ページ先へ移動 of 76
U SER ’ S M ANUAL Thermal Transfer Bar Code Printer CLP-7001 CLP-7002 CLP-7401.
1 FCC COMPLIANCE ST ATEMENT FOR AMERI CAN USERS This e quipm ent has be e n tested and found to com pl y wit h the li m i ts f or a Cl ass A digi tal device , pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es.
2 EMI COMPLIANCE S T A TEMEN T FOR CANADIAN USERS This e quipm ent ge ne rat es and uses radio fr eque ncy e nergy and if not instal led and used properly, that i s, i n stri ct accordance w it h the manuf actur e r's inst ruct ions, m ay cause int erfere nce to radio and t elevision rece pti on.
3 I mpor tant Safety I nstr uctions 1. Rea d a l l o f t hese i n s t r u c t io n s a nd s a ve t he m f o r l a te r r ef er en c e. 2. Foll ow all warni ngs and inst ruct ions m arked on the product . 3. Unplug this pr oduct from the wall outl et be f ore cle aning.
4 Notice 1. Before us e, be sur e to r ead this manual. And k eep it handy for reference when needed. 2. The contents of this manual m ay change without pr ior notic e. 3. Repr oduction, tr ansfer, or trans mi ssion of the contents of this m anual wi thout pri or c onsent is str ictl y pr ohibited.
5 I ndicates a situation w hic h, if not obser ved and handled proper ly , coul d resul t i n death or serious inju ry. To pre vent per sonal injury or prope rty damage, the foll owi ng shall be stri ctly observed. The de gree of poss ibl e injury and damage due to incorrect use or improperly fo llowin g in str u c tio ns is d e sc r ibe d b elow .
6 Nev er perf orm t he f ol l owing. If not av oi ded, these may cause damage or trouble to the pr inter or cause the pr i nter t o ov erheat and rel ease smok e and c ause burns or an el ect ri cal shock.
7 General Pr ecautions 1. Pri or to oper ati on, read t he saf et y i nstr uct ions c aref ull y and obser ve th e m . 2. Do not drop or put f orei gn m att er such as cli ps and pi ns int o the pr i nter . T hi s may cause probl em s. 3. Be car ef ul when mov i ng or c arry i ng the pri nt er.
8 Precautions When Installing the Printer 1. Prior to opera tio n , read the safe ty instruc t ions carefu l ly and observ e them. 2. Do not use or s tor e t he printer near f i re, ex cessiv e m oi s.
9 Contents Befor e Operation FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT FOR AMERICAN USERS ...................................... 1 EMI COMPL IANCE STATEMENT FOR CANADIAN U SERS ....................................... 2 Importa nt Safety ...............................
10 Contents Chapter 3 Paper and Ribbon 1 Ki nds of P aper ............................................................................................... 34 2 Me dia Ha nd ling (W hen U s ing Fro nt Sens ors ) .........................................
11 Main Features High-s peed, high-quality print ing Thi s pr int er adopts both a dire ct -t herm al and t herm al -t ransf er pr i nti ng system wit h the l i ne therm al head a n d i ts unique co n tro l IC enables hi gh-speed and high -qual i ty print i ng.
12 Model Description Thi s m anual is prepared f or t he thr ee m odel s, CLP- 7001, CLP- 7002 and CLP-7401. The m ai n di f f er ent poi nt s on the speci f i cat i ons am ong the t hree ar e show n below.
1 Chapter 1 Setu p 1 Confirm ati on of Carton Contents 2 Part Nam es and Functi ons 3 Connection to Pow er 4 Connection to a Computer.
Cha pte r 1 Setup 2 1 Confirmation of Carton Contents Check t hat the f oll owing accesso r ies are inc l uded w i t h t h e p r i nt er i n t h e c a r t on . • The emp ty carton and packing mate rials should be stor ed for future sh ipping of the p rinter.
Cha pte r 1 Setup 3 2 Part Names and Functions Fron t vie w 1 Cover Opens t o al l ow l oadi ng of the paper and ri bbon. 2 Co nt rol p an el To set the pri nt er sett i ngs. (See Chapt er 2.) 3 Ribbon holde r To attach th e r i bbon. (Se e Chapter 3.
