ページ先へ移動 of 52
FOR Y OUR SAFETY : READ ALL INST RUCTIONS CAREF ULL Y Save This Manual For Future Reference o wner’ s manual P ar t No. SP6039 Printed in U .S .A. 10-INCH RADIAL SA W GU ARD KIT • assembly • operating • repair part s MODEL NO . 509398 509399 509398 FITS THE FOLLO WING RADIAL SA WS: 113.
2 Section Title P age Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Saf ety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 This manual has saf ety inf or mation and instructions to help users el iminate or reduce the risk of accidents a nd injuries, including: 1. Se v er e cuts , and loss of finger s or other body par ts due to contact with the bl ade.
4 Kickbac k Hazar d Kick back is the un controlled propell i ng of t he workpiece bac k tow ard the user during rip- ping. The cause of kic kback is the bi ndi ng or pinching of the b lade in the workpiece . Se v- eral conditi ons can cause the blade to bind or pinch.
5 Guard Function and Features The guard i s a v er y important saf et y f eatu re , designed to reduce the risk of injury associ- ated with bla de contact. Insta ll the guar d correctl y . Follo w the specifi c instructions in the ripping and cr osscutting sections to set and use the guard corr ectly f or each type of cut.
6 6. Set of pa wls to be lo wered to the work- piece surf ace f or ripping. They allo w the workpiece t o pass freely from inf eed t o out- f eed side , b ut help s top the ki ckbac k motion from outf eed to inf eed side b y grab bing into the workpiec e surf ace.
7 Safety In st ruct ions Read and f ollow al l saf ety instructions . P ers onal Saf ety Instructions 1. W ear saf ety gog gles labeled ANSI Z87.1 (or in Canada CSA Z94.3-99) on the pac k- age. It means the goggles mee t i mpact stan- dards s et b y the American Nat ional Standards Insti tute .
8 Saw S afety Instructions 1. Use guard, pa wls and riving kni f e accord- ing to i nstructions. K eep them in w orking order . 2. Routinely chec k saw f or br oken or dam- aged par ts. Repair or r eplace damaged par ts bef ore usi ng sa w . Chec k ne w or repaired p ar ts f or alignment, b inding, and correct i nstallati on.
9 Blade S afety Inst ructions 1. Use only b lades marked f or at l east 3450 rp m . 2. Use only 10" or smaller diameter b lades . 3. Use b lades f or thei r recommended c ut- ting procedures . 4. K eep b lade sharp and clean. 5. Do not o ve r ti ghten b lade nut because b lade collar coul d warp .
10 On-Product S afety Labels There are s ev er al saf et y labels on the sa w . The y aler t the user to hazards e xpl ained in the man ual and remind the user ho w to av oid the hazard.
11 Near the saw handle is this saf e ty l abel to aler t you to thr o wn objects and to remind you to we ar saf ety goggles: On the c lear plasti c guar d is this OSHA required l abel: On the bot tom .
12 Identify Parts The f ollow ing parts are included: Note: Before begi nning assembl y , c heck that all parts are in cluded. If you are mi ssing any pa rt, do not assem ble guard. Contact your Em erson T ool Co. Service Cente r at 1-800-325-1 184 to get the missi ng part.
13 W ARN ING Plugging in sa w during assembl y could result in el ectrical shoc k, or severe cut s fr om contact wit h spinni ng blade. Do not plug in saw at an y time during assembly . Plug in saw onl y when it is to be used. Remo ve Sawb lade and Guard 1.
14 Attaching T able Supports 1. Attach a t able supp or t to each si de of the sa w using t he four he x head bolt s and flat washe rs. Put the bolts thro ugh the center of the enlarged holes i n the table supports so that the suppor ts ma y slide up or down as needed.
15 Installing Fr ont T able 1. Set out: - front t able - tee nut - 1/4 " U-clip - 1/4" diam. x 7/8" long cup point set scre w - four 1/4" diam. x 1" long pan head scre ws - 1/4" dia. x 1-3/4" long pan head screw - fiv e 17/64" I.
16 Make Front T able Flat 1. Place rear tab le on its edge, across cen- ter of fr ont tabl e . Chec k f or gap betw een sur- fa c e s. If there i s l ess than 1/32" gap, t ighten cup point set sc rew unt il it touches frame (look under neath tab le) , then ti ght en center (1- 3/4" long pan head screw .
17 Installing T able Boar ds (44" Wide Models) Installing Fr ont T able 1. P os ition the front tab le and inser t the front tw o scre ws. The rear scre w holes in the tab le do not line up o n any holes in the saw base .
18 Assembly 7. Stand the front tab le on one edge. Put a mounting scr ew wi th a w a sher throu gh each of the mounting holes . Then put a rubber grommet on the bottom of each mounting scre w . 8. Place the front table on the sa w so that the mounting sc rews l ine up with the U-clips .
