Cisco SystemsメーカーICM Software Version 4.5の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Cisco ICM Software Supervisor Guide ICM Software Version 4.5 Corporate Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA http://www.
iii Contents Contents Preface ........................................................................................ xiii Purpose ................................................................................................... xiii Audienc e.....
iv Contents 2.2.3. Monitor-Onl y A W ....................................................................... 40 2.2.4. Admin W orkstation Users .......................................................... 41 2.2.5. Open Datab ase Arc hitecture .........
Contents v Contents 4. Reporting Basics ................................................................... 69 4.1. The G EO T EL A dmin Workst ation Group .............................................. 70 4.2. Starting M onitor ICR ..................
vi Contents 5. Setting Thresholds and Drill-Downs .................................. 107 5.1. Setting T hresholds in Reports .......................................................... 108 5.1.1. Setting Thresholds in Mult iple-C omponent R eports ....
Contents vii Contents 7.6. Trunk Group Dat a ............................................................................... 146 7.7. Netw ork Trunk Group Data ................................................................ 147 7.8. Service Array Data .
viii Contents entsk g09_normali zed_agt_state ........................................................... 195 entsvc01_q ueue_del ay_status ............................................................. 196 entsvc02_c alls_stat us .....................
Contents ix Contents persvc12 _calls_anal ysis_half _hour ...................................................... 261 persvc13 _calls_off ered_daywise _graph ............................................... 263 persvc14 _calls_handl ed_da y wis e_graph .
x Contents Figures Figure 1: I CR Call Routin g .................................................................................. 18 Figure 2: I ntellige nt Call Router Overv iew ........................................................... 19 Figure 3: I CR Call Flow Diagram .
Contents xi Contents Tabl es Table 1: Aspect, Luc ent, and N ortel—ICR T erminolog y Mapping ...................... 33 Table 2: Rock well and Siem ens—ICR Term inology Map ping ............................ 34 Table 3: A lcatel, NEC, and Ericsson—ICR Term inology Mapp ing .
xii Contents.
xii i Preface Preface Purpose This manual describes how to monito r enterp rise call center ac tivity with the real- tim e and historical r eporting features o f the G EO T EL I ntellig ent Call Router (I CR). Audience This do cument i s intend ed for the I ntellig ent Cal l Router superv isor.
xiv P ref ace Chapter 6, “ Sche duling Repor ts” Describes how t o schedule r eports to p rint autom atically by using the ICR Job Schedu ler tool. Chapter 7, “Availab le Data” Describes th e most com monly used da ta availab le in the I CR database s.
Preface xv Preface Other Publi cations Intellig ent Ca l l Router Custom Screen Bui lder Tutorial Intellig ent Ca l l Router Database Sch ema Handbook Intellig ent Ca l l Router Instal lat.
xvi Pre face.
17 1. Overview 1. Overview The G EO T EL Intellig ent Call Router (ICR ) improv es the level o f customer s ervice of fered by g eographica lly distrib uted call cente rs. The In telligent Ca ll Router ’s m ain funct ion is to r oute toll- free ca lls to the most approp riate ag ent or an swering resou rce avai lable.
18 Overview 1.1. What is the In tellig ent Ca l l Router ? The I ntellig ent Ca l l Router (I CR) is a software- based call p rocessing system that prov ides call- by-call rout ing to geog raphically distribu ted call cente rs. The I CR link s agents from multiple call cent ers to cre ate a virtua l call cen ter .
W hat is the Intelligent CallRout er ? 19 1. Overview 1.1.1. Where Does t he ICR Fit In? The I ntellig ent Ca l l Router works direc tly with ca ll centers a nd the interex chang e car rie r (I XC ) tha t suppl ies the to ll- free servic e. The I XC is a long -dis tance tel ephone com pany that offer s toll- free call rou ting service s.
20 Overview 1.1.2. Call Routing A typical I CR-routed c all goes th rough the fo llowing stag es. Figure 3 illustra tes these stages in d etail. The I ntellig ent Call Rou ter is consta ntly rece iving data from cal l centers on ag ent avail ability , queue statu s, and call h andling perform ance.
W hat is the Intelligent CallRout er ? 21 1. Overview 1.1.3. Pre- Routing The I ntellig ent Ca l l Router uses Pre- Routing ® to ensu re that in coming calls reac h the approp riate agen t resou rce the f irst tim e. In Pre- Routing, the IC R executes ro uting decisio ns befo re the cal l terminat es at a ca ll center.
22 Overview See also: For m ore inform ation on En terprise C TI, see the I ntellig ent Ca l l Rou ter Product Descrip tion . 1.1.6. Call Routing Scripts To dete rmine the be st des tination for a call, the I CR processes rou ting requests th rough ca ll routing scripts .
The Call Center Enterprise 23 1. Overview Although th is manag ement data is essentia l to call routing , it is also importan t for m onitoring and reporting on agent and agent grou p perform ance. The I CR stores the m anagem ent data in indus try-standa rd historica l and real- tim e relational da tabases.
24 Overview From a repor ting persp ective, y ou can view agent and call rout ing statist ics on an ent erprise- wide or peri pheral-by- peripheral b asis. Enterprise r eporting g ives you a v iew of perform ance across t he entire call cente r enterpr ise.
The Call Center Enterprise 25 1. Overview across pe ripherals t o form an enterprise Sa les servic e. Figure 5 shows the relat ionship between ent erprise and periphera l services. Enterprise Services AC D AC D AC D Dallas Tech. Support Dallas Info. Services Boston Tech.
26 Overview Figure 6 sh ows the relat ionship between en terprise and periphe ral skill groups. Enterprise Skill Groups AC D AC D AC D HelpDesk HelpDesk Pri. HelpDesk Sec. Spa nis h Spanish Pri. Spanish Sec. Peripheral Skill Groups Denver.He lpDesk Denver.
The Call Center Enterprise 27 1. Overview 1.2.2. A gents and A gent Teams Within the call cen ter enterp ri se, an agent is a nyone who can answe r incoming phone calls. A periphera l agent is an ag ent who is associated with a parti cular periphe ral (ACD, PBX) in th e call ce nter ente rprise.
28 Overview A network trunk g roup is a g roup of trunk s organized to reflect t he routing cl ient’s view of trunks. A network trunk g roup can map to one o r more perip heral tru nk g roups. For example, say you have two VRUs at a call cente r site in D allas.
The Call Center Enterprise 29 1. Overview Figure 9 sh ows an exam ple of how serv ice arrays re late to per ipheral service s and network trunk g roups. DAL Trunks T1’s Network Trunk Gro up R o ut i n g C l i e nt (IXC, PG) VRU 1 VRU 4 VRU 3 VRU 2 Dal _VRU1 .
30 Overview Routes are as sociated with a single pe ripheral a nd are not o rganized on an enterpr ise-wide bas is. Figure 10 shows som e examples of rou tes and how they m ap to individua l peripher al targ ets. Routes Denver Sales Den ver.Sales.Pri Agent 325 Denver.
The Call Center Enterprise 31 1. Overview Call Types A call type i s a categ ory of incom ing calls. C alls are categ orized ba sed on dialed num ber (DN), calle r-entered digits (CED), and calling line ID (CLID). Each cal l type has a schedule th at determ ines which rou ting script or s cripts are a ctive for tha t call ty pe at any tim e.
32 Overview 1.3. Per ipheral -Speci fi c Terminolog y The I CR supports severa l models o f call cen ter peripher als. Specif ically , the ICR support s the following ACDs: Alcatel 4400 Aspect.
Peripheral-Specific T erminology 33 1. Overview Tabl e 1 : Aspect, Lucent, and Nortel—ICR Terminology Mapping G EO T EL ICR Aspect CallCenter Lucent DEFINITY ECS Nortel DM S- 100/ SL-100 Nortel Meri.
34 Overview Table 2: Rockwell and Siemens —ICR Terminology Mappi ng G EO T EL ICR Rockwell Spectrum Rockw ell Galaxy Siemens HICOM 300E (90 06) Siemens Ro lm 9751 CB X (9005) Service Application Gate ACD Routi ng T a b le (ART) Pilot Nu mber associated with ART Skill Group Agent group Primary, secondary, an d tertiary groups for a gate.
Peripheral-Specific T erminology 35 1. Overview The I CR comprises a se t of the fun ctions of the supported pe ripherals. Because th e feature s of each AC D vary , one type of ACD can not tak e advantag e of every capability the ICR offers.
36 Overview Peripheral Type Restrictions Rockwell Spectr um No trunk group monitoring. Duplex ed PG operation s upported on ly for TCP/ IP Transaction L ink configu rations. Si em ens HICOM 300E (9 006) No tr unk gro up mo nitor i ng. Limited conferen ce call monitoring.
37 2. Admin Workstation 2. The Admin Workstation The Adm in Worksta tion (AW) is the hum an interf ace to the I ntellig ent Call Router . The Admin Work station is a PC running G EO T EL soft ware on the Micro soft ® Windows NT ™ opera tin g sys te m.
38 The Admin W orkstation 2.1. The G EO T EL A dmin Workstation Group Each Adm in Workstation contains th e G EO T EL Adm in Work station group. When open, the G EO T EL Adm in Workstat ion group appears as follows: Not all A Ws have an identical se ts of tool s.
Distributor and Client Adm in W orkstations 39 2. Admin Workstation Lock Admin . Lets you check or change t he status of locks in the ICR centra l database. Monitor ICR . Lets you view g raphs and reports t o monitor the perform ance of speci fic agents, sk ill groups, services, and other groups within the ICR call c enter enter prise.
40 The Admin W orkstation Each Distribu tor AW has i ts own local dat abase that con tains a copy of data from the centra l database. The ICR’s Update AW ba ckground process a utomatica lly k eeps the loca l database synchron ized with th e central databa se.
Monitor I CR Report ing 41 2. Admin Workstation 2.2.4. A dmin Workstation Users Three kind s of people u se the Adm in Worksta tion: System Manage r .
42 The Admin W orkstation You can chang e the prede fined tem plates to sui t your partic ular busin ess needs by using the optiona l ICR Custom Screen Builder. The Custom Screen Builde r is a client da tabase acce ss applica tion that is based on Powersoft InfoMaker.