Cha pte r 1 Se tup 4 2 Part Names and Functi ons Rear v iew 1 Seri al in terface conne ct or To connec t the seri al inter face cable. 2 Paral l el i n terface conne ct or To connec t t he parallel int erface c abl e. 3 Po w er swi tch To t urn on or of f the pow er.
Cha pte r 1 Se tup 17 2 Part Names and Functi ons Contr ol panel 1L C D Dis pla ys the c urre nt printe r sta tus , conf i gur ati on sett i ngs, or an error m ess age. 2L E D s One LED is the power i ndic ator and the other is the error indi cator. 3 Pau se key Tem por ari l y pauses pri nt i ng.
Cha pte r 1 Se tup 18 3 Connection to Power 1. Check that the power switch on the prin ter is turned OFF. 2. Connec t the connector of the power cord to the power i nlet on the pr inter . 3. I nsert the plug of the power cor d in the AC outlet. • Use an AC outl et that acc ept s a three-pr onged pl ug.
Cha pte r 1 Se tup 19 4 Connection to a Computer An inter f ace cabl e is necessar y to c onnect the p rinte r to a computer . To connec t the cabl e, pr oceed as f ollows .
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 18 2 Chapter 2 Printer O pera tion 1 Pow er On/Off 2 Norm al Operating Mode 3 Printer Setup M ode 4 Self-Test Mode 5 System M aintenance Mode 6 Returning to Factory Sett.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 19 1P o w e r O n / O f f Turning on the power 1. Turn on the powe r s w itc h on th e back of the printer. 2. The gree n LED power indica t or goes on.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 20 1 Power On/Off Turning off the power 1. Turn of f the power s w itc h on th e back of the printer. 2. T he green LED power i ndicator goes off and any messag e on the LCD scr een dis appears.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 21 2 Normal Operating Mode W hen the power is turned on, the printer enters normal oper ating m ode. The c ont rol ke ys f unct i on as follow s: Paus e key ( PAUSE) Tem por ari l y pauses print i ng. ‘Pause’ i s di splayed on t he LCD screen.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 22 3 Printer Setup Mode In thi s mode, t he print m ode, opti onal equi pm ent ON/ OF F and sens or selec ti ons are set up. Cont rol keys f unc ti on i n t he f ol l owing. The pri nt er c onf i gur ati on setti ngs ar e stored i n m em ory so they are m aint ained eve n after the power is tu rned off.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 23 3 Pr in ter Setu p Mode 3. Change the paper gap sensor to the black li ne senso r w ith t he Feed ke y . 4. Return to n or mal opera t ing mod e w i th the Stop k ey.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 24 4 Self-Test Mode In thi s mode, sel f -t est pri nti ng i s perf orm ed. W i t h thi s test print i ng, you can chec k t he cur rent pri nter c onf i gurat i on sett i ngs and print quali t y. Af ter l oadi ng t he paper and ri bbon, oper ate the pr inte r as follo ws : 1.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 25 4 Self-Test Mode Check t he f ol l owing i t em s i n the sel f -t est m ode. Check i tem Cause Remedy Head disconnected Replace head Do t m i ssi ng Dust adher ed Cl.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 26 5 Sy stem Maintenance Mode In t hi s mode, t he com m uni cat i on, adj ustabl e sensor ON/ OF F and s ensor v olt age select i ons are set up. The pri nter conf i gur ati on sett i ngs are stored i n m em ory so they ar e m ai ntai ned eve n after the pow er is tu r ned of f.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 27 5 Sy stem Main tenance Mode 3. Change the paper gap sensor vo l tage to the black li ne sensor v oltag e wit h t he Feed ke y .
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 28 5 Sy stem Main tenance Mode ∗ 1 Nati v e Norm al l y ‘Nat i v eO N’ i s us ed. S ee the Com m and Ref erenc e f or det ai l s. ∗ 2 Feed am ount See the Com m and Ref er ence f or detai l s. ∗ 3 Comm and code Norm al l y ‘Cm ndSTD’ i s used.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 29 6 Returning to Factory Setting To r eturn t he conf i gurat i on al ready set in t he pri nt er setup m ode or system m ai ntenanc e m ode to t he f ac tor y sett i ng, proceed as follow s : Tur n o ff the powe r swit ch.
