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By Firstech, LLC 2 t@o@c t@o@c i T w@c T q.
Introduction Thank you for purchasing a Firstech system for your vehicle. In order to truly enjoy the benefits of this system, we recommend that you thoroughly review the following manual.
7 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 6 Quick Reference The only regular maintenance this system requires is remote control battery replacement. No programming is required when replacing the battery. Two Way Remotes: First, release the battery cover lock located on the back of the remote.
9 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 8 Quick Reference R@w@r@b@f Button Duration Additional Programming Function / Description Required 0.5 seconds no no Activates passive arming (vehicle will arm/lock 30 seconds after the vehicle is disarmed) 2.
11 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 10 Quick Reference Q@w@r@b@f Button Duration Additional Programming Function / Description Required 0.5 seconds yes Drive lock. Activates ignition controlled door locks.
13 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 12 Remote LCD(liquid crystal display) Diagram and icons c@iM Lock/Arm - Unlock/Disarm This icon indicates whether the system is locked/armed or unlocked/disarmed. While armed, the system will monitor the doors, trunk, hood, shock sensor, and aux inputs.
15 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 14 Impact This icon will be displayed if an impact to the vehicle is detected while the system is armed. The remote will beep rapidly whi le displaying this icon if the impact is hard; this means that the alarm was triggered.
17 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 16 General System Functions General System Functions The remote transmitter functions have been predetermined and programmed from the factory. The four button configuration allows for many functions to be performed through a series of tapping, holding and / or multiple presses of buttons.
19 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 18 In order to remote start a manual transmission vehicle, the system must first be set in Reservation Mode. Reservation Mode must be set each and every time you want to remote start a manual transmission vehicle. The purpose of Reservation Mode is to leave the transmission in neutral before exiting the vehicle.
21 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 20 General System Functions General System Functions Your system is equipped with two additional outputs that can be configured to control windows, open power sliding doors, open a power sliding moon roof, or even turn on a rear defroster.
23 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 22 General System Functions Hold buttons (I+III) simultaneously for 2.5 seconds to turn on and off the shock sensor. The remote will beep twice and the shock sensor icon will illuminate to confirm the shock sensor is off.
By Firstech, LLC 24 25 By Firstech, LLC Advanced System Functions Most 2 Way remotes have the ability to operate a 2nd vehicle. Hold buttons (III+IV) for 2.5 seconds to activate this feature. The remote will beep once and the 2nd car icon will illuminate to confirm that 2nd car mode is activated.
By Firstech, LLC 26 27 By Firstech, LLC The optional Secure Valet Switch prevents the alarm from being put into valet mode through cycling the ignition on/off five times. The Secure Valet Switch is more secure than traditional toggle / valet switches because it requires a two digit code.
Advanced System Functions By Firstech, LLC 28 29 By Firstech, LLC a@m Auto Mode is only available in certain markets and is not available in the U.S. When the system is in Auto Mode, the system will detect the remote as you walk up to your vehicle and automatically unlock/disarm.
By Firstech, LLC 30 31 By Firstech, LLC p@Z@R@w@T@b@rZ STEP 1: Activate Valet/Programming mode by manually turning the ignition key on and off (between the Acc & On positions) five times within 7 seconds.
By Firstech, LLC 32 33 By Firstech, LLC Alarm Diagnostic While the alarm is armed, the LED will blink slowly. While the siren is going off, the LED will indicate the specific zone that was triggered. Upon disarming the alarm after it has been triggered, the amount of siren chirps will indicate the specific zone.
By Firstech LLC Version 1.0 8102REUSC000702 / CS-2WLCD-ES Toll Free : 888-820-3690 21911 68th Ave S Kent, WA 98032 By Firstech LLC Version 1.0 8102REUSC000702 / CS-2WLCD-ES Toll Free : 888-820-3690 21.
By Firstech, LLC 2 t@o@c t@o@c Introducción 4 Garantía 4 Consulta Rápida 5 Modo Valet 5 Mantenimiento al Remoto – Reemplazo.
Introducción Gracias por comprar un sistema de Firstech para su vehículo. Para disfrutar de verdad los beneficios de este sistema, nosotros recomendamos que usted completamente lea el siguiente manual.
0.5 segundos No Cierra puertas y/o arma alarma. Presiona de nuevo para abrir puerta y/o desarma alarma. 2.5 segundos Extensión de tiempo encendido. Restablece el tiempo de arranque de motor y turbo mientras vehiculo es auto-encendido. 0.5 segundos Aux.
9 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 8 Referencia Rápida f@@b@@c@r@R@v í Referencia Rápida f@@b@@c@r@Q@v í iKii iKiii iKiv iiKiii iiKiv iiiKiv 0.
11 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 10 Referencia Rápida Remoto LCD (pantalla cristal liquido) Diagrama e Iconos Su remoto con pantalla le indicará el estado de su vehículo mientras esté en rango.
13 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 12 i@@c i@@a@@m@ – i@@aM R.
15 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 14 Impacto Este icono se desplegará si un impacto al vehículo se descubre mientras el sistema esté armado. El remoto emitirá una señal sonora rápida, mientras despliega este icono, si el impacto es duro; esto significa que la alarma fué activada.
17 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 16 Funciones Generales del Sistema Funciones Generales del Sistema Las funciones del transmisor fueron predeterminadas y se han programado en la fábrica.
19 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 18 f ó @@a@r@@t ó @m@@Hm@r.
21 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 20 Funciones Generales del Sistema Funciones Generales del Sistema Su sistema está provisto con dos salidas auxiliares adicionales que pueden configurarse para controlar ventanas eléctricas, puertas corredizas eléctricas, abrir quema cocos o incluso enciende un defroster (desempañante) trasero.
23 By Firstech, LLC By Firstech, LLC 22 Funciones Generales del Sistema Funciones Avanzadas del Sistema Presione botones (I+IV) simultáneamente durante 0.5 segundos para encender y apagar, conduce cierra (también conocido como seguros eléctricos controlados por ignición).
By Firstech, LLC 24 25 By Firstech, LLC Funciones Avanzadas del Sistema m@R@a ó @Hc@m ú @@v í I@@ .
By Firstech, LLC 26 27 By Firstech, LLC El Interruptor opcional de Valet Seguro, previene la alarma de ponerse en modo de valet, a través de los ciclos prender/apagar en la ignición cinco veces.
Funciones Avanzadas del Sistema By Firstech, LLC 28 29 By Firstech, LLC m@a@HI@@ El Modo Auto (presencia) está sólo disponible en ciertos mercados y no está disponible en el EE.
By Firstech, LLC 30 31 By Firstech, LLC p@r@@R@v í @@T@bZ@ PASO 1: Active modo Valet/Programación girando la llave del cilindro de ignición “ON” y “OFF” (entre Acc y posición ON, “Apagar y Prender”) cinco veces antes del término de 7 segundos.
By Firstech, LLC 32 33 By Firstech, LLC Diagnostico de Alarma Mientras la alarma esté armada, el LED destellará lentamente. Mientras la sirena suena, el LED indicará la zona específica que se accionó. Al desarmar la alarma después de que se haya activado, la cantidad de chirridos de la sirena indicará la zona específica.
デバイスCompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-433の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
CompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-433をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-433の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。CompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-433の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。CompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-433で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
CompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-433を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-433の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、CompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-433に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCompuSTAR 2W9000FMR-433デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。