Agilent Technologiesメーカー83491の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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A g il en t 8 3 4 9 1 / 2 / 3 A C l o c k R eco v e r y M o d u l e s U s e r ’ s G u i de.
ii © Cop yright 20 00 Agilent T echnolo gies All Rights Reserved. Repro- duction, adaptation, or trans- lation without prior writ ten permi ssion is prohibit ed, except as allowed under copy- right laws.
iii General Sa fety Considera tions General Safety Considerat ions This product has been desig n e d and test ed i n accord ance wi th IE C P ublica- tion 61010-1 , Safe ty Req uirements for Electri cal Equi pment for Measurem e n t, Control an d Laboratory Use, and has been suppli ed in a safe condition.
iv Gener al Safet y Consider ations Technolo g i e s part n umber 2110-0449. • For 220/240V ope ration, use an IEC 127 5 × 20 mm, 0.16 A, 250 V, Agilent Technolo g i e s part n umber 2110-0448.
Contents Contents-1 General Saf ety Consider ations iii 1 Installat ion Inst alla tion 1-2 2O p e r a t i o n Agilent 83491/2 /3A Modules—At a Glance 2-2 Front-Panel Features 2-4 Block Diagrams 2-7 .
1 To insta ll the module 1-3 To connect cable s to an Agilent 83492A 1-7 Installa tion.
1-2 Instal lation Instal lation Installat ion Agilent 834 91/2/3A modu l e s require th at firmware re vision A.06.25 o r later be install e d in the Agilent 83480A. If you wis h to ins tall the module in an Agile nt 54750A digitizi ng oscill oscope, you must first inst all the Agilent 83480K communi cations firmware upgrad e kit.
1-3 Insta llation Installatio n To install the module 1 Verify t hat all system components ordere d have arrived by co mparing the shipping f orms to the original purchase order.
1-4 Instal lation Instal lation Figure 1-2. Position of m o dul es in the mainframe 3 Clean all o ptical interfaces as described in “Cleaning Connections for Accura te Measurem e nt s” on page 4- 10 , bef ore making measurem ents .
1-5 Insta llation Installatio n Figure 1-3. The adapt er cable CAUTIO N Agil ent 83491A Modules: Maximum safe s ignal i nput level is ±5V . The inp ut circuits can also be damaged by el e ct r os tatic discharge (ESD).
1-6 Instal lation Instal lation Figure 1-4. Front-panel lights 9 Confir m that the Unlo cked light is of f. 10 Obser ve the Clo ck and Data outp uts on an oscilloscope. Waveforms should be presen t. The instrum ent is now ready for you to b egin making meas urements.
1-7 Insta llation Installatio n To connect cables t o a n Agilent 83492A On Ag ilent 83492A modules, the front-panel fiber -opti c connectors reverse input an d output roles dependi ng on the wavelength of the signa l. Signals in the 750 nm to 860 nm wavelength ra nge are input to the left connector an d output fr om the right conne ctor .
2 Agilent 83491/2 /3A Modules—At a Glance 2-2 Front-Panel Features 2-4 Bloc k Diagra ms 2-7 To Display a Signal 2-8 To Compens ate for Module Ins ertion Loss 2-9 Using Prob e s w ith an Agilent 8 34.
2-2 Operatio n Agilen t 83491/2/3A Modules—At a Glance Agilent 83491/2/3A Modules—At a Glance The Agile nt 83491/2/3A are desi g n ed to operate in an Agilent 83 480A digital communications anal y ze r . These modules recove r clock and data information at stand ard teleco m a nd datacom rat es.
2-3 Operatio n Agilen t 83491 / 2 /3A Modules—At a Gla nce WAR NIN G Light ener gy can radiate from the fron t panel OUTPUT connector s on Agilent 83492A and 83493A modules. The light emitted from these conn ectors is th e slightl y attenuate d light th at is inpu t to the fro nt- panel INPU T connector .
2-4 Operatio n Front -Panel Feat ures Front-Panel Feat ures Figure 2-2. Agilent 83491/2/3A front panels SELECT key Press ing this key cha nges the modulatio n rate o f the in put sign al. The recov- ered an d retimed cl ock trigger is sent to the main frame.
2-5 Operatio n Front-P anel Featur es UNLOCKED indica tor This light shows when clock r ecovery cannot be established on the s i gnal . If a clock rate is selec ted, the trig ger output to the mainfram e is disabled to pre - vent free-r un triggering.
2-6 Operatio n Front -Panel Feat ures Reco vered Clo ck The recovered clock signal is route d d irectly to the Agilent 834 80A mainframe through th e module’ s rear pane l. This output has a lowe r jitter modulat ion bandwidt h t han the front-panel CLOCK Auxili ary Output .
2-7 Operatio n Bloc k Diagrams Block Diagrams Figure 2-3. Agilent 83491A Block Diagram Figure 2-4. Agilent 83492A and 83493A Block Diagram.
2-8 Operatio n To Displa y a Signal To Display a Signal 1 Install the module as described in “ To install the modu le” on page 1-3. Be sur e to conn ect all of the c ables as de scribed in t he proced ure.