Chap ter 2 Printe rO pare tion 30.
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 33 3 Chapter 3 Paper and Ribbon 1 Kinds of Paper 2 Media Handling (W hen Using Front Sensors) 3 Media Handling (W hen Using Adj ustable Sensor) 4 Paper S etti ng 5 Kinds .
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 34 1 Kinds of Paper Ite m Spe cificat ion Ki nds of paper • Ther m al -t ransf er paper • Dir ect -t herm al paper The pr int er i s capabl e of pri nti ng on di r ect -t herm al or therm al -t ransf er paper. The paper must be hi gh- qual i ty .
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 35 2 Media Handling (When U sing Front Senso rs) The f ront sensors consist of t he tr ansparent-t ype and r ef l ec ti v e-t ype phot osensors and t he posit ion of a label o r tag i s det ect ed as follow s: Tr ansparent-t ype photosenso r: Det ect s paper gap b e twee n label s an d ta g paper notch.
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 36 3 Media Handling (When Usi ng Adjustable Sensor ) The adju stable sensor is the s tandard for CLP -7001 and CLP-7401 but i t i s the opti onal f or C LP - 7002. Check t hat the adjustable sensor is set to ‘AJS ensON.
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 37 4 Paper Setting The pr inter is designed for ea sy loading of paper. Open the pr inter cover and set the paper as follo w s: 1. Pus h down the open l ev er t o open the pri nt head. 2. Pus h down the open guide lev er t o lift the open guide up.
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 38 4 Paper Settin g 4. 1 Set the paper f l ush against t he f i x ed paper guide on t he l ef t side. 2 G ui de the paper posi ti v el y wi th t he m ov abl e paper gui de. 3 Al i gn t he paper t op l ef t edge with t he notc h of the t eari ng pl at e.
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 39 5 Kinds of Ribbon Ite m Spe cificat ion Thi s pr int er us es a soli d i nk ri b bon. • Wa x Mul ti pur pose ribbon. • Wa x r e s in Mul ti pur pose, hi gh-qual i t y ri bbon. Ki nds of ri bbon • • • • • • • • Resin Spec ial ri bbon wit h weather r esis tance .
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 40 6 Ribbon Setting Thi s pr int er is designed f or easy l oadi ng o f r ibbon. Open th e pri nter c over and set t he ribbon as fo llow s: 1. Pus h down the open l ever t o open t he print head. 2. Ins ert the ri bbon shaft i n the hole of the ribbon un t i l i t i s i n i ts deepes t po sitio n.
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 41 6 Ribbon S ettin g 5. Turn the knob on th e fron t side in th e direc ti on of a rr ow to remove the sla ck of t he r ibbon. 6. P ush dow n the gr een part on the f ront side unti l i t cl i ck s to s ecurel y cl ose the pri nt er m echani sm .
Chapte r 3 P ape r and Ribbon 42 4 Chapter 4 Printe r A djustme nts 1 Using Paper Other Than the Recom m ended (Head Offset Adj ustm ents) 2 Using Narrow Paper (Head Pressure A djustm ents) 3 Using Na.
Chap ter 4 Printe r Adjustmen ts 43 1 Using Paper Other Than the Recommended (Head Offset Adjustments) The pri nter has al ready been f act ory- set to t he proper pri nt qual i t y when using the recom m ended l abel paper.
Chap ter 4 Printe r Adjustmen ts 44 2 Using Narrow P aper (Head P ressur e Adjustme nts) The pr int er has al ready been f act ory- set to t he paper widt h of 112 m m (4.
Chap ter 4 Printe r Adjustmen ts 45 3 Using Narrow Ribbon (Ribbon Tension Adjustments) If ri bbon sli ps or wri nkl es duri ng p r int ing, adjust th e r ibbon tensio n. The pri nt er has al ready been f actor y-set to the r i bbon w idth of 1 1 4 mm (4.
Chap ter 4 Printe r Adjustmen ts 46 4 A djustable Sensor (For CL P-7001/7401) ∗ T he adjustable sensor is t he opti onal for CL P -7002. Op erati ng p ro cedu re: 1. Mov e the adjustable sensor to your required det ectio n position by tuning t he adjustable knob.