19 3. Unloc k the be v el loc k to release the motor . Hold onto the motor as you do thi s . CA UTION: The motor is he avy and can swing do wn quickl y . Y ou can be cut or injur ed if the arbor shaft hits you. Hold the motor when you unl ock the bevel loc k.
20 16. Mo ve the arbor sh aft o ver t he lo west point. 17. Plac e the handle end of the arbor wrench o ver this point and lo wer the ar m until the arbor shaft is just touching the wrench. The wrench should sl ide back and f or th with slight contact .
21 1. Pull motor/car riage to end of ar m and loc k the rip lock . Rotate motor to out -rip posi- tion. 2. On the rear of the motor is located t he motor suppo r t ca p. Remo ve this cap . A small scre wdriver will assist y ou in remov al of t his cap .
22 7. The f ollo win g items can n ow be remo v ed from the front of the y oke as an assembly: a. Shaft suppor t b . Shaft washer c. W asher .505 x 7/8 x 1/16 d. Bev el lo ck le v er e. Square n ut 1/2 x 13 f . Be v el spring wedge g. Bev el loc k knob h.
23 13. Usi ng the two #8 x 3/4 pa n head scre ws provi ded, at tach t he ne w handl e in the same wa y as the old one was remov ed. 14. Ins pect motor su ppor t cone on y ok e, and cone on motor f or lubrication on contacti ng surf aces . These surf ac es should be gener - ously lubricated.
24 Installing Guar d Adapter 1. Remov e the t op motor co v er scre w and loc kwasher . K eep t he washer . Discard the old sc rew . 2. Install t he adapter . The two e nds of the adapter fit into the center cooli ng slots of the motor , then the adapter is rotated up into pl ace.
25 Installing Blade/Squaring Cr osscut Tr a v e l NO TE: This adj ustment helps ens ure the b lade accurat ely tra v els square to the rip f ence. 1. Inde x ar m at 0° miter and loc k. 2. Install sa wb lade as s hown. Motor shaft has left handed threa ds - turn nut cou nter- cloc kwise to tighten.
26 Install Fenc e , Rear T ables, and T able Clamps 1. Inser t fence , th en spacer tab le , then rear tab le. 2. Tilt clamp f orw ard and snap into place in opening at rear of tab le suppor t. 3. Repeat steps for other tab le clamp . 4. Tighten thumbscre ws to clamp tabl e sec- tions i n place .
27 Guard Installation Steps/Align Ri ving Knife to Blade The goal of this adjust ment is to p osition the riving knif e di rectly in line with the b lade.
28 On-Off Switch Be vel Loc k Lever Y ellow K ey Miter Lock Handwh eel Control Functi on Operation/ Comment s Miter Lock F rees ra dial ar m to move; locks in an y desi red position; pre-set inde x ed positi ons at 0°, 45°L, 45°R Pull o ut and to ward s right to unloc k, push to loc k.
29 * NO TE: Af ter instal ling ne w guard and ne w tab le board s rip f ence scale is no longer correct. Mea- sure distance betwee n fe nce and blade when sa w is in rip position.
30 Guard Hold Down Knob Hold Down Pa w l s Riving Knife Riving Knif e Bracket Paw l s/ R i v in g Knife Knob Guar d Clamp Screw Dust Elbow Control Function Oper ation/Comments Guard Clamp Scre w Secur.
31 Paw l s Riving Knif e P awls/Riv ing Knife Knob Guard T ab Control Function Oper ation/Comments Guard T ab Pro vides manual wa y to r ais e clear plastic guar d during r ipping when workpiece f ail.
32 Crosscutting Defi ned Crosscutti ng is cutting a wo r kpiece to leng th. The workpiece is held firmly against the f ence, and the blade is pull ed thro ugh the workpiece to mak e the cut.
33 Crosscutting Crosscut Kerf s A ker f or shall ow cut i s needed in the tab le and f ence to ser v e as a path for the b lade and to ensure that the b lade cut s all the w a y through the w orkpiece. A kerf i s needed f or each diff erent cutting path.
34 Cr osscutting Making Crosscut s F ollow these s teps to mak e crosscu ts. 1. Prepare tab le: - put f en ce in fr ont position - tight en tabl e clamps 2.
35 Crosscutting Repetitive Cr osscutting Repetitiv e crosscut ting is the repeated and continuo us cutting of many pi eces of lumber to the same length. Ca rriage and leng th stops can help mak e this type of crosscutti ng more eff icient. A carriage stop defines t he dist ance neede d to pull the b lade through to complete each cut.
36 Ripping Ripping Defined Ripping is changing the width of a workpiece b y cutting along its length. The workpiece i s f ed into the b lade, which rot at es in a fix ed position, par allel to the f ence and a set dis- tance from the f ence. A solid f ence (no ker fs) ser ves as a guide f or the w orkpiece.