2-9 Operatio n T o Compensa te for Module I nsertion Lo ss To Compensate for Module Insertion Loss The fol lowing step s allow yo u to enter an offs et to compe nsate for the in ser- tion loss of the clock recover y modu l e. Th i s provide s accurate amplitude mea- surements at the in put to the clock recovery module.
2-10 Operatio n Using Pr obes with an Agile nt 83491A Using Probes with an Agilent 83491A Y ou can use exter nal p assive and active probes with t he Agi lent 83491A elec- trical clock recover y module. The procedures in this secti on generate vertical scale fac tors.
2-11 Operatio n Using Pro bes with an Agilent 83491 A To compensate for a passive probe 1 Connec t the probe to the Input connecto r on the Agilent 83491A clock reco ve r y modu le. 2 Atta ch the prob e tip to the CAL hook that is located ne ar the floppy di sk drive.
2-12 Operatio n Using Pr obes with an Agile nt 83491A To compensate for other devi ces The informatio n in th i s sectio n appl ies to both optical and electrical measure- ments. Since the mainframe’ s CAL signal is a vol tage source, it cannot be used to calibrat e to the probe tip whe n the u nits are set to Amper e, W att, or Unknow n.
3 Agilent 834 91A Specification s 3-3 Agilent 834 92A Specification s 3-4 Agilent 834 93A Specification s 3-6 Agilent 834 91/2/3A Operating Specif i cat ions 3-7 Declaration of Conformity 3-8 Specific.
3-2 Specific ations and R egulatory I nformation Specifica tions and R egulatory Info rmation Specifications and Regulatory Information This ch apter lists sp ecifications a nd characteristics of the Agilent 8 3491/2/3A.
3-3 Specifi cations and Regulator y Information Agilen t 83491A Spec ifications Agilent 83491A Specif ications Table 3-1. Agilent 83491A Specifications Clock recove r y rates (NRZ cod i ng ) 155.52 Mb /s 622.08 Mb /s 1062.50 Mb/s 1250 Mb/s 2125.00 Mb/s 2488.
3-4 Specific ations and R egulatory I nformation Agilen t 83492A Spec ifications Agilent 83492A Specif ications Table 3-2. Agilent 83492A Specifications (1 of 2) Wavelength range (c haracteristic ) 750 nm to 860 nm and 1000 nm to 1600 nm Optical IN PUT and OUTPUT fiber (c haracteristic ) 62.
3-5 Specifi cations and Regulator y Information Agilen t 83492A Spec ifications DA T A and C LOCK electr ical return lo ss 50 MHz throug h 2000 MHz (characteri stic) 2000 MHz thro ugh 2500 MHz (characteristi c) ≥ 10 dB ≥ 6 dB a. Minimu m loss in 850 nm window .
3-6 Specific ations and R egulatory I nformation Agilen t 83493A Spec ifications Agilent 83493A Specif ications Table 3-3. Agilent 83493A Specifications Wavelength range (c haracteristic ) 1000 nm to 1600 nm Optical IN PUT fiber (characte ristic) 9/125 single mode Optical ins ertion loss (through pa th) ≤ 1.
3-7 Specifi cations and Regulator y Information Agilent 8349 1/2/3A Operatin g S p ecification s Agilent 8 3491/2/3A Operating Specifications Table 3-4.
3-8 Specific ations and R egulatory I nformation Declara tion of Conform ity Declaration of Conformity.
4 Front-P anel Optical Ad apters 4-2 In Case of Difficul ty 4-3 Erro r Messages 4-5 Electro static Discharge Inform ation 4-8 Cleaning Connections f or Accurate Measurements 4-10 Return ing the Instru.
4-2 Refe rence Front -Panel Opt ical Adapt ers Front-Pan el Optical Ada pters Front Pan el Fiber-Optic Adapt er Desc ript ion Agilent Part Numb er Diamond HMS -10 81000AI FC/PC a a. The FC/PC adapter is the sta ndard ad apter supp lied wi th the ins trument.
4-3 Reference In Case of Difficu lty In Case of Difficulty This section p rovides a list of suggest ions for y ou to fo llow if th e plug-in mod- ule fa ils to ope rate.
4-4 Refe rence In Case of Difficu lty peare d. Are a ll the s ettings c orrect ? Can th e proble m be rep roduced? ❒ Are th e connectors cl ean? See “Cl eaning Conn ections fo r Accurate M easure- ments” o n page 4-10 for more informati on.
4-5 Reference Error Messages Error Me ssages The following error me ssages a re for the plug-i n module. T ypicall y , the err or messa ges indica te there is a p roblem wi th either th e plug-in o r the mainfra me. This section expl ai n s what th e message s me an and offe rs a few sugg estions that mi ght help r esolve the e rror cond ition.
4-6 Refe rence Busy ti meout occurr ed with plu g-in_:Tr y reinstal ling plug-i n Busy timeout occurred with pl ug-in_:Try re installing plug-in The mainframe is having tro ubl e commu n i cating with the plug-in module. Make sur e there is a goo d connecti on between the mainframe an d t he plug-in modu le.
