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Part No. CET-OPM Rev A 1/01 Operators Manual Use and Care Instructions Electric Models, SteamCraft Ultra 3, 5, 10 Series: 21CE T8, 21 CET1 6, 24CE A10 1333 East 179 th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Pho.
O P ER ATO R ’ S M AN U AL Table of Contents Chapter Page SECTION 1: INTRO DUCTION _____ _________ ________ _______ ________ ________ _ 1 A. OPERAT IONAL SAFET Y ________ ______ _________ _____ _________ _________ ____ 1 B.
(Table of Contents Continued) SECTIO N 7: STE A M COO KING GUI DELINE S ______ _________ _____ _________ ____ 21 A. INTRO DUCTION ______ _______ _________ ______ ________ _________ ________ ___ 21 B.
1 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTI ON To use a Steam Craft Co nvect ion St eamer safe ly and effec tivel y, each opera tor m ust re ad and unders tand th is Manua l com pletel y before st arting op erati on. The o wners an d operato rs of th e st eamer should retai n thi s Manual in an ea sily acce ssible locati on fo r futu re refe renc e and tr ainin g.
2 (3) Train al l pe rsonnel who wi ll use th e stea mer. M ake su re pers onnel know how to operat e the steam er, clean th e inter ior and ex terior , drain the un it, and descale th e steam generat or.
3 C. Product Description Mod els 21CE T8, 21CE T16 Descal ing P ort Descal ing Inst ruction s Compar tment T imer TIMED/MA NUAL Oper ation Swi tch Main Pow er ON /OFF Switch Descali ng Requir ed Switc.
4 SECTION 2: COMP ARTMENT CONTROL PANELS The s tandar d ste am er contro l pan el, illust rated in Fi gure 2- 1 h as a m echa nical tim er. An o pti onal electro nic k eypad t imer illus trate d in Fi gure 2- 2 of SECTIO N 2, Part B and an ON/O FF c ontrol pane l are also av ailab le.
5 B. KEYP AD TIMER CONTROL PANEL (1) Cooking Operations – Keypad Control Panel For saf e, ef ficient oper ation of th e steam er, t he oper ator m ust, at a m inim um, com ply with all cautio ns, war nings and instruc tions in the deta iled op erat ing proce dures and be fam iliar wit h the contr ol panel shown i n Figur e 2-2 .
6 c) Shutt ing Of f Alarm /W hen T im er is Done W hen the timer co unts do wn to zero, th e alarm sounds con tinuo usl y, the gener ator stops st eam ing, a nd ste am f low to the c ook ing c ompar tment gr adua lly sto ps. Press t he START /ST OP key to si lence the alarm .
7 SECTION 3: GENERA L OPERATION A . EXTERNAL MAIN POWER SWITCH (Junction Box) Usually the k itchen’s external m ain po wer switch is left ON. If the external m ain po wer switch was lef t in the OFF positi on, turn it ON as f ollows. (1) Check that the water su ppl y valves to the steam er are open.
8 D. INSPECTING THE COOKING COM PARTMENT At the back of th e cook ing c ompar tment, a dra in scr een covers the drain. Ref er to F igur e 3-3. The s creen prev ent s large fo od pa rtic les fro m enterin g and blocking the drai n line.
9 SECTION 4: COOKING W ITH THE STEAMER A . OPER A TING AND COOKING PROCEDU RE – T IMED M ODE In tim ed m ode, the tim er starts and s tops t he st eam ing oper atio n. (1) Refer to I NSP ECT T HE CO OKING COM PART MENT IN S ection 3, Part D. Ins pect an d c lean the dr ain an d cook ing c ompar tment as re quire d.
10 (8) Caref ull y open t he co oking c om partm ent door , and r emov e the p ans fr om the sli de rack s. • If the steam er will be us ed aga in in a fe w minut es sh ut the door t o m aintain t he cook in g com partm ent temper atur e.
11 6. To stop m anua l mode steam ing, pr ess the T IMED (top) en d of the TIM ED/MANU AL r ocker switc h. The generat or st ops s team ing, and steam f low t o the cook ing com partm ent gr adual ly stops. 7. Carefu lly o pen the cook ing c ompartm ent d oor, and rem ove the pans f rom the sli de r acks .
12 (3) Blowdown P rocedur e W hen the steam er is t urned off , its b lowdown cyc le star ts and runs auto matic all y. The c omp lete cycle t akes approx im ately 3 m inut es. 1. Turn the ON/O FF S witch t o the OFF posit ion to turn of f th e steam er.
13 (4) Rem ove an y spill ed food from insi de com partm ent an d clear an y resid ue fr om the dr ain scr een. Clean the interi or of the com partm ent thoroug hly. Us e a s oft br istle brush to rem ove s tubbor n food partic les. D o not use ab rasi ve cle aning c om pounds or st eel woo l.