Monitor I CR Report ing 43 2. Admin Workstation 2.3.2. A gent Reporting G EO T EL • A gent Repor ting is an o ptional feat ure that c an be licensed for peripheral s (ACDs, PB Xs) in the call cente r enterpr ise. With thi s feature enabled, you can genera te reports of agent- level data thr ough Monit or ICR.
44 The Admin W orkstation See also: The Inte lligent Cal l Router System Manager Guide p rovides spe cific instruct ions for enab ling ag ent-lev el reporting . Some general guideline s are present ed here. À To specify which periphera ls provide agent data: Run Configure I CR.
Monitor ICR Report ing Scenario 45 2. Admin Workstation level ov er the las t half-hour. To further i nvestig ate the probl em, y ou open two add itional call ana lysis rep orts: One report prov ides rea l-tim e data such as calls offer ed, calls abandoned, av erage speed of answer, and service levels for the Premium Sales enterp rise serv ice.
46 The Admin W orkstation 2.4.3. Correcting th e Situation To correct t he situation, y ou consider two options : First, y ou find out if there is an exce ss of qual ified ag ents in other skill g roups in the call cen ter enterp rise. A re these ag ents avail able to handle Premium Sales calls b etween 3:00 and 5:00 P.
W eb View 47 2. Admin Workstation Report defin ition . A report d efinition is a fil e that s pecif ies the template s the repor t uses to retriev e data. The repo rt defin ition also specifies other v alues that the repor t includes (f or exam ple, dates and tim es, particular serv ices, ski ll groups, e tc.
48 The Admin W orkstation.
49 3. Creating a Report 3. Creating a Report The Monito r ICR reporting tool allow s you to repo rt on ca ll and agen t activity throughout t he call ce nter ente rprise. You can us e real- time data, historica l data, or a com bination o f the two in a single repo rt.
50 Creating a Report 3.1. The Report Examp le The repor t you will be cre ating inc ludes a rea l-time bar graph that display s call queue status da ta for se lected per ipheral serv ices.
The Report Example 51 3. Creating a Report The com pleted repor t looks sim ilar t o the fo llowing exam ple: Often when using Monito r ICR, y ou create reports th at contain only one report component (fo r example, a real-tim e graph showing the delay in queue).
52 Creating a Report 3.2. Starting Monitor IC R To start Monitor I CR, click Start, then point to Program s. In the Program s menu, point to G EO T EL Admin Work station and c lick Monitor ICR.
Setti ng Up the Templ ate L aunch er 53 3. Creating a Report 3.3. Setti ng Up the Template Launcher To genera te the report, o pen the Template Launch er window.
54 Creating a Report 2. In the From field, cl ick on the down- arrow. A calend ar appears: 3. Double-click on a day (th ree or m ore days ago). A da te is entere d in the From field. 4. For this tutoria l, do not ch ange the To field. The defau lt setti ng will provide d ata up to th e present d ay.
Setti ng Up the Templ ate L aunch er 55 3. Creating a Report You can now choose th e tem plates to use in the repo rt. À Choose th e Templa tes: In the Tem plates tab, choose th e following tem plates : persvc01_q ueue_delay _status persvc12_ calls_ana lysis_half_hou r The Tem plate Launcher is now set up to generat e a report.
56 Creating a Report 3.4. Launchi ng the Report To launch t he report, click OK. An unti tled repo rt window appea rs: À To design the report: 1. Click on the M aximize but ton in the u pper right co rner of the report w indow. The repor t window is maxim ized.
Launching the Repor t 57 3. Creating a Report The follow ing exam ple shows th e items in t he report resized and reposition ed. You may choose to use a dif ferent layout : 3. Click ins ide the t itle box and ent er a title for the rep ort (for exam ple, “Call Analy sis for B ellev ue, Denver, and Om aha Mid Tier Services”).
58 Creating a Report Your report sh ould appear simila r to th e following example: 3.4.1. What the Report Shows The repor t you creat ed contains a r eal-tim e bar graph tha t shows the averag e delay in queu e, expected d elay in queu e, length of the longes t call in queu e, and th e average sp eed of an swer for eac h service.
Saving the Report 59 3. Creating a Report 3.4.2. The Status Bar If yo u cl ic k on a bar in the grap h, a mes sa ge ap pears in the sta tus bar at the bottom of the Mon itor I CR window. The status ba r describes what the bar represents and its cur rent num erical v alue.
60 Creating a Report À To save the repor t definition: 1. Choose File → Save, or c lick the Sav e button. The Sav e Report Definition dia log box appea rs. Since you crea ted a repor t on periphera l service s, the Save Report Definition d ialog box default s to the persvc d irectory .
Setting T hresholds 61 3. Creating a Report 3.8. Opening the Report You can open the TUTOR.CMB report by selecting the Open com mand from the F ile menu or by clicking the Open button. À To open the TUTOR.CMB r eport: 1. In the Moni tor ICR window, choose Fi le → Open, or c lick the Ope n button.
62 Creating a Report 2. Choose Thresh olds. The m ouse poin ter changes to a cross hai r ( + ). (Alternate ly, you can cho ose the Thresholds op tion from the Edit menu.
Setting T hresholds 63 3. Creating a Report The thres holds you just set w ill have the fo llowing ef fects, poss ibly imm ediately, depend ing on the v alues in the g raph: When the Av erage De lay in Queu e is greater than or equa l to 15 seconds, th e Avg .
64 Creating a Report half-h our inte rval. You a lso set the S ervice Lev el thresho lds to <= to 80 percent for the y ellow warni ng and <= 75 percen t for the red warning .
Adding Drill- Downs 65 3. Creating a Report 3. Click anyw here ins ide the “Pe riph era l Service s Queue D elay Statu s” report w indow. The DrillDown E ditor appe ars.
66 Creating a Report Now that you hav e added drill- down capabili ty to the re al-tim e graph, you can do the s ame with th e historica l grid. À To add drill-downs to the historical grid comp onent: 1. Click on Nex t. The DrillDown Ed itor changes to reflect t he route template s that can be added to the hist orical g rid.
Saving Your W orkspace 67 3. Creating a Report 2. Double-click on a bar for another pe ripher al servic e to speci fy that you want data fo r that pe ripheral serv ice. A new “Rou tes Status” drill- down report appe ars. 3. To close a drill- down report, mak e the window activ e and choose File → Close.
68 Creating a Report For exam ple, say tha t the first thing you want to see at the sta rt of the workday is a real-tim e report on call queue delays for a certain g roup of peripheral services. Y ou can eas ily set up Monito r ICR to display th is report at startup.
69 4. Reporting Basics 4. Reporting Basics This chap ter descr ibes the basics of creat ing report s with the Moni tor ICR tool. I t provides detai ls on using the t oolbar, menu com mands, on-li ne help, and the Template Lau ncher. Sever al comm on reporting tasks a re covered in this chap ter, inclu ding: Starting Monitor ICR.
70 Reporting Basics 4.1. The G EO T EL A dmin Workstation Group From the W indows NT desktop, op en the G EO T EL Admin Wo rkstatio n group. The g roup contains sev eral applica tions: The follow ing applica tions are used in repo rting on and m onitoring cal l cen ter ac tivit y: Job Scheduler .
Starti ng M oni tor ICR 71 4. Reporting Basics 4.2. Starting Monitor IC R To start Monitor I CR, double-click the Monito r ICR icon in the G EO T EL Admin Work station group.
72 Reporting Basics 4.2.1. Toolbar Options You can use the bu ttons on th e Monitor I CR toolbar t o quickly activate the most com m on functions. Table 6 summ arizes these bu ttons. Table 6: Monitor ICR T oolbar Button Action Create a new report. Open a report th at you have previously saved.
Starti ng M oni tor ICR 73 4. Reporting Basics Monitor I CR provides a pop- up menu that a llows you to d isplay the toolbar in several di fferent way s. Click the right m ouse button in th e area to the right o f the toolbar . A menu appea rs: Toggle the Frame Bar op tion to hide th e toolbar.
74 Reporting Basics À Invoke on-line h elp by using one of these methods: In the Moni tor ICR window, click the Help b utton. Select Help from the Help m enu. Press F1. The Help con tents window is shown in the following example: Each Help sy stem on th e Admin Work station wo rks in th e same way .
Worki ng w ith th e Templ ate Lau nch er 75 4. Reporting Basics To change th e refresh rate, chang e the v alue in the Re fresh Ra te field in the Prefere nces dialog box. This fi eld also a ffects th e rate at which real- time data is updated in Monitor I CR real-tim e reports.
76 Reporting Basics À To invoke the template launcher: In the Moni tor ICR window, click the New button. The Temp late Launcher window app ears: In the Tem plate Launche r window, you choose the option s that def ine how a report wi ll be gener ated.
Worki ng w ith th e Templ ate Lau nch er 77 4. Reporting Basics 4.3.1. Category and Scope Choose a rep ort Category . You can select o nly one cat egory on which to base the report.
78 Reporting Basics Routing C lient . You can report o n statis tics for the differen t routing clients de fined in th e ICR system . A routing client is an enti ty that sends rou ting reques ts to the I CR.
Worki ng w ith th e Templ ate Lau nch er 79 4. Reporting Basics The Scope opt ions inclu de: Base On ly . This option is av ailable only if you sel ect Skill G roup as the Categ ory. Base ski ll groups a re used to org anize relat ed subgroups o n some types of ACDs.
80 Reporting Basics A business entity m ay represen t a div ision with in a large c orporation or a single customer wit hin a serv ice bureau. By default, th e ICR enterpris e consists of only one busi ness entity . If you enable partitioni ng, you can def ine mul tipl e busin ess en tities .
Worki ng w ith th e Templ ate Lau nch er 81 4. Reporting Basics If you selec t Absolute Dat es , click the down arrow in the F rom and To boxes to d isplay a ca lendar: Double-click on a day in t he calendar to select i t. You can also cl ick on the left an d right ar rows in the c alendar to display diff erent m onths.