4-7 Reference Plug- in is not supp orted:Sy stem firm ware upgrade is needed der the Agile nt 83480K communications firmwa re k i t and ins tall according to the instr uctions. ❒ The Agilent 83480A , A gi lent 54750A mainframes do not accept plug-in mod- ules des i gne d for use with the Agilent 5 4710A, 54720A.
4-8 Refe rence Electro static Discharge In formation Electrostatic Discharge Information Electr ostatic d ischarge (ES D) can damage or des troy elect ronic compon ents. All work on electronic assemblies shou l d be performe d at a static-saf e wor k station.
4-9 Reference Electro static Discharg e Information Both ty pes, when us ed toget her , pr ovide a si gnificant level of ESD protectio n. Of the tw o, only the ta ble-mat an d wrist-str ap combinat ion provide s adequat e ESD prote ction when used alone.
4-10 Refe rence Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Meas urements Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements T oday , advances in measuremen t capabi lit i es make conne ctors and connec- tion techniques more imp ortant th an ever .
4-11 Reference Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Me asurements tions take repeata bility uncertainty into accou nt? • Will a connect or degrade the return lo s s too much , or will a fusion splice be re- quired ? For e xample, m any DFB lasers ca nnot oper ate with reflecti ons from connectors .
4-12 Refe rence Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Meas urements Figure 4-3. Universal ada pters to Diamond HMS-10. The HMS-10 encases th e fiber wi thin a soft nickel silver (Cu/Ni/Zn) center which is surrounde d b y a toug h tungsten carbide casing, as shown in Figure 4-4.
4-13 Reference Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Me asurements The so ft core, wh ile allowing p recise cen tering, i s also the ch ief liabilit y of the conne ctor . The soft material is easi ly damaged. Care mus t be taken to mini- mize excessive s cratching and wear .
4-14 Refe rence Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Meas urements Use the follow ing gui delines to achie ve the b est poss ible per formanc e when making measur ements on a fiber -op tic system: • Never use meta l or sharp object s to cl e an a connect or and never scrape the connector.
4-15 Reference Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Me asurements Figure 4-7. Damage from i mproper cleaning . While t hese often w ork well on first inse rtion, they are great di rt magnet s. The oil o r gel gr abs and h olds grit that is then gro und into the en d of the fiber .
4-16 Refe rence Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Meas urements • Keep con nectors covered when not in use. • Use fusion spli ces on the m ore perma nent criti cal nodes. Choose th e best con- nector possible . Replace connecti ng cables r egularly .
4-17 Reference Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Me asurements V isual inspection of f iber en ds Visual inspection of fiber ends can be helpful. Contami nation or imperfecti ons on the cable end face can be detected as well as cracks or chips in the fiber itself.
4-18 Refe rence Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Meas urements T o clean a non-lense d conne ctor CAUTIO N Do not use any type of foam swab to clean optical fiber e nds. Foam swabs can leave film y deposits on fiber ends that can de grade performa nce.
4-19 Reference Clea ning Con nections for Accu rate Me asurements CAUTIO N Do not shake , tip, or inver t compre ssed air c anister s, becaus e this rel eases partic les in t he can i nto the air . Refer to instructio ns provi ded on the compressed air canister .
4-20 Refe rence Returni ng the Instrument for Servi ce Returning the Instrument for Service The instruct ions in t his sec tion show you how to prop erly re turn the i nstru- ment for repair or calibration .
4-21 Reference Returning the In strument for Service infor mation sh ould be returned with th e instrum ent. • Type of service requir ed. • Date instrument was return ed for re pair. • Descripti on of the problem: • Whet her probl em is c onstant or intermi ttent.
4-22 Refe rence Returni ng the Instrument for Servi ce Sealed Air Corpor ation (Commerce, California 900 01). Air Cap look s l ike a plast ic sheet fill ed with air bubb les.
4-23 Reference Agilen t T echnologie s Service O ffices Agilent Technologies Service Offices Befor e returni ng an ins trument f or service , call the Agile nt T echno logies Instrumen t Support Center at (80 0) 403-0801, visit th e T es t and Measurement W eb Sites by Country page at http : / /www .
Index Index- 1 A adapter cable, 1-3 , 1- 4 Agil ent 54701A a ctive p robe, 2-11 Agil ent 83492A connections, 1-7 maximum input level, 1-5 Agilent o ffices, 4-23 B Bellcore G R-253-CORE, 2-5 block diag.
Index -2 Index I IEC P ublicat ion 610 10-1, iii input connector, 4-10 Input connector, 1- 2 , 1-7 input connector, 2-2 input signal, maximum safe, 1-5 insertio n loss, 2-3 , 2-6 compensation, 2- 9 instrume nt returning for service, 4-20 ITU- T G.
デバイスAgilent Technologies 83491の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Agilent Technologies 83491をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAgilent Technologies 83491の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Agilent Technologies 83491の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Agilent Technologies 83491で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Agilent Technologies 83491を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAgilent Technologies 83491の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Agilent Technologies 83491に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAgilent Technologies 83491デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。