14 SECTION 6: PREVENT A TIVE M AINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING A . MAINTEN ANCE Mai ntenan ce o n th e st eamer m ust be perfo rmed on a regul ar basis to keep the unit runn ing p roperly .
15 (4) Weekl y/Mont hly M aintenan ce Descale Steam Generato r Stea m gen erat ors should be de scaled at lea st once a month, de pending on sc ale buildu p. Alte rnately, they c an be desca led we ekly with s maller am ounts of so lution , if th is fr equenc y bet ter s uits your mainte nance sc hedu le.
16 Weekly/Monthl y Maintenance (continued) ATMOSPHERIC STE AM GENERATOR DESCALING PROCEDURE (For DISSOLVE ® Desca ler Solution Part No. 10 6174) 1. T his procedur e will tak e approx imatel y 1 hour and 30 minutes to com plete. This en tire pr ocedure s hould be r ead and full y understoo d, bef ore begin ning the ac tual descali ng operatio n.
17 B. OPE RA TORS TR OUBLE S HOOT ING GUIDE The Troubles hooting guide i ncludes a list of symptom s that m ay be encou ntered dur ing r outine operatio n and maintenanc e. The first c olumn on t he lef t (PROBLE M) descr ibes these symptom s. T he second c olum n lists the possible c auses f or the pro blem in colum n one.
18 Table 6-1 Trouble Shooting Guide (Continued) PROB LEM POSS IBL E C AUSE REM EDY/R EF EREN CE Tim er transf ormer has fa iled. See not e #1 . ON /O FF swi tch li gh t O N but t imer do es not light. (Electronic Ti mer Models onl y ). Inoper ative c ontro ls.
19 Table 6-1 Trouble Shooting Guide (Continued) PROB LEM POSS IBL E C AUSE REM EDY/R EF EREN CE Not en ough steam move m ent in com partm ent. Hot wat er c onnected to condens er li ne. Make pr oper c onnec tions . See note #3. Cond enser wat er turned OFF.
20 Table 6-1 Trouble Shooting Guide (Continued) PROB LEM POSS IBL E C AUSE REM EDY/R EF EREN CE Descal e cap is missin g. In stall the descal e cap. The de scale po rt mus t be close d tigh tly for the st eam er to operat e proper ly. If m issing see no te #8.
21 A dditional Ideas: There ar e man y applicati ons for steam cooking bes ides veg etables and seaf ood: • Eggs can be sof t cooked, c oddled, har d cook ed, poached, s cram bled, and m ade into cus tard or pudding.
22 B. SIZING UP P A N C APA C ITY: (1) Serving Sizes – How Much? How Many? How to estim ate port ion size a nd num ber of s ervings fr om a s tandard steam table pan. • A 12” x 20” x 2½” (6 5mm -1/1GN) soli d pan wil l hold 1- 7/8 gall ons or 240 f luid ounc es (30 l iters or 7200m l).
23 C. CONVECTION STEA MER – SUGGESTED TIM ER SETTING GU IDELINES ELECTRONIC CON TROLS WITH THE COM PENSA TING THERMOST A T Ti m er settings are approxim ate due to the differ ences in food qua lity , age, shap e and the d egree of donen ess desired.
24 (continu ed from previous page) FRUIT : Fresh A pple, cored 1 Grapef ruit 1 Orange 1 A pricot 1 Pineapp le, whole 2 Dried: add water to re-hydrate A pple 10 A pricot 10 Peach 10 Pear 10 Prune 10 MEA T S & POU L T RY : Cook meats and poultr y in nested pans, as juices can be used f or grav y , sauces , beef s tock and s oups.
25 D. STEAMING TIPS - LOBSTER - CRAB - SHRIMP (1) Liv e Lobster and Crabs a. Live lobsters a nd crabs are steam ed acc ording t o the tim e on the Sug gested T im er Setting Gui de. b. Steam them on a p erfor ated pan with a catch pan (a sol id pan) on a lower pan s lide.
26 SECTION 8: LIMITED W A RRANTY CLEVELAND RANGE products ar e warranted to the or iginal purchas er to be free from defects in materials and workmans hip under normal use and s ervice for the stand ard warranty period of one year from date of installatio n or 18 months fr om date of shipme nt, which ever c omes fi rst.
デバイスCleveland 21CET16の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cleveland 21CET16をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCleveland 21CET16の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cleveland 21CET16の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cleveland 21CET16で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cleveland 21CET16を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCleveland 21CET16の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cleveland 21CET16に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCleveland 21CET16デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。