82 Reporting Basics The Relative opt ions include: Today . Provides da ta for the current day and the t ime period entered. ( The 00:00 to 23:59 defau lts provide da ta from midnigh t of the cur rent day up to the curren t time.) Yeste rday . P rovides data fo r the p revious day and the tim e period entered.
Worki ng w ith th e Templ ate Lau nch er 83 4. Reporting Basics A dvant ages of Using Relative Dates The Relativ e Dates option prov ides a uniqu e advantag e over entering specific d ates and t imes. When y ou use rela tive date s, you do not hav e to edit the re port defi nition to c hange the r eport date s and m ake them current.
84 Reporting Basics defined in t he ICR sy stem. You can scro ll down in the list to view additional i tem s. You have sev eral op tions for s electing item s from this list: To selec t a single it em, click on it. To selec t more item s, press th e C TRL key and click on th e items.
Worki ng w ith th e Templ ate Lau nch er 85 4. Reporting Basics The tem plate lists prov ide the fo llowing inform ation about ea ch temp late: Templ ate name . The nam e of the tem plate. Ea ch tem plate uses a naming convention that includes a directory ( for example, pe rsvc, routes, trk grp), a num ber, and a br ief descript ive titl e.
86 Reporting Basics 4.4. Wor k i ng w ith Reports When a repor t first appea rs on th e screen, it is untitl ed. To keep the report, y ou need to save i t as a repo rt definit ion file.
Worki ng w ith R epor ts 87 4. Reporting Basics If you hav e already sav ed the file, y ou can choose F ile → Save As to save the repo rt definition t o a new file w ith a new nam e. The File → Save As option also d isplays th e Save Report De finition di alog box.
88 Reporting Basics Any thresho lds you have def ined. Any drill- downs y ou have defined. The nam es of the tem plates u sed in the r eport. Th e tem plates themselv es are not sav ed in the report. Howev er, refe rences to t he template s are sav ed.
Worki ng w ith R epor ts 89 4. Reporting Basics You mig ht want to create a more com plex report that uses m ore than one template. For exam ple, if y ou launch two r eal-tim e temp lates and a historica l template, the repor t contains three com ponents.
90 Reporting Basics See also: For more in formatio n on work ing with more tha n one rep ort on the screen, see “ Work ing with Sev eral Repo rts,” la ter in this chapter. Multiple- com ponent reports c an be useful in d isplay ing differen t types of data in a single repo rt.
Worki ng w ith R epor ts 91 4. Reporting Basics À To lay out and r esize report co mponents: 1. Select Ed it → Shu ffle Mode. 2. Drag the g raph, chart, and text objec ts and resize them. (Som etimes a grid sty le report is too l ong to displ ay all the data it cont ains.
92 Reporting Basics 4.4.4. Working with Sev eral Reports Often, you will have m ore than one repo rt display ed on the sc reen. You can mov e between reports by click ing on a window to m ake it activ e. The follow ing exam ple shows a Monitor ICR screen with t hree repor ts display ed (one of th e reports, fou rcmp.
Worki ng w ith R epor ts 93 4. Reporting Basics Layer . Stacks a ll windows within M onitor I CR on top of each othe r. Cascade . Arrang es all wind ows within Monitor I CR so that th ey overlap, but each is st il l part ia lly visib le. 1, 2, 3.
94 Reporting Basics You mig ht also want to paus e screen refr eshing whil e you are work ing with the D efini tion Editor, the Thr eshold Ed itor, or th e DrillD own Editor. This e nsures tha t the func tion you are w orking with (fo r example, th e Defin ition Edito r) is not interrup ted by the real-tim e refreshing of the scr een.
Printer Set up 95 4. Reporting Basics À To specify the r eport printer: 1. Choose File → Printer Setup. The Printe r Setup dia log box appea rs. 2. Click on a p rinter to us e for repor ts and perf orm one of th e following steps: Click on O K to sav e the printer setting s and close th e Printer Setup dialog box.
96 Reporting Basics 4.7. Pr i nting Reports You can print r eports th at are disp layed on the Monitor I CR screen. First, d isplay the repo rt and m ake it the a ctive (cu rrent) window. Then choose File → P rint from the Mon itor I CR menu or cl ick the P rint butt on in the toolb ar.
File Association 97 4. Reporting Basics À To open a report: 1. In the Moni tor ICR window, choose Fi le → Open, or c lick the Ope n button. The S elect Report Defin ition dialog box appears. Only report de finition files app ear in the S elect Report De finition dialog box.
98 Reporting Basics À To apply file as sociation through NT Ex plorer: 1. Start the W indows NT Explo rer program . 2. Change to the I CR’s custom directory . 3. Open one of the c ustom subdirectories (for exam ple, persv c), and select (h ighlig ht) a .
Modifying Report Definit ions 99 4. Reporting Basics Note: Before you exit from Monitor ICR, m ake sure that Option s → Save S ettings on E xit is de sele cte d . Otherwis e, the settings y ou have saved wi ll be ov erwritten by the setting s in place when y ou exit.
100 Reporting Basics À To modify a report de finition : 1. With a repo rt display ed, choose Edi t → Definitio n. The Defini tion Editor ap pears. 2. Make the changes you wan t, such as choo sing differe nt Item s (services, skill g roups, etc.), o r entering differen t dates and times.
Exporting Report Data 101 4. Reporting Basics À To delete a repor t definit ion: 1. Invoke the DOS Com mand Prom pt from the W indows NT Program Manager. 2. Change to the d irectory that contains the report definition. Fo r example: cd icr custom er awcust ompersvc 3.
102 Reporting Basics 6. Enter a file nam e. (You do not hav e to enter an extension .) By default, th e file is st ored in a cu stom subdi rectory based on the ty pe of report f rom which you are exporting data (for exam ple, persv c, trkg rp, etc.). 7.
Setting Workstation Preferences 103 4. Reporting Basics À To change work station pre ferences: 1. Choose Options → P references. The Preferenc es dialog box appe ars: 2. Change the w orkstat ion prefe rences using the follow ing g uidelines: Note: T hese g uidelines v ary based on the type of A W.
104 Reporting Basics 20 * 15 = 3 00 seco nds (or f ive minutes ) In the prev ious exam ple, Monitor I CR would display an Event Feed Warn ing dialog box if it did no t receive rea l-tim e data for five m inutes. (See “Ev ent Feed Warn ing,” late r in this section for instru ctions on wha t to do if the Ev ent Feed Warning dialog box appears.
User Inform ation 105 4. Reporting Basics 4.14.1. Event Feed Warning The Event Fee d Warning dialog box app ears if th ere is a problem with data conn ectivity to either the Centra l Contro ller or t he real- tim e distributor Adm in Work station.
106 Reporting Basics The User I nformation di alog box prov ides inform ation fo r the IC R central databa se and the Adm in Work station local d atabase, i ncluding: Central database serv er name . The n ame of the se rver on which the ICR Database Server (Log ger) and d atabase m anager reside (f or example, G EO ABC LGRA).
107 5. Setting Thresholds 5. Setting Thresholds and Drill-Downs You can set up reports to a lert you when certain valu es exceed or fall below expected levels. The Th reshold Editor al lows you to set thresho lds on one or m ore data a ttributes in a report.
108 Setting Thresholds and Drill-Downs 5.1. Setti ng Thr esholds in Reports The Thresho ld Edito r lets you set threshold alerts on certain data in a report. A threshold ale rt might not ify you of ca ll centers whe re the delay in queue is ap proaching an unacceptab le level o r where all agents are currently busy.
Setting Thresholds in Reports 109 5. Setting Thresholds Relati on . Th is option toggles to the >= or <= re lations by clicking on the down- arrows. These relat ions specify how t he data attr ibute will be evaluat ed again st the th reshold valu es.
110 Setting Thresholds and Drill-Downs 5.1.2. Saving Threshold Settings You must sav e the repo rt in order f or the thr eshold set tings to be saved in the repor t defini tion. I f you close the report with out sav ing it, the thresho ld setting s will be l ost.
Using Drill- Downs in Report s 111 5. Setting Thresholds Table 9: Drill-Down Hi erarchy Type of Report (or report component) Drill-Downs available Base-only skill gro up s P e r ipheral skill group te.
112 Setting Thresholds and Drill-Downs The DrillDown E ditor dialog box lists the d rill- down templates avai lable for the repo rt com ponent. Monito r ICR has rule s that spe cify which drill- down tem plate s can be added to report com ponents. Refer to Table 9, ea rlier in this s ection, for a li st of the d rill-dow n rules.
Using Drill- Downs in Report s 113 5. Setting Thresholds Moving Between Report Components You can assig n drill-downs to o ther com ponents in th e same repor t by using the Next and Prev ious buttons w ithin the D rillDown Editor : To assig n a drill- down to another c omponent i n the repor t, click the Nex t button.
114 Setting Thresholds and Drill-Downs À To invoke drill-do wns: With the r eport disp layed, perfo rm one of the following steps, dependi ng on the ty pe of report com ponent: In a graph or c hart repo rt com ponent, double- click on a data attribut e for a specific ent ity.
Using Drill- Downs in Report s 115 5. Setting Thresholds Choose File → Close to c lose the act ive drill- down window. Optionally , you can save the drill- down window as a separ ate repor t. 5.2.5. Saving Drill-Downs as S eparate Reports Drill- down report windows c an be saved just like r eports gene rated through th e template launche r.
116 Setting Thresholds and Drill-Downs.
117 6. Scheduling Reports 6. Scheduling Reports As you build a collection of Monito r ICR reports , you mig ht decide that you’d lik e to have ce rtain repo rts printed automati cally.
118 Scheduling Reports 6.1. I CR Job Schedul er As a superviso r, your m ost comm on use of the I CR Job Scheduler will be to print reports a t specific dates and times. For exam ple, say that you created a r eport tha t uses a relat ive date to display data.
ICR Job Scheduler 119 6. Scheduling Reports 3. Click on a p rinter to use for re ports. 4. Optionally , you can click on t he Setup but ton to display a Docum ent Properties dialog box an d choose a fo rm ty pe to be used, the p aper orientat ion, and num ber of copies.