Chap ter 4 Printe r Adjustmen ts 47 5 Cleaning W i pe of f any f orei gn m at ter such as ri bbon or paper residue, dust and adhesiv e substance stuck to t he ther m al head, ri bbon gui de r ol ler , pl at en et c wit h the ac cessory cl eani ng pen or a soft clot h soaked i n ethy l al cohol .
Chap ter 4 Printe r Adjustmen ts 48 5 Chapter 5 T T r r o o u u b b l l e e s s h h o o o o t t i i n n g g 1 Error M essages 2 Pow er Troubl eshooti ng 3 Paper Feed Troubleshooting 4 Ribbon Feed Trou.
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 49 1 Error M essages W hen ther e i s a proble m w ith th e pri nt er: - A buz zer sounds. - The error indi cator ligh ts up. - An error messa g e is d isplayed on the LCD screen. Err or descri pt i ons and cor rect i v e ac t ions are shown bel ow .
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 50 1 Er ror M essages 2 E rror i nd i ca t io ns an d cor r e c tiv e ac t ion s In di cati o n Descrip ti on Correcti ve act i ons Batt ery Batt ery dead Auto m atically retur ne d a fter displ ayi ng t he e rr or f or a cer tain time.
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 51 1 Er ror M essages In di cati o n Descrip ti on Correct ive ac ti ons Ov erHeat Co olin g Head over heat W ait until the head tem perat ure goes down. W hen the t em per atur e becom es l ow, the rem ai ni ng pr in t ing resumes.
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 52 1 Er ror M essages In di cati o n Descrip ti on Correct ive ac ti ons RibonO ut Ri bbon end Check t he cont ents and c l ear wi th t he St op key. Instal l t he ri bbon. Check t hat ri bbon winds proper l y. Correc t the f aul t y sett i ng o f the print mode (di rec t-t herm al or ther m al -t ransf er ).
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 53 2 Pow er Troubleshooting Prob l em Cause a nd remedy No power eve n with power swi tch turn ed ON. • Power cord i s not properly connected to the outl et . • Power cord i s not properly connected to the power inl et.
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 54 3 Paper Feed Troubleshooting Prob l em Cause a nd remedy Paper doesn't f eed. • W r ong paper path. • M echani sm head i s open. → Use correct path. ( See Chapt er 3) → Close t he m echani sm head.
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 55 4 Ribbon Feed Troubleshooting Probl em Cause and remedy Ribbon doesn 't wind. • W rong ri bbon path. • R ibbon wi ndi ng di r ect i on is rev ers ed. • Ri bbon holder an d w inder tensi on is not cor rect .
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 56 5 Print Troubleshooting Probl em Cause and remedy Pri nt i ng doesn' t st ar t . • P ower to t he pr i nter i s not turn ed on. • Pri nt er i s not proper ly connect ed to t he com put er. • P ri nt er conf igur ati on setti ng i s not proper.
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 57 6 Interface Troubleshooting Probl em Cause and remedy Pri nt er doesn't pri nt. T he f oll owing m ay be t he probable c auses : Pri nt di sordered. Err or m essage is displ ayed and pri nter doesn't pri nt.
C h ap t er 5 T r oub l eS h oot i n g 58.
Appendix es 59 APPENDIXES A ppendixes 1 Options 2 Specificati ons.
Appendix es 60 1 Options Factory an d dealer (reseller) options 1. Au to-Cu tter Cutt i ng m et hod Rotary cutter Max . thi c kness of cut paper 0.25 m m 0. 01 i n Speci f ic ati ons Mi n. l ength of c ut paper 25.4 m m 1.0 i n Rem arks S ee the use r’s m anual of t he auto-cut t er f or det ai l s.
Appendix es 61 • Bef ore use, carefully read and unders tand th e inst ructions regarding the PCMC IA memory card . • Do no t insert or r em ove the PCM CI A m emory card bef ore the power t o t he printer i s turned off. • Always close the PCMCIA m emory card cover to kee p out for ei gn m atter such as p ar ticles of dust.
Appendix es 62 2 Specifications Main S pecifications It em CLP-7001/ 7002 CLP- 7401 Mai n scanni ng li ne dens ity: 20 3 dots/in (8 do ts /mm) M ai n scanning l i ne dens ity: 40 0 dots/in (15.