37 Ripping W orkpiece Pos itioning Alwa ys set up so that the wider part of the w o rkpi ece is between the blade and fence. This giv es y ou gr eater clear ance f or push stic ks, and allo ws better st ability f or f eeding the workpiece.
38 Outfe ed Zone Hazar d D ANGER Rotational f orce of b lade can pull hands and finger s back into blade. T ouching, h olding, or pulli ng on out- feed side of work piece while b lade is still spinni ng will result in fingers, hand or arm being cut off.
39 T o reduce risk of kic kbac k: [ Set pa wls and riving knif e accor ding to rip- ping set-up pr ocedure. Correctl y set riving knif e is more lik ely t o pre v ent workpie ce from binding or pinchi ng blade; correctly set p awls are more l ikely to grab into wor k- piece to stop or s low kic kbac k if one hap- pens.
40 Hold Down Function The hold do wn m ust be set correctly during ripping to act as barrier against the inf eed side of the b lade, to help keep the workpiece flat on the tab le, and to def lec t workpiece chips. It m ust be l ower ed to just clear the workpiece .
41 Ripping Ripping Set-up Procedure F ollo w these steps befo re r ipping. These s teps must b e repeated eac h time a diff erent t hic kness w orkpi ece is ripped. A kerf m ust be made f or each differe nt width cut. Also see the speci al not es for be vel set-up t hat fol low t his section.
42 7. Remov e w ork piece from tab le . 8. Ready push stic k or push bloc k. 9. Set up tab l e ex tensi on(s) and suppor t their out er ends. Do not use another per- son to support w orkpieces because t his can cause kic kback and it exposes helper to pote ntial hazar ds at ou tfeed side.
43 2. Inser t yell ow k ey and turn saw on. 3. Stand at inf eed side and out of line of workpiece , in case of kic kbac k. Start and finish cut from i nfeed side.
44 Ripping Dado Blades, Molding Heads See Accessories f or inf ormation on saf et y , installati on and use of dado blade s and molding heads . Edging Edging is the use of a dado b lade or molding head in the horizont al position. It is an adva nced technique that re quires a molding head guard and a special fe nce.
45 Bef ore cutt ing an y wood on your sa w , study all of the Crosscut t ing and Ripping Instruc- tions f ound on pages 45 through 57. As y ou learn new r adial arm saw w oodworking t ech- niques, you’ ll see that man y types of cuts need diff erent support and feeding de vic es , kno wn as jigs or f ixtures .
46 Making the Handle: • Mi ter crosscut a piece of 3 /4" thic k ply- wood to the shape and siz e shown. The mitered corners can be an y size that looks lik e the dr awi ng (about 1-1/2" b y 1-1 /2"). Putting it together: • Usi ng good quality wood working glue , glue the 2-1/2" st r ip sa v ed earlier to the base as shown.
47 Cutting Ai des Clamp the f eathe rboard t o th e front tab le, so that the angled edge of the f eatherboard is against the w orkpiece on the i nfe ed side of the b l ade. Do not cl amp the featherboar d agains t the cut of f part (out-feed si de) of the w orkpi ece .
48 Replacing P a wls Mak e sure th e teeth of the pa wls are alw a ys shar p . If the y become dull the pa wls must be replaced: 1. Use 7/16" wrench to remo ve he x n ut. Remov e old p awls . 2. Install ne w pa wls . Place spacer s e xactly as shown.
49 P ARTS LIST CRAFTSMAN 10" RADIAL SA W GU ARD KIT #50 93 98 & #50 9399 Alwa ys order b y Part Number - Not by K ey Number FIGURE 1 Repa ir P ar ts * Standard Hardware I tem - Ma y be purchased locally .
50 P ARTS LIST CRAFTSMAN 10" RADIAL SA W GU ARD KIT #5093 98 & #509 399 Alwa ys order b y Part Number - Not by K ey Number Figure 2 Repair P arts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 12 14 15 16 17 3 3.
51 P ARTS LIST CRAFTSMAN 10" RADIAL SA W GU ARD KIT #50 93 98 & #50 9399 Alwa ys order b y Part Number - Not by K ey Number FIGU RE 2 – GU ARD * Stand ard Hardwa re Item - Ma y Be Purchased Loc ally Key No Part N o.
© 2000 Em erson Ele ctric Co. 10-INCH RADIAL SA W GU ARD KIT For Customer Ser vice Questions or Replacement Parts Call 1-800-325-1184 NO TE: 1. This man ual is intended to be used along with you r original s aw man ual. If y ou no l onger ha ve your saw’ s o wners manual, call customer ser vice at 1 -800-325-1184.
デバイスCraftsman 509398の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Craftsman 509398をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCraftsman 509398の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Craftsman 509398の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Craftsman 509398で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Craftsman 509398を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCraftsman 509398の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Craftsman 509398に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCraftsman 509398デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。