120 Scheduling Reports The init ial window dis plays sev eral fiel ds of data : Frequency . Spec ifies th e frequency with which the job will be executed. P ossible en tries includ e Every , Next, Today , Tomorrow. These opt ions are des cribed later in this s ection.
ICR Job Scheduler 121 6. Scheduling Reports À To set up the prin t job d etails: 1. In the I CR Job Scheduler window, click the New bu tton. The J ob Details dia log box appea rs. 2. Enter inform ation i n this window us ing the fo llowing guidelines : Time .
122 Scheduling Reports You must ente r the dire ctory nam e and the f ile nam e for each repo rt. Also, for m ultiple en tries, be s ure to include spaces b etween e ach directo ryfilename com binatio n. Log . The Log check box is disable d for the Pr intRpt comm and.
ICR Job Scheduler 123 6. Scheduling Reports À To change a schedu led job: 1. In the I CR Job Scheduler window, select a job from the list of scheduled jobs. 2. Click the Chang e button. The Job Details dia log box appears. 3. Change the fields as desc ribed in “S cheduling Reports to Pri nt,” earlier in th is chap te r.
124 Scheduling Reports À To inspect a log file: 1. In the I CR Job Scheduler window, click the Inspect L og button. A Select Log dia log box appears: 2. Select the ICR PRINT.LOG file from the list o f log fil es and click on OK. A standard Wind ows NT Notepad w indow appears to d isplay the log file.
125 7. Available Data 7. Available Data The I ntellig ent Call Rou ter databases collect h istoric al and rea l-tim e data about ag ent activity and the cal ls being rou ted in the c all center enterpris e. Within Monito r ICR , you can display data for ag ents, skill groups, serv ices, trunk groups, route s, and periphera ls.
126 Available Data 7.1. Ski ll Gr oup Data The I CR tracks inform ation abou t the skil l groups at each periph eral. A skill group is a co llection of ag ents who shar e a comm on set of sk ills and therefo re can handl e similar types of ca lls.
Skill Group Data 127 7. Available Data Agents rese rved . The num ber of agent s current ly in the re served state. A reserved ag ent is aw aiting an interflowe d call and is unavaila ble to rec eive any in coming calls. Thi s state app lies to agents on No rthern Tel ecom Mer idian and Aspe ct CallC enter ACDs only.
128 Available Data 7.2. Ag ent Data With G EO T EL • Agent Report ing enabled , the I CR track s data for th e agents wi thin the ca ll center enterpr ise.
Agent Data 129 7. Available Data 7.2.2. A gent Status The I CR tracks agent statu s by positi on, skill g roup, and by ag ent name. Specifical ly, the I CR records the following data on ag ent status in ICR real- time and half- hour tables : Pos itio n .
130 Available Data Incoming calls total . The total num ber of inb ound ACD calls handled by the agent du ring the in terv al. This v alue is in cremented when the af ter- call work ass ociated w ith the cal l is comp leted. Incoming calls a vg.
Agent Data 131 7. Available Data Abandoned calls hold . The total num ber of ACD calls th at were abandoned while being held a t an agent’ s position.
132 Available Data Assistanc e calls percent . The perc entage of t ime that th e agent spent during the interv al on su pervisor- assisted calls. This value is measured ag ainst the total time th e agent wa s logged on du ring the interv al. Conferen ce calls in .
Agent States and Time Allocations 133 7. Available Data The follow ing ICR databa se tables sto re agent st ate and tim e allocat ion data: Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time . Sto res real- time data on the current state of each ag ent in a skill group .
134 Available Data 7.3.1. ICR A gent State Terminology The I CR tracks the fol lowing agent states. Tables 11-13, late r in this chapter, m aps the I CR agent sta te term s to the te rms used by the peripheral vendors.
Agent States and Time Allocations 135 7. Available Data The I CR track s the number of ag ents in eac h state a long with the time agents sp end in spec ific states. Ta ble 10 shows how ag ent activi ty and time spen t in parti cular state s are tra cked by the I CR.
136 Available Data The I CR also tracks the total am ount of time agents in a skil l group spend in sp ecific sta tes. For each specific st ate, tim e is record ed to track how long ag ents are in the p articul ar state.
Agent States and Time Allocations 137 7. Available Data 7.3.2. ICR Ag ent State Mapping To Peripherals The I CR uses certain term s to describ e the work st ates that agents m ove in and out of wh ile hand ling custom er calls. Peri pheral vendo rs use slightly different term s to describe the se sam e states.
138 Available Data G EO T EL ICR Aspect CallCenter Lucent DE FINIT Y ECS Nor tel Meridian Talking Other Talking Inside Superv isor Line MSG 1 HELP 1 AUX IN/OUT ACW IN/OUT DN IN DNOUT DNOHOLD DNIHOLD ACDH/DNO ACDH/DNI NRDY/DNO NRDY/DNI NRDY/DNOH NRDY/DNIH ACDH/DNOH 2 ACDH/DNIH 2 Work Ready Wrap-up ACW DACW Not Ready Work Not Ready N.
Agent States and Time Allocations 139 7. Available Data Table 12 show s the I CR agent state term s and how they correspond to the term s used by R ockwell and S iemens. Table 12 : Ag ent Stat e Terminology —Rockwell and Siemens G EO T EL ICR Rockwell Galaxy Rockwell Spectrum Siem ens HICOM 300E Siemens Ro lm 9751 CBX Logged O n Plugged N.
140 Available Data G EO T EL ICR Rockwell Galaxy Rockwell Spectrum Siem ens HICOM 300E Siemens Ro lm 9751 CBX Work Not Ready N. A. Call wor k and available console lamp not lit . N.A. Unavailable/Work Busy Oher Ov erflow calls currently i n progress .
Service Data 141 7. Available Data G EO T EL ICR Alcat el 4400 NEC N EAX 2400 Ericsson ACP100 Wo r k Ready Agent Wo rking After Call/Wrap - up Work Agent not ready Work Not Ready Agent Work Not Ready N.A. N.A. Busy Other N.A. Supported (n o NEC term) Other Res erve d N.
142 Available Data Calls o ffered . The total num ber of cal ls offered to the serv ice during an inte rval. This i ncludes both incom ing and intern al calls. Calls answer ed . The number of c alls to the servic e that were answered du ring an int erval.
Service Data 143 7. Available Data As a simple example, i f you had 50 ca lls that were answered in un der 30 seconds and 80 calls tha t took long er than 30 seco nds to answer, the I CR would calc ulate the service l evel as follows: 50/(50+8 0) x 100 = Servic e Leve l % In this exam ple, the s ervice lev el would be 38 percent.
144 Available Data per iph eral servi ce l evel , is a p roprieta ry service level as calcula ted by the periphe ral. Som e peripherals sup port m ore than one ty pe of serv ice level c alculation. The metho d of servic e lev el calcula tion used by the peripheral is set by the System Manag er when the p eriphera l service is configured.
Enterp rise Da ta 145 7. Available Data 7.4.4. A gent Time A llocations The I CR track s several da ta categor ies rela ted to the time a periph eral service ’s agents spend handling ca lls. Th is data inc lude: Handle ti me . The total seconds tha t agen ts for the serv ice were in the Talk ing I n, Work Ready, and Work Not Ready state s.
146 Available Data 7.5.1. Enterprise Calcul ations The I CR can sim ply total some sta tistics to obtain en terpris e-wide values. Fo r example, to ob tain the number of ag ents avai lable for an ente.
Serv ice A rray Da ta 147 7. Available Data Calls Abandoned . The num ber of calls to the trunk group that wer e abandoned du ring a cur rent or prev ious half- hour inte rval. Calls in . The num ber of incom ing calls rec eived on the trunk g roup during a c urrent or previous ha lf-hour in terval.
148 Available Data Service_Re al_Tim e and Service_Half_Hou r tab les. To arrive a t daily values, the I CR sum s the Service_H alf_Hour rows for e ach day.
Peripheral Data 149 7. Available Data 7.9.1. Service Lev el The I CR track s the servic e level fo r a route ba sed on the calcula tion method tha t is in use for the pe ripheral serv ice as sociated with the route.
150 Available Data 7.11. Application Gate way Data You can repo rt on sev eral ty pes of data r elated to applicat ion gatew ays. The G EO T EL • Gateway feature allow s the IC R to inter face to a ho st system that is runni ng another c all center ap plication.
Routing Client Data 151 7. Available Data 7.12. Call Ty pe Data The I CR allows to report sta tistic s for the c all types defined in th e system . A call type is a category of incom ing calls. Ca lls are ca tegoriz ed based on dial ed number (DN), ca ller-enter ed digits (CED), and call ing line I D (CLID).
152 Available Data Receive in err or . The num ber or routing requests from the rou ting client tha t produced e rrors d uring the five- minute inte rval. Timeou t calls . The number of route resp onses to th e routing client that tim ed out during the fiv e-minute int erval.
153 8. Template Reference 8. Template Reference The I CR com es with predefin ed tem plates that simpli fy the p rocess of generating reports. The predefined templa tes allow y ou to generate a variety of reports wi thout having to spend tim e developi ng queries or designing report fo rmats.
154 Template Reference 8.1. Real-Time and Histo rical Templates The re al-tim e template s genera te report s that show the curr ent state of the call ce nter ente rprise. Real- time repor ts help you to keep track of current ca ll center resources and react qu ickly to any serv ice delay s.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 155 8. Template Reference agteam01_agent_status_by _position Description This template generates a real- tim e grid report th at shows the statu s of each agen t in an agen t team by position. Database Table Agent_R eal_Tim e Data Pos itio n .
156 Template Reference agteam02_agent_statu s_by _skillgroup Description This template generates a real- tim e grid report th at shows th e statu s of each agen t team m ember. The repo rt also show s which skill g roup the agent is currently logged on to.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 157 8. Template Reference agteam03_logout_status_by_team Description This template generates a historica l grid repo rt that s hows agent login and logout hi story for on e or m ore selected agen t team s over a speci fied time per iod.
