end-u ser guides: http:// cisco .com/en /US/pr oducts/ ps10 453/pro ducts _user_gu ide_li st.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 129 Warran ty Cisco One-Ye ar Limited Ha rdware Warranty Te rms There are speci al terms applicab le to your ha rdware w arranty and various se rvices that you can u se during the wa rranty perio d.
130 OL -19963 -01.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 131 Index A accessibility features 119 accessories 53, 107 adapters 1, 16, 32 adminis.
132 OL -19963 -01 Call Pickup, description 74 Call Waiting, description 75 calling features All Calls 68 Ans wer 69 Auto Answ er 69 Barge 70 Call Back 70 Call Forward All 70 Call Park 71 Call Pickup 7.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 133 turn on and off 78 Do Not Disturb. See DND E enable, Privacy 87 Expansion Module 108 F FAQs 113 fast dial s description 79 place a cal l with a fast -dial b utton 79 set up 102 feature buttons.
134 OL -19963 -01 ring settings 96 voice message indicator 95 Line Status description 83 indicators 83 M MAC address Web Dialer 91 Malicious Calle r ID.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 89 61, 9951, and 997 1 User Gui de for Cisco Unified Com municati ons M anager 7.1(3) (SIP) 135 using with Personal Directory 61 plugins 106 ports 1, 16, 32 power-save mode 15, 31, 47 pref eren ces settings 51 Web Dialer 91 Privacy, enab le on a shared line 87 programmable feature buttons 9 Q QRT 87 quality reporting tool.
136 OL -19963 -01 enable and disable 47 touch-sensitive feat ures of 39 trace a suspic ious call 84 Transfer description 90 swap 90 using 90 Transfer button 40 Troubleshooting 113 turn on and off DND .
The Bluetooth word mark and logo are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Cisco Sys tems, Inc., is under license. Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems , Inc. San Jose, CA Asia Pacific Headquarters Cis co Sy stem s (US A) Pt e.
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Cisco Systems CP9951CCAMK9をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems CP9951CCAMK9の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems CP9951CCAMK9の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems CP9951CCAMK9で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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