Appendix es 63 2 Specification s • Main Specif ic atio ns Item Des cri pt i on Bar c ode on -board m ay v ary dependi ng on the model and de s tination.
Appendix es 64 2 Specification s • Main Spe cif ic atio ns Item Des cri pt i on UL 1950 CSA No. 950 120V system 120V: U.S. A. / Canada FCC P art 15 Subpart B class A EN 60950 EN 55022 cl ass A EN 55.
Appendix es 65 2 Specification s I nter face The pri nter i s connect ed t o a com put er and pr i nts label s acc ordi ng to t he com m and f r om the com puter.
Appendix es 66 2 Specification s • Inte rf ace Spe cif ic atio ns 3. RS-232C l oopba ck te st Af t er c onnect or wiri ng as show n i n the f igur e, pl ac e the pri nt er i nt o sel f - test m ode.
Appendix es 67 2 Specification s • Interface Specif icatio ns 4. RS- 232C prot ocol 1) X-ON/ X-OF F sys tem ( see fi gur e) Thi s is a cont rol system i n which t he dat a tr ansmi t ti ng r equest signal (X-O N (11H) c ode) and the data tra nsmitti n g sto p signal ( X- OFF (13 H) c ode) are output.
Appendix es 68 2 Specification s • Inte rf ace Spe cif ic atio ns 5. In ter face pi n ass ign m ent The seri al and parallel pin assignm ent t ables are s how n be l ow . Serial inter face pin as s ignment table Pin No. S ignal Input/Out put D escrip ti o n 1 F.
Appendix es 69 2 Specification s • Inte rf ace Spe cif ic atio ns Parall el inter face pin as s ignment table Pi n No. Si gnal I npu t/Outp ut D es cription 1 STRO BE I nput 8-bi t data readi ng si .
Appendix es 70 2 Specification s Exam ple of Conn ection t o a Computer W hen RS -232C i s used: (IBM PC com patibl e) Com m uni cat i on cont rol : XON/XOF F or CT S/ DTR "PC" (DB25P ) 1 2 3 5 7 6 20 PRINTER (DB25P ) 1 3 2 20 7 4 5 F .GND TX D RXD CTS S.
Appendix es 71 2 Specification s T ear-Off Fu nction Th e te ar- o ff fu nction elimi nates the waste o f l abel s w hen tear ing m anuall y . I t al l ows the paper t o autom at i cal l y adv ance t o the t ear pos i ti on a fte r p r int in g .
Appendix es 72 2 Specification s • T ear - O f f F u n c t i on 2. Tear-o ff w hen pri nt ing • If set, t he t ear-of f feature will star t i f no dat a i s t ransm i tt ed f r om the c om puter af t er pri nti ng. I f dat a i s tr ansmi t t ed cont i nuously f rom the c om put er, the t ear -of f func t ion will be suppres sed.
Appendix es 73 2 Specification s • T ear - O f f F u n c t i on 3. Tear-of f w hen feed i ng • The paper is fed to the tear po sitio n. • W hen the m anual t ear i ng i s needed, tear t he l abel at thi s t i m e. • Perf orm nex t f eedi ng or label pr in t ing .
Appendix es 74 2 Specification s Cut Position Adju stmen ts • Th e cu t p os itio n ca n be s pecifi ed wit h th e ‘ fnnn’ o f the sy ste m -lev el c om m ands. W hen the te ar -o f f fun ction i s turned on, t he f ollowi ng i ni ti aliz ati on v al ue is se t in the pr i nter .
Citi ze n Ame rica Corp o ra tio n 831 S. Dougla s S tree t, Suite 121 El Segundo , CA 90245 (310) 643-9825 U.S.A. Citizen S ystems Europe Ltd. Me ttinge r S trasse 11 73728 Es slingen Ge rma ny 337 B.
デバイスCitizen CLP-7002の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Citizen CLP-7002をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCitizen CLP-7002の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Citizen CLP-7002の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Citizen CLP-7002で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Citizen CLP-7002を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCitizen CLP-7002の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Citizen CLP-7002に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCitizen CLP-7002デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。