158 Template Reference agteam04_daily_agent_activ it y Description This template generates a historica l grid repo rt that s hows daily agent call handl ing activ ity over a sp ecified tim e period. To arr ive at da ily values, the I CR sums the Agent_Sk ill_Group_Ha lf_Hour rows for e ach day.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 159 8. Template Reference Callback messa ge average len gth . The av erage leng th in seconds for callback m essages th at were proc essed by the agent during the interv al. Callback m essage percen t . The percen tage of al l calls han dled by the agent fo r the perio d that w ere callba ck m essages.
160 Template Reference agteam05_agent_daily_perf Description This template generates a histor ical grid repo rt of agent perfo rmance over a speci fied time peri od. To arrive at daily v alues, the ICR sum s the Agent_Sk ill_Group_Ha lf_Hour row s for each d ay.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 161 8. Template Reference Hold calls out percent . The percentag e of hold t ime associa ted with outbound ca lls the agent placed on ho ld. This v alue is m easured against the tota l time the ag ent was l ogg ed on during the in terv al.
162 Template Reference Conference c alls out ave rage . The av erage tim e in secon ds that th e agent spe nt in confe rence on ag ent-init iated calls du ring the i nterval. This valu e inclu des hold tim e associ ated with t he conferen ce calls. Conference c alls out per cent .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 163 8. Template Reference agtper01_agent_status_by _position Description This template generates a real- tim e grid report th at shows agent stat us by position fo r each ag ent logg ed on to the periph eral. Database Table Agent_R eal_Tim e Data Peripheral .
164 Template Reference agtper02_agent_status_by _skillgroup Description This template generates a real- tim e grid report th at shows current s tatus of each ag ent by the sk ill group s defined fo r the per ipheral. Database Table Agent_Sk ill_Group_Rea l_Time Data Peripheral .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 165 8. Template Reference agtper03_logout_status_by_peripheral Description This template generates a histor ical grid repo rt tha t details ag ent log in duration and logout a ctivity ov er a specifi ed period o f time.
166 Template Reference agtper04_daily_agent_activ it y Description This template generates a histor ical grid repo rt tha t details t he call handling act ivity of ag ents fo r a periph eral over a specified t ime period. To arriv e at daily values, the ICR sum s the Agent_Sk ill_Group_Ha lf_Hour row s for each d ay.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 167 8. Template Reference Callback messa ge average len gth . The av erage leng th in seconds for callback m essages th at were proc essed by the agent during the interv al. Callback m essage percen t . The percen tage of al l calls han dled by the agent fo r the perio d that w ere callba ck m essages.
168 Template Reference agtper05_agent_daily_perf Description This template generates a historica l grid repo rt that s hows agent perform ance by periphera l over a specified t ime period. To arrive at daily v alues, the ICR sum s the Agent_Skil l_Group_Half_Hour rows for each day .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 169 8. Template Reference Hold calls int erna l . The tota l number of complete d interna l calls t he agent placed on hold for the interv al. The value is increm ented wh en the after- call wo rk asso ciated with the ca ll is com pleted.
170 Template Reference Conference c alls out ave rage . The av erage tim e in secon ds that th e agent spe nt in confe rence on ag ent-init iated calls du ring the i nterval. This valu e inclu des hold tim e associ ated with t he conferen ce calls. Conference c alls out per cent .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 171 8. Template Reference agtskg01_agent_status_by _position Description This template generates a real- tim e grid report th at shows agent stat us in selected sk ill groups by positio n. Database Table Agent_R eal_Tim e Data Skill group .
172 Template Reference agtskg02_agent_status_by _skillgroup Description This template generates a real- tim e grid report th at deta ils the cur rent status of e ach agen t in a skill g roup. Database Table Agent_Sk ill_Group_Rea l_Time Data Skill group .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 173 8. Template Reference agtskg03_logout_status_by_skillg roup Description This template generates a histor ical grid report tha t detail s logon and logout s tatus for the individua l agents in a particu lar skil l group.
174 Template Reference agtskg04_daily_agent_activ it y Description This template generates a historica l grid repo rt that s hows agent call handling act ivity ov er a spec ified tim e period for one or more sk ill groups. To arr ive at daily values, the I CR sums the Agent_Sk ill_Group_Ha lf_Hour row s for each d ay.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 175 8. Template Reference Callback messa ge average len gth . The av erage leng th in seconds for callback m essages th at were proc essed by the agent during the interv al. Callback m essage percen t . The percen tage of al l calls han dled by the agent fo r the perio d that w ere callba ck m essages.
176 Template Reference agtskg05_agent_daily_perf Description This template generates a historica l grid repo rt that s hows agent perform ance over a spe cified tim e period. To arrive at d aily v alues, the ICR sums the Ag ent_Skill_Group_Ha lf_Hour rows fo r each day.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 177 8. Template Reference Hold calls int erna l . The tota l number of complete d interna l calls t he agent placed on hold for the interv al. The value is increm ented wh en the after- call wo rk asso ciated with the ca ll is com pleted.
178 Template Reference Conference c alls out ave rage . The av erage tim e in secon ds that th e agent spe nt in confe rence on ag ent-init iated calls du ring the i nterval. This valu e inclu des hold tim e associ ated with t he conferen ce calls. Conference c alls out per cent .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 179 8. Template Reference apgate11_status_by _hal f_hour Description This template generates a historica l, tabular repor t that shows the number of r equests made through an application g ateway to a ho st system for particu lar half- hour interv als.
180 Template Reference caltyp01_status_grid Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s data on ca ll types in the ICR sy stem. Data shown in cludes the m aster scr ipt in effec t for the call type an d the num ber of ca lls routed for the ca ll type.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 181 8. Template Reference caltyp02_count_graph Description This template generates a real- tim e, stacked bar gra ph that k eeps a running tota l of ca ll routin g statis tics for cal l types fo r the cu rrent day (since m idnight).
182 Template Reference entskg01_status_#_graph Description This template generates a real- tim e, stacked bar gra ph that show s the number of ac tive agent s from selected en terprise sk ill grou ps who are currently in any of fou r agent sta tes. Database Table Skill_Gro up_Real_ Time Data Agents availabl e .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 183 8. Template Reference entskg02_status_grid Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s the number o f agents from sele cted ente rprise s.
184 Template Reference Therefore, whi le active in on e skill g roup, the ag ent is consid ered by the other sk ill groups to be in th e Busy Othe r state. Percent agen ts idle . The percentag e of all ag ents in the enterprise sk ill group who are in the Not Ready state.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 185 8. Template Reference entskg03_status_% _graph Description This template generates a real- tim e graph that show s the perc entage of agents from selecte d enterpr ise skill g roups who are in any of four call handling sta tes.
186 Template Reference entskg04_status_grid_to5 Description This template generates a rolling five -minute g rid that show s the full- time equiv alent (FTE) values f or agents in the en terprise sk ill g roup. FTE is the num ber of ful l-tim e agents that would be required du ring a period to pe rform the work done in that period.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 187 8. Template Reference FTE rese rve . The F TE value for the tim e agents are in t he Reserv ed state. Th e Reserved s tate is a sta te in which the agent i s awaiting an interflow ed call and is unav ailable to receiv e any incom ing calls.
188 Template Reference entskg05_utilization_graph Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows a per centage utilizat ion of agen ts in th e selecte d enterpr ise skill g roups. Perc entage utilizat ion is the ratio betw een the time ag ents spend hand ling call s and the time agents we re ready to accept ca lls.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 189 8. Template Reference entskg06_halfhour_aht_gri d Description This template generates a historica l grid tha t shows ca ll count an d handle tim e data per h alf-hour for selected enterprise sk ill group s.
190 Template Reference FTE number o f agents . The FTE number o f logg ed on agents for the enterpris e skill g roup. FTE (fu ll-tim e equivalent ) is the num ber of full- time agents tha t would be requ ired during a period to pe rform the work done in that per iod.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 191 8. Template Reference entskg07_daily_aht_grid Description This template generates a histor ical grid tha t disp lays call count and handle tim e data on a p er-day basis for sel ected ente rprise sk ill groups.
192 Template Reference FTE number o f agents . The FTE value fo r the num ber of logg ed on agents fo r the ente rprise sk ill group. F TE (ful l-tim e equivalent ) is the number o f full- time ag ents that would be required du ring a period to pe rform the work done in th at period.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 193 8. Template Reference entskg08_halfhour_per fo rm_gri d Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storica l grid that sh ows half- hour, full- time equivale nt (FTE) v alues for agents in selected en terprise skill g roups.
194 Template Reference FTE wr ap-up . The FTE number of ag ents involved in a fter-call wo rk. FTE busy other . The FTE nu mber of ag ents in the Busy Other sta te (that is, bu sy in sk ill groups other than the one pre sently being examined). An agent can be active in o nly one ski ll group at a time.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 195 8. Template Reference entskg09_normalized_agt_state Description Thi s te mplat e gen erat es a st ac ked ba r gra ph tha t sh ows th e per centa ge of time tha t all ag ents in the en terpris e skill g roup were in sp ecific s tates during an interval.
196 Template Reference entsvc01_queue_delay_status Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that d isplay s data on th e current st atus of ca ll queue s for sele cted ente rprise se rvices. Database Table Service_Re al_Tim e Data Average delay in qu eue .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 197 8. Template Reference entsvc02_calls_status Description This template generates a real- tim e, stacked bar g raph that displays the number of ca lls on which agents are talking and the num ber of calls in queue for se lected ent erprise s ervices.
198 Template Reference entsvc03_effect_of_aban_on_servicelev el Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s the eff ect of abandoned c alls on the se rvice lev els of sel ected ente rprise serv ices. This g rid also p rovides a sum mary row that tota ls or av erages the data for all pe ripher al servic es listed.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 199 8. Template Reference entsvc04_calls_trend_analy sis Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s call cou nts and service levels fo r enterpr ise serv ices since the end of the l ast f ive-m inute interval, for the cur rent half- hour inte rval, and s ince m idnight.
200 Template Reference entsvc05_calls_offered_half_pie Description This template generates a real- tim e pie chart tha t shows the di stribut ion of calls of fered to s elected en terprise services for the cur rent hal f-hour interval. The Calls O ffered val ue (for exam ple 18.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 201 8. Template Reference entsvc06_serv_lev el_monitor_graph Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows serv ice lev els for selec ted enterpr ise serv ices since the end of th e last fiv e-m inute interval, for the cur rent half- hour inte rval, and s ince m idnight.
202 Template Reference entsvc07_no w _to5_grid Description This tem plate g enerates a g rid that p rovides cal l counts, qu eue status, and serv ice level d ata in real- tim e and for the last fiv e minute s for selected en terprise services. A summ ary row tota ls the v alues in e ach column for all the en terpr ise serv ices listed.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 203 8. Template Reference Service level . The percen tage of inc oming calls to the en terp rise serv ice that were answe red within a sp ecified thre shold. (Shown s ince the end of the last fiv e-m inute interv al, for the c urren t half-hour in terv al, and since m idnight.
204 Template Reference entsvc08_gate_realtime_ status_grid Description This tem plate g enerates a g rid repo rt that p rovides re al-tim e, half-hour, and daily status in form ation for an en terprise service. I n this repo rt, an enterpris e service is conside red to be a co llection of gates.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 205 8. Template Reference Calls Hand led – Half-Hour and Today (Nch ) . The tot al num ber of calls handl ed to com pletion by an ent erprise s ervice’s agents. Calls Abandoned – Half-Hou r and Today (Nca ) . The num ber of calls in which the c aller hung up be fore being connected with an agen t.
206 Template Reference entsvc09_svc_array _now_to5_grid Description This tem plate g enerates a g rid that p rovides cal l counts, qu eue status, and serv ice level d ata in real- tim e and for the last fiv e minute s for selected serv ice ar ray s. A summ ary row totals the valu es in each colum n for all th e serv ice array s listed .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 207 8. Template Reference Service level . The percen tage of inc oming calls to the servic e array th at were answered wi thin a specif ied thresho ld. (Shown since the en d of the last f ive-m inute interv al, for th e curre nt half- hour interv al, and since m idnight.
208 Template Reference entsvc11_calls_analy sis_day w ise Description This template generates a historica l grid tha t provides da ily tot als on calls and se rvice levels fo r the se lected en terprise services.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 209 8. Template Reference entsvc12_calls_analysis_half_hour Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical g rid that p rovides half- hour call counts, tim e in seconds fo r ASA, AHT, and averag e delay in queu e, and service levels fo r select ed enterpr ise serv ices.
210 Template Reference Calls abandoned . The number o f calls du ring the ha lf-hour in terval in which the cal ler hung up befor e being connecte d with an ag ent. (Also prov ided as a pe rcentag e of the to tal call s offered to the enterpris e service du ring the ha lf-hour interval.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 211 8. Template Reference entsvc13_calls_offered_day w ise_graph Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical, ov erlapped ba r graph tha t shows the number of ca lls offe red per day for sele cted ente rprise se rvices.
212 Template Reference entsvc14_calls_handled_day wise_graph Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical, ov erlapped ba r graph tha t shows the number of ca lls handle d per day for selec ted enterp rise serv ices. Database Table Service_Half _Hour Data Calls h andled .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 213 8. Template Reference entsvc15_calls_abandoned_da y w ise_graph Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical, ov erlapped ba r graph tha t shows the number of ca lls abandon ed per day for sele cted enter prise serv ices.
214 Template Reference entsvc16_calls_h istor y _day w ise_graph Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical l ine graph that shows the dai ly history of c alls for a sin gle selecte d enterp rise serv ice. This template is meant to be used with a single e nterpris e service o nly.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 215 8. Template Reference entsvc17_calls_offered_half_hour Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical, ov erlapped ba r graph tha t shows the half-hour d istribution o f calls o ffered fo r selec ted enterp rise serv ices.
216 Template Reference entsvc18_gate_half_hourly_status_grid Description This tem plate g enerates a g rid report that prov ides half- hour sta tus inform ation for an en terprise serv ice. In this re port, an ent erprise s ervic e is consider ed to be a co llection o f gates.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 217 8. Template Reference Average Seconds for Abandoned Calls (ASB) . The averag e seconds o f delay tim e for all calls to the enterp rise service that were a bandoned in queue du ring the ha lf-hour in terval. Primary Position Manned ( PPM) .
218 Template Reference nettrk01_status_grid Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s the sta tus of trunk s in selecte d network trunk g roups. Database Table Network_Trunk _Group_Real_Tim e Data Calls In Now . The num ber of inbound ca lls in prog ress on the network trunk g roup (in real- time).
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 219 8. Template Reference nettrk02_grid_last_half_hour Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s the sta tus of trunks in sele cted network trunk groups for th e current h alf- hour interval.
220 Template Reference nettrk12_grid_hal f_hour Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical g rid that sh ows half-hour da ta on th e status of trunks in se lected ne twork trunk groups. Database Table Network_Trunk_Group_H alf_Hour Data All Trunks Busy .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 221 8. Template Reference peragt01_agent_status_by _position Description This template generates a real- tim e grid report th at shows the statu s of selected ag ents by positi on. Database Table Agent_R eal_tim e Data Pos itio n .
222 Template Reference peragt02_agent_status_by _skillgroup Description This template generates a real- tim e grid report th at deta ils the cur rent status of s elected ag ents. Database Table Agent_Sk ill_Group_Rea l_Time Data Agent na me . The f irst and las t name of the ag ent.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 223 8. Template Reference peragt03_logout_status_b y _agent Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical g rid report that shows lo gon and logout stat us on an agent- by-ag ent basis. Database Table Agent_Logout Data Agent na me.
224 Template Reference peragt04_daily_agent_activ it y Description This template generates a histor ical grid tha t shows th e daily activi ty of selected ag ents over a specified time period . To arriv e at daily values, the IC R sums the Ag ent_Skill_Gr oup_Half_Hou r rows for e ach day.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 225 8. Template Reference Callback m essage percen t . The percen tage of al l calls han dled by the agent fo r the perio d that w ere callba ck m essages. % Wrapup . The perc entage of t ime that th e agent spent in wrap-up on all calls counted as handled du ring the inte rval.
226 Template Reference peragt05_agent_daily_perf Description This template generates a historica l grid repo rt of ind ividual ag ent perform ance over one or more day s. To arrive a t daily v alues, the I CR sums the A gent_Skil l_Group_Half_H our rows fo r each day .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 227 8. Template Reference Hold calls int erna l . The tota l number of complete d interna l calls t he agent placed on hold for the interv al. The value is increm ented wh en the after- call wo rk asso ciated with the ca ll is com pleted.
228 Template Reference Conference c alls out ave rage . The aver age tim e in seconds t hat the agent spe nt in confe rence on ag ent-init iated calls du ring the i nterval. This valu e inclu des hold tim e associ ated with t he conferen ce calls. Conference c alls out per cent .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 229 8. Template Reference peragt06_daily_agent_detail Description This template generates a historic al grid tha t shows de tailed ag ent sta te and call det ail data for periphera l agents. Note: To genera te this rep ort, you need to have Ag ent State Trace enabled fo r agent.
230 Template Reference periph01_peripheral_status_report Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s switc h status, cal l and agent status, and serv ice lev els. You can use this tem plate with any peripheral supported by the I CR.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 231 8. Template Reference periph02_galaxy _softw are_status Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s all trunk s busy, ca lls in progress, S WT TRMS, and DI Groups stat us. This tem plate is for use with Rockwell Galaxy ACDs only.
232 Template Reference periph03_galaxy _hardware_status Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s processo r, data receiv e, control, a nd switch clock status. This tem plate i s for use wi th Rockwell Gala xy ACDs only. Database Table Peripher al_Real_ Time Data Processor A Fnct Statu s .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 233 8. Template Reference perskg01_status_#_graph Description This template generates a real- tim e, stacked bar gra ph that show s the number of ac tive ag ents from the selecte d peripher al skill g roups who are curren tly in an y of four c all handling states.
234 Template Reference perskg02_status_grid Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s the number o f agents from sele cted perip heral sk ill groups w ho are sig ned on (log ged on), how these agent s break down num erically into nine s tates, and how they break down on a percentag e basis in to five states.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 235 8. Template Reference Agents rese rved . The num ber of agent s current ly in the re served sta te. A reserv ed agent is awa iting an inte rflowed ca ll and is unav ailable to receiv e any incom ing calls. This state a pplies to ag ents on Northern Te lecom Meri dian and Aspec t CallCenter ACDs only .
236 Template Reference perskg03_status_% _graph Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows the p ercentag e of agents f rom selected peripheral sk ill groups who are in any of four call hand ling states. Database Table Skill_Gro up_Real_ Time Data Agents availabl e .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 237 8. Template Reference perskg04_status_grid_to5 Description This template generates a rolling fiv e-m inute grid that sh ows ful l-tim e equivale nt (F TE) valu es for agents in sel ected peri phera l sk ill groups.
238 Template Reference agent is awaiting an in terflowed cal l and is unav ailable to r eceive any incom ing calls. This state ap plies to agen ts on North ern Telecom Meridian and Aspec t CallCenter ACDs only.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 239 8. Template Reference perskg05_utilization_graph Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows a per centage utilizat ion of agen ts in th e selecte d periph eral sk ill groups.
240 Template Reference perskg06_halfhour _aht_g ri d Description This template generates a historica l grid tha t display s call counts and handle tim e data by th e half- hour for sele cted perip heral sk ill groups.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 241 8. Template Reference Example.
242 Template Reference perskg07_daily_aht_grid Description This template generates a historica l grid tha t display s call counts and handle tim e data on a p er-day basis for select ed peripher al skill g roups. This template also inc ludes a summ ary row that totals or averag es the data fo r all skill g roups l isted.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 243 8. Template Reference Full-time equivalent (FTE) number of ag ents . Th e FTE numbe r of logg ed on agents for the periphe ral skil l group. This v alue i s the total tim e that ag ents were logg ed on during the inte rval divide d by the number o f seconds in the inte rval.
244 Template Reference perskg08_halfhour _perform_grid Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storica l grid that sh ows half- hour, full- time equivale nt (F TE) valu es for agents in sel ected peri phera l sk ill groups. FTE is the num ber of ful l-tim e agents that would be required du ring a period to pe rform the work done in that period.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 245 8. Template Reference FTE busy other . The FTE num ber of ag ents who are in the Busy Other state (th at is, b usy in skil l groups oth er than th e one pres ently bei ng examined). An agent can be active in o nly one ski ll group at a time.
246 Template Reference perskg09_normalized_agt_state Description This tem plate g enerates a s tacked bar g raph th at shows the p ercentag e of the tim e that all agents in t he periphe ral skil l group were in spe cific states dur ing an inte rval.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 247 8. Template Reference perskg10_forecast_agents_status_grid Description This template generates a rea l-tim e grid that show s the actu al ag ents signed on v ersus those forecast ed.
248 Template Reference persvc01_queue_delay_status Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows the c urrent status of c all queues for selec ted periphera l serv ices. Database Table Service_Re al_Tim e Data Average delay in qu eue .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 249 8. Template Reference persvc02_calls_status Description This template generates a real- tim e, stacked bar g raph that displays the number of ca lls on which agents are talking and the num ber of calls in queue for se lected pe ripheral se rvices.
250 Template Reference persvc03_effect_of_aban_on_service level Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s the eff ect of abandoned c alls on the se rvice lev els of sel ected peripher al serv ices.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 251 8. Template Reference persvc04_calls_trend_analy sis Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s call cou nts and service levels fo r select ed peripher al servic es since t he end of the last five- minute in terval, fo r the curr ent half- hour interv al, and sin ce midnig ht.
252 Template Reference persvc05_calls_offered_half_pie Description This template generates a real- tim e pie chart tha t shows the di stribut ion of calls of fered to s elected pe ripheral se rvices for the curren t half- hour interval. The call s offered v alue (for exam ple 34.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 253 8. Template Reference persvc06_serv _level_monitor_graph Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows serv ice lev els for selec ted periphe ral serv ices since the end of th e last fiv e-m inute interval, for the cur rent half- hour inte rval, and s ince m idnight.
254 Template Reference persvc07_no w _to5_grid Description This tem plate g enerates a g rid that p rovides cal l counts, qu eue status, and serv ice level d ata in real- tim e and since the end of th e last five- minute i nterv al for sel ected periphe ral serv ices.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 255 8. Template Reference Average talk time . The average tim e that ag ents for the periphe ral service spent talk ing on cal ls since th e end of the last fiv e-m inute interv al. Talk time inc ludes tim e spent in the Talk ing I n, Talking Out, and Talk ing Other state s.
256 Template Reference persvc08_gate_realtime_status_g rid Description This tem plate g enerates a g rid repo rt that p rovides re al-tim e, half-hour, and daily status in form ation for gat es. A gate is the Ro ckwell Ga laxy term for a serv ice. Database Table Service_Re al_Tim e Data Calls Offe red – Re al-Time, Half-H our, Today (Nco) .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 257 8. Template Reference Calls Abandoned – Half-Hour and Today (Nca) . The number and percentag e of calls in whi ch the cal ler hung up before being connected wit h an agent. Cumula tive Ser vice Leve l – Hal f-Hour and Today (C sl) .
258 Template Reference persvc09_forecast_aht_offe r_grid Description This template generates a grid repo rt that c ompares da ta on ac tual and forecasted calls of fered and av erage han dle tim es. For the schedu le import por tion of th is report (the fore casted valu es), you need the optional G EO T EL • Schedule Impo rt fe atur e.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 259 8. Template Reference persvc11_calls_analy sis_da y w ise Description This template generates a histor ical grid tha t shows da ily ca ll total s and service levels fo r select ed peripher al serv ices.
260 Template Reference Calls h andled . The number of c alls answered an d finished for the peripheral service f or the day. (Also prov ided as a pe rcentage o f the total cal ls offere d to the se rvice duri ng the half- hour inte rval.) Calls abandoned .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 261 8. Template Reference persvc12_calls_anal y sis_half_hour Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical g rid that p rovides half- hour call counts, tim e in seconds fo r ASA, AHT, and averag e delay in queu e, and service levels fo r select ed peripher al servic es.
262 Template Reference Calls h andled . The number of c alls answered an d finished for the peripheral service du ring the ha lf-hour i nterval. (A lso prov ided as a percentag e of the tota l calls o ffered to the periphera l service during the interv al.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 263 8. Template Reference persvc13_calls_offered_day w ise_g raph Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical, ov erlapped ba r graph tha t shows the number of ca lls offe red per day for the sel ected per ipheral se rvices.
264 Template Reference persvc14_calls_handled_day w ise_graph Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical, ov erlapped ba r graph tha t shows the number of ca lls handle d per day for the se lected peripher al servic es. Database Table Service_Half _Hour Data Calls h andled .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 265 8. Template Reference persvc15_calls_abandoned_da y w ise_graph Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical, ov erlapped ba r graph tha t shows the number of ca lls abandon ed per day for the se lected pe ripher al servic es.
266 Template Reference persvc16_calls_histo r y _day w ise_graph Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical l ine graph that shows the his tory of calls for a sing le selected periphera l service . This t emplate is meant to be used with a single p eripheral se rvice on ly.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 267 8. Template Reference persvc17_calls_offered_half_hour Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical, ov erlapped ba r graph tha t shows the number of ca lls offe red across selected p eripheral se rvices in h alf- hour samples.
268 Template Reference persvc18_gate_half_hourl y _status_grid Description This tem plate g enerates a g rid report that prov ides half- hour sta tus inform ation for an pe ripheral service. I n this rep ort, a per ipheral se rvice is consider ed to be a g ate.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 269 8. Template Reference Primary Position Manned ( PPM) . The num ber of agents for the service who were logg ed on to their pr imary assignment g ate during the interv al (also referred to as the ag ent’s prim ary posit ion).
270 Template Reference routes01_queue_delay_status Description This tem plate g enerates a re al- time bar g raph that shows da ta on the current st atus of ca ll queues fo r the sel ected routes. Database Table Route_Real_T ime Data Average delay in qu eue .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 271 8. Template Reference routes02_calls_status Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows the num ber of calls in pr ogress ver sus the num ber of cal ls in queue for the se lected routes.
272 Template Reference routes03_effect_of_aban_on_servicelev el Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s the eff ect of abandoned cal ls on the se rvice lev els of select ed routes. A sum mary row totals or av erages th e data for all ro utes listed in the grid .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 273 8. Template Reference routes04_calls_ trend_anal y sis Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s call cou nts and service levels fo r routes s ince the end of the las t five- m inute interval, fo r the cur rent half- hour inte rval, and sin ce midnig ht.
274 Template Reference routes05_calls_offered_half_pie Description This template generates a real- tim e pie chart tha t shows the di stribut ion of calls of fered to s elected ro utes for the curren t half- hour interv al. The calls off ered v alue (for ex ample 4.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 275 8. Template Reference routes06_serv _level_monitor_graph Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows serv ice lev els for the sel ected rout es since t he end of the last fiv e- minute inte rval, for the cur rent half- hour inte rval, and sin ce midnig ht.
276 Template Reference routes07_now_to5_grid Description This tem plate g enerates a g rid that p rovides cal l counts, qu eue status, and serv ice level d ata in real- tim e and for the last fiv e minute s for selected r outes. A sum mary row totals the v alues in each colum n for all the routes liste d.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 277 8. Template Reference Average talk time . The average tim e that ag ents for this ro ute spent talking on calls handl ed on the rou te since the en d of the la st five- minute i nterv al. Talk time includ es tim e spent in the Talk ing I n, Talk ing Out, and Talking Other stat es.
278 Template Reference routes11_calls_analy sis_day w ise Description This template generates a historica l grid tha t provides da ily tot als on service levels, queue s tatus, and c all counts fo r selecte d routes. A summ ary row total s or averag es the data for in dividual rout es.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 279 8. Template Reference Calls h andled . The number of c alls answer ed and finished for the ro ute during th e current five-m inute inte rval. (A lso provided a s a percentag e of the tota l calls o ffered to the route du ring the half- hour interv al.
280 Template Reference routes12_calls_analysis_half_hour Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical g rid that p rovides half- hour call counts, tim e in seconds fo r ASA, AHT, and averag e delay in queu e, and service levels fo r select ed routes.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 281 8. Template Reference Calls h andled . The number of c alls answer ed and finished for th e route during th e half- hour interv al. (Also prov ided as a percentag e of the total cal ls offere d to the route d uring the h alf- hour interval.
282 Template Reference rtecli11_ status_by _five_minutes Description This template generates a historica l grid tha t shows da ta on routin g client req uests a nd responses during the cur rent fiv e minute inte rval. Database Table Routing_Clien t_Five_Minute Data Responses .
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 283 8. Template Reference schimp01_name_time_numbers This template is used m ainly by G EO T EL suppor t engineers to test the data im port functio ns of th e Workforc e Managem ent I ntegration Syst em.
284 Template Reference trkgrp01_alltrunkbusy _graph Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows the num ber of seconds that all trunk s in the se lected t runk groups hav e been fully busy for the current half- hour inte rv al.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 285 8. Template Reference trkgrp02_idle_inserv ice_status Description This template generates a real- tim e bar graph that s hows the num ber of trunks in se lected t runk groups th at are id le and the num ber of t runks that are in serv ice.
286 Template Reference trkgrp03_trunkgroup_status_gri d Description This template generates a real- tim e grid that show s the sta tus of trunk s in selecte d trunk g roups. Database Table Trunk_Group_Real_ Time Data Trunks idle . The num ber of trunk s in the tru nk g roup that are non- busy, or idle.
Real-Tim e and Historical Templates 287 8. Template Reference trkgrp11_trunkgr oup_performance_grid Description This tem plate g enerates a hi storical g rid that sh ows half-hour t runk perform ance data for selected tr unk groups. Database Table Trunk_Group_Half_Hour Data Trunks idle .
288 Template Reference.
289 Glossar y Glossary Abandoned call A call in which the call er hangs up be fore the ca ll is answered. C alls in which the cal ler hangs up almost im mediate ly do not have to be counted as abandoned. Wh en config uring each peripheral, y ou can speci fy the minim um length of an ab andoned ca ll.
290 Glossary Agent Anyone who can answer incom ing phone calls. A perip her al ag ent is an agent who is as sociated with a part icular per ipheral (ACD, PBX) in the call cente r enterpr ise. A periphera l agent can be a mem ber of one or more sk ill groups.
Glossary 291 Glossar y By contrast, a call is no t counted a s handled until it is finished. Therefore, t he number o f answered ca lls and hand led calls dur ing an interval is not ne cessarily the sam e, but eventual ly each answ ered call i s counted in bo th categor ies.
292 Glossary AW . See Admin Work station. Basic Ra te Inter face (BRI) One of two level s of ISDN serv ice. The BRI prov ides two bearer channels for voice and da ta and on e channel fo r signaling (comm only expressed as 2B+D). See a lso Prim ary Rate I nterface (PRI ).
Glossary 293 Glossar y call. Term ination call detail desc ribes how a ca ll was handl ed at a peripheral . See also Route Det ails and Term ination Call De tails. Call type A category of incoming calls. Calls ar e categor ized based on dia led number (DN), ca ller-enter ed digits (CED), and cal ling line I D (CLID).
294 Glossary Centra l Office (CO) The swi tching off ice of the l ocal te lephone com pany. Th e local cen tral office rec eives cal ls from within the l ocal area and either routes th em locally or passes them to an interexch ange carri er (IXC ).
Glossary 295 Glossar y Connection The link betwee n two nodes in a script o r between a nod e and a rout ing target se t. Connections show the flow of contr ol betwe en objec ts in the script. Wi thin the Sc ript Editor, a connection is repres ented as a line segment.
296 Glossary Customer Routing Point (CR P) AT&T’s term inology for thi rd-party processor s that acce pt routing requests f rom the CC SS7 network . With in the I ntelligent Ca ll Router , the Network Interfac e Contro ller (NI C) acts as a CRP.
Glossary 297 Glossar y actually delete that Ag ent record; it mark s the agent a s dele ted. The record is actually deleted wh en the depende ncy is rem oved. Device Managem ent Protocol (DM P) The sessi on-lay er communicati ons protoco l used within th e Intell igent Call Router .
298 Glossary Distributor . See Real- time dist ributor. DMP . See Device Manag ement Protoco l. DN . See Diale d Number. DNIS . See Diale d Num ber Id entificatio n Servic e. DNIS Overrid e label A routing label tha t is sent to the routing client along with a DN IS value.
Glossary 299 Glossar y each locat ion. The I CR implements ent erprise- wide call d istribution and allows call s to be sent to any network -addressabl e location w ithin, o r outside of, a n enterpr ise.
300 Glossary Gatew ay . See Applicat ion Gateway and I CR Gateway. Geographical reg ion . See Region. G EO T EL • Agent Reporting An optional I CR feature th at allows y ou to monitor real-tim e and historica l data abou t individua l agents, rather tha n groups of ag ents.
Glossary 301 Glossar y G EO T EL • Web V iew An optional I CR feature th at allows you to u se a Web brows er for monitor- only access to real- time and his torical I CR reports and I CR script m onitoring. GMT . See Greenwich M ean Time. Greenwich Mean Time (G MT) The tim e zone at the m eridian at Gre enwich, England.
302 Glossary HDS . See Historical Da ta Server. Historica l data Data collec ted at fiv e-m inute and half- hour interv als and sto red in the ICR central da tabase or an HDS database. Historica l Data Server (HDS) An Admin Work station with a special database th at holds I CR historical data.
Glossary 303 Glossar y Instance A single installa tion of the I CR. A n instance con sists of s everal components (Cal l Rou ter , Logge r, P eri phera l Ga tew ays, Admin Workstati ons), some of wh ich mig ht be duplexed. An instance can be dedicated t o a single cust omer or, in some environm ents, sha red among several cus tomers.
304 Glossary Job Scheduler A tool that a llows y ou to set up spe cific comm ands to be execu ted automati cally at g iven dates and t imes. You can sch edule a com mand to exe cut e onc e, on seve ral speci fic days, or re gul arly o n a w eekl y or monthly schedule.
Glossary 305 Glossar y Logged On A state in which ag ents have m ade their pre sence known to the system , but may or may not be re ady to rece ive calls. Logger The proces s within th e ICR that m anages the cent ral database. E ach side of a dupl exe d Cent ral Contro ller incl udes a Logge r.
306 Glossary Monitor mode A Script Edito r mode in whi ch the num ber of routing requests t hat pass through each c onnection o f a script is shown on the sc reen. You can us e this m ode to determ ine whether a script is be having as exp ected. NAA .
Glossary 307 Glossar y Node Manager A process that runs on each physica l node (com puter) in the IC R system and manag es other I CR processes on tha t system . The Node Manager i s responsi ble for in itializ ing node s and for r estarting failed p rocesses.
308 Glossary Peripheral A switch, such as an ACD, PBX, or VRU, th at receiv es calls tha t have been routed by the ICR. Peri pheral Gat eway (PG) The com puter and proc ess within the IC R system that comm unicates directly with the ACD, PBX, or VRU a t the call cente r.
Glossary 309 Glossar y PIM . See Peripher al Inter face Manag er. Post-qu ery lab e l A routing label tha t causes th e routin g client to re-enter its call routing plan at a spe cific point.
310 Glossary Private net work A network m ade up of circu its for th e exclu sive use of o ne custom er. Private networks can b e nationwide in scope. They typic ally serve la rge co rpor ati ons o r gove rnmen t a genc ie s.
Glossary 311 Glossar y Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) A storage dev ice that pr ovides fau lt-tole rance throug h redundant physical di sks. A RAID system is an a lternativ e to mirro red disks. Region A collection of prefix es for incom ing telephon e calls.
312 Glossary Route A value re turned by a rout ing script th at maps to a service and a speci fic target at a perip her al ; that is, a serv ice, sk ill group, agent, or tra nsl ation route. The I CR conv erts the rou te to a labe l that is re turned to the routing client.
Glossary 313 Glossar y SCP . See Serv ice Contro l Point. Script A defined proce dure that the I CR can execute. The ICR supports two types of scripts: rou ting sc ripts to d eterm ine where to route a ca ll and administrative scr ip ts tha t perform backg round processing.
314 Glossary service level ca lculation s for a tim e period, the I CR considers only call s that had a se rvice lev el even t during tha t period. This ensu res that each call is coun ted only onc e and during the appropria te time per iod.
Glossary 315 Glossar y SQL . See Structured Que ry Languag e. SQL Server The Microsof t ® relationa l database p roduct used for the I CR’s local and central da tabases. Status bar The set of fields that appe ar, by defau lt, at the bottom of an applicati on’s main window.
316 Glossary Tie li ne A private trunk line th at connect s two ACDs or PBXs acros s a wide area. Toolbar The row of bu ttons that appe ars, by defa ult, at th e top of a tool ’s main window. You can execu te specif ic comm ands quickly by clicking a button on the toolbar.
Glossary 317 Glossar y Variable A named objec t that can hol d a value. Virtual ca ll center An approach to ente rprise- wide call cen ter manag ement that treats several g eographic ally disperse d call cen ters as i f they were a single ca ll center.
318 Glossary Names and v ersions of sc ripts tha t are curr ently open. Mode of each op en script. State, siz e, and position o f each script wi ndow or icon. Cur re nt us e of gr id s. State of the object pa lette, too lbar, and s tatus bar. The nex t time y ou start the Sc ript Ed itor, it restores the saved st ate.
319 Index Index —Symbols— .CMB files exte nsions, 86 .CSV. See C omma -separa ted value s data f ormat —Numbers— 1, 2, 3... option, 93 800 num ber( s) ICR rout ing of , 20 —A— Aba ndoned c.
320 Index agtpe r01_agent_s tatus_by _posit ion, 163 agtpe r02_agent_s tatus_by _skillg roup, 164 agtpe r03_logout _status _by_pe riphera l, 165 agtpe r04_daily _agent_a ctivity, 166 agtpe r05_agent_ .
Index 321 Index percent of time spe nt in enterprise skill g roup, 187 peripheral sk ill group, 238 time spent in, 136 peripher al serv ice, 256 Buttons (t oolba r), 72 —C— Call activity , 22 deta.
322 Index —E— Enterprise peripher al serv ices re lationship, 25, 26 def ined, 23 Enterprise CTI, 19, 21 Enterprise service templates , 196–215 Enterprise skill g roup template s, 160–95 entsk.
Index 323 Index enterprise skill g roup, 18 9, 191 peripher al serv ice, 268 peripher a l ser v ic e , 250, 25 4, 25 6, 260, 262, 26 4, 266 peripheral sk ill group, 240 , 242 route, 27 2, 27 6, 27 9, .
324 Index Monitor ICR main w indow, 71 over view , 41 Multiplan data for mat (.SL K)., 102 Multiple com ponent rep orts, 88 example, 8 9 printing, 9 6 print jobs scheduli ng, 122 —N— NEC NEAX 2400.
Index 325 Index peripheral sk ill group, 239 wra p-up time enterprise skill g roup, 195 peripheral sk ill group, 246 periph 01 _pe r i pheral_s t a t us _r e p or t, 23 0 periph 02_gal axy_s oftware _.
326 Index Relative date opt ion, 88 time , 81 advant ages o f, 82 options, 81 Report(s ) , 86 –1 01 arra nging on sc reen, 92 chang ing back ground c olor, 1 03 com ponents of, 8 8, 89 data sav ing .
Index 327 Index without a bandoned c alls enterprise service, 198 peripher al serv ice, 250 route, 27 2 Service Lev el enterpris e servic e, 205, 2 16 peripher al serv ice, 268 Servic e_Half_Hour tabl.
328 Index using m ultiple, 84 Term inology Monitor ICR, 46 peripher al-spec ific, 32 Thi s Month t ime option, 82 Week time optio n, 82 Year time option, 82 Thre shold Editor , 108 Thre shold(s) alert.
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